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Matt Boyd
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
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Not really sure who that is. I can’t say I’ve poured over TMNT like a few other series. I’ve only seen the recent show to the end of the space/Triceraton arc.
You’re talking about fictional reptiles (as well as a rodent, Master Splinter) that have become bi-pedal, articulate, intelligent, and have somehow evolved opposable thumbs so they can grasp and become proficient with weapons like nunchaku, sai daggers, and a bo staff — that you can accept — but you’re freaking out over the fact that the franchise introduced a female character and gave her boobs?
There’s pretty no pretense at scientific accuracy in the depiction of “turtles” in TMNT. I’m not sure why this should be any different.
They are anthropomorphized animals. Animals with human characteristics. That can include tits, along with hands and bipedalism and the changes to vocal cords to allow human speech and everything else.
Honestly it’s only marginally worse to give reptilian humanoids tits than most other anthropomorphic animals. Permanent, pronounced breasts are a human trait. You’ll notice that female cats have no obvious breasts, unlike every cat girl ever.
Ah, the traditional ‘everyone in bed’ (not necessarily together) ending. Fewer pensive/troubled faces than usual, which seems kind of weird given everything.
This is the one situation in which Becky can keep a poker face. Think about it; her phone is on and her hands are behind her head instead of on the phone. What else could explain that?
Considering that Willis does not want to move the plot beyond the first semester, slim to none. At the current rate, one in-universe month typically gets covered over about five real-time years. And Willis wants this comic to last for a long time. Massive time skips like that are counter-productive.
Is it confirmed that it’s not going beyond the first semester? I thought it was the first year, but at it’s rate, I guess I could sticking to the first semester.
I seem to remember it was first year not first term. That said a while back I posted the following:
“…[I]t hit me that this DoA year, presuming the existing ratio of RL time to DoA time persists and Willis doesn’t get tired of doing DoA, won’t end prior to late 2050 and even if the story continues to be told at the same rate beyond that point by others these kids won’t graduate before August 2212.” (here’s a link to the original for those interested).
Even first term is going to take the better part of the next decade, and Willis will likely start a new project again eventually…. I suspect that if he does so, and he handles it similarly to the way my one friend handled fatherhood (he turned down promotions and other work stuff that would eat his family time until his eldest was in school), that we have at least five more years before that becomes a thing.
…. I don’t think we’ve actually got any urgently unresolved plot threads to resolve. Willis could in fact timeskip forward and not have it be a huge cliffhanger.
I think tomorrow’s strip starts the next in-world day (Sunday, October 10).
There’s a preview panel of Billie with her luggage on a sidewalk that’s supposed to run in about 3 real-time weeks. A month would be a long time to move half a dorm’s worth of stuff!
Staring at that mask isn’t gonna make it any tastier, Amber. Just eat it already, and then you can go get a Crunchwrap. It’s important to have a balanced diet, after all.
There’s just something about that last panel that I like. Maybe it’s Walky’s face, or the way all three of them are positioned on the bed, or maybe it’s just the fact that Sarah is even in the room with them.
I’m kind of sad for Becky here. It’s great that she has a place to stay, but I’m just thinking that if she had been permitted a normal college experience, she might also be spending her Saturday night surrounded by friends. I mean, I know Dina was over earlier, but she is a bit cut off from everyone as things are.
I also read Becky as being sad when she’s alone, which may be a good thing in some ways– she deserves space to be sad. I’m just a fan of seeing happy Becky.
I agree, even if that’s not why she looks so pensive right now. Becky would totally thrive in a good dorm atmosphere with lots of things going on. The fact that she doesn’t get to have that because of her father’s rules is a travesty.
Agreed. Those little reminders of how much she is missing out on are heartbreaking. Especially when we see her friends in a cozy ball of fun in the last panel while she is all alone.
For a moment I thought Joyce was dead asleep with those blindfolds people use to sleep and they were watching cartoons using her as a support for the laptop.
Mood aside, the artwork on that last panel is incredible! Willis’s artwork shows incredible growth from what he started as. He really shows what’s possible with years of consistent regular work at a craft.
how in the heckin is Joyce comfortable in that last panel?? like five minutes of that makes the neck go very stiff and the hot laptop on your torso hurts…
It’s been a busy week. Everyone’s been overworking you. Most people have been cussing you out. You have a thankless job no matter how you spin it.
You deserve a vacation.
Well, you don’t get one. Every job has its slow days and its fast days, and you’ve had a pretty slow season for a while now. I mean, it’s been, what, a year since your last peak usage? Things were pretty cushy and relaxed for a while there, right?
But surely you knew that you’d eventually have to work hard again! Demand comes and goes. Just like every job.
This will pass and you’ll be able to get a vacation in once things slow down once more.
Wait, are Walky and Dorothy even at semi-passable angles for watching that? It looks like they’re barely even able to see the laptop in their peripheral vision, and even if they can see it, they’re practically snapping their necks to look.
Walky’s at about the same angle I usually watch TV at. Listen, follow the general action out of the corner of the eye, turn when something particularly interesting is happening.
I’m just assuming that 45% of voters have never eaten a cake doughnut. (Those powdered things that come out of vending machines don’t count.)
I’ve converted multiple people from the yeast heresy by the simple method of handing them a krueller from the local bakery. Once you’ve tasted a decent doughnut, you’ll never go back to those lumps of fluffed paste covered in sugar glaze that Krispy Kreme pretends are doughnuts.
I have definitely eaten, like, at least two people’s share of donuts, divided among cake and yeast. My stance is that a really good cake donut is really good, but a really good yeast donut is better. Meanwhile, and average cake donut is eh, while an average yeast donut is still good.
Though I do agree with the stance taken in regards to cookies in yesterday’s comments: fine, you eat the cake ones– more of the ones I like for me.
Three of the above panels are really great. The other two are ambiguous. the positions of Amber and Billie lives could shift to very good or very bad places. I know Amber seems like she’s in a very bad place, and she is, but if Amazi-Girl has truly lost then maybe Amber can resume her life full time and start healing (assuming the division hasn’t progressed to the point where Amazi-Girl is permanent).
So… end of chapter. And what a chapter this has been.
The main focus of this chapter has been on two people, Joe and Amber, that’s been dealing with a very specific problem: Not just having a shitty father, but also dealing with the fear that they might become their father, that they might repeat the same mistakes their respective fathers did.
And both of them dealt with this in ways that were not healthy, to say the least.
