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That’s it! You’ve uncovered Carla’s character!
In the Dumbiverse, Carla’s mother was the creator of the Ultra Car TV show, and the voice actress for Ultra Car. She based the character design off of Carla. Thus, Carla grew up surrounded by Ultra Car stuff. Ultra Car became like a mother figure to her because her real mom was always working on the show. She grew up learning to hate the human race, that pies are always funny, and that the Amazon is a great place to dump people you hate. She wanted to be a robot like Ultra Car herself. To do so, she learned how to roller skate to simulate the act of moving around on wheels and wore fake glasses to simulate looking out of headlights. She wanted to be just like the robotic woman that she looked like!
Dumb-ass question, number 19 in the series; kids, collect them all!
Is ‘Dexter and Monkey Master’ a ‘real’ TV show or is it a fictional part of DoA? If real, is there a network airing it? I haven’t heard of it outside the context of this comic.
Dexter and Monkey Master is the conversion of a major part of the story in Willis’ other continuity into a kid’s television show for comedic purpose and story-driving purposes.
I would pay good money to make Dexter and Monkey Master exist outside the Dumbiverse. Of course, it would have to be cell animation, not any of this 3D stuff.
Hmm, Packy, that raises the question of what medium Willis sees the show as actually being made in. We can’t assume based on anything we’ve seen so far; maybe it’s been a CG show the whole time.
I am fairly sure that one of Willis’s favorite shows was the CG animated Beast Wars, and I would personally argue that TF Prime is at least considerably better looking than the original animated show.
But honestly, Dexter and Monkey Master would probably get criticized for being an Invader Zim ripoff if they made it now.
Yeah, but the results are mostly ambiguous. Some refer to the Walkyverse incarnations, which I don’t look at but suspect I should discount / ignore. I can’t make heads or tails of the TV Tropes page. I know better than to bother with the ‘Dexter’s Lab’ results; I know series well enough to recognize it isn’t the one being referenced.
Judging by a surprisingly large number of comments over the years, and going of my general internet experience, most people online apparently can’t read.
I was confused too. I guess they’re just here for the pretty pictures?
NPR ran an April Fool’s story about how people don’t read anymore, but the article was just bait to see how many people would comment at length without bothering to read more than the headline. They got some hilariously long and detailed responses.
Sorry. I generally ascociate her car form as male, and as Carla is Ultracar’s female body, assumed that tv show Ultra car was male. Stupid mistake, looking back.
But in biology, all life-forms that reproduce asexually are female, like algae, or whiptail lizards.
Immortal starfaring shape-shifters are already a transhumanists wet dream. Would it really detract from it by admitting they are basically lesbian pirates form outer space?
K.I.T.T had a male voice, though. Which always struck me as odd, because hey, she’s a car. Today, I use a female voice for my GPS because no car of mine would ever be a male.
Start feeding themselves again? There are going to be conspiracy theorists in every generation, they should have the resources to feed themselves at least.
It’s clearly much more like that one episode in which Ultra Car teaches Monkey Master how to play the flute after the show jumped the shark. That was one good episode when the show started to suck.
That episode was specifically a reference to American Pie. Alyson Hannigan guest starred and everything.
Now that I think about it, it’s actually kinda impressive that they got away with those shoutouts in a kid’s cartoon.
Does ‘Battle of the Ultracars’ count, though, since it’s a dream episode? But I still can’t imagine how they got Johnny Cash as the voice of Evil Ultracar.
So there’s a fictional Ultra Car in this world? If she gets turned into a girlbot in this universe too, Carla’s going to be so weirded out. (Can we say “Ultra Car” now?)
Well I thought that was what the Birds and the Bees was about? I don’t know, never heard the whole speach so I still don’t know how a bird and bee have babies with each other.
It’s like sticking your penis in a vagina repeatedly.
Of course it’s not always like that.
Sometimes it’s like having your vagina be pierced by a penis repeatedly.
Carla and the robotic vehicle we’re not allowed to name exist as distinct entities in this universe? I think I’ll get a headache thinking about the ramifications of that.
I… I think there’s a difference between explaining the facts (the mechanics, if you will) about where babies come from and all that, and trying to tell someone what the experience itself is like.
I dunno. It sort of felt like the show jumped the shark with that episode. I mean, it was funny, but the show never quite reclaimed its brilliance afterwards.
I don’t think you can blame the episode for that, though. The network kept going back and forth about whether or not they were going to renew, and by the time they made up their minds to go for another season, the writers had already wrapped up most of the ongoing storylines just in case.
