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step three: have sex with her!…almost
Jennifer: “Wait, does that mean I’m going to have sex with her, or are you?”
Joyce: “Yes.”
“The almost sex will be with me. That will cause the actual sex to be with Alice. See?”
“I didn’t say I wanted to have sex with her, I said I wanted to be friends with her again.”
“Yes, but you also said that friends could bang once.”
“Yeah. … um… kinda already hit my limit on that one.”
“But if you become friends with her again, that’s the start of a SECOND friendship with her, which means…”
*rubs chin thoughtfully
Yeah, now I want to see this almost-Slipshine.
Joyce continues to be shockingly good at information gathering, she’d make an excellent spy.
Is this not a normal autistic thing? I lose track.
People are occasionally surprised by how easily I can track them down in Final Fantasy XIV, even in large zones. As if it’s not blatantly obvious by my friends list showing they’re a level 87 Miner in Ultima Thule, meaning they’re likely at a specific set of rocks or turning in materials at the local trade hub.
It’s one of those things I consider an Autism Superpower, which in my head means all autistic people have it except me.
I mean autistic people very much have a diversity of superpowers,
some luckier in the draw than others (speaking from experience super hearing for instance is NOT something you want T_T)
I stopped doing it because people freak out, yell at me, and the start avoiding me.
No, wait, the freakouts had to do with me remembering things they personally told me and then forgot about telling me.
Honestly? Kind of a you problem if you do that.
I feel spies also need a degree of deceptive ability, coolness under pressure, and capacity to go unnoticed by not hyperventilating about their being extra foods in their food.
But think of how little anyone would suspect her.
Field agents, yes. Maybe she’s an intelligence analyst.
“Spying is waiting.” John Le Carre’.
Then again, I don’t know how good Joyce is at waiting.
So … basically Dina?
How soon we forget the escapades of the lesbian love sleuth.
Who was it who tried to find the whiteboard-dong-doodler?
Is Joyce propositioning Jen to flirt with her? Probably not, but I’m gonna pretend she did.
Jennifer can’t keep track of who she’s almost slept with, but Joyce is there to help.
Joe, too. He has spreadsheet experience.
Oh, dang, I just re-read that and saw a horrible innuendo that I hadn’t seen at first.
Shh, just pretend it’s intentional, it lands.
@Steamweed actually that’s hilarious and actually made more so by it being unintentional
On an unrelated note, I like your avatar! Really digging the art style. I’m curious about who the artist is (assuming you didn’t draw it yourself).
I’m not getting the innuendo. Is it like “bedsheet experience”?
Spreading ’em in the sheets
I would honestly love to see Joyce’s social media theme since she kicked the Jesahol.
I bet it’s just super cute and wholesome, with occasional moments of crazy.
I would say the mix probably has a lot more of Joyce’s specific neuroses than just occasional.
It’s nothing but macaroni and cheese reviews.
I suddenly find myself imagining Joyce going wild over a macaroni and cheese recipe that suggests putting the macaroni and the cheese next to each other instead of mixed.
