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“Nuuuu i am not a furry”
also, “multiple”
There are worse things in the world than being a furry…
Like a pet-o-phile perhaps? 😛
icwutudidthar ;D
could be a turophile?
Or trying to justify dehumanization because want your one eyed monster to be cool guy.
Also depends on how you define ‘furry’ – I know people who like to look at well-drawn furry art. Compared to what else exists on the internet, that’s fairly acceptable.
Well, I’ve hread there are some very extreme fringe groups, but these exist everywhere. Live and let live – and don’t try to tell me everything about your preferences, if my first sentence is: “Don’t bother, I don’t want to know.”
Curries are just like you, but with a better sence of astute tics and les hetero centric tendencies on average.
Except vindaloos, those are HOT!
I still think it would be funny to see a younger Sal in one of those churchmouse costumes as well…. 😀
Yep, it’s Beef!
We’ve seen Beef already
I often shout that as I’m leaving the room. It’s a good thing to make sure people don’t remember you that way, but instead as the guy shouting about it.
Just covering the bases so people don’t misunderstand.
clever. very clever mr. shouty guy.
Good advice. Will start putting that one into practice in today’s staff meeting.
uh oh
My God, Walky’s parents suck.
I mean, more so than we previously suspected.
Amber’s dad set the bar pretty low though. Like, really low.
The bar is in a mineshaft.
Bottom of a mineshaft, to be precise
Deeper than the Kola Superdeep Borehole.
probably went so far, it hit the nether.
The bar is currently being attacked by Zombie Pigmen it’s that low.
Wow, the bar is a dick too then, cause they only attack if you attack them first.
Well the bar in question was set by Blaine, so that’s not surprising.
@Mass Confusion: What do you organics have against mine shafts? I’ve visited lots of mine shafts, and they can be pretty exciting places. You’ve got lots of different ores, striated rocks, and the danger and thrill of cave-ins! Of course I only recommend mining for those interested in it; I’d never want someone to be forced to be a miner! No siree! (Help! Our new captain is forcing us to read his autobiography/manifesto!)
And that mineshaft starts at bedrock.
So therefore ‘verything below it is void
James Cameron probably couldn’t lift it at this point.
I am still waiting for baby Sal to show up.
I’m now left wondering if something happened to him on the set of one of these things to traumatize him, and his parents’ favoritism was them trying to make amends for it.
That might explain why he doesn’ t remember it.
I think the book touched him in a bad way.
Because…they put their kid in an adorable church themed children’s program? What if Walky’d grown up to be like Joyce and would’ve been happy to find that out? Huh? HUH? You don’t know what your kid’s gonna grow into.
Linda does. And she’ll make sure she’s right.
Seriously, I don’t know if “Put the child in an embarrassing video” really compares to anything we already know about them. Really, you’d think Walky would have a sense of humor about it. He always does when he’s not on the embarrassing end of the stick.
Well, he does seem to subscribe to the “religion is something stupid people do” flavor of atheism.
I prefer chocolate.
everyone prefers chocolate.
Pistatio ice cream. It’s amazing!
I don’t even know if he’s an atheist so much as he just thinks a lot of stuff is really stupid.
I mean he was all laying in about how romance/sexuality was stupid, but he remains a distinctly sexual/romantic creature. He’s gotten condescending about Joyce and Sal’s tendency to feel emotions, but he’s definitely an emotional creature.
He may hold beliefs that are religious in nature and still think it’s just really stupid to go to church or partake in religious programming. It would be in keeping with the “When I do it, it’s normal but when she does it she’s a freak” thing he’s got going on.
He’s Agnostic I think. Just like me!
I don’t think agnostics are in the habit of referring to God as an “invisible sky wizard”, that’s more of an atheist thing.
It’s less of a “God doesn’t exist” thing and more of a “God doesn’t exist how people tend to view him, which is as a invisibile sky wizard.”
I’m more surprised that one of these videos would even include a mixed race child. I’m an atheist but I’ve been to a lot of churches, and they are almost all split right along racial lines, no matter what the surrounding community looks like. It’s just one of the reasons I find most religious persons to be gigantic hypocrites. I asked a Catholic priest once, and this was after I had attended the service so it wasn’t just an ambush, why Jesus on the cross was depicted as a white man, when the historical Jesus would most likely have looked like your average middle eastern man. (i.e. Brown, not lily white). He gave me some load of crap about how it doesn’t matter how he is depicted for worship, which was just a way to dodge the real question. I didn’t want to offend my friends by questioning the priest further, but I was tempted to ask why, if it didn’t matter how he was depicted, there were no female Jesus on the cross, or giant slug Jesus on the cross. The bottom line being that all that really “didn’t matter” was having the race of the Jesus on the cross be different from the majority of the congregation.
Perhaps Walky was their token…
Religious people are hypocrites because mixed race people exist? What?
