The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
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Ironically, if you drink methanol, the best thing you can immediately is drink ethanol. Ethanol will get metabolized first, and will buy you some time before you suffer the effects of the methanol.
TKNK is an abbreviation of oToKoNoKo, (男の娘, lit. “male daughter”), basically a Japanese subgenre featuring guys who can pass as girls/women when they crossdress.
I will use this new word now cos unfortunately the term ‘trap’ apparently has too many negative connotations.
My Google Play app tried to open (Droid user here) when I released my thumb from a Spotify ad on the right side of the page mid-scroll. I had assumed it registered a tap and triggered the ad…
I’m getting redirected away from DoA a lot these last couple of days or so (also on iPhone), sometimes to other web sites, more often to the App Store. Pretty annoying, especially when reading the archive.
Yes that happens to me on some of my favorite websites and it bugs the hell out of me. Has just started happening on DoA. Disabling Java makes it stop but do I really want to have to disable Java just to look at a website?
We should do away with Java and Javascript, and come up with a standardized “hypertext markup language” with a spec that says exactly what a browser is supposed to do with each keyword. So webdesigners can specify exactly what the page is supposed to do, irregardless of browser, and none of this creepy business of handing your computer executable code from an unknown source.
Do we have any evidence that Danny’s parents are “bad”? Sure, they want him to have a girlfriend and start begetting heirs, but have they said or done anything nasty like Ethan’s parents?
Well, they did seem to think the best thing about their son was that he was dating Dorothy … but I think most of us assume they are asses based on how Danny is …
Danny and Ethan would make a great pair. Both can’t come out of the closet. Neither dares to declare to the other.
And Amber will be caught between the two of them, oh yeah. Wtg.
I don’t think Danny even understands that he’s in the closet right now, if that’s an applicable term at this point in the process. His feelings are very confusing to him, and he’s not quite sure what they mean. To make things worse, he seemingly has never heard of bisexuality before, and is unable to reconcile his attraction to Ethan with his equally real and legitimate attraction towards women.
Let’s hope that’s the case. I mean, sure, Danny could be bi, but we haven’t seen any of his sex fantasies involving women. And just because he’s had sex with two different women (one graphically so) doesn’t mean he isn’t gay.
That said, I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t seen the sexy-times stuff, so I don’t know where he sits on the Kinsey scale for sure. What was he thinking while bumping uglies?
And again, let’s hope Danny’s bi. We do not need Amber to go off the deep end over this. She’s close enough as it is.
Given the thing where Danny was included on Willis’s Bisexuality Awareness Day art–and the later acknowledgement that it meant exactly what we thought it did–I imagine he is pretty clearly intended to be somewhere in the middle of that scale.
If you read the Slipshine porno “Mask or no Mask?”, Danny’s sex with Amazigirl/Amber is quite enthusiastic and genuine. He’s not pretending to have a boner for her. The only ambiguity seemed to be that Danny wanted to make love to Amber, while Amber insisted on staying in her Amazigirl character.
Where this will go bad is that Amber is already upset with Ethan for other reasons, and this “stealing her boyfriend” will seem almost malicious.
Is this going to be one of those dreams within dreams where Danny is going to kiss Amber and then she pulls off a mask to reveal Ethan? Then he wakes up screaming, Joe tells him to pipe down, and then Danny turns on the lights to show Joe is Ethan too?
And then we zoom out to see Freddy Krueger writing Danny X Ethan slashfic and she turns to the audience, munches a carrot, and says “Ain’t I a shipper?”
…Sorry, I was at a Christmas party tonight and there was some rather good eggnog.
Wake up and he’s Joyce on the morning before she leaves for college. This entire past month has simply been her worries about the dangers of the secular world troubling her sleeping mind.
Or so we think until we get one month into school again. That’s when the Groundhog Day type time loop becomes apparent. Only by helping everybody get through the whole first month of school drama free can she escape it.
Problem is, every time she relives this month she discovers some new side character’s dark and hidden troubles. Sierra has a sinister relationship with shoes. Malaya is unlucky in love. This is all too much, more than one Joyce can handle!
With all the time in the world, Joyce finally invents a time machine. By manually traveling back to the beginning right before time loops back over, there are now two Joyces in the world. She can add her efforts to those of the previous Joyce. Then travel back again, three Joyces then four Joyces then five.
Soon there’s a Joyce for almost every student on campus, trying to hide their multiplication from the public. Just when it looks like she’s finally free, the timestream buckles under the pressure and breaks. The cast is scattered across a ruined timescape where past and future intertwine. Offspring everywhere! Biological children, adopted children. Children whose age shifts as they walk across the timescape. Children who one moment are from a potential future where Danny ends up with Amber, and the next from a potential future where Danny ends up with Ethan, occasionally from a bleak future where Ethan ends up with Amber or Joyce, again depending on where they’re physically standing in a given moment. It’s all quite surreal.
There are even more Joyces than before. The Joyces from all the failed timeloops slipped into the realm of things that never were, where they had to fight off the world eaters that consume dying universes. They’re all grizzled now. Some are pirates, some are cyborgs, all have lost their right eye and replaced it with something cooler. They don’t have time for your youthful optimism, you’ve been conscripted into the fight now and time is a mean mistress. Your only hope now is to one at a time escape to the timeline of your choice and kill your double, tossing them off to take your place in the world-eaters’ maw.
The youngest Joyce, still most pure to her origins, thinks there’s a better way though. If only she could make everybody listen to her. If only she could make herself the best possible Joyce, then they’d have to listen!
