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Dumbing of Age
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I see people reference chekhov a lot, and feel shame and warmth that I have no clue WTF they’re talking about. Google didn’t help clarify it other than he was a russian writer. what am I missing?
Chekhov had a writing rule that if you say there’s a gun on the mantle in act one, it must go off in act two or act three. That if it’s not going to be fired it shouldn’t be hanging there.
In modern parlance, Chekhov’s Gun is a seemingly insignificant detail that turns out to be important later in the story.
OMG! Why not just tell them to use drugs, it was easier for me to quit than TVTropes. First time in, I got our in 3.5 hours, maybe 4.0 hours. Now I refuse to use it. Even if it’s just a little link. It’s dangerous.
I wonder if Willis has been planning this joke since the shower shoes and keeping it in the bank for when it was needed, or if it just randomly popped into their head. I can see it going either way tbh.
Honestly, I hadn’t thought about this at the time, but going with “glasses” as part of Joyce’s description was probably a mistake on Rachel’s part, given how recently it was she’d gotten them. My mental image of Joyce probably wouldn’t have updated yet, either.
When and how did Rachel enter this conversation? Or was that an intentional mis-naming of Ruth due to that being the apparently ‘in’ thing in this comic?
Rachel’s the one who gave Carla the description for Joyce, namely ‘short, blonde-ish hair, glasses, wears a vest, newer freshman, got kidnapped a few months back’.
I wore glasses exclusively for like a year and a half then switched to contacts for about 3 months before I had to stop for my surgery and everyone was surprised that I wore glasses… though the time frame is different here
Can anyone all really say something like this hasn’t happened to the? There are entirely too many words which sound dirty when describing someone without careful contextualisation – especially when it’s “the one with” time.
She remembers what Dorothy looks like and despite having a starting point that would be similar to Dorothy plus 3 other characteristics to go off, the latter of which allowed her to connect Joyce to more Carla focused memories, did she actually remember what Joyce looks like.
So, since she needed less help to picture Dorothy, Joyce is the less memorable one to her.
After all, you can’t go off the fact that she’s confusing Dorothy with Joyce, as she’s only using Joyce’s name because that’s what she was given, not the name she pulled out of her memory.
Surprised Dorothy actually acknowledged Joyce as atheist since she’s been making alot of assumptions about Joyces reactions based on her previous beliefs lately.
She can acknowledge Joyce is atheist and still have difficulty with knowing what Joyce’s current beliefs are and with only the prior ones as reference, several times when 1 part of her mindset changed, the other 5 connected parts didn’t and had to be addressed separately and were all things she had reactions to.
Like Joyce being okay with Ethan and Becky didn’t make her rethink who her family supported politically, she only did that when it came up.
I knew a friend who grew up in a cult-like Christian sect and became an atheist like Joyce. She then decided to attend a science convention and was stunned at the massive amount of misogyny and racism on display with the people she met.
Apparently, she’d thought atheists would just be better about “irrational” beliefs.
A lot of raised-atheists also seem to think that atheists are just better about misogyny, racism, etc. — like irrational beliefs just happen to other people. But unfortunately, nobody is immune.
Honestly part of why I’m a non believer is cuz a lot of what I see is religious people use religion as a way to legitimize their backwards beliefs, rather than the religion always being the genesis of them. Like of course being steeped in that culture can attribute to those ideas but I think a lot of religion is people grasping at straws to try to paint their bias with religion to back it up.
“Oh there’s slavery in the Bible so slavery must be A-ok. Yknow as long as I ignore the context”
It’s why I don’t mind Becky picking and choosing what parts of the religion she’s gonna believe in. Cuz that’s pretty much what Christianity has been doing for thousands of years. At least she’s doing it positively.
Is Joyce particularly endowed to the other girls in her friend group? I’ve never noted her figure as being . . uh. . .ample enough to be even jokingly referenced like this.
Also wowie Carla’s tall. Though does she have her skates on? Is she taller then *Sarah*?
Sal’s got a very nice chest on ‘er, but they’re not in the same weight class as the Known Boobie-Havers. Between her and Danny, there’s some perfectly respectable endowment going on.
I would say she is also more chesty than Sal, ruthless, Dina, Sarah, Lucy and probably Sierra. She is possibly compatible to Becky, Billie/Jennifer and Amber. So definitely in the top half, and probably in the top 1/3rd.
I, in my infinite horniness, have noticed that Joyce has a certain roundness to her. Like…She’s probably doesn’t have DDs or anything but if someone described her as busty I would call it apt.
I, in my infinite horniness, have indeed considered the idea of Joyce being a MILF. Also by that extension so is Walkyverse Billie. Also Robin/Leslie, Amber and a good portion of the cast if you think about it.
I would absolutely go nuts over a Walkyverse Joyce/Walky slipshine. Dadbod Walky alone would be worth it!
If we’re talking about mileage Carol doesn’t have a lot to admire about her but she is pretty blessed in the right places. Joyce is likely to inherit those genetics if she hasn’t already.
Well, she is definitely and canonically an M, the ILF is really more of a personal preference thing. Not my jam personally, but I can see plenty of people being into her.
I will say the Joyce and Walky side strips made me see her in a different light. Joyce, as a sexual entity, didn’t really register with me until I saw that side of her in the casual marriage strips.
I mean, depending on what she does for undergarments she *could* be. I think her chest comes out more than my D chest did, though I used too small sports bras in an attempt to bind until I got an actual binder. I feel like that is probably not what she does but it is definitely possible to have Joyce’s profile and breasts that size.
I mean people thinking dd is large is silly anyways since it’s just difference from ribcage to chest. Elastics have changed how we design lingerie significantly. I have DDD but I’m still 1-2″ below american chest size avg due to small ribcage expansion while breathing leading to a comparatively small bandsize. BUT in old style lack of elastics my chest size would have been considered a smaller cupsize. My C/D friend looks/is more gifted than I am and that’s before boob shape/ cup shape/brand/material considerations. Sports bras vs push up vs wireless etc. No one truely knows what they look like until you’re in your birthday suit!