Trying super-hard to figure out how you got that out of what Oberon said…but I’m coming up short.
This is a cultural thing, not a religious one. People who grow up in racist communities are more likely to adopt that same racism into their religion and find some part of their religious law that excuses their bigotry, whereas people who grow up in communities where racism is low are more likely to adopt a more tolerant stance regarding the issue and find some part of their religious law that condemns such bigotry. This has been the cause of many, but not all, religious holy wars. Similarily I grew up in a very small community with less than 300 people in the town/village/whatever centre. In some small communities the opinion is that everyone from the outside, people of different skin color in particular are untrustworthy strangers. In other small communities the opinion is that if everyone don’t stick up for everyone, regardless of race, gender, capitalist or communist, the whole place goes down the drain. I grew up in the latter one. That’s not to say there wasn’t religious hypocrisy, but it mostly came from 70 year old men complaining about how the local priest was apparently a satanist for being a woman holding sermons in God’s name. The local culture had simply adapted away from their stance.
Not to mention, Jesus has been depicted as white for so long that, even in an evolving racial culture like ours, to suddenly change it now would be to “make a statement,” and that’s not what church is for.
Yeah, it’s not like Martin Luthor King Junior organized a huge portion of the civil rights movement around religion.
Excerpt: We aren’t going to let any mace stop us. We are masters in our nonviolent movement in disarming police forces. They don’t know what to do. I’ve seen them so often. I remember in Birmingham, Alabama, when we were in that majestic struggle there, we would move out of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church day after day. By the hundreds we would move out, and Bull Connor would tell them to send the dogs forth, and they did come. But we just went before the dogs singing, “Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me around.” [Applause] Bull Connor next would say, “Turn the fire hoses on.” (Yeah) And as I said to you the other night, Bull Connor didn’t know history. He knew a kind of physics that somehow didn’t relate to the trans-physics that we knew about. And that was the fact that there was a certain kind of fire that no water could put out. [Applause] And we went before the fire hoses. (Yeah) We had known water. (All right) If we were Baptist or some other denominations, we had been immersed. If we were Methodist or some others, we had been sprinkled. But we knew water. That couldn’t stop us. [Applause]
He was very specifically speaking as a pastor to his fellow Christians.
Seriously, if church isn’t to make a statement then what good is it even? Is it just a place for a bunch of people to meet up with individuals who hold similar views and feel good about themselves without ever daring to act on those views because that’s not what church is for?
Crucifixes tend to be based on the culture they’re in. In Mexico, Jesus looks like Hey_Zeus. In Asia he is Asian. Been in Black Catholic churches and they use a Black Jesus. It isn’t just that white people appropriate him, Jesus just ends up being part of whatever culture he ends up in. So your local pastor really has nothing to explain. If you want a non-white Jesus just visit a church that is mostly non-white.
Is my church a weird one then, Cus I’ve seen people of various ethnicities in mine. Then again, seeing as I was never taught that homosexuals were evil or anything, it might be.
Because 1. that’s the way we’ve always done it, and the religious are generally very traditional and 2. most Christians naturally depict Jesus as being like them, including black and Asian groups of Christians.
Seriously, the church, overall, is not racist. It’s just people tend to group themselves racially, due to differences in culture.
Some churches are very diverse, some are completely white, some are completely black and so on.
I have a friend who is pretty into that conversation. This was a really interesting article she posted:
Wow, lots of people over me, that link was a response to Oberon.
Yeah, I’m thinking tokenism.
Walky pretends to be tough, but at the mere suggestion challenging the picture he tries to get other people to buy about himself he implodes.
But…even Joyce is looking at this now and going “omg no pls stop…”
I blame Walky’s mom, his dad seems to lax to force a subject or argue with his wife.
dat walky face. you can tell his entire world crumbled around him and the pain is delicious XD
Almost as delicious as his caramel abs.
Now salted by the bitterest of tears.
Well now that’s all I can think about.
I think his mind is collapsing in on itself.
So how long before this spreads and everyone starts calling him the Walking Mouse?
He can walk though
I notice that he said “Oh GOD no.”
It is pretty funny 😛
But truly it is pretty hard to avoid picking up the habit. I am very atheist, and was raised atheist, and I still say things like that.
And in real life, atheists don’t (as far as I know) penalize each other for saying “Oh God,” like in that Twilight Zone episode about the dystopian Strawman Atheist society. 😀
I see no reason to stop saying “Oh god.” Why? I still call today Thursday and I don’t believe in Thor.
Wait, people don’t believe in the norse gods? Is it only me?
you would just call them ‘the gods’ if you actually believed in them, I think. 😛
Well, then how am I suppose to know if I’m talking about the Norse gods are the equally real Greek gods?
