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“Don’t do it” is generally a phrase used to imply that there exists an activity, or action of some kind, that is designated by the word “it”. In the case of Mr. Bierce’s post, “it” (the activity to not be performed) was to “parody a parody”, meaning create a parody (understood as a comedic exageration) of something which is, in itself, already a parody. It is possible that such things are regulated by the FCC as this was a relevant qualification that Mr. Bierce cited on the same day. This is likely for public safety, as it has been shown by British televison that excessive humour can, in fact, be fatal. This is why much of their comic delivery is delivered dead-pan, as if it were further enhanced with dramatic telling, their humour would readily achieve toxicity when ingested by the general population. For similar reasons, any attempt to create a parody of an existing parody is restricted, as the possuble complications and ramifications of amplifying the comedic effect of an already humourous effort could proove fatal to large swathes of the population. Now some have raised concern that having iterated upon itself, the GOP may in fact be a parody of a parody of its former self. However, careful measurement and analysis has revealed that it is actually a gross caricature, rather than a parody. As such, the population is safe from any humourous effect the GOP may be trying to achieve. Their actual effects however, remain a danger to us all.
slowly but surely, Becky & Dorothy’s frenemies shtick has parasitized my vital functions, replacing my very organs with its own goofy nerves and arteries. It absorbs what I eat. It inhales my weed. And when I laugh at a good joke, it slurps up my dopamine. It pumps just enough life back into my organism to keep me hungry for more, forever reading DOA, a husk of a person, entirely colonized by this apex character dynamic. I am living for it.
compared to what, the past couple years? no. ^^
no, but really it’s been basically perfect these days. we do expect a bit of a storm tomorrow, though.
how is it where you are? kinda hot then?
“It started out with a joke, how did it end up like this?
It was only a joke, it was only a joke.” ~ excerpt of “Ms Lesbo-side” by Becky MacIntyre. Used without permission.
Well, Clint is nothing like Ruth, and Walky is nothing like the young lady who’s name I’m totally blanking on right now despite following the Clinton, Elliot, Her “love” Triangle.
But “Clint is nothing like Ruth” threw me for a moment, since “Clint” is Ruth’s abusive grandfather and my brain didn’t connect that to Clinton at first.
psh i spent way too long crafting a joke in greek the entire point of which was that it didn’t work unless translated into english, and making sure that popular machine translation services did an ok job at rendering it. (Deepl handles Greek way better than Google Translate, btw. now you know)
turns out the spambot here doesn’t like comments entirely written in non-latin characters. FML
It’s got this neat feature where if you click on any word in the translated text it you get a pop-up list of other words it might’ve used instead, regardless of whether it thinks it’s got it right. It will always give you alternatives.
And its translations very often sound much better than Google’s.
The main limitation is that it handles nowhere near the number of languages that GT does (it doesn’t have Arabic!) but it’s still pretty new and it’s regularly implementing more languages.
and the other issue is it doesn’t have the transliteration/handwriting options that GT has for non-latin based languages that are so handy.
So is Becky doing this on purpose or is this just how she functions? Cause I thought they had reached an understanding that the rivalry was kinda stupid and more trouble than it was worth.
It seems like maybe it’s moved to being entirely performative, with full awareness on both sides and no real animosity behind it?
Which seems both pointless and exhausting, to me.
I guess Dotty kind of worked herself into a shoot then. But if it’s a bit and they both know it does that mean Becky’s gonna pick up her clothes? The rivalry may be an act but that’s a real mess.
Becky’s demonstrated an almost concrete tendency where every scenario that could lead to any kind of meaningful conversation has her dial it up to 11, presumably to avoid it. I think she’s trying to be funny here, though.
There was a really good post someone made a while back where they theorized Becky got this good at deflecting away from painful conversations due to living with Toedad. If someone’s angry, or has the potential to get angry, laughing it off is a pretty good way to signal to them that they don’t need to have this conversation with you.
Willis, I don’t know if this is just a normal thing that takes a while, but when you go back a page, the forward buttons are still grayed out even though the next page, this page, is up. Clicking the panel to move forward refreshes that page without directing to this one.
The problem is that one automatically assumes she pronounced it “Les-boh-zz” (as in colloquial term for lesbians), because seriously now, it’s Becky, how else would she be saying it, as opposed to “Lez-baw-ss”, as in an island in Greece with concentration camps for migrants.
How can that help? It won’t change how he feels inside, will it? His heart will still remain in turmoil and his anger just won’t vanish! He’ll just be trapped forever!
