Also de-boned chicken is used …. please not that de-boned does not imply free of bone …. just that it is ground very fine, sonicated and the whoole mess bleached so that it is “white” chicken meat ….. white does not mean breast …. As for the fish thing. Used for both binding agents as well as a flavorless filler [made the same way is faux crab] TMI at yer service XD
Because most people, I imagine, would be embarassed about it. Walky is almost proud of his failure to contain a fart. I mean, I would be too, but Mike would probably hate me too.
…To be fair, Mike can probably see how this will play out, in all its flaming, train-wreck-y goodness, and is trying to save everyone, including themselves, the drama.
Yeah…Mike always had a high amount of hatred, ever since he was a baby. It grows each second, seeking to destroy all life. Mike is Zeromus from final fantasy 4, but Mike can suceed in ending all life
There’s no maybe about it. What Mike did was maximize misery. Make Walky feel bad about being a slob and Dorothy embarrassed for liking one. Besides when has Mike ever done anyone a favor that didn’t involve getting some pleasure from someone else’s suffering?
I love Mike. While I don’t love Walky, he is as much a force of nature in his own way. No matter what Mike does to him, Walky will just fart, then describe it. As for Dorothy, she should just run…far far away.
you make it sound like that’s walky’s fix for everything. aw mike gave me a wegie. farts* that was like when you eat lots of spagheti and you can almost feel the garlic.
Walky’s underwear are now perfectly fine and snuggly in his pants.
Actually, are virgins really better choices as sacrifices? I mean, I don’t know about you, but if I was an evil god, I’d prefer a girl that actually knows what she’s doing.
I do not know why I am doing this but I am now questioning Walky’s knowledge of bodily functions. For there is no ad hoc scientific way to gauge how loud a fart would have been. For it is common knowledge the volume of said fart depends on the positionig of one’s rear in addition the internal pressure within the colon
*Brrrr-pt-pt-brrr* “That was one of those farts where you think it’s almost done, and you reflexively close up, and then there’s more.”
*Pweep?* “That was a leaning cheeksplitter.”
*Pwharp-baarh!* “Oogh. Shouldn’a had those tacos.”
Of course, you should use some discretion (don’t do it during an interview, in an elevator, during sex, etc), but if you’re around just the guys, let it out and be proud.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 3h
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 4h
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
I saw the sound effects before reading the word bubble that said “Fart,” and was appropriately traumatized.
What, you thought that some eldritch horror was wanting puppies?
‘Pull out your pups’ won’t have quite the same meaning anymore.
What meaning does it have?
Pull you your sweater puppies as in you bewbs
@Kerny: what Khrene Cleaver said.
So it does.
Looking out for the Amber look-alike. Even in this universe he cares… ish.
…That would explain the “method to his madness.”
Still, why wouldn’t he have cashed-in on Joe’s betting pool?
Mike has no need for your money. he gets plenty of change from your mom.
And I bet it was nugget fueled too…
Walky’s farts aged Mike a few decades.
Dear gods, what’s in those things?
You should be asking what are in those McNuggets…
@Kerny: Things that the human race is just not ready for, that’s what.
Up until a few years ago? Fish.
That was meant for Khrene. Oh well. Works just as well.
Mcnuggets are PEOPLE!!! holds up Mcdonalds menu. IT’S A COOKBOOK IT’S A COOKBOOK!!!
The workers actually pulled Johnny out of his car and ate him! They eat people.
[Takes cookbook and blows off dust] “How to cook FOR McDonalds Workers” Damn space dust.
Wait! [Blows off more dust] “How to cook FORTY McDonalds Workers” Make sure to get all the space dust.
That must be the old, outdated version. Because Walky clearly had FIFTY. MCNUGGETS.
They must be some huge ass McNuggets then, I am fairly certain that I can make a few hundred McNuggets from the average human.
Also de-boned chicken is used …. please not that de-boned does not imply free of bone …. just that it is ground very fine, sonicated and the whoole mess bleached so that it is “white” chicken meat ….. white does not mean breast …. As for the fish thing. Used for both binding agents as well as a flavorless filler [made the same way is faux crab] TMI at yer service XD
and I have no idea why my post was inserted where it was …
It still has more meat than Taco Bell and McDonalds. Combined.
This discussion grosses me out a bit . . . since I’m a vegetarian.
I prefer to not have meat in my taco. …that would be funnier if I were a girl.
It’s going to slowly age him till he dies, then reforms, reconstitutes, rebirths and grows back into college aged Mike. That’s just how bad it was.
This is Mike’s cost for buying pajama pants.
That’s going on the list of interesting bodily trivia I DON’T wanna hear about in the middle of the night.
What? Mike hates Walky because he farts? Nah, not good enough. The hate needs to be fueled on something that not everyone does.
Mike doesn’t need a reason to hate. Mike IS hate.
It all depends on what the ‘fuel’ was for those farts.
College cafeteria food.
If cafe food is as bad as it is often depicted in the media, Walky’s farts will be weapons-grade.
I think that it was the commentary on the gas that pushed Mike over the edge.
What kind of question is “[what] the hell was that?” if you _don’t_ want commentary?
