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Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Cyanide & Happiness
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TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
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I pity anyone picking either Coke OR Pepsi. You know why that junk is served cold? Because cold numbs the taste buds to and it tricks you into thinking that what you’re drinking isn’t crap. It’s also why piss-water beer bottles and cans or whatever have those labels that tell you when it’s “good” to drink them.
I’m sorry, but being served cold isn’t a sign of bad quality. Ice cream is served cold, but that’s not to hide bad flavours.
The simple fact of the matter is that every item has an ideal service temperature. It comes down to texture and mouth feel in a lot of situations, but anyone who prepares something for consumption knows that it will taste best a certain way.
Preference also has something to do with how its served, I drink the shit out of coke or pepsi depending on mood and i prefer it at room temp, though nothing beats mountain dew in flavor, just too bad it gives me chest pains these days.
If you think that colder temp foods don’t numb the palette, then you’re the one being dumb. http://www.wikihow.com/Dull-Your-Taste-Buds
Ice cream is served cold because of function, not taste. The contents of a banana split would fall to the bottom of a thick sweet milk drink if you put it in while warm. Or whatever condiments you put on it.
Any beer worth drinking is worth drinking warm. Same for soda. Same for tea. Sorry if you’re drinking and eating stuff that needs to be chilled to mask the flavor.
Wow. Just… wow. I’ve seen people fight a lot of really stupid battles
on the internet, but never before have I seen someone claim that ALL
cold beverages are only cold to mask their shitty flavor. You, sir, win the
coveted Tinfoil Tiara for the day.
Tinfoil tiara? You insult me ma’am. There’s no way a tiara of any sort could stop the gub’ment mind control rays; doesn’t there’s a big hole on the top of it. Uh doi!
Tinfoil tiara? You insult me ma’am. There’s no way a tiara of any sort could stop the gub’ment mind control rays; there’s a big hole on the top of it. Uh doi!
But… wine is best served chilled regardless of quality. In fact, a good wine must be chilled in order to deliver all of its aromas.
White wine is, ideally, served at “cellar” temperature or a little below 50º F though some people recommend a temperature a bit closer to 60º F.
Red wine should be -very- slightly chilled as well, depending on the temperature at which it is stored. A complex red should be served at around 65º F.
Beers, similarly, should be served chilled. In fact, they should be served cooler than wines. For example, a pilsner should be served a bit above 40º F while IPAs and Stouts should be around 55º F.
Well, firstly, the link you provide to prove that “cold temperatures dull flavours” is a wiki page and the link it provides to say that cold temperatures is an article about how colder temptures and water enhance the flavour of whiskey. It seems a pointless link to provide and doesn’t help your argument whatsoever.
Secondly, your argument would also imply that milkshakes are cold just to dull your taste buds. Functionally, it’s not much different than drinking melted ice cream. I’ve also never met anyone who drank milkshakes to cool down.
So, in short, you’re being deliberately obtuse. Your argument is fruitless. There are a multitude of reasons to have cold drinks, and you cannot state that a drink doesn’t taste good if it’s intended to be served cold.
Dear God. The pseudoscience here offends me at every possible level.
Yes, tastes are dulled at colder temperatures. This is true. However, beer and soda have something else in common: They have carbon dioxide dissolved into them. (Sometimes nitrogen in certain beers, but that’s only marginally relevant to the point here.)
Look at the solubility curve of CO2 in water. LOOK AT IT. More cold = more bubbles. More bubbles = more effervescence. This is actually a key textural component to sodas and beers, as the flavor profile DOES change as the drink goes flat.
This meesage brought to you by Science: Breaking Tinfoil Hats Via The Application Of Facts Since The Dawn Of Tinfoil Hats.
Well, also if the nature of the thing is to have more flavor than ideal you would serve it cold. Warm ice-cream is too sweet for most people to enjoy, serving it cold makes it feel less sweet. Alternatively: ice cream is as sweet as it is so it still tastes sweet even when cold. One of those things >.<
I can’t comment on beer, but I’ve drank a lot of tea and a whole lot of soda, and I’ve never found any that tastes better warm than cold and I doubt you could name one that I would agree with. In fact I want all my drinks ice cold. Milk and water and juice and slushies and cough medicine and crushed ants and human blood (long story) and liquefied salad (longer, grosser story) and everything else. I don’t know how you would measure, let’s say, pepsi as “not worth drinking” if you do in fact enjoy drinking it when it’s cold, and enjoy it a great deal more than a number of other cold beverages.
Also a funny thing, I’ll take pepsi over coke any day, but I find coke tastes marginally tolerable at room temperature and pepsi doesn’t.
I sorta agreed with you on some of what you said until you mentioned the beer being warm thing.
Thank you for specifying a temperature, since 45-55 is not ‘warm’. I’ve been trying to imagine a room temperature Guinness and it’s left me sad.
As to the other things, cold is sometimes used to mask flavors, sometimes it’s part of the drink. I agree that coke is a pretty low quality drink (still better than pepsi) but really we only drink it for the sugar/caffeine buzz and the wonderfully acidic burn it leaves in your stomach.
Real Coke is actually a pretty damned good drink. I’m referring, of course, to the Coke made with real sugar (here, we refer to that as “Mexicoke”) rather than High Fructose Corn Syrup. The stuff we serve in the US is actually pretty terrible, when you think of it…though, I’m still a fan of Coke over Poopsy.
Oh yes. Pepsi or Coke, it matters little compaired to whether of not it is made with real sugar. Mexicoke is easier for me to get my hands on, so mexicoke it is.
I love mexicoke, theres a beer store near me that sells the pint glass bottles, and to be honest most information ive found is that the containment unit used to store any liquid beverage affects taste, like beer from a bottle is better than from a can, so is soda, better from a glass bottle than from any other container.
If I presume Farenheit, then your definition of “warm” beer is… 7 to 12 celcius.
Really? You must be quite the fan of Coors Lite and all that kind of cack. Y’know… beer that actually needs to advertise in order to get sales.