It was something my friend pointed out to me recently and I was stunned. All my life I thought it was a definitive “size” but it’s actually pretty modular. You can have D-cups and be below average and B-cups and be above average depending on body type. She said someone like me who is super into all things boob related should know that. Clearly I have a lot to learn…
I interpreted their confusion in that last panel as being partly because Joyce ISN’T that “well endowed”, she’s just a little above average. Thus, they’re all simultaneously trying to figure out why this would make Joyce stand out to Carla and also trying very hard not to think about it, which is naturally frying some brain circuits here and there.
Given Carla’s engineering expertise, I assume they were engineered with drains. A slit or two cut in the right way in the right place wouldn’t really sabotage structural integrity too much, and Carla designed them to be swappable anyway.
Depending on the series, it could happen as often as once per episode. And of course when she puts them back on, there’s inevitably gonna be something weird/startling in front of her.
I still can’t get over “blonde” not meaning “yellow-haired” in the US. Joyce’s hair is light brown, brunette if you must. She’d never be called blonde over here.
Brunette is darker than Joyce’s hair, medium to dark brown. Light brown or dark blonde are pretty interchangeable and about right for Joyce, at least in my specific corner of the US.
So many types of hair can all be considered blond(e). Blond(e) is in the eye of the beholder and the wearer.
Lots of other beautiful colors of hair, but if you want to call yourself blond(e), or brunet(te), or a silver fox, or raven-haired, or anything else, then nobody can take that away from you.
I’m reminded of how in the classic The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Tuco’s preferred nickname for Eastwood’s character – whose hair is definitely what I’d call brown – is “Blondie”.
Can’t speak for other countries but yeah, in the US Joyce’s hair would be considered “ash blonde” (or just “dark blonde”). Also sometimes called “dirty blonde” or “dishwater blonde.” It’s lighter than mousy brown but they can be close.
Most blondes tend to darken with age and it can either go the yellow/golden/honey blonde route, or ash blonde route and Joyce is the latter.
Saying all this as someone who has platinum blonde hair and a family full of blondes. My brother was also platinum blonde as a kid but his hair is now the exact same color as Joyce’s and I’d definitely still consider it blonde, vs. my dad’s light brown.
I don’t know which “over here” you are from, but as someone from a country with a lot of people with Joyce’s hair color… we def call that blonde. (that country being Germany, although I think hair colors have been getting darker over the past couple decades, and I’ve been in several discussions with my family over what still constitutes as blonde and what doesn’t, based on hair color type and darkening hair etc etc, we have yet to ask a specialist.)
Carla is one of those characters who elevate a work because she simply has no time for gravitas. She cuts through the bullshit and forces a resolution on a conflict that’s gotten bogged down — this is not the first time she’s taken a boot to the plot and upended the status quo, and the best part is she does it for purely self-interested reasons.
Coming to terms with the understanding that one might have a neurological difference can be exhausting and overwhelming. Coming to terms with deep pain of the body can be exhausting and overwhelming. Joyce is right to sleep. Nothing should intrude on her quiet space.
Unless Carla’s got a bunch of offscreen BFFs I don’t know if she’s got a rollerbladed leg to stand on when accusing others of being bad at socialization. Even Mary and Spider-Man 3 Ethan have at least one person who actively wants to hang out with them.
Though, DOES Joyce have “problems with socialization”? She’s actually pretty popular; she’s friends with Becky and Dorothy and hangs out with Dina, Walky and Lucy semi-regularly since the timeskip. Ruth’s just being mean.
I think Ruth means that she’s not “socialized” in terms of normative behavior. (Like how kids sometimes get “socialized” in school to be submissive and quiet and reduce their level of spontaneous physical activity.)
There’s no implication that Sal, Marcie, and Malaya don’t genuinely like Carla. They might find her a little exhausting sometimes but we’ve seen plenty of moments where they like hanging out with her.
Guess it might mean by what you define as ‘socialization’.
Joyce does have friends, but she also sometimes has problems with boundaries and dependency issues…. for example, waking people up in the morning by hovering over them, confronting Ruth in the cafeteria when she was with Jason, hanging out outside Dorothy’s room just in case she was available, being “rude” to Dina (possibly justified, possibly not).
The birthday paradox does boggle my mind, but I think once you have one person with a defined birthday, it is 1/365 that someone else would have the same (I think, may be wrong!).
I mean weddings happening in summer, not to mention people meeting lovers on vacation probably result in a lot of spring births, though that was probably more distinct decades ago.
Christmas, New Years, and Valentine’s Day probably result in a lot of fall births as well.
The seasonality in the US seems more related to longer nights than the seasonality of weddings, with more births during summer. Though this is not true in all of the northern hemisphere (it is very different in France for example, with slightly more births in February and September).
Also, this is the first time I see this, but it appears that holidays (christmas, new years, 7/4) see way less births than other days, which seems counterintuitive to me, especially since those “deficit” births do not look to happen in the previous/next few days (though there is surely an effect of artificially-induced labor, which probably avoid those dates on purpose).
And of course, 2/29 is underrepresented.
So, yeah, not exactly 1/365 (though except for those specific dates, close enough to that number) of a given person being born on a given day.
But, what are the odds that any one of 22 people having the same birthday as a pre-selected random person? Now, what are the chances that any one of 21 people, from that original group, having the same birthday as the 22nd? … What are the odds that the final 2 people to be eliminated happen to have the same birthday?
To me, it looks like compound probability. When your bar is only that two people, out of a pool of N people, have the same birthday, your chances are higher than if you’re asking if any one of N-1 people have a specific birthday, (established by picking someone at random and using their birthday.)
I wonder if it’s good or bad that up until this moment, I never actually noticed that Joyce actually DOES have a bigger rack than most of the other female DoA characters? XD
I think it says good things about the story telling and visual style of the strip. Joyce is super repressed, and dresses in a way that downplays her physique.
