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2 Slices
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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Dunno about that. Mine was not very skilled, of course, but it was straightforward. We had been talking and cuddling, I asked if I could kiss her, she said ok, and we did.
She ran away afterwards. She was the one who initiated it. What’d I do? I basically stood there for about five minutes, trying to figure out why I was standing there. We dated later.
Nuh uh, mine involved copious alcohol, a dimly lit college nightclub and someone whose name I can’t even remember any more. It was quite enjoyable, at least on my side … perhaps not on the other because I don’t think we ended up leaving together.
Mine took a month of buildup so I didn’t completely freak out… Not sure how I managed to get traumatized without anything having actually happened before, but I managed it, so that first kiss took work.
There is some truth to reminding Joyce that a LOT of people’s various “first times” are disappointing, awkward, etc. But I do think she has legitimate reason to be sad by this point.
/I’m in the “my first kiss was in elementary school” crowd anyway /I didn’t have a romantic kiss until I was in my early twenties, though
mine was with a bipolar high-functioning autistic. She was cute, but emotionally exhausting and demanding. Although I don’t even remember the first kiss specifically, it was so uneventful.
Mine was in rehearsal for a play freshman year of college, but we practiced it in the hall and a friend of ours found us and said “oh god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt” and left before we could explain… so sorta awkward?
Mine was a bit more pathetic. Was dating a guy ’cause holy shit someone was actually interested (had never happened before and I was already out of high school). Didn’t really like him but didn’t care because dating is a thing people do and I wanted to pretend to be a person.
Hugging good bye when we’re going to go our seperate ways. He looks me over and says “yeah okay” before giving me the shittiest little peck on the lips ever.
(Kisses with current boyfriend who I actually like are much better though.)
Mine was cool, a girl a year older than me knew I hadn’t been kissed so she invited me over to her place to hang a few times, and then one time as I was leaving she said “you really want to kiss me, right?” I couldn’t quite answer because I was a bit socially inept at the time.
She just came in and laid what is still one of the best kisses in my life on me.
Jesus christ can we stop using that word tho? It’s bummer if people aren’t into u, but any time someone uses that word I lose like 20 points of respect for them.
My first kiss was just for practice, supposedly. But then it turned out I was in lesbians with my bestie and she was straight to the bone. So it was (put a quarter in the epic jar) awesome, but heartbreaking. For me, anyway. She didn’t know anything about all that until many years later.
Whoa whoa whoa, some of us actually have logical reasons for saving that kiss for someone. It doesn’t have to be drilled into you by fundamentalists. You could, yannow, just observe that no one you knew most of your life actually had a shot at helping you to your dreams. That the men you knew would only keep you down. So you save the kiss for the one man who won’t keep you down. Who’ll support your dreams and actually give a shit about what you do, not be so caught up in his own that he either shrugs you off or decides you should stay-at-home-mom forever. You hold the dream until you find someone who actually pushes you to be the woman you want to be, rather than laissez-faire not caring at all on one hand, or forcing his fundamentalist image on you on the other. There’s a logic to this–you give your all to someone who will give his all back. Instead of banking just on feelings or compatibility, the calculations of “hey, do we have a future together” frees you to give that kiss deeply, without angst and “hey is this gonna work.” You KNOW this is gonna work–you’ve done the math–so you go all at it. That’s why you wait. So you can mathify.
I gave my first kiss to a boy under the moonlight on a grassy bridge, trembling with anticipation as water-sprinklers tickled our faces and cool green licked our bare toes. Our fingers dug into each other’s backs as we pressed close; our lips sunk soft into each other as if finally finding a home. His heart thudded against my breast–I gasped. When we let go, all of a sudden laughing and shivering, drinking in each other’s eyes and breath, I felt so free, as if his breath gave my spirit wings…
We’re married now. (I love him!)
The logic paid off and saved me the tons and tons of heartbreak (not to say all the wasted dating time better used for dream-pursuits! I’ve gotten so much more done!). It’s not indoctrinated into me, it’s an intelligent decision for people who know what they want. Not saying I’d force it on you, but sure as hell I’ll have you know saving that ‘first kiss’ isn’t just ignorant fairytale shit.
But this reflects a — frankly uncomfortable “purity” mentality, where you as a woman have extra value that will be lost the second you let someone else break your “freshness seal”.
I had a kiss exactly like the one you describe, only mine was maybe my eighth kiss. The specialness of the first kiss in a new relationship is directly related to how awesome the other person is, and has nothing to do with whether or not you are “damaged goods”.
Long story short, your first kiss with this guy would have been NO LESS AMAZING if you had kissed other people first. Because there is nothing to “save”. You would not have been “tarnished” if you hadn’t “waited”.
I want to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with abstaining from relationships or focusing on other aspects of your life. Nothing. And anyone who ever has or would pressure you to go faster in a relationship than you want to are not worth being with or listening to.
But you know who else isn’t worth being with or listening to? Anybody who would see you as LESS VALUABLE if you hadn’t wanted to wait.
Why does it have to be about purity? Most people remember their firsts. Good, bad or indifferent, it’s something that you can call up easily in your mind. Some people want it to be something really special in stead of just something you did, with a guy you kind of liked, mostly because you were curious. Personally, I didn’t kiss anyone until I was 21. I wasn’t saving it. I just hadn’t been with anyone I wanted to kiss before then. However, I will freely admit to having issues with trust and being touched.
