– Yeah, just tryin to find the exact amount of eye-narrowness that will pierce this guy’s soul and make him realize he’s an idiot. For me it’s about 30mm, but this guys provin’ resilient.
I see it like that too. Panel’s 4 and 5 are not eye narrowing.
I think the incel/MRA recruiting goes after guys’ insecurities, and then offers them community. It’s a kind of negging. Incel’s hitting Walky’s insecurities, but not in the way he intends. I think Walky doesn’t want a woman to need him.
Wait, is that why he has so much chemistry with Amber? Like, she want’s him, but being around her is never an obligation, like it might be with lucy or possibly Dorothy?
Hahahaha, he accidentally gave Walky a healthier outlook on relationships?! XD Hilarious, I love it when douches like this guy end up making the wrong point.
Me too. It would be truly tragic if he broke up with her for the same reasons as last time. People need love and companionship as well as career goals!
Although the uncertainty is latent, we cannot rush, yes, I know that it is risky to have a positive attitude and say “they just need to talk about it”, because something that I have noticed with Walky and Dorothy is that they have always talked about what they It afflicts them, believe me, I don’t want another breakup of this ship.
They will break up, they are a bad match for each other right now. They will inevitably get back together after they have both matured more. Into a polycule with Jennifer.
Dorothy and Walky are dating and fucking.
Joyce and Dorothy are dating and fucking.
Joyce and Joe are dating and fucking.
Dorothy and Joe are not dating or fucking.
Walky and Joe are not dating or fucking.
Joyce and Walky are not dating but are fucking.
Everyone gets exactly what they want.
Jennifer and Walky, at a bare minimum, are close enough that when they bicker it satisfies her need for intimate conflict. So that Jennifer and Dorothy can date and fuck. They’d do a threesome, but Jennifer’s opposed because she has to be in a different headspace for each of them.
I know it will sound enthusiastic on my part, but Walky and Dorothy have always shown themselves to be sincere with each other, but yes, it is impossible not to show that concern.
Normally I’d say he’s just a caricature.
But a few things on the bird’s dumpster fire make it seem more likely some people may genuinely believe that.
It’s also for that reason that I really hope he gets comeuppance swiftly.
I’d rather not he gets a ‘win’ for being a straight cis white guy because it’s close to reality, if this is a superhero power fantasy, let him be an irrelevant loser.
You have to understand where he’s coming from. If you assume women aren’t real people but exist just as stuff for men to consume, you know, like Boko Haram or the US Republican party’s philosophies state, then the problem where no women wants to touch his penis is not a problem with him being a pathetic asshole who believes horrible things but rather everyone else believing wrong things.
The dude is starting to get that most of the other dudes there don’t seem to agree with his grievance. Or even understand what the gibberish he’s saying means.
I mean, he’s not far from a sovern citizen rant as it is.
Suppor ironic since at beginning Walky was content with living his college days with no lady love at all only to have it dropped in his lap repeatedly.
Walky was happy with his life, and saw also having the best girlfriend as a cool bonus.
I’m guessing this guy has bigger problems which he thinks having a girlfriend will magically fix.
He also likely sees it as a need not a want which fuels a sense of entitlement.
Neither, whatever he’s hoping a girlfriend will fix nor feeling entitled to have a girlfriend are attractive.
…he assaulted Dina. Why is everyone just standing around and doing nothing while he monologues?
I think the scene just escalated too much too fast. If he was only a pest, then I could buy people keeping things non-violent and talky, but… well, no, he brought violence to the party, its entirely valid to visit violence back unto him now.
It’s important to note Dina is not hurt. He knocked cereal out of her hand which is an escalation, but she’s fine. They’re not beating up Incelerator because that is absolutely what he wants. Attention. If he actually gets hurt right now that equals assault charges for anyone who touches him, and it validates his rhetoric either way.
Oh, come off it with the “you’re only giving him attention” nonsense. He’s getting the same amount of attention now, if not more, but instead of using it to demand to be let go because Joe knocked him off his skates and is holding him down, he’s using it to spread his bullshit toxic crap.
And it wouldn’t be assault charges for self-defense or defense of others. Again, he attacked first, there’s no expectation that you should know how far someone else is willing to take violence when they’ve already unleashed it entirely unprovoked.
“He attacked my friend because she said she had a girlfriend, so I stopped him from attacking anyone else” is entirely valid.
I’d love to see Incelerator get beat up or whatever, but I’m just saying he’s definitely not the guy that would let any violence against him slide. Even touching him aggressively would likely have him crying assault. This comic gets wacky sometimes so maybe they’d get away with it, but at best in getting aggressive, they all just walk away not in trouble and Incelerator wins.
As shitty as he is, knocking something out of Dina’s hand is not attacking her. It’s aggro, but not to the point of earning a self-defense (or defense of others) exception. Unfortunately, you have to let him cook or risk it for the biscuit. No other options.
There was a brief moment as he flipped the tray where Dina or one of the others throwing a punch or tackling him could’ve been justified. But when he immediately went back into rant mode after flipping the tray, they lost the legal high ground. If he makes another move towards physical violence, then maybe someone can take him down. But right now, yeah, he’d be able to call for daddy’s lawyers to sue everyone involved.
