Archive for ‘Blog’
“Pool” – A Dumbing of Age poster print
by David M Willis on October 14, 2010 at 5:43 pm
I’ve got one more convention this year, New England Webcomics Weekend (November 6-7), and I wanted to make sure I had some Dumbing of Age mechandise. Well, there ain’t enough comics yet to fill a book, so I went the art direction instead. I’ve done art before — in fact, “limited prints” were how I made a living about a decade ago — but I wanted to try something a little nicer this go-round. When I was a young webcomic upstart, I printed out my stuff at, y’know, Kinko’s. (Youngsters may now know this fabled place as “FedEx Office.”)
So check this out. I ordered them online a week or so back from a very nice place that is not Kinko’s, and they arrived today. 17″x11″ artwork printed out on card stock gloss. It’s amazingly nice. I am serious. It’s as nice as my artwork can possibly look! They’re so nice that I kinda want to frame one myself, but man that’d be kinda douchey.
If you want an unobstructed-by-afternoon-lighting look at the artwork, click on through here to my DeviantArt account. And to own it, it’s available in the Shortpacked! Store! for $15 and shipping. It’ll come to your mailbox nicely rolled up in a tube.
Did you know I started out ten years ago selling limited prints for $25? And now they’re ten bucks less, twice as big, and a hojillion times better quality. Progress is grand!
More love for Dina, from artists and bees alike! This one’s by Jason Meador, otherwise known as that guy who drew my AnimeFest 2010 badge. He’s pretty awesome.
The cuteness of the hat compels you! And what it compels you to do is draw fanart, judging by this drawing of Dina by the infamous John Troutman. But just because Dina’s having a good time doesn’t mean her hat has to be! It’s so, so put out.
Ruth owned last week’s fanart, so can we get a little Dorothy in here? Yes we can, thanks to Starline! Go read her webcomic, Candi. It’s about a pink-haired girl who totally also goes to college.
Unshelved Book Club “Dumbing of Age” strip
by David M Willis on October 8, 2010 at 11:13 amBill Barnes is the creator of Unshelved, a webcomic about librarians. Don’t laugh, it’s true. A regular feature is the Unshelved Book Club, where characters talk about a book they’ve read. Sometimes Bill invites other webcomics to get into the act, and probably, what, a billion months ago he asked me to.
I originally planned to do something with Robin and Leslie from Shortpacked! about The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs, but then convention season happened and I became Worst Guest Comic Contributor Ever. But a few weeks ago Bill reminded me that he could totally end me, and I got back to it. Not because of any threats of bodily harm he may or may not have threatened, but because we’re really good friends and I didn’t want to let him down.
Between the original solicitation for a guest strip and the actual creation, I had a new webcomic. So enjoy.
Ruth, the Black Mamba, by Karen Rustad
by David M Willis on October 7, 2010 at 12:00 pmAccording to Karen Rustad, Ruth has risen from her Roomies!-crafted grave the old-fashioned way, by digging herself up out of her own coffin! And her wrists are all slashed! Oh, okay, I see, this is a Kill Bill reference, not a suggestion of Unfortunate Implications. Phew!
Frightening Spectre-Ruth by Yovnocrats
by David M Willis on October 6, 2010 at 12:00 pmI think we’ve discovered a favorite subject for Dumbing of Age fan art. Though, hey, look, it’s Mike! He’s novel! Thanks, Yovnocrats, for adding to our nightmare fuel.
Hey, look, more art of Ruth! This time, it’s be Erika Peterson. Ruth looks pleasant. … suspiciously pleasant. Hrn.
This can’t be good.