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Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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I read that last panel as Jennifer hearing just how dumb her argument is once she says it aloud. But it can definitely be interpreted either way, and she’s typically among the least self-aware characters in the comic, so.
@Frelance no, we are not in fact “on Team Ascher now.” A subsector of “we” are on Team Ascher in the same way that a subsector of Republicans are on Team Trump.
But that’s his family not him. The dude is trying to get away from them and the only reason he had any interaction with them recently was because of Blaine dragging him into the situation against his will. And if Asher hadn’t gone the route he had Blaine would still be alive and causing even more trouble and trauma for the rest of the cast.
I think in general people are putting things aside until there’s more context for what shit Asher has done. It’s just a lot of work bearing a grudge for someone who’s being portrayed mostly sympathetically.
I kind of assume Jennifer just runs warm. Like, this is a girl who used to (on more than one occasion) go through the dorm halls in a tanktop and panties. She probably just doesn’t get cold that easily. Walky and Lucy are scrawnier than her, too, so maybe that factors into it some, though it’s probably moreso that Walky is getting in from outside.
Jennifer also has considerably more body fat than either of them, and I know from experience that the heavier you are, the harder it is to get cooled off.
That’s why there’s more mammillian megafauna in the Arctic and Antarctic than in the tropics, and why the same species of deer are like huge in the sub-arctic but dwarf in subtropical regions. Seriously, whitetails are smaller than a German shepard dog in FL but almost as big as elk in Alaska.
It was snowing the strip where Ethan was running to Asher’s dorm (which occurs on the same night), so it is likely below freezing. I suppose Lucy and Jennifer just have on lighter clothes because they are either in for the evening (this strip appears to take place in their dorm room) or they plan on layering with heaver clothes when going outside.
When I was around their age, the “popular” girls basically acted impervious to cold. I’m not sure if this was “invisible alcohol jacket” or “wrapping up would hide their smexy outfit” (or a bit of both) – but I’d be outside wearing like 2 t-shirts, a sweater, 3 hoodies and a windproof lumberjack jacket coz I feel the cold, and they’d be walking around in barely-there clubwear…
There are those annoying people in temperate climates who like to run around in t-shirts or the like – or in a particular case a low-cut blue dress – at, e.g., 25° F. (…I used to be one of those people, but I got old. Never did get around to buying that dress.)
having a jacket around your waist to put on later can be helpful but even with socks i can’t imagine being able to wear sandals all day even in non winter weather (tho some one i knew claimed he wore them even in heavy rain outside lol)
it’s not too late, buy whatever you like, prolly pair it with some other stuff but age shouldn’t stop you from fabulous clothes XD
While we’re assuming the worst in her, she’ll probably also say my favorite flavor of skittles is the wrong choice.
I kid, but man, she has really very little good will among people lately, and I wonder sometimes if some of it is us all reading her really uncharitably in many situations.
I mean when you’re violent to your partner and verbally as well as physically abusive, you don’t tend to win many friends or understanding. Jennifer thinks it’s okay to attack Ruth and horribly attack Asher over trivial matters.
People have given her far more slack but she’s basically Blaine in behavior.
I swear, Asher will be the one to end this relationship and Billie is gonna be SO MAD because he’s finally giving her the anger she wanted and he’s just done. And Ethan will be there for him. Dear, sweet, sexy, hurt Ethan. Ethan who can make him the good man Billie couldn’t.
Until he finds out Asher is the reason Mike’s dead. Which be a notable stumbling block in their relationship.
We really don’t have THAT much to go on. We know he has been an accessory to at least a few crimes, up to and including murder. However, we don’t know the extent of any crimes he himself has done and he, like many other characters, is just reaching the age at which his decisions are considered his own. From what we have seen, to my knowledge, he appears to be trying to leave his criminal ties behind and start fresh but these things rarely work out in fiction so that has yet to be seen.
Yeah, it’s possible that the cop killed Ethan, just as Blaine blatantly said that he would, but it also feels like it’d have been entirely unnecessary. Even if Mike didn’t die, they had already tied up the loose end of Blaine, so Mike wouldn’t have really brought any additional heat onto the crime family. Murdering Mike would have been an additional risk with little reward.
I know being dead did nothing good for my mood, but YMMV. You might like being dead, there was a movie that I think was named Dead And Loving It or something on those lines.
Like it’s very rare that someone who’s racist is racist in a way that doesn’t uplift themselves and put down others. It’s saying you’re “better” because you’re born. So Lazy. Instead of doing something with your life you just wanna believe you’re better than someone by birthright. That way you don’t actually have to be good at ANYTHING or successful.
You literally just described the elite (wealthy, especially by inheritance… of which, of course, the majority of the elite are composed).
