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*plays “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails on Dorothy’s jailbroken phone*
That is not the song called Closer I would have chosen for this moment.
Which closer would you have chosen?
Probably the Tegan and Sara one, considering they’re lesbian sisters.
Right answer for the wrong reasons. Neither of these two are edgy enough to get Nine Inch Nails, they’re getting the upbeat pop song.
Frankly I think a lot of songs called Closer would work better than the NIN one, but that’s the one I’m most familiar with so it’s the one that came to mind
Chainsmokers song, too
I prefer the Halocene cover video, for reasons that would be obvious to anyone who has seen the video.
Well, Dorothy karaokied NIN.
That was the closer that came to mind, but I don’t know why queer content would be pointed at Wally + Dorothy together, unless we’re still talking about Joyce?
Walky* damn autocorrect
Step 1: make Walky trans
Step 2: already perfect
Several years ago, my mom was saying something about Tegan and Sara, and I was like, yeah, I don’t know that I know any of their songs, I just know that they’re lesbians. And my mom was like, “What??? They’re sisters???” And I was like, yeah, yeah, they’re not lesbians with each other, they’re sisters and also lesbians, separately.
Oh my god, thank you for explaining this. I’ve spent so long trying to convince myself I didn’t want to bother looking this up, and I didn’t, but y’know, I’m glad that I’ve come across the explanation without effort.
Also good for them.
Fun fact: They’re called “Teagan and Sara” because when they were “Sara and Teagan”, people thought they were a single singer called “Sara Antegan”.
I have the opposite problem with the folk group Hat Fitz and Cara. I always assume they’re a trio of musicians, then have the moment of realisation of “Oh, it’s one guy called Hat Fitz, not Hat, Fitz”
Not just one singer named Teagan Ansara?
It is harder to accidentally merge the sounds of “d” and “s” than to accidentally merge the sounds of “d” and “t” when heard aloud
This assumes you’re pronouncing the D in the first place.
I don’t know, Closer i referred to as the sexiest song of all time (i’ve seen this headline coming accross my feed about every valentines day) to think that they may be right. and Weird al included it in alternative polka so you know props!
Not “I’m Turning Japanese”?
So, if I want to append panels 5 and 6 to the end of every comic, should I put together some sort of browser plugin or will a simple CSS script do?
Some examples selected via the Random button.
Okay, that second one is kind of magical in context.
You must be subscribed to the Patreon, right? That’s so fast!
Maybe they’re just a time traveler.
Raucous belly laugh! Thank you!
I love this please do more.
That second one is just *gold*.
Here’s a version that I created, tested it with the Firefox CSS Override extension (which I also use to make the comment hierarchy more clear lol)
if you want to change the image, just change out the imgur link. Could probably be improved but CSS is terrible.
…while hitting “random” I have gotten an uncomfortable amount of comics where this implies a threesome with a family member. So either a failure or a success, depending on how you see it.
If you wanted to, it should be simple to limit to only comics that are tagged “walky”.
(And exclude Sal/Linda/Charles XD) Thanks for the CSS, very fancy. is currently over capacity, I think we just did a DDOS on them.
Those are all amazing!!
The 1st and 2nd one are so random. Like, Walky even wasn’t there.
I loved it.
aw dang ya beat me to it
I figured the would be the title for the pornographique.
I’m with 3oranges. A great Pornographique title.
Apology sex with your bf for wanting to bang your bestie? That’s a new one.
Actually maybe that’s not new. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens all the time.
Is it, though?
Yeah, that brought a grin…
That’s Walky’s “HOMPK”, isn’t it.
Walky Performs A Sex II: The Depantsening
Oh good, despite everything, they’re still college kids. Pillow talk is gonna be weird though.
I have no idea which twin I am. I think that points toward Charlie.
I thought that was Booster but now you have me second guessing
Charlie is floofier and not present.
Booster has shrewd eyes while Charlie looks vacant.
Right, because Charlie generally isn’t looking with her eyes.