The amount of rape tends to be a good clue. If the tale involves a swan raping someone, it was probably Zues’s fault. If the tale involves a horse seducing someone it was Loki.
Henotheism for the win!
Bah. Everyone knows that Ra is the true King of the Gods.
Indeed. And his greatest creation: Ra-Amun Noodles.
And then there’s the old Quakers, who _don’t_ call it Thursday. I think in newsletters and such, Quakers (at least the unprogrammed variety) still call it Fifthday.
What about Tiew’s Day, Wotan’s Day and Saturn’s Day? Or was Thor the only one that stood out from the crowd?
Quakers figured out that the hammer was his penis.
(I think he used Thor’s Day because it’s, like, TODAY.)
Those ones aren’t To-day
Yeah, but remember, we have one day that’s named after a 20th century pizza delivery person from the far future.
“And then there’s the old Quakers, who _don’t_ call it Thursday. I think in newsletters and such, Quakers (at least the unprogrammed variety) still call it Fifthday.”
They used to call it Friends’ Day, but then NBC went and cancelled it.
To quote a very famous atheist, to a Christian, “The only difference between us is I believe in one fewer god than you.”
And an actual, practicing Christian would see those words as a commandment violation anyway!(2nd or 3rd, depending on your church.
I have GOT to remember that line for the next time my Christian friends call me out on saying something “Oh my god” or “Amen”!
Willis, I’m surprised you haven’t adopted the Cybertronian dating system. That way you’ll never have to figure out if you’re spelling Wotan’s Day correctly, ever again!
Actually, we do. It’s like a 20 cent fine payable to the president of atheism, our lord and savior Richard Dawkins. Doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up quick.
Dawkins? We can do better than Dawkins. Carl Sagan.
It’s all about the next generation.
Next Generation? All hail the Picard!
Down with the antipope Dawkins! He invented the word, “meme”! It’s all his fault, all of it!
Is that what the “half of your salary” fee is for Scientology?
There are plenty of Christians who call saying “Oh God” breaking the Third Commandment and ding each other.
Atheists are going to hell anyways, so they’re allowed.
It’s become a standard phrase, like “what the hell” or “six of one, half a dozen of the other” or “abracadabra” etc.–not indicative of belief, but of use.
FWIW, I only recently learned “abracadabra” is like a Hebrew shorthand for “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” =p
Since when is the ‘dozen’ phrase indicative of anything?
“I’ll take a baker’s dozen.” “Get out of here.” “What but I–” “That’s some heathen shit right there, and we don’t sell to anyone takin’ more than their share. Sneak an extra in here, not today.” “It’s just a-” “Get out’a my bar, freak.”
You’re close, Jen Aside, but abracadabra comes from the Hebrew “Abara k’deebara” which means, “As I say, so it is”.
Kinda like how Zeus’s central power is thunderbolts, God’s central power is creating stuff by using language. Nifty!
I’m pretty sure that’s the point – though a word or phrase may have originally been based in religion, that doesn’t stop it from developing meaning independent of its origins. People saying abracadabra nowadays aren’t really referencing religion, just as people who use the word ‘god’ as an exclamation of surprise, shock or horror aren’t really invoking the aid and attention of a deity. It’s basically the same process as the generalization of a trademark – thus why Kleenex and Scotch tape would really appreciate it if you stop taking their name in vain.
(On reread I see that you actually did understand and were just correcting the FWIW. Oh well, my comment probably still has *some* merit…)
That’s what I meant, though–calling out atheists for saying “oh (my) god” doesn’t really mean anything, because to most people [even Christians], it’s just become a thing people say, independent of meaning. There’s no hypocrisy in an atheist using the same words that other people use.
I guess a better example would be “literally”–which is almost NEVER used to mean literally and, if you look it up on Google, has come to be defined as “not literally”… \=|
That doesn’t sound right. Yo, Skids, is Abracadabra based on Hebrew? Whaddya mean, what’s Hebrew? It’s an Earth language.
Skids is learning Hebrew now…
Now Skids is learning Aramaic…
Skids thinks that’s a pretty dubious etymology. Now he and Getaway are discussing conjugation in Aramaic. Yeesh. Maybe I should just try to Google it. Never mind, I have customers. The Engex must flow!
Jen Aside, don’t forget to trade Abracadabra for a kick-ass Psychic.
That’s one thing about cartoons. They look like basically the same people their whole lives.
I look nothing like me even ten years ago. No way you’d ever recognize a baby picture of me.
Well sure. Ten years ago you were a big-eared Northerner and now you’re a grey-haired Scot!
Don’t forget about Chinny, Sandshoes, and Granddad
nah, Chinny lived quite a few centuries
Even in non-cartoons, some people are kinda ageless! I’m 28 and nearly identical to my 15-yrs-ago self. I wonder if I can use my bat mitzvah dress to give my family flashbacks.
