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I actually haven’t read much manga. Just MegaMan NT Warrior #1-7, .hack//Legend of the Twilight #1-2, Fullmetal Alchemist #1, maybe 2 volumes of the one with the squid girl, and a handful of Tokyo Mew Mew chapters. Haven’t picked up anything else since I was 17.
It got so weird that now when people recommend a manga about a single father adopting a little girl they cautiously ask if the author “pulls a Usagi Drop.”
Speaking with the wisdom of age (which of course the college kids here don’t have), don’t say that. If you are to that point, just get up, walk out, and refuse to ever communicate with Linda ever again. Don’t say why, she won’t want to know why, she just wants a hook for an argument.
This will have the exact same effect over the long term with a lot less yelling and grief. Gets you to the end point with less damage.
I can see your point there around reducing the yelling and grief. I’ve brought up my issues and shared my perspective with my fundamentalist Christian parents (after deconversion and beginning to process the trauma) and, in the end, it’s made our relationship stronger – I feel like they actually know me as a person and accept that they have to deal with that. Though of course it took years of yelling and tears and frustration before that point was reached.
they might not acknowledge sal for saying it, and walky had to be told directly too and process that, but i don’t think either of them can rly handle it as diplomatically being too emotionally involved despite their growth throughout the last year or so
Dorothy and Walky’s relationship ending was a bit of an odd path so I don’t blame you for not recalling. Basically, Dorothy’s grade started slipping, so she asked Walky for the relationship to be on pause. Then while on pause they fucked, which led Walky to think they were off pause (not an incorrect thing to assume either). Dorothy then decided that instead of being ‘on pause’ they should break up, so that she wasn’t inadvertently dangling Walky around on an off/on pause… thing. So, Dorothy broke up with Walky because she couldn’t juggle her schooling, extra-curriculars, and a committed relationship at the same time. Definitely not for lack of loving Walky, at least, though it probably still hurt.
Dorothy was his first crush “i didn’t realized i was into girls before college” so unless there’s some off screen one night stands/hookups from being drunk i doubt there would be anyone else
lol maybe charles and linda had a shotgun wedding from a fling/hookup (i know linda was married before, be interesting if there was like a half sibling they don’t know about but i don’t think so)
It’s best you don’t talk Danny, I doubt that the situation can get less fuked but if anyone can fuck up a fuck up it’s Danny. Hopefully this doesn’t end in a fuck pile.
Also I guess Charles is trying to difuse the situation.
You know, I think I’ll find Charles more tolerable on the whole if his characterization becomes Yelling Bird from now on.
Yelling Bird isn’t subtly racist towards his offspring! (their? I’m pretty sure Yelling Bird’s male but I don’t actually know if that’s been established thinking on it.)
At the very least, I’m pretty sure Yelling bird has a penis, given that he/they talks about it so much. Come to think about it, given that in most bird species the male has no penis, maybe that’s just insecure bluster.
I know several women who refer to their peni on a semi regular basis, and I’m pretty sure I’ll refer to mine occasionally once I no longer have it. But it’s more of a metaphor isn’t it? Besides the word has more power that it warrants considering how ridiculous the thing looks. They are taking its power away and turning it into just a silly word.
From the perspective of public health and communicable infections, I feel compelled to point out that fuck piles must be managed extremely carefully and among people with high degrees of mutual trust, due to the inherent risks involved.
However, this guidance is outdated, in that it does not take Mpox into account. All those planning on engaging in fuck piles should first get an updated COVID vaccine and flu shot, as well as an Mpox vaccine if possible. Elders should also consider getting the newer updated pneumonia and shingles vaccines, as well as the new RSV vaccine if and when it may be available, before engaging in fuck piles.
STI testing, latex barriers, masks and/or COVID testing, water-based or silicon-based lube (or VivaGel where you can get it!), and sexy pre-contact visual inspection for sores are all ways to reduce risk. Not to mention PrEP!
More comic-book information on sexual safety is available at:
Ngl, I’ve had a terrible day because of family medical stuff and Charles, of all people, is just over here rescuing my evening. I think this strip works best on a phone because I have to read it tiny panel by tiny panel and that last one made me choke on my water lol
it should work on any screen, since the typical foveal zone is 13 characters long (spaces included), with the focus in the middle… and Charles first sentence is 13 characters long, spaces not included.
Since they weren’t fully separate alters at the time, did Danny only date
Amazi-girl or did he date both?
Not realizing they were separate is part of the reason they started going astray.
I’m pretty sure that was because he was seen being with Amazi-girl and she felt that also being seen being romantic with her would jeopardize her secret identity.
Also because she felt all the bad belonged to Amber and the good belonged to Amazi-girl.
She was not separate when they started dating, and even asked him he wanted the mask off or on the first time they had sex.
To further support my perspective, here’s the strip after they finish having sex for the first time where she goes from Amazi-girl to Amber while acknowledging that Amber had an orgasm.
If they truly felt they were separate at this time, I think one or both should feel a little something about that.
Then again, knowing that they share the same body, maybe this is just some aspect of alters that comes up and I’m assuming too much due to not having this situation apply to me.
That is true. Initially it was mostly a “protect my secret ID” thing and Danny didn’t realize anything different until well after the breakup. As Amber and AG got further apart it became much more of a thing for her, ending in Amber’s reaction to him kissing her and then with the breakup. Which I still maintain was at least partly due to Danny telling AG he liked Amber better and wanted her to go away for awhile.
It is possible to appreciate one funny thing that a fictional character does without automatically erasing said character’s complicity in a whole lot of shittiness. We are not etch-a-sketches. Our brains can contain multiple, even contradictory, opinions and feelings.
Our trouble with him is what he didn’t say, which is, “Linda, hon, stop with the racism and the favoritism, we need to not treat our children that way.”