Like, take the word Racism, replace it with the word “classism,” and you have the opinion(s) of people who think ‘they’re better than all the proles’ just because they were born into a family that happens to have been rich since 147 years ago…
There is definitely overlap, though it does tend to manifest a little differently in that racism usually operates on the idea of inherent differences, whereas classism usually has the veneer of “We have this because of hard work. If the complainers worked harder, then they’d have everything that they needed, too.”
Some rich people know and acknowledge the game is rigged against the poor, but most either rationalize it as fair or live in willful ignorance of their privilege.
Racists, meanwhile, tend to hang onto the idea of differences that are built in, cannot be overcome, and that other races want to destroy them through violence and intermingling, bringing them down with them. They only rarely suggest other races can lift themselves up to their level, and they see the hierarchy as inherently just, not something that anyone can really climb in, only sink down further through blood dilution.
This is all just my observations, though, and far from complete.
For what it’s worth, the racist beliefs I was “taught” growing up were a strange mix of this.
Whites were superior because “they worked harder,” because they are whites. It was genetically or culturally or even linguistically baked in that whites *did more superior things.*
Basically, getting to have their cake (“we’re better”) and eat it too (“because we do better”), Ali while quietly kicking the circular reasoning quietly under the rug.
This form of “whites are better, because they *earn* it” (which feels vaguely familiar to the “prosperity gospel,” “Godliness results in riches” concept) made it a little trickier for me to identify as unjustifiable racism growing up, because I was basically taught that some racism *could/should* be justified (when it, for the purposes of this context, never is).
Bonus: if white people are inherently better, they should naturally always be on top. So, why is it that sometimes the white people are poor, or powerless, or otherwise not-on-top? Because nefarious powerful outsiders disrupt the system from being a proper meritocracy — it’s the fault of the Jews, successfully conspiring to keep the white people down.
Yep, everyone who hates Black and Brown people also hates the Jews (typically in the very next sentence). It’s all part of the same incredibly messed up racist worldview, and it’s all the worst.
Humans and tribalism is a pretty common thing. In fact, one argues that racism exists to give poor whites an investiture in the system that otherwise doesn’t benefit them. After all, a huge chunk of otherwise medicore people may not be rich but they can say they’re better than the brown, trans, gay, insert other people.
Which is also why white women are a major part of the racist system alongside poor males.
In conclusion: We need to make up a non – existent group of people who are worse than everyone else, problem solved. Maybe in form of an army of ai bots.
Or, for that matter, people who think “they’re better than all the bourgeois” just because they were born into a family that hasn’t been rich since forever.
Anybody who’s systemically unhappy needs to find or, if necessary, imagine an out-group to whom he can feel superior.
I think most of the time it’s the other way around. People who adopt racist rhetoric like this do so because it makes them feel superior, mostly by “winning” arguments with liberals (really it’s just us leaving when we feel continuing would be counterproductive or unsafe). The more “wins” they get repeating the rhetoric, the smarter they feel, the more they are convinced of it’s legitimacy.
I don’t know. Uncle Ruckus was plenty racist and he was the funniest character in The Boondocks. Remember him teaching us the benefits of slavery and how it took us out the jungle and it put structure in our lives, or how we shouldn’t trust those new “ninjas” over there? Those were the days! Are you saying that a satirical cartoon character from a edgy adult animated cartoon from the 2000’s worldview is cringe?!…Cause yeah that checks out.
Uncle Ruckus and DeSantis differ only in skin tone, that statement about slavery teaching valuable job skills is part of the official FL high school curriculum.
Not necessarily an idiot Jennifer, but yields a common misconception. It’s not that necessarily that there’s no difference between a bigot who knows they’re a bigot but won’t tell you and a bigot who doesn’t know they’re a bigot — it’s that there’s no interpersonal line between them.
Remember, Carol does not exist in a vacuum, bigots more often than not operate only on self-interest, viewpoints to them are not that which they are obliged to defend but tools to be picked up and dropped depending on their utility.
the fact that Walky’s parents accepted that Amber as a new girlfriend without ever questioning what happened to Lucy proves that these characters have become rather flat altogether, and they have no further thoughts than whatever is necessary to further the plot at a given moment. They’re effectively sitcom characters now
I miss when this webcomic was more grounded in realism and the characters had depth. does anyone else miss that?
Despite her rage Linda isn’t likely to be wired to think critically of Walky or herself. She’ll display an intense but shallow rage until the world bends back to what she thinks it should be.
I’ve met the personality type before and it’s actually pretty shocking how their brains impact crumple zones will absorb things they don’t want to believe.
I buy it actually because it’s so bizarre a plan that you would need to have a grounding to question it.
ALSO because I introduced my parents to my girlfriend during one trip and later that night brought my other girlfriend (they were aware of each other) and weirdly no one brought it up despite my having forgotten to mention it.
