This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
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Can confirm. My parents are still married, and I’m totally not a pervert. (Please ignore the whips, straps, costumes, assortment of vibrators, etc. in my bedroom collection.)
Need to somehow pretend I’m working, so I’ll fall on the bullet*
“Variation of Tomato Surprise”
which itself is:
“from a set of writer’s guidelines distributed circa 1980 by Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, written by its then-editor, George Scithers. The guidelines named the trope and gave as one of the examples hiding the fact that the hero is, in fact, a tomato.”
*Friend: “Guess I’ll fall on the bullet ”
Spouse: “That’s not going to hurt much!”
“The trope name comes from a set of writer’s guidelines distributed circa 1980 by Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, written by its then-editor, George Scithers. The guidelines named the trope and gave as one of the examples hiding the fact that the hero is, in fact, a tomato. “
In that case, didn’t God make the ding-dongs which can be drawn? If we really get down to it in Genesis, wasn’t God fine with humans running around naked?
Every single sex act, every kink, and weird shit people have done, God has watched and is also involved in the inception of most of it. He’s the kinkiest one of all.
Announcing you’re on birth control in front of a guy like Joe would have been like bleeding in front of a shark a while ago. Now I weirdly expect some restraint from my boy.
Where did you get “down to clown”? It’s one of my favorite phrases and I’ve been using it for years but have never remembered its origin if I ever knew it.
Ironically Amber saying something along the lines of “someone is going to be that person for her, why are you the worst choice.” the other day is probably heightening that as much as his recent Joe behaviourisms.
Not a full ban-life but since the porn restriction was enforced from the outside their bans probably can’t get much more relaxed than this without getting them in major trouble with Apple and others.
Given that Twitter is currently under new ownership who are in the process of stripping all the copper wire out of the barely functioning machine to pay their enormous debt, Tumblr may actually claw more of it’s old userbase back.
Nice analogy. Musk does have a gigantic debt to service every single year, and he owes part of it to a pretty bloodthirsty group of bone-sawers. And he owns two large businesses that are extremely dependent on two diametrically opposed governments.
Well, I hate fictional characters. Or perhaps to be more precise, I hate what those character represent. And the ones I hate the most are those characters with power that loves using it for oppression.
And you don’t get much more “a being with power that totally abuses it and fucks over people than the Biblical god.
It’s also really common language and an accusation about atheism from the Christian right-wing in the US: that people actually “know” God exists but choose to hate him because they’d rather just sin instead of be Good True Christians.
I think so! I’m not sure if we got a look at Joe’s jacket, but several strips back, at the end of biology class, Joyce was wearing a pink jacket with no dark colors, and he’s got what looks like something black and something pink on his arm.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kylo Ren is great.
I love a villain who the creative team made loathsome in a genuinely compelling way while forgetting that they had to redeem him and spending the last film futilely trying to dig themselves out of the hole they’d made
I am confused why they would have Kylo Ren kill one of the most beloved characters of all time, refuse redemption a second time, and apparently turn just because he likes being evil if they intended to redeem him.
Because Han Solo needs to die since we barely got Harrison to shoot this movie, and who else is going to do it? Hux?
They also wanted to introduce Kylo as a mysterious masked villain and have it be a dramatic twist that he’s Han and Leia’s kid. Unfortunately that means they introduce Kylo by having him butcher an unarmed old man in a fit of rage and ordered a village massacred, and the sympathetic qualities (beyond being the son of characters we like) don’t get introduced until the next fucking movie.
I thought that Luke’s character arc in that second “recent” star wars movie was weird. This is the guy that thought his father, who was a horrific mass murderer, could still have good in him and tried to get that to emerge. For him to suddenly turn against Kylo Ren just due to visions/nightmares just seems so counter intuitive without any development to get to that point. If there was backstory to set up how he got to that point with them actually spending time on it, it would have been fine. Instead he just felt like a completely different person than what he was in the original trilogy. You don’t just take the former main character and completely twist his character like that without building it up for the audience. Not even getting into how having that chase in space was weird, as I don’t understand how no one could pop in front of the escaping convoy. A cat and mouse game from planet to planet with them supposedly narrowing the time gaps between them leaving and the enemy arriving.
After the mess that one was, I didn’t expect much from the third, so I am fine with the campy mess that it is. On a different note, I still think Kylo Ren must die his hair because neither of his parents had hair that dark.
Well the thing is that the previous movie established that Luke’s Jedi failed miserably and he exiled himself when the galaxy needed him most, and his character in Last Jedi is built around that decision.
