We cleared $40k yesterday morning, and so the Dumbing of Age Book 6 Kickstarter has unlocked Dexter and Monkey Master character magnets! They’re based on brand new art I drew yesterday! You can pledge for a book + either of them, or a Book + both of them as a set! And if you pledged for the any of the COMPLETE MAGNET POWER tiers, they’ve been automatically added to your pile.
Next up, at $45k, I’ll unveil a FUTURE COMIC STRIP, from, like, June or something, I dunno. We’ll figure it out together. Last time we did this, I had a website poll where you could choose a future strip based on which characters appeared in it. (None of them would be overly spoilery, of course; they’d be fun, relatively stand-alone strips.) Around $45K I’ll also have another surprise character magnet choice for y’all.
That’s it!
Joyce is the Aprilest of Fools if she thought texting Billie wouldn’t result in everything out of the F-arsenal landing on her phone
I’m sad I let my Slipshine subscription expire. :/
I might be forced to finally get one, at this rate.
Me too… But money… why would you do this to me Willis… Okay okay somebody confirm whether it’s really true so that I can make my mental debate even more fierce. Damn you Willis. (someone help me I can’t decide)
*looks at the date*
… The actual page on Slipshine is just Sir flipping us off, isn’t it.
I feel that would be false advertisement. Might want some clarification on this from above.
I wouldn’t have even noticed that if you hadn’t pointed it out. Now I can’t stop staring.
at first, i was all 0__0!!!
…happy april 1st, everybody ^_^
Is that supposed to be Joyce and Dorothy?
…because my first thought was Joyce and Jocelyne.
(Yeah I know, wrong eyes.)
I did, too, and I was like UM WILLIS WE NEED TO TALK
In honor of Joyce’s quantum ship the slipshine ships her with Dorothy.
Are we sure that’s Joyce? It may be Willis April-Fool’s joke on us.
The latter is exactly the cause of the former.
*looks at ad and dons best George Takei impression* Oh myyyy.~
If George Takei read Dumbing of Age, he would totally lurk the comment section.
I totally do.
April fools
I am actually Mr. Sulu, from the future.
Welp, I think I can afford one month of slipshine subscription. Just this once.
god dammit my subscription just ended
Joyce is a sophisticated shipper. She understands having a ship to fall back on is best in this economy called “college”.
do you think she has shipping charts
No, Dina’s the one with the carnivorous animal hat.
Yes. They are the second layer she’s hidden under her wallpaper for when people are around.
Of course, how else does one determine the strongest battle formation? https://youtu.be/piKLP6xr3Dw
A+ April Fool’s Welcome to the F*ck Zone
Shh, don’t TELL people, then we can’t watch them freak out over the licky-style!
Why wouldn’t they be freaking out? It’s there, isn’t it?
I got trolled hard
What makes you think it’s a troll? The last several weeks, the ad has updated several hours before Slipshine did.
That is because Slipshine is in Central Time.
Your pic fits these last two statements. Expression wise I mean, mayhap not character.
Well, now it’s several hours later. Is it a troll? (i don’t have a patreon so)
It’s real
I got double trolled
Yeah, WttFZ is supposed to be 100% canon, but I’m gonna guess this one’s just AFD goodness. And good it is.
Billie is still a cheerleader in her own…avatar.
Check out her pom-pom.
I thought maybe she was getting a kiss from Brother Power the Geek.
…If anyone gets that reference, they are awesome.
(raises hand)
Never did read it, but heard of.
Yeah, she really needs to update it.
*hides before Billie appears to purcussively correct Stephen Bierce’s spelling of pompon*
I hadn’t been able to figure out what was going on in that pic until I read this. I had been wondering if she’d updated it with a cuddle pic of her and Ruth (the Pom-pom looks almost like Ruth’s bangs).
Joyce is my kind of shipper. Ship all the ships! And I love her development here. She doesn’t even bat an eye at Ruth and Billie, she is expressing her support and happiness for her friend! Joyce, you are darling.
She’s come so far.
“Fuck off” actually has many possible meanings in Billie-ese. In fact, that phrase is the entirety of the language. It’s like “I am Groot” or “Oook”.
Luckily, Billie has told Walky to fuck off so many times throughout their childhoods, he is fluent.
I now have a conversation between Groot and the Librarian in my head, I’m not sure if I should thank you… or thank you sarcastically.