Becky uses of them fancy SPACE LASERS (borrowed from their creators and owners, the ever so friendly jews) to blast them’ jokes from orbit without leaving so much as a trace!
Since the focus is currently on Becks I have to wonder if she has any other family. I know she’s an orphan now and an only child and family is really the people you choose to be atound but it would be an interesting development. Were her parents also only children with dead parents? Any aunts or uncles on either side? Grandparents. Not really excited to learn about Ross’ extended family but that’s just from his bad impression I could easily see him isolating his family unit as a way of exerting more control over them. Becky’s mom is what really interests me since I feel like we know nothing about her. What happened at Ross’ funeral if there even was one? Did two entire famllies really just abandon this girl or is Becky the last MacIntyre? Should make an interesting sur prise if Willis ever digs into that idea.
I suspect, given circumstances (and my standing headcanon that Bonnie was in many ways what would have happened if Becky hadn’t broken out of the closet and away from Ross and the congregation, though I have no opinion on her being a lesbian as well) that Ross and Bonnie both had fundamentalist upbringings themselves, and married someone from the same/differing only on very minor varies-by-congregation details kind of faith. At the very least I’d lay good money on Bonnie coming from that family background, feeling pent in but never being allowed to really think bigger.
If that is the case, then yes, Becky likely has been disowned by most of her still-living family for being a lesbian (and wouldn’t be shocked if someone would in fact tell her she ‘killed her father’ or something similar if she saw them at the funeral). If there are other family members who are estranged a la Jordan, they’d be options, but depending on how long ago they broke ranks they may never have known Becky. Good news is, ‘Congresswoman hires homeless lesbian to manage campaign after her father tried to kidnap her from a college campus at gunpoint’ probably spread through the state at least, so if they recognized Ross then I could see them making the connection and reaching out eventually.
It’s also a possibility that Bonnie’s faith wasn’t quite AS restrictive before marrying Ross, or that Ross went deeper as time went on. But I suspect Bonnie at least was from a pretty conservative church to begin with, though I could see Ross being like Mary and coming from a Christian but not deeply evangelical fundamentalist branch before radicalizing in his teen years. So there might be options there as well.
We don’t know, but I’m inclined to think Hank really was the only adult she had in that first month, and that even if others reach out they won’t be able to say ‘Bonnie would be proud of you’ the same way he did.
Yeah, while it might make sense for there to be other living relatives, it’s kind of narratively necessary for there not to be. Either they’d be an echo of the conflict with her father, but with less weight or they’d be a support that she could turn to, thus lessening the importance of both Hank’s support and her queer mother figures.
Realistically, strongly religious families aren’t known for being small, so it’s unlikely that both Ross and Bonnie would have been only children, but it’s certainly possible.
I don’t really care about the narrative though. I have curiosities and there’s a surprising amount of things we still don’t know about these characters. Home life and family being one of them. For instance we know nothing about Sarah’s family except that her parents are divorced and I think maybe she’s an only child. I really want to know where Becky gets her ginger complexion from. It’s a safe bet it’s Bonnie but considering we’ve only ever seen her as a ghostly after image or blue tinted flashback that topic is surprisingly debateable. Has a picture of her ever been shown?
This applies to a lot of characters actually. I think being in a bit of a new phase of DoA opens up room forsome of these questions to be answered. I’d love to see Jordan or another Billingsworth.
We’ve seen character art for Bonnie that isn’t bluescaled, IIRC, and she was a redhead.
Here I think thejeff (and I certainly am) is saying relatives would be narratively redundant to say why we’re unlikely to see Becky’s family even if they do exist. I think Jordan and a senior Billingsworth will show up sooner or later, since they do further other arcs, but any living family for Becky would probably be exposited like Sarah’s or shown in a flashback to Ross’s funeral that lets us know it was absolute hell on Becky and Joyce (because the congregation would be saying something similar to my suggested ‘killed your father’ line. Honestly I hope they skipped a big service for just that reason.)
Oh, actually, could be interesting if a long-estranged family member showed up to shake up the Robin or Leslie relationships because she’s now in a stable position. We know Robin’s kind of jealous of how Becky genuinely likes Leslie and how Leslie’s insecure because she wants to be an unconditional family figure and Becky isn’t in the space for a New Cool Lesbian Mom when she’s still grieving Bonnie. Might be interesting. But for now I think the unresolved Leslie and Robin Weirdness can carry those arcs for a bit.
