A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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Always remember Planck was told by his professor while in college that physics was nearly a complete science, and that there won’t be much to figure out.
… then Planck broke it.
Like… all of it.
And for those of you who don’t know who Planck is, Planck was Einstein’s Einstein.
(And for the whole other two people who will get this joke…)
Especially if Alice remembers her from the last time they met, showing that Jennifer still has friends from first semester is her best hypothetical proof of not being totally destructive.
Hawkeye already knew, Master of the Obvious when it comes to charismatic girls.
Charles Emmerson Winchester the Third on the other hand stopped paying attention to Joyce last semester.
Joyce will show some sort of musical skill — I imagine wacky hijinks involving piano and trying to get one of her friends together with someone — and Winchester will take notice.
That last panel is not the face of an upset person. She looks relieved and happy in my opinion. Maybe this is Jennifer’s path to becoming better. Being happy someone is better than her, even in an indirect round about way, is something that’d be good for her I think.
This is my read also. Joyce says they’re friends so they’re friends, and she can do her a solid here because it means something to Jennifer, and Jennifer is so confused and disoriented by this because to her friendship is when you keep someone at arm’s length then swoop in to solve a crisis for them and emotionally disappear immediately afterwards.
“I leave Jennifer at Joyce’s feet. One always finds one’s burdens again. But Jennifer teaches the higher fidelity that negates her social standing and raises a friendship with those she perceives as her superior. She too concludes that all is well. The universe henceforth without a master seems to her neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that friendship, each rung on that night-filled social ladder, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the social heights is enough to fill a girl’s heart. One must imagine Jennifer happy.”
how many lunches can they really tolerate with each other tho lol.
i mean billiefers more tolerable than mary but it would be am amusing time jump if it’s like “Wow even /joyce/ can’t handle more than four lunches with her”
Joyce won’t let her. That’s why this bridge is still there after Jennifer burned all of her others. She will be friends with Joyce, like it or not. It’s the same strategy Joyce used on Sarah.
You know what, I’m proud of Joyce. It’s a low bar, but I’m glad she cleared it. It is indeed creepy and overbearing to march up to someone you don’t know and tell them they should re-friend their old friend who is now your friend.
What we don’t know is that Joyce friended Alice a long time ago. They’ve been in regular contact for months and she sent Alice to forest the same time Jen usually wakes up so they’d bump into each other again, knowing that would spark Jennifer’s desire to reconnect. This would inevitably lead Jennifer into relying on Joyce and thus completing the setup for them to have lunch together indefinitely. All according to plan.
I can’t parse that last panel Expression, Jennifer. Is that “you’re touched because even after everything Joyce still considers you a friend?” Or “dear God, I have made a previous mistake?”
Didn’t Jennifer literally five minutes ago say that it’s okay to make out with your friends?
That might be “I’m going to kiss you because we’re totally platonic friends” face.
I think it’s the former, just because the larger, slightly more wobbly shine in her pupil implies to me that her eyes are watering the tiniest bit from emotion.
lil’ of column a & b? tho unless it’s a stray line in the last panel, maybe it could be a lip bite to where it’s like “i’m desperate enough for alice to be back in my life i’m willing to give it a shot” lol
Jennifer’s whole arc since breaking up with Asher has been about how lonely she is. I think her face in the last panel is, “Oh, right, this is what genuine friendship feels like”.
This is how I elect to read it as well. She has no idea how to be sincere or direct. Jennifer acts according to what would look better for her image in between bursts of self-indulgent destruction and this makes her extremely fake and chaotic.
Joyce is being sincere and direct and supportive. Jennifer is both appreciative that she’d be so kind and helpful but also *this does not make sense to her* so she’s probably a little confused and weirded out.
That is a fun song. I see it is from some sort of Japanese animated surrealist comedy? I don’t really watch anime (the only one I ever managed to fully finish was Psycho-Pass). Did you like this show? Would you recommend it?
