Today and tomorrow I’m going to be at Cartoon Crossroads Columbus, here in Columbus, Ohio, at table 6! CXC is at the Columbus Metropolitan Library downtown, and admission to the event is free! Come say hellos.
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Today and tomorrow I’m going to be at Cartoon Crossroads Columbus, here in Columbus, Ohio, at table 6! CXC is at the Columbus Metropolitan Library downtown, and admission to the event is free! Come say hellos.
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We can ship it!
I might support this ship simply because a legitimate name for it would be “Lucky”.
That DOES sound better than Walcy…
The name is Sir Everett Walcy, Third Duke of Thingley, thank you very much.
Sounds like fanfic of Reginald and Lucinda’s descendants.
Already written in Lucinda’s head.
We’re up all night to get Lucky
We’re up all night to get Lucky
We’re up all night to get Lucky
How dare you turn my adoration for Daft Punk against my desire to see Walky and Amber be a happy thing?
I was going with Wallucy, but that’s much better.
I’m on board. I don’t think it’ll work out, but I’m on board.
Well my make-out commission on the book 7 kickstarter is Joyce/Dorothy, so I’m up for shipping most if not all of the things.
Go, Sir Lucky Walcy, 3rd Duke of Thingley!!!!1 xD
I already started shipping them yesterday.
It will last exactly as long as it takes Lucy to find a #Stool post.
…. unfortunately she’ll have scripted 3 fanfics around him by then.
But can you handle the post and handling cost?
You could name a chapter “I Love Lucy”…
Oh, god, that’s adorable.
I guess it makes sense. Walky is, canonically, a good looking dude.
You might even say… That’s a real good lookin’ boy?
Indeed. I am surprised, impressed, and pleased by how adorable Lucy is when she’s feeling flustered.
Between all the comments throughout by girls about caramel and whatnot, I’ve decided that the Walkerton’s secret is really good skin. Blemish-free skin is extremely rare(damnit!) and extremely attractive. Between that and his being a bit more muscular than a stick he’s got some serious leverage.
Given his life and eating habits, the fact that he’s thin, muscular and has great skin makes it obvious that he is genetically blessed. Sal is fundamentally right: Walky lives a life of unearned blessings. His burgeoning harem is just another example of Walky winning because of, as you suggest, his skin.
You know Walky isn’y actually any ‘whiter’ than Sal, right? They’re colored in the exact same pallate. And his hair has frizz to it to, it’s just that he wears it shorter than Sal so it doesn’t have as much chance to curl.
Everything that applies to Walky applies to Sal, appearance wise. They’re both beautiful caramel demigods. His degree of ‘whiteness’ relative to Sal is a construct of her own self-image and(no doubt learned) internalized racism.Since your the one bringing it up, I guess I’m free to continue my crusade against people taking everything Sal chooses to believe at face value.
Might not just be her internalized racism. Could be his too. I suppose “She’s black and I’m generically beige” is just his reflection of her attitude?
And of course their parents.
Potential love triangle? :0
… we are way, WAY beyond triangles.
Aww, that’s so cute! You’re still mapping in two dimensions!
To be fair, 2D constructs are the cognitive basis of mapping in higher dimensional spaces.
This is the comic equivalent of that Community episode where Abed points out that theoretically, anyone could bone anyone else.
If only you believed like I believe, baby like I believe
We’d get by~y~y~y
If only you believed in Miracles, baby in Miracles
SO WOULD I–in memory of Marty Balin
Trying again:
Lighting & holding up a candle for Marty Balin.
(The radio singles cut of “Miracles” was a peace, love and harmony New Age hymn. The album cut of the same song is a full-on sexual revolution anthem. I wonder what Joyce would have thought.)
She might no that have understood it at first.
Popular Walky is popular!
That’s kinda the opposite of the Truth. As I think about it, Amber and MAYBE Becky are the only genuine friends he seems to have. The rest of the cast seems to just tolerate him. We don’t even see any evidence of friends from before/outside of college.
I get the impression that for a number of reasons, walky is pretty isolated.
Popularity and genuine friends aren’t known for going hand-in-hand.
Billie’s been Walky’s friend since they were children, even if they didn’t talk as much in highschool because of Billie’s drinking and social circle.
Joyce is a friend he squabbles with, but is shown to still be a friend, even if Dorothy’s often been a point of contention between them. push comes to shove, they still care about each other.
On the one hand, Lucy please don’t develop crushes on strangers just because someone offhandedly toyed with the vaguest notion of you dating that stranger!
On the other hand, Lucy I am becoming dangerously invested in seeing you find someone to have a healthy relationship with.
Ken’s around, though DoA’s been largely avoiding some repeats with relationships, so figure it’d be someone new.