To take Joe first, he’s been the more straightforward one: He saw in his father someone who would betray someone they loved. And yes, I believe Joe’s father did love, or at least care for, his wife. But he still betrayed the relationship he had with her.
And from that, Joe took the following lessons: That if you don’t have feelings for someone, you can’t betray them. If it’s only physical, it can’t be emotional. And perhaps worst of all: That if it’s never serious, it can never harm someone.
Needless to say, those were not the right lessons.
And worst of all, the way that Joe tried to run away from being his father… Made him more like his father.
Meanwhile, Amber… I have said so many things about Amber, and I could say so many more things right now. But I will be (relatively) short this time:
Amber’s main mistake about her father is that she doesn’t see how Blaine’s actions stems from the motive of pure selfishness. That Blaine truly does not care about other people’s feelings. Blaine never wanted her to stand up for Ethan because it’s the right thing to do (nevermind that it’s incredibly fucking stupid for a completely untrained person to go up against someone with a knife), it’s because it makes her look strong, look “alpha”. And Blaine would never actually risk his neck for anyone; but he’d make sure to tell you that he did so anyway.
And Amber cares about other people. Sure, she has all other sorts of issues that makes it problematic for her to show this properly, but she does care. She does not wish to use her violent capacities for selfish reasons.
So Amber is now so afraid that she’s just like her father… She can’t see the really big and important way that she isn’t.
Two people. Two horrible fathers. Two attempts to escape the fate of repeating history.
One has finally started the road to success.
The other can’t see how they have in fact been succeeding at it.
I think that Joe’s self-worth is tightly woven together with his attitudes towards sex and relationships and feelings. Thus, treating others will respect will also make him feel better about himself.
Unless the realization that many/most of his sexual advancements have been extremely unwelcome and uncomfortable becomes the catalyst that sets him down a gradual spiral of self deprecation. Especially when he sees his past behaviour in the context of how it has harmed people he now deeply cares about and respect. Especially when he’s still as young as he currently is. I also don’t see the most recent events ridding him of all his toxic masculinity which could prevent him from seeking help, whether in the above hypothetical scenario or something else.
Funny, I’d go with “self-identity”
Book seven starts with the Leland (still, thankfully, not Bob) flashback then goes right into the “Ryan” end of the DeSanto Rally and most everything since has been main characters changing their outward persona to reflect their current understanding of their self-identity and/or what they want that self-identity to eventually be.
Let’s just live!
Day by day…
And not be conquered by our sorrows!
The past can’t hold us down, we must break free!
Inside we’re torn apart…
But time will mend our hearts!
Move onward, worry not, let’s just live!
Becky seems to be waiting for Leslie. Sure, she has many, many reasons to think about a lot of things, but right now, my money is on Leslie not having returned yet (I do tend to be wrong in predicting future strips, though, so make of that what you will). I’ll be honest, this is probably a bit biased of me because if I’m waiting for someone to come home, it’s almost impossible for me to sleep until they do. Right now Leslie represents stability in Becky’s life, and if she’s out later than usual, the mind does tend to wander and make worrying thoughts.
And even then… Well, she’s probably finally allowing her armour to be down for a moment, and she’s contemplating lots of things in a way she dares not discuss even with Dina yet…
…Or perhaps she does dare, but only on the phone?
Already spoke a lot about Joe, so all I’ll say here is that I love how he’s now accepting New Danny for who he wants to be. Seriously, that shoulder-touch speaks volumes.
What Amber is thinking right now… A million different thoughts, and only one or two of them good for her to think.
Billie is resigned to her fate of physically moving… But she’s clearly not going to stop seeing Ruth. Even if there was nothing else, the fact that there are jerks out there who wants her to not see Ruth will make her keep doing it out of spite.
And fortunately, there is something else; she has genuine emotions for Ruth.
Last, but not least: Sarah.
Yeah, I know, Dorothy actually taking some time out is good. I assume she and Walky did at least a bit of revision together (end of chapters are usually close to midnight, and it was 21:20 when she met Walky) before meeting up with Joyce to watch Dexter and the Monkey Master.
But what I really like about this last scene is Sarah. Sarah is now accepting that Joyce has good friends that helps her. Sarah is accepting that Joyce is managing to be Joyce (albeit a more grown-up one than in the beginning) and still be happy. And Sarah is managing to be happy on Joyce’s behalf.
Sarah might even have started to tolerate Joyce’s sunshine awakenings… Nahh, that seems a bit unlikely, even for this comic.
Becky all alone in the first panel is a gentle reminder of the fundamental unfairness of her situation.
If her father had been less of a tyrant, if her school had not thrown her to the wolves, if society was less homophobic – she could have been with her friends in the last panel, laughing and having fun. Instead she has to relay on what scraps of goodwill she can get. She is doing fine – she has built a great life for her these few weeks, but sometimes it hits home.
How I love that Dorothy took Ruth’s advice. “Have some fun”, she said, so here she is with Walky and cartoons and some sweet, sweet upside down Joyce time. And just enough passive friendship for Sarah to feel content.
Oh yeah, if I gave the impression that Bagge was surprised by Becky’s sadness (and I can see why it would look like that), then that was not my intention. I was just trying to be a bit silly.
Because Bagge knows Becky’s armour for when she’s around other people, only letting herself down when alone, or in (very) brief bursts around the few people she trusts.
Sad Becky makes me love happy Becky even more… and the other way round. People who only see her mask might be tempted to find her obnoxious. People who only see her sad might be tempted to find her too tragic.
She is BOTH tragic and obnoxious, and she is also heartwarming, hilarious and all-over awesome.
Only in the friendship type of relationship. Ironic because, in the Walkyverse, Dorothy was a psycho stalker and Joyce ended up having to rescue Walky from her when she kidnapped him!
That said, with all the personality-shaking events that Dorothy and Joyce have experienced recently, it’s good to see them smiling and happy.
If someone were to ask me what really struck me above all other things in this strip it would be Sarah’s smile in panel 5. For all she loves to play the curmudgeon and genuinely has a hard time being happy, she genuinely is coming to love Joyce as a kid sister and seeing her happy, especially after being afraid and angry for so long must do her good.
Right now, I think that Amber is having the hardest possible conversation she can have: With herself.
Is there some sort of curfew at the dorm? If so, she needs to be back before a certain time. From the looks of it, she and Becky have been texting continually since they parted!
Well, they have already slept in the same bed, though it was more of necessity than because they thought they were ready for it.