And now I’m trying to imagine Ethan in a bat mitzvah dress…
“Ohh, our boychick looks so charming! Today, son, you are a man! In a dress!”
I recently did a slideshow of my dad and used some childhood pictures of him and my aunt. My cousin looked at the old pictures of her mother and was “Whoa…she hasn’t really changed that much.” Taller, older, grayer, but the same face as a when she was a toddler.
Lucky you. People from my childhood always recognize me still and I’m 34! Usually it’s people I would rather not talk to.
Huh… I guess Walky’s gonna spend the rest of his life lifting men’s shirts looking for chiseled caramel abs.
His twin might not be as physically fit.
Walky sits around eating nachitos all day; his fitness is all genetics, not environmental.
Joyce sure does look strange there, turning to face the fourth wall instead of inwards towards Dorothy.
Joyce is talking to Walky, so I’m assuming that we’re taking Walky’s POV here. Walky’s two solo picts are facing Joyce, I’m guessing as well.
He must of blocked this from his memory.
Wouldn’t you?
“Ah it was all a dream, I don’t give a shit what anybody says it was all a dream.”
If I were in a room with Chastity Churchmouse, you can bet I’d suppress the entire experience.
Memories can be weird. Take Sunstreaker, for example. He was binary-bonded to the Human, Hunter O’Nion, and while they were bonded, they each possessed a full set of the others’ memories. Hunter was Sunstreaker; Sunstreaker was Hunter. Then Ratchet separated their bond. Nowadays, Sunstreaker says that he can’t remember what Hunter’s parents look like, or whether Hunter had any siblings, yet he can still remember every single episode of “The X-Files”. (What that says about Hunter’s relationship to his biological family I’ll leave to you Humans to decipher.) Rodimus held a memorial service for Hunter on the Lost Light, and as part of the tribute, Rewind and Chromedome hooked up an external projector to Sunstreaker’s memory core, and we watched Hunter’s five favorite X-Files episodes. (Number one was “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space”, and number four was “Confessions of a Cigarette Smoking Man”. Can you guys the other three? 😀 )
And Sunstreaker also remembers all of the “X-Files” fanfic. Anything Hunter read or wrote, whether it was better than Chris Carter’s best work, or incredibly squicky slashfic about the Lone Gunmen, Sunstreaker can’t get it out of his head. (Personally, I think that may be why he was so eager to sell Humanity out. Nope, it wasn’t the Machination’s torture; it was the three-ways involving a trio of conspiracy theorists that probably made him yearn for genocide.)
swerve you talk too much
Walky now realizes everything he did wasn’t an audition.
I can imagine him in a reboot of the famous Life Cereal ad campaign:
“He likes it! Hey, Walky!”
“What’s that?”
“Some cereal, it’s supposed to taste like Nachitos.”
“Did you try it?”
“I’m not gonna try it, you try it!”
“I’m not gonna try it!”
“Let’s get Walky!”
“He won’t eat it! He hates everything… except…”
How about a Nachittos (sp?) Life Cereal parody?
It didn’t click until I read your comment; “My Mom used to try to get me into some commercials and stuff.” Walky didn’t think any of that stuff actually got aired, either because he repressed the memory or because it was hid from him. Now he’s thinking back about what else might have been aired.
I am leaving on a journey. A journey… to find myself.
*gazes longingly into the sunset*
Do not wait for me.
…to find myself brain bleach powerful enough to erase it from my mind.
If you see me before I get back, ask me to give me a call.
Isn’t this what Wil in Questionable Content says before he goes on his journey?
I wonder what Mike would do with this information? mmHMMMMMMMM!
Oh god I want to know two.
I second that
Even Mike isn’t that cruel.
…. a nickel.
Knowing Mike? Nothing. Far more satisfying to make Walky think he’s going to do something, and let him live in eternal fear that it’s right around the corner.
He has to at least inform Walky that he does know – just to plant the seed of paranoia that will, one sunny day, grow into a beautiful tree of madness.
Nothing….while Walky is alive. Like the Doctor said, the threat more than the action.
But at Walky’s funeral, this tape will be played.
Mike already knew. He was just waiting for the right moment.
What do you mean ‘waiting’? Why do you think Joyce picked that particular episode?
And why do you think Walky showed up just as they were watching it?
Well played, Mike. Well played.
This is one of those rare situations where I say “thank you Willis.”
Even then. Hoodies.
Yay for horrifying repressed memories!
He may be mortified by it, but I think he looks adorable in the show.
Am I the only person who finds this a little racist? I mean if they saw a blonde kid who had (other universe proven, not sure if it exists in this universe) drunk Mike’s expression, they would not immediately assume it was Mike. I mean sure the resemblance is there but that could still just be kid who LOOKED like Walky.