I’d actually really like to see the Bonnie art. I missed it when it was posted. Do you know where I can find it? Do I have to dive into DoA social media?
Agreed, and if there’s an estranged family member who broke away from the cultiness years ago who can reach out to Becky, that’s covering similar ground to Jocelyne (who hasn’t broken away from the family but has been hiding a big piece of herself that keeps her from being on board with church teachings, making for an unambiguous ally even when their parents might be in question,) and Jordan (who has broken away from the family for unknown reasons in a way that implies, if nothing else, that he is no longer that specific variety of evangelical fundamentalist.) Plus Leslie, yeah, so there’s not a huge narrative purpose for a long-estranged cousin or uncle or whoever. (Except maybe if it’s Bonnie’s sibling/whoever and Becky has to decide whether or not to talk about the suicide attempt, which just feels a bit TOO cruel to put on her.)
But hey, might be nice to believe that, post-college, Becky meets the aunt/uncle she never knew who can tell some stories about their sibling well before she was born.
Don’t mind me, just looking through to see how people are gonna twist Dorothy clearly being in on the joke and enjoying it into Becky being abusive somehow
Yeah I suppose the literal years of Becky only interacting with Dorothy to mouth off to her that got exacerbated after the timeskip are all gucci now. It’s fine, Dorothy was okay with having a deliberately annoying and aggravating person get into a pissing match with her all the time. Becky never has to change her behaviour because the universe itself will realign so that it was never bad to begin with.
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
“Don’t explain the joke!”
And here I thought you pre-planned your comments ready to copy and paste when the comic goes up.
Who’s to say Ana doesn’t, and is just committed to integrity regarding her own faults?
No regrets.
I mean, most Ants would be lesbiants, there is like, one male ant per few thousand female antes….
I’m not sure how to classify ants. The bible does have strong words against formication.
Au contraire– the Bible tells us to go to the ant, consider its ways, and be wise!
I know this because, for some un-Cheese-ly reason, this verse (Proverbs 6:6) was quoted in a Sonic the Hedgehog comic.
… I own a copy of that comic…
It is in a box in the basement… but I own it.
Quite fluffy in contrast to Psalm 137:9.
Don’t knock formication until you try it.
But knocking on formica does not have the proverbial legacy of knocking on wood.
don’t know about knocking on wood, but i hear lesbians like tipping the velvet
I hear they don’t like wood the way that straight girls do.
Formication. That is -very- good.
As I understand it only a vanishingly small percentage of Ants actually has sex.
…I’m going to break the cardinal rule and invite you to run my last comment through a spell checker.
..Never mind. I now see you weren’t replying to me.
Because of you I had to look up Klyde Morris. Nowadays, unfortunately, he’s drifted into Mallard Fillmore territory.
Hey Stephen!
Last post, one of your conventions read, “don’t parody a parody”. What did you mean by thus specifically?
“Don’t do it” is generally a phrase used to imply that there exists an activity, or action of some kind, that is designated by the word “it”. In the case of Mr. Bierce’s post, “it” (the activity to not be performed) was to “parody a parody”, meaning create a parody (understood as a comedic exageration) of something which is, in itself, already a parody. It is possible that such things are regulated by the FCC as this was a relevant qualification that Mr. Bierce cited on the same day. This is likely for public safety, as it has been shown by British televison that excessive humour can, in fact, be fatal. This is why much of their comic delivery is delivered dead-pan, as if it were further enhanced with dramatic telling, their humour would readily achieve toxicity when ingested by the general population. For similar reasons, any attempt to create a parody of an existing parody is restricted, as the possuble complications and ramifications of amplifying the comedic effect of an already humourous effort could proove fatal to large swathes of the population. Now some have raised concern that having iterated upon itself, the GOP may in fact be a parody of a parody of its former self. However, careful measurement and analysis has revealed that it is actually a gross caricature, rather than a parody. As such, the population is safe from any humourous effect the GOP may be trying to achieve. Their actual effects however, remain a danger to us all.
This dynamic. I am living for it.
slowly but surely, Becky & Dorothy’s frenemies shtick has parasitized my vital functions, replacing my very organs with its own goofy nerves and arteries. It absorbs what I eat. It inhales my weed. And when I laugh at a good joke, it slurps up my dopamine. It pumps just enough life back into my organism to keep me hungry for more, forever reading DOA, a husk of a person, entirely colonized by this apex character dynamic. I am living for it.
This comic always has a special part in my heart/brain/liver as well.