Or, y’know, similar.
Even a “oh hey you’re sending a care package for the kids, great idea, let’s ask Sal what snackfood she likes these days so we can send some to her.” That kind of thing.
Ok, no, but he is clearly where Walky gets his “go along with whatever Lucy says” and “deflect feelings with humor” genes. Look at that smug smirk, it’s exactly Walky with Raidah.
I’m guessing the wp is “well played”, and I’ve been told that gg is “good game” (though I’ve seen people use it in an antagonistic manner so I’m not sure), but what is gr supposed to be.
Sal brings up a good point: Walky has some idea, however far up his own ass his head often is, of her fraught relationship with their parents. And Walky is bringing this sitcom shit into it.
I don’t think she’s saying that because of the “decent” conversation she’s having with her parents as Walky wouldn’t know about it, and her look and comment imply to me that he’s supposed to know what she’s referring to.
When I first read it, I assumed it had something to do with the disrespecting of Amber and/or his relationship with Lucy these hijinks involve.
That or because this is going to make a scene, and Sal, despite often standing out because of her looks/air of coolness, doesn’t like to make scenes.
Rereading this, I suspect that Charles is trying to divert the conversation. He realizes that they are all sitting in a pool of metaphorical gasoline and is trying to keep anyone from striking a spark.
I can’t decide if he’s diverting on purpose, or if he’s where Walky gets all the ADHD. Sometimes the fast pinball brain just sounds like that.
Either or both.
2. Years ago, I made a comment that Billie said “fuck” more than everyone else in the comic put together, with the disclaimer that I hadn’t actually counted. Then I got curious and went through and actually counted. (Turned out she hadn’t, but that was a then-recent development. For much of the early comic it was true.) Keeping it up since has just been a matter of a few minutes every couple of months.
3. In Malaya’s case, it’s because she hasn’t been in the comic all that much. If you look down at the lower chart, you’ll see that she’s by far the sweariest character to break into triple-digit appearances. Ruth and Sarah aren’t really that low; it’s just that Billifer is really fucking sweary, and has been a main character for a long time. Most of Sal’s come from a single strip.
Charles would make a good Yelling Bird. What worries me is if Linda feels like Danny wasn’t good enough for Dorothy would she then take it out on Sal for dating a “looser” white guy? How badly is this ploy going to hurt Sal?
Actually, thinking about it some more, I think if they explained that Dorothy and Danny dated in high school it might be okay. No one expects high school relationships to last forever.
This makes no sense to me.
I don’t know when you said this before, but I do not get why you said this now.
I get the feeling you’ve had this conversation before, so feel free to bypass, but even saying “perception matters even in fake dates” I don’t understand why you would say she backstabbed him.
I… have the feeling this is the reason Linda deemed Charles “one of the good ones”. The dude probably’s the only person in the planet who can make her laugh.
His neurodivergent swag and fuckboy game bewitched her in mind and soul, etc. I have no proof, but neither I have doubts.
I just made toaster oven pizza from Costco this evening.
I think they will get olives, ground beef, and red and white onions on their pizza. Linda will make some dumb joke about how their pizza “looks like the United Nations.” Finally, Charles will call her out on something for once.
Personally, though, I would like to get 4-cheese (including blue cheese!) thin-crust pizza with truffles.
(re: icon) I probably look most like/am most similar to Leslie from the cast but she frustrates me.. which says something about my self perception I’m sure Gravatar roulette time
There is no reason for Danny to punch Walky in this scenario.
Neither him dating/fake dating Amber nor causing a scene with his own family is Danny’s business.
On the flip side, I’d love to see Danny punch Walky because I think they are both equally inept at fighting and it would be interesting to watch their pitiful showing, Sal and Amber judging their lack of hands, and Linda having to reevaluate her opinions of both Danny and Walky in real time.
Linda can joke about “thinking with her box” for better grades but Charles can’t joke about college kids fucking in the most general way? Do you always gotta have double standards for everyone Linda?
Is it, though? Kind of feels like a generalization. Like there could be individual circumstances or people who could make either of those two situations feel either safer or less safe.
An orgy can be consensual. Sleeping with a TA cannot. Obviously nobody should orgy without enthusiastic consent on all sides. If you can’t decide which to do on a Friday night, pick the orgy. Nobody will get fired from that and there’s no unfairness about grades.
Disclaimer: have done neither. But if someone tells me they were in an orgy with other consenting adults in college I’m like whatevs, TMI, but TA/undergraduate sex I have to report.
Hmm. I didn’t think about it that way. Good point.
I only had 2 TAs and they were both good friends of mine, and either just about my age or even a bit younger, IIRC. So I never saw it as a power imbalance. But I could see how other undergrads might. (I went to a strange college, though, so I guess norms were different than they might have been at a larger university.)
We’re all rightly talking about the last panel (bc heck yeah, Charles) but I also love how immediately interested and excited he was to hear about the roller derby
You know what, I think Lucy’s idea was brilliant and this is the best this family gets. Like holy shit, talking about things and working through actual conflicts instead of just making stilted conversation and pretending everything’s fine!
this is going a lot better than I expected, honestly
danny, though, really? I get that you’re mad but I’m not sure dating your exes is the operative concern here (or anywhere else really, you’re not dating them anymore but that’s a different conversation)
just let sal kick his ass. or you could threaten to follow him around and play ukelele at him.
I think he is just annoyed that this turned into a pipeline, Dotty dumped him moments later she is dating Walky, it didn’t work out with Amber, Walky is dating her next. If it wasn’t the clueless Walky in this, this would look a bit creepy.
This one may set a record for the most faces turned into gravitars. Great reaction faces. I may change from Hank to Charles. Though i look more like Hank.
