Billie doesn’t often look vulnerable; mostly she looks like she wants to kick your ass. Grounded-Zeroes has captured this disposition for us. Hurrah!
Archive for ‘Blog’
Check out this art of Joyce by Captain 70s! She just flew in from a four-way marathon and boy are her arms tired.
Dorothy, Joyce, and Amber by Chillydrawings
by David M Willis on July 5, 2013 at 2:39 amI’ve built up a stockpile of new fan arts these past few weeks, so it’s time to unleash them once again upon the website for all to enjoy. Today’s smattering is from Chillydrawings, who gives us not one, not two, but three characters! It’s all pretty awesome and I approve.
Hey, look! It’s more awesome Dumbing of Age art by Magnolia Porter! In case you’ve forgotten from last time, her webcomic is Monster Pulse, and it’ll rip your heart out and transform it into a monster.
what an adorable doomed couple they are
ek weaver’s best sarah art in the world
by David M Willis on June 9, 2013 at 9:18 pmi’m gonna just come out and say it
ek weaver is totes way better at drawing sarah than me
she of course is the force behind the less than epic adventures of tj and amal though obviously all of you already know that because it’s amazing i mean like hello
If you were wondering why Joyce was filling in for Ruth in yesterday’s billie-and-ruth fanart post, well, here’s your answer! Ruth was off somewhere being sad and drunk. “Ruthless” is by illusionoftheworld, and you can read her webcomic, Fractured Tea, on her DeviantArt as well.
Billie and Joyce by fasterthanstarlight
by David M Willis on June 6, 2013 at 9:54 pmOkay, so this half-breaks this week’s fan art theme of Billie and Ruth, but I’d ran out of Billie and Ruth art! (someone fix that) So here’s an amazing Billie and Joyce by fasterthanstarlight, stolen from her Deviantart. It’s actually the finished product of a sweet coloring tutorial she did! I’d go check that out.
I am constantly reminded that other folks dress my characters way better than I do.
Let’s continue our Ruth/Billie fan art theme, why not. Here’s something by Ryuusei924, in which Ruth explores cutlery.
It’s Billie and Ruth time in the comic, so have some Billie and Ruth art! This one’s by Astrid Lydia Johannsen, and I stole it from her Tumblr! She’s also got a comic, Threads from the Blue Rock Tapestry.
Some appropriate fanart for this week! It’s by YouIsIsYouWhoIsYou, and I totally stole it off their Tumblr.