FLCL is a cult classic and a wild good time. Robots, rock guitars, rad music. It’s also on a pretty significant amount of crack. The ending makes me cry and I don’t know why. Hope you enjoy.
i mean, despite her flaws, i think billfer’s …socially savvy(??) enough to realize that raidah is a ‘ladder climber’/convenient acquantaince to have for ‘connections’ or so
I think that look in the last panel is genuine happiness, or maybe “So this is what somebody who is actually my friend would do”. Unlike her “Friend Group” that kicked her out as soon as she stopped dating the popular guy and she can’t sit at their lunch table anymore.
She hasn’t had an actual female friend in a LONG time, even longer for one that she didn’t sleep with.
She REALLY wants a friend right now, I don’t think that befriending her ex-friend is actually the important thing for her, its just that she believes that she would make a good friend since they were friends before and thats her benchmark for “Friend”.
Hopefully this will soon be the return of Billy as she realizes that she could easily have Friends again if she would just be herself and accept the love from those around her, even if they arnt super popular.
What does popularity even mean at this point? I feel like every character that values popularity has a very skewed idea of what it is. Raidah’s connected to like 2 people who don’t seem to have any of the value she desires. Meanwhile Joyce is either close friends or tangentially connected to at least two wealthy or influential people. With a friend group nearing a dozen.
I’m reading that last panel as “oh crap, if I want Alice back I have to spend time with Joyce.” To me that’s a look of panic. Hoping I’m wrong, because I like other people’s interpretation of “yay a real friend,” but I just don’t think Jennifer is that self aware.
That panel reads to me like however she feels about having lunch with Joyce, this is what it feels to receive something good and wholesome you didn’t deserve. I don’t know that she’s looking forward to it, but at least she’s readjusting her estimation of her.
I can’t tell if Jennifer’s face in the last panel means she likes this plan or not. Or maybe she’s just surprised that one person in this friend group she’s been ignoring for a while still considers her a friend? I don’t know.
Oh, this is way too fucking cute. Also, silly, sure, but not necessarily a terrible course of action. It isn’t like Jennifer/Billie was being any less overbearing in her attempts.
esp considering the amount of “Well we’re friends SO you provide Service and Our Service is This Superior Friends Group” she’s been going through. Which. honestly I wonder if that was seductive from familiarity.
she forgot again. theres people who just like her and think fondly of her even if shes kind of a jerk or ditches them.
The VERY first thing she was greeted with in Raidah’s friend group was Char or Chan (I cannot keep them straight) immediately asking her if she’d thought about losing weight. I think that too probably felt familiar from her high school days, even if she wasn’t, back then, as often on the receiving end of it.
dang i really hope jennifer’s takeaway from this is that raidah ain’t actually her friend and not that this plan is gonna take forever if it ever works at all.
I’m happy that she’s realizing stuff in that last panel. Like she deserves to be happy. I feel like being friends and hanging out with Joyce will make her happy, and with how she’s been lately she’ll probably distance herself from Raidah like she did with Asher after his mean comment.
I hope that face is because Jennifer is realizing that Joyce is a way better friend than Raidah, Raidah who has prerequisites for if you’re allowed to be seen with her.
And lunchtime with Joyce could also bring Joe into Jennifer’s new/old circle of friends, and he could be very good for Jennifer, since he’s got a different perspective on being a recovering POS than the rest. It could bring Becky in more genuinely, Becky who has always thought Jennifer is kind of awesome and who might be able help hone and focus the alpha-bongo-problem-solver bits. And it could bring back Walky, the first and for a long time only unconditional forever friend of Jennifer’s life, now with added perceptiveness and maturity on his side.
This could be really genuinely good for Jennifer, if she lets it be.
Yes! I’m obsessed by whether Joyce’s last line is as straightforward as she normally is, or if she has gotten subtle enough to realize that Jennifer did not AT ALL think that before but Joyce knows A) it’s true and that B) Jennifer won’t be able to argue with it in this context. Like, is Joyce poking at Jennifer just a little bit with that? I want it to be true.
Better plan. As in more likely to work. Hm. You have the aliens abduct her and reprogram her personality. Or alternatively you kidnap her yourself and wait for Stockholm syndrome to make her fall in love with you.
Take kidnapping off the table and I think you’re back to Joyce’s plan.
“What are ‘friends?’ People willing to trade favors such as letting me leverage their clout to influence other people to increase my network of social influence, right? That’s all I remember of friendship since I met Raidah anyway.”