*An orange ape climbs an oddly barren tree.*
“I am Groot?”
“OOK! Ook ook?”
“I am Groot.”
“Ook, ook ook?”
“I am Groot!”
“Ook. Oook?”
*Orange ape punches tree, then walks away.*
I non-sarcastically thank you for this. Luckily I had put down my coffee before reading.
This is how I ship, too.
Also, when’s Joyce going to join the…I’m gonna say f-bomb club because the way I was gonna say it at first would probably give the poor thing the vapours.
She did when Becky got kidnapped.
3rd panel Joyce being sophisticated was so unJoyce-like
She achieves refinement and poise in her shipping tastes.
Now someone tell her about Homestuck.
Oh man, imagine her face when she realizes her already-doubled list of options has to be quadrupled again! XD
She reminds me a bit of her sister in that panel
I imagined that in Billy Dee Williams’ voice for some reason.
I wonder if Joyce ever said ‘quantum’ or ‘sqeeing hardcore’ back in her pre-college days, or if she’d even been exposed to the terms.
I wonder if Billie expected Walky to be there to translate
its not really any of joyces business whether or not billie told ruth she loves her.
Joyce’s idea of her business is roughly the same as the average toddler’s idea of toy ownership–all toys are the toddler’s, and all businesses are Joyce’s business.
True story: When we were toddlers, my twin brother would take my toys away. Whenever we both got the same toy, he would go off and play with his, and I would sit and stare at mine, like inspecting it. Then he would come over, take mine away, and try to figure out what was so cool about it, that I spent so long just looking at it. And then I would go find the one he had, pick it up, and start staring at it.
No, but they’re friends, so to me at least, it doesn’t seem unusual for her ask
Joyce told Billie before to tell Ruth she loved her, so this is like a follow-up.
If only that joke welcome to the fuck zone was real. Damn you Willis!!!
It’s absolutely real, and very hot.
I love Joyce so much. She really has grown so much over the years. Or weeks I suppose.
Oh my god that is a sophisticated Joyce face.
“So if you ship all things, does that mean you also ship you and Becky?”
Cue Becky’s head exploding.
Joyce: “Shit! And to answer the question Walky no. Because I think Dina and Becky are cuter.”
Becky (head reforms and hugs Joyce): “Aaawww that’s so nice Joyce.”
I love how incredibly pumped Joyce is about it.
But does Joyce know what quantum is?
I believe there was a line she had that indicated she was in a chemistry class, which could be where she heard about it?
Well, she’s in a lab. There’s not a whole lotta creationist friendly sciences, and I imagine chemistry has less to ignore than biology and physics (since physics involves the age of the universe, at least in astrophysics).
As some who dated a Joyce once…. you’d be surprised how far from the path you can stray when it comes to the sciences. One of the biggest fights we ever had was because I told her that you could not teach science through God because they are not compatible. You can believe in God AND science, but using God to explain things you don’t understand is both lazy and bad practice.
We didn’t last very long…
Quantum is all things. It is the singing crystalline unity of any concept you want it to be. At least, I think that is what the scientists say, when they aren’t trying to deceive us with evolution or global warming.
Quantum Mechanics, or at least a casual misunderstanding of it, is quite popular among some religious types. It allows for miracles.
That actually makes sense. Huh. Never would’ve guessed
Never read Quantum Mechanics, I only subscribed to Popular Mechanics.
Given how she’s using it…clearly not.
Joyce knows a true shipper can and often does ship as many ships as possible, even ships that conflict with other ships!
And yet she’s against polyamory. Ah well!
Only before marriage! There’s polygamy in the Bible!
Now I kinda wonder what she was taught about polyamory/polygamy, as those kinds of sects tend to be very strict on monogamy.
Willis, would you mind weighing in?
With a setup like that, how has nobody made a sects joke?
I don’t know that she’s against it, so much as she’d never encountered it before. She’ll come around
It’ll take her a minute, but she’ll be okay.
See my understanding of her first reaction was that she was firmly against cheating and then was hit with a wave of awe when discovering multiple people can be in a relationship without cheating involved. She then only had those creepy ghost eyes because she needed to update her shipping charts.
Oh wow, that Slipshine teaser image…
Aaaand into the saved images folder with you.
Joyce in panel three is the esteemed Professor Joyce, Ph.D. in advanced shipping. She knows how to manage the most quantum and erratic systems, so beware her shipping prowess or she’ll undermine yours.