“The left bowl is for the macaroni, and the right bowl is for the cheese sauce. This style of mac ‘n cheese is eaten by threading a noodle over each prong of your fork, carefully dipping them in the sauce, doing two swirls, popping them into your mouth, extracting the noodles from the fork by closing your lips around the fork and pulling it free (don’t use your teeth for that (unless you hate teeth I guess?)), chewing to completion, and then repeating until finished. When you near the end of the noodle supply you may find yourself with a mismatch between the number of noodles and the prongs on your fork. I used to think that this was because Kraft are secretly in league with Satan, but it turns out he’s fake and this is just capitalism-induced sloppiness. Packaging macaroni in precise multiples of sixty to ensure integer forkfuls for three-pronged, four-pronged, and five-pronged forks doesn’t make enough impact on revenue to offset the cost, so they don’t bother. This means it will be up to you to cut the final noodles into an appropriate number of pieces so that you can finish consuming them without putting a gross, imbalanced fork in your mouth. You’ll need to perform (P-1) evenly spaced cuts per noodle where P is the number of prongs on your fork. This might result in very small noodles that are too cute to actually eat, so you might find it easier to count your remaining noodles while you’re still several forks away from finished and then simply cut (N/2) noodles in half where N is the least common multiple of P, 2, and the remainder after dividing your noodles by P. When you’ve finished eating the noodles you may have extra cheese sauce in the sauce bowl; this makes for a delicious drink. I recommend using a straw, but drinking directly from the bowl is fine as long as you were careful to keep track of which (if any) bits of the bowl’s lip you touched while handling it. And that concludes the best way to consume the best food on the best planet! Thanks for reading! I love you all (except the ones I don’t because I don’t have to do that anymore now that I know the Bible is a bunch of lies made up by genocidal maniacs to excuse their conquests and misogyny)! <3 <3 <3" — Joyce, probably
“apolitical”? what’s that? XD
Answer: Posting pictures of puppies, kittens, and food. Like, no one could ever make a picture of a head of lettuce political, right?
If they did I’m sure that would be a very short-lived moment ^^
I Understood That Reference
Short-Lized, please.
Hey, I don’t, but it makes for a better joke if I say I do think that trussed-up lettuce picture looks really strong and stable, and not like a crazed pug with a coke habit…
OK, spoiler tags don’t work here…
Also too tired to remember that I either go with
Hey, [spoiler tags which don’t work] I don’t, but it makes for a better joke if I say I do [/spoiler] think that trussed-up lettuce picture looks really strong and stable
OR add the and not, which indicates my feelings about her already…
Actually, at the rate things are going, even posting pictures of sad puppies might soon be earning the ire of Homeland Security.
Time to break out the Winnie the Pooh.
Good thing they don’t live in China.
The winnie the pooh thing was made up by racist Americans to make china look bad and harass Chinese people. It isn’t real.
In China, Xi is compared to Winnie the Pooh at every single occasion.
Better make it the public domain Pooh, just to be safe. No need to get the feds and the mouse on your case.
“Red shirt on bear? Copyright! Beware!
If nude be he, that Pooh is free.”
I love it!
Ok I’m making things worse, did you know the Sad Puppies are/were a reactionary right-wing sci-fi fan group? Full name was something like ‘the sad puppies think of the children’ and they were the equivalent of the anti-dei/anti-woke brigade.
… I feel that I should be more surprised to learn that right-wingers have pre-ruined sad puppies.
I am annoyed I didn’t get to post that but I assumed it was a clever reference.
In Philly, the ATF and JTTF raided a group home inhabited by activists affiliated with the group “Hugs for Puppies”…
Many years ago…
It was a pretty surreal search warrant…
Sad Puppies was a conservative group influencing the Nebula Awards several years back, that overlapped with Gamergate.
So, that ship sailed.
Sad puppies was ruined and is undergoing repairs.
Or a can of soup, or Winnie the Pooh.
You are familiar with UK politics and short lived PMs?
“she’s very pretty” ^_^
yup, noticed that too.
(Joyce noticed it first!)
The “Dorothy realizes that she isn’t straight” chapter has had a lot of “Joyce probably isn’t straight either!” to go along with it.
Indeed she is.
Probably but it’s too late now!
When did Jennifer almost bang Joe? I don’t remember that one. Was it right before Danny?
It was after in this:
That is a follow up to and the next strip. So Joe can be referring to either.
If Joe is referring to either of these, his idea of “almost banging” is really flexible. What would he call, “actually made physical contact”? “Almost brought to orgasm”?
Wow that cheerleader had a pretty unique character design for an untagged nobody. What role could she hypothetically have?
She’s the secret final boss of the entire comic.
Maybe she’ll find out that Ruth was the one who stole her cheerleading uniform
That’s Martina. She’s a sex addict and sells vinyl decals on Etsy.