I’d say the actual chances of him calling in the lawyers are low, though none of the cast know that.
To get lawyers involved, he’d have to unmask and that greatly increases the chances of one of them recognizing him as a kidnapper.
One of my favorite lines from any book ever is from Robert Heinlein’s Citizen of the Galaxy: “Incitement to riot is no excuse for a riot!” Even if you get punched in the face, it does NOT necessarily give you an excuse to punch back. Sometimes your opponent gives you no choice, but violence should always be your last resort, not your first. Punching this asshole right now would only mean two people to go into custody instead of one.
If you’re attacked, out of the blue, when doing absolutely nothing to warrant or invite such action, you shouldn’t be expected to be a mind reader and know that your attacker will limit themselves to only that measure of attack.
I’m not saying “they should beat him into a bloody pulp”, but grabbing and restraining someone that has attacked someone completely unprovoked and holding him in place for some sort of authority to come and pick him up is absolutely valid as well.
In the moment, sure. If someone had grabbed him (or even hit him) when he struck at Dina, that would be one thing, but time has passed, he didn’t actually hurt her and he hasn’t done anything else overt.
Its not escalation to grab him and hold him down in response to him wildly attacking someone for no reason. That’s meeting force with a proportional response of force.
He committed a minor act of violence against property, resulting in the destruction of at most $5 worth of cereal. (With, it should be noted, an apparent intention of intimidation, so calling it an assault is valid.) Responding to minor violence against property with moderate violence against his person would definitely count as an escalation, regardless of whether or not that escalation was justified.
As for whether they SHOULD? I’m pretty certain he’s trying to BAIT a violent response. That would play into his hands.
I say yes, because the main characters matter to the story and the incel doesn’t. He could get hit by a meteor on a weird trajectory and everything else in the world could simply move on like he’d never been around.
Because while it was assault it wasn’t grievous enough to legally warrant violence-escalation under 2nd Amendment laws, and the best they can hope for is pressing charges after police arrive
Okay, seriously, he haven’t assaulted anyone yet. He knocked Dina’s cereal out of her, which IS a complete dick move and I would be happy to see him get beat just for that, but from that to assault it’s a big stretch.
Legally, it IS assault. If the adults in this comic weren’t ninety-nine percent worthless, then all they would need to do is call the cops, show one of the countless phone vids up to that point, and he’d get a nice little stay in a small room for a few hours before his parents came to bail him out.
However, escalating to assault and battery is not going to do the gang here any good at all; honestly, Walky kind of openly treating him as an insignificant annoyance may be the best thing.
I don’t think there’s any special about “in this comic”.
Some idiot knocking a tray out of someone’s hands isn’t the kind of thing cops get called over in the real world either.
And what adults? Aren’t most of the staff in college cafeterias students themselves? Not the cooks, who’d be in back areas mostly, but those working the registers and stuff.
Nobody has called the cops because again, he hasn’t actually done anything illegal here, just been a douche to random people in public which is sadly no against the law. I seriously doubt cops would take any of what happened so far remotely seriously. (The one who is doing it is a white dude after all).
I can’t imagine the police are gonna agree that he should go to jail for being an asshole, even if the assholery did include knocking a thing out of someone’s hands.
The situation in the comment section is some folks are using legal definitions and some people are using concepts of justice.
Nobody should be arrested, or charged, or sentenced, for knocking over food. Even if that person is a douche. ACAB. This isn’t just some abstract hypothetical to me. A high school friend (non-white) of mine got a year’s probation for throwing a french fry at someone(white) saying, “I’ll get you”.
Do not call the pigs over minor fucking shit.
fucking THANK YOU!! same goes for calls to physically restrain him imo, reminds me too much of the rhetoric used against mentally ill people or homeless people being perceived as a threat when they’re not. I’m all for incel douche here reaping what he sows but that’s for, like, Sal or AG to take care of outside, not the cops.
To be fair, part of it is likely that we also know that he’s one of the kidnappers and thus has been and maybe still is more of a threat than he appears.
They absolutely should restrain him and call the cops, but no one there knows it.
If they knew it, they might also realize he could identify, to the cops, the person who’s been beating up who knows how many people. https://www.dumbingofage.com/sevenpercent/
One of the people in my communications class was in a… however a similar a real word situation could be, so no supervillain costume, but a guy went up to him and knocked the book out of his hand. My friend shoved him, and he wound up with an assault charge. It got dropped but like, I would be really werey of doing anything in this situation as much as it sucks
I’m not so sure this meets the definition of “assault”. He hasn’t laid a finger on Dina. He destroyed some very small property of hers.
His behavior is deliberately insulting and that makes us mad. I want to see him punished for it, but I think what he needs is to have his ego beaten within an inch of its life. To hear from all the guys in the room that he’s not their bro, not on their side, nobody cares about his silly quest, everybody thinks his attitude is weird and unnatural and a bit humorous. He should hear that everywhere he goes, until he figures out what it really is to be a man.