I mean yes, I can understand the whole joke of his mom forcing him to do something he didn’t want to do and repressing it so far down that he forgot it only to comically fumble over the realization, what I’m trying to say is that there should have been an additional strip asking if that WAS Walky, not just jumping right to why is Walky on the screen.
Just my opinion is all.
Ua guys, maybe its sal, just with her hair inside the costume.
I think part of the joke is that Walky is basically a “giant” 4 year old and is so lazy that he hasn’t change anything about his style in his entire life. Look at his past self, he had the same exact hair style and was wearing a hoodie. It’s practically Walky scaled down.
I mean, hard to tell in a cartoon, but I’m guessing from the dialogue that there is a *very* strong resemblance. Plus, little Walky said the line the exact same way older Walky had just said it. Walky may not have a strong accent like Sal, but everyone has a distinct way of talking. The appearance + the accent = pretty strong likelihood that it’s the same guy.
I mean, I was flipping through channels once, caught sight of young Elijah Wood in Forever Young, and knew it was him without having to look it up.
_”Am I the only person who finds this a little racist?”_
Probably not, but only because there’s no such thing as ‘the only person who.’
_”I mean if they saw a blonde kid who had (other universe proven, not sure if it exists in this universe) drunk Mike’s expression, they would not immediately assume it was Mike.”_
The evidence that they would be less likely to do that than to assume the kid in the above strip is Walky being what, exactly?
I respect your opinion, but I think your looking into it a little Bit to much, I mean your statement sounds like the opposite of the entire , “All you people look alike,”thing. Not that I’m saying your racest, just we should stop and really think about something before someone gets easily offended…. What am I saying this is the internet someone going to get offended no matter what.
My viewpoint pretty much came from my best friend, who happened to be black, with the last name of Cannon always getting asked if he was related to Nick Cannon, not quite the same scenario, but still, I just feel that they might have jumped a bit to early to “That’s you” with out first asking “Is that you?” like a normal person would. I dunno, maybe I’m just weird.
I think it’s not just the skin color, though. I think there’s a similarity in appearance beyond that, plus the timeframe is right plus he said the kid’s line right before the kid did, which is what made them notice i in the first place.
Plus they know him in-di-vid-u-all-y. AND he’s acting like it’s ‘a fair cop’.
That’s a pretty common question for people with famous last names though. It has nothing to do with any sort of “black people all look alike” thing, people will just as readily ask it if you have the same hair color as someone with your last name.
I’m white, last name of Phoenix, and always getting asked if I’m related to Joaquin Phoenix. Years ago, it was River Phoenix. There were some awkward moments right after he died, when people asked me automatically and then realized it might be a painful question… it wasn’t, I’m no relation, but it goes to show it’s not always a skin color thing.
Well, not really saying that the relation question itself was racist, but if he were white or if you were black, those questions would probably not been as common.
That’s because relatives tend to be similarly colored.
Am I just totally not understanding your point?
You have an awesome last name.
I keep getting asked if I’m related to [celebrity]*, and I am, but somewhat distantly. It’s pretty common to hear a familiar *uncommon* last name and naturally wonder if two people with that name are related. [I doubt people ask if Will Smith and Anna Nicole Smith were ever related.]
*I’d say who, but I’m consciously trying to minimize how searchable my real name is online.
What, you mean that isn’t your real name. Dam, I thought your parents pulled off an awesome pun.
Holy crap I never noticed the pun before. Jen, you slay me.
I found out a college friend of mine was in the Julia Roberts/Nick Nolte movie “I love trouble” when he was a kid. Watching the video, I spotted him instantly. Trust me, some people are super recognizable.
Walky also happened to say, verbatim, a line he was about to say in the video. I doubt Walky consumes much hardline Christian media, so the only way he could quote it so directly is if it slipped out of his unconscious memory.
“Am I the only person who finds this a little bit racist? you’re, um, uh… I dunno! But if I cry racism, maybe I can get the comic writer to apologie and then I’ll be the star! Yes, I will win!”
I guess racist was the wrong word, maybe just uncharacteristically jumping to conclusions. It took Dorothy like three different hints to lead her to the realization that Amber was Amazigirl not all that long ago, so seeing not only her, but Joyce get to this point of knowing that it is him without questioning it felt off to me.
amazi-girl wears a mask
And young Walky is wearing whiskers and fake buck teeth
and is approximately 10 years younger than his current self
So what? The reason Dorothy took a second look is Walky accidentally quoted his younger self. It’s doubtful that that was his first moment on screen; Dorothy didn’t recognize him until she was specifically looking for the resemblance. At which point of course she’d recognize him, since news flash, a lot of people are vaguely recognizable even after ten years and with 1/50th of their face concealed by a whisker or two.
Plus, both Walky and his younger self were essentially side-by-side for comparision. Amber was never next to a big picture of Amazigirl (or vice versa). If she had been, she would have been found out much sooner, I think.