The issue with the specific argument above though is that Peter Pan was basically saying that if she had kissed anyone else before then the kiss with her future husband, would a) not have been “special” and b) could somehow have resulted in them not getting together at all ever. Which is bogus. (And let’s be real here, kissing isn’t actually a big deal. Genetically speaking, it’s how women “taste” men and get an internal idea of his testosterone levels. It’s a step in the body deciding if that guy is worth mating with, and the tiny testosterone transfers, if the act is repeated, will increase the woman’s libido over time.)
Kiss who you want to kiss (so long as the other party consents). Further, bang who you want to bang (with consent and protection).
You decide your worth as a person. Having premarital hankypanky is not, in fact, going to lower that worth. Nor is having kissed an entire fraternity’s worth of men. If someone sees “has kissed someone before” as a reason to not kiss YOU, then that’s their problem and you can find someone else to kiss. Same with sex or anything else.
Seriously. Just use this logic on anything else. “Has ridden a roller coaster with someone else before so I can’t ride rollercoasters with them”. Nope. “Has at some point in their life eaten cheetos with someone so we can’t eat cheetos together.” Nope. “Has cuddled/held hands/whatever with someone before so we can’t cuddle/hold hands/whatever.” Infinite nopes.
If whether someone has done something that’s pretty mundane and was for their enjoyment (cuddles are comfy (and GOOD FOR YOU) cheetos are delicious and rollercoaster rock, kthanxbai) has any bearing on your decision to enjoy the same activity with them, then you need to rethink things.
Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with abstinence or not kissing or not liking cheetos. Whatever your own reasons for it, good for you. Whatever someone else’s reasons are for kissing a lot of people and engaging in premarital hankypanky and eating cheetos, good for them. But throwing up your justification for it and then saying “AND THIS IS HOW EVERYONE SHOULD DO THINGS” is dumb.
Everyone has the right to do what they want. They do not have the right to say “and if you don’t spend days analyzing whether kissing that person is the right thing for you as a person because what if you don’t go anywhere then you aren’t good enough” or some shit.
(I mean fuck I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 2 years (as of this coming Saturday). We made out before he even considered asking me out properly. We’re also pretty happy. Not a whole lot of analysis went into things, but we were and are consenting adults and if things hadn’t worked out, or don’t work out in the future, we are grown-ups and can handle the idea of “not the one”. There is no the one. Or, rather, there are a lot of potential “the one”s. It’s just a matter of when you meet, circumstances in your lives at the time, etc. A lot of it is luck. Whether or not you have ever kissed someone else does not and should not have any effect whatsoever.)
I see your point, but I think you missed this sentence: “there’s a logic to this–you give your all to someone who will give his all back.” The idea is that the other guy doesn’t DESERVE my first kiss unless he’s gonna stick with me. Why should I waste the time on him when I have better things to do? It’s a bit cold and calculating, but it saves so much wasted time and heartbreak. I’m saying quite the opposite of what you think I’m saying–I’m TOO valuable to waste time on someone who’s not in it for the long run. It’s not worth the investment.
Like I said, you are not obligated to kiss anyone you don’t want to kiss. But I reject the notion that my first kiss and virginity are “my all”, to be given away to someone. They aren’t. I haven’t “lost” anything by kissing or having sex with someone. All I’ve done is experienced something new. I have gained something. But then again, I also don’t think having your heart broken is necessarily wasting time; we learn so much more by failing in this life than we learn by succeeding.
So, if someone isn’t worth your time, he (or she) isn’t worth your time, period. No contesting that. But you are still defining your VALUE as something that can be lost by kissing someone, and I still object to that.
I haven’t heard that last one used as an insult before. Are “snow cats” known for stealing first kisses? Why did all those years of studying Japan not teach me this? My degree is useless! USELESS!!
you must have missed the ‘preconceived notions/new ideas’ comic.
in joyce’s world, being gay is just another(albeit voluntary in their minds) illness that can be cured via prayer.
she will first: not believe him.
second: begin praying for him. quite a LOT.
thirdly: continues to not believe him.
eventually she’ll condemn him to his sin until he finds the (platonic) love of/for jesus.
(note: not all christians believe thusly. however, the brand that joyce has quite ably demonstrated herself to be – ‘non-denominational(but has to be the right doctrine)’ charismatic type… they, unfortunately DO. and even the ones who are all ‘love the sinner’ still do the ‘pray the gay away’)
I know that “platonic love” now means the same as “non-sexual love”, but I’m pretty sure a lot of theologians would be very upset with you describing the love one should have for Jesus as “platonic.”
Of course, I’m Jewish, so I could be completely off here.
When you say “platonic”, do you mean love in the principle of Plato, like in a theistic sense, and spiritual, but not Christian sense. If so, I would say it depends on the person. There was one early female philosopher who wrote proofs of Euclidean geometry incorporating Platonic principles. She was later torn to pieces by Christians, and then burnt to ashes, but that was centuries ago.
Likewise, because of its continued use, fewer people would associate that meaning or direct correlation with that word, and even fewer would have a deep understanding of it and be that offended by it, I believe.
Then again, I’m an atheist, so I have no idea either.
Platonic love usually means the love that good friends have for each other, as opposed to romantic love, which has a sexual component.
Interestingly, a lot of biblical passages that are commonly cited to describe the love-relationship we are supposed to have with God use romantic love as a metaphor to help us understand it. If we think of Song of Solomon as a set of poems celebrating God’s love for God’s people, then we are supposed to love God as a woman loves the man who woos her, with tremendous passion, body and soul.