Hmmmm. To me it felt derivative and a bit forced. It did have hilarious moments, like the pie throwing incident. But overall, the episode I’d compare to sex would probably be the musical episode. Or the film noir hommage episode where Dexter is a private detective and of all the detective agencies in all the towns, Monkey Master walks into his. Classic.
Are you guys forgetting the PSA’s they used to have? They literally told people that about sex ed and being safe. Of course the networks had to ban it because of complaints from Lacrosse moms(soccer moms were busy boycotting something else).
Oh, the musical episode would be spot-on. I mean, when Dexter and Ultra Car were “singing harmony”… everyone knows what they meant. I still can’t believe they got that past the censors.
Psssh, have you seen Ultra Car? I can’t believe half of the episodes got pass the censors. Like that one episode when she got her rims stolen? Never have taking apart a car been so nightmare inducing.
Sex is like watching football. It seems really tedious and repetitive but people seem to really be into it! But guys think about them all the time while women tend to be more excited for the big game and then get dissapointed when their team doesn’t come through for them. It’s all about them climaxes!
Sex is like the My Little Pony TV show. You may find it annoying, and even painful at first, but once you experience it a couple more times, it gets better. Eventually, you won’t be able to stop thinking about it. Of course, it’s not for everybody. There’s people who don’t like it at all and that’s perfectly fine. There’s people who take it way to far and turn it into something weird and horrifying. There’s also people who try to make you experience it against your will. It’s different for everybody
Why can’t we say it? It can’t be because Ultra Car doesn’t exist in this universe. We already know that she’s going to appear in only about a month. Granted, she’ll be named Carla, but still. AND we now know there’s an Ultra Car TV show! We should be allowed to say “Ultra Car” dangit! Who’s with me? Will you join me in the fight to be able to say the name of the most freaking awesome vehicle ever to live besides maybe the Batmobile? No name, no peace!!! Viva la Carvolution!!!
It was originally because of a flood of unfunny in-jokes that were turning off new readers. The answer to your question was out there. I think it’s even in the FAQ, which apparently no one reads.
Well, I have sort of expected UC to be a fictional D&MM character for a few months now. Though the wording implies that UC’s from her own show, so I’ll just have to settle for a “close enough”.
Is sex actually a sin, in Joyce’s religious group? I mean, I can get adultery, and possibly pre-marital hanky panky, but I don’t know if she thinks, ‘well, they’re married, have ALL the sex you want with each other!’.
Her parents have 4 children. So no. And I don’t know of any Christian sects that believe sex in the confines of marriage as sin. However, there are individuals that see sex as only for procreation and any sex beyond that is considered sinful because you are still giving in to your lustful desires, regardless of being in a “safe zone.”
Jesus actually said you should not have sex at all, but if you cannot restrain yourself, do it in the confines of marriage.
The Knights Templar actually had it in their laws that even a married Templar could not touch a woman, even his wife.
And from what I do remember, it doesn’t say you *shouldn’t* have sex at all, but for the purposes of spreading the Gospel, it’s better not to. I think the point was that it can be a distraction, that a single person has more freedom to work for the church than a married person does. It says it’s good to be married, but better not to be.
What Paul said was that everyone should aspire to be like him – that is, free of any lust whatsoever – but if you couldn’t manage that, marriage was an acceptable second choice. “It is better to marry than to burn.”
It was definitely Paul who said celibacy is best. He basically said, “Love for a spouse is distracting, so if you can manage it, be celibate like me and devote your life to God. But if you can’t keep it in your pants, get married.”
Why are we whispering? Oh right, because it might get a little awkward as I publically explain sex to a naive college student by using a metaphor involving cartoons.
“You know that thing that you won’t ever acknowledge doing at night sometimes, when you think everyone is asleep? No? Of course not. Well, it’s even better than that.”
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
That is worse example ive ever seen.
You mean the best?
Hard to say without having seen the episode.
I wish to see this merger of hate.
I keep stating at Panel 3 Joyce, which is the BEST I’ve ever seen
O_O like
I choose panel 4 instead cause in 3 it slightly looks like her mouth is open. Plus it looks like she was staRing <- at that
“It’s almost but not quite entirely unlike a cup of tea.”
It does get hot.
And wet.
And if you bump around enough things spill everywhere.
And if you’re not careful you end up with blisters all over your genitals.
Some people are into that, though.