By the way, is it also a rather hot summer where you are?
compared to what, the past couple years? no. ^^
no, but really it’s been basically perfect these days. we do expect a bit of a storm tomorrow, though.
how is it where you are? kinda hot then?
As it should
I mean, it’s established that Dorothy likes wordplay.
It all starts with this, a joke containing the ultimate power.
“It started out with a joke, how did it end up like this?
It was only a joke, it was only a joke.” ~ excerpt of “Ms Lesbo-side” by Becky MacIntyre. Used without permission.
Now I know what’s going on! The military has confused me for the likes of you!
You’re comparing yourself to me? Ha! You’re not even good enough to be my fake.
Funny enough, that apparently universal rule about explaining jokes doesn’t always apply.
Never read QC (been meaning to get into it) so my first thought was that the characters looked like gender-bent versions of Ruth and Walky.
And now you’ll neeever unseee iiit…
Well, Clint is nothing like Ruth, and Walky is nothing like the young lady who’s name I’m totally blanking on right now despite following the Clinton, Elliot, Her “love” Triangle.
But “Clint is nothing like Ruth” threw me for a moment, since “Clint” is Ruth’s abusive grandfather and my brain didn’t connect that to Clinton at first.
Though doing it around Joker will likely kill uou.
*you, goddammit.
i did laugh at it yesterday
you were SO CLOSE to detente
Frankly, both of those jokes were Greek to me.
I did enjoy Dorothy’s topper.
If Becky’s jokes were Greek to you, is she a cunning linguist?
psh i spent way too long crafting a joke in greek the entire point of which was that it didn’t work unless translated into english, and making sure that popular machine translation services did an ok job at rendering it. (Deepl handles Greek way better than Google Translate, btw. now you know)
turns out the spambot here doesn’t like comments entirely written in non-latin characters. FML
Funny how I never found out about DeepL through Google. Care to guess why?
Yeah, DeepL is really excellent.
It’s got this neat feature where if you click on any word in the translated text it you get a pop-up list of other words it might’ve used instead, regardless of whether it thinks it’s got it right. It will always give you alternatives.
And its translations very often sound much better than Google’s.
The main limitation is that it handles nowhere near the number of languages that GT does (it doesn’t have Arabic!) but it’s still pretty new and it’s regularly implementing more languages.
and the other issue is it doesn’t have the transliteration/handwriting options that GT has for non-latin based languages that are so handy.
these 2 are definitely one of my favorite pairs rn
So is Becky doing this on purpose or is this just how she functions? Cause I thought they had reached an understanding that the rivalry was kinda stupid and more trouble than it was worth.
It seems like maybe it’s moved to being entirely performative, with full awareness on both sides and no real animosity behind it?
Which seems both pointless and exhausting, to me.
So… it’s like the rest of life?
I am happy for you that your life has no real animosity behind it.
You lucky bastard.
It’s a bit. They’re both aware it’s a bit.
I guess Dotty kind of worked herself into a shoot then. But if it’s a bit and they both know it does that mean Becky’s gonna pick up her clothes? The rivalry may be an act but that’s a real mess.
Depends. Is it in the roommate agreement?
Becky’s demonstrated an almost concrete tendency where every scenario that could lead to any kind of meaningful conversation has her dial it up to 11, presumably to avoid it. I think she’s trying to be funny here, though.
There was a really good post someone made a while back where they theorized Becky got this good at deflecting away from painful conversations due to living with Toedad. If someone’s angry, or has the potential to get angry, laughing it off is a pretty good way to signal to them that they don’t need to have this conversation with you.
Her and Walky both, I’d bet.
Seems unwise to piss off someone who simultaneously has access to both you AND a spare pillow while you sleep.
Willis, I don’t know if this is just a normal thing that takes a while, but when you go back a page, the forward buttons are still grayed out even though the next page, this page, is up. Clicking the panel to move forward refreshes that page without directing to this one.
Ah. I see it is fine immediately after posting this. Well, that’s embarrassing.
Becky, you explained the joke
How could you
“If you have to explain the joke, there is no joke!”
*knocks Becky out the window with a fish*
Was that a Joker reference from Batman the Animated Series?
If so, brava! *clap clap clap clap*
It was, and lots of applause follows.
Actually the commentary today seems to be about 80% of that Joker reference, which is what I expect of (the larger) us.
“Can we get back to
politicsJoe and Joyce?”Me, tearing: Please…?
+1 for a Hamilton reference.