Of course, conventional Christian culture wastes a lot of energy on suppressing sexual passion, rather than recognizing it as part of what makes us human and connects us to God, in whose image we are said to be created.
how, exactly, would ‘platonic’ not be exactly how a christian would love jesus?
in the classical sense, it describes a love for another person that directs one towards the spiritual.
gosh, that kinda sounds like the whole, you know, POINT.
but i guess that’s way off the mark cause you know, christians hardly follow christ’s teachings nowadays.
‘love your god with all your heart and all your soul and all your might’ – they get pretty close on that one, i GUESS, but getting it right hinges on the second one which all but the rare few fail on outright:
‘love thy neighbor as you would love thyself.’
jesus said feck-all about gay people. or people of color. or people who believe differently, other than that you should tell them about his teachings, if they’ll listen. he said not one damn word about gender. or age.
why did i go off on that tangent? because, it directly relates to my opening comment.
If Ethan doesn’t want to deal with Joyce’s prejudices, he doesn’t have to out himself to her. But he does need to tell her “I’m sorry, I can’t be your boyfriend.”
This. Ethan’s explanation to Joyce need not be full of “my sexual orientation is xyz.”
He might still feel obligated to offer it up as an excuse for his behavior, but a.) I wouldn’t recommend it, since then he’d have told a fundamentalist Christian that he WANTED to be made un-gay, b.) he doesn’t really deserve to make excuses here. What he did to Joyce is pretty gross and he should bear whatever anger she has to bring.
Was hanging out with a girl friend one evening, and she said, “Close your eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you.” I closed my eyes, she kissed me. I don’t know if that’s “normal”, but it was a really good kiss.
I clearly should have had her arrested for sexual assault ’cause she didn’t ask permission first.
Nah, Dotty’s kiss would erase the former trainwreck. The story would go like “My first kiss was pretty intense.. I was trying to kiss this cute guy, but he gave me the weirdest look afterwards (because he was gay but I didn’t know it at the time) so I ended up running away to the bathroom. That’s when my angelic sweetheart came and.. comforted me. Her kiss was so magical and perfect that we didn’t leave the bathroom for hours, and we haven’t separated for more than a few moments since then.”
The religion thing might not be that big a problem. I’m sure Joyce would freak out at first but she may come around quickly, she’s done it before. We haven’t seen her deal with homosexuality as anything more than a concept yet. She doesn’t know about Billie likely being bi, Leslie never confirmed she was beyond a joke on their first day, she doesn’t know about Ethan, she’s had no personal experience with Daisy or Robin.
I mean, come on, when she found out Dorothy was an athiest she had a full brain shut down and gave herself hicups from shock, now Dorothy’s pretty much her best friend. That’s part of what keeps Joyce sympathetic, she’s been willing to maintain a somewhat open mind and shift her worldview to accomodate other people she was told were going to hell.
Glad to see she’s not quite in tears yet. I was expecting this whole page to go something like “A BLOO BLA BLOO BLOO BLOOO! A BLOO BLA BLOOO!” Having enough spirit left for sarcasm is a good sign.
Yotomoe is commenting regarding the hovertext. I would go check that out, as there’s an adjective in there that specifically answers your clever snark.
That’s a big part of what keeps going wrong with her love life thus far.
First date goes BLAT because her turned out to be Wondering Eye Man…
The second guy’s too chicken to step out of the closet without dragging her into his mess first…
Last I checked, this is normal for the process to find Mr./Ms. Right. This is, what, her 5th week of College? A common act of tempting fate that nearly the entire cast of DOA seems to be committing is too much focus on social/romantic drama, not enough focus on getting used to the 4-Year University Grindstone, so they don’t end up dropping out due to not being able to balance academic hardships with the kind of drama they’re getting themselves into now. Thing of it is….I think that’s a very common university freshman mistake….
It seems that the Friday Cliffhanger will involve Joyce finding out Ethan is gay, but that just seems too obvious… so instead, Ethan will find out that Joyce is gay.
Dorothy suspects? Joyce sees the light? Dina sees…? Tune in tomorrow.
Kissing outside funeral home not as weird as it sounds. I read somewhere that death pushes the ‘survive and pro-create’ instinct’ into high gear. Guess it makes you horny? Not sure from a personal point of view.
I just mirrored the layout, the end. (Well, and mentally replaced the urinal with another stall. So not technically the end. I should go back and erase that portion of the first sentence, but nope too laz
Should’ve gone into the ladies’ room to make photos as well. If anyone were to see you (or scream at you), you could’ve said: “It’s okay, I’m a cartoonist!”
PLEASE Ethan, come out to her! She can tell you didn’t like it, and is broken up about it. Break it off so that YOU can be happy, as well as her! She deserves someone who actually has romantic feelings towards her, and isn’t just there to keep up appearances.
Would he not have realized it with Amber, whom he was dating when he realized he was gay? If he was Bi, prom night probably would not have been so awkward.
…are there any bi guys in DoA? Only one I know about in Willis’ comics was Drew from Shortpacked. I don’t remember any from It’s Walky and I haven’t seen any in Roomies yet, though it’s still early.
I don’t think Mike qualifies as “bi”, except in the shallowest literal sense. He does not experience such pathetic human emotions as “sexual attraction”. He will fuck anyone, but only to destroy them or someone else. Preferably both. His penis is a weapon of hate, not a tool of love.
I’m half-expecting that Mike will arrange for Joyce to walk in on him and Ethan.
Looking back, I’m amazed at the audacity of Joyce to jealous smooch for the first time in a chain restaurant. I think she’s trying way too hard to fit in.
PS: first kiss was at a party in middle school. Spin the bottle and all that.