Some people are into everything, I reckon.
Everything has been into your mother.
For a nickel.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but in case you don’t know yet, your site has been hacked, gives a redirect to a porn site.
At least it won’t get your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick. That would be ENTIRELY unlike tea.
Except for the unnecessary addition of lemon.
And what YOU did… I see that too.
@Jen: this comment section needs a LIKE button.
I see what you did there.
So, if Ultra Car exists in Dexter, and Carla is a thing…
let me think about this for a bit
Carla’s the voice actor, in my headcanon
Oooh, that’s good.
If she’s not her mom is, no exceptions.
That’s it! You’ve uncovered Carla’s character!
In the Dumbiverse, Carla’s mother was the creator of the Ultra Car TV show, and the voice actress for Ultra Car. She based the character design off of Carla. Thus, Carla grew up surrounded by Ultra Car stuff. Ultra Car became like a mother figure to her because her real mom was always working on the show. She grew up learning to hate the human race, that pies are always funny, and that the Amazon is a great place to dump people you hate. She wanted to be a robot like Ultra Car herself. To do so, she learned how to roller skate to simulate the act of moving around on wheels and wore fake glasses to simulate looking out of headlights. She wanted to be just like the robotic woman that she looked like!
So where does Jerry Van Dyke fit into this?
Same way he fits—or doesn’t—everywhere else.
Wow… I mean… I was just joking, but… apparently, I called it. Yay for me?
So you did. Impressive.
(psst great oracle, what will happen next in the Amber storyline, I need to know)
The quality of Amber’s life will continue to deteriorate harshly… I sense… Danny… and Sal… and… something called a wiggler…
I also see Dina… hugging a stegosaurus plushie… She… declares herself the apex predator… and rolls around on the floor… gnawing playfully on the toy…
When you are right, you will be rich beyond your dreams.
Nah, it just means he found a way to hack into Willis’s buffer.
lol that is amazing.
The car of Ultra? Took him long enough to show up.
Took who long enough?
who’s this “him”?
Speaking of, is Ultra Car a car in the show?
I was in the store today, and I saw something that made me wonder if the Mutant Frosted Honey Bun is in the Dexter and Monkey Master show.
I feel like I saw that get mentioned somewhere. Like it appeared in the background of some merchandise or something.
I assume the Giant Mutant Frosted Honey Bun is the university’s chancellor.
Dumb-ass question, number 19 in the series; kids, collect them all!
Is ‘Dexter and Monkey Master’ a ‘real’ TV show or is it a fictional part of DoA? If real, is there a network airing it? I haven’t heard of it outside the context of this comic.
Dexter and Monkey Master is the conversion of a major part of the story in Willis’ other continuity into a kid’s television show for comedic purpose and story-driving purposes.
Of course it’s real! It’s got a TV Tropes page! That makes it as real as Inspector Spacetime or Fix-It Felix, Jr!
I would pay good money to make Dexter and Monkey Master exist outside the Dumbiverse. Of course, it would have to be cell animation, not any of this 3D stuff.
Hmm, Packy, that raises the question of what medium Willis sees the show as actually being made in. We can’t assume based on anything we’ve seen so far; maybe it’s been a CG show the whole time.
I am fairly sure that one of Willis’s favorite shows was the CG animated Beast Wars, and I would personally argue that TF Prime is at least considerably better looking than the original animated show.
But honestly, Dexter and Monkey Master would probably get criticized for being an Invader Zim ripoff if they made it now.
Google is your friend and loves you, you know.
Yeah, but the results are mostly ambiguous. Some refer to the Walkyverse incarnations, which I don’t look at but suspect I should discount / ignore. I can’t make heads or tails of the TV Tropes page. I know better than to bother with the ‘Dexter’s Lab’ results; I know series well enough to recognize it isn’t the one being referenced.
Him is the car of Ultra, you know… Ultra Car’s car.
It? Her?
I don’t think him is the correct pronoun in any interpretation.
I mean, I put her pronoun right in there for everyone.
Judging by a surprisingly large number of comments over the years, and going of my general internet experience, most people online apparently can’t read.
I was confused too. I guess they’re just here for the pretty pictures?
I… I can’t read the above comment.
I’d ask someone to tell me what it says, but…
NPR ran an April Fool’s story about how people don’t read anymore, but the article was just bait to see how many people would comment at length without bothering to read more than the headline. They got some hilariously long and detailed responses.