I’m not sure, but I feel like it mostly contributes to a steadily increasing feeling of surrealism. At first, everything seems normal, but it becomes clear that we’re in the middle of a bizarre dream.
You have to feel sorry for Danny. He’s found great girl (who admittedly has a few issues that could use some addressing) and now he’s faced with having thoughts he’s never had to deal with before all while dealing with a new life in college.
I feel deeply sorry for Danny. He’s my favorite male character in the comic. He’s a great guy who will some day be a wonderful boyfriend, but he’s just so good at self sabotage (and has completely abysmal luck). Danny’s life would be a lot easier if he didn’t fall in love with every single person who shows him the slightest bit of interest in him. Or if, when he falls in love, goes into building the new relationship with just a tiny bit of personal integrity rather than unconditional devotion to the other person.
Why, its almost like he’s starved for affection or something. I really think Joe should follow him around to slap his hand for a week or two.
I hate to say this but i am alot like danny, with a bit of ethan and walky thrown in.I recognize my problem and work on it though but still it is hard when i seem to fall in love with people so easily and have to hold myself back from saying or doing something id regret. I feel like we need a danny support group to go to.
Now that I think about, I think he has dealt with these feelings before. Remember when he felt so uncomfortable about Joe walking around in his underwear? Maybe he was gay for Joe to start with, but it got Westermark’d out of him.
You know, I fail to see any problem with this. Danny is bisexual man. Amber is straight woman. Ethan is gay man. Once the latter two get done sexing up the former, they can get their friendly and supportive cuddles on. And the three of them can live their college years in polyamorous bliss.
Or if poly is a bridge too far: The former and the latter sex each other up, then pop into Amber’s room for a friendly and supportive cuddle session with her.
Literally Danny was written as bisexual because there were no non-straight men in the cast for Ethan to date.
Outside of Ethan and Danny, the whole male cast is entirely straight.
Amber can take her pick.
Even removing the issue of named cast members, the story doesn’t take place in some campus where it’s hard to find straight men. She’s in a primarily male field of study. She’s in at least one class where she’s the only woman in the room. Multiple men in that room expressed interest in her personally within moments of her setting foot in the room on the first day. She happened to choose one bisexual man out of that crowd, but that hardly means she’s now adrift in a raging sea of non-straightness, unable to find her way to straight land.
No, Ethan is the only gay dude in the comic and Danny was made bi specifically so Ethan could have at least a theoretical love interest. It’s possible some of the other guys who never got much screentime in the Walkyverse could turn out to be bi but right now all we’ve got are Ethan and Danny.
But they were simply transfers from the Walkyverse. And from there the only other non-hetero dudes were Ethan’s previous love interests Drew and Manny and since Willis has stated he’s not going to be retreading much in the ways of relationships he’s already written they likely won’t show up at all.
So, analyzing the dream Danny is looking for Amber, but all he founds is Amaziegirl. He is embarrassed because it wasn’t Amazegirl he wanted to present to his parents, but she just keeps turning up despite Amber being the one he loves and wants to have a relationship with.
Danny, you know there are some serious red flags in this relationship, right?
(there might be some sort of meaning to Ethan in the role of his partner ripping of his shirt crying Sexo Loco as well, but I just can’t put my finger on it.)
Take a look in the mirror, Danny. See those cheeks? That redness, yes? That’s you sending a message to yourself. You may wish to bother yourself to read it, at the least.
Some people think that when the time comes Amber will be the one to nudge Danny in that direction in hopes that it’ll bring Ethan into a healthier place.
Certainly it’s not like being bisexual on its own is the strongest reason for Danny to leave a relationship he’s happy with. Finding somebody other than his significant other attractive doesn’t have to spell the end of what they have.
THIS. If finding someone attractive obligated you to pursue a relationship with them, most het men would never be able to maintain any kind of long term stable relationship. Why should it be any different for bisexuals?
I’d say that many (if not most) teenagers of any flavor would die of {favorite uncouth carnal knowledge indicating noun gerund} exhaustion (or end up incarcerated) if they pursed relationships with even a fraction of the people they felt attracted to!
Some of the comments about how Danny being bi means he must abandon Amber do seem to reveal a certain level of cluelessness … amusingly often coupled with violent anti-Dannyism …
Danny must be a very light sleeper since even though he didn’t wake up when she broke into his room or laid down on the bed he instantly woke up mid dream the moment she says anything.
Sometimes peoples’ subconsciouses have a weird way of sorting out which stimuli are relevant/important enough to wake up to. I can sleep through people stomping around and talking loudly, but I will wake up if somebody quietly says my name.
it would be amusing if it was just a stream of 1-4 page min stories of most of the main character’s Ethan-dreams. Like Joyce, Danny, Amber, Mike…. i guess anyone else thats valid. Except Dina. She should never be involved in a slipshine.. cause she’s Dina the dino gal
Tomorrow’s comic: Danny gets annoyed that humanity is so complicated, teams up with Joyce and then decides to become a supervillain and destroy humanity so as to make things simpler.
You know, I’m starting to like Joe more and more. He’s pretty much the only person in the series that has a sexuality that stays the same for more than 5 comics at a time.
Technically, Joyce, Billie and Ruth have all had moments implying that they weren’t too certain of their sexuality. Still, as you said, it’s not an unusual college experience so I don’t see the problem with it.
Joe does have a certain charm though in his cheesy lines and comfort in his sexuality. Raz is also amazing for the same thing. The whole tape subplot was pretty cool when it happened. I kind of hope we get to see more of them soonish (also Carla, but that’s not relevant to this post).
