Mike and Amber: Another extrauniversal sex performance
on April 14, 2014 at 10:48 amPosted In: Blog
So anyway, in my comic universe which preceded Dumbing of Age, Amber is a 30-year-old mother who is married to Mike of all people, and she mostly dresses up as Amazi-Girl only for fun on like Halloween. And her dad is dead, which is a plus. Anyway, the Amber and Mike of that ancient trainwreck of a universe totally bang in my new Slipshine comic. I thought you folks should know.
My current plans are to return to the Dumbiverse in my next installment.
Back to Dumbiverse for the next one? Taking all bets on the next pairing now! Will ewe see a repeat of Walky & Dorothy? Or perhaps a behind the panels look of what got Joe in trouble with the good Representative DeSanto? Perhaps Danny will get further than second base with Amber? Personally, my money is on Billie/Ruth, knowing how much Willis suffers from Butts Disease, that, and we just saw Amber getting it on.
By the way Willis, I loved “Hatefucks”. I too have Butts Disease, and that comic gave me my daily dose of medication. Can’t wait to see more!
I don’t think Willis is going to do a combo couple that hasn’t gotten to a canon sexy-times point in universe.
The name is pretty much the best thing others.
Willis – I feel like you’re getting the hang of this. Best (and hottest) one so far.
PleasebeSalxanyone, I just wanna see Sal dammit. .-.
Aw, “ancient trainwreck”? I love that Shortpacked! pairing. This’ll probably be the one that makes me take out my credit card and get that Slipshine account.
“Ancient trainwreck” modifies “universe.” Mike and Amber are fine. If I didn’t like them I wouldn’t have drawn this.
I just love both universes, was all I was sayin’…
Another excellent Slipshine project!!! Well done Master Willis, Well Done…
I want to read your Slipshine stuff so much but what little surplus cash I have already goes to funding my Netflix habit, because Digimon. ;n;
I have read it and am now scarred for life.
Seriously, though: Mike+Amber is an amazing feat of writing. It started out so sick and twisted, and yet I’ve been convinced that there’s real, mutual love there. But it’s not something I can relate to. So while I trust that they’re having a good time here, I don’t really “feel” it like I did with WPAS and My Lesbian. It’s amusing (as hell) rather than arousing.
If we’re just talking bodies, though, they’re smoking hot.
Y’know, when you first started making these sex comics, I was completely on-board with the idea that there would never be one featuring Joyce because it would be out of character. Joyce would not have pre-maritial sex, so there would never be a sex comic about her. Buuuuut… if you draw an extra-universe sexual performance of a married Mike and Amber, there is no logical reason you create a strip of an extra-universe sexual performance of Joyce and ??????
The Mike and Amber comic is from the Walkyverse, in which Shortpacked takes place. If Willis were to do a smut comic featuring Joyce from that universe, it would be Joyce and Walky.
Or ‘evil’ Joyce and everybody. … It’s been a while since I read it. I just remember something where she was briefly slutty as all hell.
oh yeah there was another her running around for a time, composed entirely of all of the urges she repressed her whole life.
That evil Joyce in this universe… god only knows how messed up she’d be
The big revelation of the porn, Donna and Mike’s kid is old enough to talk now!
‘Sa peener!
So is the next Slipshine comic going to be “Joyce Snaps and Sucks Like a Billion Dicks?”
“Faz and Wen Deal Numerous Manners Of Eroticism And Are Successful On Merely The 8th Attempt”
So, I realize I’m the only one not figuring it out, but… I can see all the other comics on Slipshine, but not this one. The link in the post just goes to the main page. What’s the specific URL to Mike+Amber?
When you log in, it is currently the seventh most recent update.
It’s not easy to find. It’s in the Webcomic Crossover Bonanza area, after all the other art. Maybe it’s intended to be a hidden Easter Egg.
They seem to take a few days to get around to updating the installment lists in their titles. The latest issue of most currently running titles seems to be absent from the lists, but it looks like updates always stay on the front page until they get bumped off by newer things.
Is Joyce going with her, I really want to see them face off again-I MEAN uh they got off on the wrong foot last time.
Love to check it out, but there’s no way I’m spending nearly $30 for it.