(mentioned in the hovertext: the DoA OST, assembled via Tumblr a year or so ago)
Dumbing of Age Vol. 3: Your Stupid Overconfidence is Nostalgic
Written by: David Willis
Art by: David Willis
Price: $9.99
Joyce was homeschooled, and these first few weeks of college have been her first foray into public education. But now it’s Freshman Family Weekend, and her family is back to check up on her. Has college changed Joyce?
There’s so much love in the room I think I’m gonna puke. <3
As long as it’s not ass noises.
I guess.
That’s okay, Mary’s gonna ruin that soon enough….
My but makes noises and it makes my fiancée yell at me to open the window.
Ringing asses. Nice.
Willis’ Butts Disease must be flaring up again.
So far infected characters include Dorry, Walky, Ethan, Jacob, Billie, Ruth, Danny, Joe, and maybe Sal. Could be a full blown epidemic. Did I miss anyone?
Dina maybe?
Dina has definitely made some butt-focused remarks before. She did make it sound like an academic observation, but you never know…
If you’re worried about your propensity to contract butt disease, I have read that some men are predisposed towards such.
And those men who are predisposed towards contracting Butts Disease are incapable of concealing the veracity of their predisposition.
Indeed, even their masculine siblings cannot discount the possibility of contracting said ailment when exposed to its appropriate vector.
It is reported by the most unimpeachable of sources that under such conditions the aforementioned siblings become tumescent!
I think the last panel successfully summarized all of their personalities.
From left to right:
Doc, Dopey, Sleepy, Grumpy, and Happy
I can’t even begin to imagine who would be Sneezy.
Danny could be Bashful, at least when he’s around Ethan.
Dina would most likely be Bashful.
No, not Sal.
Appropriate choice of ringtone, all things considered.
Okay, the fact that Billie’s ringtone is Pink’s “Perfect” makes me want to cry a little bit.
Me too – cry at how AWESOME it is. **loves P!nk**
Technically we only know that’s her ringtone for Walky.
Ughh pink appropriate for this time but ugh
There’s a Dumbing of Age official soundtrack?
Am I gonna have to shut up and give Willis more money, again?
It’s a YouTube playlist he made a while back, associating each song to a particular character.
A kiss with a fist is better than none! How rollickin’!
I wonder who’s song “Clever Girl” is.
Yup: http://dumbingofage.tumblr.com/post/69043913272/dumbing-of-age-ost-i-guess
It’s a fanmix but still.
What would be a good one for Danny?
My guess is, another playlist: The Specials’ “Ghost Town” repeated several times, and finally the Irish national anthem.
Or, from Willis’ twitter feed on the right… http://t.co/NnzV8Ex4jc
We need to continue this. I nominate “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred as Joe’s theme song.
I was disappointed to learn that he was not the beekeeper in the Village People.
I just heard thoose songs and I just NEED a videoclip with each character(probably impossible but it would be AWESOME)
This made me realize I want to make a Ruth/Billie fanmix. So I’m going to go do that.
You have my attention…
1. I intend to use the phrase “ass is making noises” a WHOLE lot now.
2. Same w/”I can’t believe you made me use my phone like a phone.”
3. That song is great because of the OST AND how it relates to Billie/Ruth
Well this is nice.
“Jesus Christ, you dorks.”
“And my phone is ringing in my front pocket”
How dare she make someone use a phone to make calls. They’re for selfies and posting ill-informed tweets.
Or do both at once, with the wonders of Snapchat
With the internet in my pocket, I have no need for a phone that interrupts whatever I’m doing, be it browsing a map of my surroundings or writing to my friends about our impending meet-up, or even reading comics while I wait.
Using your phone for anything but surfing the internet or texting is one of the worst crimes of this generation.
Wait, is it bad that’s what we use them for, or bad that we don’t?
As far as I’m concerned, a mobile phone is a fancy MP3 player that you can also call people with.
Me too. I don’t get when people complain about like…the iphone. It still blows my mind that I can have games and music on this thing.
Anyone remember the phone booth? Cause I don’t think I’ve seen one in like five years.
I see one every time I watch 2 of the 3 good Keanu Reeves movies.
I hear they might be converting the remaining phone booths into WiFi hubs.
The last phone booth I saw was reserved for Clark Kent.
You still see freestanding pay phones (no booth around them) at gas stations some places. I think I graduated high school (2003) the last year they had pay phones in the front hall.