Oh, look, another in-comic acknowledgement that Dorothy sucks at people’ing. On the whole, Dorothy, perhaps the fact that your only actual friend is the girl who’ll be friends with anyone should’ve been a hint.
Not sure how I feel about Sarah and Dorothy getting BSOD’d by the realisation that Joyce has breasts – it’s cutting real close to how everyone was disgusted about Becky being into Dina at Joyce’s party.
In case you’re being serious (you never know, in teh interwebz), she’s definitely not – this whole scene is she mixing up Joyce and Dorothy, it makes no sense, narratively or otherwise, to throw in Sarah into the confusion. There’s no way to mistake Joyce and Sarah.
In case you’re not:
“Who’s Sarah?”
“The black girl.”
“Isn’t that the girl that handles the mail?”
“No, the snarky one.”
“No, the one in law.”
“Why would I care about the muslim girl from another dorm?”
Look like Sarah and Dorothy never thought THAT about Joyce. The revelation is shocking them!!! Today is Carla that’s acting “like a child”, she’s too pure in her language, so easily to misunderstood her♡. By the way, no one is impressed by the fact that Joyce is an atheist now. GOOD!
I’ve had those conversations where someone was telling me about someone and to identify them, they described them as “The one with the really big titties.”
To be fair, I IMMEDIATELY knew who he was referring to, but I was perfectly willing to go with more bland descriptions like glasses, brown hair, and take a little longer to get there than to hear “Titties” in a professional work environment from a man old enough to be my grandfather.
On one hand if that is a very recognizeable trait I feel like it should be “ok” to at least use it in the context of describing ones appearance. On the other hand I’d use words like “busty” or “well endowed” and maybe not “tits” granted I probably wouldn’t use that word in general with anyone but my close friends who I’m ok being somewhat vulgar with.
Having been referred to by various physical descriptions in my life, I’ll just say I am never more glad for my 8 years of orthodontics than when someone describes me as literally anything BUT “the one with the Teeth.”
It’s related because I have a friend who used to have exceptionally large boobs and a few years ago she got a reduction for back pain reasons but later told me the single biggest benefit was not being “the one with the tits” and like, can relate only with teeth.
8 years in orthodontics had many benefits: I can eat and talk normally, and close my mouth now.
The single biggest benefit? Not being Buck Tooth Beaver.
One time in high school, a friend of mine was called down to see one of the vice principals, but he didn’t know who that VP was. “He’s the one with the god-awful hairstyle,” I said, helpfully. At which point, my chemistry teacher burst out laughing.
(That vice principal is now the principal of the school. I am told that his hair has improved.)
I kinda don’t like how Dorothy is telling on how Joyce is atheist now. Joyce knows that’s what people see her is, didn’t seem all that into telling others initially, Becky and Dorothy just happened to find out. It seems like something Joyce should be able to tell herself. I know she does seems to be coming out to others, like telling Walky, but it should be up to her to say something, not her friends. It’s not like it’s gonna help ID her better to Carla by outing her as atheist, no one knows this, not needed info.
Also, Dorothy, you got a notebook to take notes on your socialization with your fellow hallmates when you were trying to be the new RA. Yes, you have socialization issues.
Until someone expressively says “yeah, go ahead and tell everyone” it ain’t their place to tell. And it hasn’t really been loudly like Becky. It’s just casual “yeah, no, not into God no more”. Let JOYCE decide who finds out, not Dorothy.
Sarah in the last panel looks like she’s simultaneously a) thinking back on probably hundreds of times she’s seen her roommate’s breasts more or less covered, b) doubting her heterosexuality and c) finding out she liked big jugs.
Such a great moment. Almost as good as Carla’s face in the panel before.
See this is why Carla and Joyce have a great dynamic that I wish we got more of, Joyce see right through Carla’s jerk act and Carla is frustrated by that
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 11d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
that’s a heck of a Chekhov’s doodad
“If one introduces a set of milk jugs in act six*, it must clearly be talked about in a way that allows for innuendo in act 11*.”
-Chekhov, probably
*I have no idea which chapters these actually are in.
I love the way Sarah is in shock by the last panel.
Whatever do you mean?
I mean I’m pretty sure Joyce was the literal origin of the term “perverse sexual lust”
I’m shocked that Sarah’s shocked. Are we in an induction coil?
Yes. Our reality is a simulation, and it’s in an induction coil during the current part of processing.
That said, I am only assuming the shock is because she just imagined Joyce naked, and she has zero capacity to grasp how that image makes her feel.
It was book 7, also we’re currently well into book 12.
He was surprisingly close then! Only one forward on both accounts. Very impressive for off-the cuff I think
Seven and twelve actually as Ana has so helpfully provided.
Need another profile picture again. It seems you have to change it more frequently.
I wish there was an “unflag” option
Anyway this time it was intentionally soon
Thank you. There’s no way I’d have remembered that (seemingly) throwaway gag from 2017.
I see people reference chekhov a lot, and feel shame and warmth that I have no clue WTF they’re talking about. Google didn’t help clarify it other than he was a russian writer. what am I missing?
The basic idea is that if you place an object in your narrative (typically described as Chekhov’s gun), it needs to payoff later in the narrative.
Chekhov had a writing rule that if you say there’s a gun on the mantle in act one, it must go off in act two or act three. That if it’s not going to be fired it shouldn’t be hanging there.
In modern parlance, Chekhov’s Gun is a seemingly insignificant detail that turns out to be important later in the story.
Next time, go straight to TV Tropes.
No! Belay that! Just accept explanations of what Chekov’s Gun is, and move on. If you visit TV Tropes, you will never leave.
OMG! Why not just tell them to use drugs, it was easier for me to quit than TVTropes. First time in, I got our in 3.5 hours, maybe 4.0 hours. Now I refuse to use it. Even if it’s just a little link. It’s dangerous.
