The Dumbing of Age Book 12 Kickstarter is on! And it funded! And we’ve unlocked the first two stretch goals — Liz magnets and renewing weekend comic strip updates for another year! It’s bananas!
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The Dumbing of Age Book 12 Kickstarter is on! And it funded! And we’ve unlocked the first two stretch goals — Liz magnets and renewing weekend comic strip updates for another year! It’s bananas!
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Soon: Each cast member has their own entry in the Suspiciously Specific Denial page
There is more than one wiki?
I guess someone decided that the biggest problem with TVTropes wasn’t being hosted by Fandom.
All The Tropes also isn’t Fandom-run, it’s Miraheze. That’s all I know about it, though.
That’s kinda the entire point of wikis. Even the Wikimedia Foundation runs like 10. Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikispecies, Wikibooks, etc.
Some wikis are only stubs.
Says who?
There was a schism, like, a decade ago over editorial decisions and stuff.
RE: Alt-Text… 😢 Oh no!
I know… either that or she decided to still be a politician after all?
It won’t be Self Destructive. It’ll be Stealth Seductive.
I doubt Dorothy has it in her to be stealthy right now, she’d probably just kiss Walky.
amazing pun, yoto, i love it
Many self-destructive things cause rashes
Is that why they are called rash decisions?
probably not, but it would make a lot of sense
Most rashes are hasty and ill-conceived.
And she’ll have Fun Fun Fun till—
She’s going to seduce Walky, isn’t she? Oh, Dotty, this will not go well.
He was a skater boy, she said see you later, boy.
He wasn’t good enough for her.
She was a wannabe, and her head was in DC
She needed to come back down to Earth.
Or Joyce. She was looking for her, right?
I think she just wants someone to talk things through with. Which is why she went to Joyce first.
Wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up admitting remaining feelings during that talk though. Honestly I’m hoping for it. She deserves some self-honesty after all this trying to push through. But then again, that might end up with her getting hurt even worse. Eh, I dunno…
Sometimes speculation hurts worse than knowing.
(X) Doubt
I am so tempted to turn this gag into an interactive web-thing.
there are def enough ‘squinted/judgmental eyes’ panel reactions that’d fit in the ‘x to doubt’ meme
Why is so hard for people in this comic to call it a Switch? Walky and Booster have refered to as a Nintendo what is it 1989?
Also Dotty no… don’t do whatever you think your going to do.
I know the NES came out in 85 I I was born in 89 and didn’t have an NES till 94 Also there has been six main consoles (excluding handhelds) that have come out and none of the characters are old enough to have been alive when NES was called a Nintendo.
It’s not that annoying but it is annoying enough for me to comment on it.
Less dating. Nintendo will make a game system in the future, but it may not be named “switch”. The DS references were outdated long before the time he was using them.
On the other hand… I know for a fact that a significant share of middle-school-age students have/want handhelds such as the DS & GBA; if for no other reason than to play specific games (like Pokemon gens) that they can’t legitimately access elsewhere…
This is an alternate universe where Carla’s family markets them as Nintendos because they’re saving the Rutten name for the really good one.
Weren’t those 3DSes?
On the off chance the next Nintendo console isn’t called Switch 2 or Super Switch because the comic is in a sliding timescale
Part of me wonders if it’s future proofing and part of me wonders if it’s a case of the age gap between the creator and the characters cuz I definitely have older friends that just call it “a nintendo”
There are some kids now who call it “a Nintendo.” In my experience, this is a minority, but they are very insistent on this terminology. But I do agree that I hear “Nintendo Switch” or “Switch” more often.
mostly i think it’s hilarious for everyone to just call it a nintendo
it just seems funny to me
Ok that answers that makes sense thank you for clarification
it is a funny word
Fakakta is a funny word.
Aunt Fakakta would disagree.
I don’t know what that is a reference to but Fakakta means ridiculous or silly
Is the actual device Booster is holding meant to be a Switch or just something vague enough to cover the sliding timescale?
Its in a travel case.
And I don’t get the big deal, no one calls the new xboxes anything but “xbox.” and playstation is forever playstation, regardless of number.
In my house we had “the 360” and “the One” but now it’s back to “the Xbox” because “XSX” is too much, somehow.
(Most of the time. There was once I came home and the Kinect picked me up as I came in the front door and logged me in, going “Hello, Rayndel” and my response was “Hello, XBox.)
The Playstation bounces between being ‘Playstation’ or “PS5”.