Am I the only one imagining that with Dorothy and Joyce in the bathroom and Dina en route, Ethan and Walky are in their own uncomfortable situation? Willis, please elucidate!
Or maybe Walky will figure out exactly what is going on in time to stop Joyce painfully and viciously outing Ethan? I got a bad feeling about where this is headed.
So, I never comment, but I’m finally going to admit this whole Joyce/Ethan arc confuses me because for some reason I thought Ethan was already out in this continuity.
I remember my first kiss… she was a bully to a lot of kids and we kept arguing back and forth about which one of us was the bigger tool, to the point that we beat the crap out of each other after class, and in the end we made out.
My first kiss was with my first girlfriend around a year into our dating. (I was in 9th grade, cut me a little slack.) She went full french right off the bat. Apparently kissing earlier had been an option. (To her at least, I the year wait was really more my speed but its not something I’ll repeat for obvious reasons.)
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Joyce sweetie…that’s what ALL first kisses are.
Yup, exactly like that
Well, mine involved being tackled into a moving car…
No, my first kiss didn’t involve a boyfriend looking at me like I’d gone crazy. I’d wager that about half of first kisses don’t.
Yes, about half; I had a girlfriend.
My first kiss was like a large koala munching on a zombie from “Walking Dead”. Gotta love that after-buffet food build up.
I had an awesome first kiss. It was lying on the grass after she fell on top of me, both of us tired after a day of riding the bus together.
Dunno about that. Mine was not very skilled, of course, but it was straightforward. We had been talking and cuddling, I asked if I could kiss her, she said ok, and we did.
She ran away afterwards. She was the one who initiated it. What’d I do? I basically stood there for about five minutes, trying to figure out why I was standing there. We dated later.
Er… mine was with my (female) teacher. And that’s really all I’m going to say.
You can’t just drop that on us. I hope you weren’t negatively affected by it.
My first kiss went perfectly
Nuh uh, mine involved copious alcohol, a dimly lit college nightclub and someone whose name I can’t even remember any more. It was quite enjoyable, at least on my side … perhaps not on the other because I don’t think we ended up leaving together.
you dont THINK you ended up living together?
Mine took a month of buildup so I didn’t completely freak out… Not sure how I managed to get traumatized without anything having actually happened before, but I managed it, so that first kiss took work.
There is some truth to reminding Joyce that a LOT of people’s various “first times” are disappointing, awkward, etc. But I do think she has legitimate reason to be sad by this point.
/I’m in the “my first kiss was in elementary school” crowd anyway /I didn’t have a romantic kiss until I was in my early twenties, though
Yeah I’m in that crowd (though I can’t confirm the first romantic kiss part yet)
Mine would’ve been great if it hadn’t been with an emotionally manipulative she-harpie.
I mean, it was fine at the time. Just in retrospect it becomes… unfortunate…
So my sympathies to our protagonist.
mine was with a bipolar high-functioning autistic. She was cute, but emotionally exhausting and demanding. Although I don’t even remember the first kiss specifically, it was so uneventful.
Mine was in rehearsal for a play freshman year of college, but we practiced it in the hall and a friend of ours found us and said “oh god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt” and left before we could explain… so sorta awkward?
I can’t even remember my first kiss xD
Too distracted by sudden self-participation of a girl-on-girl kiss.
Mine was a bit more pathetic. Was dating a guy ’cause holy shit someone was actually interested (had never happened before and I was already out of high school). Didn’t really like him but didn’t care because dating is a thing people do and I wanted to pretend to be a person.
Hugging good bye when we’re going to go our seperate ways. He looks me over and says “yeah okay” before giving me the shittiest little peck on the lips ever.
(Kisses with current boyfriend who I actually like are much better though.)
Mine involved a closet, leather and an assistant librarian not named Marian.
Mine was cool, a girl a year older than me knew I hadn’t been kissed so she invited me over to her place to hang a few times, and then one time as I was leaving she said “you really want to kiss me, right?” I couldn’t quite answer because I was a bit socially inept at the time.
She just came in and laid what is still one of the best kisses in my life on me.
Be in envy, DOAers, be in envy.
I envy all of you who haven’t been friendzoned since first grade, I really do.
Jesus christ can we stop using that word tho? It’s bummer if people aren’t into u, but any time someone uses that word I lose like 20 points of respect for them.
Agreed! I think it de-values friendship, as if to be in the ‘friend zone’ is somehow less valuable than romance, which it shouldn’t be.
To echo the other two who have already said this, using the word “friendzone” is pretty fuckin’ douchey.
My first kiss was just for practice, supposedly. But then it turned out I was in lesbians with my bestie and she was straight to the bone. So it was (put a quarter in the epic jar) awesome, but heartbreaking. For me, anyway. She didn’t know anything about all that until many years later.
So, normal first kiss I guess.
First kiss?
She’s homeschooled by fundamentalists, not that surprising.
Whoa whoa whoa, some of us actually have logical reasons for saving that kiss for someone. It doesn’t have to be drilled into you by fundamentalists. You could, yannow, just observe that no one you knew most of your life actually had a shot at helping you to your dreams. That the men you knew would only keep you down. So you save the kiss for the one man who won’t keep you down. Who’ll support your dreams and actually give a shit about what you do, not be so caught up in his own that he either shrugs you off or decides you should stay-at-home-mom forever. You hold the dream until you find someone who actually pushes you to be the woman you want to be, rather than laissez-faire not caring at all on one hand, or forcing his fundamentalist image on you on the other. There’s a logic to this–you give your all to someone who will give his all back. Instead of banking just on feelings or compatibility, the calculations of “hey, do we have a future together” frees you to give that kiss deeply, without angst and “hey is this gonna work.” You KNOW this is gonna work–you’ve done the math–so you go all at it. That’s why you wait. So you can mathify.