I dunno, maye it’s because I’ve read Willis’ comics since I was in highschool so I’m very used to the reality of the strips ramping up and down. Sure Dumbing of Age has never been Shortpacked but there’s still a decent amount of variety that comes from his style.
I remember when It’s Walky started taking more goofy elements seriously and I think that threw me more than any of this. But maybe I’m capable of being too loyal.
I mean his parents, plural, did not see to hate Amber. Linda did, sure, but Charles seemed to be in support of the fake relationship. So I’m no sure Walky is being accurate here, and I wonder how that will play out over the next few hours and days.
yea, Walky’s straight-up lying about the results… his MOM disliked her, but his dad? definitely thought she was a catch. Didn’t even realize at first that he was not telling Lucy the reality of the situation.
Not to mention his mom only started to like Lucy because she now values Sals opinion better because of her racism fueled preference for her kids having white partners.Think Walkys insecure about their relationship and wants a ‘win’ to not focus on any doubts he has.
Charles may actually ALSO be a driving force in the racism.
“Listen son, I’m going to tell it like it is: your life will be easier in some ways if you’re married to a white woman. Just don’t go to places it will get you killed.
“Like the Deep South.”
“Like ten miles away.”
(paraphrased actual conversation I heard from friend with his dad about his marriage)
Honestly I think Walky only values his mom’s opinion. I mean she’s the dominant parent and the one who instills All the anxiety in him, while his dad just sorta enables her and occasionally hands out his own thoughts when she’s not looking. Charles doesn’t go against Linda, ever, so yeah. As far as walkys concerned Linda’s opinion is his parents’ opinion
I’m on team “Walky and Lucy have less chemistry than flour and glue” but I don’t think we should give Charles credit for joining that team, he’s seen like two thirds of a single interaction between the two lol.
I mean in Lucy’s defense he spent a whole dinner with walky and Amber and only saw walky with Lucy for like 2 minutes, most of which she spent interacting with him and linda
I know they’ve both bonded over the fake girlfriend plan failing it’s way into success but I still have no faith in Walky x Lucy. Like less faith in them than Jennifer x Asher and I just saw Asher make out with Ethan like 3 strips ago. At this point I hope they get married and have babies just to spite how little I believe in them.
How much is there to have faith in at this point? Have they had three real dates yet? They’re still in the early stages of discovering each other, no matter what Lucy thinks.
Three counting the meal with Walky’s parents I think unless the meal was 4. One more date than Lucy thinks is required for them to have sex., however many that was.
Shame that Walky is lying here, his parents did not in fact think Lucy was the better choice, just his mother thought that. His father actually thought Amber was the better choice for Walky, an opinion I agree with.
I know this was phrased as being about “parents”, but Linda was always the main concern. Charles thought Amber was the better choice, but he also said he would accept Walky’s decision.
Yeah Charles’ opinion has never mattered in this equation. When it comes down to it hes a “yes dear” type. Walky isn’t lying, he genuinely only cares about what Linda thinks and sees her as speaking unilaterally for the both of them
Honestly, if there’s no polycule between Lucy, Walky, and Amber, I kinda want to see Lucy and Jacob get together. Also assuming Lucy is purely heterosexual. I think she confirmed she is at some point. (If she’s not, I might crack pair her with Malaya)
I’m worried that Walky’s milquetoast attitude with her will slowly eat at her, and she might break up with him. I’m pretty sure Walky’s not going to break up with her. God, I feel painfully for Lucy since I’ve been in her shoes. She’s deluding herself into believing her relationship is great even though it’s got huge problems that she is more than willing to overlook.
Reason I said Jacob is that both he and Lucy have a religious background, and Jacob mentioned that he wanted a girlfriend who’s a lot like Joyce. Joyce screwed up any chance with Jacob and she’s an atheist now. Lucy doesn’t know Joyce super well, and she doesn’t like Sarah. Their circles may also already kind of mesh, especially since she’s friends with Raidah.
I think this makes it pretty clear that Jennifer wasn’t mad about Asher not smoking, or being stereotypically “bad”. She’s mad at him because he acted like Walky. She wants to think of herself as more professional, more mature, and more put-together than Walky. When Walky joined the group for brunch and it actually went well, that pulled the rug out from under it all. Asher contributed to that dynamic and that’s why she is upset.
For a while it seemed like she actually was getting better and becoming more authentic, but it seems like she slid back into some of the same patterns over the timeskip. She was dating the stereotypically hot guy and she was friends with sophomores, and I think some of that attention went to her head. I think we may start to see some character development again if her newfound social situation blows up.
