Archive for ‘Comic’

I’m at Phoenix Comicon right now! Come see me and Joel Watson at Booth #243. That’s a different booth than advertised earlier, ‘cuz our original location blew huge monkey balls and we got ourselves moved.
As you come in the entrance to the exhibitor hall, we will now be in the back left corner, amongst the dealers.

I’m at Phoenix Comicon right now! Come see me and Joel Watson at Booth #243. That’s a different booth than advertised earlier, ‘cuz our original location blew huge monkey balls and we got ourselves moved.
As you come in the entrance to the exhibitor hall, we will now be in the back left corner, amongst the dealers.

I’ll be at Phoenix Comicon today! Come see me and Joel Watson at Booth #243
#1749! That’ll be an Artists Alley corner booth in the far back corner next to the “LEGO Display” and “Star Wars Neighborhood.” Check out John Troutman’s map.

If the Kickstarter reaches $42k by Saturday night, you get Sunday updates! I mean, yeah, you’ll get Sunday updates if we reach $42k afterwards, but they’ll start later.
there are some pretty awful cliffhangers coming soon that you probably don’t wanna have to wait through a sunday for

Hey, guys! Now that I’m with Hiveworks, they’re gonna be testing new ads with me — y’know, going through different ad networks, seeing what is good and what isn’t. Since there’s a lot of trial and error involved, there might be some bad ads! You know, stuff with sounds or pop-ups. If you see anything like that, here’s something you could do that would help us make sure they don’t pop up again:
E-mail with as many of the following as you can manage:
- the ad image
- image URL
- source code of the tag (right click>inspect element)
- screenshot if possible
- your location