She really should patent those shower shoes.
Don’t want other peeps stealing those jugs
of milk
I mean I guess flipflops already exist right?
But those were high rise, stable, and protected from splashing from the dirty water in the bottom of the shower. The Best.
They’re basically Nickelodeon Moon Shoes, but without the bounce.
So exactly the same as Moon Shoes.
Carla: Say, what happened to that other one? With the cans?
Ruth: Billie?
Carla: Yeah, her! She always had cans of beer on her.
I’m confused why HR cares about Joyce’s plastic shoes. Are they against the rules?
“Jugs” is a fairly common slang for large breasts.
Yes, I was joking.
Get your mind out of the gutter, Ruth!
*bites back the urge to pun about pints and quarts*
Please! Do it!
“It comes in pints?”
No, wait…
Amazing. And ah yes, Carla engineers stuff, I suppose she *would* be the one to go to for that kind of thing.
Joyce is gonna come out and tell everyone to shut the hell up if they keep arguing like this right outside the door where she’s trying to sleep
Also lol @ sarah’s face in the last panel
She was about to storm out there when she heard Carla say “jugs,” which froze her up for a minute.
OH MY GOD I LOVE CARLA. I can’t stop laughing.
I wonder if Willis has been planning this joke since the shower shoes and keeping it in the bank for when it was needed, or if it just randomly popped into their head. I can see it going either way tbh.
The long con.
Chekhov’s milk jug shower shoes.
Honestly, I hadn’t thought about this at the time, but going with “glasses” as part of Joyce’s description was probably a mistake on Rachel’s part, given how recently it was she’d gotten them. My mental image of Joyce probably wouldn’t have updated yet, either.
My therapist switched from glasses to wearing contact lenses over a month ago, and my mental image still hasn’t updated.
I permanently switched to contacts about thirteen years ago, has your mental image of me updated yet?
My mental image of you is of Agatha, but wearing a crown and one of those big capes to denote you as an emperor.
I know Gravatars change, so it’s not always Agatha. But is it always a crown and big cape. I guess those are really what form my mental image of you.
Your mental image of Us remains absolutely correct, now and forever.
What are you talking about Agatha, you have never worn glasses.
The irony being I do not wear glasses. I just set Dorothy as my avatar because she is my favourite.
When and how did Rachel enter this conversation? Or was that an intentional mis-naming of Ruth due to that being the apparently ‘in’ thing in this comic?
Rachel’s the one who gave Carla the description for Joyce, namely ‘short, blonde-ish hair, glasses, wears a vest, newer freshman, got kidnapped a few months back’.
I wore glasses exclusively for like a year and a half then switched to contacts for about 3 months before I had to stop for my surgery and everyone was surprised that I wore glasses… though the time frame is different here
I mean Joyce does have some nice boobs but that’s beside the point.
OMG the expressions in the last panel are wonderful!
YOU are wonderful.
Keanu? Is that you?
I didn’t think I would say this, but we need Joe for this conversation.
Joe would have the most tact, which is saying something
You think he would’ve warped into the room when someone mentioned a girl’s name and the word “jugs”.
Not Joyce, no. If he were there, he’d perhaps have screamed at the top of his lungs? Jugs? Joyce? I’d never ever notice such a thing!!!!
And then he’d get sucker punched in the face by zombie Mike.
…You know what?
Good job Carla, that was a VERY needed derailment
Third Base!
No more who’s worse arguments
Only comedy gold
I mean clearly everyone is worse than Carla. She’s worked hard to establish this.
Carla is the hero we need
We could all use more Carla in our lives, I think.
Yeah, a relief, right?
I put a little something up there just in case tho, a way for people to interact with the comic’s community without being too triggered.
I really need to find ways to do that more often.
Woops that’s odd, it isn’t there anymore, here’s the 3D model (SFW):
No, this is DoA comments, we must argue endlessly about which character is the worst every day.
Can anyone all really say something like this hasn’t happened to the? There are entirely too many words which sound dirty when describing someone without careful contextualisation – especially when it’s “the one with” time.
Ha! Damn Carla is killing me here.
I wonder what Dorothy is thinking that she’s made so little impression that the billionaire heiress finds her less memorable than Joyce.
Isn’t that the opposite of what’s happening?
I mean she doesn’t know who Dorothy is and thinks she’s Joyce.
She remembers what Dorothy looks like and despite having a starting point that would be similar to Dorothy plus 3 other characteristics to go off, the latter of which allowed her to connect Joyce to more Carla focused memories, did she actually remember what Joyce looks like.
So, since she needed less help to picture Dorothy, Joyce is the less memorable one to her.
After all, you can’t go off the fact that she’s confusing Dorothy with Joyce, as she’s only using Joyce’s name because that’s what she was given, not the name she pulled out of her memory.
She doesn’t remember Dorothy’s name. She clearly remembers her, though, and had trouble remembering Joyce.
Dorothy hasn’t commissioned an engineering project from her.
That’s really pretty much it. And Joyce was very very grateful for the jugs, and Carla likes to be acnowledged as brilliant
Surprised Dorothy actually acknowledged Joyce as atheist since she’s been making alot of assumptions about Joyces reactions based on her previous beliefs lately.
She can acknowledge Joyce is atheist and still have difficulty with knowing what Joyce’s current beliefs are and with only the prior ones as reference, several times when 1 part of her mindset changed, the other 5 connected parts didn’t and had to be addressed separately and were all things she had reactions to.
Like Joyce being okay with Ethan and Becky didn’t make her rethink who her family supported politically, she only did that when it came up.
I knew a friend who grew up in a cult-like Christian sect and became an atheist like Joyce. She then decided to attend a science convention and was stunned at the massive amount of misogyny and racism on display with the people she met.
Apparently, she’d thought atheists would just be better about “irrational” beliefs.
A lot of raised-atheists also seem to think that atheists are just better about misogyny, racism, etc. — like irrational beliefs just happen to other people. But unfortunately, nobody is immune.