The recommended temperature of a fridge is 4 to 8’C (39.2 to 46.4’F), so by that scale if your fridge was running at the upper range of that, or if it was around the middle of the range and you let the beer sit for more than a few seconds (or, horrors, poured it out into a glass that was not itself refrigerated), you’d end up drinking it warm.
Tap water, when allowed to run for a while and so be at least cool if not “cold”, is generally taken (by industry standards) to be 15’C, or 59’F. Now, that may not be ideal serving temperature for beer, but it would still be reasonably palatable (especially if an ale or bitter rather than a lager), and if we dropped it, say, 5’C further to 10’C (about the temperature of tapwater coming from an underground feedpipe in winter, enough to make your bones ache a bit if you hold your hand under it for more than a few seconds), it’d be just fine. The typical “super chill” beer that have their own special gimmicky pumps at the bar themselves tend to “only” go down to about 4-5’C…
tl;dr version – if you can’t gulp your last half-pint in a hurry without getting brainfreeze as your buddies head for the door having spotted the last bus coming up the road a few minutes early, then it’s too cold.
Whilst cold does have a numbing effect on the taste buds (which is why, for example, most ice cream recipes call for a lot of sugar to compensate for the effect,) what is drunk hot or cold is more a function of culture than anything. The idea of putting ice in drinks is mostly an American thing. In many parts of the world, all sodas are drunk at room temperature, and some cultures think that hot drinks, not cold, cool you down in warm weather.
Explain the fascination with bittermelon, jackfruit, and durian over there first, and I’ll accept that “Asia” is always a reliable authority on good taste.
(Also, isn’t that more of a cold remedy than a common drink?)
I would also like to add that people picking Coke or Pepsi are clearly brain washed, just because they are made by two different companies doesn’t mean they are different products! They are exactly the same people! Just as there is no difference between 7-up and Sprite!
The worst is when you order a Coke, you’re waiting for your meal, and you take a sip of your drink expecting it to be Coke an suddenly it’s, “Bleagh! Pepsi, my old enemy!” Then you have to flag down the server and get it replaced with a Mountain Dew or something. It’s a quadruple annoyance, since you drank something you don’t like, you have to flag someone down to replace your drink, you have nothing good to drink until it’s replaced, and you’ve got that awful taste in your mouth until then.
It just makes me want to shake the person and say, “Coke is a brand name! It’s not a generic name for ‘dark-colored soft drink’!”
I grew up in Georgia, home of Coca-Cola, and I’ve always been mystified by the assertion that Southerners will use “Coke” to mean any soft drink. It’s not a Southern thing — it’s your thing. It’s all your faults! ALL YOUR FAULTS! AAAAAH!!! /jumps through plate glass, screaming
In Romania, once the Iron Curtain fell, Coca Cola was quick to be widely available in the newly-established private stores, but Pepsi was largely absent for yet a few years (1-3-ish). Coca Cola was so popular that every pop/soda drink was being referred to as ‘a cola’, eventually ‘Pepsi cola’ became a thing. It’s been quite a few years now and it’s far less common for people to call Pepsi ‘Pepsi cola’, but it’s still an acceptable turn of phrase.
Just goes to show how important it is to be the first on the scene in a new market. Incidentally, same applies to people and relationships – your first will likely mark you and your preferences for life.
On the other hand, if you live in an area with a Meijer, they have two store-brand colas. One is a Coke clone and the other is a Pepsi clone. Both are actually close enough that the only reason to not buy them (for half the price) is name-brand snobbery.
Sorry, but I’ll take (real, not diet) Coke over an incredibly sweet substance which you can hear and feel dissolving your teeth and which leaves an aftertaste in your mouth for the next hour like Pepsi any day.
Nope. Pepsi’s sweeter, and Coke has a more pronounced vanilla flavor. Interestingly, in double-blind taste tests where subjects are asked to take one sip of each, Pepsi tends to do better, but when they’re asked to drink a whole can/bottle, Coke wins.
The sweetness wins out in the short term, but quickly becomes cloying.
I prefer “glorious illustration of multiple saliva swaps between members of sex inciting drama and insanity” but yeah, I guess this could fit under the category of “kissing”, right next to AWESOME and MACARONI.
If that was a crack at Aizat’s poor punctuation from the lack of a comma before “period,” you should know that the lack of an apostrophe makes your interpretation incorrect as well.
D’aaw, look at the sheltered religious girl, finally making a move on a fine, fine dude.
Too bad her heart will be broken into a thousand tiny pieces when she finds out he’s gay. From Mike.
Also, only 52 hours for the first kiss? Gasp! Scandalous!
He’s going to have to give her roofies daily and tell her that they were just getting freaky every time she loses her memory. That’s how I’ve kept my bear… wife this long. Wife.
Joyce has made him aware that she thinks they’re a couple, and Ethan hasn’t tried at all to dissuade her of this notion. In fact, he’s just fine with leading her on. So, technically, they’re “together”, so you can’t really spin what Joyce clearly views as a public display of affection (albeit brought on for the wrong reasons) as assault.
I mean, if tomorrow Ethan shoves her away and she keeps trying, then I think it becomes assault. Or if Ethan had told her previously he wouldn’t be comfortable with them kissing, which he probably hasn’t, but if he hadn’t that makes it assault.
It’s a lot more complicated than all that, really, but I think there’s a clear distinction between what’s happening here and what’s happened to Billie beyond the gender of the victim. Suffice it to say that if Ethan had no reason to expect Joyce to kiss him than yes, this would probably be assault.
Or if Ethan had told her previously he wouldn’t be comfortable with them kissing, which he probably hasn’t, but if he HAD that makes it assault. Sorry.
Well yes, as a general rule you really ought to ask if kissing is ok before you do it, even if you are in a relationship. That does not mean this is really assult per se, but she did not technically have his consent, no.
Really? There must be some time it finally is acceptable, when you are in a relationship. If I asked my wife for permission before I kissed her, she would look at me like I was insane.
