Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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My guess: ‘complimentary Greek salad’ as that’s the food/situation that you would have a choice of feta cheese for. ‘feta cheese’ because of substance similarity. Aversion to it because her boyfriend plausibly learned after her accident how to do it deliberately for her.
–Unsanitised version below–
Her boyfriend probably got used to emptying his sinuses down her throat due to her lie, so by this point she plausibly can’t stand anything that resembles nasal mucous, including feta cheese (which you might have the option of having on a complimentary Greek salad in a restaurant or similar).
It’s less adorable when you realize Dina tells them from INSIDE the stall. Joyce has been sitting on her this whole time and she’s been too polite to say anything.
I’ve been wondering for a while now where Dina went.
She went up from the table in the Restaurant, after Walky told her what Girls really do in the bathroom. I was convinced she’ll arrive in the bathroom. Did she miss the right door and is lost now?
She’s probably been standing right behind them for a while now. The second there’s a pause in the conversation she’s going to weigh in and make both of them jump.
And what do you know, he called it. Then again, so did a lot of people. Man, this comic is getting so predictable. Boo, Willis, classic Dumbing of Age was so much better than it is nowadays! :p
..Actually, I was kind of hoping someone else would finish the statement, but in a completely silly way like “the man kisses the… foot in between the second and third toe.” But no one did. I am sad.
I think it was pretty obvious what *I* was hinting at, but I now declare this a “make your own joke” joke. Have fun.
Soon the rest of the cast follows suit and they all have fantasies. They walk a thin line, though. Trying not to fall into Family guy level cutaway gags.
Ugh, Family Guy. It has some humour, but not in the right way. And then they had its creator, Seth McFarlaine host the Oscars? No wonder the show was critically acclaimed… as a horrible piece of dreck!
Sorry to comment on such on old strip, but yes. That is the Face of Infinite Regret. Few people see it, because it usually only appears on your face when it’s 2am, you can’t sleep, and your brain decides to play ‘The Worst Moments of You!’ on a loop. They will haunt you for eternity.
I hesitated for a moment on clicking this. I suppose I should be grateful to the people who posted in reply, or I might have actually stupidly clicked a link that pretty much said “This is an extremely gross image! Click if you want to be grossed out!”
What, just because she was a cheerleader, she was also a slut and had a lot of boyfriends? Or that she’s a kissing slut? Oh, that is so racist! You’re racist against cheerleaders!
Wow, if Epicurus said that, it must be pretty bad. Then again, he only liked pleasurable things. Nothing pleasurable about snot spewing out of any orifice.
Dorothy Kissing you dooms you.
First Kiss: Cooking up Meth
Second Kiss: Snot Fetishist.
Third Kiss: Borderline stalker and obsession with a vigilante.
Look out Walky.
He hasn’t been stalking her… hell, he’s been REMARKABLY willing to not learn about her personal life, seeing as how he’s managed to miss how obvious who she really is.
I mean, come on man, respecting a hero’s privacy is one thing but pretending you don’t know it’s Mary is just kind of ridiculous.
… Mary? That makes too much sense! It explains why she wasn’t dressed at 3 pm. Billie burst in on her changing costume! Mary and Amazi-Girl have never been seen at the same time. And it’s well known that Mary shares Amazi-Girl’s immunity to criticism.
I dunno, I still kinda think that it’s Joe in a Really good costume. He’s cultivated too much of a macho man persona to just let it go, and is embracing a broader worldview on women in society by dressing up as one and kicking the shit out of dudes
I don’t think that really counts as stalking when he was dating her and it sounds as though she did lead him to believe that she wanted him to come with her.
My first kiss? Well, we were 13 or so and I had already reach about 6 feet in height. She leans up to kiss me… and hits my nose. I make a face and wipe the slobber off. She makes a face like I just insulted her. Then we have an actual, real kiss. It was… OK, but then again, we were 13 and inexperienced.
My first kiss was with a guy I didn’t even like-like. I was just trying to be grateful with a kiss on the cheek and he turned it into something else. We were in a contrived relationship for a while when he started owing money to people. He told my family the mafia was shooting at him on the bus and he had to run, he told me he was going to join the circus in Florida. Some months later he contacted me on Facebook from Tennessee.
