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Penny, I assure you, our intent is purely mathematical. We’re studying interactions involving rigid and deformable bodies transitioning from sinusoidal oscillations into a chaotic phase with mass transfer.
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem I’m teeming with a lot o’ news
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
There’s not a single word of rhyming slang in there…
Well, I don’t know the etymology of ‘cracking’ in this context, but I doubt it’s any more rhyming slang than the rest. Bird is just a reference to actual birds, ‘fit’ meaning attractive should be obvious, snog’s etymology is unclear (but seriously post-dates the heyday of rhyming slang by close to a century), and sod is short for sodomize.
Without any kind of auditory evidence (or use of contactions and the like to denote accent) Penny could well be speaking a particularly foul mouted Received Pronunciation, though in my head, it’s Estuary
The influence of Cockney rhyming slang carried even to America. Ever wonder why making that rude noise with your tongue is called “blowing a raspberry”? “Raspberry tart” rhymes with “fart.” Your trivia for the day.
They’re a disgraced squad of Britjas who had to take to the underground to avoid being taken out by their former comrades. They take on mercenary job to make ends meet, usually taking on thugs and racketeers.
It doesn’t look like it at first, but when Nigel shows up in a crocodile costume in the third episode you realize “This is just the A-Team with Britjas!”. Only they don’t have a van.
Even though I’m 99% certain Willis wouldn’t go there, I can’t help thinking the fact that she even exists is set-up for an eventual school shooting plot.
Well that all depends on where she purchased it from. Y’see in modern home design it is sometimes key to use color schemes rather than having everything one solid color. As such if she had purchased blue carpet, she would want a cool color to mach the drapes, perhaps a purple or green. However, it also pays to use complimentary colors, especially if you want to bring attention to something. It makes certain things pop, especially if it’s one small area in a room that sticks very closely to one color scheme. The effect is relative to both item location and size as too much of a conflicting color may not look as nice as a smaller area. So, if Penny has any decorating sense, I would argue that the carpet does not indeed match the drapes, as far as I know for I do not have the pleasure to look into her presumably lovely place of dwelling.
I’m pretty sure she was part of Jason’s Father’s Organization, then became leader of it after killing him and taking his eyepatch for herself. Also I’m pretty sure she slept with Jason at some point.
I just realized that Willis beat Doctor Who to the punch on not only having a British guy with a bow-tie he’s endlessly mocked for, but also on giving him a psychotic romantic interest who tries to kill him.
As an aside, I don’t know whether it’s Willis’ art improving, missing an eyepatch, a deliberate redesign, or some combination of the three, but Penny just looks so much younger here than she did in the old Walkyverse. It’s a little jarring, to be honest.
I was gonna post an explanation for this–that gaining second-in-command position for a massive organization takes years longer than getting a TA job–but I Wayback Machined her article on Walkypedia, and that says WV!Penny was born in 1975, making her 28/29 in It’s Walky!–only a couple of years older than DOA!Penny probably is, since if I recall correctly Willis pegs DOA!Jason at 26 or so.
I think I lean more of lack of stress. When you’re working in an organization that deal with evil intentions of course it will shave off your age due to a lot of stress.
Well, not all of them anyway. Sailoring really was a kind of sucky profession regarding safety, and pirating on top of that probably didn’t help matters.
His explanation would presume that at the point where combat began the patch would come off anyway, because there’s not point in preserving your night vision if you don’t use it when you need it.
The idea is that it preserves night vision for the transition from bright above-decks fighting to dark below-decks fighting. Having done more than a little hand-to-hand combat myself, I suspect the disadvantage of losing binocular vision in the above-decks fighting (where you have to keep the eyepatch on to preserve night vision) more than outweighs the brief advantage of slightly better vision in the dark when you go below decks.
(I love that my avatar for this conversation is Amazi-girl.)
This whole comic has been running for about 2 weeks in DoA time (and a lot of those days were cheat coded by Walky waiting for his PJ jeans), so that’s roughly about right.
So here’s what’s gonna happen… Sal’s gonna realize what’s going on. Help get the two of them together. Then math geek there is gonna help her pass the class out of his immense gratitude.
I… really really hope that’s not supposed to be a British accent. I promise you no-one but outside of Wallace and Gromit says ‘cracking’, and no-one but schemies say ‘fit’ unless they’re being sarcastic. Someone’s been watching too much Mary Poppins.