At a guess? Leading cheer.
“Hang on, this cheerleader wants to have sex with me.”
“Nope! Not with me!”
Once again, Joyce is unintentionally throwing shade.
Combing perfectly with “she’s very pretty”.
Surely Joyce’ feed is non-threatening and apolitical by now – she spent all that time scrubbing all of the nothing-offensive-because-she-never-said-anything-like-that-you-can’t-prove-anything off her social media
I mean we were just going over how she WANTS to like non-Christian music, but is having trouble because she also wants to just listen to the same handful of songs over and over.
Wanting to engage with apolitical culture isn’t the same thing as actively doing so.
I kinda think Joyce’s best bet would be filling her feed with Dexter / Head Alien content, but I don’t know that that would present her as someone Alice would wanna befriend.
so, does expressing a desire to climb into someone’s cleavage and be safe and warm forever count as almost having sex with them?
… asking for a friend.
No, I don’t think “expressing desire” translates into “almost realized that desire”.
I would very much like to have a million dollars, but I have never even come close to actually having a million dollars.
“the world is cold and hard, but tiddy is warm and soft”
Oglaf is a national treasure, and must be protected.
I miss Ivan
Oh, right, suddenly my “Joyce is straight and her autism is making her look bi when she’s not” theory has a big hole in the center.
At least she can climb into it and be warm and safe forever
Very pretty. Just saying. In a totally heterosexual way.
that’s one long way of saying “no homo” XD
I don’t think anyone has any illusions about how bi Joyce is, including Joyce. She did go into why she couldn’t make out with Dottie, due to being in an official relationship with Joe, and that would be cheating.
Wow Jennifer and Joe are only in 14 strips together
Joyce will one day gain full awareness of her bisexuality. In the meantine, she’s keeping us fed with the kind of casual girl-loving material Becky fell for.
….. Also, Joyce babe don’t assume apolitical is best. Maybe Alice sleeps with Das Kapital under her pillow. Maybe she’s reappearing with blue hair and pronouns next time we see her. Keep an open mind!
That’d be a quick dye job
In fairness, most people use pronouns. Just most people don’t think about their pronouns all that much, I think? (I think I genuinely don’t care but most people would feel odd calling the short, curvy, high-pitched person with non-feminine pronouns but if somebody asked if they could practice using a different set that don’t feel instinctive on me in a low stakes environment, I’d be completely OK with it, if I knew them and had no reason to think they were somehow being unkind..?)
I just wish all of these people who keep complaining about pronouns would actually stop using pronouns. It’d be hilarious.
John means John wishes all the people complaining about pronouns would stop using pronouns. John would find John’s proposed scenario hilarious.
One can craft fairly natural speech without personal pronouns, and even find it fun, but probably not in live conversation.
“One” is playing impersonal pronoun here.
Many years ago, when I taught my 9th grade English students the use of the “one” pronoun (as in, “Yes, one can craft such speech), it blew their texting-dependent minds. They’d never seen it before.
Indeed, Steamweed agrees with John.
Smallmoon wonders what it would sound like if
theythat group were to actually engage in the behaviouryouJohn Campbell requested. Probably liketheythat group suffers from a collective compulsion towards illeism.Note that I couldn’t even get through the thought without needing three (well, two, one of which was used twice) pronouns.
I do feel like the “she’s very pretty” is meant toward Jennifer as a “your Totally Not Girlfriend is pretty” approval sort of thing. but also: Joyce, still not beating the bi allegations, lol~
how about food reviews for original flavor snacks?
The only ethical food review would blur out the product’s container and not refer to it by its brand name. Unfortunately, Joyce has used brand names in her reviews, making her an unpaid shill.
Some people might feel that a review without the brand name to identify just what you are reviewing is kind of useless.
Am I one of the some people?
I don’t read food reviews, but book reviews are just as bad. “Oh, you’re telling me the title, author, and publisher of this book you think I’d like? Seems sus.”
