1. Incredible ruling! An Ohio appeals court has ruled that trans care is healthcare, strikes down youth trans care ban!
It made the ruling using the Republican-passed "health care freedom amendment" meant to overturn Obamacare!
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You'll want to read this one.
One of the oldest arguments against giving any rights or process to the people we accuse is — one constantly “rediscovered” by the shallow and the dim — is “well they didn’t give their victims any rights or process.”
That’s fatuous.
✪ Jonathan H. Gray says: “Beware the Tide Pods of March” ✪@jongraywb.bsky.social ⋅ 5h
Darth Vader and Jar Jar Binks were besties who hung out with each other and had ice creams and rode on tandem bikes and went to the park to play on the swing-set and also probably explored each other bodies while Padme watched b/c she thought the noises were neat and we don’t talk about that enough.
So now that apparently we’re doing the whole is autism caused by vaccines scare mongering again (I’m Wakefield’s number two hater), I’m reposting my nib comic about autism and vaccines
TRANSFORMERS: THE BASICS on PRIMA is now available early to Patreon supporters! The Age of the Primes is upon us, so join me for a delve into the mythology of Cybertron, and a look at the story of the first Transformer ever created - the orginal Prime!
WATCH NOW: www.patreon.com/posts/124649...
They're called public records for a reason. Starting today, WIRED will *stop paywalling* articles that are primarily based on public records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, becoming the first publication to partner with @freedom.press to offer this for our new coverage.
when i was young, on Sundays, my dad would get bagels, cream cheese, and lox ends and pieces from Snider's Grocery and when we got back from the near-useless Sunday School at temple, that was lunch and I'd read the comics while eating and during those moments I knew I'd become a bagel
David M Willis!@damnyouwillis.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
I respect "what inspired you to become a cartoonist" followed by a panel exemplifying the worst example of cartooning, just a solid block of unillustrated text, as a bit
I respect "what inspired you to become a cartoonist" followed by a panel exemplifying the worst example of cartooning, just a solid block of unillustrated text, as a bit
Seriously, I'm getting kinda pissed off that "sassy biting comment" is so far the only form of punishment these judges will ever give these utter bastards
Joshua J. Friedman@joshuajfriedman.com ⋅ 1d
Boasberg: OK, so I will hear from you from noon tomorrow—and I will memorialize this in a written order, since my oral orders apparently don't carry much weight
I guess we do know what their names are: Light Long (giraffe), Hydrophant (elephant), Captain Volca (T-rex), Leafback (triceratops)