Woo, it’s art of Joyce in her dress (but with improvements that do not impress Billie) by Jackson Ferrell! It is great.
This storyline so far has been gifting me with fan art pretty solidly. I am in bliss.
Woo, it’s art of Joyce in her dress (but with improvements that do not impress Billie) by Jackson Ferrell! It is great.
This storyline so far has been gifting me with fan art pretty solidly. I am in bliss.
A few weeks ago on Tumblr, me and Starline and Randy had a “pin-up week” where we drew our characters as sexy pin-ups. I got mine printed just in time to sell as double-sided post cards at San Diego Comic-Con, and I have some leftovers to sell to you, the public!
If you want to see the original pin-ups, they are archived at my DeviantArt account.
There are five post cards with a pin-up on each side, for a total of ten pin-ups. The set comes with SarahJoyce/Ruth, Walky/Dorothy, Sal/Billie, Ethan/Jason, and Amber/Mike. Find them in the store!
I got a two copies each of DoA Book 1 and the Shortpacked! Book 1 reprint from my publisher today. THEY ARE FANTASTIC OH MY GOD. Especially Dumbing of Age. It is the best book I have ever done, ever. I want to lick it. And I probably could. This thing feels waterproof.
I can’t wait until I get the full shipment of these in about a month or so, so you can have them, too.
Man, you guys are super awesome. We had an original goal of $11,000 to print DoA Book 1, passed that in a few days, passed our stretch goal of $20k to reprint Shortpacked! Book 1, and within a second of the end of the Kickstarter, we’d hit $30k.
Originally I’d set another stretch goal for $30k, promising to print Roomies! Book 2 if that happened, but a few days ago I realized I’d gotten soooo many pledges I needed to print more books, and would have to cannibalize some of those funds to print more. But since we passed $30 anyway, I’ll see how much money I have after the dust settles (you know, Kickstarter fees, Amazon payment fees, taxes) and see if we can’t do it anyway. I’ll keep you posted.
There was a very sweet moment, like 4 minutes until the end of the Kickstarter period, where we had 666 backers. And then some jerks had to ruin it by giving me more money! Oh well.
But wow. 670 backers. Last year’s Kickstarter for Shortpacked! Book 4 only had about 250 backers. This, uh, kind of triples the amount of books I’ve ever sent out, ever. This will be daunting. Please have patience with me once these books arrive in my possession, for I am but one dude, and you are legion.
Time to gather your names and submit the final DoA book PDF for printing! We have done good.
A few days ago I gave you Amazi-Girl’s Mii scan thingy. Here are some for the rest of the Dumbing of Age characters I created. Might as well, eh? Now you can have DoA on your 3DS.
That’s right, this is art of Joyce making out with Sal’s motorcycle. It’s by Jackson Ferrell. No judgments! What machines we make out with in the privacy of our own homes should be our business and ours alone.
‘Scuse me, I’m gonna need to borrow some tissue and some KY.
Another late SLASH CONTEST entry! This Joyce x Sierra art by Anselmo isn’t smooching, which woulda disqualified it anyway, but whatcha gonna do. Sierra of course is playing the game popularized by JD and Turk of Scrubs, “Toe or Finger.”
Joyce’s general complacency is undeniable proof that Sierra keeps her feet incredibly clean and free of odor, despite all odds.
This is not the belated SLASH CONTEST entry I mentioned previously. This is a second belated SLASH CONTEST entry. It’s by a folk named Reese, and it involves Joe x Ethan. Suffice to say, if I’d gotten this about a month earlier, it’s very likely it would have taken first prize. I mean, look at it. Jesus, man, look at it.
Meanwhile, I am told the Maryland Marriage Allegiance is placing ads on my site. Yes, you glorious anti-gay marriage jerks, please, give me all your money, so that I can afford to continue publishing images like these on the Interwebs. Give me all your money and I will spend it at Starbucks.
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