It’s like everyone deciding that search engines should all be referred to as “Google”. Wait. No. The inverse of that.
AI assistant. Search engines are so 2022. SOTR did a similar joke lol
Having worked in a video game department, that is an extremely unhelpful associate. This lady is trying to get into video games and clearly doesn’t know what she’s talking about. That’s your cue to excitedly explain the basics and invite her into a new hobby!
Part of the joke in that comic was they were speaking French… And those phonetics have a different meaning in French.
Ok i get it sliding time scale makes sense so hopefully no one else comments about a sliding time scale on this thread no need to be redundant.
The sliding timescale means that people will always be having a conversation with you about the sliding timescale, no matter what day or year it is.
She’s going through a list of who she wants to make a sex with. She started with Joyce.
If she could work out some sorta threesome she’d make it happen.
They have all three fallen asleep together in a bed. Just, you know, get a little more comfortable. With each other.
You know, it occurs to me… Walky and Sal exist, but IRL, you don’t generally get identical twins of different chromosome types by definition, unless one of them has something wonky happen.
It would amuse me given everyone’s assumptions if Booster were actually AFAB, but I think I prefer the headcanon that their sister is transfem.
It’s also common for non-identicals to seem identical. The Olsen Twins were treated as identical until they were in their teens.
For comedic and drama reasons, having the gender opposite twins has all kinds of potential. Especially if one, the other, or both can pass. See Shakespeare. Or, the Go Get a Roomie rerun right now.
Cesario, oh Cesario. Oh hi, Sebastian, it’s you.
I like this headcanon :3 unrelatedly tho, I see no reason to think Walky & Sal are meant to be identical rather than fraternal twins? Unless the Willis hath rendered them identical through author powers…
Other then Walky saying he was repeatedly mistaken for his sister before, probably before Sal got the growth spurt.
Identical twins look identical, but not all twins who look identical are identical twins. Don’t blame me, I didn’t invent the language.
The standard move in English is to blame the French.
Walky and Sal probably are not literally identical twins, they just closely resemble each other
ObQuestionableContent: Claire and Clinton aren’t twins at all, despite extremely similar appearances.
Claire despite being shorter and the more slender of the two is in fact the older sibling.
In grade school, I knew boy/girl twins that looked exactly alike, to the point that I could not internalize the fact that only SS twins can be identical till I was fully fully grown.
What in the world are you talking about? Walky and Sal are NOT identical twins, as evidenced by the fact that you can tell them apart and also the fact they have different genitalia.
Why do you start out with the bizarre assumption that they are “identical twins” when they (clearly, obviously, blatantly) aren’t?
They meant they look the same. It’s referenced in comic constantly. Chill the fuck out dude
Have you not heard of androgen insensitivity syndrome?
Genetic male, physical female. Have been known to have the aggressiveness of physical males, which could explain Sal’s history. But Word of God is that Walky and Sal are very similar fraternal twins.
But it’s caused by genetic differences on the X chromosome, which means they wouldn’t be genetically identical anyway.
“Aggressiveness of physical males”? That’s some TERF bullshit right there.
It’s time to live up to the name of this story I suppose.
Yo, if Dorothy puts it down on the Walkman on top of that snow pile I will suddenly respect her a little bit more than I do already!
Way less respect for Walky, considering he tactically agreed to saying he loves Lucy. I don’t have a lot of respect for Dotty on the whole, so this is pretty much where I expect her to go.
Reddit post for Ethan for today:
The actual cannibal?
Sometimes people end up falling for the wrong person.
Booster knows a ton about Walky. I had two roommates in college. I can’t tell you what city they were from (despite asking and being told probably a dozen times) or name a single one of their other friends much less the friend’s schedule. Booster is creepily well informed (or maybe I was just a bad roommate).
Plot twist: The real reason Booster knows everything about everyone is that they found Mike’s notes.
Damn. That’s a thought.
Nah, Mike’s ghost is Booster’s spirit guide.
Still say Booster is Mike. Somehow, someway. The art matches too well and it bugs me.
I fully support the idea that Mike’s notes included Lucy’s class schedule for the spring semester, despite the fact that Lucy and Mike never met and spring semester class signups were well after Mike died.
All, is going in accordance with Mike’s master plan.
I also had two roommates in college, and I remember more about one than the other, probably because we had more in common. The first roommate was from a different city in my state, while the other was from Japan. The first one and I both liked playing video games, while I’m not really sure what my Japanese roommate did in his free time, but he wasn’t into the same stuff as me and he didn’t spend much time in our dorm room outside of his classes. I got along with both of them pretty well, but I’m not sure if it’s normal to not remember a lot about your college roommates.