“Did somebody say Chaos” – guy from that new Final Fantasy
Highly topical, 4 stars, ace comment, 8/10.
dorothy is bert and becky is ernie. I love bert and ernie.
You’re a day late, and a letter short. Today’s comic is brought to you by the letter “L”.
Actually, it’s a dolor short, and that was me, a day early in fact.
ITYM Dorothy is Felix, Becky is Oscar.
To be fair I wouldn’t have gotten that joke if she hadn’t explained it.
The problem is that one automatically assumes she pronounced it “Les-boh-zz” (as in colloquial term for lesbians), because seriously now, it’s Becky, how else would she be saying it, as opposed to “Lez-baw-ss”, as in an island in Greece with concentration camps for migrants.
You should Google ‘pile of Lesbos’. You really should.
See, I got it fine … because I thought the Isle was pronounced the same way as the colloquial term for lesbians.
I also didn’t get the joke until now.
Same, the joke went over my head. I thought Becky coined a new collective term for lesbians.
Im here to Kill Chaos.
I’m sorry I didn’t get that, can you repeat that for me.
I beat you to the punch, much like I will beat Chaos.
How can that help? It won’t change how he feels inside, will it? His heart will still remain in turmoil and his anger just won’t vanish! He’ll just be trapped forever!
Different Chaos.
Becky uses of them fancy SPACE LASERS (borrowed from their creators and owners, the ever so friendly jews) to blast them’ jokes from orbit without leaving so much as a trace!
It’s Dorothy’s fault, for not emphasizing “it-land” correctly.
“I wanted to let is land!”
“…Lettuce land?”
Impossible! Meaningless!
Burn everything, Becky. Nothing has to survive.
Look at these besties bein’ pals
Don’t be a slob, Rebecca.
So… Becky is a follower of Tzeentch huh, though she might be happier with Slaanesh… just saying.
That third panel soft smile straight up melts my heart
I think I would still be more bothered by the mess than Becky explaining the joke.
That’s not a mess.
It’s a mess when you have to call Matt Paxton to clean it up.
Dangit. Thanks for trying to use smart quotes in HTML, phone.
omg am i a genius??? …yeah. yeah i guess so
Willis uses the overlapping speech balloon sparingly, and it’s therefore always to great effect. Great stuff.
Greek island. Former home of the poetess Sappho, whose works about other women are the origin of the words “lesbian” and “sapphic”.
It’s funny because I’ve searched and Google put this island in results, I thought: “it can be right, Lesbos should be some Indiana’s funny slang..
Lesbo is also a rather impolite shortening of “lesbian”
Love when Lawful plays the straight man (heh) to Chaotic.
Go ahead, Google ‘pile of lesbos’. I dare you.
Seriously, tho, you should. It doesn’t bring up anything sexual (at least not on the first page), but you might learn something sobering.
HINT: It involves lifejackets.
Of course her stuff is in a pile on the floor. Where else is she going to put it? She nuked the closet.
Since the focus is currently on Becks I have to wonder if she has any other family. I know she’s an orphan now and an only child and family is really the people you choose to be atound but it would be an interesting development. Were her parents also only children with dead parents? Any aunts or uncles on either side? Grandparents. Not really excited to learn about Ross’ extended family but that’s just from his bad impression I could easily see him isolating his family unit as a way of exerting more control over them. Becky’s mom is what really interests me since I feel like we know nothing about her. What happened at Ross’ funeral if there even was one? Did two entire famllies really just abandon this girl or is Becky the last MacIntyre? Should make an interesting sur prise if Willis ever digs into that idea.
I suspect, given circumstances (and my standing headcanon that Bonnie was in many ways what would have happened if Becky hadn’t broken out of the closet and away from Ross and the congregation, though I have no opinion on her being a lesbian as well) that Ross and Bonnie both had fundamentalist upbringings themselves, and married someone from the same/differing only on very minor varies-by-congregation details kind of faith. At the very least I’d lay good money on Bonnie coming from that family background, feeling pent in but never being allowed to really think bigger.
If that is the case, then yes, Becky likely has been disowned by most of her still-living family for being a lesbian (and wouldn’t be shocked if someone would in fact tell her she ‘killed her father’ or something similar if she saw them at the funeral). If there are other family members who are estranged a la Jordan, they’d be options, but depending on how long ago they broke ranks they may never have known Becky. Good news is, ‘Congresswoman hires homeless lesbian to manage campaign after her father tried to kidnap her from a college campus at gunpoint’ probably spread through the state at least, so if they recognized Ross then I could see them making the connection and reaching out eventually.
