Archive for ‘Book 01’

I should probably note at some point, since there was no room for it in the strip itself, that the “Bechdel Test” was popularized by Alison Bechdel’s comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For. Bechdel’s friend Liz Wallace actually came up with the test, but, uh, whoops! Sometimes names happen that way.

Just M-W-F strips this week, folks. Sorry, this is where the bronchitis I got three weeks back caught up to me.
I try to maintain a three week buffer as a rule not just out of OCD, but because these strips are much more complex to draw than my usual fare, and not having that sense of “OH MY GOD I NEED TO DRAW TOMORROW’S NOW” urgency lets me relax and do them perfectly.
(Even still, you can probably still tell that this week’s strips weren’t drawn on my best days.)