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Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
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There’s no connection between tear ducts and eye sockets, as far as I know. And for there being suddenly a connection, it has to be some high-pressure vomiting.
What I wanna know is where the vomit came from. Billie hasn’t eaten the solid portion of her lunch yet, and she only just woke up so she hasn’t had breakfast either. Yesterday’s dinner should be past the stomach by now.
So I guess the inside of her beverage cup is a wormhole to a colossal reservoir of… green milkshake or something.
Everyone has a large amount of mucus and bile inside themselves, otherwise their stomachs would dissolve themselves. Even if one does not eat for 12 hours, a person can still produce a fair sized puke pile.
Are you RED-y for my rhymes. Soon you’ll be GREEN as envious limes. I see you’re not YELLOW fellow, but I don’t wanna make you BLUE so get a CLUE and PURPULL THE PLUG BEFORE YOU PLAY, OR I’LL ARRANGE A RAINBOW ON YOUR PARADE.
And he’s ah rolling around the world with his grand tour unit stats of metrica,Stormalong and the Swedish of the Swedish sweets… Sweden and last but not least for those rock candied people in can he land (candy island) Punsy Mackale’s Swedish door (Sweetest Tour) tickets in a ticket master near you (at least I tried)
Also, don’t ever give me the power to make people vomit with my touch. I would abuse my power SO much. That shortpacked robin strip? That’d be everyone. All the time.
Honestly, in most cases WALKY would be the “Random Dude” in this example. He strikes me as the sort of fellow who would say, “Well, they’re still in the box, so they’re still fair game!”
Pretty much, I love the Joyce character a lot, as Sarah has noted, she really needs a good orgasm, and some time at at a nice liberal church. I’d suggest a good ELCA Lutheran church or maybe even the episcoplians.
Yeah, I think that’s been strongly implied. She’s got the same telltale signs that Ruth did when she was sobering up, and it started just after Ruth chewed her out for drinking.
Meh. CabbageCorp has been shown to be a company that does some rather sub-par work anyway… almost makes me want to question what kind of quality those much lauded cabbages had.
Depends. The chubby ones you have to divide over a few days, maybe a week. The thin ones can go in one sitting, especially if you had nothing to eat for the whole day.
O.k., I know right now everyone is focused on Billie, and that’s understandable… but has anyone else read the alt text? cause if so, I suggest reading it, as it is rather… thought provoking…
Midas actually requested the gift of turning everything he touched into gold. I doubt that Walky requested the gift of turning everything he touches into vomit, so I’m not sure how it’s going to go when he begs Dionysus to take back his ‘gift’.
Although this gift does seem like one that’s fitting for Dionysus to hand out.
Billie ruined the nuggets (by vomiting on them), but she didn’t touch them.
Therefore, it is not true that she ruins what she touches–sometimes she ruins other things.
I don’t think the point is that she is discovering she was not a ‘big shit in HS’. She kinda was, until she drank herself into treating her friends crappy, wrecked a car drunk, and got tossed off the cheer squad.
She still didn’t get (or wouldn’t accept) that she was off the popular people list when took her HS cheer leader gear to college. Or when people like Alice dropped her like a hot potato.
When she and Ruth hit bottom she still wouldn’t accept that her problems were based on her own behavior and her drinking. She started to wake up to the fact of how far down the ladder she was, when Alice showed up in her life.
And then Alice told her all about it.
Billies on saving note is that she backtracked on letting Walky and Joyce know that what she said to them was wrong.
One last gasp and it’s all over. I think barfing is a rather graphic and appropriate way to express just how she feels at this point. She’s at the very bottom (I sincerely hope). Now she has nowhere to go but up. (I hope).
Dammit Billie, you turned around and puked all over Walky’s lunch. What kinda shit is that?
Anyway, hopefully now Billie will start extracting her head outta her butt and get her life right before things get any worse. She has a couple of friends that care for her that, I’m sure, will try to help as best they can, but she’ll need to do the real work herself.
She should burn her Golden Dragon uniform in a ceremony on top of a hill overlooking a lake. She’ll laugh, she’ll cry as her adolescence is left behind. All praise the new Billie!
(Getting naked and dancing around the pyre with Ruth and Alice would be cool too.)
Fucking astonishing how low these numbers are. If you're in the 75% who say they don't know any trans people, you do, they just don't trust you enough to be out to them.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 12d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 3d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
Well, better than tears. I guess.
Yeah no
Don’t count it out yet. In times like these, tears, sweat and puke all tend to release around the same time.