Honestly, it kind of makes sense that the popular person who everyone was tripping over to be known as a friend of and be in the inner circle with, isn’t really familiar with how to *be* a friend.
This is. Actually an incredibly good plan. Maybe add in adding some more social media posts of the two of them hanging in clearly not alcohol filled spaces and you’ve got the seeds planted.
A) I think the face is her being touched that Joyce has such a simple and unshakeable view of their friendship
B) I really hope Billie doesn’t double down on bullying her because of this, or even better, comes clean to Joyce about what’s really going on
C) I think Dorothy and Billie have the same problem, that they don’t think anyone wants them as friends unless they are being useful, so this is surprising her
I think it’s that and that she kinda forgot what it looks like for someone to just be your friend and not just friend-LY because you think you can use that for your own benefit somehow (which is basically Raidah’s entire circle)
…wow it’s been a hot minute since I checked this comic. A few years, in fact. Think I remember Joyce being on her cringe atheist arc last time I was here, glad to see that she’s doing much better these days! Spent the day reading a few of the stories I missed, great stuff.
Favorite stuff I read today was Dina and Becky’s experimenting, Joyce discovering she might be autistic (which just made me love her even more), Jocelyn coming over to visit, Sarah and Tony hitting it off, and pretty much anything involving Dorothy. Keep being awesome Mr. Willis!
Forgot to mention, I’m tempted to just read EVERYTHING from the Winter arc that I missed…which makes me tempted to reread the entire series just to make sure I haven’t missed anything…
Dammit, I planned to do stuff with my free time D:
Oh! Go ahead! Seriously, I love re-reading DoA, it’s insane how well planned it is and it shows <33 You don't have to binge or anything, though god it's SO EASY to do that
*sending a pediatric brain surgeon to a military prison in El Salvador without a trial*
Maybe now college kids will think twice before making fun of my tax policies
Severing $200
Desks $150
Computers $800
Marching band $3,600
Security $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my megacorporation is dying
I know there’s the whole “he’s senile” vs “he lies about everything” vs “Wormtongue is actually in control” discourse going on but they all come to the same point: not screaming to the heavens how insane this is is journalistic malpractice
CNN@cnn.com ⋅ 1d
President Donald Trump downplayed his involvement in invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1789 to deport Venezuelan migrants, saying for the first time that he hadn't signed the proclamation, even as he stood by his administration's move.
TRANSFORMERS: THE BASICS on PRIMA is now live! The Age of the Primes is upon us, so let's kick off the new toyline with a dive into the mythology of Cybertron, and a look at the story of the first Transformer ever created: the leader of the legendary Thirteen Primes!
WATCH NOW: youtu.be/2esfW_wzXIU
GOOD NEWS, everyone: tomorrow we're going to get a few seconds of perfect day, assuming this bold prediction from 2019 can be believed!!
"Don't move its vision is based on 6 packs of beer"
Thought I'd post a bit of Saturday morning fun with this dinosaurs photo I created.
All shot using figures and miniatures and a bit of digital rain.
AOC, @aoc.bsky.social, making the case for free speech alongside universal healthcare is so KEY for the left, because it's time progressives reclaimed the mantle of fighting for free speech from the faux free speech warriors of the right.
Acyn@acyn.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
AOC: I want to live in an America that guarantees healthcare to every person.
I want to live in an America that has a living wage for every person
I want to live in an America where you have free speech to express yourself and not be afraid of being put on a list or deported.
“If the current admin continues to defy court orders, will you commit to call for articles of impeachment,” read one question.
“I just think we need to watch the process play out,” Rep. Celeste Maloy responded
“He’s breaking the law now!” an attendee cried. www.sltrib.com/news/politic...
The person who punched Richard Spencer and instantly made him a meme never got caught. Just threw one punch and skipped off into immortality. I think about that a lot.
Anna Phylaxis@quatoria.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
one of the most important things to learn, if you're out there doing things:
you don't get to talk about it.
you don't get to brag about it, you don't get to tell your friends, you don't get drinks bought for you in the bar off the story.
it's *always* shut the fuck up friday
Amid the ongoing political chaos it is important not to lose focus on what the root cause of all of this is: Some people have too much money.