Willis, you may characterize Charles as Yelling Bird, but in my head Yelling Bird sounds like Lewis Black. Hearing Charles with Lewis Black’s voice is very strange.
You are all welcome that I put that sound in your head.
Forgot to check back the comments the other day and apparently some people didn’t understand what I meant with this one?
“Charles is half white so even chances he grew up in a whiter culture and just internalized everything that comes with that. Linda’s not racist, other black people just need to pull their pants up and stop listening to all that “yo yo yo” garbage. Don Lemon style”
First half was genuine analysis (Charles likely grew up in a whiter culture), second half was giving an example of how Charles probably sees the situation and stuff from these types of older black men with internalized racism capitulating to white society. Like Don Lemon, the pants thing was a Don Lemon quote. Should’ve used quotes, sorry for the confusion.
I get really panicky about being misinterpreted in any way so, yeah, here. Hope you see this @Adept
@Laura and Yumi, thanks for the grace. I guess the tone indicators are /srs then /s or /eg? Is eg used as a tone indicator? I should’ve wedged an eg at the start anyway. Bad habit of assuming people know what I mean, when I communicate in a way that’s apparently not very clear. At least without 50 layers of addendums
ok but why is no one bringing up the fact that apparently Walky got a new girlfriend within the last three hours? that’s literally what’s weirdest about this situation and it’s so so offputting that no one is pointing it out
If someone introduced me to their partner in the morning and then introduced a NEW partner in the afternoon I would have several questions, first among them “what the fuck”
Okay, but if the new partner happened to be the girl who stabbed my daughter, I think “Isn’t that the girl who stabbed my daughter?” would maybe take priority. It may not be the weirdest thing about it, but it’s probably the most immediate.
Sal, however, I think is trying to get the conversation around to “what the f” in panel 3, but gets derailed by Danny’s Walkymosity, and whatever the heck is going on with Charles.
I also think that while Sal is trying to get the conversation around to “what the f”, she’s probably at least 75% sure that this is A Bit, rather than an actual thing that’s happened, although possibly not why.
Come to think of it, that might go for the rest of them to a lesser extent. Walky’s parents must know he does weird stuff for effect sometimes, and might well have decided this is one of those times, although they definitely won’t have figured out why.
I think the natural assumption in such a quick change of girlfriends would be that the guy had been already cheating on his ex-girlfriend with the current girlfriend.
Sal was taking things that way, but Linda and Danny got things sidetracked.
Just in general, in the heat of the moment, people can struggle to address multiple pieces of nonsense at a time. “Walky’s dating the girl that stabbed Sal” and “Walky keeps dating Danny’s ex’s” just are sucking up all the air right now.
A character from Questionable Content who just shouts the most offensive stuff, mostly about how Jeph Jacques isn’t competent to write the strip which is why he needs Yelling Bird filler strips. Currently retired, I believe.
Yelling Bird is most well known for memes that came as a result of this guest comic for Questionable Content, because that last panel is just oh-so-flexible in its use (and relevant to this comic in particular): https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1453
I feel like if Danny had dated Lucy, Linda would approve of Lucy dating Walky, considering how on-the-fence Linda seemed in the previous conversation with Sal and how much she approves of Danny.
What is it about this pizzeria that prompts all the dads to remove their brain-to-mouth filter? First Hank talking about the bear lady with the nice tits, and now this. That’s the first and, I think, only time we’ve seen either of them behave in a remotely off-color way, and it’s been at Galasso’s both times. Does the property have some mystical properties? Is this part of Galasso’s plan of general psychological warfare? Is Sydney Yus scheming about this somehow?
Fucking astonishing how low these numbers are. If you're in the 75% who say they don't know any trans people, you do, they just don't trust you enough to be out to them.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 12d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 3d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
“Mom, Dad… you can respectfully stay OUT of the fuck pile here please”
Great, spoil the final DoA strip why doncha’, Charles?
Hahah brilliant! What a way to go!
Very true Charles

Not Sally and David obviously?
We’ll just see what Porn Lord Yoto has to say
Last panel Charles is just Joe in disguise, isn’t he.
If Walky is Joe’s dad, that makes Amber his aunt.
So they get a free bonus reason this fake relationship is a disaster, woo!
Shit, I mean if Joe is Walky’s dad. Although it would be pretty fucked up wither way.
Would she be his niece?
This train wreck has jumped the track and is heading into unexplored territory.
Last panel Charles is proof he’s Walky’s dad.
I prefer to believe Dr. Rosenthal is above blackface.
“It was the 80s and things were different then.”
I had never considered the possibilities of a DOA “prequel” series set in college in the 80s but Y I K E S.
a DOA prequel series that *starts* in the 80s but has a sliding timescale and runs for a decade and a half so it’s 2001 by the end.
Calm down, Danny, you DID find a way to break the curse with Sal.
… by finding an endgame relationship.
… and also the whole incest thing, but endgame relationship keeps that from even becoming an issue.
We’ve been reading very different manga.
Which ones do you recommend?
I actually haven’t read much manga. Just MegaMan NT Warrior #1-7, .hack//Legend of the Twilight #1-2, Fullmetal Alchemist #1, maybe 2 volumes of the one with the squid girl, and a handful of Tokyo Mew Mew chapters. Haven’t picked up anything else since I was 17.
“Chibi Vampire” despite the awful and inaccurate name.
“Bunny Drop”
“Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou”
No no no no
Bunny drop is bait, Hesucristo do NOT READ THAT.
Wait what? Usagi Drop gets weird? The adorable manga about adoption?
Oh. Oh fucking goddamnit.
(I dunno if this is going to show up)
Oh noooo!
So glad the anime stopped before all that :/
What a terrible day to have eyes
It got so weird that now when people recommend a manga about a single father adopting a little girl they cautiously ask if the author “pulls a Usagi Drop.”