When you water down assault down to this degree, it undermines the seriousness of real offenses. Going in for a kiss and being rejected is not assault. Repeating this behavior when you know it’s not appreciated is a different story.
That’s always the awkward part, is figuring out what ACTUALLY constitutes “assault”. It’s hard to categorize, really. At the end of the day, though, it kind of comes down to if the victim feels they have been assaulted or not.
But then you get some cases where the victim is stuck in codependency, and even THAT definition doesn’t work… :/
Depends on if you’re talking about it casually or in the context of the law. And those differ from region to region, never mind country to country. Common sense would dictate this situation is… well, sad. He’s leading her on and she assumes kissing is appropriate in this circumstance. If fault would be given, they’d both have a part of it. That sed, this situation is just… awkward.
I’m not sure if Mike wouldn’t be… oddly helpful in this sad situation. He’s fooling himself and her and she’s doing the same via naivete/ignorance. Mike might just be what these two need to prevent further heartbreak. Then again, heartbreak is a vital tool in understanding oneself and life in general – it has it’s place and should be allowed to follow it’s course to a certain extent. Yes, I’m saying trauma would be good for Joyce, and knowing he’s been an asshole to someone as innocent as her might be good for Ethan as well (if his conscience isn’t completely dormant by this point).
To me, it looks as if when Walky and Dorothy kiss, their faces begin to merge, but when Joyce and Ethan kiss, it looks like she is sucking up his face, consuming him!
Yeah, neither Ethan nor Joyce are really pitiable in this situation. They’ve both made very stupid and/or bad decisions, and both are going to wind up paying for it.
Man, that was kind of my reaction. After her tremendous showing in the other strip, this is all she gets? But I have faith. There may never be epic world breaking here, but someday she’ll be interesting.
Well if Shortpacked is anything to go by then this pizzeria is probably just a cover for her more ‘lucrative’ business that comes in middle of the night in delivery trucks with a surprisingly high RAD count for supposed pizza making machinery.
Also Pepsi vs death, eh, you win some you lose some.
Ohhhhh. Yeah, in retrospect that was a clumsy phrasing, and I can see how one could read it as referring to Ethan. John had the correct interpretation, but I’m sorry for something which could’ve been read as homophobic.
I was gonna say, it’s ironic that both halves of the couple kissing in the last panel would probably rather be kissing the same-gendered person directly across from them.
Pepsi is awesome, way to go Galasso’s Pizza (and subs).
And I’m still in “aww” mode over Dorothy wearing the shirt, so I’m just going to ignore that last panel…
Honestly, I can’t wait for Joyce’s soul to be crushed into thousands of tiny pieces when Ethan tells her the truth. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve already seen one Joyce mature over roughly 8 years or so, but I can’t stand seeing this Joyce.
What the balls is…I’m just gonna look it up.
Huh. Mello Yello doesn’t look particularly appetizing to me… Replace it with Big Red and then I’d agree with you.
Okay, cue a nice “OH GOD NO I’M GAY” out burst.
Sadly, that’s not Ethan. He’ll probably go along with this until he spots a really sexy guy who he’s super into. Then something might happen. Maybe.
So which train wreck is worse here, the five year old boy in a college freshman’s body and the girlfriend who wants him to grow up, or the out of the closet gay guy who by omission is encouraging a girl who was probably raised by homophobes to think of him as a boyfriend?
You know when I put it that way, it’s abundantly clear how hard David Willis is working to make everything that happens be ridiculous. This includes the other thing with the girl screwing her class TA out of boredom even after listening to his would-be girlfriend complain in no uncertain terms that he’s not worth the effort.
This comic just made me feel uncomfortable. Mostly because I don’t think anyone should have to hide their sexual orientation… I hope this gets solved quickly.
Whichever sweet beverage gives me the most caffeine per cent. I haven’t tallied many beverages for this, but 2 L Mountain Dew seems to be the best so far. (plus I love the blue dew) If anyone else knows any better beverages for this scale, let me know.
Just do a google search for 5150 juice. For $60 you’ll get 64,000 mg of caffiene. (That’s 400 Monster Engergy Drinks or 1,185 12 oz cans of Mountain Dew).
A can of Sprite that has been sitting in the car at the peak of a hot midsummer day, second best drink in the world next to a hot ginger ale (hot as in a sip from a cold bottle of one makes you feel like someone just punched your uvula into the back of your throat).
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
thank you
True. Coke is the alternative. Pepsi is the first pick.
(RC is the kid at gym class listening to even Water and Bud Light get picked before him).
This is why we can’t have nice things.
I pity anyone picking either Coke OR Pepsi. You know why that junk is served cold? Because cold numbs the taste buds to and it tricks you into thinking that what you’re drinking isn’t crap. It’s also why piss-water beer bottles and cans or whatever have those labels that tell you when it’s “good” to drink them.
Almost makes me think of Julian Smith. He has some hot koolaid >.>…… I MADE THIS FOR YOU!!!!
I would follow you into battle Skull
Frostbite, I’m pretty sure skull has herpes.
I’m sorry, but being served cold isn’t a sign of bad quality. Ice cream is served cold, but that’s not to hide bad flavours.
The simple fact of the matter is that every item has an ideal service temperature. It comes down to texture and mouth feel in a lot of situations, but anyone who prepares something for consumption knows that it will taste best a certain way.
Preference also has something to do with how its served, I drink the shit out of coke or pepsi depending on mood and i prefer it at room temp, though nothing beats mountain dew in flavor, just too bad it gives me chest pains these days.
Iced Tea, for example, is served cold not to hide flavour but because cold drinks are more refreshing, especially on hot days.
In short, Joe H, you’re being stupid.
If you think that colder temp foods don’t numb the palette, then you’re the one being dumb.
Ice cream is served cold because of function, not taste. The contents of a banana split would fall to the bottom of a thick sweet milk drink if you put it in while warm. Or whatever condiments you put on it.
Any beer worth drinking is worth drinking warm. Same for soda. Same for tea. Sorry if you’re drinking and eating stuff that needs to be chilled to mask the flavor.