Though I actually think Dina is fine with the idea by now, but she’s not going to push Becky on this because she’s super-careful about not pushing boundaries.
Also, Leslie was not aware of Dina’s presence, so she’d have to leave before Leslie was expected to be back.
Finally… it’s a couch Becky’s sleeping on. Sure, people have (non-euphemistically) slept together on couches since they were invented… And usually the next morning, their bodies would be all “Why did you do this to me?!?”
The Good (image of Dorothy shining with competence and good nature) The Bad (image of Joyce doing a gangster impression) and the Ugly (image of Walky doing his dork thing)
Joyce and Dorothy may be looking at each other for a moment.
Artistic license, too, and no complaint from me. Look at their neck and spine angles: This was composed to not demonstrate how three (not-tall) collegians fit on one bed to comfortably watch a DVD while maintaining good posture, but simply how to have fun.
If Joyce were looking directly at the screen, we’d only see the top of her head. My head canon is that Walky and Dorothy are watching the reflection in a mirror placed over the head of the bed.
They may not actually be in need of truly -watching- this episode. It’s 99.9999999% likely that Walky and Dorothy have already seen it; and still 99% likely that Joyce has seen it.
And Sarah doesn’t care about the cartoons, she just cares about the good friendship being involved.
Panel 1: … This panel is fascinating to me and I might be reading too much into it, but I wonder if it is related to a specific thing I’ve experienced living through times of intense trauma.
And that is the calm after it is the worst. Like, when things start improving and getting good again and I can take time and breathe is when my brain dumps all the emotions I’ve been pushing aside to survive the traumatic time on me and wants to sort it all at once.
Again, this is probably wildly off, but I could definitely see Becky in that position. I mean, her life overall is going very well and things are finally starting to slow down into a rhythm where she no longer needs to worry about daily survival.
She’s got a girlfriend she loves, she has relatively stable housing, folks who are serving as created family, and is starting to get her legs under her financially. But that just means the emotions she’s been putting her mask up to avoid have time to come to the surface and beg to finally be processed and dealt with.
And if that is the case, I worry for her. It’s really easy in that headspace to think that you don’t have a “reason” to be unhappy and plagued by that emotional stuff when things are “going well” and beat yourself up for it.
Of course this all might be wasted fluff if I’m totally off-base.
Panel 2: This is beautiful. They’ve rekindled a real friendship and I don’t think Joe will be trying to poison it again after what Danny stood by him through and what he heard from Joyce. And I think both will be grateful for it. Like Danny will benefit to having someone besides Ethan to talk about stuff to and Joe will benefit from having someone check him when he’s going too far. It’s heartwarming.
Panel 1: Your analysis is excellent. Becky finally has time to reflect and process. I think she is strong enough that the processing, while hard, will not end with her beating herself up too much. She will be tentative about happiness and constantly looking over her shoulder, but not beating herself up. Dina will certainly help her with that.
Becky eventually will have an emotional breakdown/catharsis where she finally just lets it all out. Then true healing will begin. Barring further crises, in the long run Becky will be okay.
Panel 2: Neither Joe nor Danny will poison the friendship intentionally, but I do foresee Joe Joeing it up and Danny Dannying it up occasionally. Hopefully, mostly for sitcom humor. Ya can’t have a good sitcom without cracking a Good Egg. (And roll closing credits…)
Panel 3: Oh no… oh no no no.This is bad from an alter perspective and I’m really worried Amber is going to make some bad decisions that will make her condition way worse (likely involving trying to cut out one of her alters entirely because that’s the inaccurate general society impression on what “fixes” that condition).
Things are not going well but hopefully is getting close to a bottom they can rise from.
Panel 4: I’m also worried about Billie. She’s still a suicide risk and may or may not still be in the therapy program she was supposed to go into and she seems to be treating her situation as a reason to start distancing herself emotionally from a lot of the people in her life and her previous support network.
Panel 5: This is just ultra adorable. I can’t say anything other than that.
Panel 5 just reminds me of a line at the end of a fanfiction based in the Farscape universe. D’ago is complaining to Zhaan about Crighton, Aeryn and Talyn ‘acting like children’. Zhaan replies that it’s a good thing that, despite all the awful things that have happened “the children are still playing”.
That’s the lesson from panel 5, IMO. Despite everything that has happened, Joyce and Dorothy (and Walky too, who is having problems with Billie’s move and his own academic difficulties) are still able to be happy and feel joy.
I wasn’t around to leave a comment when the comic was originally posted but I suspected that Amber’s “Amazi-girl failed” comment meant that she was getting rid of her. But panel 3 made me wonder if the event had somehow made Amazi-girl go away or make her…inaccessible? Is the look on Amber’s face indicating that she wants to put the mask on but can’t bring herself to do it?
I don’t even know if that’s possible so I apologize if that’s a ridiculously wrong guess.
I still wonder if part of that is “Why didn’t Amazi-Girl come out and handle that? She’s supposed to protect me and keep me from losing control like that.”
Ryan already had Amber pegged as Amazi-Girl, so if the AG persona came out it would prove him right and her cover would be blown – especially since AG would leave him in a position (i.e. alive) to blab to anyone who would listen later on.
So she had to face him as Amber to both “prove him wrong” and maintain a non-zero chance that he might not survive the encounter (as Amber confessed to Joyce – she was trying to kill him).
Since Amber has mentally invested so much into the “Amber=Bad, AG = Good” concept, the loss/inaccessibility of AG just leaves her the “angry, violent, evil Amber” who is beyond help. Now it’s a question of how much worse this is going to get before it can get better.
And the day closes down, and you had a little bit too much to feel
Put your hand around the moon and it will come to you
As if it never left, as if it always sat there hoping you would stay
Let the clouds drift through and pass, let the stars shine on and peel
Like bells across the ocean of a wasted epoch looming large
A stranger feeling staying here and tucked into your home
Lay your tent down upon the silver sand, a breeze can stir the grains
I will lie down as the sickle moon waves and says goodnight
Good night. A heart at rest and spinning motionless.
I can’t decide if Joe is in the post-coital glow of having just had great sex with Danny, or if that’s a proud “That’s my boy” smile on noticing that Danny’s on Grindr.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Wow, who’da thunk they’d have a threesome with Sarah looking =o
*runs away*
**raises hand**
Mostly cause there’s pretty good chemistry between Dorothy, Joyce, and Walky.