Jeeeeeeeeeesus fucking Christ.
What genres are you interested in?
Oy vey.
I think at this point my main hope for this scene is that Sal or Walky just straight-up say “Because you’re racist, mom.”
Anything else that happens is just window-dressing for setting up that moment, speciifically.
Speaking with the wisdom of age (which of course the college kids here don’t have), don’t say that. If you are to that point, just get up, walk out, and refuse to ever communicate with Linda ever again. Don’t say why, she won’t want to know why, she just wants a hook for an argument.
This will have the exact same effect over the long term with a lot less yelling and grief. Gets you to the end point with less damage.
Linda strikes me as the kind of person who abhors arguments as that means you’re challenging her authority/questioning her judgment.
I can see your point there around reducing the yelling and grief. I’ve brought up my issues and shared my perspective with my fundamentalist Christian parents (after deconversion and beginning to process the trauma) and, in the end, it’s made our relationship stronger – I feel like they actually know me as a person and accept that they have to deal with that. Though of course it took years of yelling and tears and frustration before that point was reached.
they might not acknowledge sal for saying it, and walky had to be told directly too and process that, but i don’t think either of them can rly handle it as diplomatically being too emotionally involved despite their growth throughout the last year or so
I feel like that’s more of a discussion to be had in private, not in a restaurant in public.
…I mean I have no doubt that scene will take place here in the restaurant, but that’s because this comic is basically a soap opera with more jokes
I want them both to say it.
Review of the bidding, who has Walky dated in DoA so far?
Am I forgetting someone?
That’s it so far.
Dorothy’s dated Danny and Walky.
Amber’s dated Danny and Walky.
Danny’s dated Dorothy and Amber.
All we need now is for Dorothy to date Amber and Walky to date Danny and we have a perfect square web.
Huh, it never occurred to me, but Amber has also dated all of Dorothy’s exes, hasn’t she. Guess Dorothy doesn’t mind as much.
Well Dorothy was the one who broke up with Danny, so Danny “lost” her, she didn’t “lose” him. Not recalling exactly how Dorothy & Walky ended, though.
Dorothy and Walky’s relationship ending was a bit of an odd path so I don’t blame you for not recalling. Basically, Dorothy’s grade started slipping, so she asked Walky for the relationship to be on pause. Then while on pause they fucked, which led Walky to think they were off pause (not an incorrect thing to assume either). Dorothy then decided that instead of being ‘on pause’ they should break up, so that she wasn’t inadvertently dangling Walky around on an off/on pause… thing. So, Dorothy broke up with Walky because she couldn’t juggle her schooling, extra-curriculars, and a committed relationship at the same time. Definitely not for lack of loving Walky, at least, though it probably still hurt.
Yeah, Ethan brought it up when Amber confessed to liking Walky.
There was also Gabby, but we really don’t (and shouldn’t) talk about that.
Don’t worry about it. Fandom lore from 2014.
Dorothy was his first crush “i didn’t realized i was into girls before college” so unless there’s some off screen one night stands/hookups from being drunk i doubt there would be anyone else
This is just making that one Yotomoe comic my head canon.
Yeah, that’s pretty much college, all right
Well, it’s certainly what everyone told me college was supposed to be like . . .
Yeah I somehow missed that part of the experience. Definitely got the booze that TV/movies promised though…
The majority of sex during my college years was during the breaks away from college.
And I’ve yet to experience any fuck piles, college or otherwise.
Haha, I think I like Charles.
yeah, Charles seems alright, at least as a standalone figure
can definitely see where Walky gets it from, yeah
He might be okay, in a vacuum.
bringing back yelling bird? missed that feathery asshole
YB doesn’t have an asshole, he has a cloaca. He showed it too us, unfortunately.
Walky is going to be the reason Sal and Danny break up, isn’t he?
I hope not, but he’s definitely going to ruin Sal’s only chance of acceptance by their parents.
Well, that’s what I thought, but the last panel convinced me that the train is off the track and could go anywhere.
If Danny and Sal break up because of this, it just means he has some more maturing to do, which isn’t impossible being only 18/19.
But if this is Sal’s ONLY chance to be accepted by her parents, then that familial relationship should be treated as over anyway.
Here comes the windmill high 5s
He might even get a running start
Charles is channeling ProZD, I see. “Why don’t we all just fuck each other? You know, one big fuck pile?”
Metally giving him SungWon’s voice, now. Well, one of them, he’s got about a dozen.
Now mentally giving him Lysanderoth’s voice, specifically.
King Dragon represent
I really don’t think you should have that conversation with your children and their partners…
Congratulations, you just discovered the secret ending of Dumbing of Age!
I see where Walky gets his smartassery from.
He even has the smug Walky smirk.
Walky had to learn his “defuse tension with humor” strategy from somewhere!
I think Charles might low-key be the most deranged member of the Walkerton family.
He keeps a low profile, it’s easy to forget when Linda takes point in all their scenes.
He is married to Linda willingly.
lol maybe charles and linda had a shotgun wedding from a fling/hookup (i know linda was married before, be interesting if there was like a half sibling they don’t know about but i don’t think so)
She gave beef to Birth.
…He’s just like Walky.
It’s best you don’t talk Danny, I doubt that the situation can get less fuked but if anyone can fuck up a fuck up it’s Danny. Hopefully this doesn’t end in a fuck pile.
Also I guess Charles is trying to difuse the situation.
Trying to derail awkward and uncomfortable topics with humor/snark?
I wonder who that reminds me of…
Amber, not looking up: who the fuck are David and Sally?
as if amber doesn’t have her own personal files of everyone with their weaknesses/detailed bios included
Dumbing of Age: Tower of Babel
Inherited from Mike.