Wow. Just… wow. I’ve seen people fight a lot of really stupid battles
on the internet, but never before have I seen someone claim that ALL
cold beverages are only cold to mask their shitty flavor. You, sir, win the
coveted Tinfoil Tiara for the day.
Tinfoil tiara? You insult me ma’am. There’s no way a tiara of any sort could stop the gub’ment mind control rays; doesn’t there’s a big hole on the top of it. Uh doi!
Damnit. Didn’t click stop in time when I noticed the extra word in there. Oh well.
Tinfoil tiara? You insult me ma’am. There’s no way a tiara of any sort could stop the gub’ment mind control rays; there’s a big hole on the top of it. Uh doi!
But… wine is best served chilled regardless of quality. In fact, a good wine must be chilled in order to deliver all of its aromas.
White wine is, ideally, served at “cellar” temperature or a little below 50º F though some people recommend a temperature a bit closer to 60º F.
Red wine should be -very- slightly chilled as well, depending on the temperature at which it is stored. A complex red should be served at around 65º F.
Beers, similarly, should be served chilled. In fact, they should be served cooler than wines. For example, a pilsner should be served a bit above 40º F while IPAs and Stouts should be around 55º F.
This is why I drink water icy cold, to mask the taste.
M’am you are quite something……
Well, firstly, the link you provide to prove that “cold temperatures dull flavours” is a wiki page and the link it provides to say that cold temperatures is an article about how colder temptures and water enhance the flavour of whiskey. It seems a pointless link to provide and doesn’t help your argument whatsoever.
Secondly, your argument would also imply that milkshakes are cold just to dull your taste buds. Functionally, it’s not much different than drinking melted ice cream. I’ve also never met anyone who drank milkshakes to cool down.
So, in short, you’re being deliberately obtuse. Your argument is fruitless. There are a multitude of reasons to have cold drinks, and you cannot state that a drink doesn’t taste good if it’s intended to be served cold.
I hear some philistines even drink vintage champagne chilled. That stuff must be rank, eh?
Dear God. The pseudoscience here offends me at every possible level.
Yes, tastes are dulled at colder temperatures. This is true. However, beer and soda have something else in common: They have carbon dioxide dissolved into them. (Sometimes nitrogen in certain beers, but that’s only marginally relevant to the point here.)
Look at the solubility curve of CO2 in water. LOOK AT IT. More cold = more bubbles. More bubbles = more effervescence. This is actually a key textural component to sodas and beers, as the flavor profile DOES change as the drink goes flat.
This meesage brought to you by Science: Breaking Tinfoil Hats Via The Application Of Facts Since The Dawn Of Tinfoil Hats.
Well, also if the nature of the thing is to have more flavor than ideal you would serve it cold. Warm ice-cream is too sweet for most people to enjoy, serving it cold makes it feel less sweet. Alternatively: ice cream is as sweet as it is so it still tastes sweet even when cold. One of those things >.<
I can’t comment on beer, but I’ve drank a lot of tea and a whole lot of soda, and I’ve never found any that tastes better warm than cold and I doubt you could name one that I would agree with. In fact I want all my drinks ice cold. Milk and water and juice and slushies and cough medicine and crushed ants and human blood (long story) and liquefied salad (longer, grosser story) and everything else. I don’t know how you would measure, let’s say, pepsi as “not worth drinking” if you do in fact enjoy drinking it when it’s cold, and enjoy it a great deal more than a number of other cold beverages.
Also a funny thing, I’ll take pepsi over coke any day, but I find coke tastes marginally tolerable at room temperature and pepsi doesn’t.
And when I say “warm beer I mean between 45 and 55 degrees. The content make up of some beers become unstable and separate if they get any warmer.
Centigrade, of course.
Unless specified, all temperatures are assumed to be kelvin.
Heh, 45 Kelvin beer…
I sorta agreed with you on some of what you said until you mentioned the beer being warm thing.
Thank you for specifying a temperature, since 45-55 is not ‘warm’. I’ve been trying to imagine a room temperature Guinness and it’s left me sad.
As to the other things, cold is sometimes used to mask flavors, sometimes it’s part of the drink. I agree that coke is a pretty low quality drink (still better than pepsi) but really we only drink it for the sugar/caffeine buzz and the wonderfully acidic burn it leaves in your stomach.
Real Coke is actually a pretty damned good drink. I’m referring, of course, to the Coke made with real sugar (here, we refer to that as “Mexicoke”) rather than High Fructose Corn Syrup. The stuff we serve in the US is actually pretty terrible, when you think of it…though, I’m still a fan of Coke over Poopsy.
Oh yes. Pepsi or Coke, it matters little compaired to whether of not it is made with real sugar. Mexicoke is easier for me to get my hands on, so mexicoke it is.
I love mexicoke, theres a beer store near me that sells the pint glass bottles, and to be honest most information ive found is that the containment unit used to store any liquid beverage affects taste, like beer from a bottle is better than from a can, so is soda, better from a glass bottle than from any other container.
If I presume Farenheit, then your definition of “warm” beer is… 7 to 12 celcius.
Really? You must be quite the fan of Coors Lite and all that kind of cack. Y’know… beer that actually needs to advertise in order to get sales.
The recommended temperature of a fridge is 4 to 8’C (39.2 to 46.4’F), so by that scale if your fridge was running at the upper range of that, or if it was around the middle of the range and you let the beer sit for more than a few seconds (or, horrors, poured it out into a glass that was not itself refrigerated), you’d end up drinking it warm.
Tap water, when allowed to run for a while and so be at least cool if not “cold”, is generally taken (by industry standards) to be 15’C, or 59’F. Now, that may not be ideal serving temperature for beer, but it would still be reasonably palatable (especially if an ale or bitter rather than a lager), and if we dropped it, say, 5’C further to 10’C (about the temperature of tapwater coming from an underground feedpipe in winter, enough to make your bones ache a bit if you hold your hand under it for more than a few seconds), it’d be just fine. The typical “super chill” beer that have their own special gimmicky pumps at the bar themselves tend to “only” go down to about 4-5’C…
tl;dr version – if you can’t gulp your last half-pint in a hurry without getting brainfreeze as your buddies head for the door having spotted the last bus coming up the road a few minutes early, then it’s too cold.