Joyce had a whole story arc about how she wasn’t really certain that she was entirely straight, and I don’t think she’s definitely resolved that even now.
(Even after Becky made her move, Joyce has still not actually said that she’s straight. She’s been letting Becky assume that that’s why she was rejected, but Joyce hasn’t said so herself.)
Ruth has said that Billie was how she discovered she was into girls, and, at least as of the fade to Slipshine, wasn’t really sure how to go about this banging a girl thing.
Billie, on the other hand, seems totally comfortable with her bisexuality. Her uncertainty about and issues with her relationship with Ruth have never been about the fact that Ruth’s a girl. (bongo shouldna shoved her.)
Becky could be added to the list of characters discovering their sexuality, even if we started with the aftermath and then got the discovery in a few flashback panels.
Walky apparently discovered his heterosexuality at the moment Dorothy walked into Gender Studies the first time.
I didn’t do this before because posts with multiple links have to get approved, but:
Joyce’s gay panic (it actually starts a few strips earlier, and carries on for a while after that, but I think that’s the best, “yeah, Joyce may be repressing some bicuriosity here,” strip).
(And to be clear, I’m not complaining here. I’m totally down with these characters discovering things about themselves and each other. Just saying, it’s more than just Danny discovering things about their sexuality.)
Thanks for the links* – I still disagree on Joyce (I think that strip’s actually the best argument that she hasn’t actually questioned – if she thought she might, she really doesn’t seem like the person who could say that if even the possibility of it being romantic/sexual was in her head), but I can see the argument.
I just needed my memory refreshed on Ruth.
* Though I should have specified I only wanted the Joyce and Ruth links – I remembered the others perfectly fine, and Walky and Becky weren’t really in question – sorry about making you go through all that trouble as a result.
It’s as they say, you can please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time. Or chase them in robot form, tends to scare people too much. I guess there’s a reason for the “in disguise” part…
Ok, so now that I think about it, it’s almost certain that if danny broke up with amazi-girl and worked out their shit to start seeing ethan, his parents would be less than supportive, huh. I wonder if they would say it’s a phase, or that he’s only with Ethan cos he can’t keep a girl around, or outright deny they got together at all? Sharon might get blamed for bending the kid! Or is it Randall’s fault for being absent? The possibilities are endless!!
Come on! It’s only been six days since the best strip ever, and now we get sexo loco? If I change favorites twice in a week, people will think I’m easy!
Is there some sort of imagery going on with the colors here?
In panel 1, Danny has a blue hoodie (…kind of identical to the one from “Roomies!”, which I’m not sure he’s worn at all in DoA). Then it turns purple. Then it turns red. There’s also sort of alighting shift going on that could account for this, especially since it’s like a fade towards red… is it red because he’s freaking out, or because it’s the color of blood which can also indicate excitement or alive-ness/arousal?
Whatever the case, Danny is in the deep end of the pool now. Amberazigirl is literally in bed with him, yet he dreams about Ethan… shouting dubiously spanishesque proclamations of lustful hank-pankering, no less!
Fifteen years ago, “SEXOLOCO” was an IRC spambot which would occasionally pop into channels, shout “SEXO!!!!! LOCO!!!!!,” give a URL to a porn site, and then vanish.
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
whoops, here‘s the real link
…Not sure what I expected, but that wasn’t it.
Lesson learned… NSFW usually means outright porn.
NSFW: Not Safe For Work. So yeah, usually porn.
A lesson you usually only need to learn once at least.
I knew it was porn. Just wanted to know what kind.
“Creaming of a white Christmas…”
If you could weaponize that joke, you could destroy the world, you know that Plasma?
It’s what I do… ⁞⁝•ֱ̀␣̍•́⁝⁞
… remember, it’s who you do, not what you do that counts!
Alright, fine! Sploosh.
Or whatever the male equivalent of sploosh is, which I guess is still sploosh, but messier.
Usually male sploosh is preceded by a cartoonish “boing” noise.
It had to be done.
excuse me while i go look up some straight guy porn
It’s missing…
Oh, that’s beautiful. You’ve certainly made my Christmas Day come alive.
Really? Christmas now blows! It absolutely sucks. It’s so in your face… Like literally! All thanks to Kerry
(Ah sorry a little tipsied)
… impressive, you really rose to the occasion despite the well known effects of CH3OH …
No much worse
Usually methanol leads to death by alcohol poisoning unless treated quickly.
*headdesk* … apparently I have been drinking methanol since I’m blind and stupid!
Well, you know, it’ll make you go blind if you keep using it.
Ironically, if you drink methanol, the best thing you can immediately is drink ethanol. Ethanol will get metabolized first, and will buy you some time before you suffer the effects of the methanol.
Clearly someone has just challenged me to a sinfest.
Been readin’ a lot of anime lately.
Read: “Been readin’ a lot of One Piece lately.”
Sorry, Yotome, that battle’s already been won:
I hope you don’t mind if I, uh, borrow this, it’ll just take a few minutes
I am so proud of you~ <3
Best first post ever.
And that’s going right in my Slipshine folder. … if you know what I mean.
I accidentally opened that dUrING LATIN CLASS KILL ME NOW
Praise “crazy sex.”
Where’s my gift, otusasio451?
But don’t you see? The gift was inside you all along.
damnit. Spleen again?
It filters your blood!
You mean semen, don’t you.
I’m full of Christmas semen.