David and Sally. I mean . . . They gave their kids the most “resume names” ever.
Considering his name is Charles, that might just be a coincidence.
You know, I think I’ll find Charles more tolerable on the whole if his characterization becomes Yelling Bird from now on.
Yelling Bird isn’t subtly racist towards his offspring! (their? I’m pretty sure Yelling Bird’s male but I don’t actually know if that’s been established thinking on it.)
I always just default to “they” when I’m not sure of someone’s gender.
Also, I concur. =D
I don’t think Yelling Bird and subtle are capable of coexisting in the same galaxy.
At the very least, I’m pretty sure Yelling bird has a penis, given that he/they talks about it so much. Come to think about it, given that in most bird species the male has no penis, maybe that’s just insecure bluster.
I know several women who refer to their peni on a semi regular basis, and I’m pretty sure I’ll refer to mine occasionally once I no longer have it. But it’s more of a metaphor isn’t it? Besides the word has more power that it warrants considering how ridiculous the thing looks. They are taking its power away and turning it into just a silly word.
Being neither a paleognath nor an anseriform, Yelling Bird definitely doesn’t have one. The technical term for how that works is “cloacal kiss”.
Y’know what Charles. Maybe I misjudged you. There may just be hope for you yet.
The mind reels…
From the perspective of public health and communicable infections, I feel compelled to point out that fuck piles must be managed extremely carefully and among people with high degrees of mutual trust, due to the inherent risks involved.
/end PSA.
You should have a Roz avatar for that PSA.
This is as close as I can get.
Some examples of safer fuck pile precautions:
However, this guidance is outdated, in that it does not take Mpox into account. All those planning on engaging in fuck piles should first get an updated COVID vaccine and flu shot, as well as an Mpox vaccine if possible. Elders should also consider getting the newer updated pneumonia and shingles vaccines, as well as the new RSV vaccine if and when it may be available, before engaging in fuck piles.
STI testing, latex barriers, masks and/or COVID testing, water-based or silicon-based lube (or VivaGel where you can get it!), and sexy pre-contact visual inspection for sores are all ways to reduce risk. Not to mention PrEP!
More comic-book information on sexual safety is available at:
An invaluable public service! Thank you Laura!
Thank you for saying so, NG.
More comic-style illustrated sex ed:
From a public health perspective, however, nothing stated above should be construed as an endorsement of fuck piling!
As an old comic strip I read years ago encouraged: “Play safe! Protect your produce!” (With a drawing of smartly-wrapped vegetables.)
Everyone should get tested first, and appropriate contraception should be used.
“Perhaps I treated you too harshly.”
I got to that panel and thought, “This is where Yoto just explodes.”
Ngl, I’ve had a terrible day because of family medical stuff and Charles, of all people, is just over here rescuing my evening. I think this strip works best on a phone because I have to read it tiny panel by tiny panel and that last one made me choke on my water lol
I hope the family medical stuff turns out OK.
Thinking of you, Bittersweet.
(( <3 ))
Awe, yee sorry to hear, glad Charles made your day :,)
I hope it gets better soon. <3
Make sure to swallow.
it should work on any screen, since the typical foveal zone is 13 characters long (spaces included), with the focus in the middle… and Charles first sentence is 13 characters long, spaces not included.
16, I miscounted (+ space).
That’s how I read the comic too, expanding it so one panel takes over the screen and I don’t get tempted to read the last one first.
Take care with things in you personal life, bittersweet.
Technically Danny they broke up. So Walky is actually dating HIS Ex-girlfriend.
Technically, this is the third time Walky started dating Denny’s ex, it’s just that two of them were Amber.
So Amber is the Grover Cleveland of girlfriends, having served two nonconsecutive terms as Walky’s date, thereby being his… second and fourth at once?
Dorothy must’ve left an impression on him if he’s dating other presidential people right after her.
TECHNICALLY Wally dated Dorothy and Amber. Danny dated Dorothy and Amazi-girl.
Despite Amber obviously having feelings for Danny too.
Since they weren’t fully separate alters at the time, did Danny only date
Amazi-girl or did he date both?
Not realizing they were separate is part of the reason they started going astray.
It was Amber’s perspective that Danny was dating Amazi-Girl and not her.
I’m pretty sure that was because he was seen being with Amazi-girl and she felt that also being seen being romantic with her would jeopardize her secret identity.
Also because she felt all the bad belonged to Amber and the good belonged to Amazi-girl.
She was not separate when they started dating, and even asked him he wanted the mask off or on the first time they had sex.
To further support my perspective, here’s the strip after they finish having sex for the first time where she goes from Amazi-girl to Amber while acknowledging that Amber had an orgasm.
If they truly felt they were separate at this time, I think one or both should feel a little something about that.
Then again, knowing that they share the same body, maybe this is just some aspect of alters that comes up and I’m assuming too much due to not having this situation apply to me.
Forgot to paste the actual link:
That is true. Initially it was mostly a “protect my secret ID” thing and Danny didn’t realize anything different until well after the breakup. As Amber and AG got further apart it became much more of a thing for her, ending in Amber’s reaction to him kissing her and then with the breakup. Which I still maintain was at least partly due to Danny telling AG he liked Amber better and wanted her to go away for awhile.
Separation in dissociative systems can be messy. If you want to learn more about it, look up “blending” and “co-fronting”
Thanks for the suggestion.
To make more of a parallel, Amber and Danny actually pretend dated in front of Danny’s parents.
At that point Danny was dating Amazi-Girl, but didn’t yet know she was Amber. And really didn’t know that she wasn’t Amber.
Wait, we like Charles now?
Let’s go with “cautiously optimistic.”
I like what he’s saying in the last panel. Not especially engaged with the rest of him.
