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Not second thoughts… just… you never know how a girl’s going to react to a boner. We’re taught at an early age to be embarassed by boners. What Walky hasn’t put together is that Dorothy can’t wait to jump on that thing. That dirty… unwashed… thing. Hmm.
So Amber is Joyce in disguise… Joyce is Dorothy in disguise… and Dorothy is Amber in disguise?
In other words, she, whoever she is, is like a Moebius Matryoshka doll.
Although wrapping my brain around this was painful, it gave me the idea that Amazi-Girl is actually two people. That way, she can be absent from two places at once!
No, with the sheer amount of time Walky has, he’s clearly read Ménage à 3, and fears that Dorothy has the same reaction to feeling a boner that Yuki does, and would rather not lose L’il Walky.
Yeah, the correct “Tier 15” result has gotten pushed down the popularity list since WoW introduced their new armor set. Here’s the link for anyone else confused about “Tier 15”
I dunno, I see it as embarrassed/nervous first then repeat. So basically “oh man I think she wants me to do this but I don’t know… hey thats not bad at all… oh man should I do it again?… still not bad at all” (repeat steps 2 and 4 indefinitely)
Oh man, that really is an awkward situation. Especially if you’re oblivious and she spends the whole night backing into you to close the gap, but you totally give it the benefit of the doubt and assume she isn’t doing it intentionally.
And then she tells you to kiss her and there are wild make outs that turn into more. Mm, neurosis.
Calling it now. Since this will be here all weekend, the comments are going to degenerate into an argument about Walky being tricked by being told that they would go to bed together, and that Dorothy should sleep with him. That being said, this is cute.
First time in bed together, 27 years a ago, with then Catholic girl, now wife. Her: Is that your knee poking me in the back? Me: Um, sure. Followed by me scooching away with Walky Cheeks burning. Today after showing her DOA: Willis can read our frakking minds, and steal all our feels.
So you realize when and if he falls asleep he will have a number of these rather he likes it or not. Doesn’t even matter if he sleeps alone. It’s just how the plumbing operates.
Upon first glancing at the comic, before reading it fully realizing it was to make the joke visible, my first thought was “Poor Walky – Dorothy stole all the blankets.”
After reading the whole thing…he’s still going to have a cold bone.
This is heavily context-dependent, of course, but yes, it is. If you’re spooning someone in their bed, chances are they wouldn’t mind feeling your boner.
Unless you, like, put it in their… ear, or something. Heh.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 2d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
C’mon walky. Don’t be a wiener.
Yeah, be a WINNER, not a WIENER.
“I had this strange dream that someone kept poking me with a stick” -Amber
Or maybe Dorothy is Amber in disguise…
Transambers: Dorothy’s in Disguise.
Well they might have the same father, I mean we’ve SEEN Shortpacked enough to know that the similarities aren’t a coincidence.
Transambers just sounds like a girl who was born a Dorothy but always felt in her heart that she was an Amber.
Transambers just sounds like Faz.
Transamber, in search of new sources of Enerbone.
So which one’s Amazi-girl?
No, it’s clearly Galasso!
Walky is Danny in disguise.
Having second thoughts, Walky?
there should be a boner tag
Not second thoughts… just… you never know how a girl’s going to react to a boner. We’re taught at an early age to be embarassed by boners. What Walky hasn’t put together is that Dorothy can’t wait to jump on that thing. That dirty… unwashed… thing. Hmm.
Oooh, nice timing on the Amber avatar. Especially with that look on her face. Now I’m sad that I didn’t end the post with “Yum”.
Amber avatar? all I see is Joyce.
Or Joyce is Dorothy in disguise?
No Joyce is Walky in disguise, she’s finally got to poke Dorothy with her woman boner!
So Amber is Joyce in disguise… Joyce is Dorothy in disguise… and Dorothy is Amber in disguise?
In other words, she, whoever she is, is like a Moebius Matryoshka doll.
Although wrapping my brain around this was painful, it gave me the idea that Amazi-Girl is actually two people. That way, she can be absent from two places at once!