Also don’t think about Star Wars logistics. It doesn’t make sense and it’s never going to make sense
Depression from having all of your students killed (and therefore isolating yourself to keep from getting attached to others and possibly getting them killed) is completely different from starting that massacre by contemplating killing your nephew while standing over him in the middle of the night while he is sleeping. Luke leaving everyone to protect them fits his former character (especially if there was a traumatic event like that). Triggering that event with an out of character action requires more set up (since it wasn’t even hinted as his fault in the first movie) than what they did in the second, in my opinion. It isn’t that it couldn’t be done, but that they didn’t spend any time setting it up and just expected people to believe Luke had changed that much out of the blue. Leia would have made more sense than Luke in that position, as she was less inclined to find the good in her father (exploding her home planet right in front of her didn’t endear him to her, and would create a trauma that could trigger her contemplating killing her son).
I would agree that it’s something of a stretch from where we last saw Luke, but I also think in terms of following on from where Force Awakens left the character it was the best route forwards.
I have a pretty mixed opinion about Last Jedi, but the stuff on the Skellocks with Luke is the most consistently good part of the movie.
The problem was that there wasn’t a “creative team”. Each movie has its own team and they didn’t plan anything out ahead of time. None of them were necessarily bad, but they had different ideas and no one in charge of making them turn it into something coherent.
Maybe? I’m not really sure in this case.
More like each movie had a team, but they didn’t really consult. The 2nd and 3rd movies feel like they’re each arguing with the previous one. Or at least trying to twist the overall arc back in a direction that makes sense to them.
If someone writes the first half of a story and hands it to me to finish, without any discussion of where they were going or of what I wanted them to set for what I wanted to do, are we a “team”?
I feel like blaming God versus the awful community of abusive psychopaths she comes from is a bit counterproductive. Especially as God clearly is a shield for them and a source of strength for Becky.
Which is why we need to separate deities and go back to polytheism. That way we can helpfully label one Lawful Evil and one Lawful Good as they do in Dragonlance.
The way I see it, one of two things will happen: 1) The model is female and Joyce tries to get Joe to not look and will cause an embarassing scene for both of them. or 2) The model is male and Joyce gets all hot and bothered and suddenly wishes she had a vibrator to handle it. And she will have a dream about the model being Joe.
You forgot 3): the model is female, both Joe and Joyce get hot and bothered, and the latter’s attempts to suppress/hide it get the former even hotter and bothered-ier.
It’s what you see in a lot of art classes. You sit straddling the bench with your drawing pad, which is usually about 18×24 inches and clipped onto a large clipboard (running from one end of campus to the other carrying your portfolio bag is good exercise ) propped on the vertical part, with the base fitted into one of several grooves cut into the bench to adjust the slant and keep it in place. And if I’m remembering right, they can also be set down another way for you to work on them while standing up
I got led down the garden path on your parenthetical comment and thought you meant that there was a large clipboard running from one end of campus to another. I was all “wow, art schools are *different*!” before I finished reading lol.
Even better, the model fails to show up so the teacher asks Joe to be the model. So now Joyce has to see someone she knows naked and draw them. Her brain will probably explode.
You aren’t thinking farcical enough for this comic.
The teacher shows up and just assumes Joe is the model and hustles him up to the little stage and Joe’s so flummoxed by what Joyce just said he goes through with it without thinking until it’s too late and he’s stripped off his clothes and people are already drawing his ding dong.
She already saw him naked. (Not live, but after he was in the sex video with Roz there was a cartoon that showed Joyce watching part of it, then closing the laptop cover in shame.)
The problem with this theory is that this is what happened in the Strip “Luann” and it would likely have the same result, with Joyce hiding during the class and never coming back to take a drawing lesson again.
That was the very first thing Joyce thought of when she saw she was alone in a room with Joe. The very first thing. And she’s almost fully conscious of it.
Is Joe going to have a sudden panic/despair moment hearing Joyce is taking birth control and thinking it’s because she’s already seeing someone? I can see Joyce being embarrassed about letting that info slip in front of Joe, trying to explain it away, and Joe having doubts.
omg until I saw this comment I didn’t see that Joyce had mentioned “on birth control” in her panel and thought that Joe was just snidely adding that to her list — thank you for helping me read the comic through correctly! Now I’m very excited to see the next adorable part of these adorable kids’ conversation
It speaks wonders about her comfort level with him that she’ll just mention things to him that she’d be cagey about with anyone else, because they make HER uncomfortable.
By the way I am OFFENDED that Joyce is implying that Just because you’re atheist, have divorced parents and are on birth control, you’re a pervert. WE PERVERTS work HARD to achieve our title. It is something that takes years of dedication and hard work, and for someone to claim that they’ve become one so casually, really dismisses the struggles we go through to achieve the status of pervert.
EXACTLY. This isn’t some club where you get to just show up, point at unrelated data, and claim membership. Being a pervert is effort. Dirty jokes in mixed company. Innuendo at funerals. Waggled eyebrows at _everyone_. Being too horny for my ex-spouse. These took **years** to craft and deliver and live with.
Also: divorced **already**!.!?!!? Holy hell that was fast. I mean, props, Willis didn’t want to drag it out over then next century, but still. Wow that’s a fast divorce.
Pics or it didn’t happen. Let’s have a nervous pervert-Joyce drawing Yoto sketch! You have it in you! (every great artist does a sepf portrait, you can do this!)