There’s a pay phone on my uni campus to this day but it doesn’t actually work so I’m not sure why it’s even still there ^O__o^;;
Probably cultural inertia.
After all, it takes money to rip something out, and even more to patch up the hole.
School’s doing a lot of renovating recently though. Probably wouldn’t cost too much more to take that thing out while they’re essentially tearing down and rebuilding three different buildings
I patiently await the day where all electronics combine into one multimedia capable Mass Effect-ish omnitool. With Laser Weapons. Make it happen Science!
I wouldn’t mind the small computer Cable had back in the 90s.
I can’t help but feel like it would be sold with an obscene amount of pouches.
I would be utterly alright with that.
Screw the computer, I just want the pouches!
I want a Kirby-esque Mother Box. Complete with Boom Tube capability.
What year is this?
DoA is set in the year 20XX.
Just before the robot uprising.
I only use my phone like a phone. I friggin’ hate people who wanna text all the time. Talking is TOPS. IT’S TOPS.
Talking sucks. I prefer a medium where I can control the pace of the conversation and take breaks to destress if needed.
Spoken like a true robot.
tell me this: can you google a good joke to say in a normal conversation?Robots rule!
Have you read my comments? I pull funny stuff out of my brain 24/7.
AHA! 24/7 you say? Only robots do that! Real people sleep. Infiltrator!
Implying I don’t tell hilarious jokes in my dreams.
I once dreamed of a synchronized old-people dance, involving walkers and wheelchairs, to the music, “I want to walk and roll all niiight (and party every day)”.
I awoke unsure whether to be ashamed or proud of my subconscious pun skills, but my point is, you don’t have to stop joking while asleep.
@Leorale: Have you seen the opening scene of “Mystery Men”? Cuz if you haven’t, you really should, lol.
Oh, and also that geriatric dance number in the latest “The Producers” movie.
I’ve seen neither! Sounds like I ought to.
I did once see a Lawnchair Brigade from a senior center in Ohio, involving like forty rad seniors doing a parody of themselves. I want to be like them someday.
I pull funny stuff from much lower down.
robots still rule(the world in five years)
I tried googling a good joke to use in an normal conversation, and got “A man walked into a bar and said ‘Ouch!'”. So no, I can’t.
Then there’s the dylexic guy who walked into a bra…..
A priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into a bar. The bartender says, “What is this, a joke?”
An infinite queue walks into a bar. The first person orders a beer, the second orders half a beer, the third orders quarter of a beer, the fourth orders an eight of a beer … the bartender just sighs “mathematicians!” and pours two beers.
(let’s try that again)
A QA engineer walks into a bar…
People can not understand me when I’m talking, and given how poor the reception is on my phone texting is simply easier.
Texting is using your phone like a phone.
It’s not the only way to use a phone like a phone, but texting is specific to phones.
I think it is, anyway. I’m not getting any younger so I might be missing something here…
Skype chats, Yahoo chats, MSN chats, icq… there’s a lot of non-phone, computer-specific chat programs out there. I think I use chats on my computer a lot more often than on my phone. Easier to type, for one thing… free for another…
Technically, SMS (texting) is specific to the earliest GSM phones. The SMS channel was intended to be used for configuring phones, but users eventually figured out how to use it to send short, <= 140 character messages to each other.
The rest is history.
Use one simple phone with big buttons for voice communication only. Use a separate “phone” with a touch-screen for everything else.
So what do you usually use your phone for then Walky? As a vibrating buttplug?
That’s a gross place to jump to.
Yotomoe, PM. Pm, Yotomoe.
I thought you two had met.
Don’t think there is much jumping involved unless someone inserts it in by surprise.
I feel like people would jump even if they’re expecting it. It’s like cold ice down the back of your shirt. You’re never truly ready for it.
Over the years, there have been people trying to freak me out by pouring icy cold water down my back, it never worked the way they wanted it to.
That’s where my mind went as well. ^_^
Obviously for porn.
Small screen and terrible lag with anything but private wi-fi. Clearly the best choice for porn.
Some people just want to relive the early-to-mid ’90s. Sometimes they do it by finding a way to wait for pornographic pictures to load.
But the screens keep getting bigger. Coincidence? I think not.
Grab your dick and… Tap your screen
A phone is for texting and taking photos.
. . . of your butt, potentially . . .
And for playing games with tiny fruit in them.
The only machine I’ll let photograph my bum is a photocopier, and I prefer to keep it that way.