I drink both of them warm. Also Dr. Pepper and rootbeer.
Damned agnostics…
xD Alright, that was pretty funny/insightful.
careful toughguy. don’t cut yourself on that edge
I prefer 99% of soda to be at room temperature.
Whilst cold does have a numbing effect on the taste buds (which is why, for example, most ice cream recipes call for a lot of sugar to compensate for the effect,) what is drunk hot or cold is more a function of culture than anything. The idea of putting ice in drinks is mostly an American thing. In many parts of the world, all sodas are drunk at room temperature, and some cultures think that hot drinks, not cold, cool you down in warm weather.
Please explain the popularity of HOT Coca-cola with lemon or ginger in Asia then.
Explain the fascination with bittermelon, jackfruit, and durian over there first, and I’ll accept that “Asia” is always a reliable authority on good taste.
(Also, isn’t that more of a cold remedy than a common drink?)
I ask for my Pepsi without ice, and Coke is not an acceptable substitute.
I would also like to add that people picking Coke or Pepsi are clearly brain washed, just because they are made by two different companies doesn’t mean they are different products! They are exactly the same people! Just as there is no difference between 7-up and Sprite!
Wait, you mean water and Bud Light are different substances?
Water is much less likely to give you the shits.
Depends on your local
Dude. If your water tastes like Bud Light, you should probably get some sort of filter. That can’t be good for you.
That made me smile. Thank you. =D
I salute you.
RC is still my favorite cola, by a wide margin.
Meh. I’d rather have coffee.
AACK! I cringe everytime there’s Pepsi. I always gravitate to Coke or Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper is the only acceptable soda.
I would posit that Dr. Pepper OR Mr. Pibb are acceptable sodas.
I posit that Mr. Pibb is the Mike of sodas.
I have to agree there, and then there’s Pibb XTRA!
I’m just drinking random cola from – is more cost-efficient.
Whoops, there’s a word missing.
Drat, and I was just about to google prices on – Cola.
Ding, ding ,ding …. we have a winner!
Well, is Monopoly money OK? Because no, Pepsi sucks.
Pepsi is NEVER an Alternative! Truer words ha’ ne’er been said!
Absolutely, but at least she asked.
The worst is when you order a Coke, you’re waiting for your meal, and you take a sip of your drink expecting it to be Coke an suddenly it’s, “Bleagh! Pepsi, my old enemy!” Then you have to flag down the server and get it replaced with a Mountain Dew or something. It’s a quadruple annoyance, since you drank something you don’t like, you have to flag someone down to replace your drink, you have nothing good to drink until it’s replaced, and you’ve got that awful taste in your mouth until then.
It just makes me want to shake the person and say, “Coke is a brand name! It’s not a generic name for ‘dark-colored soft drink’!”
They’re in Indiana, where “Coke” is actually a generic term for and all soft drinks. We Hoosiers don’t talk English real good.
This. I grew up in Indiana. “Seven-Up” is a legitimate answer to, “What kind of coke do you want?”.
I grew up in Georgia, home of Coca-Cola, and I’ve always been mystified by the assertion that Southerners will use “Coke” to mean any soft drink. It’s not a Southern thing — it’s your thing. It’s all your faults! ALL YOUR FAULTS! AAAAAH!!! /jumps through plate glass, screaming
In Romania, once the Iron Curtain fell, Coca Cola was quick to be widely available in the newly-established private stores, but Pepsi was largely absent for yet a few years (1-3-ish). Coca Cola was so popular that every pop/soda drink was being referred to as ‘a cola’, eventually ‘Pepsi cola’ became a thing. It’s been quite a few years now and it’s far less common for people to call Pepsi ‘Pepsi cola’, but it’s still an acceptable turn of phrase.
Just goes to show how important it is to be the first on the scene in a new market. Incidentally, same applies to people and relationships – your first will likely mark you and your preferences for life.
Must be a southern, or at least rural Indiana thing. Don’t really hear it spoken that way around Indianapolis.
I have never understood the fight between Coke and Pepsi. They are both pop. *shrug*
The Dr. Pepper family is clearly superior, anyway, because, AFAICT, Sunkist is the only caffeinated orange soda.
Now THIS argument I will have…
It’s like Billy got pre drunk and started arguing with herself…
Waiters in restaurants tend to not like that term, though. Not specific enough.
Heh… As someone who grew up in a “pop” area and now lives in a “soda” area, I can tell you it’s not so simple.
Anyways, to see the name distribution in the US see this site:
The Pop vs. Soda Page
All I have to say to the south is, Coke is a brand name, dammit!
Faygo all the way WOOO
Who brags about drinking Faygo? That’s like standing up proud for grocery store brand soda.
“Aw yeah, Sam’s Choice all the way! It’s not a terrible compromise brought about by extreme poverty — it’s a lifestyle brand!”
On the other hand, if you live in an area with a Meijer, they have two store-brand colas. One is a Coke clone and the other is a Pepsi clone. Both are actually close enough that the only reason to not buy them (for half the price) is name-brand snobbery.
its for those who think young.
It’s not, but at least she asked. I really hate expecting a Coke and getting a Pepsi.
Sorry, but I’ll take (real, not diet) Coke over an incredibly sweet substance which you can hear and feel dissolving your teeth and which leaves an aftertaste in your mouth for the next hour like Pepsi any day.
I like how this whole long argument was started by a quick exchange taking place in the background….
Pepsi is no worse for your teeth than Coke is. You’re lying to yourself.
They taste exactly the same…
Or at least to me they do, I’ve never noticed any difference.