How much of that is remembering things well after the fact vs never knowing them at all? I mean, I don’t even remember my freshman college schedule, much less my roommate’s girlfriend’s, but I definitely knew it at the time.
Here it could easily be something Booster just heard recently, rather than creepy stalking.
Dorothy did a Joyce right there, haha
Dorothy Does a Joyce: a Dumbing of Age Pornographique
I’d rather Walky break up with Lucy rather than cheat on her (if that even happens).
Even if it were Amber instead of Dorothy, I’d prefer him to break up with Lucy rather than cheat, though at least they’d have the precedence of being garbage and can be a garbage pile on top of a snow pile.
That said, I do not expect any cheating, though I do think the result of this will push Lucy to trying to jump Walky’s bones, third date be damned, and we’ll see if the Walkman will rise to the occasion.
Agreed, any of them cheating would suck. :/ Though I suspect Dorothy’s version of doing something wild and crazy will just be to go declare what she actually WANTS rather than try to skip ahead to the emotional closure she desires to accomplish
Honestly I’m kind of for it. Not really the cheating aspect of it, but if this wakes Walky up to his relationships and what he wants then good. Walky and Lucy have been dating maybe two weeks, ultimately that wasn’t much investment. Lucy might get hurt, but not as hurt as she could be down the line.
What is this cheating business? In order for cheating to occur you have to be in a committed relationship. Where did either ask the other to date them exclusively? Is playing the field a dead concept that somehow became evil?
I don’t know if they ever talked about it, and if it were any other person, I’d say who gives a fuck, but Lucy specifically acts like a girl who cares about exclusivity since she’s dropping the big L-word so early.
Playing the field is still a thing, but it’s very much not a thing that either Walky or Lucy think they’re doing. Even if they haven’t specified on screen that they’re exclusive, they’re still treating it like a committed relationship.
I would say around the point that Walky committed to the “I love you” part. I realize he is still navigating how he ACTUALLY feels, but I it still seems like an obvious “relationship” moment that counts as exclusive until otherwise discussed.
Typically when you reach the “boy/girlfriend” stage and you’re introducing them to your family members, that’s exclusive. Unless you’re poly it’s rare that actually needs to be discussed
Yeah, I think the general assumption is that if you’re putting a label on it and haven’t discussed otherwise, you’re most likely exclusive.
Ah yes, the Nintendo, held horizontally because eventually there will be a successor to the current console and we‘re going to be VAGUE.
Aaaaaaaany day now, Nintendo. I’m not excited for it, but I’m tired of people looking forward to it.
Hey good point.
one of these days they’ll run outta names and will have to use the letters/initials to spell out nintendo lol
Their names have almost universally sucked since the NES. Initials would be an improvement.
Dorothy, I have absolutely no idea what your plan is, but I’m absolutely sure nothing can go wrong with it and I unreservedly endorse it.
your “i’m not about to do anything rash and or/self-destructive” T-shirt wholly sets to rest any misgivings i may have had.
Is Dorothy contemplating suicide? Don’t do it, Dorothy! You can still be president of some not-for-profit.
i mean jumping to that after mentioning walky seems a bit extreme, i just interpreted it as, “i might proposition walky despite knowing he’s dating lucy” but hopefully she can find an alternate way/person/etc
She’s contemplating doing Walky on top of a snow hill.
I mean, within reason, being rash/self-destructive seems like a rite of passage among the college experience lol
also, isn’t the snow hill melted by now?
Not likely, ita still mid-january, and anyway packed snow lasts longer. Still climbable is a different matter. if there’s been a few warm days it might now be covered in ice
There was a strip about it earlier. It’s just a pile of gravel and exhaust now.
How those piles tend to go. The snow melts from the top leaving behind all the dirt and nastiness that was mixed in as a cap layer.
Haha true =) i stand corrected
Dorothy, you know that’s not how this comic works!
Is Walky on top of the snow hill rash and/or self destructive?
Since the snow hill will contain road salt, traces of engine oil, and who knows what else, doing Walky there might well cause a rash, yes.
Spoken like someone about to do something rash and/or self-destructive.
She was just asking Ruth for advice, what else did you expect?
Look Dorothy go ahead and be rash and self-destructive if ya wanna, but maybe don’t try to destroy your ex-boyfriend’s current relationship?
Just waiting for the “you’re only my ex because I *let* you leave, now I want you back, so it’s all good now” speech.