Before I take things to eBay, I’m open to offers on anything here! Animated Starscream, G1 Guzzle, and the bison, ram, mole, green shark, and rhino Battle Beasts are claimed, everything else is still available!
Trixter (Jim Lee Era)@trixter.bsky.social ⋅ 4d
It’s the Trix Needs Money Sales Thread! Mostly Transformers but also some fun surprises! Ships from US.
Titans Return Overlord - $75
Animated Starscream - $75
Titans Return Laser Prime - $50
Cogman (not SS) - $30
Titans Return Seaspray & Cosmos, G1 Guzzle - $15 each
“I have made a grave mistake.” – Gob
… was “Gob” the sound of Jennifer suddenly kissing Joyce?
possibly but it’s also the name of a character from Arrested Development
adventure time ruin hearing about Gob
Joyce is building a harem of confused bisexuals.
Aren’t we all? Or am I doing life wrong again?
Can confirm. If you aren’t confused, you’re doing life wrong.
Specifically you’re probably not paying attention.
Always remember Planck was told by his professor while in college that physics was nearly a complete science, and that there won’t be much to figure out.
… then Planck broke it.
Like… all of it.
And for those of you who don’t know who Planck is, Planck was Einstein’s Einstein.
(And for the whole other two people who will get this joke…)
And, to top it off…
Planck was a man of Action.
Well. He was a man of at least Action…
They’re all confused. Only some about their sexuality, but confused all the same.
Hmmm.. my harem only contains one person, she isn’t confused, but she is bi. So one outta three?
I have horribly miscalculated. – Mike
*thor face*
Is she tho
your avatar is
Upsetting realization that Joyce is better at this than she is in 3… 2…
This is unironically a pretty good plan, which was *not* what I was expecting, but goog doing Joyce.
Especially if Alice remembers her from the last time they met, showing that Jennifer still has friends from first semester is her best hypothetical proof of not being totally destructive.
“…Wow. Joyce PULLS, actually.” Jennifer already knew, it just took her until now to realize it applies to her too.
BJ is also learning that Joyce pulls in a non-sexual way, as well.
What about Charles and Hawkeye?
Hawkeye already knew, Master of the Obvious when it comes to charismatic girls.
Charles Emmerson Winchester the Third on the other hand stopped paying attention to Joyce last semester.
Joyce will show some sort of musical skill — I imagine wacky hijinks involving piano and trying to get one of her friends together with someone — and Winchester will take notice.
He won’t do anything about it, though. Loyal to Peg and all that
Why yes, I skew older than most of the commenters, and my parents have a lot of MASH on when I visit on holidays. Why do you ask?
I don’t know how old you are, but a large portion of the commentariat is older than you might think. 30+ easy, many over 40.
So, yeah, children.
At heart, at least.
If the second 75 years are as entertaining as the first 75, it’s all good.
‘She was only 62, you sick fuck!”
Many over 50. Or pushing 60.
some of us get to age backwards, though
That last panel is not the face of an upset person. She looks relieved and happy in my opinion. Maybe this is Jennifer’s path to becoming better. Being happy someone is better than her, even in an indirect round about way, is something that’d be good for her I think.
When’s the last time anyone genuinely told her she’s their friend?
Contrast this with the last time she saw Raidah.
Yeah, I think that’s the face of someone who didn’t realize how truly lonely they were until this little bit of no-strings-attached kindness.
This is my read also. Joyce says they’re friends so they’re friends, and she can do her a solid here because it means something to Jennifer, and Jennifer is so confused and disoriented by this because to her friendship is when you keep someone at arm’s length then swoop in to solve a crisis for them and emotionally disappear immediately afterwards.
Don’t forget she’s spent a term in Raidah’s orbit, and Raidah’s friendship is transactional even when it’s not toxic.
“I leave Jennifer at Joyce’s feet. One always finds one’s burdens again. But Jennifer teaches the higher fidelity that negates her social standing and raises a friendship with those she perceives as her superior. She too concludes that all is well. The universe henceforth without a master seems to her neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that friendship, each rung on that night-filled social ladder, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the social heights is enough to fill a girl’s heart. One must imagine Jennifer happy.”
how many lunches can they really tolerate with each other tho lol.
i mean billiefers more tolerable than mary but it would be am amusing time jump if it’s like “Wow even /joyce/ can’t handle more than four lunches with her”
I do not believe Jennifer is capable of realising that. But I’m prepared to be wrong.