Don’t forget farts, snot, mucous and the occasional burp and/or hiccups.
Tears are tastier.
And they make good sweaters.
Eyelashes are better.
As long as it’s not coming out of people’s eyes.
Where else do you think tears come from then??
That’s not what I was referring to.
He means, “I’m not crying, I’m vomiting from my eyes.”
Oh god, do NOT tempt me to fire up photoshop.
Isn’t vomit a bit too lumpy to exit the body via tear ducts?
not if you vomit your eyeballs out first
There’s no connection between tear ducts and eye sockets, as far as I know. And for there being suddenly a connection, it has to be some high-pressure vomiting.
For a brief moment Billie was touching that vomit while it was touching those Mcnuggets.
On a technicality yes…so does that mean that if Billie and Ruth somehow did doing it what would happen to Ruth?
On a technicality yes…so does that mean that if Billie and Ruth somehow did doing it what would happen to Ruth?
What I wanna know is where the vomit came from. Billie hasn’t eaten the solid portion of her lunch yet, and she only just woke up so she hasn’t had breakfast either. Yesterday’s dinner should be past the stomach by now.
So I guess the inside of her beverage cup is a wormhole to a colossal reservoir of… green milkshake or something.
It’s her pride.
^^ Aaaaand… the Internet Gold Star Award for Today’s Most Insightful Comment goes to Yotomoe! A bit early, but I think this can’t be topped anymore.
That’s a pretty fitting comment coming from Alice.
Nah, I think Alice would argue that Billie didn’t have any pride left to swallow. Although the point is moot, now that all of it has been expelled.
She can still swallow it.
Everyone has a large amount of mucus and bile inside themselves, otherwise their stomachs would dissolve themselves. Even if one does not eat for 12 hours, a person can still produce a fair sized puke pile.
Or she is prego with baby Ruth… Punsy McAle will be here all night folks
Are you RED-y for my rhymes. Soon you’ll be GREEN as envious limes. I see you’re not YELLOW fellow, but I don’t wanna make you BLUE so get a CLUE and PURPULL THE PLUG BEFORE YOU PLAY, OR I’LL ARRANGE A RAINBOW ON YOUR PARADE.
*applause* Masterfully done.
And he’s ah rolling around the world with his grand tour unit stats of metrica,Stormalong and the Swedish of the Swedish sweets… Sweden and last but not least for those rock candied people in can he land (candy island) Punsy Mackale’s Swedish door (Sweetest Tour) tickets in a ticket master near you (at least I tried)
You must not have known many alcoholics, which I’m assuming is the source of this sudden expulsion.
Am I to be the first to point out that those were not “McNuggets,” but Chik-fil-A Nuggets?
Eh, it’s like kleenex or band-aids.
If Walky truly is a connoisseur of nuggets, as we have been led to believe, then his reference is shameful.
Walky said “nuggets”. It’s just the commentators who’ve been calling them “McNuggets”.
Chick-Fil-A uses chunks of chicken breast, nor mechanically separated chicken bits glued together. Fie on you!
As outlets for the build-up go, that could have been worse.
You don’t see the poop
Walky will (continue to) not smell good today
**slow clap**
You, sir, just made me actually laugh so hard I cried. Well done. Good call back.
There’s 1% chance that a girl kissing another girl on the lips may result in spontanious impregnation!
Beware kids!
Pale and barfy? Hmmm… http://www.dumbingofage.com/2013/comic/book-3/04-just-hangin-out-with-my-family/appearances/
MAN this has been a dynamic few weeks for them
Mr. Random beat you by seconds, but you had the link, so technically you WIN! Here is your Internet for the day.
Seriously, how’d they find it so fast?
Maybe there’s a secret tag we missed.
Silly Billie, Walky ordered RANCH sauce not RETCH sauce!
I think they’re basically the same flavor.
I have never compared the two so I cannot say.
I think I rather stick with Southwest sauce.
why would you say such a thing
I’m sorry, I had to!
Also, don’t ever give me the power to make people vomit with my touch. I would abuse my power SO much. That shortpacked robin strip? That’d be everyone. All the time.
And your supervillain name will be Bulimia!
I prefer BI-limia!
Billimia even!
” YOU ATE MY DONUT!” *touch*
Theme music!
Sadly, it’s not watchable in my country. Bloody GEMA.
Y’know I was gonna make a “in before folks decide she must be pregnant” post but then I was like “c’mon, give the readers some credit.”
That was clearly the wrong move.