(and, after a week-long vacation, I’m back! Was I missed? :P)
Hmm, the texts are tagged as a Billie appearance; I guess they count as Billie dialog.
This is Walky’s second F-bomb. Both of them have been him translating someone else’s speech – once from “fuck off”, once to.
More like Schroedinger shipping.
Where a ship is considered both permanently sunk and travelling at an implausible speed until one opens the book/reads the webcomic/views the video/etc.
What about the ships that are still alive, but also dead, even when there are thousands of people following it?
Like Starco.
I really wanted Joyce to text “dangerzone”.
Her extreme cheeriness and nosiness grates me. It really does.
Fuuuuuuuck off.
1) See Becky, while Billie and Walky together is Joyce’s hetero OTP, Ruth and Billie is Joyce’s second favorite same-sex ship.
2) So the alt-text is describing Schroedinger’s ship?
3) Oh my that April Fools Day edition of the slipshine banner. It is no my head-canon that said image is what Walky has had in his mind’s eye whenever he’s joking suggested Joyce is gay for Dorothy. He jokes about it, but on a small level he does want it to happen.
I love this strip so much. It’s positive after all the emotional strips we’ve had lately and shows that Joyce not only is accepting of gay relationships, but ships them wholeheartedly as well. I’m more proud of her every day.
Joyce just wants her friends to be happy, god bless her.
Still waiting eagerly for her first encounter with the whole ‘transgender’ thing.
I wonder if it might go like this at some point:
Joyce: *staring wide-eyed, struggling to process* how does it work?
Someone kindly educating her: Well, it’s usually apparent from early childhood… *lists all telltale signs*
Joyce: *wide-eyed stare turns into a thousand-yard stare* what, like this? *lists a bunch of odd things she remembers from growing up with Jocelyne*
Someone: …yes? Are you okay?
~*~Happy ending~*~
Lmao! Oh I hope so. I do very much.
Not always – the signs are often subtle, speaking as someone who got bitten in the ass by this.
Yes I must admit I am rather nieve on the early life, epiphany moment, and signs of trans people. I’ve only met one in real life and she had been that way for years and not being a close friend I wasn’t about to ask. I can understand non straight sexualities at all their stages easily because I’m polysexual myself, have a couple gay relatives, and even helped a friend come out and supported him during the craptastic aftermath. I have a friend who’s 95% sure she’s Ace and I was there for her whole discovery to (and am still pissed off on how therapists still view it). However, I have so many questions about trans individuals that’s I’m frankly scared to ask. I’m an advocate to hell and back and read articles to be as well informed as possible, but there’s so many questions buzzing around in my brain that I feel like I might never know the answer to. Like I can understand non binary like two spirit and gender fluid, but how does one come to the realization that they are third gender or agender, how does it feel different, when did they realize it, and how do they express a gender that does not contain male or female in a way that makes them feel like their true self? Are non binary trans people okay with using “they” instead of English accepting a more elegant singular gender neutral pronoun (I get a lot of mixed messages on it, but I love some of the ones proposed and using Mx. as a gender neutral title)? Surgeries including top surgeries use to be really dangerous and surgeons willing to do it are few and far between. Is it getting safer and are methods improving? Do insurances pay for anything (like hormones)? What did they feel like before and what caused their epiphany? In people with DID, are all alters the same gender or can one be different (like a transmale having one a personality that’s two spirit or third gender)? And so on. Just so many questions that I never ask because oh my god that’s insensitive personal stuff to ask! Not as rude as the people who immediately ask about their junk (why!?!), but still.
If you haven’t guessed from previous posts, I was raised in a small southern town in the US. I didn’t even know trans was a thing until I was an adult, didn’t understand it until I was around 27 (because until then I had no resources on it), didn’t know there were genders outside binary until 2 or 3 years ago (and couldn’t wrap my head around it or know terminology until I found OJST last year), and didn’t meet a person I knew was trans until this year. Top top off the confusion pie, there is a possibility that I was born intersex (I have a scar, had a surgery as a baby, another possibly as a toddler, and last one at 16, they are never able to find a left ovary in tests I’ve had, and I couldn’t get pregnant despite trying for over a year with my ex) which is also a thing that I only found out about 3 or 4 years ago.