As someone who spent like three hours on Saturday night / technically Sunday morning sitting in the bathroom contemplating the best ways to do good with time travel as a mostly-pacifist, allow me to say: relatable.
Booster’s the sharper featured of the two.
booster owns the red shirt, charlie has the plaid. see Decidedly Orthogonal below
Booster is the one who isn’t Charlie.
Wait, no. Charlie’s the one who isn’t Booster.
Welp, that apology got screwed up.
Indeed, that did seem to be the intent.
Here’s the Charley grav, different color shirt and haircut and the eyes are not vacant, but the posture is more angled than Booster’s.
The up is first. The screwing is next.
Where are the images on the Patreon, Willis???
The door appears to still be open, which begs the question: what unfortunate passerby do you think is getting hit the with those pants. I bet on Mary, for she would be the most enraged.
Just like Obi-wan Kenobi, this is our only hope.
*raises the question
Thank you for the helpful correction. It is honestly appreciated, as it may help me in future written works and vital interviews.
Unfortunately, I fear it will do little to disabuse others of the assumption that your handle is well deserved.
Apology for bisexy thoughts?
Unfaithful ones.
If your relationship requires of you that you don’t even think about other people, that’s going to require some mayor restructuring of your personality/self/brain. It can be done, but not without mental blocks, which means your sanity will slowly deteriorate, since mental blocks prevent self-reflection.
The question is whether it’s a fleeting thought or something that’s been coming to a boil in Dorothy’s brain for months.
Yeah, this goes far beyond just “bisexy thoughts”. Not only have they led to actions – like exchanging lewds, but they’re also romantic, not just sexual.
This is a full blown crush and that’s a risk to any relationship that isn’t prepared to handle it.
It might be more than a crush, and I don’t think this relationship with Walky can handle that.
ah, but Dorothy is the undisputed champion of self-reflection!
and a paragon of mental health!
I hope Dorothy doesn’t think she needs to apologise for having the hots for Joyce. Walky already knows anyway.
I think it’s not the thoughts she’s apologizing for, but the selfie she sent to Joyce. She’s probably also trying to convince herself that she’s straight, but that’s not what she’s apologizing to Walky about.
I find it crazy that Dorothy is going more in denial of her sexuality than a Republican politician in Texas.
They’re just THOUGHTS
THOTS even
God monogamous people are weird sometimes.
Dorothy: I’m sorry… for having sexy thoughts… about someone else!
Walky: Someone… else? *face droops* Oh.
D: About a girl!
W: A girl…? *perks up* Oh! That makes it okay! If we get along, maybe we can do a-
D: It’s Joyce.
W: *droops again* Oh.
Dorothy, you’ve already talked about having her present when you bang, and he called out how you’re plainly hornt for her. Walky’s superpower is greeting shocking revelations with ‘neat.’
He’s our own little Goku (Abridged version).
Walky referred to Joyce as “My girlfriend’s girlfriend” back when they dated the first time.
it do be like that
I wonder if this is a blanket “APOLOGY ACCEPTED” or an order of operations thing, that sex can happen first and to table the apology itself for the moment.
I’m leaning towards the former.
Walky still thinks the sun shines directly out of her butthole, she “won’t have anything to apologize for” because he’s smitten.
I feel like they have too much history for smitten to be the word, exactly, but yeah, he’s unlikely to get super pissed. He has argued with her before, so it isn’t like he’ll always roll over for her if he feels strongly enough, but obviously, sex is a good placation tactic for them.
Walky has also historically seemed pretty unfucked by polyamory concepts. Clearly that’s not what cheating is, but I do find as someone for whom polyamory is the intuitive way of being that the thing monogamy defines as cheating is simply not a thing I care about as long as I feel like my partner still loves me. Which like. I think Walky has some intuition that Dorothy and Joyce have some kind of thing for each other and I don’t really have any particular doubts about whether Dorothy is still very into Walky. I expect this to be much lower drama than it could be and I expect Dorothy to have feelings about it and not being as big a deal as she expects it to be. But I’ve been wrong before.