Well, they say the best way to get over your fears is to confront them head on, Walky and Dorothy are just being nice, helpful friends!
That is so, so happening
There really is a lot of chemistry between Joyce and Walky; I almost feel like they could’ve been a couple in another lifetime.
Yeah, with its own website and limited prints.
Joyce, Dorothy and Walky for OT3!
Danny stop sending uke pics to people
Hang on, if Danny’s the Uke, does that make Joe the SEMME?
you won the internet today
See, every time someone makes a joke in this vein, I grow less and less enthused about this comic having a ukulele in it.
Ba dum tiss
Shame. *rings bell* Shame. *rings bell* Shame.
Yes. yes it does.
But Joyce was wearing the SEMME shirt today (yellow stripe and all).
There is a deep and powerful internet ukulele community; Danny is probably just now proving his credentials to them so he can join the Tribe.
Uke me up inside
(Can’t uke up)
Uke me up inside
Though oddly enough, she’s not in bed with them because she doesn’t like to watch.(Dexter and Monkey Master)
*Also runs.*
“Wait, JOYCE is in a threesome? … yeah, I’d pay to see that. And maybe point and laugh at her noobness.”
I’m more surprised the Joyce let Walky on her bed even in an innocent situation with his funk.
Is Sarah… smiling? Just a little?
Also, the avatar I was randomly assigned…ewww.
Welcome to club Meredith! There are worse possible gravatars.
(that would have made more sense if I hadn’t forgotten to change the capitalisation of my email back after playing around with it for a bit)
Thanks, I had no idea who this character was.
Then why the ‘ewww’?
Different person.
Because it kind of looks like (at least in this pose!) someone shoved Mary’s face onto Sal’s head.
She’s smirking. So, maybe it was a foursome.
Oh good, Dorothy decided to do something fun. Now Ruth won’t have to be concerned.
And you won’t like her when she’s concerned.
Definitely no reason to be concerned about any characters at all.
Of course not. I mean look, Amber’s returned to the TMNT fandom, and is considering how best to display her new Leonardo mask.
Lets’ just be realistic, here. If she’s got a favorite Turtle, it ain’t Leo.
I’m like 70% certain that it was mentioned in Shortpacked! that her favourite turtle is Leonardo.
Oh wait, just saw a link that confirms that it’s Donatello.
Textbook case of failing to check oneself prior to wrecking oneself.
Everyone loves Donatello.
He does machines, you know.
…. wait, Leonardo?
NOT Donatello?
…. okay, she’s not all right.
Agreed. Don is objectively the best.
(don’t actually though, I love them all)
Better question: Even Leo?
Not really sure who that is. I can’t say I’ve poured over TMNT like a few other series. I’ve only seen the recent show to the end of the space/Triceraton arc.
*Sinister giggling*
So now I had to look her up and oh god why does she have tits wtf can we stop giving non-mammals tits?!!?!??
You’re talking about fictional reptiles (as well as a rodent, Master Splinter) that have become bi-pedal, articulate, intelligent, and have somehow evolved opposable thumbs so they can grasp and become proficient with weapons like nunchaku, sai daggers, and a bo staff — that you can accept — but you’re freaking out over the fact that the franchise introduced a female character and gave her boobs?
It’s boring and lazy.
There’s pretty no pretense at scientific accuracy in the depiction of “turtles” in TMNT. I’m not sure why this should be any different.
They are anthropomorphized animals. Animals with human characteristics. That can include tits, along with hands and bipedalism and the changes to vocal cords to allow human speech and everything else.
Honestly it’s only marginally worse to give reptilian humanoids tits than most other anthropomorphic animals. Permanent, pronounced breasts are a human trait. You’ll notice that female cats have no obvious breasts, unlike every cat girl ever.
Somewhere that makes it clear that the other four are more important. Maybe even five if you count Slash.
I don’t remember a Turtle with a top hat and guitar…
Look, Willis has said that there are a few character constants between the different Walkyverses.
And Amber loving Donatello the most is one of them.
Daw, Joe and Danny are bros. Even if it is New Danny.
Nonsense, that *can’t* be new Danny – there’s no hat!
Speaking as a person who wears a hat, maybe Danny just takes it off for bed. I know I do, since it would just come off on its own anyway.
Mmhmm, hats-on sleeping is for when you’re sitting in a lighted area.
If you fall asleep with both feet on the floor, etiquette states that any friend present is entitled to draw a dick on your face.
Well, I guess it’s lucky I don’t have any friends. (Yeah, so not lucky.)
Plus, my family has a “Don’t mess with hats” rule, and the hat kinda goes over your face.
Does that mean you will never get a dick drawn on your face if you only have one foot (or fewer)?
Dina just gave you a strange look.
If he really wanted to be a new person, he would graft that hat to his head.
Ah, the traditional ‘everyone in bed’ (not necessarily together) ending. Fewer pensive/troubled faces than usual, which seems kind of weird given everything.
Protip: Dina’s under Becky’s blankets
I think Becky would look less bored if that was the case.
This is the one situation in which Becky can keep a poker face. Think about it; her phone is on and her hands are behind her head instead of on the phone. What else could explain that?
She’s listening to all that godless music she’s missed out on up until now?
She’s playing whatever indie rock song this montage is set to.
I’m imaging her listening to “Comes and Goes (In Waves)” by Greg Laswell now, and I’m listening to it while staring at this strip. It’s nice.
I think she listens to the soundtrack of the Buffy-episode “Once More With Feeling”.
“Where do we go~o… from heeeeree!”
“You make me come….plete”
“Where do we go from here” fits the entire theme of the strip, but “Under your spell” fits Becky, because she’s a redheaded lesbian.
Which makes me think we should arrest all people that even slightly resemble Warren Myers, just as a way of precaution.
Well that sent me on a Toad listening binge. Thank you for that.
What, without having more windows and tabs open on top of it? Please, there’s obviously some Mesozoic mischief going on under that blanket.
Under the blankets like curled on top of Becky’s stomach in a cat-like manner? I could see that.
Not with that look on Becky’s face. She looks troubled and not in a resisting temptation fashion.
Yessiree, It’s been a looooong day!
Yea, feels like it has been weeks.
This is really sweet.
Right!? I am just…so happy with that last panel.
Well this a nice peaceful scene of joy to have before everything gets demonstrably worse
Which is a refreshing change. Normally we have scenes of misery before everything gets demonstrably worse.
So – what are the odds on the next book starting a month or so further down the line?