“Walky and Lucy don’t have chemistry” my ass. Someone just needs to introduce them to foodplay and Walky will start committing fast enough to make Lucy go “Hang on, maybe we’re getting too seriously too quickly.”
We’re all just waiting for Jennifer to hit rock bottom aren’t we? Or for her to show at least some introspection. On that note: just wait until Jennifer learns that Sal is the new top of the totem pole…
is sore loserdom a rational viewpoint which could be defeated through logic
I’m surprised Ms Billingsworth could open her mouth to answer. Her lack of self-awareness knows no bounds.
I read that last panel as Jennifer hearing just how dumb her argument is once she says it aloud. But it can definitely be interpreted either way, and she’s typically among the least self-aware characters in the comic, so.
it’s like at this age they’re just dumb or something? weird
That’d make a good name for a book or a band or something
Dumbing of Age, Book 13: At This Age They’re Just Dumb
: Age of not so not-an-idiot.
Dumbing of Age, Book 13: Idiocy Correlated with Years of Life Attained Thus Far
Oops That’s Just the Title of the Series
Jennifer, you are just as much of a idiot here.
Asher is practically the amalgamation of the best traits of two of the best people you know and you’re fucking this up.
She doesn’t want a healthy supportive boyfriend!
She wants Cool mob guy!
hol’up, are “we” on Team Asher now? thaaaat’s a weird one
I think the commentariat has more-or-less joined Team Asher at this point, yes.
Ehhh, what’s some light kidnapping and murder between friends?
It’s ok if it’s Blaine
While you make a good point, not all of us are on team Asher.
He’s probably harmless. probably
@Frelance no, we are not in fact “on Team Ascher now.” A subsector of “we” are on Team Ascher in the same way that a subsector of Republicans are on Team Trump.
So, everyone then?
Bravo! The lust for power clearly trumps their morals. See also: politician
I’m starting to think that Asher is the fully non-toxic guy that has this one thing that completely makes him the most toxic person ever.
As non-toxic as he can be, right now, considering he has the mob family.
But that’s his family not him. The dude is trying to get away from them and the only reason he had any interaction with them recently was because of Blaine dragging him into the situation against his will. And if Asher hadn’t gone the route he had Blaine would still be alive and causing even more trouble and trauma for the rest of the cast.
I’ve always been on team (adult) Asher. Dudes cool and like, probably the furthest along in his personal journey of the cast
I think in general people are putting things aside until there’s more context for what shit Asher has done. It’s just a lot of work bearing a grudge for someone who’s being portrayed mostly sympathetically.
Which two?
Sal and Walky, I think
That’s the problem. Jennifer doesn’t want a boyfriend who acts like Walky. She wants someone more mature so that she can feel superior to Walky.
Jennifer wants someone that doesn’t exist.
Honestly, anyone mature enough for her tastes wouldn’t be dating Jennifer. Because her antics are straight out of high school.
Thanks! Makes sense.
oh yeah, oops all idiots, highly accurate xD
It’s bothering me that Walky has a sweatshirt on, Lucy is wearing a turtleneck, and Jennifer has a sleeveless shirt. WHAT TEMPERATURE IS IT?
Maybe Jennifer is just staying indoors today?
Jennifer is hot tho.
I kind of assume Jennifer just runs warm. Like, this is a girl who used to (on more than one occasion) go through the dorm halls in a tanktop and panties. She probably just doesn’t get cold that easily. Walky and Lucy are scrawnier than her, too, so maybe that factors into it some, though it’s probably moreso that Walky is getting in from outside.
Jennifer also has considerably more body fat than either of them, and I know from experience that the heavier you are, the harder it is to get cooled off.
The fat serves as insulation, and there’s also a ratio between surface area and volume to consider.
That’s why there’s more mammillian megafauna in the Arctic and Antarctic than in the tropics, and why the same species of deer are like huge in the sub-arctic but dwarf in subtropical regions. Seriously, whitetails are smaller than a German shepard dog in FL but almost as big as elk in Alaska.
Walky and Lucy just came from outside probably and Jen’s been in her presumably heated room all day.
It was snowing the strip where Ethan was running to Asher’s dorm (which occurs on the same night), so it is likely below freezing. I suppose Lucy and Jennifer just have on lighter clothes because they are either in for the evening (this strip appears to take place in their dorm room) or they plan on layering with heaver clothes when going outside.