If so, I hope Walky gives her the Don’t Yank Me Around I Have A Girlfriend speech.
Anyone else seeing the wrong book/chapter for today’s strip? It’s the right strip, but the site is saying its from book 14, chapter 1 for me.
Hmm, I’m seeing that too. This strip does appear to be filed incorrectly in the system.
You were trustworthy 3 days ago, Dorothy.
I’m jealous of the DinaxBecky shippers who never have to see their ship imperiled. Dorothy is trying to attack both my lil boats
Related: even if the name may prove to be false, if it hasn’t been coined yet I’m calling WalkyxLucy Lucky
So if Dorothy breaks them up, did she get Lucky?
Pronounced “Loose-Key” of course.
About that…
While Booster might be psychoanalyzing Dorothy soon, the weekend strips can’t be. Yay, it’s renewed!
When is Booster not psychoanalyzing whoever is close by?
Is Dorothy trying to bait Booster into using their invasive psych powers? I wonder if it works when you ask for it…
Ha ha, they said McNutt.
Does Booster’s sister go to the same University as them? It would be fun to see her.
She’s not tagged yet, but she’s probably this character in Leslie’s class with Carla, Jennifer, and Ruth:
Ohhh thanks I forgot about that!
It’d be really funny if that’s not her, though.
“I think that you’ve bumped into just the right psychoanalyzing enby”
“But I already got life advice though”
“the nintendo”, Booster said, being a 65 year old
yes I see the response upthread, I am guilty of commenting before perusing
I can’t remember how many times I’ve done that. Replying to comments from the bottom of the page up is a tough habit to break!
I hope they remembered to rewind the Nintendo tapes.
I think that’s supposed to be a Nintendo Switch. They use CDs, not tapes.
I hope they remembered to rewind the Switch CDs. They can just pause their game of ForKnife to take care of that.
Switches use cartridges. The CD one was the GameCube. Or the Wii.
In Soviet Russia, Tetris tape rewinds you!
If you wanted Booster to pay attention that was the right thing to say…
Maybe it’s their time to shine
I refer to my PS3 as either “the DVD player” or “the game machine” so people in my life who care nothing for Nintendos or Pokemans will know what I’m talking about. Wait, is my life more future-proofed than the comic is?
Booster, I gotta say you have an AWESOME “sus” face. 😉
I love all of Booster’s faces
It better not be trying to screw around with your ex who’s in a good relationship despite the insecurities he’s just confided in you. It can be a lot of rash and self destructive things, but it better not be that.
Seems to me like “I need to talk to someone I trust with very personal issues, and one by one I’m finding they are all out.”
Booster. Booster please, although I feel lukewarm toward you and I admit I have not yet gotten over the whole “taking photos of Amber without consent” thing, I am begging you. Please do that which you do. Right now. I think you may be able to help, but, failing that, the chaos that will ensue would be magnificent. I am hoping for help, though; Dorothy has been through a lot and done a lot for others and she really does need to be the one getting support from a peer right now instead of vice versa.
Speaking of Dorothy, here’s an old colored pencil drawing I did of her years and years ago! I should do an updated one with her newer hair soon.
Iiii very cute
Thank you!
now dorothy im all for self destruction but consider the possible casualties in this endeavor.
…..Lucy. It’s Lucy. If you break Lucy’s heart i will end u
Reminds me of when Joyce was after Jacob. I loved that ship and think they would have done well together, just like I loved Dorothy and Walky together, but the circumstances where Joyce was going after him meant it was a disaster that couldn’t possibly work out.
Dorothy will ironically cause fewer casualties (and maybe less self-destruction) when she’s knowingly doing something rash than when she thinks she’s being responsible (yet still doing something rash).
Maybe she’s just looking for reassurance about ditching yale from someone else who consciously chooses not to put in maximum effort at everything
Booster: “… What? Oh no, i know you’re gonna do something screwed-up, like, obviously. i meant, you’re not gonna say anything about the Nintendo, right?”
*pushes lucy out of the picture* out the way boring the best ships gonna set sail again
I finally caught up with ongoing!
Yeah! Hooray!
welcome! hope you enjoyed your ride here!!
Happy birthday, Carla!
(She’s not in this installment but we all know she’d appreciate the attention regardless.)
Happy Birthday Carla!!! 🥳
Are we getting a Dorothy/Walky/Jennifer scene with the promise of a Ruth convo?
Considering the whole fuss she did over Joyce’s actions or intent… this would be *really* bad form.