First kiss. All I remember is talking with two of my friends in our high school’s teacher’s lounge then my guy friend pushing me and my female friend together while trying to have a group hug causing our lips to smush together. After that all I remember hearing is the sound of us both screaming bloody murder….
Hmm… I think that, just like a first kiss on a playground doesn’t count, a meaningless kiss with the same sex doesn’t count either unless you were intentionally enacting homosexual acts. Unless you really want it to count as your first kiss, write a new story.
Sadly, I don’t think you will because most people don’t go back and check old pages like I’m doing now once the next page is up or they are archive diving. Too bad, because I think you might have appreciated the consoling thought.
My first kiss wasn’t all that horrible, except that he kissed like Jabba the Hutt. … Which is kind of horrible, yeah, but Dotty’s blows mine out of the water.
Kindergarten TOTALLY counts. I still remember my first kiss. I was in my grandparents’ yard pretending to be the Incredible Hulk when I looked across the street and saw the most adorable little girl in the world. Rules against crossing without an adult be damned, I knew I had to meet her. Quickly transforming back into human form, I hurried across the (fortunately lightly traveled suburban) road and introduced myself. With all the gallantry a five year old boy could muster, I took her hand and kissed her — above the knuckle, no less! If a man dares cross the street without mommy, he dares all!
I still treasure that memory. So don’t fucking tell me kindergarten doesn’t count.
I kinda have to agree with you on that. The first time I kissed someone I wasn’t related to it was actually in Grade 1. The girl I did it to I met in kindergarten and I fell for her as hard you just did. Sadly, we weren’t in the same class, but the next year we were! I was so happy. I forget now what exactly we were doing, but I do remember the whole class filing out the door to go somewhere. I was still in the classroom, on the far corner, and she was the last to leave besides me. Some passion filled me, and I darted down through the rows of desks, grabbed her and kissed her a bit forcefully on the cheek. Too bad she was in her “boys are icky” phase. Oh, and I literally did it an inch away from the teacher watching. That… could have gone better, but I have never once regretted it.
Anyone else think that Dorothy’s one eye looks weird in the last panel? Between the darker lens due to the shadow and the slightly larger pupil(?), it just leapt out as kinda’ weird looking to me.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Well, that is actually pretty tame compared to most of what you can find online.
hot girl mucus goes for $5.00 an ounce on some websites (AOTS used to have a segment on truly WTF fetishes)
It’s the mucus that binds us!
I might have watched an extreme version of what she’s describing, between two girls. Possibly.
I gagged a little imagining that.
I emptied my sinuses all over the keyboard imagining that.
Funny enough, I did not empty your mom’s sinuses for a nickel. That’s where I draw the line.
I’ve been emptying my sinuses all day. Not into anyone’s mouth, though. Thankfully.
Oh God, poor Tyler. He’s just some imaginary backstory guy, but I feel REALLY bad for him.
Actually, I kinda want to hear more about Meth-boy. Maybe he and Sarah’s first roommate know each other…
PLEASE let him join the comic!
Am I a bad person for laughing hysterically at Tyler’s plight for the past few minutes?
And of course as it has been uttered on the internet, there is now a fetish site for it. (Eww.)
Yes. But don’t worry, this is the Internet.
Obviously, you’re just not trying hard enough.
It can’t be too much different from snowballing.
The line, it has been crossed twice.
You’re not the only one… my stomach turned.
Okay, that got me laughing hard enough that my shoulders shook.
I guess she wont be having any feta cheese on her complimentary Greek salad.
…I can’t even being to understand what this has to do with the strip in question.
My guess: ‘complimentary Greek salad’ as that’s the food/situation that you would have a choice of feta cheese for. ‘feta cheese’ because of substance similarity. Aversion to it because her boyfriend plausibly learned after her accident how to do it deliberately for her.
–Unsanitised version below–
Her boyfriend probably got used to emptying his sinuses down her throat due to her lie, so by this point she plausibly can’t stand anything that resembles nasal mucous, including feta cheese (which you might have the option of having on a complimentary Greek salad in a restaurant or similar).