Wallace, if the name and knack for engineering wasn’t a sign to anyone else, also strikes me more as a Brit of the Scottish variety, as opposed to English, like I’m assuming Penny is supposed to be.
I have to disagree, I’ve heard people repeatedly use all of those words, in standard conversation, with complete sincerity. It might be a bit outdated, but given that they’re not living in Britain then that’s about right.
Also, given how attrociously most American comedy represents British accents, I’m willing to give this a lot of leeway for not being flat-out racist.
Aye but when I move about the country I tend to pick up the local lingo. And maybe my Nan says ‘cracking’ but I’ve never heard anyone my age say it sincerely.
I agree about the leeway though, now that you mention it. I was watching Prometheus, there was this actress in it doing an atrocious Scots accent despite the fact that I know her to be Scottish. Clearly she’d been asked to ham it up for the Americans.
Well I suppose it’s entirely possible that all my friends actually do say cracking all the time when I’m not around. It’s some kind of conspiracy. They just don’t want to upset me.
To be honest I don’t think it’s even any of the individual words in the sentence that bothers me, on their own I probably would not have even noticed. But as a complete statement it’s jarringly abnormal. The only person I could imagine calling anyone a ‘cracking fit bird’ would be a sleazy middle-aged proper London geezer on the bevvie with his mates. And it would sound awful coming from him.
Agree with Hbees. I hear every one of Penny’s Britishisms (from a usual sample of London, Hampshire and Yorkshire, incidentally) on a semi-regular basis. It’s just never *all at once*, which I think is what’s a bit jarring for me. It’s like she’s overcompensating for something. Possibly for not actually being British. She may be faking the accent to get into Jason’s pants.
Or it could be the normal thing of a US writer bringing English Accent B (“Approximately Cockney”) into play (with Jason being English Accent A, “The Posh Bloke”), and so I’ll just get another cup of tea and try not to let it bother me.
Haha, I just figured out who talks like that. Sid the Sexist from the Viz. Which, while being about as British as it comes is not a good reference material. XD
ah, I always love seeing other nations aproximation of our accents. it would surely make life so much more funny if anyone did actually talk like many of these
How do you feel about Americans that speak like Brits but in a native accent? I often speak in proper Queen’s English, and when I use slang, it is heavily laden with British terms. Especially expletives. It’s probably due to my heavy education in Literature and the English language, and the ridiculous amount of BBC television I’ve watched all my life.
Did you know that only 2% of the worlds population is natural redheads? Penny is a rare jewel indeed.
I don’t know why you guys afraid of Penny. Sure she’s psychotic murderous bongo hell bent on world domination by crossing her old boss and sleeping with his son.
But in this one, she’s actually looks younger, happier, and….. hotter.
Also my avatar is now Jason! Whoooo go Jason! hit them both!
Formerly posted in the wrong place (how annoying):
Penny, I assure you, our intent is purely mathematical. We’re studying interactions involving rigid and deformable bodies transitioning from sinusoidal oscillations into a chaotic phase with mass transfer.
I’m not an expert, but I believe that “sod it” denotes more of a “Fuck it, whatever,” sort of attitude rather than disappointment. I think the word you want here is “bollocks”.
The expert I consulted was Australian, so he may be pulling my leg or it could be different down under, but “sod it” equates to the universal “oh sh#t”.
I remember watching G Gundam on Cartoon Network, first time I’d seen it, but on a forum I frequented at the time most of the people spent the whole time talking about characters that wouldn’t appear until later on.
So I guess at least two thirds of the people leaving comments here know all about Penny already, or rather they know some stuff about her, since this Penny is different from the other Penny. Me, I know that she’s British. Or Irish I suppose, what with the red hair and all. British Isles somewhere.
Of course accents that differ from your own are frequently very sexy, so in lieu of knowing what her personality is, I’m going to like her by default for now.
In the Walkyverse continuity, Penny was Jason’s ex-girlfriend (sort of) and his fathers lieutenant (sort of) only she killed Jason’s father, and took command of his loyal army of british Ninja’s.
And then went on to be a royal pain in Jason’s nethers.
“Oh, Penny, came and you gave without taking,
but I sent you away, Oh Penny.
And I need you today, Oh Penny.”
“Sod off.”
Dammit, beaten to the pun(chline)!
Ohhhhh Penny.
pre-marital hanky panky time!!
The intent is purely mathematical.
…or journalistic.
…with his penis.
