It will be Historical Jesus leaving Shortpacked and having wacky hijinks with a brand new cast of characters tangentially connected to the first four series.
Historical Jesus and his twelve disciples, Bart O’Ryan, Fuckface, Honey Bun, unimpressed coed, Stan the Alien, Daniel the dog, that snarky convenience store clerk from the “Man of Steel, Woman of Steel, Bed of Kleenex” segment near the end of IW!, B.o.B. Guy, Batman, Carly, Mike’s cat, and Walter Mondale!
It will just be comic after comic of her explaining different dinosaur facts. Sometimes she’ll pitch different ideas about how to fix the Jurassic Park sequels and once a week it will be empty background panels because she’s hiding from us. Maybe Amber can get a cameo once in awhile but no lines.
I’m from NZ so for me its jandals, if you’re from from Australia its probably thongs but I believe people from USA may know them as flip-flops (correct me if I’m wrong though)
In the US, we used to call them thongs until that word was co-opted by butt-floss. My Mom used to call them zorries. I grew up with that word, and did not realize its probable Japanese origin until I saw a Japanese film called ‘The Funeral’, and heard them call the straw sandals they put on the corpse “zori”. Mom had some Japanese neighbors as a girl, I theorize she learned the word from them. I call them flip-flops now.
Just because Joyce is semi-autobiographical doesn’t mean everything has to match, liking guys doesn’t preclude being sexually, or even ‘just’ romantically, interested in women as well, and personally I feel like Willis’s sexuality is his own business and really doesn’t require being brought up in the comments because discussing someone else’s sexuality without them feels kinda squicky.
(‘Just’ in quotes because I don’t want it to be misinterpreted that I mean romantic interest is less than sexual interest).
That totally increased my respect for Willis by like, a lot. Not that he’s straight, but that he’s based off Joyce, because I have a load of respect for her.
The topic was condoms (lots, and lots of condoms), and superpowered heroes tearing through them with their superpowers and impregnating with their supersperm.
Willis also isn’t female, so that logic doesn’t really hold water. Joyce is a character in her own right with her own (fictional) life. I highly doubt Willis dated a closeted Jewish gay man in his freshmen year either.
And that’s a valid point, doesn’t change the fact that the logic in your first post was faulty. The way she acts does seem primarily heterosexual yes, but she’s also been heavily programmed by her upbringing and her behaviour with regards to both Dorothy and Sal has been to be frank, pretty damn gay, so much so that Willis felt it necessary to hang a lampshade on it by having Walky call her on it.
Well yeah I know that, but I say I love my friend who’s a guy but that don’t make us gay. You guys are all “Joyce said she loves Becky, she’s a lesbian.”
Closest thing I can find is meghantheworldeater talking about shipping Joyce/Becky, which hints at nothing. Orientation-defying ships are nothing new to this fandom (or any fandom, really).
You know I had to look up the shipping thing….Yeah go ahead laugh I have no idea what the internet language is. As long as it doesn’t mean Joyce is a lesbian. She’s my fav, and I’m tired of being the guy who don’t know if someone is saying bad things about his favorite character. Yes I do have a mental disability, because of a car accident.
Believing in hell does not make it real and a person’s religious beliefs do not change their sexual/romantic orientation. I’m not arguing that Joyce is a lesbian (although I do think of her as bisexual) but everything that you’ve said on the topic is super not okay and pretty darn homophobic to be honest.
In Kiva’s defense, I don’t see anything homophobic about pointing out that Joyce was raised to be homophobic and that consequently, discovering that she herself is gay or bi would be excruciating for her. Pretty sure that’s all they meant, although it could have been phrased better.
Personally, though, I wouldn’t mind seeing that happen. It’s the sort of conflict Willis thrives on, and it’d necessarily result in character development. Also, while I maintain that I see nothing in these comments to indicate that Kiva is homophobic, I’m kinda uncomfortable with the implication that Joyce’s homophobia deserves plot armor.
Wearing thongseverywhere? That’s gross. They’re so uncomfortable and you can’t even drive in them! Like I literally can’t drive wearing them. It’s so fucking awful man.
So I’m safe in assuming you mean things the article of footwear, or as we her in Murica call them, saddles, and not the thin uncomfortable looking undergarment that is often found wedged between buttocks, yes?
I don’t drive in thongs, because in my area there is a law against it. There is no law about driving barefoot though, which is what I do. Then I put on the thongs as I get out of the car.