If your nasal mucous resembles feta cheese, you should see a doctor…
Or a questionable Salad bar.
More questionable or less questionable?
And then Dina pipes up saying she bit her first kiss.
And her second. And third.
Girl has a bit of a complex.
Dina first stomped her feet and released low pitched mating calls, as to let the male know that she was receptive of his advances.
That’s probably the most adorable thing I’ve imagined all day. Good work.
It’s less adorable when you realize Dina tells them from INSIDE the stall. Joyce has been sitting on her this whole time and she’s been too polite to say anything.
This Joe Iconis song is now appropriate. Enjoy.
I bet Dina hasn’t been kissed either. Or isn’t even interested in one. She’s a more literal female Sheldon Cooper than Amy Farah Fowler ever was.
I’ve been wondering for a while now where Dina went.
She went up from the table in the Restaurant, after Walky told her what Girls really do in the bathroom. I was convinced she’ll arrive in the bathroom. Did she miss the right door and is lost now?
She’s probably been standing right behind them for a while now. The second there’s a pause in the conversation she’s going to weigh in and make both of them jump.
And what do you know, he called it. Then again, so did a lot of people. Man, this comic is getting so predictable. Boo, Willis, classic Dumbing of Age was so much better than it is nowadays! :p
Haha … yes, I noticed it!
My first thought at the last panel of tomorrows comic was: “Ah, there she is!”
I think the story is just getting interesting. Some gags are getting a little old however.
So kissing leads to meth production eh? I’m glad I avoided that slippery slope.
Kiss: Not even once.
…and getting to 2nd base leads to the black-market arms trade.
3rd base turns you into a genocidal dictator with a massive nuclear army.
And actual sex? Telemarketing.
Also, the slippery slope is quite a popular kissing maneuver.
*is now trying to imagine what this looks like*
It involves a icy hill and some sinus action, that’s all you need to know.
Isn’t that the one where the man kisses the…
WELL don’t leave us in suspense!
..Actually, I was kind of hoping someone else would finish the statement, but in a completely silly way like “the man kisses the… foot in between the second and third toe.” But no one did. I am sad.
I think it was pretty obvious what *I* was hinting at, but I now declare this a “make your own joke” joke. Have fun.
Dorothy’s expression in the last panel is hilarious to me. She’s gone full Scrubs-style flashback right there.
After a few seconds of silence, she returns to reality with some sort of non sequitur; “Still, the pruning shears were on sale.”
Soon the rest of the cast follows suit and they all have fantasies. They walk a thin line, though. Trying not to fall into Family guy level cutaway gags.
Ugh, Family Guy. It has some humour, but not in the right way. And then they had its creator, Seth McFarlaine host the Oscars? No wonder the show was critically acclaimed… as a horrible piece of dreck!
You get what you pay for.
Joyce: “Dorothy?”
Dorothy: “……..Luckily we dislodged the stomache pump and finished our vegetarian portfolios without Dr. Janitor finding out.”
*Scrubs theme plays*
“I’m no Superman” would actually be oddly fitting as a theme for Dumbing of Age.
Huh. Yeah, it would.
You mean Dr. Jan Itor, right?
Sorry to comment on such on old strip, but yes. That is the Face of Infinite Regret. Few people see it, because it usually only appears on your face when it’s 2am, you can’t sleep, and your brain decides to play ‘The Worst Moments of You!’ on a loop. They will haunt you for eternity.
Dorothy has ruined Tyler for every one else, forever.
Every time he has snotty sex with his girlfriend, she thinks, “If I ever meet Dorothy, I’m going to kill her.”
You’ve given away the ending to DumbingofAge
Snotty sex? I do not like.
That or its become his new fetish. “Baby, I want you to snot in my mouth.”
…I really want to believe this is the one situation where Rule 34 doesn’t apply, but I’m afraid to look.
Nonsense. Tyler went on to empty himself halfway down the next girl’s throat.
…I weep for that poor boy. And the awkward talks he has with his future girlfriends.
The awkward talks he has with his future ex-girlfriends. Their relationships tend to end instantly.