Yup. Their excuses may be different, but unfortunately people are gonna people no matter what. :\
It’s almost like atheists are steeped in the same culture as the rest of the people around them.
Honestly part of why I’m a non believer is cuz a lot of what I see is religious people use religion as a way to legitimize their backwards beliefs, rather than the religion always being the genesis of them. Like of course being steeped in that culture can attribute to those ideas but I think a lot of religion is people grasping at straws to try to paint their bias with religion to back it up.
“Oh there’s slavery in the Bible so slavery must be A-ok. Yknow as long as I ignore the context”
It’s why I don’t mind Becky picking and choosing what parts of the religion she’s gonna believe in. Cuz that’s pretty much what Christianity has been doing for thousands of years. At least she’s doing it positively.
*Tilts head*
Is Joyce particularly endowed to the other girls in her friend group? I’ve never noted her figure as being . . uh. . .ample enough to be even jokingly referenced like this.
Also wowie Carla’s tall. Though does she have her skates on? Is she taller then *Sarah*?
It’s possible she doesn’t have her skates on, we have witnessed it before, but I generally assume that if we can’t see her feet she has her skates on.
Either way though, yes she is tol.
Carla deserves to be tall.
I…Uh…Maybe? I just assumed Billie and Amber battle for being the most…Uh…? Ample, followed by Sal and then we go from there.
Is sal really all that busty? I haven’t actually noticed. There is that one Beach bikini scene though…
Sal’s got a very nice chest on ‘er, but they’re not in the same weight class as the Known Boobie-Havers. Between her and Danny, there’s some perfectly respectable endowment going on.
I guess you could fairly argue Joyce is more gifted than Dorothy when comparing curves in this instance.
I would say she is also more chesty than Sal, ruthless, Dina, Sarah, Lucy and probably Sierra. She is possibly compatible to Becky, Billie/Jennifer and Amber. So definitely in the top half, and probably in the top 1/3rd.
Not that I think about these things
Y-yeah it would absolutely be unreasonable for me to have put ample amounts of time thinking on this subject >.> <.<
Even though it doesn’t make sense in this context, I totally wanted a “baka!, at the end of your comment.
Billie und Amber win solely because they’re both heavier gals, most of us just have big boobs because that’s where a lotta he fat goes.
Marcie is in a similar boat. From what I’ve seen they’re the top 3 in that department.
I, in my infinite horniness, have noticed that Joyce has a certain roundness to her. Like…She’s probably doesn’t have DDs or anything but if someone described her as busty I would call it apt.
Have we ever considered the insane boobage potential of the fact that walkyverse Joyce is like 40 now? Is she a milf?
I, in my infinite horniness, have indeed considered the idea of Joyce being a MILF. Also by that extension so is Walkyverse Billie. Also Robin/Leslie, Amber and a good portion of the cast if you think about it.
I would absolutely go nuts over a Walkyverse Joyce/Walky slipshine. Dadbod Walky alone would be worth it!
If we’re talking about mileage Carol doesn’t have a lot to admire about her but she is pretty blessed in the right places. Joyce is likely to inherit those genetics if she hasn’t already.
I have certainly noticed that about carol.
May have drawn a little something with her.
Well, she is definitely and canonically an M, the ILF is really more of a personal preference thing. Not my jam personally, but I can see plenty of people being into her.
I will say the Joyce and Walky side strips made me see her in a different light. Joyce, as a sexual entity, didn’t really register with me until I saw that side of her in the casual marriage strips.
I mean, depending on what she does for undergarments she *could* be. I think her chest comes out more than my D chest did, though I used too small sports bras in an attempt to bind until I got an actual binder. I feel like that is probably not what she does but it is definitely possible to have Joyce’s profile and breasts that size.
I mean people thinking dd is large is silly anyways since it’s just difference from ribcage to chest. Elastics have changed how we design lingerie significantly. I have DDD but I’m still 1-2″ below american chest size avg due to small ribcage expansion while breathing leading to a comparatively small bandsize. BUT in old style lack of elastics my chest size would have been considered a smaller cupsize. My C/D friend looks/is more gifted than I am and that’s before boob shape/ cup shape/brand/material considerations. Sports bras vs push up vs wireless etc. No one truely knows what they look like until you’re in your birthday suit!
It was something my friend pointed out to me recently and I was stunned. All my life I thought it was a definitive “size” but it’s actually pretty modular. You can have D-cups and be below average and B-cups and be above average depending on body type. She said someone like me who is super into all things boob related should know that. Clearly I have a lot to learn…
I’ve always considered her pretty curvy, just not as exceptionally big as Billie or Amber. Mundane busty
Yeah, like a pleasant surprise. You’re mostly into Joyce cuz she’s CUTE but she’s also got a little somethin’ somethin’.
I interpreted their confusion in that last panel as being partly because Joyce ISN’T that “well endowed”, she’s just a little above average. Thus, they’re all simultaneously trying to figure out why this would make Joyce stand out to Carla and also trying very hard not to think about it, which is naturally frying some brain circuits here and there.
I feel like, despite her shock in the last panel, Sarah is still going to hold the second one over Dorothy.
Joyce have problem with socialisation?
She manage play christian board games on party.
She has problem with your antifemur agenda Ruth
I see your “antifa” and raise you an “antife”
I could sure go for one of Auntie Fa’s roasts right now. They’re good.
still don’t know what the secret ingredient is.
Yeah Joyce has a neat pare of jugs, actual milk jugs I mean.
Also she’s hot- https://youtu.be/zmi2aUG28uw
I’ve been meaning to ask: how the heck does Joyce use the milk jug shoe contraption without them filling up with water?
Hmm. Maybe plastic or aluminum wrap over the tops?
Given Carla’s engineering expertise, I assume they were engineered with drains. A slit or two cut in the right way in the right place wouldn’t really sabotage structural integrity too much, and Carla designed them to be swappable anyway.