I gave my first kiss to a boy under the moonlight on a grassy bridge, trembling with anticipation as water-sprinklers tickled our faces and cool green licked our bare toes. Our fingers dug into each other’s backs as we pressed close; our lips sunk soft into each other as if finally finding a home. His heart thudded against my breast–I gasped. When we let go, all of a sudden laughing and shivering, drinking in each other’s eyes and breath, I felt so free, as if his breath gave my spirit wings…
We’re married now. (I love him!)
The logic paid off and saved me the tons and tons of heartbreak (not to say all the wasted dating time better used for dream-pursuits! I’ve gotten so much more done!). It’s not indoctrinated into me, it’s an intelligent decision for people who know what they want. Not saying I’d force it on you, but sure as hell I’ll have you know saving that ‘first kiss’ isn’t just ignorant fairytale shit.
But this reflects a — frankly uncomfortable “purity” mentality, where you as a woman have extra value that will be lost the second you let someone else break your “freshness seal”.
I had a kiss exactly like the one you describe, only mine was maybe my eighth kiss. The specialness of the first kiss in a new relationship is directly related to how awesome the other person is, and has nothing to do with whether or not you are “damaged goods”.
Long story short, your first kiss with this guy would have been NO LESS AMAZING if you had kissed other people first. Because there is nothing to “save”. You would not have been “tarnished” if you hadn’t “waited”.
I want to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with abstaining from relationships or focusing on other aspects of your life. Nothing. And anyone who ever has or would pressure you to go faster in a relationship than you want to are not worth being with or listening to.
But you know who else isn’t worth being with or listening to? Anybody who would see you as LESS VALUABLE if you hadn’t wanted to wait.
li gets a cookie
Li gets all the cookies.
omg a cookie
Why does it have to be about purity? Most people remember their firsts. Good, bad or indifferent, it’s something that you can call up easily in your mind. Some people want it to be something really special in stead of just something you did, with a guy you kind of liked, mostly because you were curious. Personally, I didn’t kiss anyone until I was 21. I wasn’t saving it. I just hadn’t been with anyone I wanted to kiss before then. However, I will freely admit to having issues with trust and being touched.
The issue with the specific argument above though is that Peter Pan was basically saying that if she had kissed anyone else before then the kiss with her future husband, would a) not have been “special” and b) could somehow have resulted in them not getting together at all ever. Which is bogus. (And let’s be real here, kissing isn’t actually a big deal. Genetically speaking, it’s how women “taste” men and get an internal idea of his testosterone levels. It’s a step in the body deciding if that guy is worth mating with, and the tiny testosterone transfers, if the act is repeated, will increase the woman’s libido over time.)
Kiss who you want to kiss (so long as the other party consents). Further, bang who you want to bang (with consent and protection).
You decide your worth as a person. Having premarital hankypanky is not, in fact, going to lower that worth. Nor is having kissed an entire fraternity’s worth of men. If someone sees “has kissed someone before” as a reason to not kiss YOU, then that’s their problem and you can find someone else to kiss. Same with sex or anything else.
Seriously. Just use this logic on anything else. “Has ridden a roller coaster with someone else before so I can’t ride rollercoasters with them”. Nope. “Has at some point in their life eaten cheetos with someone so we can’t eat cheetos together.” Nope. “Has cuddled/held hands/whatever with someone before so we can’t cuddle/hold hands/whatever.” Infinite nopes.
If whether someone has done something that’s pretty mundane and was for their enjoyment (cuddles are comfy (and GOOD FOR YOU) cheetos are delicious and rollercoaster rock, kthanxbai) has any bearing on your decision to enjoy the same activity with them, then you need to rethink things.
Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with abstinence or not kissing or not liking cheetos. Whatever your own reasons for it, good for you. Whatever someone else’s reasons are for kissing a lot of people and engaging in premarital hankypanky and eating cheetos, good for them. But throwing up your justification for it and then saying “AND THIS IS HOW EVERYONE SHOULD DO THINGS” is dumb.
Everyone has the right to do what they want. They do not have the right to say “and if you don’t spend days analyzing whether kissing that person is the right thing for you as a person because what if you don’t go anywhere then you aren’t good enough” or some shit.
(I mean fuck I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 2 years (as of this coming Saturday). We made out before he even considered asking me out properly. We’re also pretty happy. Not a whole lot of analysis went into things, but we were and are consenting adults and if things hadn’t worked out, or don’t work out in the future, we are grown-ups and can handle the idea of “not the one”. There is no the one. Or, rather, there are a lot of potential “the one”s. It’s just a matter of when you meet, circumstances in your lives at the time, etc. A lot of it is luck. Whether or not you have ever kissed someone else does not and should not have any effect whatsoever.)
I see your point, but I think you missed this sentence: “there’s a logic to this–you give your all to someone who will give his all back.” The idea is that the other guy doesn’t DESERVE my first kiss unless he’s gonna stick with me. Why should I waste the time on him when I have better things to do? It’s a bit cold and calculating, but it saves so much wasted time and heartbreak. I’m saying quite the opposite of what you think I’m saying–I’m TOO valuable to waste time on someone who’s not in it for the long run. It’s not worth the investment.