I don’t know what it is, but it’s hot.
If you don’t know what that’s from, then this comment seems very random.
God bless us everyone! *swoon* Willis knew what I wanted.
That was a fortuitous entry.
Maybe not the last one Danny makes tonight!
Looks like we all know what Danny REALLY wants for Christmas.
Kudos on the appropriate Gravatar!
Thanks, I got my gravatar from This webcomic deserves more love. ^_^
If you don’t mind me asking, why do you change your gravatar so often?
You could say that I suffer a avatar based form of Altitis.
Speaking of, third panel Ethan is dying to be made into one.
The only time I do male gravatars is when they are TKNKs.
What’s a TKNK? Google does not tell me… or it’s a specific artist? Figured it was easier just to ask you.
Wasn’t a suggestion for you specifically, just a statement in the abstract. I’d make it for myself if I weren’t lazy.
TKNK is an abbreviation of oToKoNoKo, (男の娘, lit. “male daughter”), basically a Japanese subgenre featuring guys who can pass as girls/women when they crossdress.
I will use this new word now cos unfortunately the term ‘trap’ apparently has too many negative connotations.
Just checked out and read the entirety of it. More love given.
Ethan confirmed for not white i guess?Or just Danny’s subconscious… Wait, how would that work?
Ethan’s Jewish, isn’t he?
Merry Christmas (12:01). And Happy Holidays.
Is the cat ok?
Yeah, I hate tree-hangers.
How much you want to bet that’s the name of Willis’s next Slipshine?
And now for the Slipshine sequel.
Aww, dan. “I won’t disappoint you”.
Also, does anyone else keep getting redirected to random things? I’m on iPhone right now
My Google Play app tried to open (Droid user here) when I released my thumb from a Spotify ad on the right side of the page mid-scroll. I had assumed it registered a tap and triggered the ad…
Yes…. I haaaaaaate it >_< (the ads)
I’m getting redirected away from DoA a lot these last couple of days or so (also on iPhone), sometimes to other web sites, more often to the App Store. Pretty annoying, especially when reading the archive.
Dude. That disappointment trip is hella subconscious. Just reminding everyone that parents screw us up in so many ways.
iPad user here. I got redirected to the App Store from this page this morning. Since Dysloyal is on Android, maybe it’s a mobile thing?
It’s not just DoA, either. The same thing is happening on SP! and QC. Some of the advertisers must be misbehaving.
Yes that happens to me on some of my favorite websites and it bugs the hell out of me. Has just started happening on DoA. Disabling Java makes it stop but do I really want to have to disable Java just to look at a website?
We should do away with Java and Javascript, and come up with a standardized “hypertext markup language” with a spec that says exactly what a browser is supposed to do with each keyword. So webdesigners can specify exactly what the page is supposed to do, irregardless of browser, and none of this creepy business of handing your computer executable code from an unknown source.
Who says this isn’t a Christmas themed comic? There’s a Yule log right there.
The only thing missing is the mistletoe belt-buckle.
You’re suggesting AG has already hung up a sock and decorated the tree?
err yeah… that’s it… ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
Is that the new Taco Bell product?
It’s on the protein menu.
I would go to Taco Bell a lot more often.
Amazi-Girl interrupted before they got to the point where Ethan rubs his thing all over Danny’s tummy.
Clearly you don’t understand how gay sex works. Clearly he’d rub his thing all over Danny’s spine.
Joyce is writing in the comments field now?
wait … do you really believe that Danny has one?
A spine, or an understanding of how gay sex works?
The former is what I meant, but I wouldn’t be surprised if both were true …
…. and to be clear I’m not a Danny hater, I just saw a cheap shot and was weak enough to take it.
Amazi-Gay with the superpower to pop in and out of any closet in the world.
But mostly just stay in
While amazi-girl is inmune to criticism, criticism is amazi-gay’s kryptonite!
….Danny’s parents are kontgesigs.
I looked that up, and I have no idea what that means, because Wiktionary doesn’t give a definition.
Our great and fearless PM is being more obscure that usual tonight …
Chinese Wiktionary does, funnily enough. It is a naughty, naughty word, and PM is a naughty, naughty mongoose.
Yes I know, cos the Bible tells me so, ho ho ho ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
…Close enough
Do we have any evidence that Danny’s parents are “bad”? Sure, they want him to have a girlfriend and start begetting heirs, but have they said or done anything nasty like Ethan’s parents?
Well, they did seem to think the best thing about their son was that he was dating Dorothy … but I think most of us assume they are asses based on how Danny is …
They trained him to disappoint.
Danny and Ethan would make a great pair. Both can’t come out of the closet. Neither dares to declare to the other.
And Amber will be caught between the two of them, oh yeah. Wtg.
I think they’re all hoping that it’s Danny between the other two.
I don’t think Danny even understands that he’s in the closet right now, if that’s an applicable term at this point in the process. His feelings are very confusing to him, and he’s not quite sure what they mean. To make things worse, he seemingly has never heard of bisexuality before, and is unable to reconcile his attraction to Ethan with his equally real and legitimate attraction towards women.
Let’s hope that’s the case. I mean, sure, Danny could be bi, but we haven’t seen any of his sex fantasies involving women. And just because he’s had sex with two different women (one graphically so) doesn’t mean he isn’t gay.
That said, I’m speaking as someone who hasn’t seen the sexy-times stuff, so I don’t know where he sits on the Kinsey scale for sure. What was he thinking while bumping uglies?
And again, let’s hope Danny’s bi. We do not need Amber to go off the deep end over this. She’s close enough as it is.