You’d want to drill round holes. Slits in plastic tend to spread when there’s stress put on them.
That makes sense. I assume Carla would know this, because Carla is an excellent engineer.
I kind of assumed they were upside down.
With style.
The one with the pitchers, ewers, carafes, containers, flagons, urns, crocks ,jars,vessels,creamers, decanters, flask, amphoras, receptacles, greybeards,jorums, beakers, bottles,buckets, canteens, cruet,growlers, hookers, pots, tubs,vasetobys and kettles.
Easily the best episode.
I laughed and I never watched Friends.
Joyce Brown: The One With The Jugs
And what a set they are.
Carla continues to be a delight. Joyce continues to have phenomenal jugs. World keep turnin’.
BTW if you’re ever exhausted here Taffy, I’m always available elsewhere friend!
Y’know I didn’t wanna be crass but Joyce does have a little something something.
Sweater vest?
Sweater Chest
Joyce takes all the right cues from Velma Dinkley.
Does that mean she’s gonna lose her glasses and say the exact phrase “my glasses my glasses I can’t see without my glasses” regularly?
Depending on the series, it could happen as often as once per episode. And of course when she puts them back on, there’s inevitably gonna be something weird/startling in front of her.
(Accidental flag sorry)
That creature will often times be the one putting her glasses on, depending on the series.
Indeed they are!
Structurally sound, reasonably durable, and easy to refresh with replacement plastic wear parts.
Those sure are some kick-ass shower shoes Carla made.
Love the eyes in the last panel :D.
The way Willis does expressive eyes is one of my favorite things about their art style.
Sarah best face
God I love Carla. No further notes.
I’m grateful I wasn’t drinking anything while reading this strip, because my laptop would have been completely drenched.
I have been Carla here too many times
Well since we’re talking about it https://imgur.com/gallery/qP0CJI2 [NSFW]
link doesn’t work
Well that’s embarassing…hopefully this works better: Joyce’s milk jugs [NSFW]
Cute, but I don’t think Joyce would shave that area
Some folks are naturally sparse down there. It could happen.
I figured she be too particular not to
Yeah I don’t really know why most people shave but there’s more reasons than just “visual appeal”
Ooh that’s really nice <3
I KNEW that Carla would remember that about Joyce.
I still can’t get over “blonde” not meaning “yellow-haired” in the US. Joyce’s hair is light brown, brunette if you must. She’d never be called blonde over here.
Brunette is darker than Joyce’s hair, medium to dark brown. Light brown or dark blonde are pretty interchangeable and about right for Joyce, at least in my specific corner of the US.
Pretty much the same anywhere in the US as far as I know.
This article BEGINS to show the shade range that is the universal term “blond(e),” but doesn’t actually do it justice.
Strawberry blond(e), copper blond(e), honey blond(e), clover honey blond(e), chestnut blond(e), bronze blond(e), silver blond(e), ice blond(e), grey blond(e), blond(e) with bluing…
So many types of hair can all be considered blond(e). Blond(e) is in the eye of the beholder and the wearer.
Lots of other beautiful colors of hair, but if you want to call yourself blond(e), or brunet(te), or a silver fox, or raven-haired, or anything else, then nobody can take that away from you.
I’m reminded of how in the classic The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Tuco’s preferred nickname for Eastwood’s character – whose hair is definitely what I’d call brown – is “Blondie”.
That’s mockery, like Snow White in Full Metal Jacket, I think.
Can’t speak for other countries but yeah, in the US Joyce’s hair would be considered “ash blonde” (or just “dark blonde”). Also sometimes called “dirty blonde” or “dishwater blonde.” It’s lighter than mousy brown but they can be close.
Most blondes tend to darken with age and it can either go the yellow/golden/honey blonde route, or ash blonde route and Joyce is the latter.
Saying all this as someone who has platinum blonde hair and a family full of blondes. My brother was also platinum blonde as a kid but his hair is now the exact same color as Joyce’s and I’d definitely still consider it blonde, vs. my dad’s light brown.
I’m in Latinoamerica and I believe we’d call her blonde here, too, for what that’s worth.
I don’t know which “over here” you are from, but as someone from a country with a lot of people with Joyce’s hair color… we def call that blonde. (that country being Germany, although I think hair colors have been getting darker over the past couple decades, and I’ve been in several discussions with my family over what still constitutes as blonde and what doesn’t, based on hair color type and darkening hair etc etc, we have yet to ask a specialist.)
Carla is one of those characters who elevate a work because she simply has no time for gravitas. She cuts through the bullshit and forces a resolution on a conflict that’s gotten bogged down — this is not the first time she’s taken a boot to the plot and upended the status quo, and the best part is she does it for purely self-interested reasons.
Exactly what I wrote yesterday, but more.
Coming to terms with the understanding that one might have a neurological difference can be exhausting and overwhelming. Coming to terms with deep pain of the body can be exhausting and overwhelming. Joyce is right to sleep. Nothing should intrude on her quiet space.
Very much so 🥲
Wonder what she will dream of…
And I wonder if I can turn that into a game. Games are good. Making them also helps me take my mind off things.
Games are good. Always. I love games. Games make me happy.
I made a game about Joyce once, and you can even play it on a phone. Ad free too.
I feel like Joyce sometimes.
How did I never notice this about her till now…I had to go look at old strips to confirm because that’s not how she looks in my head.
Seriously? Carla’s always worn glasses. They’ve been right there on her face the whole time.
(Well, she didn’t in that one flashback bonus strip, but she looked like she was about six so maybe she didn’t need them yet.)
‘Milk’ Jugs, eh?
Unless Carla’s got a bunch of offscreen BFFs I don’t know if she’s got a rollerbladed leg to stand on when accusing others of being bad at socialization. Even Mary and Spider-Man 3 Ethan have at least one person who actively wants to hang out with them.
Though, DOES Joyce have “problems with socialization”? She’s actually pretty popular; she’s friends with Becky and Dorothy and hangs out with Dina, Walky and Lucy semi-regularly since the timeskip. Ruth’s just being mean.