Pretty low, I think, since this is a daily comic.
I assumed Stu meant timeskip in-comic.
What is this, Bleach?
I don’t think so, but now I’m Curious about Becky’s Bankai.
It’s probably called something like Kyōryū no Kanojo.
Nah, can’t be.
This show isn’t going “This clearly adult-looking peson is, in fact, FOURTEEN” (Looking at you, Ichigo-at-the-start-of-the-series.)
Considering that Willis does not want to move the plot beyond the first semester, slim to none. At the current rate, one in-universe month typically gets covered over about five real-time years. And Willis wants this comic to last for a long time. Massive time skips like that are counter-productive.
Is it confirmed that it’s not going beyond the first semester? I thought it was the first year, but at it’s rate, I guess I could sticking to the first semester.
I seem to remember it was first year not first term. That said a while back I posted the following:
“…[I]t hit me that this DoA year, presuming the existing ratio of RL time to DoA time persists and Willis doesn’t get tired of doing DoA, won’t end prior to late 2050 and even if the story continues to be told at the same rate beyond that point by others these kids won’t graduate before August 2212.” (here’s a link to the original for those interested).
Even first term is going to take the better part of the next decade, and Willis will likely start a new project again eventually…. I suspect that if he does so, and he handles it similarly to the way my one friend handled fatherhood (he turned down promotions and other work stuff that would eat his family time until his eldest was in school), that we have at least five more years before that becomes a thing.
…. I don’t think we’ve actually got any urgently unresolved plot threads to resolve. Willis could in fact timeskip forward and not have it be a huge cliffhanger.
So, no, there won’t be a timeskip.
I think tomorrow’s strip starts the next in-world day (Sunday, October 10).
There’s a preview panel of Billie with her luggage on a sidewalk that’s supposed to run in about 3 real-time weeks. A month would be a long time to move half a dorm’s worth of stuff!
Also Joyce is going to church with Jacob! (according to a preview panel and a character model of Jacob holding a bible)
Staring at that mask isn’t gonna make it any tastier, Amber. Just eat it already, and then you can go get a Crunchwrap. It’s important to have a balanced diet, after all.
You don’t seem to understand the importance of a mask-based diet
There’s just something about that last panel that I like. Maybe it’s Walky’s face, or the way all three of them are positioned on the bed, or maybe it’s just the fact that Sarah is even in the room with them.
Sarah’s not just in the room, she’s smiling at them!
Yeah, smiling Sarah. Superweird, but also adorable.
*Danny starts playing “Closing Time”*
I think I’m more skeptical of three people on a dorm bed than I am of the vigilante story line.
Well, they are all fairly light people, so that might help I guess?
Not just light but also small.
Been there, done
themthat. You just have to be well-acquainted.And if you aren’t already, you will be.
I’m kind of sad for Becky here. It’s great that she has a place to stay, but I’m just thinking that if she had been permitted a normal college experience, she might also be spending her Saturday night surrounded by friends. I mean, I know Dina was over earlier, but she is a bit cut off from everyone as things are.
I also read Becky as being sad when she’s alone, which may be a good thing in some ways– she deserves space to be sad. I’m just a fan of seeing happy Becky.
I agree, even if that’s not why she looks so pensive right now. Becky would totally thrive in a good dorm atmosphere with lots of things going on. The fact that she doesn’t get to have that because of her father’s rules is a travesty.
Agreed. Those little reminders of how much she is missing out on are heartbreaking. Especially when we see her friends in a cozy ball of fun in the last panel while she is all alone.
I’m glad she got some Dina-snuggles at least.
I was about to ask why Becky looks slightly sad here but I think you nailed it.
That’s All Folks?
Book 7 ran for exactly 52 weeks.
Awwwww, that last panel is so cute!
Blech, Mary, fuck no.
Positively Radiahnt.
I like your Nash icon as well.
Nash’s facial expression is amazing.
Damn it, now I’m bedroom-eyes Danny
Hard to read that as a bad thing…
Especially with that face saying it.
This is a Mix bag but the last panel worms my heart.
Damn, well, I think they make pills for that.
Oh dear Pod, go see a doctor!!!
For a moment I thought Joyce was dead asleep with those blindfolds people use to sleep and they were watching cartoons using her as a support for the laptop.
And jeez, even Sarah is kinda sorta smiling.
Yeah. Kids are less likely to bug grown-ups when they’re watching cartoons.
The last panel is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen by far
Mood aside, the artwork on that last panel is incredible! Willis’s artwork shows incredible growth from what he started as. He really shows what’s possible with years of consistent regular work at a craft.
how in the heckin is Joyce comfortable in that last panel?? like five minutes of that makes the neck go very stiff and the hot laptop on your torso hurts…
……I sit like that constantly. I am right now in fact.
Not all laptops run too hot to put on your lap or stomach.
can we get that last panel as a full wallpaper?
I know, right? I wouldn’t even mind seeing it expanded into a full print at some point.
wat the shit where is Dina
Behind the door.
So tonight, Grav Roulette has given me….
…. Manic-looking who-knows-who guy.
Okay, Grav Roulette.
I get what’s going on here.
You’re tired.
It’s been a busy week. Everyone’s been overworking you. Most people have been cussing you out. You have a thankless job no matter how you spin it.
You deserve a vacation.
Well, you don’t get one. Every job has its slow days and its fast days, and you’ve had a pretty slow season for a while now. I mean, it’s been, what, a year since your last peak usage? Things were pretty cushy and relaxed for a while there, right?
But surely you knew that you’d eventually have to work hard again! Demand comes and goes. Just like every job.
This will pass and you’ll be able to get a vacation in once things slow down once more.
But until then, TOUGH NOOGIES.
That’s Nash! I like her face
Gravatar cares not what you do.
Also, I kind of imagine Joyce thinking something like, “That’s right, Walky, watch the cartoons while I stare at your girlfriend.”
Huh. Leslie’s not home yet from her date.
The real question: is Danny taking a picture to sell the ukelele or is he using it as a dick euphemism?
Preparing to start sending unsolicited uke pix
Wait, are Walky and Dorothy even at semi-passable angles for watching that? It looks like they’re barely even able to see the laptop in their peripheral vision, and even if they can see it, they’re practically snapping their necks to look.
It’s Walky and Dorothy watching a show they edit the wiki for, though. They probably don’t need to see it at all to know what’s happening.