You should never give a DoA reader credit. We’re in Credit DEBT.
To be fair, no one is saying she’s pregnant. They’re saying she’s LESBIAN pregnant. Which is far, far more awesome to say.
If there’s anything that Roomies! taught me, it’s that anyone who pukes must be pregnant!
But who’s the father?
Was there ever any doubt?
…wait, this IS Billie…
Um…..I……Joyce……um……shit….I have no idea what to say besides NASTY!
No, shit’s the other orifice.
Oh shut up
Someone apparently missed a Southpark episode.
Random dude: you gonna eat those nuggets?
It’s bound to appeal to someone’s taste.
Ya like creepy Cody who eats out the garbage every Friday after pizza night.
You forgot an “of” and accidentally made “Creepy Cody” about a sextillion times creepier.
Marjory the Trash Heap? O_O
Bad time to remind everyone of Rule 34?
How did you know my favorite topping?
Sure, they were covered by the box.
Nd the vomit adds a nice spice on those that got hit.
Honestly, in most cases WALKY would be the “Random Dude” in this example. He strikes me as the sort of fellow who would say, “Well, they’re still in the box, so they’re still fair game!”
Strange. Walky doesn’t normally make people puke at his vey presence. Just his breath.
“Hey Mike! Wanna come over and give Billie a congratulatory hand touch?”
“Hey Joe my female friend over they’re is really depressed you wanna give her a hug to make her feel better ? “
Hahahaha FOP reference.
Joyce was so nice to her just now.
Yes she was
Joyce is made of nice.
Well, she’s a nice shell, with a layer of prejudice and ignorance, with a big nice center.
So, like, 90% nice (which is by far better than almost everyone else ever).
Sooo, she’s Stitch?
If Stitch was wrapped in a nice layer.
Crossover with Joyce as Stitch, Walky as Lilo, and Sarah as Nani.
Pretty much, I love the Joyce character a lot, as Sarah has noted, she really needs a good orgasm, and some time at at a nice liberal church. I’d suggest a good ELCA Lutheran church or maybe even the episcoplians.
Because sex solves everything…
Except pregnancy. And death. I don’t think sex would stop death.
It kinda does the opposite in horror movies.
Yep Joyce is made of nice alright
maybe she’s detoxing, not drinking anymore? wishful thinking
Yeah, I think that’s been strongly implied. She’s got the same telltale signs that Ruth did when she was sobering up, and it started just after Ruth chewed her out for drinking.
Combination of detoxing and stress. Probably the realization that she wasn’t the big shit she thought she was in high school too.
Or that THIS IS NO LONGER HIGH SCHOOL. Complete with the godawful Paramore song that actually now makes some sort of sense here.
Which Paramore song? <_<
While you’re at it, Walky, how about you rub your eyes with those vomit-covered hands?
Yeah, really hoping he washes his hands before eating lunch…
Nothing like vomit to break the tension.
From pathos to bathos in 20 seconds! Whew, I was almost afraid we’d run out of wacky hi-jinks!
Сладолед мой!
You can have them… YEEK!
Beat me to it by a few seconds. Damn
Not my cabbages!
Or… for the Korra fans- Not my CabbageCorp!
Meh. CabbageCorp has been shown to be a company that does some rather sub-par work anyway… almost makes me want to question what kind of quality those much lauded cabbages had.
You too can have it for only ninety-nine ninety-nine ninety-niiiiiiine
I simply adore children. But I could never eat a whole one.
Depends. The chubby ones you have to divide over a few days, maybe a week. The thin ones can go in one sitting, especially if you had nothing to eat for the whole day.
“Billie got my Nuggets all sticky.”
O.k., I know right now everyone is focused on Billie, and that’s understandable… but has anyone else read the alt text? cause if so, I suggest reading it, as it is rather… thought provoking…
Midas actually requested the gift of turning everything he touched into gold. I doubt that Walky requested the gift of turning everything he touches into vomit, so I’m not sure how it’s going to go when he begs Dionysus to take back his ‘gift’.
Although this gift does seem like one that’s fitting for Dionysus to hand out.
Expressing sympathy through light physical contact!
While being specific in denying what you think is untrue!
(That is, Walky doesn’t refute Alice’s assessment of Billie being a drama hurricane.)
I’m confused. Is that puke in the last panel? Or is Walky just ripping up his nuggets because he thinks that’s what make Billie sick?
It’s puke.
Billie ruined the nuggets (by vomiting on them), but she didn’t touch them.