Like I said, you are not obligated to kiss anyone you don’t want to kiss. But I reject the notion that my first kiss and virginity are “my all”, to be given away to someone. They aren’t. I haven’t “lost” anything by kissing or having sex with someone. All I’ve done is experienced something new. I have gained something. But then again, I also don’t think having your heart broken is necessarily wasting time; we learn so much more by failing in this life than we learn by succeeding.
So, if someone isn’t worth your time, he (or she) isn’t worth your time, period. No contesting that. But you are still defining your VALUE as something that can be lost by kissing someone, and I still object to that.
It’s a good thing this isn’t a manga, or Ethan would have to take responsibility. Ecchi! Baka! Yukineko!
I haven’t heard that last one used as an insult before. Are “snow cats” known for stealing first kisses? Why did all those years of studying Japan not teach me this? My degree is useless! USELESS!!
I’m with Ryorin … that last one was a joke, right? Or have I slipped even further behind the anime curve than I already realised?
Particularly as when I think “Snow Cat”, what comes to mind is this:
…That is ADORABLE. And practical! I want one.
It’s also a good thing it’s not Nodwick, or Ethan would now have the power to reshape the universe. There’d be Batman everywhere.
…Wait, maybe it’s not a good thing.
So, everything she’d dreamed it would be… ♥
Poor Joyce…
okay with this ethan really needs to be honest with joyce and himself for that matter
you must have missed the ‘preconceived notions/new ideas’ comic.
in joyce’s world, being gay is just another(albeit voluntary in their minds) illness that can be cured via prayer.
she will first: not believe him.
second: begin praying for him. quite a LOT.
thirdly: continues to not believe him.
eventually she’ll condemn him to his sin until he finds the (platonic) love of/for jesus.
(note: not all christians believe thusly. however, the brand that joyce has quite ably demonstrated herself to be – ‘non-denominational(but has to be the right doctrine)’ charismatic type… they, unfortunately DO. and even the ones who are all ‘love the sinner’ still do the ‘pray the gay away’)
For extra irony, Ethan could end up with either a guy named Jesus or a guy who looks like Jesus as a result.
Well, I guess we know DOAverse Historical Jesus’ role now…
We did have white biblical Jesus in the background of that last class!
I know that “platonic love” now means the same as “non-sexual love”, but I’m pretty sure a lot of theologians would be very upset with you describing the love one should have for Jesus as “platonic.”
Of course, I’m Jewish, so I could be completely off here.
When you say “platonic”, do you mean love in the principle of Plato, like in a theistic sense, and spiritual, but not Christian sense. If so, I would say it depends on the person. There was one early female philosopher who wrote proofs of Euclidean geometry incorporating Platonic principles. She was later torn to pieces by Christians, and then burnt to ashes, but that was centuries ago.
Likewise, because of its continued use, fewer people would associate that meaning or direct correlation with that word, and even fewer would have a deep understanding of it and be that offended by it, I believe.
Then again, I’m an atheist, so I have no idea either.
Platonic love usually means the love that good friends have for each other, as opposed to romantic love, which has a sexual component.
Interestingly, a lot of biblical passages that are commonly cited to describe the love-relationship we are supposed to have with God use romantic love as a metaphor to help us understand it. If we think of Song of Solomon as a set of poems celebrating God’s love for God’s people, then we are supposed to love God as a woman loves the man who woos her, with tremendous passion, body and soul.
Of course, conventional Christian culture wastes a lot of energy on suppressing sexual passion, rather than recognizing it as part of what makes us human and connects us to God, in whose image we are said to be created.
how, exactly, would ‘platonic’ not be exactly how a christian would love jesus?
in the classical sense, it describes a love for another person that directs one towards the spiritual.
gosh, that kinda sounds like the whole, you know, POINT.
but i guess that’s way off the mark cause you know, christians hardly follow christ’s teachings nowadays.
‘love your god with all your heart and all your soul and all your might’ – they get pretty close on that one, i GUESS, but getting it right hinges on the second one which all but the rare few fail on outright:
‘love thy neighbor as you would love thyself.’
jesus said feck-all about gay people. or people of color. or people who believe differently, other than that you should tell them about his teachings, if they’ll listen. he said not one damn word about gender. or age.
why did i go off on that tangent? because, it directly relates to my opening comment.
have fun with that.
Luke 19:27
Yeah, he was sort of telling a story when he said that, and those were the words of a character in the story.
If Ethan doesn’t want to deal with Joyce’s prejudices, he doesn’t have to out himself to her. But he does need to tell her “I’m sorry, I can’t be your boyfriend.”
This. Ethan’s explanation to Joyce need not be full of “my sexual orientation is xyz.”
He might still feel obligated to offer it up as an excuse for his behavior, but a.) I wouldn’t recommend it, since then he’d have told a fundamentalist Christian that he WANTED to be made un-gay, b.) he doesn’t really deserve to make excuses here. What he did to Joyce is pretty gross and he should bear whatever anger she has to bring.
Mine was more of a “Oh shit, she didn’t want it, now she hates me OH GOD! Oh wait, she went in for seconds, okay, I guess.”
Ach, mine involved waaaaaaay too much tongue. Especially for a first one.
Followed closely by “what the hell am I supposed to do with my tongue, now that his is getting way too close and personal?”
I’m so glad this isn’t just me.
Even now i’m clueless as to the tongue’s role in the act of kissing. Is it meant to make it more sensual? More erotic?
Most of the time i just feel like i should be either apologising or starting some tongue-based thumb war.
oh my god you just described my first kiss. i shudder to remember it
My first kiss was technically like three minutes long but regularly punctuated by me going into fits of nervous laughter.