Jennifer. Jennifer.
You’ve got an actual friend here. Please do notice ;AA;
I came to say the same thing, I’m hoping this leads to Jen realizing she HAS (one) friend who likes her for HER. But this IS Jennifer…
I’d like to think the last panel was her realizing
Me too =)
I want to trust it, but the way she has been acting since the beginning of the arc says she’s about to fucking burn Joyce’s bridge.
Joyce won’t let her. That’s why this bridge is still there after Jennifer burned all of her others. She will be friends with Joyce, like it or not. It’s the same strategy Joyce used on Sarah.
You know what, I’m proud of Joyce. It’s a low bar, but I’m glad she cleared it. It is indeed creepy and overbearing to march up to someone you don’t know and tell them they should re-friend their old friend who is now your friend.
Its always really genuine with Joyce too, so even clearing the low bar is great for her.
I can’t tell if that’s despair or happiness in the last panel.
Or sudden arousal.
I’m hoping it’s this unironically >:D
Crap, I hope not. First Becky, then Joe, now Dorothy. If Joyce gets any more friends suddenly into her she’s going to develop a complex.
It’s spelled “harem”.
They can be quite complex.
You’d need to build a complex to house your harem.
(Tho, I guess if they live in a complex and not a house, maybe it’s a complex to complex your harem?)
And harems often give their protags complexes. By being complex..
That’s her poor battered little heart growing three sizes
That’s not good. Get her to the ER, stat.
This feels like some kind of trap card.
What we don’t know is that Joyce friended Alice a long time ago. They’ve been in regular contact for months and she sent Alice to forest the same time Jen usually wakes up so they’d bump into each other again, knowing that would spark Jennifer’s desire to reconnect. This would inevitably lead Jennifer into relying on Joyce and thus completing the setup for them to have lunch together indefinitely. All according to plan.
Joyce’s real goal was to not have to have lunch with Walky every day.
While that has a certain plausibility, it’s a Mike plan and not a Joyce plan.
I can’t parse that last panel Expression, Jennifer. Is that “you’re touched because even after everything Joyce still considers you a friend?” Or “dear God, I have made a previous mistake?”
Didn’t Jennifer literally five minutes ago say that it’s okay to make out with your friends?
That might be “I’m going to kiss you because we’re totally platonic friends” face.
I’d say both.
I think it’s the former, just because the larger, slightly more wobbly shine in her pupil implies to me that her eyes are watering the tiniest bit from emotion.
I’d say it’s the horrible realization that Joyce is coming onto her.
I think she’s feeling a lot of things but closer to the former than the latter.
“A read error has occurred. (A)bort (R)etry (F)ail?”
lil’ of column a & b? tho unless it’s a stray line in the last panel, maybe it could be a lip bite to where it’s like “i’m desperate enough for alice to be back in my life i’m willing to give it a shot” lol
Jennifer’s whole arc since breaking up with Asher has been about how lonely she is. I think her face in the last panel is, “Oh, right, this is what genuine friendship feels like”.
This is how I elect to read it as well. She has no idea how to be sincere or direct. Jennifer acts according to what would look better for her image in between bursts of self-indulgent destruction and this makes her extremely fake and chaotic.
Joyce is being sincere and direct and supportive. Jennifer is both appreciative that she’d be so kind and helpful but also *this does not make sense to her* so she’s probably a little confused and weirded out.
I’m not sure Jennifer knows what her face means either.
When Jennifer realizes that Joyce actually believes that they are friends and is actually willing to be friends with her. (Mind blown)
“Joyce pulls, actually.” So it might be okay both with her current and previous mindsets to be friends with Joyce.
Well, she definitely pulls on your heart strings.
*plays “Pink” by The Pillows on hacked muzak*
That is a fun song. I see it is from some sort of Japanese animated surrealist comedy? I don’t really watch anime (the only one I ever managed to fully finish was Psycho-Pass). Did you like this show? Would you recommend it?
