Archive for ‘Book 03’
The Kickstarter reached $27k a few minutes before midnight, and that means the stretch goal to also print Roomies! Book 2 is totes surpassed. So if you wanna go add that book to your pledge, there are some tiers there for you now.
Also, when we reached $20k early Friday, that unlocked Saturday updates. So if you didn’t come back Saturday, go back a day or so (past the Kickstarter ad) to see what you’ve missed!
Just a few hundred dollars remain until YOU GET COMICS ON SATURDAY, STARTING TOMORROW.
*nudge nudge*
COME BACK TOMORROW FOR A NEW STRIP, woulda been monday’s but now it’s SATURDAY’S
OH HEY! GUYS WITH iPHONES! The Comics Chameleon webcomic app has just gone live in the iOS App store, and so if you wanna read Dumbing of Age on your Apple Thinger in a me-approved way, that is totes a thing you should do. And check out all these other comics available on Comics Chameleon! They’re all excellent! Well, except Hijinks Ensue, obviously. Dude hasn’t finished writing my Book 2 foreword yet.
(Book 2 Kickstarter is imminent.)
(A heads up.)