I think that Walky’s obvious reaction to the image is leeway enough for Dorothy and Joyce to conclude it’s him without much hesitation. I mean, he jumped back reflexively and we actually saw the whites of his eyes. I’d figure that’s a noticeable enough reaction that the two girls would notice and put two and two together.
As far as Amazigirl goes, yeah it took a couple hints, but Dorothy and Joyce have been watching this show for a little while now, and maybe have spent more or less equal time watching it as Dorothy has spent in the company of/chasing Amazigirl. Also, one might assume that she gain a level up in detection after just discovering Amazigirl’s identity.
but amazi-girl wears a MASK
Really. Do people just not understand the function of super-hero masks and costumes? Or the conventions of the super-hero related genre’s?
it’s weird because at no point did dorothy figure out who amber is based on her appearance, and danny only figured it out once the mask fell limp, so yeah
I just realized, Danny recognized Amazi-girl as Amber despite the fact that Amber wears glasses, and Amazi-girl wasn’t wearing any! That means that by the standard of superhero love interests. he’s incredibly perceptive!
I mean, Walky is also right there in the room. He tells them them to pause the video when he comes on screen. I think it’s easier to recognize someone in that situation. Joyce and and Dorothy both know Walky, and have spent a lot of time up close with him, just hanging out. Walky recognizes himself, and makes them pause the video on a close up. Dorothy and Joyce get to compare the his face to the kid’s right away.
I’m pretty sure it’s Dorothy demanding the freeze-frame, not Walky.
If Walky had recognized himself, I’m pretty sure he would have drawn as little attention to it as possible in hopes that the girls would miss it.
Yeah I looked back and you’re totally right.
The whiskers don’t cover enough of Walky’s cheekbones to render him unrecognizable.
I don’t think Bunk is trying to shit-stir? I think they genuinely feel like there might be an issue here. That’s valid thing to raise in a comment imo. I mean, I disagree, but I don’t think Bunk is doing this facetiously.
I mean, they’re cartoon characters. Willis (imo) does a pretty good job making his characters look distinct and unique, but there’s kind of a limit. We have to trust the in-universe characters to some extent. Walky, Joyce and Dorothy all seem convinced it’s him. I feel like Walky would know?
Unless you’re arguing that the storyline itself is racist not that the characters are. In that case, I don’t think so? But I’m certainly no expert so if a bunch of other people think it’s offensive I’ll start thinking about it more deeply I guess.
But that’s why they freeze-framed it, and ALL THREE LOOKED CLOSELY. If it was genuinely a completely unrelated kid, they wouldn’t have had the reaction.
He sure does look like he is starting to remember it himself in the fourth frame. AND there is the statement he made which perfectly matched the mouse’s line.
Walky’s going to have serious ocular problems if his eyes keep embiggening and shrinking.
And so, the hunt for Yklaw begins!
Will he ever be able to sustain an erection after this?
Yes, but he’ll need to think about Chastity Churchmouse the entire time.
“If I ever cracked a fat for her, I would amputate my dick”.
How the hell does nearly every DoA strip end with a cliffhanger?
By being part of an ongoing story? I mean, it never reaches an end, therefore cliffhanger.
As someone once said. “It never ends.”
Dr. Manhattan?
… because one of the conventions of the daily comic strip is that each day of a well-done one ends with a punchline or a hook to keep the reader coming back? And because Willis is good at making comic strips?
I think I’ve just found my new favorite storyline. XD
How… horrible?
I just noticed that Joyce is wearing the Alien shirt while they are talking about Walky’s memory loss.
He’s called ‘Dexter’ in this universe. Not sure why.
Because he’s left-handed.
RIGHT-handed. Dammit!
It’s a nickname an alternate version of him picked up because his left hand is a claw.
The Aliens typically have a right claw and a left hand. Back in It’s Walky!, because of Reasons, the Head Alien got mirror-imaged, so he has a right hand and a left claw. So because he was Sinister before, we started calling the mirror-imaged version Dexter. It got canonized during the Fans! crossover.
Walky had that look of utter horror upon realization. That must be one horribly repressed memory.
The visceral horrors! This was worse than Luke Skywalker discovering Darth Vader was his real father…
Wait, what? Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s FATHER?! You just ruined the ending for me!
Man, forget kids, a beautiful mate, job and a house, THIS is what my life was missing all this time.
Anyone happen to know off-hand if Walky has appeared in any of the preview images posted on Tumblr? This could really be his final appearance ever, as he goes off in search of the mysterious triplet.
He’s at least back by August.
And still hasn’t recovered!
Dorothy: Get back here Walky! We haven’t done it yet with you in a pink fur suit!
Put him in a mouse fursuit! Put them all in mouse fursuits! Then videotape Mike’s reaction, I just want to see the look on his face. …Actually, I’d look forward to a lot of reactions.