I have barely any clue either, tbh. I grew up in Ukraine, and my knowledge of trans people before tumblr was basically “SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERIES ARE A THING ISN’T THAT A WEIRD AND COOL THING”.
And obviously that is blatant wish fulfillment, not intended to be terribly realistic. Actually it works better if it’s after Jocelynd drops several clues Joyce’s way hoping she picks up eventually, and that’s how it happens that she finally does ^^
also, there should be a last line there before “happy ending”
Joyce: *frantically texts Jocelyne*
* ‘that’ refers to my comment, not sex reassignment surgeries being a cool thing XD
I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels lost sometimes. I want to be an advocate, but I also don’t want to come off sounding bigoted or offensive when I admit that I still have questions, so I just support them as best as I can with what I know. I feel like a failure in a way because I was arguing with a woman in the library on trans rights and the hardships they face and I fucked up. I was telling her about corrective rape and how men will rape a transman thinking it will fix them somehow. And I said rape her instead of him. I was flustered and pissed at the woman, but that’s no excuse. She literally said “Ha! You don’t even know what to call them!” and used that to justify her argument against which I won’t repeat here. It’s been a few months and it still makes me feel like a failure. Everything I said to her and everyone that was listening immediately discredited everything I said because even I misgender transpeople. I have no idea why I have never had trouble thinking of transwomen as women even on a subconscious level, but still sometimes misgender transmen (that was the only time publicly though). Maybe because I’ve never seen a show about transmen or spoke to an open transman? Hell if I know. :\
I hope it turns out well for Jocelyne as well. She is such a fan favorite. I wish she was in the main story more, but I’m happy she at least is on the bonus strips. I intended to become a patron in January, but my move in date got moved to March and I’m trying to get settled before I do that because I don’t have PayPal, so I need to figure out how to pay him. And then I will binge all the strips. All of them. And hope I don’t end up too sleep deprived XD
I’m currently rereading Girl Genius and spamming my friend with theories. It’s part of the reason I reread my favorites again immediately after my first read and then like twice a year after that. I love to theorize and look for foreshadowing I missed when I was just enjoying the comic. That first read though is just fast paced of me enjoying the story and the second is examining the background, reading all the background signs and alt text if available, looking for deeper meanings, watching for foreshadowing, enjoying the little things, and reading occasional comments. It’s a lot of fun for me ^_^
Aw, you didn’t fail! Allyship is always there for you, we are all always learning.
The lady in the library could’ve been like “wow this is complex, what do nice people do when they say the wrong word by accident” instead of “GOTCHA you said the wrong word so clearly I’m right by default about everything ever”. I hope she gets there someday, but that isn’t on you that she’s not there yet.
She will need many, many conversations, over time, to begin changing her mind, with many people in her life. So don’t stress, you’re just one of these conversations, other folks will provide the next twenty or fifty, we can each move her a millimeter along in her eventual understanding. Go team!
We all say the wrong word sometimes, but it’s so much better than saying nothing, so I’m glad that you keep advocating even when you are human. When you say the wrong word, you can model what it’s like to accept and correct your error gracefully, what it’s like to be a person who is learning. That’s what we want her to be, too.
Yeah. It was a dick move on her part, but I feel like I gave her that opening to discredit me. I can only keep trying though because I’ll be damned if I’m gonna just sit back and watch as my government and my peers tries to be assholes to innocent people.
Those are all interesting questions! You asked here with appropriate caution and respect imo.
The short answer is, each nonbinary person is different, with different opinions and life experiences. It’ll be hard to find unified answers.
Sounds like you’d be very interested in reading blogs and memoirs of people who write about their own widely varying experiences, though.
Anybody have some suggestions of rad authors?
Thanks. I’ll look around for that. I hope somebody comments though with good ones that I might enjoy. I’ll check back tomorrow.
Yikes! So you don’t even know what was done to you?
That is so— messed up…
It’s about par for the course for when I was born. If you were born visibly intersex, with a bigger than average clitoris for females, or has a micropenis for males, the would do what is called “gender normalizing surgery”. Sometimes it was the parents wish while other times the doctors lied to the parents about what the surgery was for. They honestly believed if you weren’t clearly male or female according to what they believed that meant, you couldn’t grow up healthy, so they would give you a gender. From my readings, they seemed to go with female more often than anything which is messed up when you realize it was not only done without the permission or knowledge of the patient, but they were doing these surgeries and reassigning babies often to the wrong gender like the cis males who became females because who could possibly be happy with a very small penis? The surgeries upheld gender norms, but the patients had hell because of it. Scars don’t really grow with you meaning there might be sexual trouble down the road. Doctors lie to men and women that come to them with fertility issues giving the women options for meds to force ovulation and such, never telling them the reason they are subfertile or infertile is because they are intersex.