Given the thing where Danny was included on Willis’s Bisexuality Awareness Day art–and the later acknowledgement that it meant exactly what we thought it did–I imagine he is pretty clearly intended to be somewhere in the middle of that scale.
Oh. I did not know that. Thank you for the information.
If you read the Slipshine porno “Mask or no Mask?”, Danny’s sex with Amazigirl/Amber is quite enthusiastic and genuine. He’s not pretending to have a boner for her. The only ambiguity seemed to be that Danny wanted to make love to Amber, while Amber insisted on staying in her Amazigirl character.
Where this will go bad is that Amber is already upset with Ethan for other reasons, and this “stealing her boyfriend” will seem almost malicious.
It’s also a good candidate for yet another red flashback panel.
Is this going to be one of those dreams within dreams where Danny is going to kiss Amber and then she pulls off a mask to reveal Ethan? Then he wakes up screaming, Joe tells him to pipe down, and then Danny turns on the lights to show Joe is Ethan too?
And then we zoom out to see Freddy Krueger writing Danny X Ethan slashfic and she turns to the audience, munches a carrot, and says “Ain’t I a shipper?”
…Sorry, I was at a Christmas party tonight and there was some rather good eggnog.
And then he wakes up for real when Amazi-Girl comes in still wearing a hockey mask and he completely loses his shit?
Nah, that scene was part of Freddy’s fic too. He has some confused feelings about hockey masks these days, and needs to work them out.
Hehe, “slashfic”
AI Ethan? His first kiss was with a computer person?
Wake up and he’s Joyce on the morning before she leaves for college. This entire past month has simply been her worries about the dangers of the secular world troubling her sleeping mind.
Or so we think until we get one month into school again. That’s when the Groundhog Day type time loop becomes apparent. Only by helping everybody get through the whole first month of school drama free can she escape it.
Problem is, every time she relives this month she discovers some new side character’s dark and hidden troubles. Sierra has a sinister relationship with shoes. Malaya is unlucky in love. This is all too much, more than one Joyce can handle!
With all the time in the world, Joyce finally invents a time machine. By manually traveling back to the beginning right before time loops back over, there are now two Joyces in the world. She can add her efforts to those of the previous Joyce. Then travel back again, three Joyces then four Joyces then five.
Soon there’s a Joyce for almost every student on campus, trying to hide their multiplication from the public. Just when it looks like she’s finally free, the timestream buckles under the pressure and breaks. The cast is scattered across a ruined timescape where past and future intertwine. Offspring everywhere! Biological children, adopted children. Children whose age shifts as they walk across the timescape. Children who one moment are from a potential future where Danny ends up with Amber, and the next from a potential future where Danny ends up with Ethan, occasionally from a bleak future where Ethan ends up with Amber or Joyce, again depending on where they’re physically standing in a given moment. It’s all quite surreal.
There are even more Joyces than before. The Joyces from all the failed timeloops slipped into the realm of things that never were, where they had to fight off the world eaters that consume dying universes. They’re all grizzled now. Some are pirates, some are cyborgs, all have lost their right eye and replaced it with something cooler. They don’t have time for your youthful optimism, you’ve been conscripted into the fight now and time is a mean mistress. Your only hope now is to one at a time escape to the timeline of your choice and kill your double, tossing them off to take your place in the world-eaters’ maw.
The youngest Joyce, still most pure to her origins, thinks there’s a better way though. If only she could make everybody listen to her. If only she could make herself the best possible Joyce, then they’d have to listen!
You sir, have one, due to the utterance of the phrase: “Sierra has a sinister relationship with shoes.”
You’ve won one internet. Or something.
You sir! Have one (internet), due to…
That’s how I read it anyway.
OK, I think thats probably enough eggnog for you…
(Good story though)
I’m so stealing your ideas, Gangler
That’s Bizzaro-Amaziegirl in panel two if I ever saw her.
See, this is what drives me crazy about Willis’ comics.
I know the colour shift has got to be important, but I have no idea what it means.
His sweatshirt color changes are the bisexual pride flag.
I thought so!
Wow, Danny’s subconscious is smart.
I’m not sure, but I feel like it mostly contributes to a steadily increasing feeling of surrealism. At first, everything seems normal, but it becomes clear that we’re in the middle of a bizarre dream.
Carrie gets it.
… and it looks like danny will be getting it from amazing girl in the next few frames.
Never has that gravatar looked more appropriate.
Well, no, but that’s because it always looks maximally appropriate.
… i never new my avatar was inappropriate.
Merry Christmas Me. Mrrreowwww…. :3
You have to feel sorry for Danny. He’s found great girl (who admittedly has a few issues that could use some addressing) and now he’s faced with having thoughts he’s never had to deal with before all while dealing with a new life in college.
I feel deeply sorry for Danny. He’s my favorite male character in the comic. He’s a great guy who will some day be a wonderful boyfriend, but he’s just so good at self sabotage (and has completely abysmal luck). Danny’s life would be a lot easier if he didn’t fall in love with every single person who shows him the slightest bit of interest in him. Or if, when he falls in love, goes into building the new relationship with just a tiny bit of personal integrity rather than unconditional devotion to the other person.
Why, its almost like he’s starved for affection or something. I really think Joe should follow him around to slap his hand for a week or two.
I hate to say this but i am alot like danny, with a bit of ethan and walky thrown in.I recognize my problem and work on it though but still it is hard when i seem to fall in love with people so easily and have to hold myself back from saying or doing something id regret. I feel like we need a danny support group to go to.
