Posts Tagged ‘joe’
152 results.

I’m at TCAF in Toronto today! Again!!! BUT FOR THE LAST TIME. (until the next time) Table 105, in the first floor roundy windows! Also I had Pizza Pizza! It’s just as good as Chuck E Cheese!

I’m at TCAF in Toronto today! Table 105, in the first floor roundy windows! You can see my butt from the outside! Come see me! And my butt!

The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter is still going, somehow. When will it end???? (in 12 days)
anyway go pledge for a book and some magnets
we unlock HALLOWEEN BECKY at $45k
(that’s in $700)

The Dumbing of Age Book 13 Kickstarter continues! We’re about $2000 from unlocking the LAUNDRY JOYCE and LAUNDRY DOROTHY magnets! and watch this space, maybe a surprise magnet today ↓ Read the rest of this entry…