And it’s nice that he’s independently interested in hearing about Sal’s cool new roller derby deal. We’re rooting for ya, Charles.
Hank: join me, Charles
Just because his words amuse me does not mean I like him. Speaking just for me, of course.
It is possible to appreciate one funny thing that a fictional character does without automatically erasing said character’s complicity in a whole lot of shittiness. We are not etch-a-sketches. Our brains can contain multiple, even contradictory, opinions and feelings.
Why would you make up something so needlessly malicious? I’m telling your mum.
I think Charles has not said enough stuff to figure out if we like him or not. He has had a total of maybe 20 lines over the past decade and a half?
Our trouble with him is what he didn’t say, which is, “Linda, hon, stop with the racism and the favoritism, we need to not treat our children that way.”
Or, y’know, similar.
Even a “oh hey you’re sending a care package for the kids, great idea, let’s ask Sal what snackfood she likes these days so we can send some to her.” That kind of thing.
Ok, no, but he is clearly where Walky gets his “go along with whatever Lucy says” and “deflect feelings with humor” genes. Look at that smug smirk, it’s exactly Walky with Raidah.
Dayum, Walky set off a nuke
and he’s so pleased with himself over it too
wp walky gr
(gg we don’t know yet, but gr i think is already earned)
I’m guessing the wp is “well played”, and I’ve been told that gg is “good game” (though I’ve seen people use it in an antagonistic manner so I’m not sure), but what is gr supposed to be.
Question mark, not period, damn it.
Good round, iirc.
Ah. Thanks.
Great Round…
Thank you, as well.
Sal brings up a good point: Walky has some idea, however far up his own ass his head often is, of her fraught relationship with their parents. And Walky is bringing this sitcom shit into it.
I don’t think she’s saying that because of the “decent” conversation she’s having with her parents as Walky wouldn’t know about it, and her look and comment imply to me that he’s supposed to know what she’s referring to.
When I first read it, I assumed it had something to do with the disrespecting of Amber and/or his relationship with Lucy these hijinks involve.
That or because this is going to make a scene, and Sal, despite often standing out because of her looks/air of coolness, doesn’t like to make scenes.
I like your read of it. Sal knows scenes are dangerous.
Rereading this, I suspect that Charles is trying to divert the conversation. He realizes that they are all sitting in a pool of metaphorical gasoline and is trying to keep anyone from striking a spark.
I can’t decide if he’s diverting on purpose, or if he’s where Walky gets all the ADHD. Sometimes the fast pinball brain just sounds like that.
Either or both.
I mean Walky often does the same thing, so it’s almost certainly him trying to defuse the situation, but I don’t doubt it’s also his sense of humor.
Smart people work with what they’ve got.
Charles is where he gets it, huh.
Like in Calvin and Hobbes.
……. You’re so right, holy shit
that does make an alarming amount of sense.
/gets the big popcorn tub ready
Dumbing of Age Book 13: Ehhh, It’s College. Everyone Should Get In A Fuck Pile And Get It Over With
“Dumbing of Age Vol.next: Everyone should just get in a fuck pile and get it over with”
I miss Yelling Bird.
Squeeze, don’t pull.
Took me a second to register when he said Sally he was talking about Sal. Huh.
Same. Is this the first time we’ve seen her “real” name referenced?
Be the fuck pile taste the fuck pile
I see who Walky takes after!
And I like seeing Sal defend Amber to her mom.
A new challenger appears!
How did I not know there was an F bomb counter?
Why is there an F bomb counter?
And how the hell are Ruth, Malaya, and Sarah have such low numbers?
1. I haven’t been commenting much lately.
2. Years ago, I made a comment that Billie said “fuck” more than everyone else in the comic put together, with the disclaimer that I hadn’t actually counted. Then I got curious and went through and actually counted. (Turned out she hadn’t, but that was a then-recent development. For much of the early comic it was true.) Keeping it up since has just been a matter of a few minutes every couple of months.
3. In Malaya’s case, it’s because she hasn’t been in the comic all that much. If you look down at the lower chart, you’ll see that she’s by far the sweariest character to break into triple-digit appearances. Ruth and Sarah aren’t really that low; it’s just that Billifer is really fucking sweary, and has been a main character for a long time. Most of Sal’s come from a single strip.
This is amazing.
Gotta love that slight look of panic in Walky’s eyes as he realizes he and Lucy failed to account for Sal’s reaction in their sitcom antics.
Charles would make a good Yelling Bird. What worries me is if Linda feels like Danny wasn’t good enough for Dorothy would she then take it out on Sal for dating a “looser” white guy? How badly is this ploy going to hurt Sal?
Actually, thinking about it some more, I think if they explained that Dorothy and Danny dated in high school it might be okay. No one expects high school relationships to last forever.
When I said Amber backstabbed Danny, this is why. Perception matters even in fake dates.
Yelling Bird? He’s no kookaburra.
“Laugh, kookaburra, laugh, kookaburra.
Gay your life must be.”
…As the old campfire round singalong goes.
Why the kookaburra in particular?
Because, much like that of the Canadian Loon, the birdsong of the Kookaburra sounds like human laughter.
Might it also be because like many other kinds of birds they also engage in queer relationships? 🥰
I don’t think that’s even known. But it is known what gay meant just 100 years ago.
gay: brightly colored; festive.
The word sounds funny and it scans?
You know how every single time you watch a movie set in a jungle or rainforest you hear this wild “a hahahahahaha!” at some point?
Yeah, that’s a very lost kookaburra. Laughing.
This makes no sense to me.
I don’t know when you said this before, but I do not get why you said this now.
I get the feeling you’ve had this conversation before, so feel free to bypass, but even saying “perception matters even in fake dates” I don’t understand why you would say she backstabbed him.