Which is what made it even stranger that she demanded Asher strip down to his T-shirt outside of class…
Some ppl are warmer/colder than others but i imagine jen would wear whatever looks best on her and cover up if she needs to
When I was around their age, the “popular” girls basically acted impervious to cold. I’m not sure if this was “invisible alcohol jacket” or “wrapping up would hide their smexy outfit” (or a bit of both) – but I’d be outside wearing like 2 t-shirts, a sweater, 3 hoodies and a windproof lumberjack jacket coz I feel the cold, and they’d be walking around in barely-there clubwear…
There are those annoying people in temperate climates who like to run around in t-shirts or the like – or in a particular case a low-cut blue dress – at, e.g., 25° F. (…I used to be one of those people, but I got old. Never did get around to buying that dress.)
having a jacket around your waist to put on later can be helpful but even with socks i can’t imagine being able to wear sandals all day even in non winter weather (tho some one i knew claimed he wore them even in heavy rain outside lol)
it’s not too late, buy whatever you like, prolly pair it with some other stuff but age shouldn’t stop you from fabulous clothes XD
I can think of a different 5 letter word for Billie
It also starts with a B
–B-Girl’s your name/And if you don’t know a ‘B-Girl’/Let us explain/
‘B’ stand for…
Was her name-o
No longer Boozy!
Billie is a six-letter word, though.
(Also she’s currently going by Jennifer.)
I swear shes gonna be mad Asher DIDNT cheat on her
Absolutely she is.
She will totally objectify the two men too.
While we’re assuming the worst in her, she’ll probably also say my favorite flavor of skittles is the wrong choice.
I kid, but man, she has really very little good will among people lately, and I wonder sometimes if some of it is us all reading her really uncharitably in many situations.
I mean when you’re violent to your partner and verbally as well as physically abusive, you don’t tend to win many friends or understanding. Jennifer thinks it’s okay to attack Ruth and horribly attack Asher over trivial matters.
People have given her far more slack but she’s basically Blaine in behavior.
Objectifying them is more of an Amber move
Its like the Graeae, but instead of an eye and the tooth its an Asher and the one brain cell.
The Graeae are beings from Greek myth – three sisters who had to share and fight over the use of the single eye and tooth they had between them.
The eye I’d fight for, but what are you gonna do with a single tooth? That just sounds uncomfortable.
Clearly you can’t handle the tooth!
“I want the juice!”
She’ll find a better reason not to talk to him soon enough I’m sure
Okay, i know Mary is by far the worst of the non-adult characters, but Jennifer is REALLY pushing hard for that silver medal.
Mary still actively tries to push people to suicide.
Which is why she’s got the gold medal on lock
I swear, Asher will be the one to end this relationship and Billie is gonna be SO MAD because he’s finally giving her the anger she wanted and he’s just done. And Ethan will be there for him. Dear, sweet, sexy, hurt Ethan. Ethan who can make him the good man Billie couldn’t.
Until he finds out Asher is the reason Mike’s dead. Which be a notable stumbling block in their relationship.
Is He ( asher) though?
ive wondered.
He’s a partner in the kidnapping which is probably worse.
We really don’t have THAT much to go on. We know he has been an accessory to at least a few crimes, up to and including murder. However, we don’t know the extent of any crimes he himself has done and he, like many other characters, is just reaching the age at which his decisions are considered his own. From what we have seen, to my knowledge, he appears to be trying to leave his criminal ties behind and start fresh but these things rarely work out in fiction so that has yet to be seen.
The question is whether the cop killed Blaine or killed Blaine AND Mike.
Because he was getting better according to Amber.
Amber said he had more time. That sounds like they expected him to die but not so soon.
Yeah, it’s possible that the cop killed Ethan, just as Blaine blatantly said that he would, but it also feels like it’d have been entirely unnecessary. Even if Mike didn’t die, they had already tied up the loose end of Blaine, so Mike wouldn’t have really brought any additional heat onto the crime family. Murdering Mike would have been an additional risk with little reward.
Can’t believe Ethan was dead all along.
That explains the mood change. Being dead would make anyone depressed and nihilistic.
I suggested that a lot of Ethan’s behavior makes sense if he’s been turned into a vampire.
A SEXY vampire.
I know being dead did nothing good for my mood, but YMMV. You might like being dead, there was a movie that I think was named Dead And Loving It or something on those lines.
Ah, whoops, haha.
I’m pretty sure it was implied or stated somewhere that Ethan was in the room with Mike when Mike passed
Unless the cop decided to use poison I think it’s safe to say Mike just took an unexpected turn for the worst
Blaine is the reason Mike is dead. After Mike volunteered to join the conflict.
I don’t see Asher’s involvement here. He pulled a fire alarm. He probably wasn’t fully briefed as to why.
Yeah Mike was already in the hospital before ashes part came up
Racism is so cringe.
Like it’s very rare that someone who’s racist is racist in a way that doesn’t uplift themselves and put down others. It’s saying you’re “better” because you’re born. So Lazy. Instead of doing something with your life you just wanna believe you’re better than someone by birthright. That way you don’t actually have to be good at ANYTHING or successful.
Racism is the participation trophy of bigotry.
Yeah, I think racism is kind of inherently bad.