It’s ok, there’s no good reviews.
Instructions unclear, Alice will be friends with Jennifer again, but won’t befriend Joyce.
I presume Tristan is one of the reasons for step two…
“Normal”? SO over-rated. Abby is all the rage these days. Abby Normal. SO hot.
Alice: Eww, this girl prepares Kraft mac and cheese strictly according to the instructions, unfriended.
I’ve found pictures of cute animals to be mostly nonthreatening and apolitical.
ok this is already getting creepy loàl
While you’re at it, yes please remind ME of what is normal, I’ve been immersed in [waves hands around wildly] all THIS for the last god-knows-how-long
Saying “This is not normal” is the new normal.
There’s lots of precedence for saying these are unprecedented times.
Honestly the idea that these are well precedented times is probably worse
I forgot that I still had the css enabled that inserts the last two panels of yesterday’s strip when I opened this, and was caught off guard by Walky’s removal of pants at the end of the strip.
*snrk* oh my god
Why is a phantom hand rubbing Joe’s titty through his jacket?
Joyce psychically claiming her territory in front of Billie.
It’s not a phantom. It’s clearly coming from Joyce’s backpack. She’s testing a new system for Carla.
The pie magazine hasn’t been loaded yet.
it’s Mike
What you talking about? If you mean the panel 2 one that is very clearly Joe’s.
Joe has been in a long running game of ninja-style tag. It actually started way back in “Move-In Day.” If you crawl all the way back through the archive, you’ll occasionally see bits of it playing out. Joe is now it.
I cannot wait for this to blow up spectacularly in Jennifer’s face.
I hadn’t realized how few times Joe and Jennifer had interacted with each other.
We need Tristan to show up. Then reveal he has ChatGPT set up for his parents to read and is a gay punk rocker.
“didn’t you almost have sex with you and your roommate” is a weird statement to say in front of your girlfriend. Or it’s just accepted there, I don’t know…
It’s possible Joe was feeling a bit slighted by Jennifer not acknowledging that they’ve met. Or maybe he just wasn’t thinking. Either way, he did seem to quickly recognize it wasn’t the best thing to have said.
Unfortunately the drug of Dorothy’s feelings being confirmed have made every other strip an extension of that
There could be a strip that’s just Sal smoking a cigarette and I would see the connections
Yep. Like, it’s very true. I tried not to read into that fourth panel but I did anyway lmao.
Oh no I see it now, I’m in too deep
Otters people like and relate to otters.
Joyce continues to not beat the allegations.
i think at this point the allegations are beating joyce.
Well, now I really want to see what’s in Joyce’s feed.
this comic has been so fucking good recently
I guess I couldn’t do that. My social media feeds are full of very political content, and I doubt that’s gonna change anytime soon.
Seriously, I know this strip was probably drawn when Biden was still the presumptive nominee, but at this point in the fall of the republic, “apolitical” is hella sus. If you don’t have at least one reposted article shedding light on the regime’s latest crimes against humanity or informing vulnerable people of threats to their existence, how’m I gonna trust you?
Hell, even the social media app they’re posted on is political now. I mean, if the Nazi manchild hasn’t banned you from Twitter yet, what are you even doing with your life?
Hanging on Mastodon and posting one cute picture to Twitter each month to keep the account from being hijacked.
I post on Bluesky but keep my Twitter account.
I keep it to call out all the lies.
The .0001 Elon earns from me a month is worth me regularly calling him a lying monster, IMHO.
I keep my Twitter because I already follow people there, I don’t really post anything.
For a long time I honestly thought Willis was going to write Joyce straight. I no longer think that is the case. She’s very pretty.
Armed with her new terrible Jennifer advice, she can be straight and make out with Dorothy!
This strip made me do a lot, ugly, creaking laugh. I cackled, like the word cackle. This is the best one I’ve read this month, no notes.