It is just avoiding repeats in general. Old ground may be retread with crushes but then things have turned out differently e.g. Leslie’s crush on Robin which in this case turned out very differently.
Self-shipping can be dangerous. It is known.
I stand by my original statement that Walky coming to Billie for advice was a terrible idea. However, it did lead to that adorable Lucy face in panel 4, so I guess it wasn’t a total loss.
I mean, “bang someone outside of your ex’s social group if you dont want to hurt her” is pretty solid advice. And i kinda stand by her comment of it being a rebound without much to it (besides mutual self loathing and a refusal to make oneself better opting to just wallow in self pity and continue being destructive to your own life instead) but im biased against the Garbage ship.
Also i think walky and lucy would be adorable
classy as always, billie
More complications! This is getting more dramatic and interesting by the minute. Do want and don’t want at the same time.
I’m gonna make popcorn, you guys want anything?
I feel like s’mores. We can toast them over the fires of drama.
Okey dokey, I’ll keyboard some up.
*does so*
I may need a drink. That Lucy-face!! But Amber’s face for Walky is also cute with the happiness of crush…
*keyboards up a drink*
If you decide you want one or not.
Not cool, Billie. Poor Lucy is going to take that off-hand suggestion seriously, and you should know her well enough to realise that, by now.
Does Billie really know her that well? In comic time, they first met four days ago.
Billie has seen her as much as we have (and more), and we can tell.
Sure, but that’s exactly what BILLIE would want – a flock of dorks fawning over her but never having a chance with her. And since Walky is her friend, she wants him to have the best too.
That last panel is walky realizing he came to tthe worst person possible for advice.
Yeah there’s a chance this might have been a mistake, I mean she gave some good insight but no one knows if the advice was for the best or not.
Walky would probably vote “not” right now.
It’s also disturbing/sad how Billie views relationships through such an adversarial lens.
so how does it work for her? Is it not a real romance until both people are stealing shit for each other and they agree to have a suicide pact.
Well I guess that is sort of romantic but I don’t think that works for everyone
Still, her interpretation has a pretty high probability of being correct.
Not that she’d know a good relationship if it’d bite her in the face.
The frustrating thing is, Billie has a point
Walky could EASILY be rebounding right now. He needs to ensure he cares for Amber because of who Amber is, and isn’t attracted just because she looks like Dorothy
He said he’s rebounding. He likes her because she’s “thicc Dorothy” and is with her because it makes his pain hurt less. That’s the definition of rebound.
The question is whether the relationship manages to get past being a rebound. Frankly, I expect it to go up into flames before that.
There’s no question this is a rebound, I’m just not ok with it being the “Just fuck and move on” type of rebound.
That kind of rebound has issues if the other party isn’t also just interested in fuck and move on.
One at a time please, pretty sure he still hasn’t had enough time to settle in with his current girl.
I thought for sure Walky x Lucy was gonna be a thing when she got upped to Main Cast and then Dorothy cut him loose.
Guess it’s gonna take a roundabout path to get there.
Or rather it might not happen at all but the possibility is being entertained.
I for one am enjoying Walkie’s harem manga storyline.
Wait this is kind of similar advice that Joe gave Danny early on in the strip.
Is… is Billie Bizarro Joe? Will Joe soon start dating a guy? Kick down a door? Get thunder thighs?
in before Joe ‘dates’ a guy as a reverse beard, kicks down a door to get Joyce out of a burning Lib Arts building, and having seen the power of kicking down a door, doubles down on Leg Day.
Good lord, thicc Joe.
[Holding up a lighter-or-candle]
Billy is terrible at romance advice. How shocking. Of course, I wonder if Dorothy will try to shrug it off then get suddenly very mad in their shared bathroom.
I’m sure she will TRY to shrug it off.
…how she channels her feelings about it is anyone’s guess. I think binge-working and passive aggressiveness.
And probably Joyce-hugs, but that’s more on Joyce than her
I mean, in general yeah but here shes kinda right
Oh dang. ….Billie knew, didn’t she.
well, yeah. She already was making it very clear that she knew he was coming to her to be enabled, not told that his doubts were and are correct. Judging by his face, she’s been hitting the nail on the head consistently in the last 10 minutes since he got there, starting at the generalizations
knew that lucy would totally crush on Walky.
Walky: I just want to be with Amber!
Billie: Yes, but it would be a temporary thing, right?
Walky: No, I want a concrete relationship in the garbage roof!
Billie: So… is this revenge sex?
Walky: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww, I identify with Lucy… shes sweet and awkward and seems to be overly optimistic to the point of missing social cues…. not necessarily driven, talented or religious… yeah… plenty of crushes on unavailable not so idealized guys.
She’s like Joyce without the Fucked up fundamentalist upbringing.
If they meet, the Squee singularity will ensue.
Man’s attracting ladies like moths to a recently single flame.
