Posts Tagged ‘dorothy’
Now Let’s Go Commit Something Mildly Subversive Which, at Worst, Will Serve as a Humanizing Anecdote and Not as Anything Truly Threatening to the Power Structures at Hand, aka Dumbing of Age Book 9 (let’s just call it “Book 9”) is now up for Kickstartering! See, it’s that time of year for us again, plus a month or so, because World Be Crazy, but we’re trying to do this anyway!
Book 9 is 216 pages! It’s got the usual strip commentary! It’s got bonus art and rejected strips! It’s got 24 Patreon-only strips! It’s got a foreword by Dork Tower‘s John Kovalic!!! And the Kickstarter ends by the end of today!
It’s SYDNEY YUS, attacking this Dumbing of Age Book 9 Kickstarter in the FINAL HOUR
well the metaphorical final hour, not the literal final hour, there’s still 48 hours left
You can pledge for just Sydney, pledge for PICK THREE or PICK FIVE and select your squad, or go for all-in for COMPLETE MAGNET POWER and get all twelve Book 9 magnets!