Therefore, it is not true that she ruins what she touches–sometimes she ruins other things.
Detox, or soul-crushing news?
Look on the bright side: this is probably what it will take to get Walky to finally do some laundry.
It’ll be sad if that still doesn’t =|
Nothin’ like a punch in the gut after a your previous punch in the gut.
I can’t tell if she fled or hit the floor. Either seems like a good option to me.
I don’t think the point is that she is discovering she was not a ‘big shit in HS’. She kinda was, until she drank herself into treating her friends crappy, wrecked a car drunk, and got tossed off the cheer squad.
She still didn’t get (or wouldn’t accept) that she was off the popular people list when took her HS cheer leader gear to college. Or when people like Alice dropped her like a hot potato.
When she and Ruth hit bottom she still wouldn’t accept that her problems were based on her own behavior and her drinking. She started to wake up to the fact of how far down the ladder she was, when Alice showed up in her life.
And then Alice told her all about it.
Billies on saving note is that she backtracked on letting Walky and Joyce know that what she said to them was wrong.
One last gasp and it’s all over. I think barfing is a rather graphic and appropriate way to express just how she feels at this point. She’s at the very bottom (I sincerely hope). Now she has nowhere to go but up. (I hope).
There’s always other drugs.
Dammit Billie, you turned around and puked all over Walky’s lunch. What kinda shit is that?
Anyway, hopefully now Billie will start extracting her head outta her butt and get her life right before things get any worse. She has a couple of friends that care for her that, I’m sure, will try to help as best they can, but she’ll need to do the real work herself.
It may have escaped your notice, but Billie’s been making steady progress on extracting her head from her butt.
Slow and steady!
Puke is usually (luckily) not a kind of shit.
No. it’s its precursor or an intermediate stage, depending on how far you’d like to go backwards in the food chain.
Also, Alice is a psychic. She knew what would happen if she stuck around. Puke errywhere.
Oddly, I support Alice/Billy more than Ruth/Billy. I think they should reconcile.
That’s not odd. Ruth’s behaviour towards Billie is way more f**ked-up than what we’ve seen of Alice. Also, cute.
Alice has barely been in the series? Why would you push high school repeating itself so readily?
Why choose?
Personally I favour introducing Alice to Daisy.
I kind of suspect “Daisy never gets any” is an unspoken rule of the Dumbiverse.
I think Billie needs to be on her own for a bit. Then find a new relationship that isn’t toxic in some way.
It was at that moment when Old Billie was expelled out from her system, and New Billie emerged.
Now I have the visual of her vomiting up a black ooze that forms into an evil clone of Billie that runs off to cause mayhem
Getting drunk and crashing all the cars!
Billie is/was a Nogitsune?
I think HURK! is The Hulk’s pale, sickly-green coloured cousin.
I was pretty sure Billie was going cold turkey, now I’m certain.
Is this going to be like Zuko from ATLA and his ‘metamorphosis’?
Tempted to draw scarface Billie now…
Princess Billuko, Vomitbender
haha Princess PUKO
Well, this isn’t a pie in the face but, I was wrong yesterday. Billie’s life has NOW hit absolute rock bottom.
There’s never a ‘rock bottom’. There’s always a lower level to descend to. I trust in Willis to find it.
Until you hit the fiery molten center. *Then* you have nowhere to go except up … but there’s nothing left of you to go anywhere, so it evens out.
And then you find inner peace. Provided you make it past the lava people.
Kinda ironic that when it came down to it, walkys the one being far more insensitive and shitty to billie.
She should burn her Golden Dragon uniform in a ceremony on top of a hill overlooking a lake. She’ll laugh, she’ll cry as her adolescence is left behind. All praise the new Billie!
(Getting naked and dancing around the pyre with Ruth and Alice would be cool too.)
Yeah, ‘ruin everythin you touch’ is totally not true.
The rest of it – drama hurricane, poisonous – meh, best not to think about that right now.
It looks like Billie does ruin everything she vomits on. But who here can say otherwise?
(I was hoping it was Shmebulock that threw up, cause that’s more fun to say. Shmebulock.)
Frankly, I wouldn’t want any rainbows on my shoes. It would ruin them.
wow. Still awkward.
Well that diminished quickly.
*Falls to his knees* NOOOOOOO! Not the chicken nuggets!
Of course, they ARE Walky’s…
Oh lookie, Joyce. It’s a ‘godpertunity’ to help clean up Billie’s barf; maybe even wipe her chin.
They’re also not technically ruined.