Nope. Pepsi’s sweeter, and Coke has a more pronounced vanilla flavor. Interestingly, in double-blind taste tests where subjects are asked to take one sip of each, Pepsi tends to do better, but when they’re asked to drink a whole can/bottle, Coke wins.
The sweetness wins out in the short term, but quickly becomes cloying.
Wrong. Pepsi is for hipsters. Coke is the true man’s drink.
True. It’s not the alternative, it’s the only true choice.
Holy crap, this discussion has ended up being mentioned on the twitter…
Is this a kissing web comic?
I prefer “glorious illustration of multiple saliva swaps between members of sex inciting drama and insanity” but yeah, I guess this could fit under the category of “kissing”, right next to AWESOME and MACARONI.
Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses rated the most passionate, the most pure. This is not one of them.
But one day you may not mind that so much!
But he clearly said, “to blaive,” which means to bluff!
But he is not left-handed!
As you wish.
Have fun storming the castle!
Stop saying that.
Liar! Liiiiiaaaaaarrr!
You keep using that word…I do not think it means what you think it means…
I want my father back, you son of a bongo.
One day, you may not mind the kissing so much.
“I have seen the enemy, and he is me. But with broader shoulders.”
And better fashion sense, but the bar for that is low enough that you could play limbo with it.
I hate that question. No, Pepsi is NOT ok.
That’s when I switch to Sprite or 7-Up.
Dr. Pepper for me. Or my personal favorite, “Pepper-Up”
I always choose Dr. Pepper. Or Dr. Pepper 10 if I’m feeling daring.
If the business has Coca Cola drinks I tend to go for Coke or Sprite, if it has pepsi I go for seven up or Manzanita sol.
Sometimes I wonder how annoying would I become if I ever get a boyfriend …
By the way… it’s my birthday and I will read comics if I want too
Happy Birthday!
Indded! Happy most glorious day of your birth!
Small quirks are part of the fun of a significant other.
I don’t like carbonated drinks period.
Yeah, it’s never a good idea to eat anything’s period. Unless it’s chicken eggs.
If that was a crack at Aizat’s poor punctuation from the lack of a comma before “period,” you should know that the lack of an apostrophe makes your interpretation incorrect as well.
Yep. I just wanted an excuse to talk about chicken periods ^^
They’re delicious.
“I just wanted an excuse to talk about chicken periods”– Well darn, that caught my eye and now I have to read the whole comment tree.
Sometimes, reading the comments is better than the comic. This is one of them.
Fair enough.
Yes, Pepsi is NOT okay, it is the BEST cola.
OK soda is the best soda.
Exactly. It is -preferred-. This is empirical fact NONE OF YOU CAN DISAGREE.
I agree, if they don’t have real coke, it’s lemonade or iced tea, I can’t stand Pepsi.
Oh dear, this can’t end well.
Joyce’s kissing skills are just as good as that first guy who tried to blow up the Death Star but missed.
I guess that guy’s aim just wasn’t very. . .
Tongue n cheek.
Yah, that dude was a real bad kisser.
Christ, ANOTHER one of these strips? Can’t we go one damn week without Dina hogging the spotlight?
She’s such an attention whore.
She’s such an attentionsaur.
The fans wanted more Dina.
There is no +1 button, so I will respond to say “Plus one to this!”
So, Galasso’s Pizzaria is sponsored by Pepsi?
Well, he IS evil.
The Gravatar made this perfect.
So, Dumbing of Age is sponsored by Pepsi?
Willis wishes.
The real Mother Bear’s Pizza serves Pepsi.
Why would you eat there?
It’s two identically-tasting colas, man. I never understand the hysterics surrounding them.
Thank you.
You tell em willis
Mostly because it’s funny.
If they’re identically-tasting, why can I tell when I’ve ordered a Coke and I get a Pepsi instead?
Yay Pamela!
That made me happy, too.
But, but this means the sinking of the SS DargonxGalasso.
They were perfect for each other…
So when do we start demanding that Joyce be arrested for sexual assault?
No, according to the law of double standard, we should go d’awwww.
I’m pretty sure that this is, at best, a d’oh.
D’aaw, look at the sheltered religious girl, finally making a move on a fine, fine dude.
Too bad her heart will be broken into a thousand tiny pieces when she finds out he’s gay. From Mike.
Also, only 52 hours for the first kiss? Gasp! Scandalous!
Her forwardness may cause him to come clean, or end it tomorrow when he realises he can’t do what she wants from him.
Assuming he doesn’t just glass her first.
He’s going to have to give her roofies daily and tell her that they were just getting freaky every time she loses her memory. That’s how I’ve kept my bear… wife this long. Wife.
One of my favorite 30 Rock jokes:
“Women are allowed to get madder over the double standard than men.”
Joyce has made him aware that she thinks they’re a couple, and Ethan hasn’t tried at all to dissuade her of this notion. In fact, he’s just fine with leading her on. So, technically, they’re “together”, so you can’t really spin what Joyce clearly views as a public display of affection (albeit brought on for the wrong reasons) as assault.
I mean, if tomorrow Ethan shoves her away and she keeps trying, then I think it becomes assault. Or if Ethan had told her previously he wouldn’t be comfortable with them kissing, which he probably hasn’t, but if he hadn’t that makes it assault.
It’s a lot more complicated than all that, really, but I think there’s a clear distinction between what’s happening here and what’s happened to Billie beyond the gender of the victim. Suffice it to say that if Ethan had no reason to expect Joyce to kiss him than yes, this would probably be assault.
Or if Ethan had told her previously he wouldn’t be comfortable with them kissing, which he probably hasn’t, but if he HAD that makes it assault. Sorry.
And obviously it’s a great deal more complex than I’m making it out to be but it’s late and I’m tired.
She didn’t have consent, and no amount of “She thinks they’re in a relationship and Ethan hasn’t said they aren’t” gives her consent.
I mean, seriously?
Well yes, as a general rule you really ought to ask if kissing is ok before you do it, even if you are in a relationship. That does not mean this is really assult per se, but she did not technically have his consent, no.