They’re called budgie smugglers cos when a guy wears them, the resulting front lump kinda looks like you’re smuggling a budgie inside his swimming daks.
…I would assume multiple people are just ultimately adding to the hair? How much do you shed when you go au naturale, because I promise you if I make that mistake I do not turn the bathroom into a hairy mess. Maybe if my hair started falling out or something.
The hair clumps, soap scum, shampoo residue and dried spooge in that shower stall have organically bonded to produce a ravenous slop monster that feeds on the immortal souls of innocent Christian virgins. Joyce is it’s first victim.
Just wondering why as soon as a female says she love her friend, or a guy says he really likes a guy….some jumps up shouting “I SHIP THESE TWO”.
Where the ships for the straight pairs:
Joyce and Danny: never a chance
Amber and Danny: see above
Sal and Danny: he had to be kidding
Dorothy and Amber: nope
Sarah and Mr. Hot Jacob: she mess it up herself, but we all knew she would
Joe and anybody: haha
Faz and anybody: we all know the answer to that
Just wondering.
And why isn’t Joyce wearing sandals as weird as she is over ‘hair’?
Some of those pairings have had almost no interaction, some of those characters get very little ‘screen’ time, and a couple of those have had people shipping them?
Pffft, as if we’d need an excuse like “they said they loved them” or “they looked at them funny” or “they were in the same room, once” to ship people with each other. 😛
As for the Danny couplings, I shipped the hell out of Danny and Amber. The other two (Sal and Joyce) aren’t interesting to me because they sort of happened, more or less, in the old universe.
Dorothy and Amber, admittedly, haven’t been shipped very much, but they wouldn’t be a straight pair either, so…
Sarah and Jacob? They’ve been shipped to Abu Dhabi and back!
Joe doesn’t need shipping.
Yes, Faz, even though he’s often shipped with characters of any gender, is only shipped either as a joke, as a mindfuck or as a hate pairing. But that’s because he’s… Faz.
Why aren’t more of these characters wearing shower shoes? As someone who is in college right now, I never see anyone not wearing flip flops when they head to the shower. Also, what is the layout for the dorm? Are two rooms connected by a bathroom that’s just a toilet and a sink? Where did Joyce make her inaugural poop?
Gods yes! Like Regalli says, “COLLEGE SHOWERING 101, PEOPLE.”
For instance, the football player always spit in the shower. You could hear him really bring up a huge gobbet of mucus and then spit it on the floor. You want to stand barefoot in that? I don’t, thus the flip-flops.
Sheeeit, just grab a hunk of toilet paper and use it to scoop up the crap into one big wad, pinch it up, take it over to the toilet and flush, and boom, done. FFS.
“Don’t stop believin’
Hold on to that feelin’
Streetlight people-”
[Cut to Joyce’s face as she faces the stall. We don’t see what she’s seeing.]
Don’t stop-”
[Smash to black]
See, I went to a school with private bathrooms for a dorm room (only 2 people shared). But before I went there I pondered going to a school with public bathrooms and had shoes ready for it.
Just…so much you can get from public showers *shudder*.
I can’t believe they aren’t all wearing flip-flops/thongs/jandals/zorries. Like, three-inch thick ones. Or else, waterproof jika tabi. That would be the perfect college dorm footwear, and you can garden in them, too.
I’m not sure how much that explains… I would be wearing shoes/flip-flops in the halls and in the bathroom, too. But I come from a fussy culture re:perceived hygiene.
how did both of Joyce’s feet end up on the outside of the stall? before I went back and looked over it, I read it as if she tripped and passed out, not that she passed out before falling.
Oh you like to chant well so do I!
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, eradicare et effugare a Dei Ecclesia, ab animabus ad imaginem Dei conditis ac pretioso divini Agni sanguine redemptis.
I actually had a makeshift attachment that ended in a kitchen sink sprayer that I could attach to the shower heads in my dorm. But then, I was taking some engineering classes at the time.
It’s not because they are women. It’s because they are teenaged who feel that other peoples hair and detritus is gross, abs that it’s not their job to clean someone else’s mess.
Judging by Mike and Walky’s facial expressions in this comic guys are not any more willing to clean someone else’s shower crap.
Now, yes, but the alt text was done when this was the comic he had just finished and was put into the buffer. He’s drawn many more since because he did not die on that plane
You know what’s awesome for showering in college? Being nearsighted.