Wouldn’t you all just end up falling in love with each other?
For me that woudn’t be a bad thing.
I mean he turned down Billie when she was ready to have sex with him.
That’s… actually true. OK, he does have more integrity than I give him credit for. Still not enough to build healthy relationships.
Now that I think about, I think he has dealt with these feelings before. Remember when he felt so uncomfortable about Joe walking around in his underwear? Maybe he was gay for Joe to start with, but it got Westermark’d out of him.
Oh… oh Danny.
Ethan’s not Mexican, Danny.
Daniel Willco is. He’s dating asombro-girl.
A-sombrero girl?
Ninjaing my comments in the friggin’ hovertext isn’t fair, Willis.
Danny: Danning it up in his dreams.
Poor kid can’t even cut himself any slack. Come on Danny, you can allow yourself an erotic dream with Ethan.
Is Ethan going to be the crutch of every Weird ass sexual dream in this comic now ?
We can only hope… and DREAM.
There’s no dream like an Ethan dream, because an Ethan dream doesn’t stop until you are traumatized.
He will give everyone’s tummies his thing.
I’m betting the next character to have a traumatic sexy Ethan dream will be Ethan, just because Willis would expect us to never see that coming.
You gotta buy the Slipshine if you want to see that coming.
Merry Christmas to you too Mr. Willis.
And really, how better to celebrate a David Willis Christmas?
Every day is Christmas in the Dumbiverse–if by Christmas we’re talking about awkward sexual hangups and parental angst.
A guest strip by Randy.
Amber won’t be the only one coming on his bed unexpectedly.
If she’s Santa, I’ll be good if it means waking up next to that Christmasday.
Great… a reminder that Danny’s parents are scummy. MerRY Christmas!
(I was going to fix the capitalization, but then I chose not to.)
Sexo Loco is an appropriate exclamation, regardless of race or creed.
I’m guessing it means “crazy sex” or something like that.
Or is there some other meaning/reference that I am missing by a mile or more?
I approve.
Randal: Damn boy can’t even DREAM right.
Sharon: I’m so unsurprised by his constant failures I think I’ve reached a disappointment stasis.
That makes all of us Sharon, that makes all of us.
Dude, thats my Life “Disappointment Stasis!”
They expected him to disappoint them, and he didn’t disappoint their expectations?
Amaziegirl can just waltz into Danny’s room at will? What about Joe, won’t he …
…high-five her and put a sock on the door…
…or even more likely, be in someone elses dorm.
OK, objection retracted
The window was probably open.
You know, I fail to see any problem with this. Danny is bisexual man. Amber is straight woman. Ethan is gay man. Once the latter two get done sexing up the former, they can get their friendly and supportive cuddles on. And the three of them can live their college years in polyamorous bliss.
(Please make it so, Santa.)
Or if poly is a bridge too far: The former and the latter sex each other up, then pop into Amber’s room for a friendly and supportive cuddle session with her.
But then Amber doesn’t get sexy fun times.
Wait, what am I talking about?! I ship Amber and Dorothy.
They are…ahem…working on the matter.
Amber can sex up any of the straight guys on campus. Which is ALL the other guys in the comic.
Isn’t Walky the only straight dude in the comic? I think Jocelyn and he might be the only non-parents that aren’t at least a bit bisexual.
Well, I think given past evidence we can probably assume Jason is into the ladies.
And I tend to assume Jacob probably is as well, among other things because him not being so would make Ethan happy and Ethan doesn’t get to be happy.
Literally Danny was written as bisexual because there were no non-straight men in the cast for Ethan to date.
Outside of Ethan and Danny, the whole male cast is entirely straight.
Amber can take her pick.
Even removing the issue of named cast members, the story doesn’t take place in some campus where it’s hard to find straight men. She’s in a primarily male field of study. She’s in at least one class where she’s the only woman in the room. Multiple men in that room expressed interest in her personally within moments of her setting foot in the room on the first day. She happened to choose one bisexual man out of that crowd, but that hardly means she’s now adrift in a raging sea of non-straightness, unable to find her way to straight land.
No, Ethan is the only gay dude in the comic and Danny was made bi specifically so Ethan could have at least a theoretical love interest. It’s possible some of the other guys who never got much screentime in the Walkyverse could turn out to be bi but right now all we’ve got are Ethan and Danny.
True, but there isn’t any law that forbids new male characters being added to the cast.
I mean last additions where Malaya and Carla (and Becky being re-added), so time for a bit more variety!
Typo: where->were
But they were simply transfers from the Walkyverse. And from there the only other non-hetero dudes were Ethan’s previous love interests Drew and Manny and since Willis has stated he’s not going to be retreading much in the ways of relationships he’s already written they likely won’t show up at all.
And Manny’s a complete non-entity. He seems to have been added simply to provide a love interest for Ethan who wasn’t an asshole.
I don’t know that I’d describe Mike as “bi”, and he definitely isn’t gay, but he ain’t straight either.
Twisted I think might fit his bent …
Wow… I don’t even know what to say about Dream Ethan except… Just wow…
So, analyzing the dream Danny is looking for Amber, but all he founds is Amaziegirl. He is embarrassed because it wasn’t Amazegirl he wanted to present to his parents, but she just keeps turning up despite Amber being the one he loves and wants to have a relationship with.
Danny, you know there are some serious red flags in this relationship, right?
(there might be some sort of meaning to Ethan in the role of his partner ripping of his shirt crying Sexo Loco as well, but I just can’t put my finger on it.)