Like a moth to a flame, burned by the fire.
My love is blind. Can’t you feel my desire?
I guess since he didn’t peak in high school he’s having better luck in college as far as girls are concerned, school work not so much.
That’s when I really started dating a lot of women.
I had started in high school, though, but the number increased in college.
Life’s too long (as the Lemming said)
As the candle burned and the Moths were wed.
I think Billie is still sour for Walky getting together with Dorothy without her help.
And now she finds out that he manged to pick up a rebound without her help EITHER. And she even have a dork for him RIGHT HERE (“say hi, Lucy”).
Stupid Walky not appreciating Billie’s competence.
It’s the dumb Walky luck factor he can’t help it.
And his goofball charm
And that whole ‘sculpted caramel’ thing
Between this comment and the last few strips, I’m kinda getting a Lucy=Pyrah vibe. I think it was the “Hello!”
And I can see Walky as Juane…
Ah, yes,Juane Arc.
Sorry, Lucy. Until he throws a toy at your head, you’re not even on his radar.
What if – stay with me here – SHE throws the toy
Then Walky will politely turn her down as he knows what such an action means.
Then, when he breaks up with Amber six years from now, he and Lucy will bond in the Quagmire Quad.
And she hasn’t even dated Danny yet – everyone else who’s dated Walky has!
Sooo… will we have Walky/Ethan in the future?
If Walky skips Danny’s guy ex’s we’ll be able to hear commenter angst without even opening up our browsers.
Called it!
Damn it Willis, stop fuelling my already uncontrollable shipping!
I am all for more Lucy in the comic, but Lucy, hon…. you just heard him talk about his relationship complications, see the signs to not go near that anytime soon.
I’m upset that Walky has got more game with the ladies unintentionally than I do intentionally
My life experience has been that all my long term relationships have been unintentional. In fact I was told by one that I’m never Mr. Right, I’m almost always Mr. Right There. It’s like when someone needs a man I’m the guy who was there for that need. It’s a curse.
Good lord… by the time this comic is done, Walky will have boned every female character in this comic who are attracted to men.
Ok let’s not get ahead of ourselves, so far he’s only shown to be favorable amongst women from his own category ” The misfit nerd” a group now a days people such as myself take pride in being a part of.
I’m not sure I see how Dorothy is a misfit. She an Amber just have similar…lots of things.
If you go by the Urban dictionary definition of the term misfit it can be seen she has a few traits.
• not worried that much of their lack of a social life
•Follows her own beliefs but get some flack for it from a few others.
•Has a very small circle of good friends
Don’t want to look at it it seems like she inherits some of the non crappy traits of a misfit. So it’s not all bad.
Yeah, I- it’s not like Billie’s attracted to him. AT ALL. B-BAKA!!
Glasses are a must
Everything’s coming up Walky?
You can see Billie is Walky’s friend because if she really disliked him as much as she claims she would have realized her offhand suggestion would mean he’d spend a lot more time in her room.
More likely Billie wanted to get two nerds to stop pestering her at once, and didn’t do the math that one of them lived with her.
Or they’d be at Walky’s half the time, and would be distracted by each other when they’re back here.
Mike’s at Walky’s. They’d always be here.
Look, the logistics are pretty simple. Billie’s the sort who will respect a sock on a doorknob, and ESPECIALLY won’t open that doorknob if it’s Walky’s sock that’s covering it. So they just have fun in the dorm, while Billie basks in the admiration and praise of the rest of the wing or goes over to Ruth’s for some sock time.
those three frames where Lucy is very much a solid personality beyond her frame of interests and nerdiness are damning, Willis. You’re making me almost hope for her to be fleshed out and have the healthy relationship which will develop her personality into the potential human being those dang frames showed
“Why, yes, I do have a Twitter. Are you at all interested in stools?”
Augh a Walky arc. I want to see more of, not necessarily in this order: Joyce, Joe, Danny, Ethan, Marcie, Amber actually working through her issues and/or stabbing people that deserve it like captain rapeface, Joyce’s sister (I can’t keep up with the J names), Mike blackmailing Amber’s dad…
I’m pretty sure this storyline is going to be Sal heavy, but Amber/Walky’s tying into that (or acting as a B plot).
I’ve been annoyed lately whenever I pulled up the site hoping for Walky and Billie and getting Joyce and Sal or whatever, but Joyce and Jocelyne having a heart to heart is exactly what I didn’t realize I actually wanted.
I’ve wanted Joyce + Jocelyne storyline ever since Jocelyne came out to Ethan.
Although i guess Joyce isn’t quite ready for it yet…
Joyce is never ready for anything because she only seems to learn to reevaluate her prejudices through crisis.
Republican politician style, except for in her case it works with friends and not just herself and very occasionally her children.
