Archive for ‘Blog’
A week from Monday, on September 10, I will have been doing webcomics for fifteen years. Dumbing of Age will also be celebrating its second birthday! To celebrate this milestone, I have put together a limited poster! Suffice to say, it’s the busiest thing I have ever drawn in my life.
A while ago, Joel Watson was all, hey, you should do a parody of Superboy Prime punching the universe and all the pieces scattering into the Walkyverse and the Dumbiverse. That’d be a poster you can do. And it was a fine idea, but it wasn’t “all-encompassing work of horror” enough for me. I needed something that would take me a month to complete. And so I’ve parodied a different, better crisis instead.
As a result, every character who’s ever appeared in one of my webcomics is in this thing. I poured through my own archives day by day, grabbing folks to squeeze in here. Some of them are pretty in your face. Some may be less obvious, but still pretty easy to find. Some may be essentially unrecognizable mostly-obscured heads in the background. But they’re all here. And there’s both Walkyverse and Dumbiverse versions of everybody. (You can probably tell where the split in the composition takes place.)
It’s an 11″x17″ slab of cardstock gloss craziness, and there’s only 50 100 of them. I’ll number and autograph them all. If you want one, here it is in the store.
UPDATE: I woke up this morning to find I’d sold seventy of my fifty posters, so, uh, I just ordered a second 50.
UPDATE AGAIN: They’re gone! Sold out in 23.5 hours. Woof!
“Dumbing of Age and Zombies” by leighm
by David M Willis on August 9, 2012 at 12:52 amWelp.
This piece by lieghm is it. The high point of my webcomics career.
I can pack it up now.
Go home, folks, it’s over!
“She’s With Me Now” by Anthony Sylvan
by David M Willis on August 7, 2012 at 9:36 pmUh oh, it’s Sarah’s biggest nightmare! Joyce and Raidah have joined forces, and Joyce has frowned down and tatted up. This is truly the darkest timeline. Many thanks to Anthony Sylvan!
This is art from dmh3000. I don’t think any additional text is necessary, do you? I mean, it’s Dina riding a friggin’ Tyrannosaur. Through the sky. Adding words to this is like offering some Spam with your steak.
It’s National Same Sex Kiss Day, and Dorothy and Walky are celebrating it the only way they can. Thanks, Jen Aside!
This is basically the best thing ever.