It’s also a possibility that Bonnie’s faith wasn’t quite AS restrictive before marrying Ross, or that Ross went deeper as time went on. But I suspect Bonnie at least was from a pretty conservative church to begin with, though I could see Ross being like Mary and coming from a Christian but not deeply evangelical fundamentalist branch before radicalizing in his teen years. So there might be options there as well.
We don’t know, but I’m inclined to think Hank really was the only adult she had in that first month, and that even if others reach out they won’t be able to say ‘Bonnie would be proud of you’ the same way he did.
Yeah, while it might make sense for there to be other living relatives, it’s kind of narratively necessary for there not to be. Either they’d be an echo of the conflict with her father, but with less weight or they’d be a support that she could turn to, thus lessening the importance of both Hank’s support and her queer mother figures.
Realistically, strongly religious families aren’t known for being small, so it’s unlikely that both Ross and Bonnie would have been only children, but it’s certainly possible.
I don’t really care about the narrative though. I have curiosities and there’s a surprising amount of things we still don’t know about these characters. Home life and family being one of them. For instance we know nothing about Sarah’s family except that her parents are divorced and I think maybe she’s an only child. I really want to know where Becky gets her ginger complexion from. It’s a safe bet it’s Bonnie but considering we’ve only ever seen her as a ghostly after image or blue tinted flashback that topic is surprisingly debateable. Has a picture of her ever been shown?
This applies to a lot of characters actually. I think being in a bit of a new phase of DoA opens up room forsome of these questions to be answered. I’d love to see Jordan or another Billingsworth.
We’ve seen character art for Bonnie that isn’t bluescaled, IIRC, and she was a redhead.
Here I think thejeff (and I certainly am) is saying relatives would be narratively redundant to say why we’re unlikely to see Becky’s family even if they do exist. I think Jordan and a senior Billingsworth will show up sooner or later, since they do further other arcs, but any living family for Becky would probably be exposited like Sarah’s or shown in a flashback to Ross’s funeral that lets us know it was absolute hell on Becky and Joyce (because the congregation would be saying something similar to my suggested ‘killed your father’ line. Honestly I hope they skipped a big service for just that reason.)
Oh, actually, could be interesting if a long-estranged family member showed up to shake up the Robin or Leslie relationships because she’s now in a stable position. We know Robin’s kind of jealous of how Becky genuinely likes Leslie and how Leslie’s insecure because she wants to be an unconditional family figure and Becky isn’t in the space for a New Cool Lesbian Mom when she’s still grieving Bonnie. Might be interesting. But for now I think the unresolved Leslie and Robin Weirdness can carry those arcs for a bit.
I’d actually really like to see the Bonnie art. I missed it when it was posted. Do you know where I can find it? Do I have to dive into DoA social media?
Agreed, and if there’s an estranged family member who broke away from the cultiness years ago who can reach out to Becky, that’s covering similar ground to Jocelyne (who hasn’t broken away from the family but has been hiding a big piece of herself that keeps her from being on board with church teachings, making for an unambiguous ally even when their parents might be in question,) and Jordan (who has broken away from the family for unknown reasons in a way that implies, if nothing else, that he is no longer that specific variety of evangelical fundamentalist.) Plus Leslie, yeah, so there’s not a huge narrative purpose for a long-estranged cousin or uncle or whoever. (Except maybe if it’s Bonnie’s sibling/whoever and Becky has to decide whether or not to talk about the suicide attempt, which just feels a bit TOO cruel to put on her.)
But hey, might be nice to believe that, post-college, Becky meets the aunt/uncle she never knew who can tell some stories about their sibling well before she was born.
Don’t mind me, just looking through to see how people are gonna twist Dorothy clearly being in on the joke and enjoying it into Becky being abusive somehow
Yeah I suppose the literal years of Becky only interacting with Dorothy to mouth off to her that got exacerbated after the timeskip are all gucci now. It’s fine, Dorothy was okay with having a deliberately annoying and aggravating person get into a pissing match with her all the time. Becky never has to change her behaviour because the universe itself will realign so that it was never bad to begin with.
Eyyy there it is
It must be nice to be deliberately inflammatory and when someone else says what they think and why they do you can just go “lmao gottem.”
I’m just joking lol, don’t worry about it. Sorry it sounded so inflammatory
the pisle of Lesbos
It’s just Becky’s style. Of lesbos.