You can’t see that nasty shower gunk if you don’t bring your glasses into the bathroom! Being nearsighted is awesome when it comes to gross showers. Of course, now that i have my own apartment, I have the inverse problem. I can’t see, so I can’t see how gross it has gotten.
First, eeeeeeeewwwwwwww!
Second, Willis, don’t joke about that!
Third, if Joyce really fell in a shower stall in the way her feet suggest (straight forward, face down), she’d have to be dead of a caved-in skull or a broken neck. Yet, I suppose she’ll rise from her fatal injury . . .
. . . Omigod! Joyce is related to Wile E. Coyote!!
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, eradicare et effugare a Dei Ecclesia, ab animabus ad imaginem Dei conditis ac pretioso divini Agni sanguine redemptis.
Dina’s wearing sandals. Why doesn’t SHE go into the dirty stall?
Answer: There’s so much that when you step in it, it rolls over onto your feet. It’s probably like half an inch high, equally distributed throughout the stall.
A thick, flesh-colored mixture but darkened by liquified hairs, melted into paste from futile attempts to first destroy the mixture with fire, then explosions from homemade bombs, then dangerous chemical reactions that release flammable gas that explodes on contact with fire, with a lit match taped to the inside of the stall. And then all at once. YOU CANNOT KILL THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS.
In the tradition of antiquity, I will throw the phrase:
“Delenda est Mary,”
which in Latin means:
“Mary must be destroyed”
Into every thread, non-sequitor or not.
Just curious — why are these girls such a bunch of slobs that they would let a shower stall get into that condition in the first place? Or do they all have this attitude of privilege and super-entitlement which makes them all feel that cleaning up after themselves is demeaning and beneath them, and is rightfully the job of the Building and Grounds Maintenance people?
When I was in Basic Training for the Army, one woman kept insisting on trying to flush her tampons, she never admitted to her identity, but we all got in major trouble for her being so gross. So I would say, one girl made a mess and figured that it was beneath her, and as for the rest…ew. Do you want to really clean up someone else’s nasty….pubic hair and the like? I mean, sure, get on some big rubber gloves, use tongs, whatever, get it done, but really….I’d not want to go near it myself.
Amber: “Hey, what’s up with the line?”
Dina: “There is one free stall, but it is so full of hair and other detritus that we are all avoiding it.”
Joyce (off-panel): “Hey!”
I saw the crowd of people and my eyes noticed the feet sticking out of the stall in the last panel and immediately came to the conclusion that we were getting a murder-mystery storyline.
welp, Joyce hit her head and died falling in the shower stall, COMIC OVER
…tomorrow, ALL NEW COMIC: The Second Dumbing of Christ
No, Becky’s going to see her covered in someone else’s hair and she’s gonna say, “It’s not what it looks like!”
I know want that to exist for some reason
It will be Historical Jesus leaving Shortpacked and having wacky hijinks with a brand new cast of characters tangentially connected to the first four series.
Historical Jesus and his twelve disciples, Bart O’Ryan, Fuckface, Honey Bun, unimpressed coed, Stan the Alien, Daniel the dog, that snarky convenience store clerk from the “Man of Steel, Woman of Steel, Bed of Kleenex” segment near the end of IW!, B.o.B. Guy, Batman, Carly, Mike’s cat, and Walter Mondale!
(SPOILER: Bart O’Ryan betrays him with a kiss.)
You mean Lego batman?
Is Batman the one who doubts Him, because of deduction?
The shower stall killed Joyce! You bastards!
Goodbye friend
Joyce died that day fighting a noble battle , one that inspired future net freaks to vow never to let anyone fall again to evils of the dirty bathroom
Well I guess that’s it for Joyce. Dina’s the star now!
Dinas always been the Star
Now? She’s been the star since she was first drawn into the comic.
If I remember correctly, I was upset that Dina wasn’t an option for the “Dumbing of Age Main Character” poll. I feel like she would have won.
A wise person once said, “Don’t make an answer a poll option if you know it will win.”
It will just be comic after comic of her explaining different dinosaur facts. Sometimes she’ll pitch different ideas about how to fix the Jurassic Park sequels and once a week it will be empty background panels because she’s hiding from us. Maybe Amber can get a cameo once in awhile but no lines.
That would probably become my favorite comic
I love dinosaur comics!
Nobody has a can of Scrubbing Bubbles on campus? To shame.
Given what I know of dorm bathrooms, this’d require a time bomb set to detonate with Mr. Clean and bleach.