I think when someone close to her comes out (either Jocelyne or Carla disclosing,) she’s going to be more primed to handle it well this time.
There’ll be a lot of questions, but I think Joyce has had a lot of growth and that will help – her religion is already straining to a near-breaking point, she’s definitely siding with ‘I love you and will support you even if I don’t Get It yet,’ and the knowledge that it’s her one sibling who’s supported her and Becky so thoroughly/the cool girl who helps her just because she can is going to mean Joyce picks a side very quickly.
(That said, it’ll go way better if it’s private, particularly in Jocelyne’s case. A really basic explanation and then Joyce asking questions is going to help in the moment, and that is definitely not gonna happen if Carol’s there.)
(I tend to think it’ll be Jocelyne first, but Joyce knowing about Carla will speed things up dramatically and if it does come down to Joyce finding out with the parents then that’ll help. I tend to think that story’s going to be someday when we get to the holidays? Joyce is definitely not inclined to visit home again any time soon, so Jocelyne won’t show up unless she visits IU.)
I’m guessing it’ll be Jocelyne first, simply because the dramatic stakes will be higher.
You’d think it would go better in private, but it paradoxically might actually go better* with Carol there. Carol will attack and that might flip Joyce straight into “I will fight for her!” mode.
*That’s definitions of “better” that likely include a full on break with her parents.
With Joyce still financially dependent on her parents (and even with Hank theoretically siding with them, any situation where he pays for Joyce’s tuition and can successfully hide THAT MUCH from Carol says very bad things about him,) it’s doubtful she’ll be able to make a full break in the course of the comic. (Especially since I suspect Jocelyne has Reasons to think about where her birth certificate is. As enjoyable as breaking back into an inhabited house could be, probably riskier than anyone wants to see.)
Well, I didn’t say it would be a good, rational plan.
But Joyce in full righteous wrath isn’t particularly rational.
Lucy is pretty cute with a blush.
And how long since someone in this strip had those “alert” line over their head like panel two?
Okay, so am I the only one who thinks that Lucy has just developed an instant crush on Walky?
No, but I’m rolling my eyes pretty hard over it.
Its adorable
Billie is being pretty crude, but does have a point. Amber even LOOKS like Dorothy, Walky could easily be rebounding HARD
So everybody likes Walky in this comic huh
Naturally… Except his two sisters (one blood the other by choice). There’s no surprises there!
Mixed race kids are gorgeous.
billie what have you done
Is this going to turn into a Harem anime, now?
DoA shifts focus primarily to Walky and his mostly-women social circle. Soon he picks up a little robot buddy and starts hanging around the library and a coffee shop.
This is accompanied by his move northeast, where he becomes paler and less jacked. We also begin to see his mom’s previous relationship with Deany in a whole new light.
You two are both good.
No, it is going to turn into a harem manga.
You know who doesn’t have a right to talk about someone else’s partner’s mental health?
Or questionably healthy relationships. Or being a dork.
Also. Lucy, no. Really. I mean this for YOU. No.
She’s calling Walky crazy though. She hasn’t actually said anything about Amber besides that she’s kinda unwisely socially close to Dorothy if not hurting Dorothy is a priority for him.
I think that just kinda makes my point more valid, if maybe needing to alter one word in the comment.
Why does this narrative have to be so mean to Lucy?
Because Willis is Secretly a sadist.
Oh, Lucy.
I know all too well how that feels.
The empty suggestion of romance from another is a weird pain. The first time a girl ever said ‘I love you’ to me was among a group of friends at age 19 after i told a mild joke that got everyone laughing. We barely knew each other and it was very much meant as a way of saying i was sweet/cool and went nowhere beyond that, but being single at the time it kind of stuck in my head.
The idea that someone might like you sticks, even when it’s unfounded.
Darn I am still 110% for Walky-Dorothy. Apparently I will go down with this ship. T_T
I think Walky-Dorothy isn’t over yet. There’s more drama to be wrung out of that, whether they actually get back together or not.
I do kind of like the idea of Walky-Lucy though.
Oh, Lucy.
He’s just really not that into you.
Lucy noooooooooo
We really need someone to do a Walkyverse-Dumbiverse AMV for the parody song Ship Happens”. It won’t be by me, sadly. I’m terrible at that sort of thing.
OK, that didn’t work… let’s try this (different AMV for the same song): “Ship Happens”
Can’t help it, I like Lucy.
But, the question is, do you love her?
I wish I had a natural six pack I didn’t have to work for in college…
I didn’t have a six-pack, but I was thin. It almost counted.
That ended the couple of years after.
Billie and Ruth already had several.
Does… Does Lucy know that Walky’s current relationship was formed with considerable aid from Twitter?
My “re-bound” relationship has lasted 18 years and counting…
When did Walky become the Casanova?