FLCL is a cult classic and a wild good time. Robots, rock guitars, rad music. It’s also on a pretty significant amount of crack. The ending makes me cry and I don’t know why. Hope you enjoy.
FLCL? Oh yeah! One of the greats.
I don’t know about him, but I loved FLCL. Absolutely bonkers video.
Hell yeah! Is a surreal story about the perils of adolescence which plays like one long MTV video, it ROCKS! B)
I’d skip on the sequels tho, at best they’re just okay but not nearly as good as the OG :/
Cool. Thank you all for the recommendation.
“Like, once.”
A better friend than Raidah.
WAY better!
“At that moment, Jennifer realized the real friends were the friends she had all along.”
“We were, of course, all ninjas…”
There are venomous reptiles that make better friends than Raidah.
i mean, despite her flaws, i think billfer’s …socially savvy(??) enough to realize that raidah is a ‘ladder climber’/convenient acquantaince to have for ‘connections’ or so
I could throw a rock in this place that’s a better friend than Raidah.
(not “and hit”, to be clear)
You could throw a rock and hit someone who would be a better friend than Raidah. Even after you hit them with a rock unprovoked!
Also true, but I was saying the rock itself would be a better friend.
Actually, that’s not guaranteed; I’ve known some rocks that are real assholes.
(That’s right, I’m talking about you, Cliff!)
“Checkmate, Miss Billingsworth”
Perhaps the real friends were the friends who were your friends all along.
G’dammit, I swear, when I made that comment in reply to Sirksome, yours wasn’t showing on my screen!
Clearly I stole your comment from the future.
Well, perhaps the real friends were the friends who were her friends all along.
I think that look in the last panel is genuine happiness, or maybe “So this is what somebody who is actually my friend would do”. Unlike her “Friend Group” that kicked her out as soon as she stopped dating the popular guy and she can’t sit at their lunch table anymore.
She hasn’t had an actual female friend in a LONG time, even longer for one that she didn’t sleep with.
She REALLY wants a friend right now, I don’t think that befriending her ex-friend is actually the important thing for her, its just that she believes that she would make a good friend since they were friends before and thats her benchmark for “Friend”.
Hopefully this will soon be the return of Billy as she realizes that she could easily have Friends again if she would just be herself and accept the love from those around her, even if they arnt super popular.
The thing is… Joyce is objectively the super popular one here.
What does popularity even mean at this point? I feel like every character that values popularity has a very skewed idea of what it is. Raidah’s connected to like 2 people who don’t seem to have any of the value she desires. Meanwhile Joyce is either close friends or tangentially connected to at least two wealthy or influential people. With a friend group nearing a dozen.
Agreeing with a few other people: I think the last panel is “oh… oh, this is what it feels like to have a real friend”.
I think Jennifer/Billie had forgotten what that could feel like.
I’m reading that last panel as “oh crap, if I want Alice back I have to spend time with Joyce.” To me that’s a look of panic. Hoping I’m wrong, because I like other people’s interpretation of “yay a real friend,” but I just don’t think Jennifer is that self aware.
I think the second panel is the “Oh crap” but Joyce has disarmed her by the last panel
That panel reads to me like however she feels about having lunch with Joyce, this is what it feels to receive something good and wholesome you didn’t deserve. I don’t know that she’s looking forward to it, but at least she’s readjusting her estimation of her.
I gotta say, I don’t think I’m ever removing the “DON’T CARE REMOVING PANTS NOW” extension because it makes every strip that much better.
Ah yes, THIS is the chaotic energy this comic needs. It was so boring before xD
It would be particularly hilarious in the strip your gravatar is from.
I can’t tell if Jennifer’s face in the last panel means she likes this plan or not. Or maybe she’s just surprised that one person in this friend group she’s been ignoring for a while still considers her a friend? I don’t know.
I think it’s probably a realization that she does have friends after Raidah’s callous remark earlier in https://www.dumbingofage.com/2025/comic/book-15/03-me-and-who-you-say-i-was-yesterday/coupling/
I hope that Radiah takes note and when she brings it up Jennifer can just shrug and go “I did ask you first”
ohhhhhhhh, well played, Joyce, you are getting very good at this “social” thing
Oh, this is way too fucking cute. Also, silly, sure, but not necessarily a terrible course of action. It isn’t like Jennifer/Billie was being any less overbearing in her attempts.