Kill it with fire! Someone has gotta be a Chem or Chem Engineering major! Use thermite!
Thinly spread so as not to burn through, you want there to still be a scorched shower stall to use.
Get a few bottles of alcohol together and make a simple fire bomb, that should suffice.
Or termites.
The shower wookie strikes again. 😛
Buffer count says you’re wrong, alt-text! Muahaha.
But if the plane crashes, who’s going to update it?
update the plane or the comic?
Doesn’t Willis have like two months of buffer? Referencing alt-text, this would never be the final strip.
The alt text was written when Willis first uploaded the strip into the buffer, so it could have been the final strip at one point.
Ha ha, Willis, BUFFER WATCH.
So, after fermenting for a bit, Joyce is going to return as Shower Detritus Thing?
Well I hope that in the movie, they will use more practical effects and less CGI to create Joyce.
Gallons and gallons of latex soap scum!
I’d almost be okay with the comic ending on this strip.
But not really.
Just curious but why doesn’t she just buy some jandals?
I hope that’s a typo and not a product cuz just based on the name I immediately hate them.
Nope they’re a thing
jandals: New Zealand rubber flip-flops.
I’m from NZ so for me its jandals, if you’re from from Australia its probably thongs but I believe people from USA may know them as flip-flops (correct me if I’m wrong though)
You’re spot on mate. ^_^
In the US, we used to call them thongs until that word was co-opted by butt-floss. My Mom used to call them zorries. I grew up with that word, and did not realize its probable Japanese origin until I saw a Japanese film called ‘The Funeral’, and heard them call the straw sandals they put on the corpse “zori”. Mom had some Japanese neighbors as a girl, I theorize she learned the word from them. I call them flip-flops now.
Zoris! What my father called them. He picked that up when he was in the military and based in Japan.
Jandals – Jeggings + Sandals as one outfit.
Sunday’s strip: Joyce wakes up. It was all a dream.
The entirety of Dumbing of Age is actually an autistic girl staring into an Hour Glass with IU inside it.
we’re not actually commenters, just another part of Willis’ imagination.
I just wanna say I herby officially cast my vote to ship Becky&Joyce.
That is all.
The Queen of the drunks is dead. Long live the Queen.
Does that mean that Becky will become Sarah’s new room-mate then?
No, of course not. Her new roommate is gonna be Jacob 2.
Is that another new character like “Other Rachel”?
Joyce you silly girl. No guys she’s not a lesbian. Because she’s based off of Willis himself.
But Willis likes girls. Which means Joyce likes girls. 😀
But Willis likes the opposite gender. Meaning Joyce likes the opposite gender.
Yeah, women.
A woman of the opposite sex or of the same sex?
I don’t even know anymore. I lost track like three comments back.
It’s a Willis comic, it could go either way.
Sounds a lot like Billie.
Unexpected: She wakes up as the Anti-Joyce
Yes. Using the Mike avatar because it’s more funny with this comment.
Meaning he’d be gay and that’s not right he’s married to a woman.
She’s straight because Willis is straight
There is no proof either way.
That comment just earned you a link to DAR.
Just because Joyce is semi-autobiographical doesn’t mean everything has to match, liking guys doesn’t preclude being sexually, or even ‘just’ romantically, interested in women as well, and personally I feel like Willis’s sexuality is his own business and really doesn’t require being brought up in the comments because discussing someone else’s sexuality without them feels kinda squicky.
(‘Just’ in quotes because I don’t want it to be misinterpreted that I mean romantic interest is less than sexual interest).
^^thank you thank you
Antimony grav! You read Gunnerkrigg Court.
That totally increased my respect for Willis by like, a lot. Not that he’s straight, but that he’s based off Joyce, because I have a load of respect for her.
Willis is based off Joyce? Somehow, I thought it was the other way around.
Time travel accident. We don’t like to talk about it.
You remember how Wally survived the first series?
Well, the manner of his survival wasn’t leak-proof.
The story was actually the auto-biography of Willis’ birth.
I don’t think any birth is “leak proof”
The topic was condoms (lots, and lots of condoms), and superpowered heroes tearing through them with their superpowers and impregnating with their supersperm.
Super keep up, okay? :X
Willis also isn’t female, so that logic doesn’t really hold water. Joyce is a character in her own right with her own (fictional) life. I highly doubt Willis dated a closeted Jewish gay man in his freshmen year either.
While in college I dated a closeted lesbian.
OK then
So you also continued to be her beard after you found out she was les?