(imagined reactions)
DOROTHY: This is actually a lot more comfortable than it looks.
AMBER: Well, this isn’t the suit I’m used to wearing, but it seems well designed.
DANNY: What the hell did I do this time?
JOE: Now to find myself a Minnie Mouse.
SAL: It’s going to be harder to sneak in places. I’ll have to be quiet as a mouse– not a squeak of the floorboards.
JOYCE: Wow! Now I get to experience what it’s like to be an animal-worshiping heathen! And it’s got a hoodie that goes over your whole head!
DINA: … *suddenly is in a dinosaur suit* RAWR
MIKE: No. *suddenly is not in a fursuit*
Wouldn’t being put in a mouse suit would make Joyce a god-worshipping fundamentalist? Specifically the sort that hangs out with talking books?
‘MIKE: No. *suddenly is not in any clothes*’
I fixed that for you.
My mom tried to get me into a commercial once, but I couldn’t be bothered.
Isn’t a second twin called a triplet?
Only if there are three of them.
But your second twin would be a triplet.
Unless, of course, there’s more of you.
Maybthe Walkertons are two sets of identical twins making them quadruplets?
I’m pretty sure that once you have a sufficient number of clones you all become twins again. Fifty or sixty should be enough.
ALL of them–twins, triplets, butt-tuplets–are called “multiples” if you’re not being numberist!
I am just getting more and more intrigued by this whole thing with every new panel. Walky looks like he’s just seen/remembered a ghost/traumatic event and I can not WAIT to find out what it is. I mean. From a fan perspective, obviously, not because I want these guys to go through emotional trauma. But it’s just so exciting to watch it unfold!
I am not sure that the issue here is Walky is the mouse, because yeah, it could be Sal with hair tucked in, but I don’t think their mother would have bothered with Sal when she had her baby Walky.
I think it is a great way to totally derail Walky from teasing them for watching that…God-awful video.
And oh yeah, know it likely is Walky.
But, they can be sure he will never ever speak about seeing them and that video.
Also, I would like to see Mike find out about all 3 of them:
The girls with the video (even though Dorothy got dragged in, she is watching it.
And Walky being in it.
Omg that would be priceless.
I’m pretty sure Dorothy is immune from shame about this. “I’m only watching it because one of my friends asked me to. It’s the same reason I’m bothering to talk to you.”
Yes, I am warped.
futher damning the Walkertons: why wasn’t Sal also in this?
Theory: This is where the “Walky is whiter than Sal” thing originated. The Walkertons auditioned both kids, and Walky got on, but Sal’s hair made her “too black” (or insert less openly racist euphemism) for Hymmel’s audience.
So now Walky’s traumatized because he did get on the show, and Sal’s traumatized because she didn’t. Dumbing of Age: Where trauma is the only option!
That wouldn’t matter. If you look at the first panel of Tuesday’s strip you will note there is a child, almost completely obscured by Hymmel, but we can see he has a green sleeve shirt and a dark coloration; darker, even, than Sal or Walky. I’m inclined to believe that if one Walkerton made it into the show, both of them did; we just haven’t gotten to the point where Sal is on camera and able to be recognized.
I was gonna suggest that maybe the casting directors wanted one token black kid and one acceptably-ethnic kid. However, kiddy shows love casting twins — the more identical the better — so probably it probably wasn’t them.
Maybe Sal just refused to have any part of it.
Or maybe her folks didn’t think she’d be pretty enough. D:
My guess is that you (John and Leo) are actually both right about different parts. Both Walkertons got onto the show, but Sal told her parents where they could stick it. This disappointed her parents, and started a snowball of disappointments, to the point where Sal forgets why her parents really like Walky better, so she attributes it to skin color.
Maybe she was but didn’t get up front and on camera until later in the video?
Just so great, oh joyous laughter
I feel like the characters (compared to the beginning of the strip) look a lot older. In a good way, I mean. I automatically read them as teenagers/young adults when I used to have a bit of a disconnect. And I think it must just be alterations in drawing style, right? Mostly I notice it in the proportions of the body. I feel like the heads used to be bigger and to me that came off as younger. Idk, I like it like this.
lawdy lawd.
So, let’s say you’re part of a set of triplets, do you still call your brother/sister(s) your twin(s) or do you call them your triplet(s)?
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
Phillip Larkin, This Be The Verse
“No… that’s not true… that’s IMPOSSIBLE!”
(dang, serves me right for falling behind – Kernanator beat me to it yesterday.)
“Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for … sister. So, you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too.”
Now here’s something weird and cool; Sal and David are clearly fraternal, not identical, twins. But that doesn’t preclude either of them actually also having an identical twin too! Fraternal twins are produced when two separate ova are fertilized, while identical twins are produced when one fertilized ovum splits into two separate blobs of embryonic blobbiness (siamese twins are when the ovum doesn’t quite split all the way). So it’s theoretically possible for there to be an identical nega-Walky out there.