That… might not be the thing to focus on right now, Joe.
Joyce, you’ve had a lot of practice at unpacking the toxic prejudices of your upbringing. This should be old hat by now… In fact, you’ve done this SO much that you should be done by now and can’t possibly have anything left to reexamine, so can just let yourself get blindsided every time something new crops up because nothing ever will. After all that practice, you basically have no more real learning to do. THAT’S the ticket.
And that’s why I think this relationship shouldn’t happen now. Joyce has way too much self repression that dating Joe would not be good for him. Is she going to panic any time someone brings up that she’s dating known campus pervert Joe? Or is she going to think she’s throwing herself into the craven pits of the lust wolves?
To paraphrase The Worst Friend: “You should be with someone who wakes up everyday and think, ‘Oh My God, I’m with Rachel! :D”.
Oh dear… Joe would zero in one that particular part of the statement.
I’d think Joyce would just easily explain what it’s for but considering how insane she got about taking it to begin with? This might just become a clusterfuck of miscommunication.
At least they aren’t the size of horse pills like some antibiotics and other meds are. I wonder if taking them with a carbonated beverage would help? Also, I am guessing that this is before they made the ones that they put under your skin that lasts for several years? Though they might not start with that size they are trying to fix a problem and some meds might not help.
Long term ones like that tend to Not be what they first start you on, yeah. I’d imagine a fizzy beverage would help though, it’s always helped with mine.
Wait wait wait, Joyce can’t hate the symbol of her oppressive cult upbringing and no longer consider herself part of that cult! That’s a paradox! I know what a paradox is, it’s when something isn’t stated in a literal enough manner or in a way that conforms to my preconceived notion of what things are and aren’t.
Also, where’s this idea coming from that only Joe is gonna be mistaken for The Model? For all we know, there’s meant to be two models of distinct body configuration and they’re both gonna get bamboozled into stripping down and posing.
I don’t see any real value to the “you can’t hate what you believe doesn’t exist.” I mean, Joyce can hate the idea of God, the influence of her faith, the actual being as constructed by her church, and so on. Acknowledging that anger is important and helpful.
It also is an immense pain to Becky.
Pretending she’s not angry and wants to tear it all down won’t help.
True, but with a set up like this, with the model on stage at one end of the room, you can’t really move to the other side of them. You’re stuck with a limited angle.
It’s true, I’ve seen stuff like that happen in real time. The first couple of instances were truly mystifying and confusing, but it’s just sort of A Thing.
Everyone’s joking about Joe smelling blood or whatever, but the lad just looks genuinely confused. Like the implication hasn’t even crossed his mind, he’s just wondering why Joyce would even be on birth control.
The next update will almost certainly make me eat my words.
I do think he’s just confused. He certainly knows enough about her to know BC is probably a Big Deal, for whatever reason she’s taking it for, atheist or not, and she just dropped it there in front of him like it was nothing.
I suppose you could argue that it’s none of Joe’s business whether Joyce might be sexually active/considering becoming sexually active, but he is in love with her and it’s starting to look like he might be willing to open up about it, which is a thing that could theoretically lead to dating, so it’s not like…totally irrelevant, what Joyce’s current stance on sex (and her having it) might be.
(Dating, of course, does not always include sex, but just making assumptions without bothering to talk to the person you’re dating about them is what leads to stuff like Dorothy needing to explicitly tell Walky he could touch her breasts after they’d made some mutually contradictory unspoken assumptions about what level of physical intimacy was on the table between them, based on having very different dating backgrounds.)
Not exactly a subtle way to inform Joe about that particular fact. But seem to work. Now let’s see who will be the next student arriving in the room. Maybe Mary? Maybe Malaya? Maybe Mary and Malaya together talking about something art relate as good frenemy?
RE that alt-text: I’m having serious trouble believing Joyce has a clue what Candid Camera was–that was even longer in the dim past than To Catch a Predator. I GUESS she might have heard an elder make the old “Smile, you are on Candid Camera!” comment, maybe.
It kinda makes sense that kids in that community would watch reruns/recordings of old shows that their elders are familiar with. Can’t let impressionable kids have access to shows we haven’t screened for them.
Maybe they got there too early, maybe the class got moved to another location without them knowing, or maybe Dorothy was wrong about when and where the life-drawing class was going to be. And they could both be perverts, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
(Sometimes I wonder if she needs, like, panic medication. The meds that work for that can have pretty nasty side effects in high dosages, and up until recently, doctors had a really poor understanding of how much counts as high (a lot lower than they thought, which means a lot of people who did actually need medication were accidentally overdosed on it)
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
dang, don’t break your neck jumping to conclusions, Joyce
your parents divorcing makes YOU a pervert??
Obviously divorce causes children of the broken marriage to not respect marriage and thus be perverts. OBVIOUSLY.
Can confirm this is the case.
Source: my parents divorced when I was 19.