Lazy Tyke, what are you doing here analyzing dreams? Don’t you have a Roomie to look after?
Take a look in the mirror, Danny. See those cheeks? That redness, yes? That’s you sending a message to yourself. You may wish to bother yourself to read it, at the least.
Becky and Danny are identical.
At least if you’re drunk on a Christmas Eve.
Oh-so happy holidays indeed.
This is most definitely my favorite Dumbing of Age comic to date.
Amazi-guy’s evil doppelgänger, Sexo Loco!
*Changes Jason theme to Micheal Myers theme.*
Where’s our nipple tag?
Nipple tag? Sounds like the name of a sex toy.
I of thought of a piercing … or perhaps an unfortunately placed skin tag?
Or a game, like laser tag.
He will be in mine from now on.
Thank you Santa!
ethan’s face in that second panel
such wonderful contrast with the third panel
This strip is the best Christmas gift I’ve been given so far. (Except for the $200 of Paypal money my dad gave me.)
…OK no more Eggnog for me tonight.
Danny having weird gay sex dreams! It’s a Christmas miracle!
Dream sequences are the best.
What does it say that while Dream Ethan (Dreamethan) is busting out, Danny is looking around for a misplaced Amber?
He thinks he needs to reassert his friggin’ heterosexuality.
Appropriate avatar is appropriate.
I asked some time ago, but I’ll ask again. What happens when Danny leaves Amber for Amber’s ex?
I don’t know, but I suspect it will be Ambarrassing.
Oh my god you win.
Classic Face-Heel Turn. Amazi-Girl goes full on super villain. I’m picturing the ending of Neverwinter Nights.
Some people think that when the time comes Amber will be the one to nudge Danny in that direction in hopes that it’ll bring Ethan into a healthier place.
Certainly it’s not like being bisexual on its own is the strongest reason for Danny to leave a relationship he’s happy with. Finding somebody other than his significant other attractive doesn’t have to spell the end of what they have.
THIS. If finding someone attractive obligated you to pursue a relationship with them, most het men would never be able to maintain any kind of long term stable relationship. Why should it be any different for bisexuals?
I’d say that many (if not most) teenagers of any flavor would die of {favorite uncouth carnal knowledge indicating noun gerund} exhaustion (or end up incarcerated) if they pursed relationships with even a fraction of the people they felt attracted to!
Some of the comments about how Danny being bi means he must abandon Amber do seem to reveal a certain level of cluelessness … amusingly often coupled with violent anti-Dannyism …
Danny must be a very light sleeper since even though he didn’t wake up when she broke into his room or laid down on the bed he instantly woke up mid dream the moment she says anything.
Yeah but she’s doing the voice.
Sometimes peoples’ subconsciouses have a weird way of sorting out which stimuli are relevant/important enough to wake up to. I can sleep through people stomping around and talking loudly, but I will wake up if somebody quietly says my name.
I once slept through a hurricane slamming a tree branch into the roof over my bedroom all night long without any problems.
If someone walks into my room and calls my name loudly enough, I’ll wake up.
So if Amber’s not here, does that mean she’s coming?
…I hate myself.
Around here combining clever word-play and prurience is highly prized – accept your inner linguistic pervert and be proud
Ethan in Panel two and three cracks me up.
Panel 3 Dream Danny aaaaaaalmost looks like Becky.
Ethan’s Sexo Loco panel… I don’t even… just.. wow.
The last few strips kind of remind me of the beginning of Spiderman 3, when Peter is feeling popular and good at his job.
Oh Danny and your troubled confused mind.
Willis, I double-triple dog dare you to make the next Slipshine someone’s erotic Ethan dream.
DOUBLE TRIPLE DOG DARE, Willis. Unless you’re chicken or something.
I haven’t perused slipshine but.
it would be amusing if it was just a stream of 1-4 page min stories of most of the main character’s Ethan-dreams. Like Joyce, Danny, Amber, Mike…. i guess anyone else thats valid. Except Dina. She should never be involved in a slipshine.. cause she’s Dina the dino gal
Maybe she has a perfectly chaste dream where Ethan listens to her lecture on dinosaurs?
Oh Danny boy.
The pipes, the pipes are calling…
From glen to glen, and down the mountainside…
I thought I loved you, but I only ever loved the mask.
Literally everybody’s erotic dreams.
Make up your mind or set up a threesome.
Tomorrow’s comic: Danny gets annoyed that humanity is so complicated, teams up with Joyce and then decides to become a supervillain and destroy humanity so as to make things simpler.
Together they will be… the Whitebread Dingdong Bandits!
You know, I’m starting to like Joe more and more. He’s pretty much the only person in the series that has a sexuality that stays the same for more than 5 comics at a time.
There’s a total of one character questioning his sexuality and discovering their bi/pansexuality, which isn’t an unusual college experience.
Technically, Joyce, Billie and Ruth have all had moments implying that they weren’t too certain of their sexuality. Still, as you said, it’s not an unusual college experience so I don’t see the problem with it.
Joe does have a certain charm though in his cheesy lines and comfort in his sexuality. Raz is also amazing for the same thing. The whole tape subplot was pretty cool when it happened. I kind of hope we get to see more of them soonish (also Carla, but that’s not relevant to this post).
Since when have any of those three been implied to be uncertain?
Joyce had a whole story arc about how she wasn’t really certain that she was entirely straight, and I don’t think she’s definitely resolved that even now.