I think Ruth means that she’s not “socialized” in terms of normative behavior. (Like how kids sometimes get “socialized” in school to be submissive and quiet and reduce their level of spontaneous physical activity.)
There’s no implication that Sal, Marcie, and Malaya don’t genuinely like Carla. They might find her a little exhausting sometimes but we’ve seen plenty of moments where they like hanging out with her.
…Spider-Man Threethan.
Guess it might mean by what you define as ‘socialization’.
Joyce does have friends, but she also sometimes has problems with boundaries and dependency issues…. for example, waking people up in the morning by hovering over them, confronting Ruth in the cafeteria when she was with Jason, hanging out outside Dorothy’s room just in case she was available, being “rude” to Dina (possibly justified, possibly not).
Which comic did Joyce hang outside Dorothy’s door?
Imma be that person because I played flat track derby for two years.
She’s on skates not inlines.
Blades are also a brand like bandaids but everyone just uses the brand.
I get the impression that Carla is genuinely confused about their reaction
And here I thought I was the only one who noticed.
Nope. Not by a long shot.
I’m a little disappointed that I overslept on a night where the phrase “the one with the jugs” was uttered.
So to make up for it, I made a collection of some of my old art that follows a “theme”.
https://imgur.com/a/4Klp05m (NSFW)
And there was a “Liz Teases Joe” series?
https://imgur.com/a/y1mzuJy (NSFW)
And how long was she there teasing Joe that his hair grew out?
Or did she just show up like every couple weeks to “Hey, Joe!”?
These are all amazing! You spoil us Yoto
It’s my birthday and I got a great Carla strip! Hell yeah.
Happy happy birthday!!! 🥳
Let’s go have some fun!!!
Happy happy birthday!!!
Cant think of a neat pun!!!!
I know that there’s basically a 1/365 chance of it happening, but hey, hi, Birthday buddy. Happy Birthday.
Oh! That’s a neat idea right there!
Dumbing of Age challenge: what’s the funniest strip that ever happened on your birthday?
It’s actually not 1/365 though it really feels like it should be.
To have a 50% chance of two people sharing a birthday you only need 23 people in a room.
To have a 99.9% chance of two people sharing a birthday, you only need 70 people in a room.
It’s called the Birthday Paradox! Happy birthday to you and your Birthday Buddy!
The birthday paradox does boggle my mind, but I think once you have one person with a defined birthday, it is 1/365 that someone else would have the same (I think, may be wrong!).
Though… is there a little seasonality in births?
Happy birthday both!
I mean weddings happening in summer, not to mention people meeting lovers on vacation probably result in a lot of spring births, though that was probably more distinct decades ago.
Christmas, New Years, and Valentine’s Day probably result in a lot of fall births as well.
The seasonality in the US seems more related to longer nights than the seasonality of weddings, with more births during summer. Though this is not true in all of the northern hemisphere (it is very different in France for example, with slightly more births in February and September).
Sorry, I could not find data for France, only articles in French with no nice graphics.
Also, this is the first time I see this, but it appears that holidays (christmas, new years, 7/4) see way less births than other days, which seems counterintuitive to me, especially since those “deficit” births do not look to happen in the previous/next few days (though there is surely an effect of artificially-induced labor, which probably avoid those dates on purpose).
And of course, 2/29 is underrepresented.
So, yeah, not exactly 1/365 (though except for those specific dates, close enough to that number) of a given person being born on a given day.
A lovely bit of knowledge, thanks
At least in the US, August is the most common birth month.
It’s cold nine months before then.
It’s also the Christmas season about 9 months before then (and Thanksgiving too). Getting that holiday cheer!
Something something stocking stuffers
But, what are the odds that any one of 22 people having the same birthday as a pre-selected random person? Now, what are the chances that any one of 21 people, from that original group, having the same birthday as the 22nd? … What are the odds that the final 2 people to be eliminated happen to have the same birthday?
To me, it looks like compound probability. When your bar is only that two people, out of a pool of N people, have the same birthday, your chances are higher than if you’re asking if any one of N-1 people have a specific birthday, (established by picking someone at random and using their birthday.)
Sarah’s probably reacting to the presumed innuendo but it’s also possible she has just realized joyce’s “weirdness” is actually sensory issues.
Hmmm… My posts are going to the abyss of moderation because they’re too short. Trying again:
Dumbing of Ages book :12 ” The one with the Jugs!”
And in an unexpected turn of events Carla ends up being the most innocent one in the discussion.
I wonder if it’s good or bad that up until this moment, I never actually noticed that Joyce actually DOES have a bigger rack than most of the other female DoA characters? XD
I’m still not convinced
Probably neutral. Noticing or not noticing boobs isn’t a good or bad thing. It’s just a thing.
I think it says good things about the story telling and visual style of the strip. Joyce is super repressed, and dresses in a way that downplays her physique.
I didn’t notice it either, but for much of DoA Joyce has tended to dress in ways that don’t really accentuate that part of her body most of the time.
is this the first willisverse comic labelled “Jesus Christ” ?
Well, not in Shortpacked, but I’m having problems searching Roomies.
i wouldve guessed shortpacked , if any
oh, those uh
Dumbing of Age 11: The One With The Jugs
Title seems way too short
Oh, look, another in-comic acknowledgement that Dorothy sucks at people’ing. On the whole, Dorothy, perhaps the fact that your only actual friend is the girl who’ll be friends with anyone should’ve been a hint.
Not sure how I feel about Sarah and Dorothy getting BSOD’d by the realisation that Joyce has breasts – it’s cutting real close to how everyone was disgusted about Becky being into Dina at Joyce’s party.
They’re not BSODing at Joyce having breasts they’re stunned because its weird for carla to just *bring up* Joyce having a Heaving Bosom like that.
Dorothy is also well-liked by Walky and Amber.