My story short. I’m born. Doctor tells my parents I need immediate surgery because there is something wrong with my tee tee. Afterward they tell my parents that the problem was that my labia was grown together (normal procedure for that is a cream to cause it to open by the way) and if it wasn’t split I would have constant UTI from my bladder not emptying properly. I possibly had a second surgery as a toddler. Fast forward. I’m nearly 16. I’d been having periods since I was 9 or 10. Never had a problem. My mother decided to take me to a urologist for a check up for some reason (I was never told). He asked for a urine sample, but I was shy back then, so he said it was no problem he could knock me out for a bit and take a sample directly from my bladder. I go under and wake up to find they had done surgery on my in my sleep. My dad wasn’t informed until after and my mother told him it had to be done because I was keeping yeast infections which was a lie because I’d never had one in my life. My labia and stuff hurt and burned. Doctor says that’s normal. He treats me a bit. I had trouble peeing for a while because that also hurt. Fast forward to 23 when I get sexually active. My partner points out I’m missing a part (my labia minora). There was a scar that still hurt on and off since the surgery (yes, that many years), the skin inside the lips was paper thin (you could see glands and everything!), I easily got raw, sometimes the scar swelled, and I’d often get this irritated fever feeling. Go to a vuluar pain specialist. He says the surgery don’t match the notes. He has to contact people in other countries because he doesn’t know how to treat it. He gets advice and treats me. It gets better. Woo non rug burn feeling sex! But sometimes the scar still hurt and swelled. And my partner was a dick making me feel shitty about myself. Then I tried and failed getting pregnant. After that breakup, I read articles and realized I tick too many boxes to ignore the possibility I was born intersex.
I’ve been thinking about that moment lately, in the context of a news item I read about assaults on trans people. Hope I am wrong, but the reveal could come in an emergency room.
Oh god. I really hope not but it would be about right. Willis never does pull his emotional punches.
Noooo nobody is allowed to hurt Jocelyne, she is great, we will murder them.
Honestly I’d rather read a story in which Jocelyne is powerful, and in control of her own coming out, rather than having it forced upon her by violent bigots. She’s always making her safety choices so carefully, and it seems she’s chosen the long game, to get her independence all in order first. I’d hate to see her patience and independence-building all go down the drain for nothing, or to have her learn that she can never ever come out and be okay.
You looking for some additional Stretch Goals? How about supersized Sunday strips and/or PDFs of uncollected Shortpacked books? All the bells and whistles of the physical book minus the physiical part! You’d have to mess around with your queue a bit but it’s worth it I think and fort he second one it might generate interest in having physical editions published
Okay, is anyone else getting a gif downloaded onto their computer every time they refresh the page? My computer can’t open it, thankfully, but I’m concerned about it.
…that sounds virus-y.
Quite virus-y. Upload it to Norton and Sophos, they have sites for submitting suspicious files.
Also do a full system check with your antivirus and Malwarebytes if you’re on Windows. Better to be safe than sorry!
I’m not on windows, but I ran the gif files through Virus Total, and they all came back as ‘probably harmless’. They seem to have stopped now, thankfully. I’m not sure if it was a bug in the site, but I think it was because I could go through the rest of the internet fine without anything weird.
NVM, they return.
Took me longer than I care to admit to realize the Slipshine was an April Fools.
…can it please be made retroactively canonical at some point?
Sure, as a dream that Walky had once and remembering it makes him equal parts aroused and nervous.
It’s a shared dream between Walky and Becky.
They both have conflicted feelings about it, for different reasons
They woke up with Joyce-gasp-faces.
I can just imagine it- they both catapult out of bed, and realize their hearts are beating like mad. And, better yet, they say the exact same line upon waking:
“That really shouldn’t have turned me on . . . but it *did*. So much.”
Schroedinger’s Ship.
Or as it’s called on Earth 19: Weird Al’s Ship
Galasso magnet please! FOOLS!!!
