Hey, guess what, I finally got my next Slipshine comic finished this evening, and it’s going up on their website on May 1! That’s, like… tomorrow? Good turnaround! “Head of the Class” is sixteen full color pages and it turns back the clock to January 2013, our time. Look, Sal/Jason had to be done, and they’ve diddled it up exactly twice, are not diddling it up currently, and so in the time machine we went. Anyway, it’s drawn naked sexytimes, as per usual, but I figure I should mention that for anyone new here. Don’t want anyone to get through the paywall and be startled by genitalia and whatnot. It’s there, folks. It’s definitely there. Peruse the Walky Performs A Sex FAQ for additional still-relevant info.
And yadda yadda, five days left in the Book Four Kickstarter, blah blah.