The phone in the comic would make a terrible butt plug.
If I ever upgrade from a flip-phone, I’m pretty sure I’d say the same as Walky.
Walky : where have you been young lady I’ve been worried sick.
Billie: Geez relax mom !
Side note : nice timing for that one reference of that Pink song.
Better than “Walk of Shame,” I suppose.
Pink’s Fucking Perfect…. Huh didn’t realize how much that applied to Billie.
“She’s okay!”
For a certain definition of “okay”.
I love Sal’s disembodied voice coming from under her covers. [What I don’t miss about college: people in my room while I’m trying to sleep.]
One perk of being feared like Ruth is that not happening often.
there’s an ost?
Sort of.
Praying about what I wonder? That she was okay? That she’d show up? That she’d get better from her emotional damage? That she’d stop being infected with the gay? (well, the bi, but this is Joyce)
That her boobs would still be as nice as when she last left them?
It makes me so happy that Billie’s ringtone is ‘Perfect’. So very happy.
Walky focuses on the important things.
I’ve never related to Walky more than I do in this strip. I go to great lengths to avoid using my phone as an actual phone.
And I’m almost 40, so I’m probably not from the generation you would think I am for making such a statement.
Yay for introverts…
If I had to assign a ringtone to indicate to people it was me who was calling, I could do worse than the first 18 seconds of Van Halen’s Running With The Devil.
things are looking up for Billie. First, a sexy lesbian suicide pact, now a room full of peaple that care about her. And Mary totaly making a congratulations cake to her. Right? Right?!
Yeah, Billie! Don’t you know phones are for games and internet?
Doesn’t surprise me, good social comment “huh, my ass is making noise’ &
‘Damn you for making me use my phone like a phone”.
Ain’t it the truth.
Somebody stuff a sock in Joyce.
Rejoice Billy, you’re loved.
Man, c’mon people. She was just having a passionate drunken lesbian love affair. A girl can’t even do THAT MUCH anymore without the whole world coming to a stop?
Billie listens Pink(P!nk?)? A bit unexpec-oooh you got Do What You Want in the list!
She HAD to listen to Pink, and HAD to have that song as her ringtone. Oh Billie, you are perfect to me.
Who is Sal telling to woo Billie?
God, using a phone as a phone is sooo 2000s.
Wait so is this the part where Billie starts to realise there are people who care about her?
Or is Willis gonna make us hate him a little bit more
Billie in that last panel is pretty much perfect.
Except for where I want to use it in reference to her as well.
Seriously YOU ARE ALL DORKS AND I LOVE YOU and damn now I need to make Sims of you guys so you can hang out and also be happy.
If you have a 3DS, Willis has already made miis of most of the main cast.
and if you have Tomodachi Life they can all hang out and be happy.
Stupid dorks and their stupid caring.
Joyce: Please God, make sure Billie is OK.
God: Sure! How about some same sex premartial Hankie Pankie with destructive undertones.
Joyce: Er… I’m not sure that’s entirely…
God: Hey, being unfathomable over here!
Billie: Jesus, the two of you are such dorks.
Jesus: Don’t drag me into this. Now go and do onto others what you want done to you
Billie: I’m so one step ahead of you.
And people think I’m crazy for notifying them that I’m getting a call or a text by saying “My ass is buzzing”
Whelp, at least I’m in good company.
“Huh, ass is makin’ noises.”
The perils of butts disease. Ask your doctor about your butt today.
Dumbing of Age OST in Spotify – http://open.spotify.com/user/1290969517/playlist/1GNOt4bjQR3UZ9Uky1GUdX
Why is my facebook interface device making ringing noises?
“What is this sorcery in my pants?”
Mary has been praying for you as well.
“I can´t believe you make me use my phone like a phone” REALLY!? XDDDD
@damnyouwillis, it’s clear that Jacob’s entry in the Dumbing Of Age OST is “Sharp Dressed Man” by ZZ Top
Please excuse me if this is not the appropriate place to put this, but I couldn’t find an area to report maintenance issues. The Next button for today doesn’t link to tomorrow’s page and I didn’t see anyone else notice. I only check here every few days, or I would have noticed earlier. Sorry again if this wasn’t the right place to put this.
Never mind, its gone away. Sorry for the trouble, sir.
Dead tired Sal in the background is pretty fun.
Poor Sal.
I almost never use my phone to call, and its locked down so that nobody but my mom and two friends can call, only if they call twice in a row.