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In re. Billie vs. Ruth – I’m sure she does. We see a bully; she sees someone who’s keeping order. Since she has no patience for anything that interferes with her college education even a little, I’m sure she appreciates that.
Well, we’ll keep talking about you like you’re not in the room as long as you keep reacting to strangers like someone just shoved dog poo under your nose.
I would not be sticking my tongue out if someone shoved dog poop under my nose. The risks of getting dog poop on your tongue are far too great doing that. And dog poop leaves an aftertaste that doesn’t go away for hours, no matter what you try to cover it up with.
2 things i notice/think:
1in panel 3 she probably thinks Billie is a friend of Joyce’s, which is not the kind of person Sarah is likely to want to meet, and 2 she’s not denying the not like anybody comment, lol
Liklihood of that being the case: About the same as Willis suddenly filing for divorce on the pretense that his wife said that Autobot Erector should win the TF Hall of Fame this year.
Actually, I don’t really know the liklihood of that (apologies all around). But I’m too lazy to backspace, so I shall use a different analogy:
Wow… for the first time ever, I actually feel sorry for Billie.
Having tried acting like a decent (or at least polite) human being for once and getting burned for it, I wonder how long (if ever) it’ll be before she tries again?
I can think of a few dozen different ways to express disinterest/dislike of a person you’ve just met, but I honestly would never have thought of doing *that*. What the hey?
As DW pointed out, Sarah HAS seen Billie in public before (at the RA meeting), so she could be thinking many things:
1. This is one of Joyce’s friends. Bleh.
2. This is a freshman. Bleh.
3. This girl is obviously an (underage) drunk. Bleh.
4. This is the girl who started a fight with the RA. Bleh.
5. This is the girl who thinks that being a cheerleader is a big deal. Bleh.
6. This is the girl who yelled in Joyce’s FAAAAACE after Joyce tried to help her after Ruth threw her. Bleh.
7. I hate people. Bleh.
Yeah, that’s why I gigglesnort’d, because I think Sarah HAS remembered seeing Billie before (and Billie, self-centered as she is, did not notice because she doesn’t give a flying f*ck about anybody else but herself), knows Billie fulfills the cheer-leader stereotype to a “T”, and is probably all “DO NOT WANT. BLEEEEEEEH.”
It is powerfully flavorful. For one such as myself, who doesn’t like spicy foods, it can be downright crippling. Namely, eating a glob of wasabi is not something you’d like to do.
I, for one, love spicy food. Wasabi was one of those condiments my friends and I used to dare one another to stuff in our mouths. We killed so many taste buds back then. Good times
I don’t usually party. I’ve been to a frat a grand total of once, refused to play beer pong, danced quite a lot, and kept an eye on my more drunken friends to make sure they didn’t do anything unsafe. I however, see nothing at all wrong with getting drunk sometimes. I don’t do the big party thing, but getting drunk with a few friends, ten maybe, in a safe environment with hilarious outcomes? I see nothing wrong with that. I think a few of the other commentators here have come off as kind of overly aggressive and judgmental (at least to me), and so i just kind of wanted to say that. I know that sort of thing isn’t what billie is referring to, but a lot of people here seem to have jumped on the whole “drinking is ok, getting drunk is bad” bandwagon, and I just don’t feel like that’s necessarily fair. I get drunk maybe once every two months or so, and I always do it responsibly, and I just don’t see anything wrong with that. Again, I get that I’m not the typical extreme that is being discussed here, but I just felt like saying that you don’t necessarily have to avoid getting drunk to be above that sort of scene, and that there is nothing morally wrong with it in my book, as long as it’s not being used as an escape (in which case it’s more dangerous than morally wrong).
Reminds me of Snoopy saying “bleah!” and sticking out his tongue after kissing Lucy when trying to beat her in an arm wrestling match. If I’m remembering how that Peanuts strip goes correctly.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
That’s mean Sarah, she didn’t even act superior to you yet.
Beating her to the punch!
Her reputation obviously procedes her.
Well, Sarah did see Billie vs Ruth at orientation, so in a manner of speaking…
So Sarah likes Ruth better then??
Hey! What happened to your psycho cannibal Joyce avatar? It was pretty much perfect.
I might bring that gravatar back, but I am addicted to making new ones.