You literally just described the elite (wealthy, especially by inheritance… of which, of course, the majority of the elite are composed).
Like, take the word Racism, replace it with the word “classism,” and you have the opinion(s) of people who think ‘they’re better than all the proles’ just because they were born into a family that happens to have been rich since 147 years ago…
There is definitely overlap, though it does tend to manifest a little differently in that racism usually operates on the idea of inherent differences, whereas classism usually has the veneer of “We have this because of hard work. If the complainers worked harder, then they’d have everything that they needed, too.”
Some rich people know and acknowledge the game is rigged against the poor, but most either rationalize it as fair or live in willful ignorance of their privilege.
Racists, meanwhile, tend to hang onto the idea of differences that are built in, cannot be overcome, and that other races want to destroy them through violence and intermingling, bringing them down with them. They only rarely suggest other races can lift themselves up to their level, and they see the hierarchy as inherently just, not something that anyone can really climb in, only sink down further through blood dilution.
This is all just my observations, though, and far from complete.
That’s doing a *lot* of arguing in defense of dreadfully few people. And as they get richer, ever fewer of them acknowledge their luck.
For what it’s worth, the racist beliefs I was “taught” growing up were a strange mix of this.
Whites were superior because “they worked harder,” because they are whites. It was genetically or culturally or even linguistically baked in that whites *did more superior things.*
Basically, getting to have their cake (“we’re better”) and eat it too (“because we do better”), Ali while quietly kicking the circular reasoning quietly under the rug.
This form of “whites are better, because they *earn* it” (which feels vaguely familiar to the “prosperity gospel,” “Godliness results in riches” concept) made it a little trickier for me to identify as unjustifiable racism growing up, because I was basically taught that some racism *could/should* be justified (when it, for the purposes of this context, never is).
Bonus: if white people are inherently better, they should naturally always be on top. So, why is it that sometimes the white people are poor, or powerless, or otherwise not-on-top? Because nefarious powerful outsiders disrupt the system from being a proper meritocracy — it’s the fault of the Jews, successfully conspiring to keep the white people down.
Yep, everyone who hates Black and Brown people also hates the Jews (typically in the very next sentence). It’s all part of the same incredibly messed up racist worldview, and it’s all the worst.
Humans and tribalism is a pretty common thing. In fact, one argues that racism exists to give poor whites an investiture in the system that otherwise doesn’t benefit them. After all, a huge chunk of otherwise medicore people may not be rich but they can say they’re better than the brown, trans, gay, insert other people.
Which is also why white women are a major part of the racist system alongside poor males.
In conclusion: We need to make up a non – existent group of people who are worse than everyone else, problem solved. Maybe in form of an army of ai bots.
No, no, we can’t be mean to mutants and create Sentinels to hunt them!
Or, for that matter, people who think “they’re better than all the bourgeois” just because they were born into a family that hasn’t been rich since forever.
Anybody who’s systemically unhappy needs to find or, if necessary, imagine an out-group to whom he can feel superior.
I think most of the time it’s the other way around. People who adopt racist rhetoric like this do so because it makes them feel superior, mostly by “winning” arguments with liberals (really it’s just us leaving when we feel continuing would be counterproductive or unsafe). The more “wins” they get repeating the rhetoric, the smarter they feel, the more they are convinced of it’s legitimacy.
I don’t know. Uncle Ruckus was plenty racist and he was the funniest character in The Boondocks. Remember him teaching us the benefits of slavery and how it took us out the jungle and it put structure in our lives, or how we shouldn’t trust those new “ninjas” over there? Those were the days! Are you saying that a satirical cartoon character from a edgy adult animated cartoon from the 2000’s worldview is cringe?!…Cause yeah that checks out.
Listen, the world isn’t ready for Reverend Uncle Ruckus’ teachings.
God I love the Boondocks.
Uncle Ruckus and DeSantis differ only in skin tone, that statement about slavery teaching valuable job skills is part of the official FL high school curriculum.
Personally valuable as if they werent enslaved
Glad to see Lucy happy. And now, like a winner.
Idiots of Age, where it’s all idiots all the way down.
For all this, someone nab Walky’s stash of rabbit’s feet outta where the sun don’t shine
I thought Idiots of Age was the spinoff starring (most of) the parents.
I’d read it.
Even idiots get victories lol
(drawing hands are hard. Drawing hands are hards, even AI struggles to on them. Drawing hands are hard. )
but this page ( esp Lucys ) is giving me the creeps/ uncanny valley.
and walky suddenly has grew pianist fingers.
Lucy must be very happy about this development.
walkys, or her own suddenly arthritic monster mitts?