Can also confirm. My parents’ divorce (and the involved costs) is absolutely the main reason I don’t ever wanna get married.
Can confirm. My parents are still married, and I’m totally not a pervert. (Please ignore the whips, straps, costumes, assortment of vibrators, etc. in my bedroom collection.)
That doesn’t sound like an assortment of items I want to ignore though.
…except maybe the whips, I’m not a fan of pain
I mean if you find a willing volunteer you don’t need to be a fan of pain to use them to good effect?
… Not that I’m volunteering or anything…
I am filling a spray can with holy water for this comment section.
Same, but those are separate of the divorce lol
Joyce is having a Tomato in the Mirror moment.
Except it’s not a mirror, it’s a painting that her upbringing hung where a mirror should be.
I’ll be stealing this phrase to describe this concept, thanks. It’s so fucking accurate.
This painting doesn’t happen to look several years older than the real Joyce, does it?
What’s the trope namer on that? I don’t feeling like opening a thousand folders to find out, then waking up after a 3 day binge on TVTropes.
Need to somehow pretend I’m working, so I’ll fall on the bullet*
“Variation of Tomato Surprise”
which itself is:
“from a set of writer’s guidelines distributed circa 1980 by Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, written by its then-editor, George Scithers. The guidelines named the trope and gave as one of the examples hiding the fact that the hero is, in fact, a tomato.”
*Friend: “Guess I’ll fall on the bullet ”
Spouse: “That’s not going to hurt much!”
According to “Tomato Surprise” one link deeper:
“The trope name comes from a set of writer’s guidelines distributed circa 1980 by Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine, written by its then-editor, George Scithers. The guidelines named the trope and gave as one of the examples hiding the fact that the hero is, in fact, a tomato. “
Lol, really shoulda hit refresh before trying to answer
Thank you both.
Pervert godless atheist is open for business in the get naked room!
That’s what it says on my business card
God doesn’t hate you.
He’s a pervert just like you!
Right, Willis?
God made Joyce, who drew the ding-dongs. God drew ding-dongs by proxy.
In that case, didn’t God make the ding-dongs which can be drawn? If we really get down to it in Genesis, wasn’t God fine with humans running around naked?
As I recall, the first sign of humans sinning in Genesis was when they STOPPED being ok with nudity. Clearly, we should strip for God!
God drew the first ever ding-dong, while designing humans. Then he called over Michael and Gabriel to have a laugh at it.
Lucifer just rolled his eyes and said they were being immature, and that’s when the trouble started…
I would like to hear some more of this heaven fan-fiction. Please and thank you.
Every single sex act, every kink, and weird shit people have done, God has watched and is also involved in the inception of most of it. He’s the kinkiest one of all.
Don’t be silly. “God” has long since graduated from pervert to Internet Porn Lord.
Announcing you’re on birth control in front of a guy like Joe would have been like bleeding in front of a shark a while ago. Now I weirdly expect some restraint from my boy.
Joe’s on the “fish are friends, not food program” now
Food that talks is not food!
I was thinking the same thing. But I also think Joe has scruples, and here’s where we get to see them.
Says a lot about me that I didn’t even register “I’m on birth control” as a “oh she’s down to clown” until you just said that.
Where did you get “down to clown”? It’s one of my favorite phrases and I’ve been using it for years but have never remembered its origin if I ever knew it.
Joe is confused because Joyce jumped ahead in the script.
Ironically Amber saying something along the lines of “someone is going to be that person for her, why are you the worst choice.” the other day is probably heightening that as much as his recent Joe behaviourisms.
Joyce is such a wiener sometimes.
When you realize you are in a trap, betray your companions immediately.
Joe, ironically, may have just found God
Don’t make me sic the shiba on you, Joe.
(All jokes aside, that is a hilarious way for Joe to find out that little detail. It’s a whole new topping on his emotional crisis pizza.)
What a wonderful coincidence, Tumblr as is allowing Lewds again!!!!
It’s a Halloween demon miracle!!! 🥹

Not a full ban-life but since the porn restriction was enforced from the outside their bans probably can’t get much more relaxed than this without getting them in major trouble with Apple and others.
Given that Twitter is currently under new ownership who are in the process of stripping all the copper wire out of the barely functioning machine to pay their enormous debt, Tumblr may actually claw more of it’s old userbase back.
I won’t hold my breath. I’d rather migrate to Pillowfort than Tumblr at this point. They’re loosening the chains but we ain’t free yet.
sorry couldn’t help myself
I’m sorry, what is Pillowfort? Because there’s like 10 directions that could go from the name alone >_>
Nice analogy. Musk does have a gigantic debt to service every single year, and he owes part of it to a pretty bloodthirsty group of bone-sawers. And he owns two large businesses that are extremely dependent on two diametrically opposed governments.
Ah, good! Back to JoJo! A potential relationship that isn’t horribly toxic. Much more my speed!
You could say we… got back to where we once belonged.
let’s follow this Bizzare Adventure with them!