He can rub her tummy with it quite well
Does this mean Jason’s father isn’t evil either?
Well there was that time he ran over that raccoon and kept driving.
Well, it was a stuffed raccoon so it the fault there goes to the sick bastard that goes around stuffing raccoons.
He thought it would be full of candy.
Instead it was just full of internal organs.
Worst pinata ever, or best pinata ever?
Hrm. Organs are no longer internal.
He’s probably a stand offish negligent father that spent all of Jason’s childhood wastng time over a glass of whisky and resentment.
Unless Jason’s dad is actually Gallaso then he would be evil.
Jason is Squee’s older brother?
Um. Being a TA is proof Penny isn’t evil?
I’d think the expression on my Penny avatar’s face would be enough to point out the fallacy of that assumption.
I like that you got this face. I don’t know who you are, I’m just glad this face is already in circulation.
Jason is surrounded by women with impenetrable accents.
It’s his personal Rule 36.
Lucky bastard. Accents are sexy.
(Holy carp! I’m Sal now.)
Like myself in college, Jason hangs around with impenetrable women. Good show!
Women wear chastity belt in this college?
They all become college lesbians.
But, finding penetrable women is the entire POINT of college.
It would have been helpful had the school brochure mentioned that…
Oh, look, it’s Penny. Excuse me for a sec.
(Goes to kitchen, gets glass of water, returns, takes sip)
Delayed reaction syndrome.
I prefer invisible spit take. Easier and cleaner.
I would suggest better sights.
Use the damn scope – that’s what it’s there for.
Yes James?
You were a bit high an to the right.
Sounds like Rush Limbaugh.
Penny, I assure you, our intent is purely mathematical. We’re studying interactions involving rigid and deformable bodies transitioning from sinusoidal oscillations into a chaotic phase with mass transfer.
You’ve made me so very happy.
I’m so glad you came into my life.
I’m very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical
About binomial theorem I’m teeming with a lot o’ news
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse
Bored, James Bored!
So, she did harbour feelings for him?
No, they were just ships who passed in the night!
Yeah guilt for nearly killing him. Weren’t you paying attention at all
Paying attention costs 2 cents and he only has one Penny.
In the UK there called pence not cents.
The ha’penny has to come from somewhere…
What accent is that?
Cockney if I’m right. Jason’s seems to be more Londoner of a higher class.
And I was just talking to my friend about how attractive I find cockney accents.
I thought that depends on who’s speaking cockney.
Dick Van Dyke style Cockney maybe.
rhyming slang. I think.
There’s not a single word of rhyming slang in there…
Well, I don’t know the etymology of ‘cracking’ in this context, but I doubt it’s any more rhyming slang than the rest. Bird is just a reference to actual birds, ‘fit’ meaning attractive should be obvious, snog’s etymology is unclear (but seriously post-dates the heyday of rhyming slang by close to a century), and sod is short for sodomize.
Kamino Neko, you are my new hero.
Yays! I like being people’s hero. >_>
… That doesn’t work as well with my gravatar as with yours…
I believe “cracking” is slang for “awesome” or “excellent”. It’s sad I remember this from watching Wallace & Gromit.
There is noting sad about that. Wallace and Gromit is amazing.
Oh, I know the definition, it’s the etymology I’m not clear on.
Without any kind of auditory evidence (or use of contactions and the like to denote accent) Penny could well be speaking a particularly foul mouted Received Pronunciation, though in my head, it’s Estuary
Cracking’s nicked from the Irish, I believe.
And where’d you nick nicking from I wonder?
Never be sad about learning anything from W&G. Awesome show for awesome fans.
Snogging is making out
Ohhh you were wondering about etymology… I was just like “Whats s/he going on about?”
Hah, yeah. Not to worry, I totes knew what it meant.
(That’s twice now people misread me as talking about the definition. I’m beginning to think I wrote it unclearly…)
The influence of Cockney rhyming slang carried even to America. Ever wonder why making that rude noise with your tongue is called “blowing a raspberry”? “Raspberry tart” rhymes with “fart.” Your trivia for the day.
The more you know!
For some reason, I’m thinking Jason’s as proper RP, and Penny’s as Scouse. Not a very thick one, but it’s there.
A twinge of fear just ran down my spine.
It’s not like Britjas exists in this continuity?
I was hoping they’d turn out to be a TV show, like the Head Alien.