Walky’s at about the same angle I usually watch TV at. Listen, follow the general action out of the corner of the eye, turn when something particularly interesting is happening.
I blame it on people not understanding what cake donuts and yeast donuts are.
Also, the Russians.
I’ve done the Krispy Kreme tour; I’ve seen the yeast. I prefer cake.
(I voted for yeast anyway.)
[Power Rangers 2017 reference]
“No, no, no. Don’t jump. Jason! That’s not a piece of cake!”
No, it’s clearly from knowing what cake and yeast donuts are, and voting for the one that exists as something other than a glaze vector.
Hey, if that’s your understanding, your understanding is weak.
Mmm, glaaaze vectooors.
I’m just assuming that 45% of voters have never eaten a cake doughnut. (Those powdered things that come out of vending machines don’t count.)
I’ve converted multiple people from the yeast heresy by the simple method of handing them a krueller from the local bakery. Once you’ve tasted a decent doughnut, you’ll never go back to those lumps of fluffed paste covered in sugar glaze that Krispy Kreme pretends are doughnuts.
I have definitely eaten, like, at least two people’s share of donuts, divided among cake and yeast. My stance is that a really good cake donut is really good, but a really good yeast donut is better. Meanwhile, and average cake donut is eh, while an average yeast donut is still good.
Though I do agree with the stance taken in regards to cookies in yesterday’s comments: fine, you eat the cake ones– more of the ones I like for me.
Are you Brun from Questionable Content?
With worse social skills
I don’t know, Brun showed some… interesting social skills in the latest strip (which just went up).
Three of the above panels are really great. The other two are ambiguous. the positions of Amber and Billie lives could shift to very good or very bad places. I know Amber seems like she’s in a very bad place, and she is, but if Amazi-Girl has truly lost then maybe Amber can resume her life full time and start healing (assuming the division hasn’t progressed to the point where Amazi-Girl is permanent).
So… end of chapter. And what a chapter this has been.
The main focus of this chapter has been on two people, Joe and Amber, that’s been dealing with a very specific problem: Not just having a shitty father, but also dealing with the fear that they might become their father, that they might repeat the same mistakes their respective fathers did.
And both of them dealt with this in ways that were not healthy, to say the least.
To take Joe first, he’s been the more straightforward one: He saw in his father someone who would betray someone they loved. And yes, I believe Joe’s father did love, or at least care for, his wife. But he still betrayed the relationship he had with her.
And from that, Joe took the following lessons: That if you don’t have feelings for someone, you can’t betray them. If it’s only physical, it can’t be emotional. And perhaps worst of all: That if it’s never serious, it can never harm someone.
Needless to say, those were not the right lessons.
And worst of all, the way that Joe tried to run away from being his father… Made him more like his father.
Meanwhile, Amber… I have said so many things about Amber, and I could say so many more things right now. But I will be (relatively) short this time:
Amber’s main mistake about her father is that she doesn’t see how Blaine’s actions stems from the motive of pure selfishness. That Blaine truly does not care about other people’s feelings. Blaine never wanted her to stand up for Ethan because it’s the right thing to do (nevermind that it’s incredibly fucking stupid for a completely untrained person to go up against someone with a knife), it’s because it makes her look strong, look “alpha”. And Blaine would never actually risk his neck for anyone; but he’d make sure to tell you that he did so anyway.
And Amber cares about other people. Sure, she has all other sorts of issues that makes it problematic for her to show this properly, but she does care. She does not wish to use her violent capacities for selfish reasons.
So Amber is now so afraid that she’s just like her father… She can’t see the really big and important way that she isn’t.
Two people. Two horrible fathers. Two attempts to escape the fate of repeating history.
One has finally started the road to success.
The other can’t see how they have in fact been succeeding at it.
End of chapter.
+5 Insightful.
Whoops – seems adding dots to the email changes things-
Your description of Blaine sounds a lot like President 45.
That is sadly correct.
Now I have a big sad.
so are we gonna see Joe’s lack of self-worth be addressed an improved or did that line just exist to feed into Joyce’s speech?
I think that Joe’s self-worth is tightly woven together with his attitudes towards sex and relationships and feelings. Thus, treating others will respect will also make him feel better about himself.
Unless the realization that many/most of his sexual advancements have been extremely unwelcome and uncomfortable becomes the catalyst that sets him down a gradual spiral of self deprecation. Especially when he sees his past behaviour in the context of how it has harmed people he now deeply cares about and respect. Especially when he’s still as young as he currently is. I also don’t see the most recent events ridding him of all his toxic masculinity which could prevent him from seeking help, whether in the above hypothetical scenario or something else.
If I was to sum up the most recent stuff in one word I’d pick “hope”.
There are some parts that don’t fit this of course but there’s a lot to hope for. Also I got Billie nice.
Funny, I’d go with “self-identity”
Book seven starts with the Leland (still, thankfully, not Bob) flashback then goes right into the “Ryan” end of the DeSanto Rally and most everything since has been main characters changing their outward persona to reflect their current understanding of their self-identity and/or what they want that self-identity to eventually be.
Last panel looks like a really uncomfortable way to watch a TV show.
There’s a lot you’ll put up with to do it with friends.
With the winking grav, I can’t tell if you meant the double entendre…
…or if I’m just reading it that way because my mind was halfway there already.
Let’s just live!
Day by day…
And not be conquered by our sorrows!
The past can’t hold us down, we must break free!
Inside we’re torn apart…
But time will mend our hearts!
Move onward, worry not, let’s just live!
Wasn’t it
“Move Onwards, Not There Yet, let’s just live!”?
I thought they made it so the letters spell Monty.
Checked the lyrics… and you are correct. My mistake. ^~^;
Going back to today’s strip…
Becky seems to be waiting for Leslie. Sure, she has many, many reasons to think about a lot of things, but right now, my money is on Leslie not having returned yet (I do tend to be wrong in predicting future strips, though, so make of that what you will). I’ll be honest, this is probably a bit biased of me because if I’m waiting for someone to come home, it’s almost impossible for me to sleep until they do. Right now Leslie represents stability in Becky’s life, and if she’s out later than usual, the mind does tend to wander and make worrying thoughts.
And even then… Well, she’s probably finally allowing her armour to be down for a moment, and she’s contemplating lots of things in a way she dares not discuss even with Dina yet…
…Or perhaps she does dare, but only on the phone?
Already spoke a lot about Joe, so all I’ll say here is that I love how he’s now accepting New Danny for who he wants to be. Seriously, that shoulder-touch speaks volumes.