Can you hate something you don’t beleive exists? I am sure you can but it seems redundant.
You can hate something conceptually. Existence isn’t actually important for something to gain my ire.
Well, I hate fictional characters. Or perhaps to be more precise, I hate what those character represent. And the ones I hate the most are those characters with power that loves using it for oppression.
And you don’t get much more “a being with power that totally abuses it and fucks over people than the Biblical god.
Umm, lots of people in the comments here hate various DoA characters who don’t exist.
It’s also really common language and an accusation about atheism from the Christian right-wing in the US: that people actually “know” God exists but choose to hate him because they’d rather just sin instead of be Good True Christians.
Considering how many people hate some fictional characters in the entertainment they enjoy, I’d definitely say yes.
Is Joe… carrying both their jackets? 🥺 cute…
I agree.
I think so! I’m not sure if we got a look at Joe’s jacket, but several strips back, at the end of biology class, Joyce was wearing a pink jacket with no dark colors, and he’s got what looks like something black and something pink on his arm.
None of that is perverse, Joyce.
I mean, “god hating atheist” is kinda perversely paradoxical….
“god” can refer to the concept of gods in general, too.
English is funny and stupid that way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
God-hating atheist seems oxymoronic.
Also why does panel 5 remind me of the whole “Always Was” meme? I think its the dialogue and character stances.
I dunno, I hate a lot of fictional things.
– Said as Religious Person
Right? Joyce, you can’t be God-hating AND atheist. You have to pick one!
Joyce, you can’t hate God if you don’t believe He exists.
Maybe she can hate the concept of God but yeah saying g your a God hating atheist is kind redundant.
You can hate something that you consider fictional.
It’s extremely easy actually
I genuinely hate Kylo Ren.
Do you hate the character himself, or the absolute mess of contradictory writing decisions masquerading as his “redemption arc”?
Speaking for myself? Yes.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, Kylo Ren is great.
I love a villain who the creative team made loathsome in a genuinely compelling way while forgetting that they had to redeem him and spending the last film futilely trying to dig themselves out of the hole they’d made
I am confused why they would have Kylo Ren kill one of the most beloved characters of all time, refuse redemption a second time, and apparently turn just because he likes being evil if they intended to redeem him.
Because Han Solo needs to die since we barely got Harrison to shoot this movie, and who else is going to do it? Hux?
They also wanted to introduce Kylo as a mysterious masked villain and have it be a dramatic twist that he’s Han and Leia’s kid. Unfortunately that means they introduce Kylo by having him butcher an unarmed old man in a fit of rage and ordered a village massacred, and the sympathetic qualities (beyond being the son of characters we like) don’t get introduced until the next fucking movie.
I thought that Luke’s character arc in that second “recent” star wars movie was weird. This is the guy that thought his father, who was a horrific mass murderer, could still have good in him and tried to get that to emerge. For him to suddenly turn against Kylo Ren just due to visions/nightmares just seems so counter intuitive without any development to get to that point. If there was backstory to set up how he got to that point with them actually spending time on it, it would have been fine. Instead he just felt like a completely different person than what he was in the original trilogy. You don’t just take the former main character and completely twist his character like that without building it up for the audience. Not even getting into how having that chase in space was weird, as I don’t understand how no one could pop in front of the escaping convoy. A cat and mouse game from planet to planet with them supposedly narrowing the time gaps between them leaving and the enemy arriving.
After the mess that one was, I didn’t expect much from the third, so I am fine with the campy mess that it is. On a different note, I still think Kylo Ren must die his hair because neither of his parents had hair that dark.
Well the thing is that the previous movie established that Luke’s Jedi failed miserably and he exiled himself when the galaxy needed him most, and his character in Last Jedi is built around that decision.
Also don’t think about Star Wars logistics. It doesn’t make sense and it’s never going to make sense
Depression from having all of your students killed (and therefore isolating yourself to keep from getting attached to others and possibly getting them killed) is completely different from starting that massacre by contemplating killing your nephew while standing over him in the middle of the night while he is sleeping. Luke leaving everyone to protect them fits his former character (especially if there was a traumatic event like that). Triggering that event with an out of character action requires more set up (since it wasn’t even hinted as his fault in the first movie) than what they did in the second, in my opinion. It isn’t that it couldn’t be done, but that they didn’t spend any time setting it up and just expected people to believe Luke had changed that much out of the blue. Leia would have made more sense than Luke in that position, as she was less inclined to find the good in her father (exploding her home planet right in front of her didn’t endear him to her, and would create a trauma that could trigger her contemplating killing her son).
I would agree that it’s something of a stretch from where we last saw Luke, but I also think in terms of following on from where Force Awakens left the character it was the best route forwards.
I have a pretty mixed opinion about Last Jedi, but the stuff on the Skellocks with Luke is the most consistently good part of the movie.
The problem was that there wasn’t a “creative team”. Each movie has its own team and they didn’t plan anything out ahead of time. None of them were necessarily bad, but they had different ideas and no one in charge of making them turn it into something coherent.