Carla is definitely talking about Sarah.
In case you’re being serious (you never know, in teh interwebz), she’s definitely not – this whole scene is she mixing up Joyce and Dorothy, it makes no sense, narratively or otherwise, to throw in Sarah into the confusion. There’s no way to mistake Joyce and Sarah.
In case you’re not:
“Who’s Sarah?”
“The black girl.”
“Isn’t that the girl that handles the mail?”
“No, the snarky one.”
“No, the one in law.”
“Why would I care about the muslim girl from another dorm?”
Oops, flagged it, and I thought I was being careful.
Nevermind, you’re right, I’m an idiot.
Look like Sarah and Dorothy never thought THAT about Joyce. The revelation is shocking them!!! Today is Carla that’s acting “like a child”, she’s too pure in her language, so easily to misunderstood her♡. By the way, no one is impressed by the fact that Joyce is an atheist now. GOOD!
Even thought that’s genuinely a huge leap for her. Literally breaking free from a cult she was indoctrinated into as an innocent child.
So how is that “GOOD”?
Because I just can’t understand why people would be interested in the fact that someone believe or not in a form of religion.
I have to assume you’re not from the US, nor particularly familiar with their culture wars then.
Carla wouldn’t outwardly care about Joyce’s atheism, Dorothy and Sarah already know, and I think Ruth missed that.
Very well played, Willis!!
Ok, that was genuinely really funny
Just the right amount of awkward.
I totally forgot about the milk jug shoes. I guess Carla isn’t entirely unlikeable.
Vaguely surprised this hasn’t been a strip title before, and also that you’re blowing it here.
I’ve had those conversations where someone was telling me about someone and to identify them, they described them as “The one with the really big titties.”
To be fair, I IMMEDIATELY knew who he was referring to, but I was perfectly willing to go with more bland descriptions like glasses, brown hair, and take a little longer to get there than to hear “Titties” in a professional work environment from a man old enough to be my grandfather.
On one hand if that is a very recognizeable trait I feel like it should be “ok” to at least use it in the context of describing ones appearance. On the other hand I’d use words like “busty” or “well endowed” and maybe not “tits” granted I probably wouldn’t use that word in general with anyone but my close friends who I’m ok being somewhat vulgar with.
It’s a little rude to refer to a stranger’s breasts in a non-medical context. Okay among friends but certainly unprofessional.
Professionalism is for professional situations. Putting it into casual scenarios is exhausting and makes people come off as fake weirdos.
I only mentioned professionalism because OP said this was in a professional context.
“The Gay 90s!”
“Okay, I mean, maybe it was better than before, and now isn’t that great, but I think LGBTQ+ people are still doing better now.”
“Not that gay, and not those 90s. Check out TVTropes.”
Having been referred to by various physical descriptions in my life, I’ll just say I am never more glad for my 8 years of orthodontics than when someone describes me as literally anything BUT “the one with the Teeth.”
It’s related because I have a friend who used to have exceptionally large boobs and a few years ago she got a reduction for back pain reasons but later told me the single biggest benefit was not being “the one with the tits” and like, can relate only with teeth.
8 years in orthodontics had many benefits: I can eat and talk normally, and close my mouth now.
The single biggest benefit? Not being Buck Tooth Beaver.
I knew Carla remembered the shower shoes incident. The issue was that she only addressed Joyce as “freshman”.
Dorothy has problems with socialization. Joyce was poorly socialized. difference
One time in high school, a friend of mine was called down to see one of the vice principals, but he didn’t know who that VP was. “He’s the one with the god-awful hairstyle,” I said, helpfully. At which point, my chemistry teacher burst out laughing.
(That vice principal is now the principal of the school. I am told that his hair has improved.)
NO ONE in this comic is neurotypical I swear
Thank you for sharing this Willis, you probably made many people smile today.
I could not bring my host brain to create a humor response, even tho I wanted to. But it is the thought that counts, right?
omg i thought this was real episode
What even is neurotypicality…
“All that is solid melts into air….”
I kinda don’t like how Dorothy is telling on how Joyce is atheist now. Joyce knows that’s what people see her is, didn’t seem all that into telling others initially, Becky and Dorothy just happened to find out. It seems like something Joyce should be able to tell herself. I know she does seems to be coming out to others, like telling Walky, but it should be up to her to say something, not her friends. It’s not like it’s gonna help ID her better to Carla by outing her as atheist, no one knows this, not needed info.
Also, Dorothy, you got a notebook to take notes on your socialization with your fellow hallmates when you were trying to be the new RA. Yes, you have socialization issues.
This is really the “everyone tells Joyce’s business” storyline it seems lol
Since Becky found out, JOYCE has been loudly declaring herself to be better because she’s an atheist. I think Dorothy is in the clear here
Until someone expressively says “yeah, go ahead and tell everyone” it ain’t their place to tell. And it hasn’t really been loudly like Becky. It’s just casual “yeah, no, not into God no more”. Let JOYCE decide who finds out, not Dorothy.
Well congratulations Carla, You managed to break Sarah’s brain and I thought that was impossible.
Sarah in the last panel looks like she’s simultaneously a) thinking back on probably hundreds of times she’s seen her roommate’s breasts more or less covered, b) doubting her heterosexuality and c) finding out she liked big jugs.
Such a great moment. Almost as good as Carla’s face in the panel before.
When you think about it, Jacob has some pretty fine jugs too.
HUUUGE. . .pectorals! Yeah it checks out.
Best comic in awhile.
“OOOOhhh!! The one who acknowledged me as a goddess and herself as a lowly bug!! The ONLY one who’s gotten it RIGHT so far!!”
“Except she then ACCUSED me of being… *shudder* NICE.”
See this is why Carla and Joyce have a great dynamic that I wish we got more of, Joyce see right through Carla’s jerk act and Carla is frustrated by that
Oh God I’ve never thought of that
But judging by that expression, everyone in that room has
The expressions on that last panel are GOLD.