Posts Tagged ‘mary’

On Saturday, September 30, I’m gonna be at the Columbus (ohio) Metropolitan Library, filling up space at Laughing Ogre’s table at Comics Crossroads Columbus! It’s a fancy comics/arts event that’s in a library, so admission is totally free. If you wanna come see me, I’ll be there from 2:30 to 6pm.

My good pal Jon Rosenberg (of Goats/Scenes from a Multiverse fame) is raising money to help pay for his son’s recovery from surgery! because our nation’s health care insurance industry is a dumpster fire Please take a look and maybe help a boy not live with pain forever and ever. I’m really excited for this surgery to happen.

Both of July’s bonus strips are now up at the Dumbing of Age Patreon! The first is about Joyce’s dad, Hank Brown, because YOU DEMANDED IT. The second is about a certain dating simulator. No, not that one, the other one. The one I made up. And if you chuck a buck my way, you can go see what the hell I’m talking about.
(and, a reminder, a pledge of $5 per month lets you always see TOMORROW’s strip)