Archive for ‘03 – Answers in Hennessy’

If the Kickstarter reaches $42k by Saturday night, you get Sunday updates! I mean, yeah, you’ll get Sunday updates if we reach $42k afterwards, but they’ll start later.
there are some pretty awful cliffhangers coming soon that you probably don’t wanna have to wait through a sunday for

Hey, guys! Now that I’m with Hiveworks, they’re gonna be testing new ads with me — y’know, going through different ad networks, seeing what is good and what isn’t. Since there’s a lot of trial and error involved, there might be some bad ads! You know, stuff with sounds or pop-ups. If you see anything like that, here’s something you could do that would help us make sure they don’t pop up again:
E-mail with as many of the following as you can manage:
- the ad image
- image URL
- source code of the tag (right click>inspect element)
- screenshot if possible
- your location

$15K DOA BOOK 2 <—- funded
$20K SATURDAY UPDATES UNLOCKED <—-funded, starting immediately
$27K ROOMIES! BOOK 2 in black and white <—-funded
$32K ROOMIES! BOOK 2 with color Sundays <—-funded
$75K will for-reals draw a multi-page uncensored sexytimes scene involving a canon couple of my choosing, for backers only*
*drawn art doesn’t seem to count against Kickstarter’s “no porn” thing (remember Smut Peddler?), just live-action people. Plus it’s just a stretch goal and not the project itself, so.

The Kickstarter reached $27k a few minutes before midnight, and that means the stretch goal to also print Roomies! Book 2 is totes surpassed. So if you wanna go add that book to your pledge, there are some tiers there for you now.
Also, when we reached $20k early Friday, that unlocked Saturday updates. So if you didn’t come back Saturday, go back a day or so (past the Kickstarter ad) to see what you’ve missed!