Sorry. I generally ascociate her car form as male, and as Carla is Ultracar’s female body, assumed that tv show Ultra car was male. Stupid mistake, looking back.
What’s important is that you are learning.
In Italian, cars are always female.
Frankly, I don’t understand why the Transformers™ aren’t universally female.
Sexism from directors.
But in biology, all life-forms that reproduce asexually are female, like algae, or whiptail lizards.
Immortal starfaring shape-shifters are already a transhumanists wet dream. Would it really detract from it by admitting they are basically lesbian pirates form outer space?
No, these are lesbian pirates from outer space http://rosalarian.com/lesbianpirates/
I also Dispute that ships are also All Female.
Like The Going Merry and Thousand Sunny!
This is especially mind-blowing when the ship is in fact named for a male, such as the Andrea Doria or the Edmund Fitzgerald.
And every active U.S. aircraft carrier.
For example, the Joyce/Dorothy/Walky ship is 1/3 male.
K.I.T.T had a male voice, though. Which always struck me as odd, because hey, she’s a car. Today, I use a female voice for my GPS because no car of mine would ever be a male.
I’ll just call it an it. All machines are its to me! All of them! Except Cyborgs.
Day tuk uur jobs!
Sort of, but then it becomes someone’s job to design and fix the robots.
And if the robots fix themselves? Well, then we hit a post scarcity society. Or the robots eradicate us since we’re now totally irrelevant. Either or.
You say that as if they couldn’t Both happen :3.
Eradicating all irrelevant species sounds an awful lot like work, though.
Naw, you just stop feeding them. What are they going to do about it?
Start feeding themselves again? There are going to be conspiracy theorists in every generation, they should have the resources to feed themselves at least.
Deathjavu, I suggest you read the short story “Reason”, by Isaac Asimov. It was part of the original “I, Robot” anthology.
It’s clearly much more like that one episode in which Ultra Car teaches Monkey Master how to play the flute after the show jumped the shark. That was one good episode when the show started to suck.
Remember the episode that Ultra Car stranded them in the Amazon? The musical number in that one was FAN tastic.
That song may have been catchy, but those lyrics were embarrassingly bad.
It’s a kid’s show. What’d ya expect?
That episode was specifically a reference to American Pie. Alyson Hannigan guest starred and everything.
Now that I think about it, it’s actually kinda impressive that they got away with those shoutouts in a kid’s cartoon.
Dude. This was the same show that had the episode with the power booster rod. That episode was LOADED with double entendres. How is that surprising?
How many crossovers did the two shows have?
Don’t forget the one with Historical Jesus and Friends! Everyone forgets it because it was a limited edition Korean exclusive.
5, two of them were two-parters so only count as one each.
Eh, there were still 7 individual episodes. It’s debatable.
Does ‘Battle of the Ultracars’ count, though, since it’s a dream episode? But I still can’t imagine how they got Johnny Cash as the voice of Evil Ultracar.
Evil gender flipped Ultracar.
“There’s not quite as much hatred of all humanity in sex. Usually.”
Cue Mike.
“I’ll show you, if you want”
Just gonna post this again if you think the Walky x Joyce x Dorothy OT3 ship should be called “Caramel and Marshmallows”, say I!
So there’s a fictional Ultra Car in this world? If she gets turned into a girlbot in this universe too, Carla’s going to be so weirded out. (Can we say “Ultra Car” now?)
Oh I see, that makes perfect since.
Yay for analogies that DON’T apply to the point!
It’s not how the universe began, but it’s a good way to relax.
Can anyone explain this sex thing without referencing cartoons and anime?
Well I thought that was what the Birds and the Bees was about? I don’t know, never heard the whole speach so I still don’t know how a bird and bee have babies with each other.
Oh that’s easy, when a bird eats a bee, it turns into a stork.
So then where does the cabbage patch fit into all this?
The stork carries the cabbage seeds.
It’s like a thing in which two things mesh together and stimulate receptors in the brain that tell you it feels good.
It’s like sticking your penis in a vagina repeatedly.
Of course it’s not always like that.
Sometimes it’s like having your vagina be pierced by a penis repeatedly.
And sometimes there are no penises involved at all. Or no vaginas.
And sometimes it involves a single goose feather, a tuning fork, and 5 lbs of malt-o-meal …
Go on…
Hands where I can see them.
“Well alright, but are you sure you want to see my penis?”
Or an egg beater,
and a live chicken,
and some peach preserves!
Well, for a first timer like Joyce, the most apt metaphor would likely be Ikea furniture.
