It’s Boxing Day, so that means it’s time for more stealing of Dumbing of Age fanart from Tumblr. Or so the tradition goes, starting right now. ClumsyRoyalty drew this!
Archive for ‘Blog’
It’s Christmas! In the spirit of the holiday(?), have some Dumbing of Age art that I stole off Tumblr I guess. It’s by Mokia!
Ethan/Amber prom photo on desk by Jackson Ferrell
by David M Willis on December 5, 2012 at 8:48 pmWe’ve seen fan art. But have we seen fan art of a photograph put in a frame and then arranged on a table made to look like it belongs to the character who owns the photo? Jackson Ferrell is hardcore, yo. So here we have a photo of Ethan and Amber at their prom night, all parties involved totally straight so far as they know, resting in a frame on Amber’s desk of homework and recreational reading. Sweetness.
Hey, you guys! Randomfanboy has taken it upon himself to enlist a bunch of folks to do voices of characters from Dumbing of Age and then marry this audio to panels from the comic! You know, because he’s awesome. This project is called Dubbing of Age, because, duh, and you can follow his and the voice talents’ progress on the Dubbing of Age YouTube channel.
It’s pretty damn amazing. Check out a teaser below, featuring 50maidsofgray as Joyce and I-don’t-know-who-can’t-find-a-name as Dorothy!
Dumbing of Age book 1 is now in the store!
by David M Willis on November 10, 2012 at 12:01 amHey, who wants a sweet Dina poster? If that answer’s you, then check out “Rarr!”, which is an 11×17″ piece of work printed on glossy cardstock. There’s also a wallpaper option for you, too. Check out the store page for details!
And I’m finally putting Dumbing of Age Book 1 in the store. I’m not done sending out the Kickstarter orders, but Halloween’s over and so I figgered I’d throw it up in the store anyway, what with it being Christmas shopping season now. I’ll just have to start mailing out new and old orders concurrently. (I’ve got about two-thirds of the Kickstarter orders in the mail so far, which is twice the number of books I’ve ever had to mail out before. Woof! It’s keeping me busy!)
I’m coming to Bloomington, Indiana, on October 5!
by David M Willis on September 29, 2012 at 12:01 amBloomington, Indiana, home of Indiana University and the setting of Dumbing of Age itself, will be my location on October 5! (That’s this Friday.) I’ll be signing Dumbing of Age books at Vintage Phoenix Comic Books from 5-7pm! I’ll bring a stack of them with me, of course, plus probably a few Shortpacked! book 1 reprints. If you live in or around Bloomington and wanna come meet me and maybe get a book or a sketch, I’ll be there!
I will eat at Mother Bear’s Pizza or I will die.
I’m coming to Bloomington, Indiana, on October 5!
by David M Willis on September 22, 2012 at 12:01 amBloomington, Indiana, home of Indiana University and the setting of Dumbing of Age itself, will be my location on October 5! I’ll be signing Dumbing of Age books at Vintage Phoenix Comic Books from 5-7pm! I’ll bring a stack of them with me, of course, plus probably a few Shortpacked! book 1 reprints. If you live in or around Bloomington and wanna come meet me and maybe get a book or a sketch, I’ll be there!
I will eat at Mother Bear’s Pizza or I will die.
Hey, some of you may know Josh Fruhlinger from his daily newspaper comic strip commentary at Comics Curmudgeon. Well, now you can also know him from his United States President Slash Fic Blog, Hail to the Slash. Josh commissioned art from me for the title! I have provided the too-hot-for-blog extra slobber version to the left. The full and final version of the graphic can be seen at the site itself, of course, as well as lots of stories about Presidents sodomizing each other.
I am still cranking out the 100 “Crisis” poster orders! I have approximately 75 of them in the mail. What complicates things is that this is also the week that my three literal tons of Dumbing of Age book 1 and Shortpacked! book 1 reprints arrived! (See top image!) And so I’m also working on those at an equally furious pace. I will probably have… 100 of them ready to go out the door to the post office on Monday? That is out of roughly 600 orders, so please bear with me. Those first 100 are from the folks who didn’t ask for any extras, since I wanted to get a huge chunk of them ready to be mailed as soon as possible — you know, to get some feeling of immediate accomplishment. Just throwing books in postage pre-paid envelopes and slapping labels on. It’ll be much slower going once I hit the international orders and folks who pledged for sketches.
So I’ll be keeping busy for a while. And probably be rewatching a lot of DVDs while creating more stacks of enveloped books like the ones on the right.