What Amber is thinking right now… A million different thoughts, and only one or two of them good for her to think.
Billie is resigned to her fate of physically moving… But she’s clearly not going to stop seeing Ruth. Even if there was nothing else, the fact that there are jerks out there who wants her to not see Ruth will make her keep doing it out of spite.
And fortunately, there is something else; she has genuine emotions for Ruth.
Last, but not least: Sarah.
Yeah, I know, Dorothy actually taking some time out is good. I assume she and Walky did at least a bit of revision together (end of chapters are usually close to midnight, and it was 21:20 when she met Walky) before meeting up with Joyce to watch Dexter and the Monkey Master.
But what I really like about this last scene is Sarah. Sarah is now accepting that Joyce has good friends that helps her. Sarah is accepting that Joyce is managing to be Joyce (albeit a more grown-up one than in the beginning) and still be happy. And Sarah is managing to be happy on Joyce’s behalf.
Sarah might even have started to tolerate Joyce’s sunshine awakenings… Nahh, that seems a bit unlikely, even for this comic.
Becky all alone in the first panel is a gentle reminder of the fundamental unfairness of her situation.
If her father had been less of a tyrant, if her school had not thrown her to the wolves, if society was less homophobic – she could have been with her friends in the last panel, laughing and having fun. Instead she has to relay on what scraps of goodwill she can get. She is doing fine – she has built a great life for her these few weeks, but sometimes it hits home.
How I love that Dorothy took Ruth’s advice. “Have some fun”, she said, so here she is with Walky and cartoons and some sweet, sweet upside down Joyce time. And just enough passive friendship for Sarah to feel content.
Bagge’s thought process upon reading this strip:
WOO, MORE BECKY… wait, Becky has a sad?
Becky is thoughtful; maybe what Cerberus says is true and there is a lot of sadness and introspection under the Wacky Becky exterior.
Oh yeah, if I gave the impression that Bagge was surprised by Becky’s sadness (and I can see why it would look like that), then that was not my intention. I was just trying to be a bit silly.
Because Bagge knows Becky’s armour for when she’s around other people, only letting herself down when alone, or in (very) brief bursts around the few people she trusts.
Sad Becky makes me love happy Becky even more… and the other way round. People who only see her mask might be tempted to find her obnoxious. People who only see her sad might be tempted to find her too tragic.
She is BOTH tragic and obnoxious, and she is also heartwarming, hilarious and all-over awesome.
Hmmm what song would u have going on if this were a scene in a tv show?
Welcome to the Future, by Hypnogaja
Not everyone loves Truth Decay as much as you do, Nathan.
Probably something breathy and slow, like they use for ending NCIS episodes heavy on character development.
Oh, no question about it:
Jake Shimabukuro playing Ehime Mahu.
I still don’t understand how that’s not several instruments being played at once.
“Ghost” by Jamie Lee Kriewitz?
A lot to unpack there, not all of it great. Perhaps move onto something topical and uplifting then? So…thoughts on the new Taylor Swift song?
I like the Google Translate Version by Milanda Kathleen Reese.
Thanks for making me aware of her. Up to now, I like the Beatles medley best…
I’m going to have to check both of those out, they’ll probably be better than the original.
My favourite is her take on “Shape of you”.
And “Be prepared”.
Oh, and obligatory comment: New Map.
But can I play as Bedhead Mei yet?????
JoyceXDorothyXWalky Threesome
Only in the friendship type of relationship. Ironic because, in the Walkyverse, Dorothy was a psycho stalker and Joyce ended up having to rescue Walky from her when she kidnapped him!
That said, with all the personality-shaking events that Dorothy and Joyce have experienced recently, it’s good to see them smiling and happy.
That last panel is so wonderfully comfy
Lookit these panels, putting my feels on a rollercoaster ride. Good chapter, Willis.
If someone were to ask me what really struck me above all other things in this strip it would be Sarah’s smile in panel 5. For all she loves to play the curmudgeon and genuinely has a hard time being happy, she genuinely is coming to love Joyce as a kid sister and seeing her happy, especially after being afraid and angry for so long must do her good.
Right now, I think that Amber is having the hardest possible conversation she can have: With herself.
But but but….where is Dina?
Is there some sort of curfew at the dorm? If so, she needs to be back before a certain time. From the looks of it, she and Becky have been texting continually since they parted!
No curfew I know of, but I don’t think Dina would stay over anyway. Neither of them are really ready for that yet.
Well, they have already slept in the same bed, though it was more of necessity than because they thought they were ready for it.
Though I actually think Dina is fine with the idea by now, but she’s not going to push Becky on this because she’s super-careful about not pushing boundaries.
Also, Leslie was not aware of Dina’s presence, so she’d have to leave before Leslie was expected to be back.
Finally… it’s a couch Becky’s sleeping on. Sure, people have (non-euphemistically) slept together on couches since they were invented… And usually the next morning, their bodies would be all “Why did you do this to me?!?”
W-Walky ?!
It’s amazing, isn’t it, what a single panel can do if you take it out of context? Triad-tease anyone?
Last panel: Wonderful, uplifting and background material.
aw yeah! good times! a great distraction from getting deadnamed!
Hi new to the comments, is there a name for the ship that is walky/dorothy/joyce triad
yeah, THREESOME!!!
The Good (image of Dorothy shining with competence and good nature) The Bad (image of Joyce doing a gangster impression) and the Ugly (image of Walky doing his dork thing)
That last panel is pure adorableness, but… why is nobody looking at the screen?
Because Joyce is looking at Dorothy
Write your own fan-fic in your head! Maybe they’re exchanging joking banter? Sarah’s expression certainly suggests so!
Fairly certain that’s what Walky is doing. Unless he’s stoned out of his wits and laughing a the dancing monkey in the ceiling.
Joyce and Dorothy may be looking at each other for a moment.
Artistic license, too, and no complaint from me. Look at their neck and spine angles: This was composed to not demonstrate how three (not-tall) collegians fit on one bed to comfortably watch a DVD while maintaining good posture, but simply how to have fun.
If Joyce were looking directly at the screen, we’d only see the top of her head. My head canon is that Walky and Dorothy are watching the reflection in a mirror placed over the head of the bed.
In addition to what others have said:
They may not actually be in need of truly -watching- this episode. It’s 99.9999999% likely that Walky and Dorothy have already seen it; and still 99% likely that Joyce has seen it.