You follow the directions but it doesn’t really go as expected?
Also, there are parts left over and they make you buy a Skorva you don’t need [or forget to tell you you DO need it [and a power drill]].
A power drill eh? Kinky.
“Alone time” with assistance?
its like this:

like this
and like this
Carla and the robotic vehicle we’re not allowed to name exist as distinct entities in this universe? I think I’ll get a headache thinking about the ramifications of that.
I’d like to think she’s the voice actor.
I figure it’s like those Superman stories where Superman and Clark Kent become separate entities.
I thought Lex Luthor was Superman‽
Ultra Car is no canon in the Dumbingverse. The name ban should be over.
Of COURSE Ultra Car is no cannon! She’s a CAR! =B
I understand completely.
Dorothy just think of this as a prelude to having a sex talk with your daughter in 15-20 years.
Yeah, its going to suck.
Will it be as bad as this?
I’m gonna teach my children all about sex from what i’ve learned on the internet.
They’re going to have a very vivid picture of it.
That’s because I’ll be showing them very vivid pictures.
I… I think there’s a difference between explaining the facts (the mechanics, if you will) about where babies come from and all that, and trying to tell someone what the experience itself is like.
She’s as good at explaining things as the 11th Doctor. <_<
Of course she would use a Dexter and Monkey Master analogy. Of course she would.
Also, that episode of D & MM wasn’t even that good. If you had to compare one of them to sex, that’s not the one I would choose tbh.
Not that good? It was hilarious! Remember the scene where Ultra Car had control, and then Dexter called them into the war room to discuss the plan?
I dunno. It sort of felt like the show jumped the shark with that episode. I mean, it was funny, but the show never quite reclaimed its brilliance afterwards.
I don’t think you can blame the episode for that, though. The network kept going back and forth about whether or not they were going to renew, and by the time they made up their minds to go for another season, the writers had already wrapped up most of the ongoing storylines just in case.
Hmmmm. To me it felt derivative and a bit forced. It did have hilarious moments, like the pie throwing incident. But overall, the episode I’d compare to sex would probably be the musical episode. Or the film noir hommage episode where Dexter is a private detective and of all the detective agencies in all the towns, Monkey Master walks into his. Classic.
Are you guys forgetting the PSA’s they used to have? They literally told people that about sex ed and being safe. Of course the networks had to ban it because of complaints from Lacrosse moms(soccer moms were busy boycotting something else).
Oh, the musical episode would be spot-on. I mean, when Dexter and Ultra Car were “singing harmony”… everyone knows what they meant. I still can’t believe they got that past the censors.
Psssh, have you seen Ultra Car? I can’t believe half of the episodes got pass the censors. Like that one episode when she got her rims stolen? Never have taking apart a car been so nightmare inducing.
Has been for a while. Cuts down on annoying cross-universal references.
Sex is like watching football. It seems really tedious and repetitive but people seem to really be into it! But guys think about them all the time while women tend to be more excited for the big game and then get dissapointed when their team doesn’t come through for them. It’s all about them climaxes!
Sex is like the My Little Pony TV show. You may find it annoying, and even painful at first, but once you experience it a couple more times, it gets better. Eventually, you won’t be able to stop thinking about it. Of course, it’s not for everybody. There’s people who don’t like it at all and that’s perfectly fine. There’s people who take it way to far and turn it into something weird and horrifying. There’s also people who try to make you experience it against your will. It’s different for everybody
Sex is like skydiving. I’ve never done it.
Round of applause, people.
Sex is like ten minutes. Twenty if you’re really good.
Wait, the ban has been lifted! That means all those ~~~~~~~~~ jokes are finally going to be revealed!
Ugh. Collectively, the least funny thing in the DOA comments since the the outright racists and sexists.
Shun the nonbeliever. Shuuuuuuuuunnn.
Except for the part about racists and sexists, you’re probably right about that.
Why can’t we say it? It can’t be because Ultra Car doesn’t exist in this universe. We already know that she’s going to appear in only about a month. Granted, she’ll be named Carla, but still. AND we now know there’s an Ultra Car TV show! We should be allowed to say “Ultra Car” dangit! Who’s with me? Will you join me in the fight to be able to say the name of the most freaking awesome vehicle ever to live besides maybe the Batmobile? No name, no peace!!! Viva la Carvolution!!!
Oh. Whoops. Looks like we can say it now
I think you can say it as a hyphenated name or as two words. It appears that saying it as one word is still verboten.