Unconditional friendship is good and healing.
Flawless plan!!
In which Jennifer learns the true meaning of friendship.
(And then maybe gives Joyce a totally-completely-platonic kiss?)
Wait, I’m not just using an acquaintance to bag another acquaintance whom I have unresolved feelings for? I actually have a…? Fr…
3 months later, Jennifer can say the word ‘friend’ again without pain
This is heartwarming, and it’s sad that Jennifer is surprised.
But I want eat Alice nooow i mean lunch
Ah, Jennifer…
esp considering the amount of “Well we’re friends SO you provide Service and Our Service is This Superior Friends Group” she’s been going through. Which. honestly I wonder if that was seductive from familiarity.
she forgot again. theres people who just like her and think fondly of her even if shes kind of a jerk or ditches them.
The VERY first thing she was greeted with in Raidah’s friend group was Char or Chan (I cannot keep them straight) immediately asking her if she’d thought about losing weight. I think that too probably felt familiar from her high school days, even if she wasn’t, back then, as often on the receiving end of it.
Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for
Is the one thing you can’t see
And now we’re standing face to face
Isn’t this world a crazy place?
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last
wait… is this the arc where everyone crushes on Joyce? ~<3
She’s pretty crushworthy.
Joyce’s a real angel. I would drop Jennifer soon at “but I gotta eat with you like forever??”
Joyce has a lot of friends :3
Jen, do not catch feels- too late.
That’s the sweetest sentiment of this comic’s history. So surprising. So lovely. Thanks.
Jennifer please do not fuck this up in tomorrow’s strip.
That has been my first thought after i read these for the past week or 2
Oh, she won’t fuck this up ᶦⁿ ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ’ˢ ˢᵗʳᶦᵖ.
She’ll wait at least a week before fucking things up.
dang i really hope jennifer’s takeaway from this is that raidah ain’t actually her friend and not that this plan is gonna take forever if it ever works at all.
Jennifer when she realizes she has to be friends with somone who isn’t garbage
Dumbing of Age Book 15: But It’s Okay, Because We’re Friends
Okay this is honestly adorable.
“Also, the last time I tried doing that, the person I was trying to convince ended up falling in love with me, which I’m assuming would be awkward.”
Hooray! Lunch with Jennifer!
I’m happy that she’s realizing stuff in that last panel. Like she deserves to be happy. I feel like being friends and hanging out with Joyce will make her happy, and with how she’s been lately she’ll probably distance herself from Raidah like she did with Asher after his mean comment.
Also Joyce was right about her social expertise hehehehehe
Aww, that’s sweet. That’s actually the little bit of kindness that Jennifer needs right now. Good job, Joyce.
Goodbye Fuckface, you were a great companion but I am bored and want to roll the dice again.
LOL I hate Malaya but that was perfect. They are staying for the time being.
Jennifer visibly trying not to condescend and dismiss her for being an embarrassing nerd in that last panel.
Creepy and overbearing.
Oops got here later than usual so I’ll do a quick ctrl + f on the comments.
Huh, no-one said “bang” yet (or maybe you did but in politer language).
They’re friends! They get to bang!
I hope that face is because Jennifer is realizing that Joyce is a way better friend than Raidah, Raidah who has prerequisites for if you’re allowed to be seen with her.
And lunchtime with Joyce could also bring Joe into Jennifer’s new/old circle of friends, and he could be very good for Jennifer, since he’s got a different perspective on being a recovering POS than the rest. It could bring Becky in more genuinely, Becky who has always thought Jennifer is kind of awesome and who might be able help hone and focus the alpha-bongo-problem-solver bits. And it could bring back Walky, the first and for a long time only unconditional forever friend of Jennifer’s life, now with added perceptiveness and maturity on his side.
This could be really genuinely good for Jennifer, if she lets it be.
I love, love, love that Joyce’s plan is basically just ‘show Alice you have real friends by actually having real friends’.