Can Confirm the Slipshine is real and it’s actually really cool I ship it. I know it won’t happen given incompatible orientations and i cannot see Joyce even if she was willing to experiment doing so with Dorothy due to their closeness and her relationship with Walky. I could totally see Joyce and Sal happening though if they were compatible
Shipping the gay is just one step closer to becoming the gay. You can do it Joyce, I believe in you.
Yeah, Joyce is a shipper. Sometimes that’s a bad thing but it is always a cute thing! However, she’s also still the sort of person who wouldn’t like casual profanity, is she?
Now, am I the only one who thinks that Billie was blushing bright beet red when she sent that second reply?
no, you are not
I won’t believe the Slipshine until tomorrow…..
Please let it be true and canon.
So, is that slipshine a joke or not? Asking for a friend that might finally consider throwing some e-cash around.
It’s real.
Joyce Brown – Loooooooove ninja. Now with a critical update.
Does that make her a Love Ghost Ninja? Or a Love Ninja Ghost?
Obviously it makes her a Love Ghost Nappa. *walks to and looks in mirror* No. Bad joke. Bad Rukduk. Bad.
Comic reaction:

Quantum ships would be a great t-shirt.
I wonder whose dream the slipshine turns out to be.
Here. I have a coin. Tails it’s Walky’s dream, heads it’s Becky’s from last week in-comic. *flips*
Well, I guess that’s what happens when you flip a coin on a table with a crack in it. It doesn’t tell you a damn thing.
HOLY SHIT that Slipshine ad.
I’m wondering why Becky looks so perturbed there.
Probably she’s thinking something along the lines of: Wait. You’re willing to engage in a high speed highway chase and punch out someone three times your size, and help someone break into a house, but you’re still uncomfortable about having “fuck” remembered on your phone?
Either that or: Joyce, you do realize shipping normally does involve a lot of f-words right?
Having just looked at Willis’ latest offering on slipshine I would caution Joyce to be careful about shipping because that includes her too. My heart goes out to the Becky that lives in that fictional universe.
april fool’s or not, Joyce’s face in panel three is so delightful
She looks sophisticated. Is she turning into Jason?
The most minute of minutiae: Billie’s phone pic is her still wearing the Dragons cheer outfit from high school, unless my eyes deceive.
Wouldn’t you want your profile pic to be from a good time, where you felt like you were on top of the world?
Not if it servers as a reminder of how you can’t have those things now :>
Unless it’s for show so everybody back home still thinks of her as the pretty, popular cheerleader.
Or maybe she just hasn’t bothered to update it since August.
I think getting rid of it is low on her list of priorities.
Chekov’s Gun almost suggests that Willis has something up his sleeve. (He almost always has a trick up there anyway.) If we see it changed in the future I would guess that shows, or accompanies, a big character development point for her.
I imagine that’s a low-priority thing for Billie.
Chekov’s gun suggests that Willis has a trick up his sleeve, and if we see it changed, that will signify something big in Billie’s character development.
A Maple Leafs shirt
No, I would want mine to be a cat. Because everybody wants to be a cat.
And Willis, because I know how much effort and stress you put into them: these backgrounds are amazing.
Except for that last panel, I’d say Joyce is the comment section and Billie is Willis.
I dunno, there are some of us who don’t like the F-word. I mean, I deal with it (both my parents swear like sailors so I’m no stranger to being swear adjacent), but I still don’t like it’s use. I’m sure there are a few of us who shrink from it like vampires in the sun.
Some of you, yeah. You’re drowned out by those who use it like it’s a comma, or a spacebar stroke.
-Joyce, the f-word is on everyone’s phone. It’s okay.
-That plaid looks good on those ladies.
-Ha, Schrödinger’s ships.
-Walky, please focus on your math. Maybe you can get Joyce to help you instead of going through the awkward tutoring with Jason.
Joyce is really damn cute in this story. (Chapter? Arc? “Today”?)
maybe “on this website”? XD
I must say that Becky’s guest Slipshine was amazing and Willis should let her do it more often.
I know, right. “Now kiiiiiiiss”
Calling any and all commenters with Slipshine accounts, is that ad on the left an April Fools’ Joke?
No joke. I was surprised to see something up early Saturday since it’s always posted early Monday, but it’s real.
shit, I was even AT Target to get another disposable CC and FORGOT
Panel 3: Joyce having eyes at normal size feels just wrong, man.