Charles is becoming likeable
Linda will have to put a stop to that soon
Okay I was wrong this is fantastic.
Danny has two nickles which isn’t alot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice right?
I actually forgot to include in the Danny Factor in the incoming Charlie Foxtrot… #SorryDanny
I think we should just put Charles in charge
of our days and our nights
“Not David and Sally of course…”
* Amber quickly closes folder full of Sal/Walky fanfics *
Booster is currently reading the slash fic she is writing about this whole situation.
Wait, Walky and Danny? Damn, Amber would.
By jove I think the man is onto something here. Whelp! Thats it fam, pack it up. The rest of the comic will now be moving to slipshine.
I… have the feeling this is the reason Linda deemed Charles “one of the good ones”. The dude probably’s the only person in the planet who can make her laugh.
His neurodivergent swag and fuckboy game bewitched her in mind and soul, etc. I have no proof, but neither I have doubts.
I’ve been enjoying getting more insight into him for sure! Gotta respect the neurodivergent swag.
Attention Deficit Rizzler
So Walky’s ADHD is hereditary? Could be!
Oh who am I kidding? It’s overwhelmingly likely.
Joe’s dad has been sitting behind Charles this whole time.
And just turned around to give him a high five.
“Everyone should get in a fuck pile and get it over with” should be the book title
For starters, fuckpile shoukd be the strip title instead of mysake
…How about a game?
Here’s the question:
1. What kind of pizza do you think they will get?
2. What kind of pizza would YOU like to get?
I just made toaster oven pizza from Costco this evening.
I think they will get olives, ground beef, and red and white onions on their pizza. Linda will make some dumb joke about how their pizza “looks like the United Nations.” Finally, Charles will call her out on something for once.
Personally, though, I would like to get 4-cheese (including blue cheese!) thin-crust pizza with truffles.
heh maybe she’ll go, “I’m not racist! Look! I got black olives!”
Also yee i WUV costco pizza and hotdogs, few things could compare
1. Something they can all enjoy hopefully!
2. Sausage pizza!

Fitting! X-D
1. Pepperoni
2. Buffalo chicken from Sal’s pizza in my town
(re: icon) I probably look most like/am most similar to Leslie from the cast but she frustrates me.. which says something about my self perception I’m sure
Gravatar roulette time
Good luck with your next avvy!
Sounds delish! And what a fitting pizzeria!
Someone will suggest Hawaiian, which will divert the entire pending explosion into an argument about pineapple on pizza
Better yet: SHRIMP and pineapple! ;-9
I mean I wouldn’t hold it against Sal if she were to knock Walkys block off right about now
Or if Danny did the honours…
There is no reason for Danny to punch Walky in this scenario.
Neither him dating/fake dating Amber nor causing a scene with his own family is Danny’s business.
On the flip side, I’d love to see Danny punch Walky because I think they are both equally inept at fighting and it would be interesting to watch their pitiful showing, Sal and Amber judging their lack of hands, and Linda having to reevaluate her opinions of both Danny and Walky in real time.
Twincest is wincest
Yeah. Emphasis on “wince”.
You must be new on the internet
This isn’t weeb space dude people actually find that gross outside of discord and reddit
Certainly there are earthlings other than weebs also enjoy it?
Danny snapped lol
Mrs. Walkerton can take a hike, but MR. Walkerton is the best. I see where the kids get their good traits from.
I wonder if this is going to be a another divorce arc.
this is going very very well……………….
This is a terrible idea, yet I can’t help but enjoy Walky standing in the dead center enjoying the chaos he has wrought
David Walkerton: Brother, Boyfriend, Bastard. A chaos agent at the height of his abilities.
This is going really well
So was the power test at Chernobyl, for a while.
“So far, so good” as the man falling from the Empire State building said.
Oh my god it just hit me, this is where Walky gets it.
Linda can joke about “thinking with her box” for better grades but Charles can’t joke about college kids fucking in the most general way? Do you always gotta have double standards for everyone Linda?
I was gonna say a consensual (protected) undergraduate orgy is way better advice than sleeping with your TA.
Is it, though? Kind of feels like a generalization. Like there could be individual circumstances or people who could make either of those two situations feel either safer or less safe.
An orgy can be consensual. Sleeping with a TA cannot. Obviously nobody should orgy without enthusiastic consent on all sides. If you can’t decide which to do on a Friday night, pick the orgy. Nobody will get fired from that and there’s no unfairness about grades.
Disclaimer: have done neither. But if someone tells me they were in an orgy with other consenting adults in college I’m like whatevs, TMI, but TA/undergraduate sex I have to report.
Hmm. I didn’t think about it that way. Good point.
I only had 2 TAs and they were both good friends of mine, and either just about my age or even a bit younger, IIRC. So I never saw it as a power imbalance. But I could see how other undergrads might. (I went to a strange college, though, so I guess norms were different than they might have been at a larger university.)
And then you find out one of the orgy participants is a TA and everything blows up!
Show us what you mean, Pop.
Right here on the table.
We’re all rightly talking about the last panel (bc heck yeah, Charles) but I also love how immediately interested and excited he was to hear about the roller derby
Wish I had a college fuck pit
Panels 3 and 4, oh Walky knows he is going to get subjected to some sibling-certified violence.
You know what, I think Lucy’s idea was brilliant and this is the best this family gets. Like holy shit, talking about things and working through actual conflicts instead of just making stilted conversation and pretending everything’s fine!
Agreed actually.
It’s just too bad that Danny is in the blast zone XD Not Amber, she wouldn’t notice even if a nuke went off.
this is going a lot better than I expected, honestly
danny, though, really? I get that you’re mad but I’m not sure dating your exes is the operative concern here (or anywhere else really, you’re not dating them anymore but that’s a different conversation)
just let sal kick his ass. or you could threaten to follow him around and play ukelele at him.