A disorganized creative team is still a creative team!
Maybe? I’m not really sure in this case.
More like each movie had a team, but they didn’t really consult. The 2nd and 3rd movies feel like they’re each arguing with the previous one. Or at least trying to twist the overall arc back in a direction that makes sense to them.
If someone writes the first half of a story and hands it to me to finish, without any discussion of where they were going or of what I wanted them to set for what I wanted to do, are we a “team”?
All of Joyce’s troubles have been because of the entity she used to believe in.
I feel like blaming God versus the awful community of abusive psychopaths she comes from is a bit counterproductive. Especially as God clearly is a shield for them and a source of strength for Becky.
Which is why we need to separate deities and go back to polytheism. That way we can helpfully label one Lawful Evil and one Lawful Good as they do in Dragonlance.
Two things can be true – she has in no way suggested that she blames God instead-of the people of her churches growing up rather than as-well-as.
I find it interesting that what you took from Joyce’s proclaimed atheism was a need for more gods, not zero.
better for God not to exist because if it does, it has a lot to explain
“I have come to hate my own creation. Now I know how God feels.” – Homer Simpson
Allow me to introduce you to any character played by Louise Fletcher. (Kai Winn is one I love to hate.)
Or, for modern audiences, Dolores Umbridge.
Lots of people hate fictional characters in movies, TV shows, books, etc. It’s not that unusual to hate things that you don’t believe actually exist.
The way I see it, one of two things will happen: 1) The model is female and Joyce tries to get Joe to not look and will cause an embarassing scene for both of them. or 2) The model is male and Joyce gets all hot and bothered and suddenly wishes she had a vibrator to handle it. And she will have a dream about the model being Joe.
You forgot 3): the model is female, both Joe and Joyce get hot and bothered, and the latter’s attempts to suppress/hide it get the former even hotter and bothered-ier.
or 4) The model is a bowl of fruit and they both get incredibly turned on and realize they just wanna fuck fruit.
Now that’s just bananas.
What a pear of rascals.
How do you like them apples?
They haven’t even had a good date, they can’t-elope.
That fig-ures.
The disappointment will make the all melon-choly.
I’m sort of waiting for
5) the expected model doesn’t show up and they ask Joe to be the model.
Only if it contains passion fruit.
And Then Joyce Was A Pervert.
What is up with the chair/benches/desks(?) in the classroom? They look like beach loungers but with sketchpads. Where are the chairs?
It’s what you see in a lot of art classes. You sit straddling the bench with your drawing pad, which is usually about 18×24 inches and clipped onto a large clipboard (running from one end of campus to the other carrying your portfolio bag is good exercise ) propped on the vertical part, with the base fitted into one of several grooves cut into the bench to adjust the slant and keep it in place. And if I’m remembering right, they can also be set down another way for you to work on them while standing up
I got led down the garden path on your parenthetical comment and thought you meant that there was a large clipboard running from one end of campus to another. I was all “wow, art schools are *different*!” before I finished reading lol.
Dang Joe isn’t the model
Music’s original alternative
Roots grunge!–Todd Snider
“Our first day will be drawing fruit.”
“The local reptile house has kindly let us borrow one of their alligators for the day.”
Joe’s brain visibly breaking in half at the words “birth control”
“So…technically speaking…how much control have you gained over birth?”
“Bwahahahaha! Foolish mortals; you do not understand the extent of my power! Soon I shall have control over birth itself!!!”
“A birth control to surpass Metal Gear.”
“I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom Hearts… Is birth control!”
REFLEXESBIRTH CONTROL!”“It’s me, hi, I’m the pervert, it’s me”
Damn, guess they’re gonna have to have sex right there. There’s just no other options.
Even better, the model fails to show up so the teacher asks Joe to be the model. So now Joyce has to see someone she knows naked and draw them. Her brain will probably explode.
You aren’t thinking farcical enough for this comic.
The teacher shows up and just assumes Joe is the model and hustles him up to the little stage and Joe’s so flummoxed by what Joyce just said he goes through with it without thinking until it’s too late and he’s stripped off his clothes and people are already drawing his ding dong.
and then the real model walks in and it’s jacob
And then they make out.
She already saw him naked. (Not live, but after he was in the sex video with Roz there was a cartoon that showed Joyce watching part of it, then closing the laptop cover in shame.)
The problem with this theory is that this is what happened in the Strip “Luann” and it would likely have the same result, with Joyce hiding during the class and never coming back to take a drawing lesson again.
That was the very first thing Joyce thought of when she saw she was alone in a room with Joe. The very first thing. And she’s almost fully conscious of it.
oh please, Punk’d ended years ago—
Did you or did you not pay attention as to when the class starts? Odd-looking drawing stations though.