Okay, thanks. Well, if you enjoy avatar making, go to.
(Still, the thought of Joyce being related to the infamous Donners on her mother’s side of the family amuses me. It would also explain much.)
You mean like the Donner kababs?
LOL! Had not thought of that. Now we know how the Donners served up the other members of the party!
“It’s all in the sauce.”
(Odd, there wasn’t an option to reply to Plasma Mongoose directly.)
It doesn’t like to branch out the replies too much.
@Ancestral Hamster: This comment thread doesn’t allow any more than 6 levels of replies.
@Plasma Mongoose: Okay, thanks.
(Ah ha! A new Joyce avatar!)
Yes, and I modified her FAAAACCCCEE into the angry look myself. >:)
In re. Billie vs. Ruth – I’m sure she does. We see a bully; she sees someone who’s keeping order. Since she has no patience for anything that interferes with her college education even a little, I’m sure she appreciates that.
I almost feel bad for Billie, she looks so nervous in the second panel.
The pressure of college and no longer instantly being popular is getting to her.
Billie just wants a friend! Preferably one thats cool and can help her acquire alcohol and prestige.
but alcohol first and foremost
No, no–she’s had the alcohol, she needs the prestige now.
Well, we’ll keep talking about you like you’re not in the room as long as you keep reacting to strangers like someone just shoved dog poo under your nose.
I would not be sticking my tongue out if someone shoved dog poop under my nose. The risks of getting dog poop on your tongue are far too great doing that. And dog poop leaves an aftertaste that doesn’t go away for hours, no matter what you try to cover it up with.
I am not speaking from experience.
*shifty eyes*
Billie probably should have showered before doing this…
…thus providing us with much needed fanservice.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
provided she wears her glasses of course.
That makes sense, steam is great for cleaning lenses.
billie is basically the cutest thing ever
i disagree. joyce is.
Both of them smiling together isn’t?
Don’t get too comfortable, I doubt you’ll see it often.
I would hit that with Billie…ya know…if i was a DOA character.
But hey I have a thing for cartoon asian chicks…
Shame on you, Sarah! Way to make a “great” first impression. You were more civilized to Joe. :/
That’s because she wasn’t making a first impression. Obviously! <..>
Billie’s face slowly morphs from psychotic glee to general poutiness over the course of four panels. Well played.
2 things i notice/think:
1in panel 3 she probably thinks Billie is a friend of Joyce’s, which is not the kind of person Sarah is likely to want to meet, and 2 she’s not denying the not like anybody comment, lol
Did she have enough time to in the fourth panel?
What just happened?
… *gigglesnort*
You have made my day. Bravo. I don’t remember the last time I saw someone type that.
I’m glad~! ^ ^
Man, poor Billie. She just needs a friend…
Let Joyce be your friend, Billie! Just let it happen!
Given both girls have the same smile in panel one, it isn’t that out there to think Sarah really does respond to facial gestures.
…the hell did that come from?
Wild Ass Theory: Sarah only acted that way to avoid the temptaion for her to pin Billie to the floor and ravish her.
Liklihood of that being the case: About the same as Willis suddenly filing for divorce on the pretense that his wife said that Autobot Erector should win the TF Hall of Fame this year.
Actually, I don’t really know the liklihood of that (apologies all around). But I’m too lazy to backspace, so I shall use a different analogy:
It’s about 3,720 to 1.
Never tell me the odds!
Sarah can tell from experience that Billie is the kind of girl who illegally partakes of substances on campus, thus making her own life miserable.
Don’t forget that Sarah Narc’d on her previous roomates.
Time to start shipping those two.
Clearly, Sarah was showing her tongue as part of some obscure mating ritual.
I felt that creating this Gravatar was pretty mandatory.
also, that is not the gravatar I made. what.
It takes about 10 mins on average for the new grav to show up.
Maybe I should just refresh every hour or so for the Livejournal Emotion Faces Thing.
Y’know, because you change your Gravatar every day or so.
True, true, I change my gravatar more often than I change my munderwear.
Munderwear eh?
I am intrigued sir, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Munderwear: It’s underwear that makes you go MMMMMM!
Wow, thank you for that TMI moment there.
You call that TMI? Clearly you haven’t explored the internet very much yet if that’s all it takes to think TMI.