A bard only has so many attacks in their arsenal.
I think he is just annoyed that this turned into a pipeline, Dotty dumped him moments later she is dating Walky, it didn’t work out with Amber, Walky is dating her next. If it wasn’t the clueless Walky in this, this would look a bit creepy.
This is a competition, and he wins by keeping his mouth shut and letting Walky Walky it up.
This one may set a record for the most faces turned into gravitars. Great reaction faces. I may change from Hank to Charles. Though i look more like Hank.
Willis, you may characterize Charles as Yelling Bird, but in my head Yelling Bird sounds like Lewis Black. Hearing Charles with Lewis Black’s voice is very strange.
You are all welcome that I put that sound in your head.
Sorry, but the voice actor for Yelling Bird in my head has been Gilbert Gottfried for well over a decade now.
Unoriginal? Maybe. Fitting? Absolutely.
If his version of the Aristocrats was any indication, Gilbert was nearly as filthy as Bob Saget was, so it works.
Charles rules.
Giving Hank a run for his money.
Everyone’s focusing on the fuck pile, but I can’t stop thinking about how quick Linda was to try to tie Lucy into the scandal.
I think I’m getting which sibling takes after which parent.
Forgot to check back the comments the other day and apparently some people didn’t understand what I meant with this one?
“Charles is half white so even chances he grew up in a whiter culture and just internalized everything that comes with that. Linda’s not racist, other black people just need to pull their pants up and stop listening to all that “yo yo yo” garbage. Don Lemon style”
First half was genuine analysis (Charles likely grew up in a whiter culture), second half was giving an example of how Charles probably sees the situation and stuff from these types of older black men with internalized racism capitulating to white society. Like Don Lemon, the pants thing was a Don Lemon quote. Should’ve used quotes, sorry for the confusion.
I get really panicky about being misinterpreted in any way so, yeah, here. Hope you see this @Adept
@Laura and Yumi, thanks for the grace. I guess the tone indicators are /srs then /s or /eg? Is eg used as a tone indicator? I should’ve wedged an eg at the start anyway. Bad habit of assuming people know what I mean, when I communicate in a way that’s apparently not very clear. At least without 50 layers of addendums
All good, zee!
Nice of you to check back in.
What is “/eg”? Is it like: “For example:”?
Yeah, example
ok but why is no one bringing up the fact that apparently Walky got a new girlfriend within the last three hours? that’s literally what’s weirdest about this situation and it’s so so offputting that no one is pointing it out
If someone introduced me to their partner in the morning and then introduced a NEW partner in the afternoon I would have several questions, first among them “what the fuck”
Okay, but if the new partner happened to be the girl who stabbed my daughter, I think “Isn’t that the girl who stabbed my daughter?” would maybe take priority. It may not be the weirdest thing about it, but it’s probably the most immediate.
Sal, however, I think is trying to get the conversation around to “what the f” in panel 3, but gets derailed by Danny’s Walkymosity, and whatever the heck is going on with Charles.
I also think that while Sal is trying to get the conversation around to “what the f”, she’s probably at least 75% sure that this is A Bit, rather than an actual thing that’s happened, although possibly not why.
Come to think of it, that might go for the rest of them to a lesser extent. Walky’s parents must know he does weird stuff for effect sometimes, and might well have decided this is one of those times, although they definitely won’t have figured out why.
I think the natural assumption in such a quick change of girlfriends would be that the guy had been already cheating on his ex-girlfriend with the current girlfriend.
Sal was taking things that way, but Linda and Danny got things sidetracked.
Just in general, in the heat of the moment, people can struggle to address multiple pieces of nonsense at a time. “Walky’s dating the girl that stabbed Sal” and “Walky keeps dating Danny’s ex’s” just are sucking up all the air right now.
Also what the hell is a yelling bird?
A character from Questionable Content who just shouts the most offensive stuff, mostly about how Jeph Jacques isn’t competent to write the strip which is why he needs Yelling Bird filler strips. Currently retired, I believe.
It’s from the comic strip “Questionable Content.” Loud, annoying, vulgar, and inappropriate.
I don’t know Yelling Bird’s preferred pronouns, so I just call them “they” :p
Yelling Bird is most well known for memes that came as a result of this guest comic for Questionable Content, because that last panel is just oh-so-flexible in its use (and relevant to this comic in particular): https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1453
Only one person is currently enjoying this social encounter, but probably not for long.
Okay, dad didn’t get simpatico with Joe on the noting Dorothy and Amber similarities, but this last comment is the character I was expecting.
I feel like if Danny had dated Lucy, Linda would approve of Lucy dating Walky, considering how on-the-fence Linda seemed in the previous conversation with Sal and how much she approves of Danny.
This feels like a bullet-time train wreck where we’re waiting for the train to tumble onto an interstate highway.
What is it about this pizzeria that prompts all the dads to remove their brain-to-mouth filter? First Hank talking about the bear lady with the nice tits, and now this. That’s the first and, I think, only time we’ve seen either of them behave in a remotely off-color way, and it’s been at Galasso’s both times. Does the property have some mystical properties? Is this part of Galasso’s plan of general psychological warfare? Is Sydney Yus scheming about this somehow?
Heh. See also, it caused Becky to explode in Lesbian glee over Dina’s scalp.
*X-files music plays*
Might be that Galasso has some kind of AoE ability on at all times.
I can’t thank the commentariat enough for giving me such awesome gameplay ideas.
the irony is that Galasso himself appears to be not only immune to horny, but unclear on the entire concept.
Ya mean he might be ace? Not off the table…
Charles! I’m cackling
Honestly I’d love to see the reaction to a chart of relationships for the twins and Billie