Naw, she didn’t figure it out until long after we’d stopped dating. But the relationship worked for similar reasons as Joyce/Ethan.
By that logic, she’s not a girl either.
Ok then why does she think about guys or even “date” a guy or even kiss a guy.
Answer that
And that’s a valid point, doesn’t change the fact that the logic in your first post was faulty. The way she acts does seem primarily heterosexual yes, but she’s also been heavily programmed by her upbringing and her behaviour with regards to both Dorothy and Sal has been to be frank, pretty damn gay, so much so that Willis felt it necessary to hang a lampshade on it by having Walky call her on it.
Heterosexual but homoromantic then?
I never said she’s a lesbian. I know she’s not. What I’m saying is that your logic is flawed.
Mine? Or the guy with the Jacob avatar?
Yours. I’d have to be a precog for that to have been a response to That Damn Rat. Nothing wrong with TDR’s logic, anyway.
Ok fine
Y’know, bisexuals exist.
Well yeah I know that, but I say I love my friend who’s a guy but that don’t make us gay. You guys are all “Joyce said she loves Becky, she’s a lesbian.”
I don’t think anyone said that in reference to this strip before your comment.
And I am certain that no one did. I checked earlier, when the comment section was more sparsely populated.
Oh for the love of… You weren’t saying it out right but you were hinting at it or some guy was
Closest thing I can find is meghantheworldeater talking about shipping Joyce/Becky, which hints at nothing. Orientation-defying ships are nothing new to this fandom (or any fandom, really).
… and aren’t lesbians.
You know I had to look up the shipping thing….Yeah go ahead laugh I have no idea what the internet language is. As long as it doesn’t mean Joyce is a lesbian. She’s my fav, and I’m tired of being the guy who don’t know if someone is saying bad things about his favorite character. Yes I do have a mental disability, because of a car accident.
You seriously didn’t know what shipping is?
Welcome to the internet. I’ll be your guide.
Yeah so……I’d prefer The Doctor to be my guide thank you!
Uhm, wow.
Kiva, here you go:
(Not Literally Productions – I Ship It; Awesome AMV version.)
Why would it be bad to say that Joyce is a lesbian?
Because that would totally screw with the character gays in Christian belief gays go to hell. Meaning where would she go, Hell.
Oh, it would make a character feel sad for us to ship.
Not like Joyce is sad at all for any reason.
Believing in hell does not make it real and a person’s religious beliefs do not change their sexual/romantic orientation. I’m not arguing that Joyce is a lesbian (although I do think of her as bisexual) but everything that you’ve said on the topic is super not okay and pretty darn homophobic to be honest.
I’m done to hell with it. I try to say something and somehow it gets all screwed up.
Sorry, I’m not trying to attack you or anything, I’m just letting you know that saying someone is going to hell for being a lesbian is homophobic.
In Kiva’s defense, I don’t see anything homophobic about pointing out that Joyce was raised to be homophobic and that consequently, discovering that she herself is gay or bi would be excruciating for her. Pretty sure that’s all they meant, although it could have been phrased better.
Personally, though, I wouldn’t mind seeing that happen. It’s the sort of conflict Willis thrives on, and it’d necessarily result in character development. Also, while I maintain that I see nothing in these comments to indicate that Kiva is homophobic, I’m kinda uncomfortable with the implication that Joyce’s homophobia deserves plot armor.
I ain’t homophobic
Thanks Seth
As does Bisexual-denial and closeting.
I had a friend come out to me as ‘”homosocial’ .
True story: First time I heard that word
Since he said this 2 days after sucking my cock — that word did not mean what I thought it meant
If you’ve read Hijinks Ensued, you’d probably know that Joel and WIllis are at least a little married.
They’re every bit married to each other as they are to their respective wives!
It’s a 4 way polyamorous relationship!
Let that teach all of you to never try to go into a college shower while barefoot.
Joyce? Why are you in the shower hall without sandals?
I wear thongs for my shower even at home out of sheer habit from showering in so many motels, hotels and other public places.
Wearing thongseverywhere? That’s gross. They’re so uncomfortable and you can’t even drive in them! Like I literally can’t drive wearing them. It’s so fucking awful man.
I never had a drivers licence and thongs are perfectly comfortable to wear, otherwise they wouldn’t be worn so often by so many Aussies.
So I’m safe in assuming you mean things the article of footwear, or as we her in Murica call them, saddles, and not the thin uncomfortable looking undergarment that is often found wedged between buttocks, yes?
you can totally drive in thongs!