Is Joe going to have a sudden panic/despair moment hearing Joyce is taking birth control and thinking it’s because she’s already seeing someone? I can see Joyce being embarrassed about letting that info slip in front of Joe, trying to explain it away, and Joe having doubts.
omg until I saw this comment I didn’t see that Joyce had mentioned “on birth control” in her panel and thought that Joe was just snidely adding that to her list — thank you for helping me read the comic through correctly! Now I’m very excited to see the next adorable part of these adorable kids’ conversation
I don’t think he’d suspect she’s seeing someone, because he would’ve already found out about them by now.
But of course this is how he finds out about the BC.
Every time Joyce has a potential secret, she ends up telling Joe. Sometimes it’s very serious and touching. Other times, like now, it’s just funny
It speaks wonders about her comfort level with him that she’ll just mention things to him that she’d be cagey about with anyone else, because they make HER uncomfortable.
By the way I am OFFENDED that Joyce is implying that Just because you’re atheist, have divorced parents and are on birth control, you’re a pervert. WE PERVERTS work HARD to achieve our title. It is something that takes years of dedication and hard work, and for someone to claim that they’ve become one so casually, really dismisses the struggles we go through to achieve the status of pervert.
EXACTLY. This isn’t some club where you get to just show up, point at unrelated data, and claim membership. Being a pervert is effort. Dirty jokes in mixed company. Innuendo at funerals. Waggled eyebrows at _everyone_. Being too horny for my ex-spouse. These took **years** to craft and deliver and live with.
Also: divorced **already**!.!?!!? Holy hell that was fast. I mean, props, Willis didn’t want to drag it out over then next century, but still. Wow that’s a fast divorce.
Alright guys. I’ve kept it secret long enough.
It’s me. I’m the model.
I could join this life drawing session.
Pics or it didn’t happen. Let’s have a nervous pervert-Joyce drawing Yoto sketch! You have it in you! (every great artist does a sepf portrait, you can do this!)
A self-portrait even!
That… might not be the thing to focus on right now, Joe.
Joyce, you’ve had a lot of practice at unpacking the toxic prejudices of your upbringing. This should be old hat by now… In fact, you’ve done this SO much that you should be done by now and can’t possibly have anything left to reexamine, so can just let yourself get blindsided every time something new crops up because nothing ever will. After all that practice, you basically have no more real learning to do. THAT’S the ticket.
Knowing this, and feeling it, are two distinct accomplishments, and often don’t come at the same time.
Dumbing of Age Book 11: Oh No! I AM The Pervert!
And that’s why I think this relationship shouldn’t happen now. Joyce has way too much self repression that dating Joe would not be good for him. Is she going to panic any time someone brings up that she’s dating known campus pervert Joe? Or is she going to think she’s throwing herself into the craven pits of the lust wolves?
To paraphrase The Worst Friend: “You should be with someone who wakes up everyday and think, ‘Oh My God, I’m with Rachel! :D”.
Sometimes you gotta find your happiness even while you’re working through your issues. Can’t wait until you’re right for someone to be with anyone.
Because that might be never.
How are those mental hiccups coming along, Joyce?
Oh dear… Joe would zero in one that particular part of the statement.
I’d think Joyce would just easily explain what it’s for but considering how insane she got about taking it to begin with? This might just become a clusterfuck of miscommunication.
You have to take the pills to be “on” them, Joyce.
I bet at least one of them is going to sit on those drawing chair things like a chaise.
At least they aren’t the size of horse pills like some antibiotics and other meds are. I wonder if taking them with a carbonated beverage would help? Also, I am guessing that this is before they made the ones that they put under your skin that lasts for several years? Though they might not start with that size they are trying to fix a problem and some meds might not help.
Long term ones like that tend to Not be what they first start you on, yeah. I’d imagine a fizzy beverage would help though, it’s always helped with mine.
Plot twist, there is no life drawing class scheduled, Dorothy just set this up at a time with an empty room so she could model for Joyce one on one.
That would be amazing!
Wait wait wait, Joyce can’t hate the symbol of her oppressive cult upbringing and no longer consider herself part of that cult! That’s a paradox! I know what a paradox is, it’s when something isn’t stated in a literal enough manner or in a way that conforms to my preconceived notion of what things are and aren’t.
Also, where’s this idea coming from that only Joe is gonna be mistaken for The Model? For all we know, there’s meant to be two models of distinct body configuration and they’re both gonna get bamboozled into stripping down and posing.
I don’t see any real value to the “you can’t hate what you believe doesn’t exist.” I mean, Joyce can hate the idea of God, the influence of her faith, the actual being as constructed by her church, and so on. Acknowledging that anger is important and helpful.
It also is an immense pain to Becky.
Pretending she’s not angry and wants to tear it all down won’t help.
Joe’s like “wait, back up, what was that middle part?”
Joe offers to let her draw HIM?
Divorce already went through? That’s remarkably quick.
Maybe not on paper, but they’ve certainly had enough time to implement it in practice.
Might not be official yet, but it’s definitely coming
Dunno about Indiana, but mine in Texas only took 2-3 months once the paperwork was filed.