I’m kind of concerned about the “Dorothy is still very into Walky” part. A lot of recent moves towards him can pretty easily be reframed as part of her denial.
I hope for the latter. I also kinda hope she’s gonna stop him in the next strip and say it first.
But eh. College kids.
I think that’s a bit slip shiny lol
Fuck. “STOP him”
I misread it as “top him”
Lets be real, Walky is the bottomingst bottom in the series.
And this is why his relationship with Dorothy is doomed.
I don’t think you’ve considered Becky.
We’ll bang, okay?
“Whatever generates your mass effect field.”
*After sex, when it becomes apparent to Walky that Dorothy wants to have a conversation involving deep feelings*
Walky: I should go.
No, wait, it would be even funnier if he said that mid-sex, as a response to Dorothy “accidentally” moaning Joyce’s name. And he says it like in that one comic panel where he hopes out of the bunk bed with IIRC his shirt and socks but no boxers (my archive dive failed me, I hope somebody else knows the one).
His head jumps out of her coochie like a groundhog when she moans Joyce.
Requested strip delivered
I knew someone would pull through.
I’m Commander Sheppard, and I approve of this comment.
Walky has reach.
What room are they in actually? I thought Becks was doing rad girl shit with Dino in their room.
Now I’m hoping Dotty kicked AG out of her room cause it’d be really funny if that’s the case
Seems to be Dorothy’s room. Maybe Dina and Becky saw fit to take their rad girl shit somewhere else.
Due to the configuration of their shared rooms, Dina/Amber’s room have the beds left to the door, while Dorothy/Becky’s room have the beds on the right. Give the way both Walky and Dorothy are looking at each other, this suggests they are on Dorothy/Becky’s room
So either Becky’s in Dina’s room, or Dina has covered Becky in her invisibility field, and they’re both going at it in the other bunk.
Or they’re going to the barber.
I also was wondering about the timing here. We know Becky/Dina sexiled Dorothy into Amber/Amazi-Girl’s room. I assume Becky/Dina must have finished their business quickly and went off to get a bowl of cereal. Meanwhile, maybe Amber/AG helped Dorothy take some MORE sexy pics to send to Walky, and then Dorothy sent the pics to Walky and got back into her room and got in bed.
Dorothy’s bed is magenta. Amber/AG’s is blue.
We saw Joe with Dorothy at the beginning of the Read scene, and he showed up at the end of the math building scene. So there’s some passage of time between the two unless he sprinted the whole way. Also, it’s in character for Dorothy to wait until Walky was out of class before sending him lewds.
This is making me sad because I love these two and I’m worried that if/when things with Joyce blow up they won’t even be friends.
Fuck. I swear I’ll get better at remembering this someday.
I was so happy when they got back together so if there’s a falling out I’m gonna be so upset.
Nah, Walky doesn’t strike me as the type to hold onto anger. Asher admitted to selling out Sal, got a punch on the face for it, and yet Walky was still amicable towards him later.
There are other negative reactions he could have besides anger, though.
For example, he could be hurt.
Why? They shouldn’t have gotten back together. Their time came and went. Willis is clearly showing that Joyce is who Dorothy wants, and her being “unavailable” to Dorothy caused this.
The concern is immense…yes.
And I also hope this gets fixed and doesn’t get worse.
However, I really want this ship to reach its end. I know, I know, it sounds overly optimistic, but believe me, the dynamic between these two is so natural that you really want it to prevail.
Do you mean you want this ship to be endgame (as in, they’re still together at the end of the comic)?
Because “I want this ship to reach its end” sounds like you want them to break up (so that the ship stops being a thing).
I knew there was something fishy.
I want Walky and Dorothy to be the endgame of the comic.
Thanks for the
*Thanks for the observation.
Me too but I also want them to grow. And I have doubts about that being possible for them while together. It is torment, DYW!
They won’t be. Dorothy and Walky are already doomed. Joyce is Dorothy’s endgame.
Either we’ll be right or we’ll be wrong, but there’s no need to be mean to people who are just politely hoping for a different outcome here.