(Even after Becky made her move, Joyce has still not actually said that she’s straight. She’s been letting Becky assume that that’s why she was rejected, but Joyce hasn’t said so herself.)
Ruth has said that Billie was how she discovered she was into girls, and, at least as of the fade to Slipshine, wasn’t really sure how to go about this banging a girl thing.
Billie, on the other hand, seems totally comfortable with her bisexuality. Her uncertainty about and issues with her relationship with Ruth have never been about the fact that Ruth’s a girl. (bongo shouldna shoved her.)
Becky could be added to the list of characters discovering their sexuality, even if we started with the aftermath and then got the discovery in a few flashback panels.
Walky apparently discovered his heterosexuality at the moment Dorothy walked into Gender Studies the first time.
A fine summary but what about Jason discovering that there is more to life than maths and get a je-rogering of his toga-ring?
Links, please.
I didn’t do this before because posts with multiple links have to get approved, but:
Joyce’s gay panic (it actually starts a few strips earlier, and carries on for a while after that, but I think that’s the best, “yeah, Joyce may be repressing some bicuriosity here,” strip).
Ruth and Billie found out Ruth was into girls together and Ruth is still not sure how this being in lesbians thing is supposed to work. (She’s probably figured it out by now, I guess, but I’m too broke to be able to justify dropping that much money on cartoon porn to find out.)
Billie’s good with her sexuality. She’s been totally comfortable putting the moves on both boys and girls, and she dated a girl in high school.
Becky apparently didn’t realize what her feelings for Joyce really meant until she started making smooches with Kaitlin.
Walky was not into girls until he saw Dorothy.
(And to be clear, I’m not complaining here. I’m totally down with these characters discovering things about themselves and each other. Just saying, it’s more than just Danny discovering things about their sexuality.)
Thanks for the links* – I still disagree on Joyce (I think that strip’s actually the best argument that she hasn’t actually questioned – if she thought she might, she really doesn’t seem like the person who could say that if even the possibility of it being romantic/sexual was in her head), but I can see the argument.
I just needed my memory refreshed on Ruth.
* Though I should have specified I only wanted the Joyce and Ruth links – I remembered the others perfectly fine, and Walky and Becky weren’t really in question – sorry about making you go through all that trouble as a result.
Oh good, the day’s requisite barely-masked whining about nonstraight people in my comic.
keep up the good work, Mr. Willis (Y)
Merry Christmas from the internet
It’s as they say, you can please some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time. Or chase them in robot form, tends to scare people too much. I guess there’s a reason for the “in disguise” part…
Just give him time, Ulzur.
Sorry that you don’t have more straight representation. We know how hard that is to come by nowadays.
Ethan = AmaziBoy! Thank you, Santa Willis!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
I really can’t wait for Amber’s reaction when she finds out what’s going on in Danny’s brain.
‘I want Ethan to be happy with a guy.’ ‘But not my boyfriend.’ ‘Guy-on-guy is hot.’ ‘But not my…no, my boyfriend being with a guy is still hot…’
(Then I expect they’ll try the obvious solution, discover none of them can actually handle being poly, and the drama will rise even higher.)
Loco y caliente Ethan’s tushie!
Ok, so now that I think about it, it’s almost certain that if danny broke up with amazi-girl and worked out their shit to start seeing ethan, his parents would be less than supportive, huh. I wonder if they would say it’s a phase, or that he’s only with Ethan cos he can’t keep a girl around, or outright deny they got together at all? Sharon might get blamed for bending the kid! Or is it Randall’s fault for being absent? The possibilities are endless!!
But anyway, congrats on the sexo loco onírico
Well, y’know. Just sayin’.. there could be a poly-amorous relationship potential here. No need for the drama. (I would be so frickin’ pleased.)
What gives you the idea that polyamory is drama-free?
I certainly can’t see it being so in this case.
Come on! It’s only been six days since the best strip ever, and now we get sexo loco? If I change favorites twice in a week, people will think I’m easy!
It’s nice to see Danny’s getting bi.
2 points for you!
I would have killed for a bed like that back when I was sharing at university.
Is there some sort of imagery going on with the colors here?
In panel 1, Danny has a blue hoodie (…kind of identical to the one from “Roomies!”, which I’m not sure he’s worn at all in DoA). Then it turns purple. Then it turns red. There’s also sort of alighting shift going on that could account for this, especially since it’s like a fade towards red… is it red because he’s freaking out, or because it’s the color of blood which can also indicate excitement or alive-ness/arousal?
Whatever the case, Danny is in the deep end of the pool now. Am
berazigirl is literally in bed with him, yet he dreams about Ethan… shouting dubiously spanishesque proclamations of lustful hank-pankering, no less!Discussion with word from Willis.
shouting dubiously spanishesque proclamations of lustful hank-pankering, no less!
“SEXO LOCO” showed up as someone’s screen name in Shortpacked which I am binge-reading. Where does it come from?
Fifteen years ago, “SEXOLOCO” was an IRC spambot which would occasionally pop into channels, shout “SEXO!!!!! LOCO!!!!!,” give a URL to a porn site, and then vanish.
I love that second panel so much. I think it’s got to be my favourite panel out of all the dumbing of Age panels, and /that’s a lot/
marry late christmas
Nobody else noted that Amber’s referring to what’s under the blanket?
Just got this. :O
Are you setting this up for a Ethan-Danny porn strip? I think most would rather see Joe-Jacob as your first male-a-la-male romp.
He’s even in his own erotic dreams. Oh, wait, no, that’s pretty much normal.