“Coming to you this summer. They’re British and they’re ninjas. They fight crime.”
Fight crime?
Light Creme.
They bake stuff. Ninja that bake stuff.
They’re a disgraced squad of Britjas who had to take to the underground to avoid being taken out by their former comrades. They take on mercenary job to make ends meet, usually taking on thugs and racketeers.
It doesn’t look like it at first, but when Nigel shows up in a crocodile costume in the third episode you realize “This is just the A-Team with Britjas!”. Only they don’t have a van.
The B-Team?
how about Break dancing crime fighter ninja pirates that moonlight as pastery chefs?
Yes but SHE does. *shiver*
What? She’s not scary, heck she looks kinda hot even with the eye-patch and the crazy.
We don’t know she’s without the crazy.
Even though I’m 99% certain Willis wouldn’t go there, I can’t help thinking the fact that she even exists is set-up for an eventual school shooting plot.
Does Penny’s carpet match the drapes?
I ask all the important questions.
Most likely.
Question: has anyone ever known someone where the carpet didn’t match the drapes?
Are you aware what the question means?
Does naturally black hair with dark reddish brown pubes count?
I know people with blue hair so I’m assuming they don’t match.
If you mean blue as in bluish black then yes they can naturally match.
I bet a lot of them go for the ‘hardwood floor’ look.
Heh. “Hard wood.”
Dying doesn’t count.
Sure it does.
It is, in fact, the entire point of the question.
It’s a euphemistic, yet crude way of asking if somebody dyes.
Ah. I’d always assumed it was more straightforward than that.
But isn’t it a myth that carpet and drapes will always have the same natural color?
Not really a myth per se…with MOST hair colours, they’ll match.
But, yeah, they don’t always. (Especially with blondes and some shades of redhead. Sun exposure can have a strong effect on those.)
Well that all depends on where she purchased it from. Y’see in modern home design it is sometimes key to use color schemes rather than having everything one solid color. As such if she had purchased blue carpet, she would want a cool color to mach the drapes, perhaps a purple or green. However, it also pays to use complimentary colors, especially if you want to bring attention to something. It makes certain things pop, especially if it’s one small area in a room that sticks very closely to one color scheme. The effect is relative to both item location and size as too much of a conflicting color may not look as nice as a smaller area. So, if Penny has any decorating sense, I would argue that the carpet does not indeed match the drapes, as far as I know for I do not have the pleasure to look into her presumably lovely place of dwelling.
By that logic her pubic hair would be cyan blue.
This is now in my personal canon.
Since no one else offered, I volunteer my services to find out.
Is that a gigantic floppy disk on the desk?
A relic from the 80s no less.
I think it’s a notebook.
I would love a giant novelty floppy disk. It’d be funny cuz even it wasn’t a gag it’d still be completely useless in 2013!
I think ThinkGeek has like, a notepad or a pad of sticky notes made to look like a floppy…
Ah! Here: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e5da/?srp=2
Pheh, real floppies would make lousy note paper, on account of being black.
In my office, we’ve just got real floppys and turned them into drinks coasters.
That is the best idea I have ever heard.
Also, Yay another penny gravatatar
She… that hair/eye scheme, smile and accent…. She’s adorable! <3
Not sure if serious, but am definitely disturbed.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s cool to see her. It’s just hard to block out the alternate universe version.
She is adorable, yet terrifying. Like a dolphin.
I don’t care about her alternate version. In here she’s hot!
“Our intent is purely mathematical…multiplication to be specific.”
So Watership Down it is.
Legs will be divided, inches will be added and clothing will be subtracted.
Don’t forget calculus. Jason hopes to find the area under her curves.
Well, Jason is going to figure out that x=3, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves
Hey, can I use that? There’s this cute girl that a friend of mine knewin calculus class and I’m kinda interested in her……..
Of course. It came from the internet. lol
Just watch her turn out to be someone in this site’s comments section.
That would be a match made in Cheese heaven. We should all be so lucky.
There’s no truer love than nerd love. Except maybe dork love.
If you miltiply his fantasy by i, will that make it real?
Dividing a fantasy by an imaginary unit…
Can someone who paid better attention than me to It’s Walky tell me who Penny is?
I’m pretty sure she was part of Jason’s Father’s Organization, then became leader of it after killing him and taking his eyepatch for herself. Also I’m pretty sure she slept with Jason at some point.
In that comic; Jason’s crazy ex, who also muedered his father.