Gross. Possibly even more so than this:
Why did I click that?
I wish I knew, it would help the doctors to know what’s wrong with me.
I hesitated for a moment on clicking this. I suppose I should be grateful to the people who posted in reply, or I might have actually stupidly clicked a link that pretty much said “This is an extremely gross image! Click if you want to be grossed out!”
Your imagination? Not as bad as the reality.
At least it’s not violent gross.
…STILL not gonna click it. There is power in ignorance, after all.
I demand first kiss revelation 4 all character.
Mike’s was your mom for a nickel.
I’m willing to bet Walky’s first was Dorothy.
Ethan’s first was in the hotel room after prom.
So was Mike’s.
I’m not certain if I should comment on Ruth and Billie’s recent kiss or not.
Whether you should or not, you just did, sucka.
There’s no way that was Billie’s first kiss. Not by a long shot.
What, just because she was a cheerleader, she was also a slut and had a lot of boyfriends? Or that she’s a kissing slut? Oh, that is so racist! You’re racist against cheerleaders!
That happened to someone I knew once. Except she wasn’t kissing her ladyfriend on the mouth.
Hot lesbian sinus action?
To be fair, neither was Dorothy?
except mike’s. I’d prefer not to have his first kiss revealed.
Whoops. Don’t scroll up.
To quote the philosopher Epicurus: “Oh man that is mega nasty. That is dog shit.”
I believe you’re confusing Epicurus and Cassandra Kazenzakis
Remind me again, which of those two was the depressed hermaphrodite cat?
Wow, if Epicurus said that, it must be pretty bad. Then again, he only liked pleasurable things. Nothing pleasurable about snot spewing out of any orifice.
That’s what YOU think.
So I’m too busy to spend time to comment for yesterday’s comic. I got back today but I think I’m going to barf now.
It’s punishment, AckAckAck. Willis is punishing us all for your failure.
Guess Dotty really gave Tyler…..
*Puts on sunglasses*
A mouthfull!!
Your comment snot that funny. (Actually, I chuckled)
Hey, you booger, don’t be mean. How would you like it if someone picked on you?
Eh, he should be able to just blow it off.
I don’t think this is such a big tissue anyways
Wipe it off, just wipe it off. Everything is fine. (Weak, I know, but I panicked to join in!)
Don’t worry, everybody nose how that feels.
I like your scents of humor
Smells like we have a winner, folks!
I nose humor when I see it, and this is phlegmatic
Tops the list of the ‘OMG’ first kiss stories I’ve heard, gross city.
oh. oh god. why
Dorothy Kissing you dooms you.
First Kiss: Cooking up Meth
Second Kiss: Snot Fetishist.
Third Kiss: Borderline stalker and obsession with a vigilante.
Look out Walky.
Huh? When did Billie kiss Dorothy?
…Oh, you meant Danny.
He hasn’t been stalking her… hell, he’s been REMARKABLY willing to not learn about her personal life, seeing as how he’s managed to miss how obvious who she really is.
I mean, come on man, respecting a hero’s privacy is one thing but pretending you don’t know it’s Mary is just kind of ridiculous.
… Mary? That makes too much sense! It explains why she wasn’t dressed at 3 pm. Billie burst in on her changing costume! Mary and Amazi-Girl have never been seen at the same time. And it’s well known that Mary shares Amazi-Girl’s immunity to criticism.
I dunno, I still kinda think that it’s Joe in a Really good costume. He’s cultivated too much of a macho man persona to just let it go, and is embracing a broader worldview on women in society by dressing up as one and kicking the shit out of dudes
And by making out with Danny, of course.
But he did follow Dorothy to college.
I don’t think that really counts as stalking when he was dating her and it sounds as though she did lead him to believe that she wanted him to come with her.
Inadvisable, yes, but not stalking.
Um, I think Walky was messed up LONG before Dorothy kissed him. As such, I don’t think it’s so much Dotty’s kissing and her choice in men.
Prediction: “Coming soon to Dumbing of age, David Walkerton accuses Joyce of canoodle-blocking him with Dorothy!”
Sinus Dumping.
Paid it Forward.
It’s true, you Really don’t want to look at my browser history.