I can’t.
I don’t drive in thongs, because in my area there is a law against it. There is no law about driving barefoot though, which is what I do. Then I put on the thongs as I get out of the car.
0///0….ya well umm, damn it I cant think straight long enough to Reply to that.
Well can you think gay for long enough to think of a response?
Thongs as in footwear not the budgie-smugglers with the build in wedgie AKA the thong.
I had a feeling as soon as I saw your original post that people were gonna get the wrong idea…
I read that as wearing a swimsuit bottom into the shower 😀
Aussies call those things as either speedos or budgie-smugglers.
Togs, togs, togs, UNDIES!
What happened to “bathers”?
Really huh, I’ve heard ’em called banana hammocks before, but not budgie smugglers
Wait, budgie smugglers, as in budgies? Parakeets? o.O Now I HAVE to know where that name came from.
They’re called budgie smugglers cos when a guy wears them, the resulting front lump kinda looks like you’re smuggling a budgie inside his swimming daks.
Joyce’s last words were “Save yourselves!”
Who’s been using that stall, Bigfoot?!
Maybe it’s one of those au natural feral new age types.
There is always one isn’t there.
Werewolves. Definitely werewolves.
Lady Bears.
Hmmm….new ages big foot lady bear werewolves?
All part of a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner!
Someone has been feeding you lies, its dessert they’re after.
Wasn’t that a Dresden Files short story?
If you spent time in a backpackers hostel, there will be way more than one.
…I would assume multiple people are just ultimately adding to the hair? How much do you shed when you go au naturale, because I promise you if I make that mistake I do not turn the bathroom into a hairy mess. Maybe if my hair started falling out or something.
So you think there was an accomplice involved? Interesting theory.
The dorms that I lived in had a single drain for each floor’s showers…might be a similar situation here.
Craig’s mom.
Perhaps everyone uses that stall to shave in. Or someone shoves all the crap from the other stalls into that one.
Mandy’s the obvious choice, but she’s also waiting in line.
Noble effort but yet another one falls to the will of the shower
The hair clumps, soap scum, shampoo residue and dried spooge in that shower stall have organically bonded to produce a ravenous slop monster that feeds on the immortal souls of innocent Christian virgins. Joyce is it’s first victim.
And seeing how this is college, might possibly be the last.
I’m reminded of a scene from Corruption of Champions.
I can’t tell you much else, but suffice to say, it ain’t pretty.
Despite daily cleanings this still happens on the carrier. Blech.
The things we do for love.
Thank the cheese this isn’t the last strip :P.
But truthfully, this is extra hillarious.
Just wondering why as soon as a female says she love her friend, or a guy says he really likes a guy….some jumps up shouting “I SHIP THESE TWO”.
Where the ships for the straight pairs:
Joyce and Danny: never a chance
Amber and Danny: see above
Sal and Danny: he had to be kidding
Dorothy and Amber: nope
Sarah and Mr. Hot Jacob: she mess it up herself, but we all knew she would
Joe and anybody: haha
Faz and anybody: we all know the answer to that
Just wondering.
And why isn’t Joyce wearing sandals as weird as she is over ‘hair’?
Can I hug you?
Some of those pairings have had almost no interaction, some of those characters get very little ‘screen’ time, and a couple of those have had people shipping them?
I like your avatar.
Maybe because there is currently so little queer representation in mainstream media so when any kind of bone gets thrown to us we jump for it.
I was going to say something like this. Straight couples are way too common. Queer relationships can be much more interesting.
Pffft, as if we’d need an excuse like “they said they loved them” or “they looked at them funny” or “they were in the same room, once” to ship people with each other. 😛
As for the Danny couplings, I shipped the hell out of Danny and Amber. The other two (Sal and Joyce) aren’t interesting to me because they sort of happened, more or less, in the old universe.
Dorothy and Amber, admittedly, haven’t been shipped very much, but they wouldn’t be a straight pair either, so…
Sarah and Jacob? They’ve been shipped to Abu Dhabi and back!
Joe doesn’t need shipping.
Yes, Faz, even though he’s often shipped with characters of any gender, is only shipped either as a joke, as a mindfuck or as a hate pairing. But that’s because he’s… Faz.