Yeah. It’s one of the reasons I don’t really like this coming up for Dorothy now. I like Dorothy and Walky together. I didn’t feel their first breakup was narratively satisfying. (I’m too busy for a boyfriend. We have to break up. OK.) So I was happy to see them circle back around to try again and I’d hate to see this try founder on her feelings about Joyce without them even having a real chance to work through their own problems.
Even worse if it turns out she only went back to him as part of her denial.
Similarly on Joyce’s side, I don’t want to see this mess up her relationship with Joe. That’s still very early on and deserves its time to play out. Nor do I think any of them are in state to try to make a poly relationship work.
So it’s hard for me to see anywhere interesting this will go that I’ll like. We could get the mature version, where both Joyce and Dorothy acknowledge their bisexuality and mutual attraction, but prefer to stick with their current partners, but that seems like a dramatic flop after a ton of build up.
All that said, Willis is obviously a far better storyteller than I am and may well have something up his sleeve.
It depends on how it goes I guess but I think they’ll still be friends but maybe need some space
I trust Willis so my take is only so important but I’d say what matters narratively is that both Joyce and Dorothy face this part of themselves, their desires more fully
Otherwise it’s a matter of levels of drama desired which could come from any source, could be some third mostly forgotten thing
Also Joyce and Dorothy realising their feelings, even if they don’t go out still impacts at least Becky so don’t think the drama HAS to be a big breakup
I would find it cute, sweet and delightful if they did get together but also I will at least have the delicious internal feelings
(Though I do think it’s Dorothy who breaks up with Walky if I were betting on anything)
An understated master of the art of foreplay. <—– Sarcasm
I mean… is he supposed to do foreplay with his pants on specifically?
…. Dorothy.
Look all things considered she could be doing a lot worse.
I mean, Mike’s dead.
We haven’t seen the body.
Stop feeding my “Booster is really just a long con disguise by Mike” psychosis!
Dorothy yes.
I genuinely wonder if Walky has had more sex in college than Joe by now.
He’s definitely had it more times with the same person. Though I suspect Joyce will make up for lost time when they take that step.
In my experience it was pretty common for the players to have less sex than the couples who quietly paired off.
That said, it’s really hard to tell how much sex Joe’s had.
do we as the audience know what Dorothy is apologizing about?
We know: Hitting on Joyce (even if it was subconsciously). Which meant not only was she cheating on Walky, she was interfering with Joyce’s relationship with Joe. The guilt must be porked away.
She might also be ‘apologizing’ for sending sexy pics to her friend Joyce before she sent any to Walky, which is my guess based on her saying “for not, uh…”. My brain fills it in as “for not sending you sexy pics before I sent one to Joyce” or something.
Yeah the “not” in her sentence is interesting.
I’d probably fill it in with “not… uh, being faithful”. The issue, in her brain, certainly isn’t the order of operations. It’s the fact that by sending that kind of picture to Joyce at all represents cheating on Walky.
Largo from Megatokyo has entered the strip…
There is, indeed, stripping at this time.
The healthiest of relationships….
I want to apologize, but I don’t want to say why.
i thoguht his pants were already off but i guess it was just his outer jacket and bag lol
“HORNT NOW” is apt. Too horny to speak is a mood.
Hey Dorothy!
When you and Walky are going at it,
try using your hands to obscure everything
above and below his face for a sexy surprise =D
I think my headcanon is about to be put to the test: Is Dorothy bi or is this how she realizes that men are no what she is looking for?
I’m thinking bi-. When she first saw a shirtless Walky, her attention was clearly on his torso.
She dated Danny, of course she’s bi.
This isn’t Buffy The Vampire Slayer, where (human) sexuality is strictly binary. #JusticeForOz
God, that annoyed me so much.
(I think they’ve admitted since that they were aware that bi people existed, but didn’t think their audience would go for it.)
Little did we know, Walky was staring at the freckles instead of the cleavage.
How could Dorothy can be, sometimes, the weirdest mess and, another time, so hot and, in almost all the time, a workaholic girl?