It was also unfortunately rapidly followed up by a whole bunch of other firsts.
I read that as fists for a second.
that makes it way hotter.
A kiss with fists is better than none.
Fists…would’ve been preferable, yes, compared to what followed.
Mine was at BotCon, which is saying exactly too much and yet exactly what you expect anyway.
>exactly what you expect anyway.
Yes, yes indeed
which bot did you kiss then
Am I the only person who had a normal first kiss? I walked the girl home, said goodbye, and then there was kiss.
Damn, I feel so lame.
Mine was in a game of truth or dare, and apparently “I dare you two to kiss” meant “open-mouth kiss” to her, and “peck on the lips” to me.
It was like she was trying to eat my puckered face for the first few seconds.
Was hanging out with a girl friend one evening, and she said, “Close your eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you.” I closed my eyes, she kissed me. I don’t know if that’s “normal”, but it was a really good kiss.
I clearly should have had her arrested for sexual assault ’cause she didn’t ask permission first.
Mine seemed okay and then she called to break up with me 2 hours later.
I don’t really remember mine. I was like 5 or 6.
I would have thought that ‘tasting the rainbow’ would have been nicer for her.
Instead she looks like her star burst.
Now that was a worthy reply, young grasshopper.
Indeed. Isn’t he a smartie?
He melts in your mouth and not in your hand.
It really satisfies.
Hungry? Grab a Snickers.
…I broke it, didn’t I?
Like breaking off a piece of that.
what a Nerd
Isn’t that the normal feeling after a first kiss?
Sometimes, not just after kissing either
and he’s gay!!
boy she’ll really live this one down…
He is?! Woah, this fact has totally escaped me.
Okay, Dorothy, open the stall door and give her a real first kiss. While Dina stares awkwardly at them the whole time.
Funny thing about first kisses. You can kinda only get them once.
If it is her first lesbian kiss, it still counts as a first kiss no matter how many kisses you had before.
First kiss with a woman is still a first. And Technically Ethan didn’t kiss back.
Nah, Dotty’s kiss would erase the former trainwreck. The story would go like “My first kiss was pretty intense.. I was trying to kiss this cute guy, but he gave me the weirdest look afterwards (because he was gay but I didn’t know it at the time) so I ended up running away to the bathroom. That’s when my angelic sweetheart came and.. comforted me. Her kiss was so magical and perfect that we didn’t leave the bathroom for hours, and we haven’t separated for more than a few moments since then.”
You have noo idea how hard I’m shipping this.
I didn’t expect to but we haven’t been given any cannon gay pairings yet and I need my dose of homo-love and this pairing works surprisingly well.
Well, other than the religion thing.
It don’t matter how cute they are together, the religion problem cannot be understated. Cargo ships have fewer problems.
The religion thing might not be that big a problem. I’m sure Joyce would freak out at first but she may come around quickly, she’s done it before. We haven’t seen her deal with homosexuality as anything more than a concept yet. She doesn’t know about Billie likely being bi, Leslie never confirmed she was beyond a joke on their first day, she doesn’t know about Ethan, she’s had no personal experience with Daisy or Robin.
I mean, come on, when she found out Dorothy was an athiest she had a full brain shut down and gave herself hicups from shock, now Dorothy’s pretty much her best friend. That’s part of what keeps Joyce sympathetic, she’s been willing to maintain a somewhat open mind and shift her worldview to accomodate other people she was told were going to hell.
Joyce being SARCASTIC?
Now we’ve seen it all.
Glad to see she’s not quite in tears yet. I was expecting this whole page to go something like “A BLOO BLA BLOO BLOO BLOOO! A BLOO BLA BLOOO!” Having enough spirit left for sarcasm is a good sign.
I think the first base hanky-panky broke Joyce.
Willis…were you just in Mother Bears snapping bathroom pics? That sounds hella creepy.
look i had my dick out at the time so it was okay
Totally legit.
David B. Goode.
Seems legit.
Mr. Willis, are you being straight with us
No one in Willis comics are straight. Even Willis.
I sure hope this was a unisex bathroom then.
Yotomoe is commenting regarding the hovertext. I would go check that out, as there’s an adjective in there that specifically answers your clever snark.
Bah hovertext. How does one hover with an iPad? Exactly how much awesomeness am I missing out on?
On a scale of Danny to Leslie, I’d rate it about Billie.
Wacom really needs to make tablets.
Want an awkward first kiss story?
I was 19…and it was outside the funeral home where my best friend’s mom was being laid out.
Oh yes, JUST as romantic as it sounds.
I think that trumps every awkward first kiss story ever.
Only if the person you were kissing was behind the death.
That’s for sure, making out with a dead person where other can see you is bound to be awkward.
“So you’re a necrophiliac?”
“NO! NECROMANCER! I raise the dead, not have sex with them!
But after I raise the dead, If we feel a connection, and maybe after a few dates, we’ll see what happens.
I heard that Viagra is great for ‘raising the dead’.
Raise the dead, get a rise out of the dead, same diff. /shrug.
The emotions and preconceptions are reaching critical mass.
Joyce’s, that is.
That’s a big part of what keeps going wrong with her love life thus far.
First date goes BLAT because her turned out to be Wondering Eye Man…
The second guy’s too chicken to step out of the closet without dragging her into his mess first…
Last I checked, this is normal for the process to find Mr./Ms. Right. This is, what, her 5th week of College? A common act of tempting fate that nearly the entire cast of DOA seems to be committing is too much focus on social/romantic drama, not enough focus on getting used to the 4-Year University Grindstone, so they don’t end up dropping out due to not being able to balance academic hardships with the kind of drama they’re getting themselves into now. Thing of it is….I think that’s a very common university freshman mistake….