Why aren’t more of these characters wearing shower shoes? As someone who is in college right now, I never see anyone not wearing flip flops when they head to the shower. Also, what is the layout for the dorm? Are two rooms connected by a bathroom that’s just a toilet and a sink? Where did Joyce make her inaugural poop?
Gods yes! Like Regalli says, “COLLEGE SHOWERING 101, PEOPLE.”
For instance, the football player always spit in the shower. You could hear him really bring up a huge gobbet of mucus and then spit it on the floor. You want to stand barefoot in that? I don’t, thus the flip-flops.
Under the mattress.
Also why has no one go around with a handy tool-claw and a plastic bag to get rid of that shower tribble.
Sheeeit, just grab a hunk of toilet paper and use it to scoop up the crap into one big wad, pinch it up, take it over to the toilet and flush, and boom, done. FFS.
But that requires bending over. 😀
This comic is probably the foot fetishists’ favorite one.
Naked part of Joyce being sexualized! In the shower no less! This is what you get for your efforts to prevent that from happening, Willis. 😛
Where are these ladies’ SHOWER SHOES
Clearly they have never heard of Athlete’s foot or other foot infections.
I went to a college like school once. I didn’t use ’em and I didn’t catch anything
Amazigirl! Time to solve the case of the dorm shower detritus leaver!
(Spoiler alert!! It was Joyce! Somehow.)
Cut to Black:
“Don’t stop believin’
Hold on to that feelin’
Streetlight people-”
[Cut to Joyce’s face as she faces the stall. We don’t see what she’s seeing.]
Don’t stop-”
[Smash to black]
Headcanon: Dina showers with the hat on.
It’s not a hat.
After fifteen minutes of searching I was unable to find a picture of Kevin the Sea Cucumber with his “hat” ripped off.
*hangs my head and walks away in shame*
I like other Rachel. She’s snarky. It’s good seeing her becoming a character.
She’s my Favorite Background Character, even beating Gallaso.
See, I went to a school with private bathrooms for a dorm room (only 2 people shared). But before I went there I pondered going to a school with public bathrooms and had shoes ready for it.
Just…so much you can get from public showers *shudder*.
Was there ever a strip about Joyce getting shower shoes or am I dreaming that up.
At one point Sarah let her borrow some. But they didn’t work, resulting in Joyce being Upside Down.
Well she made some out of toilet paper at one point but that stuff can only last so long…
I can’t believe they aren’t all wearing flip-flops/thongs/jandals/zorries. Like, three-inch thick ones. Or else, waterproof jika tabi. That would be the perfect college dorm footwear, and you can garden in them, too.
*college dorm SHOWER footwear, I meant to say. But the mistake is an interesting idea. They would look better than Uggs.
Calm down you guys, @damnyouwillis just tweeted about it.
I’m not sure how much that explains… I would be wearing shoes/flip-flops in the halls and in the bathroom, too. But I come from a fussy culture re:perceived hygiene.
When I was in the army we all wore shower sandals. I don’t understand why people in this college don’t.
People in college usually are on a budget, thus their main foodstuff is instant ramen and care packages from home.
You’d be surprised how often soldiers are in that same situation…
how did both of Joyce’s feet end up on the outside of the stall? before I went back and looked over it, I read it as if she tripped and passed out, not that she passed out before falling.
Part of the stall, part of the [janitorial] crew…
I don’t understand how all the shipping talk could’ve gone on without this reference.
[chants] In the stall, part of the stall. In the stall, part of the stall.
I came looking for this one. Glad to see other people are on board the cool train.
Oh you like to chant well so do I!
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, eradicare et effugare a Dei Ecclesia, ab animabus ad imaginem Dei conditis ac pretioso divini Agni sanguine redemptis.
If this were an old adventure game, this would be the sort of decision that would kill your character.
At this point I do wonder why nobody has taken out some pliers and/or rubber gloves and gpt to work on removing the hair
I actually had a makeshift attachment that ended in a kitchen sink sprayer that I could attach to the shower heads in my dorm. But then, I was taking some engineering classes at the time.
because women
It’s not because they are women. It’s because they are teenaged who feel that other peoples hair and detritus is gross, abs that it’s not their job to clean someone else’s mess.
Judging by Mike and Walky’s facial expressions in this comic guys are not any more willing to clean someone else’s shower crap.
Man, I must be the only person here whose college dorm showers were actually kept clean.
My dorm’s were clean, but because I always went after they were just cleaned [PROTIP: not after the morning rush]
The stall has claimed another. Joyce’s name will be carved on the wall of the remembered, and her story will be told every Stall Memorial Day.