She contains multitudes.
Perhaps not as many as Amber.
…AND thanks for that key to your room where I can just blast thru the door anytime the story line calls for it!
Oh, no! I think those two are going to do premarital handkerchief / pandkerchief! :O
(*gasps in shock)
Add me to the “Surprised he got there with his pants on” group.
thumpa-springa thumpa-springa thumpa-springa…
apology accepted!
thumpa-springa thumpa-springa thumpa-springa…
If you’re horny enough, ALL pants are tear-away!
“Even the atheist has Catholic Guilt”
Indeed, “Christian Atheist” is hardly an oxymoron XD
Honestly i could see Dorothy straight out telling Walky she sent Joyce a picture of her tits and he acts thr exact same way.
Brief offtopic:
Fun headcanon of the day: The reason Sauron doesn’t really do anything through the lord of the rings books is because he’s watching everything through his ring and eating popcorn at home, like it is a Telenovela:
Walkie type people are who the phrase “bless their heart” was invented for.
Removing pants? He BECAME the pants
He was Raptured at that exact moment (getting in the way of rapture), and his pants were all that remained.
I care about no ship but Dorothy/Joyce. I would happily watch every other ship burn just for a little more Dorothy/Joyce. Joe? Walky? Their only value to me is as game pieces to fuel my OTP’s drama quotient. Hell, I’d see Dina/Becky implode just to add a little more lesbian spice to Joyce’s life. Jealousy. Betrayal. Grahhrr. Woof.
— Walky should be thrilled that his girlfriend is bi!
I will preface all of this by admitting again that I often find Walky difficult to read. I couldn’t tell you, for example, how serious he was about a polycule with Lucy and Amber. But.
I do think that one of the things Walky/Dorothy and Joe/Joyce have in common is that the boy-type partner doesn’t feel like he’s good enough for the person he’s with, and would willingly step aside if he thought she might be happier with someone else.
(Take it up with Willis if you don’t think that’s what Joe is talking about there, because like, Willis has said Joe wanted to offer to step aside for Joyce going back to 2023 in their public “unused strips” posts on Patreon.)
Now, Joe no longer feels that Dorothy is SO MUCH better than him, and Walky might also have revised his estimate on not being good enough for her very recently, but one of the reasons he rejected Dorothy when she tried to rekindle things was “I’m not gonna be the reason you fail.” Because that’s still how he views their previous breakup: that he was dragging her down.
And I just… would not be surprised if part of why he’s with her now is that he’s rationalized himself into the role of stress-release valve.
That he loves her enough to hurt himself with what he thinks is a relationship she isn’t all that invested in, because this is what she so clearly needs right now to turn herself around and go back to being the Dorothy he knows and admires. He will let himself be “a mistake” she can safely make, specifically because it “doesn’t matter”.
Now. Mind you, I don’t think that’s at ALL what Dorothy thinks is going on. I think Dorothy thinks they’re both having fun and getting stress relief and being happily reunited. And certainly I do think Walky has been enjoying certain aspects of this arrangement!
But if Dorothy gave him an honest run-down of her conversation with Joe? I think Walky would, however unfairly to himself!!!, immediately reframe his relationship with Dorothy from “giving her what she needs to someday be her best self again” into “helping her self-sabotage her own happiness”, and like. I don’t think Walky would find that sexy.
— Dorothy is ALSO attracted to Amazi-Girl, though.
That’s true, and Walky would probably at least perform excitement if Dorothy told him, “I figured out I’m bi because Amazi-Girl is hot.”
But also:
a.) Walky has never been intimate with Amazi-Girl. He was dating Amber. As other commentators have noticed, Amazi-Girl and Amber were both interested in Danny, but it really seems like only Amber was interested in Walky.
b.) I think it’s too late for Dorothy to convincingly sell Walky on the idea that Amazi-Girl was her bi awakening, seeing as she’s already tried to tempt him with the idea of a threesome with Joyce.
c.) Honestly, even if Dorothy COULD convince him that she’d been pining after Amazi-Girl, I don’t think Walky would feel all that much better about it? He’d probably react kind of the same way he reacted to Lucy hooking up with Jacob. “Oh hell, you’re into a SUPERHERO? I can’t compete with that, I should just walk into the sea.”