Not necessarily an idiot Jennifer, but yields a common misconception. It’s not that necessarily that there’s no difference between a bigot who knows they’re a bigot but won’t tell you and a bigot who doesn’t know they’re a bigot — it’s that there’s no interpersonal line between them.
Remember, Carol does not exist in a vacuum, bigots more often than not operate only on self-interest, viewpoints to them are not that which they are obliged to defend but tools to be picked up and dropped depending on their utility.
the fact that Walky’s parents accepted that Amber as a new girlfriend without ever questioning what happened to Lucy proves that these characters have become rather flat altogether, and they have no further thoughts than whatever is necessary to further the plot at a given moment. They’re effectively sitcom characters now
I miss when this webcomic was more grounded in realism and the characters had depth. does anyone else miss that?
People can still see you when you close your eyes.
Stop it, they’re already dead.
what on earth does that mean?
You mean when Amber was defying physics as a vigilante?
Or when Ruth was literally throwing people, drawing dicks in her hand and slapping people so it’d leave a dickmark?
It seems like Charles was not fooled and understood that this was a plot. Linda didn’t like Lucy to begin with and wasn’t going to ask after her.
Despite her rage Linda isn’t likely to be wired to think critically of Walky or herself. She’ll display an intense but shallow rage until the world bends back to what she thinks it should be.
I’ve met the personality type before and it’s actually pretty shocking how their brains impact crumple zones will absorb things they don’t want to believe.
I buy it actually because it’s so bizarre a plan that you would need to have a grounding to question it.
ALSO because I introduced my parents to my girlfriend during one trip and later that night brought my other girlfriend (they were aware of each other) and weirdly no one brought it up despite my having forgotten to mention it.
I dunno, maye it’s because I’ve read Willis’ comics since I was in highschool so I’m very used to the reality of the strips ramping up and down. Sure Dumbing of Age has never been Shortpacked but there’s still a decent amount of variety that comes from his style.
I remember when It’s Walky started taking more goofy elements seriously and I think that threw me more than any of this. But maybe I’m capable of being too loyal.
God nostalgia goggles are so poisonous
Charles didn’t buy it.
I mean his parents, plural, did not see to hate Amber. Linda did, sure, but Charles seemed to be in support of the fake relationship. So I’m no sure Walky is being accurate here, and I wonder how that will play out over the next few hours and days.
yea, Walky’s straight-up lying about the results… his MOM disliked her, but his dad? definitely thought she was a catch. Didn’t even realize at first that he was not telling Lucy the reality of the situation.
Could be interesting to see how this plays out if that fact ever comes to light.
Not to mention his mom only started to like Lucy because she now values Sals opinion better because of her racism fueled preference for her kids having white partners.Think Walkys insecure about their relationship and wants a ‘win’ to not focus on any doubts he has.
Charles may actually ALSO be a driving force in the racism.
“Listen son, I’m going to tell it like it is: your life will be easier in some ways if you’re married to a white woman. Just don’t go to places it will get you killed.
“Like the Deep South.”
“Like ten miles away.”
(paraphrased actual conversation I heard from friend with his dad about his marriage)
Honestly I think Walky only values his mom’s opinion. I mean she’s the dominant parent and the one who instills All the anxiety in him, while his dad just sorta enables her and occasionally hands out his own thoughts when she’s not looking. Charles doesn’t go against Linda, ever, so yeah. As far as walkys concerned Linda’s opinion is his parents’ opinion
I like how Jennifer hears panel two and just goes ‘What did you do’. She knows him well.
And I’m glad they’re handling their issues in a mature and sensible way. /s
Wait, he thinks this worked? Only it definitely seems like Charles at least preferred Amber.
I think it’s more that Charles saw that Walky had chemistry with Amber and not Lucy, and is giving him relatively good advice.
I’m on team “Walky and Lucy have less chemistry than flour and glue” but I don’t think we should give Charles credit for joining that team, he’s seen like two thirds of a single interaction between the two lol.
I mean in Lucy’s defense he spent a whole dinner with walky and Amber and only saw walky with Lucy for like 2 minutes, most of which she spent interacting with him and linda
I know they’ve both bonded over the fake girlfriend plan failing it’s way into success but I still have no faith in Walky x Lucy. Like less faith in them than Jennifer x Asher and I just saw Asher make out with Ethan like 3 strips ago. At this point I hope they get married and have babies just to spite how little I believe in them.
It was actually 5 strips ago but who’s counting?…..I am, cause I just corrected that it was 5 strips ago.
Iunno if I’d call that much of a make out. Ethan came on strong and kissed Asher, but Asher seemed to stop it once his brain caught up.
How much is there to have faith in at this point? Have they had three real dates yet? They’re still in the early stages of discovering each other, no matter what Lucy thinks.
Three counting the meal with Walky’s parents I think unless the meal was 4. One more date than Lucy thinks is required for them to have sex., however many that was.