Joyce will be forced to watch others shower forever.
“You know, if you die down there, you can share my toilet.”
By the way, it is now official…when applied to matter left by humans, ‘detritus’ is now the most disgusting word in the English language.
nah, we know you got a huge queue of comics in the event of your death.
Now, yes, but the alt text was done when this was the comic he had just finished and was put into the buffer. He’s drawn many more since because he did not die on that plane
You know what’s awesome for showering in college? Being nearsighted.
You can’t see that nasty shower gunk if you don’t bring your glasses into the bathroom! Being nearsighted is awesome when it comes to gross showers. Of course, now that i have my own apartment, I have the inverse problem. I can’t see, so I can’t see how gross it has gotten.
First, eeeeeeeewwwwwwww!
Second, Willis, don’t joke about that!
Third, if Joyce really fell in a shower stall in the way her feet suggest (straight forward, face down), she’d have to be dead of a caved-in skull or a broken neck. Yet, I suppose she’ll rise from her fatal injury . . .
. . . Omigod! Joyce is related to Wile E. Coyote!!
I hope she’s ok
Yay, Mandy sighting!
She’s more plumbing now than human. Twisted and evil.
Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, eradicare et effugare a Dei Ecclesia, ab animabus ad imaginem Dei conditis ac pretioso divini Agni sanguine redemptis.
How is it that they don’t have shower flip flops. When I was in college you never showered without them otherwise you touch the floor.
Dina’s wearing sandals. Why doesn’t SHE go into the dirty stall?
Answer: There’s so much that when you step in it, it rolls over onto your feet. It’s probably like half an inch high, equally distributed throughout the stall.
A thick, flesh-colored mixture but darkened by liquified hairs, melted into paste from futile attempts to first destroy the mixture with fire, then explosions from homemade bombs, then dangerous chemical reactions that release flammable gas that explodes on contact with fire, with a lit match taped to the inside of the stall. And then all at once. YOU CANNOT KILL THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS.
Sounds like a demon in DEVIL MAY CRY
Dina is standing in line because people are standing in line. She has no particular reason to rush the process like Joyce.
No, that would be very sad, not hilarious, you morbid SOB
In the tradition of antiquity, I will throw the phrase:
“Delenda est Mary,”
which in Latin means:
“Mary must be destroyed”
Into every thread, non-sequitor or not.
Well of course, Mary must be destroyed.
She’s a devil
This is why you never live in a place with communal showers.
Oh yeah, and the off-white globs on the floor that you HOPE are spilled bodywash…
Worst supervillain origin ever. Amazi-girl doesn’t get a higher class of criminals to deal with, does she?
Also, other Rachel is new favorite character.
i want “the detritus has claimed her” as the title of book 4. because yes
Dina is the only one sensible enough to use flip-flops and thus avoid athlete’s foot. I approve.
Just curious — why are these girls such a bunch of slobs that they would let a shower stall get into that condition in the first place? Or do they all have this attitude of privilege and super-entitlement which makes them all feel that cleaning up after themselves is demeaning and beneath them, and is rightfully the job of the Building and Grounds Maintenance people?
When I was in Basic Training for the Army, one woman kept insisting on trying to flush her tampons, she never admitted to her identity, but we all got in major trouble for her being so gross. So I would say, one girl made a mess and figured that it was beneath her, and as for the rest…ew. Do you want to really clean up someone else’s nasty….pubic hair and the like? I mean, sure, get on some big rubber gloves, use tongs, whatever, get it done, but really….I’d not want to go near it myself.
If you have actual sewers and not septic systems, it’s generally fine to flush tampons. Sanitary pads and plastic tampon applicators? Not so much.
Will there be a Slipshine of this?
Wiener Mange claims another victim.
Did….she just fall…INTO the detritus? Oh, ew.
Next strip, same thing happens:
Amber: “Hey, what’s up with the line?”
Dina: “There is one free stall, but it is so full of hair and other detritus that we are all avoiding it.”
Joyce (off-panel): “Hey!”
It is now my headcanon that exactly that happens. If the next strip is about something else I will believe that that happens in between.
I saw the crowd of people and my eyes noticed the feet sticking out of the stall in the last panel and immediately came to the conclusion that we were getting a murder-mystery storyline.
Dina did it
thats some deep dark humor willis deep and dark
I never noticed just how good Willis was at drawing feet under a plethora of different angles before!
Detritus may rule?