It’s almost like a greek tragedy.
Given that they’re TA’s in this reality, wouldn’t it be a *geek* tragedy?
Not if they’re in a greek sytem fraternity/sorority.
I’m guessing being insufferably British is a requirement for being a TA.
People are more likely to be hired if they got a nice accent.
You have no credentials but your voice is like a finely tuned violin. Welcome to the team Mr.Facepuncher.
Mr. Facepuncher also has finely honed debate skills.
A left hook and a right uppercut are very handy for winning debates.
Facepuncher? How do you get out of hospital, back you your webcomic now.
Got to learn to proofread before posting.
Is that the brother of Mr. Punchyface?
Isn’t it convienient that Walkyverse!Penny already wears a suit and therefore doesn’t need a new wardrobe design?
Also, I know she always had two eyes, but eyepatchless!Penny looks weird to me. I look forward to her being a pirate for Halloween a decade from now.
Maybe she offends Sal, who gives her a black eye, which serves as a sort of metaphor for the eyepatch.
Maybe she’s secretly penny from Out at Home.
Almost interesting? Jason, I think she wants you to snog her off hours.
Chicks dig a man in a bow-tie.
Well, bow-ties are always cool.
Especially when attached to a mad man with a box.
And especially if that mad man had a fez or a stetson on.
Don’t even get me started with mustaches.
No love for beards?
“Chicks dig a man in a bow-tie.”
A man digs bow-chicka-tie-tie.
Same old Penny.
I just realized that Willis beat Doctor Who to the punch on not only having a British guy with a bow-tie he’s endlessly mocked for, but also on giving him a psychotic romantic interest who tries to kill him.
Penny made it to LOST purgatory too?
As an aside, I don’t know whether it’s Willis’ art improving, missing an eyepatch, a deliberate redesign, or some combination of the three, but Penny just looks so much younger here than she did in the old Walkyverse. It’s a little jarring, to be honest.
I was gonna post an explanation for this–that gaining second-in-command position for a massive organization takes years longer than getting a TA job–but I Wayback Machined her article on Walkypedia, and that says WV!Penny was born in 1975, making her 28/29 in It’s Walky!–only a couple of years older than DOA!Penny probably is, since if I recall correctly Willis pegs DOA!Jason at 26 or so.
So…I got nothin’.
He said Jason was 23 in last Friday’s strip.
Ah, okay. So she is in fact closer to a decade younger than her Walkyverse self.
Presuming that all TA’s are exactly the same age, which would be a sort of novel hiring policy.
I think I lean more of lack of stress. When you’re working in an organization that deal with evil intentions of course it will shave off your age due to a lot of stress.
your ignorance of grad school is stunning
Shouldn’t she have an eyepatch? She looks weird without one.
Anyway, I’m calling it now, she has a glass eye.
She always had both her eyes. She took Dargon’s patch as a power symbol, without any apparent concern that it may be a handicap in combat.
We see both her eyes moving here.
Actually it would be an asset cuz if she fights in a dark environment, she can use her covered eye which is already dilated to see and fight.
Really? Huh. That’s actually very interesting. [/sinceritymode]
I doubt that’s what she was thinking, though.
Allegedly, pirates actually did that, hence the whole “pirate with eye-patch” thing. They weren’t all really missing eyes.
Well, not all of them anyway. Sailoring really was a kind of sucky profession regarding safety, and pirating on top of that probably didn’t help matters.
Given how vital depth perception is in close-quarters combat, I’m not sure I buy that.
His explanation would presume that at the point where combat began the patch would come off anyway, because there’s not point in preserving your night vision if you don’t use it when you need it.
The idea is that it preserves night vision for the transition from bright above-decks fighting to dark below-decks fighting. Having done more than a little hand-to-hand combat myself, I suspect the disadvantage of losing binocular vision in the above-decks fighting (where you have to keep the eyepatch on to preserve night vision) more than outweighs the brief advantage of slightly better vision in the dark when you go below decks.
(I love that my avatar for this conversation is Amazi-girl.)
…my God.
A non-psychotic Penny.
She could be a tsundere. Or worse, a yandere.
I always thought Ruth’s role would be better suited by Penny, since DOA!Ruth bares more resemblance personality-wise to Penny than Ruth.
Since she’s here now, though, I look forward to seeing how this dynamic works.
Non psychotic as of yet… I’m gonna wait for a few more of her appearances before I declare her non-psychotic.