It was originally because of a flood of unfunny in-jokes that were turning off new readers. The answer to your question was out there. I think it’s even in the FAQ, which apparently no one reads.
Weeeeeeeeell……its a little bit like that.
Well, I have sort of expected UC to be a fictional D&MM character for a few months now. Though the wording implies that UC’s from her own show, so I’ll just have to settle for a “close enough”.
I’ve put in yesterday’s comment section, but Yotomoe’s cool comic may warrant a repost, now in color: http://i.imgur.com/MnEJ1VN.jpg
Hmmm…it’s ok…
Maybe I’ll try my hand at lining and coloring this
Also Thanks for the inking and coloring!!!<3
No problem. :] Rather thanks to you for the laugh.
Is it just me, or did something about Joyce’s design get somehow cuter in her latest appearance?
I think it’s just the sideways profile that highlights her adorable nose.
Hoodie dress is a +3 to adorable.
“Actually, you know what. A live demonstration is in order”
A) she phrased so it seemed sex, the act, was sinning.
B) Sex is… Oddest conversations begin like this.
Is sex actually a sin, in Joyce’s religious group? I mean, I can get adultery, and possibly pre-marital hanky panky, but I don’t know if she thinks, ‘well, they’re married, have ALL the sex you want with each other!’.
Her parents have 4 children. So no. And I don’t know of any Christian sects that believe sex in the confines of marriage as sin. However, there are individuals that see sex as only for procreation and any sex beyond that is considered sinful because you are still giving in to your lustful desires, regardless of being in a “safe zone.”
Jesus actually said you should not have sex at all, but if you cannot restrain yourself, do it in the confines of marriage.
The Knights Templar actually had it in their laws that even a married Templar could not touch a woman, even his wife.
That’s all I’ve got on the matter.
The symbol of the Templars was two men on one horse. Just saying.
I’m pretty sure I read that erotica, somewhere….
Actually I don’t think Jesus said that, IIRC it was Paul. Buuuut my memory is a bit fuzzy so you might be right.
And from what I do remember, it doesn’t say you *shouldn’t* have sex at all, but for the purposes of spreading the Gospel, it’s better not to. I think the point was that it can be a distraction, that a single person has more freedom to work for the church than a married person does. It says it’s good to be married, but better not to be.
What Paul said was that everyone should aspire to be like him – that is, free of any lust whatsoever – but if you couldn’t manage that, marriage was an acceptable second choice. “It is better to marry than to burn.”
“Jesus actually said you should not have sex at all, but if you cannot restrain yourself, do it in the confines of marriage.”
No, it was Paul that said that, not Jesus.
It was definitely Paul who said celibacy is best. He basically said, “Love for a spouse is distracting, so if you can manage it, be celibate like me and devote your life to God. But if you can’t keep it in your pants, get married.”
Sex is 10 to 20 minutes of physical labor followed by 12 seconds of ecstacy, followed by several days of guilt and shame.
Y’know, given the topic of conversation, and the way Joyce is leaning towards Dorothy, I’m amazed that no one has yelled, “Now kiss!” yet.
Joe is right now, running to their location to say just that.
Actually, Joe’s going to the same class they are, so maybe he’ll actually interrupt them with that in the next day or two.
Fuck that, Joyce responds to lust with violence
Remember Joyce, curiosity killed the closed minded beliefs.
Cute Joyce is Cutely Learning about the Pre-Marital Hankies Pankies…
“I know that guys describe it as sticking your member in a warm apple pie… but how do we describe it? Being a pie with a dick in it?”
Why are we whispering? Oh right, because it might get a little awkward as I publically explain sex to a naive college student by using a metaphor involving cartoons.
“You know that thing that you won’t ever acknowledge doing at night sometimes, when you think everyone is asleep? No? Of course not. Well, it’s even better than that.”
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Joyce actually doesn’t know.
“You mean having frigged up dreams about Ethan rubbing a flashlight on my, my… tummy while you and Becky and my parents watch?”
Once again the superiority of mechanical lifeforms is demonstrated by Ultra Car getting an appearance before her flelshling counterpart, Carla.
Sorry, Dorothy. Maybe SpongeBob can explain it better using .
the sex song!
Using . sounds like it is better suited to explaining periods.
I’ll show myself out.
Ultra Car Ultra Car Ultra Car! We can say her name now!
I really appreciate how often this comic is updated
ULTRACAR CROSSOVER!!!???? What have I been missing?