It’s National Same Sex Kiss Day, and Dorothy and Walky are celebrating it the only way they can. Thanks, Jen Aside!
This is basically the best thing ever.
It’s National Same Sex Kiss Day, and Dorothy and Walky are celebrating it the only way they can. Thanks, Jen Aside!
This is basically the best thing ever.
Woo, it’s art of Joyce in her dress (but with improvements that do not impress Billie) by Jackson Ferrell! It is great.
This storyline so far has been gifting me with fan art pretty solidly. I am in bliss.
That’s right, this is art of Joyce making out with Sal’s motorcycle. It’s by Jackson Ferrell. No judgments! What machines we make out with in the privacy of our own homes should be our business and ours alone.
‘Scuse me, I’m gonna need to borrow some tissue and some KY.
Another late SLASH CONTEST entry! This Joyce x Sierra art by Anselmo isn’t smooching, which woulda disqualified it anyway, but whatcha gonna do. Sierra of course is playing the game popularized by JD and Turk of Scrubs, “Toe or Finger.”
Joyce’s general complacency is undeniable proof that Sierra keeps her feet incredibly clean and free of odor, despite all odds.
This is not the belated SLASH CONTEST entry I mentioned previously. This is a second belated SLASH CONTEST entry. It’s by a folk named Reese, and it involves Joe x Ethan. Suffice to say, if I’d gotten this about a month earlier, it’s very likely it would have taken first prize. I mean, look at it. Jesus, man, look at it.
Meanwhile, I am told the Maryland Marriage Allegiance is placing ads on my site. Yes, you glorious anti-gay marriage jerks, please, give me all your money, so that I can afford to continue publishing images like these on the Interwebs. Give me all your money and I will spend it at Starbucks.
The SLASH CONTEST was inspired by some art by my wife of Billie x Sal. And so it ends thusly, again with Billie x Sal! The final entry is by ZabAbcd, who did this on MS Paint and Excel. Because that’s just how hardcore ZabAbcd is, dammit. And now the circle is complete!
There is one more entry, a belated one, and one that did not strictly fall within the guidelines, which will be coming later. And in the meantime, Dumbing of Age fan art is always welcome! Thank you everyone for making my day 21 times over. I hope everyone else enjoyed these wonderful pieces as much as I did!
Man, we’re almost through all these!
Maycroft sent this art of Mike x Joyce, wherein Joyce is a little friskier than usual. Frisky enough to blast the angry eyebrows off Mike, anyway! And don’t forget to check out those menu items.
Felix continues today’s Joyce theme with his Joyce x Billie submission! He asked if towels technically counted as clothing, and apparently they do. Billie’s wearing her glasses even in the shower, ‘cuz she knows what we like.
It’s Dina Day in SLASH CONTEST land! Our first entry is Dina x Mike by Ben Pung, who’s actually the guy who sent me the first entry! And it’s a very darling entry. I love how Mike is looking over his shoulder as he approaches Dina. Damn that bottle, why’d it have to point that way! I also adore Dina’s dinosaur and her “RAR” shirt.
And this is a second entry by Phillipe Gagnon! You saw his Galasso x Jason art yesterday, but today he’s tossing us Dina x Sarah! (Have those two even met?) Who cares, ‘cuz yowza. Who knew Dina had it in her. And on the Fourth of July, even! What a scamp.
Phew! Computer’s back from the shop, so I can start flooding you with more SLASH CONTEST art! And finally, some dude on dude! …both with Jason. It’s the bow tie, isn’t it.
Yes, it’s Jason x Galasso! Feast your eyes on this, courtesy of Phillipe Gagnon! Y’know, it says “licky-style,” but I don’t see any tongues, Phillipe!
Though never let it be said that Galasso is not a romantic. He came prepared with flowers!
And Jen Aside has given us Jason x Professor Rees, the yet-unseen math professor! And, of course, the real winner of this pairing, the otherwise stoic Sal Walkerton. She ships them hard!
It’s a little disheartening that in a “SLASH CONTEST,” there was so little actual slash! Though it’s partly my fault for having so few male characters, I suppose. I mean, when you have to resort to Galasso…
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