Okay, who wants to take bets on how long before she hooks up with Joe?
I’ll give her two weeks DoA time.
Which will be what two years our time?
This whole comic has been running for about 2 weeks in DoA time (and a lot of those days were cheat coded by Walky waiting for his PJ jeans), so that’s roughly about right.
So here’s what’s gonna happen… Sal’s gonna realize what’s going on. Help get the two of them together. Then math geek there is gonna help her pass the class out of his immense gratitude.
…All things considered I have a really hard time shipping Jason/Penny.
They did it at least once in that other ‘verse, and if she’d not an evil dimension hopping murderer in this one, why not?
Non-evil Alternate-Universe Army Penny!
I’m just worried that Sal is going to stretch out that nice sweater vest!
Jason’s not allowed to be interesting. It violates his stuffy british teaching assistant contract.
1. Did not follow Walky, so no prior knowledge of Penny.
2. Penny is HAWT.
On note #1: I am in the same situation as you
On note #2: I am…still in the same situation as you
I get the feeling that penny just wants to rip jason’s clothes of and ravage him. repeatedly.
True for either meaning of ravage.
her halloween costume shall be this.
I’ll bring the camera.
Kill it! KILL IT NOW!
Hey! She has a name, mister. It’s Jason.
Jason? Are we in Crystal Lake now?
That was my reaction too, albeit preceeded by “AAIIEEEE T3H EVIL!!”
PENNY!!! i totally forgot about her need to exist in the dumbiverse until this exact second. im soooooo excited!!!
Please let her last name be Lane…!
or Gadget.
I… really really hope that’s not supposed to be a British accent. I promise you no-one but outside of Wallace and Gromit says ‘cracking’, and no-one but schemies say ‘fit’ unless they’re being sarcastic. Someone’s been watching too much Mary Poppins.
Wallace, if the name and knack for engineering wasn’t a sign to anyone else, also strikes me more as a Brit of the Scottish variety, as opposed to English, like I’m assuming Penny is supposed to be.
Actually, Wallace is English, but he’s from Lancashire, in the North – we sound a lot different to Southerners up here!
I have to disagree, I’ve heard people repeatedly use all of those words, in standard conversation, with complete sincerity. It might be a bit outdated, but given that they’re not living in Britain then that’s about right.
Also, given how attrociously most American comedy represents British accents, I’m willing to give this a lot of leeway for not being flat-out racist.
Aye but when I move about the country I tend to pick up the local lingo. And maybe my Nan says ‘cracking’ but I’ve never heard anyone my age say it sincerely.
I agree about the leeway though, now that you mention it. I was watching Prometheus, there was this actress in it doing an atrocious Scots accent despite the fact that I know her to be Scottish. Clearly she’d been asked to ham it up for the Americans.
Sure this isn’t a case of No True Scotsman?
Well I suppose it’s entirely possible that all my friends actually do say cracking all the time when I’m not around. It’s some kind of conspiracy. They just don’t want to upset me.
To be honest I don’t think it’s even any of the individual words in the sentence that bothers me, on their own I probably would not have even noticed. But as a complete statement it’s jarringly abnormal. The only person I could imagine calling anyone a ‘cracking fit bird’ would be a sleazy middle-aged proper London geezer on the bevvie with his mates. And it would sound awful coming from him.
Agree with Hbees. I hear every one of Penny’s Britishisms (from a usual sample of London, Hampshire and Yorkshire, incidentally) on a semi-regular basis. It’s just never *all at once*, which I think is what’s a bit jarring for me. It’s like she’s overcompensating for something. Possibly for not actually being British. She may be faking the accent to get into Jason’s pants.
Or it could be the normal thing of a US writer bringing English Accent B (“Approximately Cockney”) into play (with Jason being English Accent A, “The Posh Bloke”), and so I’ll just get another cup of tea and try not to let it bother me.
Haha, I just figured out who talks like that. Sid the Sexist from the Viz. Which, while being about as British as it comes is not a good reference material. XD
Amazing, that’s totally right now that you mention it. Tits Oot!
The only way this could be better is if Penny actually had a Geordie accent, instead of just being based on a character with one ^^
I thought she was making fun of Jason’s accent…
ah, I always love seeing other nations aproximation of our accents. it would surely make life so much more funny if anyone did actually talk like many of these
How do you feel about Americans that speak like Brits but in a native accent? I often speak in proper Queen’s English, and when I use slang, it is heavily laden with British terms. Especially expletives. It’s probably due to my heavy education in Literature and the English language, and the ridiculous amount of BBC television I’ve watched all my life.