Maybe there was something in the water in their neighbourhood, and Sal escaped because she was sent to juvie.
Not making a strong argument on the not an idiot front Jennifer.
She’s right, and she’s right to say it.
Shame that Walky is lying here, his parents did not in fact think Lucy was the better choice, just his mother thought that. His father actually thought Amber was the better choice for Walky, an opinion I agree with.
I concur.
I know this was phrased as being about “parents”, but Linda was always the main concern. Charles thought Amber was the better choice, but he also said he would accept Walky’s decision.
Yeah Charles’ opinion has never mattered in this equation. When it comes down to it hes a “yes dear” type. Walky isn’t lying, he genuinely only cares about what Linda thinks and sees her as speaking unilaterally for the both of them
And it wasn’t Wally’s stunt that changed Linda’s mind, he’s just lying all around here.
I think just telling Lucy it worked is a way better option than explaining the whole circus that -actually- went down there.
Also go away Jennifer. I know this is your room, but go stand out in the hall for a while or something.
And that’s when Billie realized dhe done F’d up.
We’re probably about a year away from that.
Sounds dumb coming out of your mouth, huh Jennifer?
Just leaving out that Sal already had them sold on Lucy before you and Amber showed up, huh?
yeah, you really deserve to have him used by Ethan.
Honestly, if there’s no polycule between Lucy, Walky, and Amber, I kinda want to see Lucy and Jacob get together. Also assuming Lucy is purely heterosexual. I think she confirmed she is at some point. (If she’s not, I might crack pair her with Malaya)
I’m worried that Walky’s milquetoast attitude with her will slowly eat at her, and she might break up with him. I’m pretty sure Walky’s not going to break up with her. God, I feel painfully for Lucy since I’ve been in her shoes. She’s deluding herself into believing her relationship is great even though it’s got huge problems that she is more than willing to overlook.
Reason I said Jacob is that both he and Lucy have a religious background, and Jacob mentioned that he wanted a girlfriend who’s a lot like Joyce. Joyce screwed up any chance with Jacob and she’s an atheist now. Lucy doesn’t know Joyce super well, and she doesn’t like Sarah. Their circles may also already kind of mesh, especially since she’s friends with Raidah.
I think Walky wanted to be Lucy’s friend but found out they were dating retroactively.
And went, “Uh, sure, I guess.”
But he’s not really attracted to her.
That might be his only option unless 3rd Joyce: Liz somehow becomes a main stay.
I think this makes it pretty clear that Jennifer wasn’t mad about Asher not smoking, or being stereotypically “bad”. She’s mad at him because he acted like Walky. She wants to think of herself as more professional, more mature, and more put-together than Walky. When Walky joined the group for brunch and it actually went well, that pulled the rug out from under it all. Asher contributed to that dynamic and that’s why she is upset.
If there’s one thing Jennifer loves, it’s cramming people into cubbyholes and expecting them to play the parts they’re “supposed to”.
Jennifer wants to be back in high school despite that not being how college works.
For a while it seemed like she actually was getting better and becoming more authentic, but it seems like she slid back into some of the same patterns over the timeskip. She was dating the stereotypically hot guy and she was friends with sophomores, and I think some of that attention went to her head. I think we may start to see some character development again if her newfound social situation blows up.
But that is authentically Jennifer: acquire status symbols and then let it all go to her head.
…. Walky is gonna be in for a rude awakening when he next has any kind of interaction with his parents.
Third panel Jennifer. I feel this so much.
Is thus the most BF/GF physical affection we’ve seen for these two yet?
She sucked off his shirt that one time.
And made eye contact during.
Oh my…
“Walky and Lucy don’t have chemistry” my ass. Someone just needs to introduce them to foodplay and Walky will start committing fast enough to make Lucy go “Hang on, maybe we’re getting too seriously too quickly.”
Something something “language is an evolving construct” something “ignore my typo” something something.
Asher is just out doing guy stuff. Nothing to worry about.
We’re all just waiting for Jennifer to hit rock bottom aren’t we? Or for her to show at least some introspection. On that note: just wait until Jennifer learns that Sal is the new top of the totem pole…
well, damn. Everybody here is correct. Just not about the thing they wished they were.
Racism can’t be defeated through logic, only beatings.
SO not an idiot
Does it look to anyone else like Lucy’s hand in panel 6 is connected to Jennifer’s arm in panel 7, via an off-panel elbow?
Thanks, now I can’t un-see it.
Scroll down until the speech bubbles are off the screen for an even more convincing effect.
“i didnt say *I* wasnt an idiot, i said *YOURE* an idiot, lets not change the subject!”
That alt-tag is spot on. Can we rename the comic to “Oops, All Idiots”?