Classic Freshman Fumble. Source: Have been a Freshman once or twice.
I didn’t even have my first date until sophomore year…
Ah say, that’s the joke, boy! You’re supposed to laugh!
Sweetie, he’s not your… well, okay, I guess if he hasn’t denied it by now, he kind of is.
You claim anything as anything as long as noone’s going to bother denying it.
I’m President of the United States!
I deny that.
I, for one, would like to believe that Kernanator is actually President Obama. Life needs to be more interesting.
Tonight on Fox News: Obama seen cross-dressing with dildo on his head, screaming about femurs and faces.
Worse than that… a dildo with a condom.
Promoting Planned Parenthood!
I for one welcome our new Kernanator overlords.
Yeah he seems pretty straight up. Kernanator for president!
/sorry for misusing slang.
Either that, or he’s the biggest doormat ever.
It seems that the Friday Cliffhanger will involve Joyce finding out Ethan is gay, but that just seems too obvious… so instead, Ethan will find out that Joyce is gay.
Danny will figure out that Amazi-girl is gay.
Amazi-girl will figure out that I’m gay.
You will figure out that Dina will figure out that Sue the T-Rex is gay. And then she will win a Nobel Prize.
Dorothy suspects? Joyce sees the light? Dina sees…? Tune in tomorrow.
Kissing outside funeral home not as weird as it sounds. I read somewhere that death pushes the ‘survive and pro-create’ instinct’ into high gear. Guess it makes you horny? Not sure from a personal point of view.
So, wait, Joyce went into the men’s room, then?
I just mirrored the layout, the end. (Well, and mentally replaced the urinal with another stall. So not technically the end. I should go back and erase that portion of the first sentence, but nope too laz
Poor Willis. He didn’t even make it through that last word.
Should’ve gone into the ladies’ room to make photos as well. If anyone were to see you (or scream at you), you could’ve said: “It’s okay, I’m a cartoonist!”
It’s fine! I’m going to draw this and put it on the internet!
“Well, officer, it all started with me imagining what would happen if a college girl kissed a gay man…”
She still has a first kiss with a straight guy to look forward to.
PLEASE Ethan, come out to her! She can tell you didn’t like it, and is broken up about it. Break it off so that YOU can be happy, as well as her! She deserves someone who actually has romantic feelings towards her, and isn’t just there to keep up appearances.
Early, clean drama resolution? In a David Willis comic?
One word: Nope.
Was watching MST3k with my gf after she’d travelled to the UK from the US for the first time. Can’t remember the episode.
Perhaps Ethan is Bi, and Joyce helps him realize it. Sometimes we leave the B out of the L*G*B*T.
Would he not have realized it with Amber, whom he was dating when he realized he was gay? If he was Bi, prom night probably would not have been so awkward.
…are there any bi guys in DoA? Only one I know about in Willis’ comics was Drew from Shortpacked. I don’t remember any from It’s Walky and I haven’t seen any in Roomies yet, though it’s still early.
I don’t think Mike qualifies as “bi”, except in the shallowest literal sense. He does not experience such pathetic human emotions as “sexual attraction”. He will fuck anyone, but only to destroy them or someone else. Preferably both. His penis is a weapon of hate, not a tool of love.
I’m half-expecting that Mike will arrange for Joyce to walk in on him and Ethan.
No fair posting ‘FIRST’ before the comments section even starts.
This comic hits uncomfortably close to home with my relationship experiences (or lack thereof).
Also, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is AWESOME!
Looking back, I’m amazed at the audacity of Joyce to jealous smooch for the first time in a chain restaurant. I think she’s trying way too hard to fit in.
PS: first kiss was at a party in middle school. Spin the bottle and all that.
Am I the only one imagining that with Dorothy and Joyce in the bathroom and Dina en route, Ethan and Walky are in their own uncomfortable situation? Willis, please elucidate!
Or maybe they get along greatly? I imagine a very child-like discussion of Head Alien or something.
Or maybe Walky will figure out exactly what is going on in time to stop Joyce painfully and viciously outing Ethan? I got a bad feeling about where this is headed.
If your first kiss was your best kiss, you’ve only had one.
So why didn’t we get to see Ethan staring at her like she’s a crazy person?
Joyce needs to set some higher expectations
No no no you got it all wrong Joyce, love should be musty and hurtful.
So, I never comment, but I’m finally going to admit this whole Joyce/Ethan arc confuses me because for some reason I thought Ethan was already out in this continuity.
That is all.
He is. The problem is, he’s trying to get back in.
Yup, he got stuck in doorway, apparently. Must be a pretty small closet.
I remember my first kiss… she was a bully to a lot of kids and we kept arguing back and forth about which one of us was the bigger tool, to the point that we beat the crap out of each other after class, and in the end we made out.
We were good friends after that.
Only the best relationships start out of mutual lust and violence.
Mike gravatar makes this better.
Them feels.
Well, MY first kiss was out of pity from a friend.
And all my other kisses, too.
“That was my first kiss,” said the toilet door.
To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever had a first kiss. Confusing, because I’m not a virgin.
All of my kiss(es) are my first kiss.
My first kiss was with my first girlfriend around a year into our dating. (I was in 9th grade, cut me a little slack.) She went full french right off the bat. Apparently kissing earlier had been an option. (To her at least, I the year wait was really more my speed but its not something I’ll repeat for obvious reasons.)