Of course, it’s highly unlikely that the Walkertons would somehow lose a twin – it’d be more likely for the hospital to accidentally switch the infants shortly after birth, so he’d end up being raised alongside an actually-not-at-all-related “twin”. That’s a thing that happens, sometimes!
Where’s the beef?
But it does preclude them from being identical twins. In your scenario, they would be identical triplets.
I know it’s probably been said a million times but I gotta say it too: Little Walky is amazingly adorable.
Nope, you are the first one to say it.
Oh my god, they broke Walky.
Could be a doppelganger. It won’t be. But it could be. That flan meme looks just like my sister, but it isn’t.
Wait, that’s suposed to be Walky? I thought that was Sal!
Maybe the “teen” in “teenage” stands for “teeny”, not “Xteen”. As in, he was a teeny age, a small number like “4”.
I thought it was fairly obvious at first that it was Sal instead of Walky, but I’m not a fictional character bound by Law of Funny.
You also apparently don’t read the tags.
Panel 4 is Walky realizing why he always wears hoodies. “They feel so wholesome…”
And they are divinely comfortable….
This is even better.
I love how Dorothy goes straight to investigation mode. Lets observe the evidence and examine the possible explanations. Baby Walky? Secret twin? A comment for the paper?
Hm. Since this is my first post around here I suppose I should formally introduce myself, so without further ado:
Daaaaaaaaamn you Williiiiiiiiiiis!!!!!
Are we supposed to do that? I’m relatively new here, but I’ve posted several times without reviling Willis. Am I in violation?
No, it just means we get to make fun of you.
You don’t have to do it now – wait until it comes naturally.
Denial: it ain’t just a river in Egypt.
I always find it weird how so many people don’t remember stuff from their childhood…
I don’t remember that I had a childhood. I think I was raised artificially in a cocoon until I was 16 – therefore no memories prior to that.
I have many friends like that. One of them happening to be my best friend since elementary school.
We had so many adventures together… He doesn’t remember any of it.
Yeah, I think my earliest real memories are from when I was already a teenager. I sprung forth into the world fully formed.
you know what, I think I feel better knowing that those kids in those crazy jesus videos aren’t brainwashed but just literally don’t know what’s going on.
Was Walky just Bart Simpson-ed? Damn Walky parents, you cold. That’s like Mr. Freeze ice pun cold.
Yep, Walky’s going for a long, relaxing swim down that big river in Egypt.
A thought just occurred to me. Joyce’s story is semi autobiographical, so did Willis show a Psalty vid to one of his college friends and it turned out they were in it as one of the kids? I’m kinda hoping it did.
Maybe, but probably not. Inspiration is not identity.
Something like that. The friend’s name is Joel Watson (from Hijinks Ensue)
I love Lar’s reaction. Somewhat similar to mine, probably because I had the same thought about Canadian television.
Running away is the best way to deal with stuff you don’t want to deal with…
I prefer lots of booze.
Also, perfect avatar for that comment
Yeah, really!
I’m digging the Walky-karma thing everyone’s discussing, but what really makes me interested here is what JOYCE’s reaction is going to be. Walky so far has behaved around her exactly like the kind of brutish, uncaring Athiest Joyce has likely been taught all her life to be wary of…. and here he is suddenly a part of one of her most cherished memories of her devout childhood. She is going to be asking a LOT of questions about herself and her upbringing, very soon…
Not entirely like the atheists Joyce was taught about, unless I missed the part where Walky ate babies as an abortion service while having gay sex with Al-qaeda.
Her father did say Hitler was Jewish after all.
Has Dorothy seen any pics of Walky when he was that age (perhaps courtesy of Walky’s parents)? If so, that would let her identify young Walky in the show with a certain degree of accuracy.
walky might as well face it his dark secret is out now and the way he is bolting and saying another evil twin sounds like the experiance was bad for him.
So that’s what it looks like when a suppressed memory comes up
If I had to list my favorite things about DoA, #1 would be the friendship between Dorothy and Joyce. But now I think that is #2, behind child Walky in a mouse costume.
In the previous comic, many people were saying that maybe it wasn’t really Walky; maybe it was Sal, etc. I know that Mr. Willis writes these months before we see them, but still I feel like Dorothy is addressing of all of those comments when she says “That’s CLEARLY you” to Walky . . .
There IS a God, and He DID want Dorothy to see this episode!
So this is either some deep foreshadowing on Panel 2,
or Willis used this page ( an awesome page in an awesome chapter )
to plant an Inception in me.
Its some deep brainwashing. Must be some Semme Mojo I still expect to meet the ‘second twin’ .