Posts Tagged ‘roz’

Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is in its final TWO days! It’s the… penultimate day! And yesterday, we unlocked LYLE, the twelfth magnet, and we’re at striking distance of unlocking JENNIFER, a potential bonus THIRTEENTH magnet! A thirteenth magnet for a thirteenth book!
The Kickstarter ends Tuesday night at 11:45pm Eastern, and as of this writing we’re under… $3800 from unlocking said JENNIFER magnet. I think it might happen! That COMPLETE MAGNET POWER tier might be even completer this year! THINK OF THE VALUE.
So for the penultimate time: My Peer Group’s Smoochy Chart Is Basically Now An Ouroboros will collect the thirteenth year of Dumbing of Age, spanning the four storylines that start on August 22, 2022, and complete on August 15, 2023. This includes strip commentary, behind-the-scenes artwork, and new character designs into a 218-page tome with luxurious glossy paper all bound up into a sturdy, full-color presentation. It’s fancy! There’s 24 Patreon bonus strips collected! There’s rejected strips! There’s… laundry!