I know, he wouldn’t necessarily need to compete, but I’m talking about his self-esteem and what I think he thinks the “utility” of this relationship is to Dorothy.
Good analysis and I think a good narrative turn for it
It would be incredible if Dorothy decides to commit to Walky and he decides to end things because of his own lack of self worth
At the very least I think that would be a very characterization-rich conversation.
Walky was so relieved he broke down crying when Dorothy finally figured out he was failing math and helped him instead of rejecting him… but we didn’t get a whole lot of that before Dorothy’s own slipping grades stressed her out to the point of putting things on pause.
Walky has so far had been with:
– Dorothy, who only very late in their relationship was allowed to help him with any of his problems
– Amber, who thought he was a mess, but valued that specifically because she’s a mess too
– Lucy, who thought he walked on water until too late in THEIR relationship, and then left him
(I don’t blame Lucy at all, she did what was right for her and sometimes you gotta, but I do think it sucks for Walky that he keeps not getting much of a chance to be open & honest & equal with a partner, unless his partner was even more determined to avoid problems than him.) (Clearly the boy could use a balance here.)
(On this note: I still feel like Charles’s comment about Amber being willing to commit crimes for Wally hasn’t paid off yet…)
Another banger, Li!!!
Honestly, I do feel like Dorothy isn’t maybe being the fairest to Walky with their relationship, and I could see him leaving her as a way to *affirm* his self-worth as much as deny it.
I don’t think we or Walky know what he really wants out of his relationship with Dorothy, so it’s hard to say that there’s any kind of boundary violation happening. Just sex? He isn’t the type to plan ahead, I don’t think.
I think we (and Dorothy) need to figure out what she wants out of the relationship first. We know she fell in love with him once, hadn’t stopped when they broke up and it’s not really clear that her feelings have changed since.
Figuring out that she’s bi and crushing hard on Joyce obviously complicates things, but how much of getting back together with Walky was her trying to deny that and how much was that having given up her ambitions, she could accept the distraction of a relationship?
Is she not really interested in Walky and would drop him in second if she was honest with herself and had a chance with Joyce? Or is she honestly into both of them?
It’s all been false pretenses from the start (even if partly to herself) then I’d say that’s a boundary violation.
I personally think she never stopped being in love with Walky, that’s part of why she feels so guilty now. If she genuinely felt nothing for him, she’d be rationalizing along the lines of ‘it’s just a tit pic, it was an accident, so what if I figured something out maybe, nothing about this affects WALKY at all’ instead of ‘oh no what have I done I cheated on my boy’.
You know my fears here, that I feel like Dorothy was chasing the high of her first semester rather than being driven by present feelings for Walky.
But then again I spent two years not having any idea what Dorothy was thinking or feeling, SO. We’ll see, hehe.
Thank you.
Also I agree! I really feel the need to stress that I don’t blame Dorothy for what’s going on here, she’s not doing any of it with malicious intent, but also two things can be true at once: you can hurt someone without having actually done anything wrong.
I would also kind of love to see Walky actually leave a relationship on his own terms for once, even if it IS because he doesn’t want to “stand in Dorothy’s way”. Doing it because he, as Dorothy somewhat ironically once said, deserves someone who can give him their whole heart? Would be even better.
Joyce brings Walky his bookbag, because it’s classwork and that’s important (and books are expensive). Jennifer casually drops his jacket off at the nearest lost and found.
Later, when Carla meets Charlie nearby, Charlie has forgotten her jacket again, so Carla grabs one from lost and found for her.
That’s an impressively fast pants-removing. I would be worried about accidentally hurting myself if I tried to remove my pants that fast.
Surprised they aren’t still those pajama jean sweatpants lol
Tho if anything i’d expect walky to have those stripper tearaway pants or so