This is so wrinkling my brain.
I’m absent from two places at once right now!
If you throw in Sal and Spider-Car you get a Moebius Matryoshka Hexahexaflexagon.
No, with the sheer amount of time Walky has, he’s clearly read Ménage à 3, and fears that Dorothy has the same reaction to feeling a boner that Yuki does, and would rather not lose L’il Walky.
I get it!
He doesn’t want to poke her with his Walky stick.
And does this mean Amber and Danny are up past midnight? Ooh, naughty kids.
Oh yes, Amber and Danny just skipped right to tier 15.
Don’t Go there MAN.
You know, the last time someone said that, they wound up going to tier 15.
So I’ve been to tier 15 roughly 2,600 times then by now….
Because nobody likes roasted nuts.
The first rule of tier 15 is you don’t talk about tier 15.
Oh God, I just googled ‘tier 15’, found the relevant clip, and I’m cracking up.
I really need to buy the DVDs.
Yeah, the correct “Tier 15” result has gotten pushed down the popularity list since WoW introduced their new armor set. Here’s the link for anyone else confused about “Tier 15”
But we haven’t even seen all fifteen feet of her glorious abdomen! Wasted potential for fanservice, Willis.
“C’mon, take a ride on my Walky stick.”
Now read this comic as an infinite loop and it takes on a whole different meaning.
Yeah just glance from panel 1 and panel 4 and it’s like a little cartoon.
Of humps.
Countdown to someone making an animated gif in 3… 2…
Walky has second thoughts when he’s backin’ out. But when he’s in he realizes it’s worth it.
Darn I wanted to make a Master Card joke but I just couldn’t think how.
@IPGComic Sadly, it’ll look like humps of regret.
…Humps of Regret will be the name of my next hair-metal / emo band.
That’s what Walky must be thinking.
Looks like Walky’s the kind of guy who cries after sex. Dorothy’s gonna have fun with that one.
I dunno, I see it as embarrassed/nervous first then repeat. So basically “oh man I think she wants me to do this but I don’t know… hey thats not bad at all… oh man should I do it again?… still not bad at all” (repeat steps 2 and 4 indefinitely)
Here’s another one: Just read it 4, then 1, 2, 3, and cue the line, “That’s okay, it happens to a lot of people.”
Just read 4, 3, 2, 1 and it becomes sleep sex.
Just start thinking about quidditch Walky it’ll soon go away.
This totally never happened to me.
(for a nickel?)
This comment is even funnier if you consider it a reply to the one above it.
Some things in life are just meant to be.
Oh man, that really is an awkward situation. Especially if you’re oblivious and she spends the whole night backing into you to close the gap, but you totally give it the benefit of the doubt and assume she isn’t doing it intentionally.
And then she tells you to kiss her and there are wild make outs that turn into more. Mm, neurosis.
If a girl wants to be spooned, she’s accepting the possibility of boner.
Hah, I know this NOW. Trying telling that to my younger self, though.
That or she’s oblivious to that possibly happening.
Calling it now. Since this will be here all weekend, the comments are going to degenerate into an argument about Walky being tricked by being told that they would go to bed together, and that Dorothy should sleep with him. That being said, this is cute.
I think Sierra was tricked when Dorothy said they were having Walky over. She expected three way spooning.
Actually, that already happened yesterday.
They will rue the day when they mentioned the word “boner”.
This reminds me of a similar scene in the graphic novel BLANKETS, except her kit was off.
The most relatable comic strip ever.
Walky feels awkward. There’s a portmanteau in there somewhere.
Oh No… I hope this doesn’t turn into a nocturnal emmission joke. Cause that would be messy.
It’s Pokey!
All work and no play makes Walky a dull boy.
I have had this moment.
lol walky boner alert
coupled with my avatar that lame joke i made is much funnier
It’s all fun and games, until someone gets a boner. I’m guessing it’s a hell of a lot more awkward if she gets a boner.
Judging by the location of Walky’s crotch, I’m guessing that his boner would only touch Dorothy’s back.