Wow… for the first time ever, I actually feel sorry for Billie.
Having tried acting like a decent (or at least polite) human being for once and getting burned for it, I wonder how long (if ever) it’ll be before she tries again?
Ooh, burn.
Ten bucks say she’ll try to convince her not to see her as a friend of dweeb Joyce the next strip, and she’ll drop even further for Sarah as a result.
Do it.
I can think of a few dozen different ways to express disinterest/dislike of a person you’ve just met, but I honestly would never have thought of doing *that*. What the hey?
Did either Billie or Sal made a mess in the bathroom or something? O-o
Sarah reminds me of Snoopy and/or Woodstock.
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As DW pointed out, Sarah HAS seen Billie in public before (at the RA meeting), so she could be thinking many things:
1. This is one of Joyce’s friends. Bleh.
2. This is a freshman. Bleh.
3. This girl is obviously an (underage) drunk. Bleh.
4. This is the girl who started a fight with the RA. Bleh.
5. This is the girl who thinks that being a cheerleader is a big deal. Bleh.
6. This is the girl who yelled in Joyce’s FAAAAACE after Joyce tried to help her after Ruth threw her. Bleh.
7. I hate people. Bleh.
Yeah, that’s why I gigglesnort’d, because I think Sarah HAS remembered seeing Billie before (and Billie, self-centered as she is, did not notice because she doesn’t give a flying f*ck about anybody else but herself), knows Billie fulfills the cheer-leader stereotype to a “T”, and is probably all “DO NOT WANT. BLEEEEEEEH.”
This friendship is meant to be.
I don’t get it. When was Billie talking about Sarah as if she wasn’t in the room?
She means Joyce, who has done that before, I think.
Ah, that makes sense. Iirc Joyce did it within just a couple strips of meeting Sarah.
Sarah obviously is of the mindset that anyone who is friends with Joyce can be safely written off.
Which may not be a bad mindset…
In love with Billie’s face.
…just sayin.
I know you softballed it over, but it’s gotta be done.
In love with Billie’s FAAAAAAAAACE!!? You say?
The proper revenge would be to bring another new person to meet Sarah and once the tongue comes out, slap a smear of wasabi on it!
I don’t see why Wasabi has the reputation it does. It’s just flavorful. Nothing unpleasant about it.
I tried wasabi due to its rep but I found that I don’t particularly like the taste of it, at least it’s not as disgusting as mayo.
It is powerfully flavorful. For one such as myself, who doesn’t like spicy foods, it can be downright crippling. Namely, eating a glob of wasabi is not something you’d like to do.
Wasabi is great. Especially the real stuff not the $2.99 per pint stuff.
I, for one, love spicy food. Wasabi was one of those condiments my friends and I used to dare one another to stuff in our mouths. We killed so many taste buds back then. Good times
I don’t usually party. I’ve been to a frat a grand total of once, refused to play beer pong, danced quite a lot, and kept an eye on my more drunken friends to make sure they didn’t do anything unsafe. I however, see nothing at all wrong with getting drunk sometimes. I don’t do the big party thing, but getting drunk with a few friends, ten maybe, in a safe environment with hilarious outcomes? I see nothing wrong with that. I think a few of the other commentators here have come off as kind of overly aggressive and judgmental (at least to me), and so i just kind of wanted to say that. I know that sort of thing isn’t what billie is referring to, but a lot of people here seem to have jumped on the whole “drinking is ok, getting drunk is bad” bandwagon, and I just don’t feel like that’s necessarily fair. I get drunk maybe once every two months or so, and I always do it responsibly, and I just don’t see anything wrong with that. Again, I get that I’m not the typical extreme that is being discussed here, but I just felt like saying that you don’t necessarily have to avoid getting drunk to be above that sort of scene, and that there is nothing morally wrong with it in my book, as long as it’s not being used as an escape (in which case it’s more dangerous than morally wrong).
You’ve been to more frat parties than me, and I’m in my 3rd year of college! lol
Also, yaaaaaay run-on sentences.
Reminds me of Snoopy saying “bleah!” and sticking out his tongue after kissing Lucy when trying to beat her in an arm wrestling match. If I’m remembering how that Peanuts strip goes correctly.