Really? There must be some time it finally is acceptable, when you are in a relationship. If I asked my wife for permission before I kissed her, she would look at me like I was insane.
People actually do need to warn me before touching me, no matter how close our relationship is. I specifically state as much, though.
When you water down assault down to this degree, it undermines the seriousness of real offenses. Going in for a kiss and being rejected is not assault. Repeating this behavior when you know it’s not appreciated is a different story.
That’s always the awkward part, is figuring out what ACTUALLY constitutes “assault”. It’s hard to categorize, really. At the end of the day, though, it kind of comes down to if the victim feels they have been assaulted or not.
But then you get some cases where the victim is stuck in codependency, and even THAT definition doesn’t work… :/
Depends on if you’re talking about it casually or in the context of the law. And those differ from region to region, never mind country to country. Common sense would dictate this situation is… well, sad. He’s leading her on and she assumes kissing is appropriate in this circumstance. If fault would be given, they’d both have a part of it. That sed, this situation is just… awkward.
And that’s the only thing going in anywhere in that relationship!
Run Ethan, run!!!
I think we’ve reached the point of no return for Ethan to back out without feelings getting hurt.
I think we passed that several months ago.
Better to do it here, then wait for the wedding day … or before Mike decides to make it worse
Mike has already decided to make it worse. He’s just biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to act.
I’m not sure if Mike wouldn’t be… oddly helpful in this sad situation. He’s fooling himself and her and she’s doing the same via naivete/ignorance. Mike might just be what these two need to prevent further heartbreak. Then again, heartbreak is a vital tool in understanding oneself and life in general – it has it’s place and should be allowed to follow it’s course to a certain extent. Yes, I’m saying trauma would be good for Joyce, and knowing he’s been an asshole to someone as innocent as her might be good for Ethan as well (if his conscience isn’t completely dormant by this point).
To me, it looks as if when Walky and Dorothy kiss, their faces begin to merge, but when Joyce and Ethan kiss, it looks like she is sucking up his face, consuming him!
I think that’s to show the suddenness and different state of mind for each party.
Dayum does Joyce even kiss?
*sighs* It’s just not as funny without context.
…no one expects the Spanish Inquisition?
And cue Amber walking in.
Amber and Mike. (Who has clearly forced this line of events from all the way back here: http://www.dumbingofage.com/2012/comic/book-2/02-choosing-my-religion/lincoln/)
You smell that? That’s the figurative shit hitting the proverbial fan.
If you look closely, you’ll notice that Pam’s apron does, indeed, mention that they have subs at Gelasso’s Pizza (and subs)
Right answer, wrong universe.
I could…
Take a number. The line forms to the right.
Dina, Dina is going to kiss Dina.
She needs no kissy when she’s got T. rex.
Jeff Goldblum, obviously.
Walky’s answer in panel 3 is basically me in any conversation.
So…Joyce is forcing a kiss on a terrified gay dude, and as far as I remember, this is her FIRST kiss.
…Startin’ off on the right foot, Joyce.
Oh, poor, poor Ethan.
No, no, this is just deserts. Mind you, I can’t stay mad at the guy, but he needs to tell Joyce he can’t give her what she wants, and soon.
Yeah, neither Ethan nor Joyce are really pitiable in this situation. They’ve both made very stupid and/or bad decisions, and both are going to wind up paying for it.
Coming off of SP!’s latest story arc, I feel like Pamela’s new role is kinda… sad.
Why? She gets to spend time with her husband and daughter, and doesn’t have to break a universe to do it. Seems like a win-win to me.
It seems a lot better than what she’s doing in SP! right now.
Yea, decomposing is pretty bad. But working in a restaurant that only has Pepsi products? I’d say it’s six of one, half a dozen of the other.
All part of her plan. They’ll never notice the experimental formulas she’s slipped in each glass.
Man, that was kind of my reaction. After her tremendous showing in the other strip, this is all she gets? But I have faith. There may never be epic world breaking here, but someday she’ll be interesting.
And yeah, better’n dead fer sure.
Well if Shortpacked is anything to go by then this pizzeria is probably just a cover for her more ‘lucrative’ business that comes in middle of the night in delivery trucks with a surprisingly high RAD count for supposed pizza making machinery.
Also Pepsi vs death, eh, you win some you lose some.
Uh oh!
Joyce’s eyes are looking a little green there.
Come on Joyce, You don’t want your first kiss to be out of petty jelousy. It has to be out of desperation.
This will only end in tears.
Only if Dorothy is a lesbian. We know she’s not a lesbian because she hasn’t kissed Billie.
She’s wearing the shirt Walky picked out. This pleases me.
The people asked for another comic with two girls kissing, and that’s exactly what you gave them!
I feel offended by this comment and I’m not gay.
I feel confused by this comment and I am gay?
I don’t think the intent was to call Ethan a girl. There are two girls kissing in this comic. They’re just not kissing each other.
They totally should be, though. Joyce really needs to just own her girl-crush on Dorothy and stop using poor Ethan as a proxy.
I apologize.
Ohhhhh. Yeah, in retrospect that was a clumsy phrasing, and I can see how one could read it as referring to Ethan. John had the correct interpretation, but I’m sorry for something which could’ve been read as homophobic.
I was gonna say, it’s ironic that both halves of the couple kissing in the last panel would probably rather be kissing the same-gendered person directly across from them.
It’s almost as if she’s dislocated his shoulder!
Aw geez, is this what my gravatar looks like now? I’ve become what I hate.
And yet your gravatar seems so accepting of the situation.
“It’s okay if you point at me. I don’t mind, really!”
They’re not hard to change you know.
That that would end the roulette fun!
You’re three days late.
She should have known better than to hold hands, as it led her to this moment. Joyce totally got pregnant right there.
No glove, no love.
Aww, she’s trying to keep up!
Wait ’til she finds out what they’re doing in the bedroom.
Wait, Pamela didn’t die from Dramatic Plot Disease in this timeline? Neat!