Yeah, the animated gif above makes it look like Walky has terrible aim.
I had nightmares about Spooning with Spoony.
That’s OK, many people have nightmares about that.
Enjoy your Awkward.
Let’s be honest though, Dorothy probably has a lady-boner right now. They’re just easier to hide.
Heh, this part of the story reminds me of being in the barracks with my husband-to-be while I was in A-school. Yay cuddles! XDXDXD
Oh, he’s not backing up. That’s the wind-up for a Power Hump ™
Someone needs to make Panel 1 and 4 into a moving gif.
We’ve already discussed this actually. Someone should.
Sorry, I arrived late today and posted before reading any of the comments.
RaijinK did.
Their hair must have a lot of gel in it for it to keep its shape.
Hah, definitely was like that for me at first…
Last year…
At age 29…
But yeah, cuddling is the best, especially once you get past awkward!
“I was told I make intelligent comics, and then I made a comic about a horse that pooped.” – Kate Beaton
I feel like the same principle/joke applies here
Seems Walky…
…is afraid to play poker
*dons shades*
If you were in his situation. Do you think you wood?
Why does Dorothy need to check her Facebook account?
Because she just got poked!
Holy shit
You made me pee.
I’m sure she wouldn’t have…
*dons shades*
…any hard feelings.
Cuddle boners are way worse when the snugs are platonic. That shit’s just irritating.
He’s so cute!
First time in bed together, 27 years a ago, with then Catholic girl, now wife. Her: Is that your knee poking me in the back? Me: Um, sure. Followed by me scooching away with Walky Cheeks burning. Today after showing her DOA: Willis can read our frakking minds, and steal all our feels.
Spooning for girls: comfy, cozy, warm, straight to sleep.
Spooning for guys: face full of hair, arm falling asleep and an awkward boner.
We all know that feel bro.
Ah, hovercrotch… Always embarrassing with first cuddling
MAN, I have such a huge BONER!
…I *SAID*…
(Can’t believe no one made that joke yet.)
So you realize when and if he falls asleep he will have a number of these rather he likes it or not. Doesn’t even matter if he sleeps alone. It’s just how the plumbing operates.
You cannot escape awkwardness!!
Why do I have the Oscar Meyer Weiner song in my head now?
I’ve never been in this position, for better or for worse… most likely for worse!
You mount the woman Walky…wait have I made that joke before?
If I was spooning with a non-platonic type fellow and there wasn’t a boner snuggling up to my backside, I’d be concerned.
Upon first glancing at the comic, before reading it fully realizing it was to make the joke visible, my first thought was “Poor Walky – Dorothy stole all the blankets.”
After reading the whole thing…he’s still going to have a cold bone.
‘snot just you. I thought the same thing.
I have the weirdest boner.
Oh jeez.
You know what Walky got a boner to?
wait, so if you’re spooning with someone and get a boner, you should just let it happen? you shouldn’t back up like Walky is? It’s ok?
In fact, the person you’re spooning with might encourage you to stay in close
This is heavily context-dependent, of course, but yes, it is. If you’re spooning someone in their bed, chances are they wouldn’t mind feeling your boner.
Unless you, like, put it in their… ear, or something. Heh.
No dude. The other way. The other way!
This is why penises should be removable.
They’re removable. It’s just the reattaching that’s the problem.
Your avatar is perfect for this comment.
Well…. at least Joyce won’t be as mad…
Can I just say that I love the followers behind this comic? You’re all such great/horrible people and it’s fantastic.
I sometimes with you had more dialog options, Random NPC. I wonder what you do when you’re not telling me how to navigate Parapa Desert…
So no one else will have to:
Forever Alone T_T
Don’t worry, Walk. It’s perfectly normal what you are experiencing.
Where’s Walky’s other arm?!
Up under his pillow, which is where I put mine.
You put your arm under Walky’s pillow???
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Dorothy’s face looks exactly the same as Joyce’s in “Sisters.”
Lol well he a bit to excited!
Haha, been there, done that
Woah I saw this on 9gag the other day (my once a month visit, mind you)