Yes! I’m obsessed by whether Joyce’s last line is as straightforward as she normally is, or if she has gotten subtle enough to realize that Jennifer did not AT ALL think that before but Joyce knows A) it’s true and that B) Jennifer won’t be able to argue with it in this context. Like, is Joyce poking at Jennifer just a little bit with that? I want it to be true.
Oh Jennifer, that’s someone actually sincerely caring about you
Maybe you might get past your brain worms and let the friendship happen instead of playing hierarchy
Honestly I can’t decide whether Joyce’s plan or Jennifer’s is the less wildly unlikely to succeed, but I’ll admit that I can think of nothing better.
Better plan. As in more likely to work. Hm. You have the aliens abduct her and reprogram her personality. Or alternatively you kidnap her yourself and wait for Stockholm syndrome to make her fall in love with you.
Take kidnapping off the table and I think you’re back to Joyce’s plan.
The best thing about Joyce’s plan is, even if it fails, it has solved the root problem of Jennifer not having any friends.
I gotta say, the plan is solid. Give it up for Joyce. It’s sane enough to work.
Have you kept records on whether sane or insane plans are more effective for reaching dubious goals?
That’s the face where you realize you had forgotten what it was like to *be* a friend, not just *have* a friend.
*Borrows the hacked muzak to play ‘You’ve got a friend in me’ and returns it with thanks*
When Joyce has better social awareness than you
I’m afraid that Joyce is about to discover an unpleasant reality.
I think Jennifer is about to realize a very pleasant reality.
“What are ‘friends?’ People willing to trade favors such as letting me leverage their clout to influence other people to increase my network of social influence, right? That’s all I remember of friendship since I met Raidah anyway.”
Yessss let the power of friendship seep into your very soul.
Very grateful for some warm and fuzzies in this trying time.
basically everyone being better at this than jennifer is very funny
Honestly, it kind of makes sense that the popular person who everyone was tripping over to be known as a friend of and be in the inner circle with, isn’t really familiar with how to *be* a friend.
yeah but the fact that she thinks of herself as good at socialising and chicanery and friendships is the funny bit
it’s the hubris
Jennifer, if you want to seem friendly and normal, spending time with a friend would be a good start
This is. Actually an incredibly good plan. Maybe add in adding some more social media posts of the two of them hanging in clearly not alcohol filled spaces and you’ve got the seeds planted.
A) I think the face is her being touched that Joyce has such a simple and unshakeable view of their friendship
B) I really hope Billie doesn’t double down on bullying her because of this, or even better, comes clean to Joyce about what’s really going on
C) I think Dorothy and Billie have the same problem, that they don’t think anyone wants them as friends unless they are being useful, so this is surprising her
D) what other avvies can I get?! Just curious
Oops didn’t change it
I was doing it wrong, listen I had bad sleep. We’ll just see what this one is
This feels fair and just after that showing, it’s a garbage roof kinda day
I think it’s that and that she kinda forgot what it looks like for someone to just be your friend and not just friend-LY because you think you can use that for your own benefit somehow (which is basically Raidah’s entire circle)
how is joyce better at understanding how to manipulate people than jennifer. thats hilarious
Because Joyce isn’t trying to manipulate anybody. She’s trying to *influence* people. And I daresay she’s succeeding.
…wow it’s been a hot minute since I checked this comic. A few years, in fact. Think I remember Joyce being on her cringe atheist arc last time I was here, glad to see that she’s doing much better these days! Spent the day reading a few of the stories I missed, great stuff.
Favorite stuff I read today was Dina and Becky’s experimenting, Joyce discovering she might be autistic (which just made me love her even more), Jocelyn coming over to visit, Sarah and Tony hitting it off, and pretty much anything involving Dorothy. Keep being awesome Mr. Willis!
Forgot to mention, I’m tempted to just read EVERYTHING from the Winter arc that I missed…which makes me tempted to reread the entire series just to make sure I haven’t missed anything…
Dammit, I planned to do stuff with my free time D:
Oh! Go ahead! Seriously, I love re-reading DoA, it’s insane how well planned it is and it shows <33 You don't have to binge or anything, though god it's SO EASY to do that
Man, I hope that dawning realization at the end is Billie realizing that Joyce is too good for her.