Patreon bonus strip for AUGUST 2024 — JENNIFER’S SEXILE
on August 26, 2024 at 9:21 pmPosted In: Blog
Every month at the Dumbing of Age Patreon there’s two new exclusive bonus strips — one that patrons get to vote on, and another that’s my choice! This month, folks voted for JENNIFER, but specifically JENNIFER’S SEXILE, the details of which I can assure you are sinful and sordid. A wild, beyond the border tale! Read this bonus strip and hundreds of previous at the Dumbing of Age Patreon!
Also, if you pledge up to $5 or more per month, you can read TOMORROW’s strip RIGHT NOW, every day!
This is a seriously useful image for people who still don’t fully understand the meaning of the word yeet, like Korone.
A wild, beyond making a run for the border tale?
Darn! I thought this was a Slipshine!
Sal Predicting Two Weeks:
oh noooooooo wrong discussion thread