Amazi-Girl’s gonna kick your ass! …right after she’s done posing on this rooftop. Take your time, Amazi-Girl, you look great up there. This one is by EmeraldBeacon, who had already endeared himself to me with his chibi Dion art.
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Nice Jim Lee pose. Looks like she couldn’t find a gargoyle.
She must be wearing a hellish sports bra under that costume. She’s got a major case of uni-boob.
Actually if you look past her symbol she does have a polyboob going on back there – it’s just that the A is violently resisting the efforts of contour and perspective to defy its A-ness, and thus is forcing itself to the camera foreground rather than folding away into cleavage as a less awesome A might do.
Damn… when did she get so hot!?
Best avatar so far!
Heya Walky-
I know you’ve got so much free time on your hands and are always trying to find something to keep you busy, so how about a new comic starring Amber as Amazi-Girl at the age in the above pic?
I mean, a serious Super-hero comic wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for you, and it’d be nice to see where the plot went if Amber actually did get powers and became a ‘real life’ Amazi-Girl!
Just thougth I’d run that up the flagpole and see who’s salute!
Personally, i’d like to see Batman deputize her. It’s pretty clear that, in the DoA universe, she’s the kind that goes looking for trouble, not merely reacting when desperately needed.
It actually would be kind of neat to see Willis do a full Superhero comic. I’m not sure he could handle the temptation of having Batman cameos or refrences though.