You don’t want to see HER browser history.
My first kiss? Well, we were 13 or so and I had already reach about 6 feet in height. She leans up to kiss me… and hits my nose. I make a face and wipe the slobber off. She makes a face like I just insulted her. Then we have an actual, real kiss. It was… OK, but then again, we were 13 and inexperienced.
My first kiss was with a guy I didn’t even like-like. I was just trying to be grateful with a kiss on the cheek and he turned it into something else. We were in a contrived relationship for a while when he started owing money to people. He told my family the mafia was shooting at him on the bus and he had to run, he told me he was going to join the circus in Florida. Some months later he contacted me on Facebook from Tennessee.
True Story.
Oh, man. If you ever see that boy in your life again, run. Run fast and run hard and DO NOT look back.
First kiss. All I remember is talking with two of my friends in our high school’s teacher’s lounge then my guy friend pushing me and my female friend together while trying to have a group hug causing our lips to smush together. After that all I remember hearing is the sound of us both screaming bloody murder….
Hmm… I think that, just like a first kiss on a playground doesn’t count, a meaningless kiss with the same sex doesn’t count either unless you were intentionally enacting homosexual acts. Unless you really want it to count as your first kiss, write a new story.
Sadly, I don’t think you will because most people don’t go back and check old pages like I’m doing now once the next page is up or they are archive diving. Too bad, because I think you might have appreciated the consoling thought.
Dude, that’s gross.
I mean, that’s obviously the point, but dude, that’s gross.
Please tell me you made that up and it’s not anybody’s real-life story that you borrowed for the comic.
My first kiss wasn’t all that horrible, except that he kissed like Jabba the Hutt. … Which is kind of horrible, yeah, but Dotty’s blows mine out of the water.
Haha, that’s exactly what mine was like, too! I was like, “what am I supposed to do in response to all this tongue?”
Oh, man. You don’t wanna know what I did when I first had someone try to tongue me in a kiss. It was not pretty.
And out of her nose.
…Okay that was horrible.
*passes a hanky and a mop* Use what’s appropriate and clean this up. This is your punishment for succumbing to that horrible (yet sadly fitting) pun.
Mine was kinda… dry? Nice though.
Kindergarten TOTALLY counts. I still remember my first kiss. I was in my grandparents’ yard pretending to be the Incredible Hulk when I looked across the street and saw the most adorable little girl in the world. Rules against crossing without an adult be damned, I knew I had to meet her. Quickly transforming back into human form, I hurried across the (fortunately lightly traveled suburban) road and introduced myself. With all the gallantry a five year old boy could muster, I took her hand and kissed her — above the knuckle, no less! If a man dares cross the street without mommy, he dares all!
I still treasure that memory. So don’t fucking tell me kindergarten doesn’t count.
Oh good. It’s not just me who fell in love in kindergarten?
I kinda have to agree with you on that. The first time I kissed someone I wasn’t related to it was actually in Grade 1. The girl I did it to I met in kindergarten and I fell for her as hard you just did. Sadly, we weren’t in the same class, but the next year we were! I was so happy. I forget now what exactly we were doing, but I do remember the whole class filing out the door to go somewhere. I was still in the classroom, on the far corner, and she was the last to leave besides me. Some passion filled me, and I darted down through the rows of desks, grabbed her and kissed her a bit forcefully on the cheek. Too bad she was in her “boys are icky” phase. Oh, and I literally did it an inch away from the teacher watching. That… could have gone better, but I have never once regretted it.
Anyone else think that Dorothy’s one eye looks weird in the last panel? Between the darker lens due to the shadow and the slightly larger pupil(?), it just leapt out as kinda’ weird looking to me.
Dorothy’s first kiss: Jessie Pinkman.
I think I found Tyler.
…Dammit. I clicked the link.
…Why does this world keep finding new ways to disappoint me?
We can reasonably assume that Meth Kid is making meth now, but I really want to see Tyler’s backstory get fleshed out. I’m not alone in this, am I?
What’s on Tyler’s browser history?!
Hormones are such shit. It doesn’t seem to matter how old you get they’re still there yelling stupid shit at you.