(granted, she’s probably already made an appearance in DA, but this is just the first one I’ve noticed)
Quick look at tags says yes, this is her only appearance so far.
Handy things, those tags. Also potentially time-consuming if you click the wrong one.
Galasso mentioned she would be coming to their table soon.
Okay, what happened to Ethan’s right shoulder/body in that last panner? Is he part of the Goo People?
I have been to several places that serve RC products, so having Pepsi would be a step up.
2 people in this room died in another universe.
More than that.
Three. At least.
Joyce is heartrendingly cute in the third panel.
If by “heartrendingly cute” you mean “displaying all the emotional maturity of a spoiled brat”, then sure, we’ll go with that.
I think she missed his lips.
Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy, I cannot wait for the inevitable reveal. Soulcrush!
Pepsi is awesome, way to go Galasso’s Pizza (and subs).
And I’m still in “aww” mode over Dorothy wearing the shirt, so I’m just going to ignore that last panel…
Mountain Dew or Pepsi Max for me.
joyce, I’m not sure how to say this but…. I think you missed
Why so surprised, Ethan? Isn’t your face usually where a beard goes?
…Well played.
I buy that for a dollar!
Oh my.
Joyce…. You’re trying too hard.
“Probably. I’m pretty great”
Ahaha! Not lacking in self confidence, is he?
Not yet Walky, but you’re halfway there.
Surprise smooches? On a Monday?
Clearly there has been some kind of scheduling error.
hahahahaha!!! Nice catch, crumple!
“Is Pepsi ok?”
“Only if Canadian money is ok.”
I doubt they’d have much problem with it, being three cents under a US Dollar, currently.
“If it doesn’t fit, you cannot commit”
Do you mean to imply that Ethan is… That his…?
Ohhhh myyyy.
I love how she’s like *jealous* and he’s like *how cute.*
Ethan and Joyce’s faces didn’t melt together! Not a real kiss! NOT A REAL KISS!
Eh, I much prefer Pepsi. Lesser of two evils.
I much prefer Coke, especially Cherry Coke Zero. That’s the good stuff!
I prefer Cherry Coke, but I can’t find it here in Alberta. I get my parents to bring it up from Arizona when they visit.
No. No it’s not okay. It’s NEVER okay.
Ethan’s explosive reveal in three, two, one…
To which Joyce responds with, “happy, right? :S”.
Honestly, I can’t wait for Joyce’s soul to be crushed into thousands of tiny pieces when Ethan tells her the truth. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve already seen one Joyce mature over roughly 8 years or so, but I can’t stand seeing this Joyce.
Boy, that escalated quickly.
And now we know for sure Pamela is alive in this universe! Truely this is a good monday.
Premarital hanky-panky!
Oh Sh- where’s Mike?!
Despite the fact this is going to end in tears, Joyce’s blushing kiss is goddamn *adorable*. Like, a basket full of kittens level adorable.
That is poetry, my friend.
All I can hear with that kiss is that weird kid from FLCL screaming “SMOOOOCH! SMU SMOOOCH! SMOOOOOOOCH!”
Then Ethan’s enormous “thingie” erupts from his head, jabs into Joyce’s stomach, and Sal plays a bass solo.
And now Ethan walks out saying “fuck off.”
Lol! Silly Walky. It’s so awkward when a boy starts to thinks girls don’t have cooties.
Cool Pamela insert. (Thumbs up.)
Any place not serving Dr. Pepper and/or Mello Yello is not my friend.
What the balls is…I’m just gonna look it up.
Huh. Mello Yello doesn’t look particularly appetizing to me… Replace it with Big Red and then I’d agree with you.
i feel so sorry for ethan, but at the same time he should stick up for himself instead of being such a putz.
Is the next one where Ethan vomits directly into Joyce’s open mouth?
They might have to go back to their dorms before they begin foreplay.
Okay, cue a nice “OH GOD NO I’M GAY” out burst.
Sadly, that’s not Ethan. He’ll probably go along with this until he spots a really sexy guy who he’s super into. Then something might happen. Maybe.
Man, is Joyce queing up to be the new Mary? Eh? Eh? Anybody remember Mary?
I don’t know about that one. DoA already has a Mary and she still comes off as worse than Joyce.
No wonder she was a virgin, if she kept throwing herself at gay guyz.
I don’t know what Joyce is kissing, but it sure isn’t his mouth.
So which train wreck is worse here, the five year old boy in a college freshman’s body and the girlfriend who wants him to grow up, or the out of the closet gay guy who by omission is encouraging a girl who was probably raised by homophobes to think of him as a boyfriend?
You know when I put it that way, it’s abundantly clear how hard David Willis is working to make everything that happens be ridiculous. This includes the other thing with the girl screwing her class TA out of boredom even after listening to his would-be girlfriend complain in no uncertain terms that he’s not worth the effort.
This comic just made me feel uncomfortable. Mostly because I don’t think anyone should have to hide their sexual orientation… I hope this gets solved quickly.
Also, Coke is definitely better.
I can’t believe people are arguing over sugared water with artificial taste and colouring.
I prefer Ramune myself.
Agreed. I’ll quite happily drink either, or neither, depending on mood, food pairing, and availability.
Like most nerd “fights”, I long since decided to find it a source of amusement instead of frustration.
So amusing when Joyce corrupts herself.
Whichever sweet beverage gives me the most caffeine per cent. I haven’t tallied many beverages for this, but 2 L Mountain Dew seems to be the best so far. (plus I love the blue dew) If anyone else knows any better beverages for this scale, let me know.
Just do a google search for 5150 juice. For $60 you’ll get 64,000 mg of caffiene. (That’s 400 Monster Engergy Drinks or 1,185 12 oz cans of Mountain Dew).
The heart attacks come at no extra charge, of course. :p
A can of Sprite that has been sitting in the car at the peak of a hot midsummer day, second best drink in the world next to a hot ginger ale (hot as in a sip from a cold bottle of one makes you feel like someone just punched your uvula into the back of your throat).
mother bears pizza is the best
The dramatic irony is at a painful level.