And Sarah doesn’t care about the cartoons, she just cares about the good friendship being involved.
Oh boy. Something’s about to happen.
When is ever something not about to happen in this strip?
Aw, panel 2 and 5! Nothing makes me schmoopy like happy friends. (I am fully prepared for Willis to destroy that schmoop in creative ways.)
Looking forward to Book 8!
Comic Reactions:
Panel 1: … This panel is fascinating to me and I might be reading too much into it, but I wonder if it is related to a specific thing I’ve experienced living through times of intense trauma.
And that is the calm after it is the worst. Like, when things start improving and getting good again and I can take time and breathe is when my brain dumps all the emotions I’ve been pushing aside to survive the traumatic time on me and wants to sort it all at once.
Again, this is probably wildly off, but I could definitely see Becky in that position. I mean, her life overall is going very well and things are finally starting to slow down into a rhythm where she no longer needs to worry about daily survival.
She’s got a girlfriend she loves, she has relatively stable housing, folks who are serving as created family, and is starting to get her legs under her financially. But that just means the emotions she’s been putting her mask up to avoid have time to come to the surface and beg to finally be processed and dealt with.
And if that is the case, I worry for her. It’s really easy in that headspace to think that you don’t have a “reason” to be unhappy and plagued by that emotional stuff when things are “going well” and beat yourself up for it.
Of course this all might be wasted fluff if I’m totally off-base.
Panel 2: This is beautiful. They’ve rekindled a real friendship and I don’t think Joe will be trying to poison it again after what Danny stood by him through and what he heard from Joyce. And I think both will be grateful for it. Like Danny will benefit to having someone besides Ethan to talk about stuff to and Joe will benefit from having someone check him when he’s going too far. It’s heartwarming.
Panel 1: Your analysis is excellent. Becky finally has time to reflect and process. I think she is strong enough that the processing, while hard, will not end with her beating herself up too much. She will be tentative about happiness and constantly looking over her shoulder, but not beating herself up. Dina will certainly help her with that.
Becky eventually will have an emotional breakdown/catharsis where she finally just lets it all out. Then true healing will begin. Barring further crises, in the long run Becky will be okay.
Panel 2: Neither Joe nor Danny will poison the friendship intentionally, but I do foresee Joe Joeing it up and Danny Dannying it up occasionally. Hopefully, mostly for sitcom humor. Ya can’t have a good sitcom without cracking a Good Egg. (And roll closing credits…)
Panel 3: Oh no… oh no no no.This is bad from an alter perspective and I’m really worried Amber is going to make some bad decisions that will make her condition way worse (likely involving trying to cut out one of her alters entirely because that’s the inaccurate general society impression on what “fixes” that condition).
Things are not going well but hopefully is getting close to a bottom they can rise from.
Panel 4: I’m also worried about Billie. She’s still a suicide risk and may or may not still be in the therapy program she was supposed to go into and she seems to be treating her situation as a reason to start distancing herself emotionally from a lot of the people in her life and her previous support network.
Panel 5: This is just ultra adorable. I can’t say anything other than that.
Panel 5 just reminds me of a line at the end of a fanfiction based in the Farscape universe. D’ago is complaining to Zhaan about Crighton, Aeryn and Talyn ‘acting like children’. Zhaan replies that it’s a good thing that, despite all the awful things that have happened “the children are still playing”.
That’s the lesson from panel 5, IMO. Despite everything that has happened, Joyce and Dorothy (and Walky too, who is having problems with Billie’s move and his own academic difficulties) are still able to be happy and feel joy.
I wasn’t around to leave a comment when the comic was originally posted but I suspected that Amber’s “Amazi-girl failed” comment meant that she was getting rid of her. But panel 3 made me wonder if the event had somehow made Amazi-girl go away or make her…inaccessible? Is the look on Amber’s face indicating that she wants to put the mask on but can’t bring herself to do it?
I don’t even know if that’s possible so I apologize if that’s a ridiculously wrong guess.
I still wonder if part of that is “Why didn’t Amazi-Girl come out and handle that? She’s supposed to protect me and keep me from losing control like that.”
I think the situation forced her into it.
Ryan already had Amber pegged as Amazi-Girl, so if the AG persona came out it would prove him right and her cover would be blown – especially since AG would leave him in a position (i.e. alive) to blab to anyone who would listen later on.
So she had to face him as Amber to both “prove him wrong” and maintain a non-zero chance that he might not survive the encounter (as Amber confessed to Joyce – she was trying to kill him).
Since Amber has mentally invested so much into the “Amber=Bad, AG = Good” concept, the loss/inaccessibility of AG just leaves her the “angry, violent, evil Amber” who is beyond help. Now it’s a question of how much worse this is going to get before it can get better.
P.S. – Damn You, Willis.
Don’t you mean ultracarladorable?
Eh? Eh??
Yeah, I’ll see myself out.
YES! Yes I do!
That last panel looks about as cute as it looks uncomfortable. (Ok, maybe a bit more cute than uncomfortable)
When you’re 18, your body can tolerate an awful lot of uncomfortable for a bit of closeness.
I wasn’t very happy with closeness at 18, so I’ll take your word for it
Yay, Walkie finally gets a threesome.
Hey, it is only Thursday, this seems like a Friday page.
It’s like Danny’s taking a dick pic, except the dick is his ukulele. Maybe–
…Maybe he’s made an appointment to have it surgically attached tomorrow? (OoO)
And the day closes down, and you had a little bit too much to feel
Put your hand around the moon and it will come to you
As if it never left, as if it always sat there hoping you would stay
Let the clouds drift through and pass, let the stars shine on and peel
Like bells across the ocean of a wasted epoch looming large
A stranger feeling staying here and tucked into your home
Lay your tent down upon the silver sand, a breeze can stir the grains
I will lie down as the sickle moon waves and says goodnight
Good night. A heart at rest and spinning motionless.
Joyce really chilled out on the whole “space of bubble in beds” thing
I can’t decide if Joe is in the post-coital glow of having just had great sex with Danny, or if that’s a proud “That’s my boy” smile on noticing that Danny’s on Grindr.
Shippers are weird people.
I don’t even ship them and had the same thought
Anyway it’d be cute if it were the latter, I like “bros” Joe and Danny
I don’t even ship them myself. Glad to know I’m not the only one.
Where’s Dina?…Is she under the blanket…?
The final panel is so cute
Is that Sarah smiling?!?
Also, is that the Head Alien??