Did you know that only 2% of the worlds population is natural redheads? Penny is a rare jewel indeed.
I don’t know why you guys afraid of Penny. Sure she’s psychotic murderous bongo hell bent on world domination by crossing her old boss and sleeping with his son.
But in this one, she’s actually looks younger, happier, and….. hotter.
Also my avatar is now Jason! Whoooo go Jason! hit them both!
Enter the second DOA character to have irises.
How did you overlook Joyce?
Ahahahaha! She rogered the boogley!
I didn’t think it was possible for someone to shoot up my list of favorite characters so far with just one comic.
Inspector Gadget’s grownup niece is now in the comic!
And really hot & sassy!
And British!
Her latest computer book would put Star Fleet tricorders to shame.
And suddenly we were all reading Bad Machinery.
[yugiohabridged 52] Okay, since when did this strip become /AMAZING!?/ [/yugiohabridged]
Formerly posted in the wrong place (how annoying):
Penny, I assure you, our intent is purely mathematical. We’re studying interactions involving rigid and deformable bodies transitioning from sinusoidal oscillations into a chaotic phase with mass transfer.
Cockney-speaking freckled sexy redhead? Why doesn’t she teach at my u?!
Life’s not fair.
I’ve just realized this strip is filled with funny accents.
*deep breath*
…that is all.
This is the DoA’s version of Menny Penny? I wonder what region of Great Britain that accent is from?
I don’t remember this character
I don’t think I understood the second panel.
Don’t worry, I understand British English.
“Bringing in a beautiful girl for an off-the-clock makeout session, are we, Jason?”
I think the part that threw me off was “crackin’ fit.” Is that even british slang?
Yep! “Cracking fit bird” = very attractive lady.
You probably wouldn’t say “cracking fit” on its own, though.
I have never seen this character before but I am already in love. Take me. Take me now.
You didn’t read that.
I’m not an expert, but I believe that “sod it” denotes more of a “Fuck it, whatever,” sort of attitude rather than disappointment. I think the word you want here is “bollocks”.
The expert I consulted was Australian, so he may be pulling my leg or it could be different down under, but “sod it” equates to the universal “oh sh#t”.
As an Aussie myself, if we do use the term sod, it will be in one of these two forms; sod it[forget it] or sod off[feck off].
Sod it generally means “forget it” in this context.
Needs moar eyepatch.
Kill her! And kill her again to make sure!
I thought this some Out At Home cameo of Penny. So many 4th wall jokes.
I wanted Faz.
Sex is mathematical.
1+1 = 2 or more
When i read the words i hear marry popins.
I remember watching G Gundam on Cartoon Network, first time I’d seen it, but on a forum I frequented at the time most of the people spent the whole time talking about characters that wouldn’t appear until later on.
So I guess at least two thirds of the people leaving comments here know all about Penny already, or rather they know some stuff about her, since this Penny is different from the other Penny. Me, I know that she’s British. Or Irish I suppose, what with the red hair and all. British Isles somewhere.
Of course accents that differ from your own are frequently very sexy, so in lieu of knowing what her personality is, I’m going to like her by default for now.
She planned to kill Jason, chop him into pieces, and rape him. Order undecided.
Nice girl.
hoooooooooooly fuck my new avatar is Penny. And that’s the first post that I ever made with it.
Maybe penny was hoping for a threesome.
Am I the only one who doesn’t know who Penny is? Someone please fill me in I feel like I’m missing so much.
In the Walkyverse continuity, Penny was Jason’s ex-girlfriend (sort of) and his fathers lieutenant (sort of) only she killed Jason’s father, and took command of his loyal army of british Ninja’s.
And then went on to be a royal pain in Jason’s nethers.
Oh well that explains everything, thank you.
No worries Random NPC. So do I get XP for completing this quest, or am I just getting loot?
Are all teacher’s assistants British?
I saw real life Pajama Pants/Jeans today!
I wanna marry Penny. She’s the one for me.
Anyone else imagine Jason and Penny with the voices of the Luteces from Bioshock Infinite?
So is there some kind of affirmative action thing going on in the math department with regards to employing people from England?
Is she irish?
I just realised that Indiana is incredibly international for a hick state lol.