Because most people, I imagine, would be embarassed about it. Walky is almost proud of his failure to contain a fart. I mean, I would be too, but Mike would probably hate me too.
Walky, rather than saying excuse me like a normal person, goes into detail of the kind of fart he just farted? there’s a reason
To be fair, I think I’d hate Walky too if I was in Mike’s place right there.
…To be fair, Mike can probably see how this will play out, in all its flaming, train-wreck-y goodness, and is trying to save everyone, including themselves, the drama.
Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a dick, though.
So there is a method to Mike’s madness, and it all comes out in the end.
Walky’s rear-end to be precise.
It’s okay Mike. You’re young. You’re still learning the finer parts of plot-making.
How is he not murdering Walky already? This is Mike for crying out loud. Walky should at least have been hospitalized once by now
This is a younger version of Mike in an alternate universe, his hatred is still growing you have to give these things time.
Yeah…Mike always had a high amount of hatred, ever since he was a baby. It grows each second, seeking to destroy all life. Mike is Zeromus from final fantasy 4, but Mike can suceed in ending all life
There’s no maybe about it. What Mike did was maximize misery. Make Walky feel bad about being a slob and Dorothy embarrassed for liking one. Besides when has Mike ever done anyone a favor that didn’t involve getting some pleasure from someone else’s suffering?
Oh Mike.
*quirky sitcom music plays*
I love Mike. While I don’t love Walky, he is as much a force of nature in his own way. No matter what Mike does to him, Walky will just fart, then describe it. As for Dorothy, she should just run…far far away.
you make it sound like that’s walky’s fix for everything. aw mike gave me a wegie. farts* that was like when you eat lots of spagheti and you can almost feel the garlic.
Walky’s underwear are now perfectly fine and snuggly in his pants.
aww Mikes giving them his blessing!
But how can you bless anyone without virgin sacrifices?
I dunno, but Good-aligned Clerics seem to do it just fine.
Of course, the idea of Mike as a Good-aligned Cleric is impossible to imagine.
Neutral aligned clerics usually don’t need virgin sacrifices either. If Mike is a neutral aligned cleric,
Though it wouldn’t surprise me if Mike’s deity was either is Orcus or Asmodeus depends if he is chaotic evil or lawful evil.
Okay, I say this out of curiosity and not horror: what the hell are you guys talking about? Because if it’s a video game, I want in!
Hence Mike’s need for virgin sacrifices.
Actually, are virgins really better choices as sacrifices? I mean, I don’t know about you, but if I was an evil god, I’d prefer a girl that actually knows what she’s doing.
he doesn’t want virgins for the sex. he wants them just for the knowlege that they’ll now never have sex because of him.
You can easily substitute virgins by adding eggs, baking soda, and an extra cup of brown sugar.
Take out the egg yolks and substitute ten McNuggets and you can create a homunculus!
Did Dorothy’s hair suddenly get longer? I thought it’d been a week or two since the strip started, how does hair grow that quickly?
Now that she’s going to be seen in public with Walky, Dorothy has started wearing wigs to keep open the option of plausible deniability later.
Mike: still thinks couples never fart in front of each other.
Mike: Thinks his own farts smell like roses.
Mike was a hero all along
I know that feel, bro.
I do not know why I am doing this but I am now questioning Walky’s knowledge of bodily functions. For there is no ad hoc scientific way to gauge how loud a fart would have been. For it is common knowledge the volume of said fart depends on the positionig of one’s rear in addition the internal pressure within the colon
Walky got his knowledge the scientific way – he’s done extensive peer-reviewed testing.
…I think I may be in love with Mike…..
Not about the comic, but HEY! Congrats Willis! Pledges all done and through!
*demands a Dorothy sketch*
Panel 4 is probably Mike’s most sincere moment in the entire Willis-verse. He’s disgusted by Walky and he shows it. (But only to us.)
David Walkerton’s Annotated Farts.
*Brrrr-pt-pt-brrr* “That was one of those farts where you think it’s almost done, and you reflexively close up, and then there’s more.”
*Pweep?* “That was a leaning cheeksplitter.”
*Pwharp-baarh!* “Oogh. Shouldn’a had those tacos.”
YOU, sir, win SEVERAL free internets.
So is Walky starting to gain a Sal-esque Southern accent of his own? Every new strip seems to give his speech extra apostrophes and abbreviations.
New theory. Sal IS Walky.
How did they appear at the same time in the motorbike scene?
Simple. The Coriolis effect.
Dude. Your avi is PERFECT for that line!
It works for anything that I put in dramatic italics.
For example. My explanation of the beach scene?
The Van der Waals force.
So THAT’s what Butt Tacos sound like.
is it wrong that i read that as conflatulations?
the image of robin with that question almost makes it better
I think it’s perfectly appropriate.
Sorry, Mike. Stick to being nasty, it’s what you’re good at.
If you’re going to fart, just let it out.
Of course, you should use some discretion (don’t do it during an interview, in an elevator, during sex, etc), but if you’re around just the guys, let it out and be proud.
Mike’s face made me burst out laughing in the 4th panel. Not helpful considering I’m reading this at 3 in the morning.
…same. 3:20
Is it wrong how hilarious Mike’s face is in panel 4?