I’m… uncomfortable with these chair position. Aways thought we sit around the model, so you can change your place, whenever you wish
You can also move your chair. Even chairs like these.
True, but with a set up like this, with the model on stage at one end of the room, you can’t really move to the other side of them. You’re stuck with a limited angle.
In a cultural center where I used to go, the chair were put in a circle.
And the model is on flor, at same level of us.
* the chairs were put in a circle around the model.
And they is on floor, at same level of us.
As a person living in a latin country, happy All Souls’ Day, or Dia de Los Muertos, if you’re a spanish speaker.
uh, interesting, Toussaint (all saints) was yesterday in France
I don’t know much about Dia de Los Muertos but what I do know about it sounds like a baller holiday. I wanna make an Ofrenda someday.
it CAN’T be confortable drawing on those horse-chairs
Not as bad as they look but if your period is coming up and you sneeze on one, it decides to show up earlier.
It’s true, I’ve seen stuff like that happen in real time. The first couple of instances were truly mystifying and confusing, but it’s just sort of A Thing.
“They’re the god-hating atheist on birth control, with divorced parents” is almost a line before they pull the mask off in a modern Scooby-Doo.
It’s time to draw Joe naked. It’s fine if it’s art!
Why did Joe come here?
Are we about to find out he’s the model?
Because Joyce asked him to.
Jos heard the important part, and missed everything else.
To be fair “Everything Else” was “Joyce Freaks Herself Out”, part eleventy billion.
Btw, is Joyce tiny or Joe huge? Is it both?
even going back to It’s Walky!, Joe has always been a head taller than most of the cast. He’s just a tall fella
Between Jacob and Joe, our rather compact sized Joyce seems to have a thing for big, beefy guys. Nothing wrong with that, of course.
I can’t really emphasize with the “guys” part, but I’m with her on the “big, beefy” part
Joe height? taller than you.
Joe picks up an important detail…
Okay, Joyce? You know how your besties have been kind of patronizing to you? Like you’ve forgotten how to (Young) Adult properly?
This shit right here? This is why.
Everyone’s joking about Joe smelling blood or whatever, but the lad just looks genuinely confused. Like the implication hasn’t even crossed his mind, he’s just wondering why Joyce would even be on birth control.
The next update will almost certainly make me eat my words.
I think most people who know Joyce but aren’t familiar with her medical situation would be confused.
People who menstruate will get it.
I do think he’s just confused. He certainly knows enough about her to know BC is probably a Big Deal, for whatever reason she’s taking it for, atheist or not, and she just dropped it there in front of him like it was nothing.
I suppose you could argue that it’s none of Joe’s business whether Joyce might be sexually active/considering becoming sexually active, but he is in love with her and it’s starting to look like he might be willing to open up about it, which is a thing that could theoretically lead to dating, so it’s not like…totally irrelevant, what Joyce’s current stance on sex (and her having it) might be.
(Dating, of course, does not always include sex, but just making assumptions without bothering to talk to the person you’re dating about them is what leads to stuff like Dorothy needing to explicitly tell Walky he could touch her breasts after they’d made some mutually contradictory unspoken assumptions about what level of physical intimacy was on the table between them, based on having very different dating backgrounds.)
Not exactly a subtle way to inform Joe about that particular fact. But seem to work. Now let’s see who will be the next student arriving in the room. Maybe Mary? Maybe Malaya? Maybe Mary and Malaya together talking about something art relate as good frenemy?
RE that alt-text: I’m having serious trouble believing Joyce has a clue what Candid Camera was–that was even longer in the dim past than To Catch a Predator. I GUESS she might have heard an elder make the old “Smile, you are on Candid Camera!” comment, maybe.
It kinda makes sense that kids in that community would watch reruns/recordings of old shows that their elders are familiar with. Can’t let impressionable kids have access to shows we haven’t screened for them.
Maybe they got there too early, maybe the class got moved to another location without them knowing, or maybe Dorothy was wrong about when and where the life-drawing class was going to be. And they could both be perverts, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Inb4 the teacher shows up and mistakenly thinks Joe is the model. Ah hijinks.
But funniest possible answer for the art model?? Or is it just going to be Mary’s boyfriend?
Funniest answer possible? …. Danny. One more adventure into finding-himself territory.
Joyce and Danny see each other later and she still doesn’t recognize him.
“The model can’t have been him, he wears a hat!”
Surprised Joe’s eyebrows didn’t go into orbit ngl
Did Joyce’s stock with Joe go up when he discovered she was on BC?
Panic attack Joyce. I hope she feels better soon.
(Sometimes I wonder if she needs, like, panic medication. The meds that work for that can have pretty nasty side effects in high dosages, and up until recently, doctors had a really poor understanding of how much counts as high (a lot lower than they thought, which means a lot of people who did actually need medication were accidentally overdosed on it)
“Oh no! Now JOE thinks I’m a s-word!”