He’s getting that. The only person who is taking him seriously is Joe, who clearly doesn’t like him. NightGuy briefly took him seriously, but then stopped when he started talking and also clearly does not like him.
My first thought was “Last time Walky punched a dude in the face, they ended up fucking,” and then I wondered how I somehow got confused between actual events of the comic and Amber’s fanfiction.
Walky did punch Asher in his face. But Asher ended up fucking Ethan, not Walky. Perhaps you’re thinking of Amber’s masterpiece, “Three Men Fuck On My Bed And I Never Wash The Sheets Again.”
This Incelerator dude has the same hair as Leland in the flashbacks. Similar jawline, too. I remember the characters saying Leland doesn’t go to this school, but…are we sure?
Incels have such shit views, even dressing it up in a spiffy costume can’t lighten this mood for me. This guy is an unfun turd, I can’t wait to go back Joyce and Jocelyne bonding.
You don’t necessarily need to throw punch the destroy an incel. Just strike them in their insecurities.
I for one would start with him asking “OK dude whats this even about? Did your over achieving girlfriend realize you weren’t a good fit for her and dump you around the same time she was picking up a new hobby?…I’m also going to bet she left you for one of her lady friends.
Given that so far the worst thing Incelerator has done is knock a bowl of cereal on the floor, in so far as crimes go as far as Walky is aware, Walky’s strategy is pretty spot on at the moment. Hopefully he’ll do something stupid so someone can punch him without it being a crime.
Okay that is unfair, Raidah might be a bit shitty, but she absolutely would not stand for this kind of misogyny, come one let give her a bit of credit here.
Walky’s stare is more effective, because Incel’s already got a mental block for anything a woman says or does. He thinks Walky is like him, so Walky’s “dude, that’s fucking nonsense” glare is the best bet to undermine him.
A “hero” that responds directly to Incelerator – “White Knight” (who is a white person who white-knights wherever Incelerator goes, giving Incelerator more to riff on)
real Feminism, alongside other progressive politics, is routed in encouraging people of ALL gender orientations to work together to solve problems in the way of women and femme folk having more equity and freedom in our society
this is NOT the same as hating men in general, any notion to the contrary is but a product of conservative rhetoric, in which policy and social customs are only ever there to punish Those Who Stray From The Path.
She has not shifted to feminism, not even GCF. She’s superficially aping their talking points because those, unlike her own socio-religious views, have been shown to gain traction in mainstream opinion.
Any actual GCF would take one look at Mary, shake their head sadly, and walk away.
(A list of things I can guarantee you that most GCFs actually believe in, that Mary doesn’t:
1: Abortion on demand
2: Gay and lesbian rights
3: Equal opportunity/compensation laws in employment
4: Ecological protection and restoration
5: Police reform
6: Racial justice
7: Pro-labour economics)
Well, I wouldn’t say that most GCs believe in those things, but then like TERFs, few GCs are actually feminist.
Their general conception of women’s rights begins and ends with the transphobia.
Excellent point. Hell, this will probably be revealed as the reason AG was late, which will cause Dotty to blame herself, resulting in a further downspiral, especially when other readers’ speculation that this is going to push Walky into triggering another breakup comes true.
I hope next time we see Dina attacking while WwwNightguy DOES NOT consider this asshole’s talking points (seriously I thought it was a touch and go in panel 5)
This would be the perfect time for Dina to strike, tbh. Incelerator has stopped moving while he’s trying to persuade WwwwNightguy to join forces with him, so he wouldn’t expect an ambush attack from the side, a raptor’s known method of attacking their prey.
That’s exactly it – Walky is a likeable guy. He’s not perfect, but he’s decent to his best ability. He does not need to shit on women and put them down.
And this gets him way more girlfriends than being a misogynist. Women don’t want to be with a misogynist, inexplicably.
He’s an accessory to a major felony. Yes. You could restrain him. Even local cops take kidnapping college students seriously. Looks good on their record.
He’s recognized them, but known of them have recognized him. If they realize it, then yes absolutely. Call the cops and stall/hold him until they get here.
It’s sad and amusing at the same time how incel/conservative logic tells on itself. What kind of self image is it do believe that women only want to date you *because they don’t have better things to do in life*?!
Nothing is hotter than dating someone who has nothing going on in life and is with you because you are slightly less dull than their own existence? What? What kind of outlook is that?
I wonder where Willis is going with this. Wtf kind of cringe lord dresses up in costume and gives themselves a super hero/villain name just to go to a food court and preach incel ideology. (I assume he fashions himself a hero)
Love how he is literally talking to the perfect member of the main cast for his pitch(Walky was dumped basically for the very reasons this guy is talking about) and Walky is just staring at him like he’s an idiot.
Also love for the glints in his glasses make it look like he has crazy eyes matching how ridiculous his words are
At the end of the day Walky has been juggling several different on and off relationships for around half a year. This guy’s sounds like he’s been devoid of female affection tor a while or has had one badvbreak up and never recovered, they are practically worlds apart.
If this is an “enemies to lovers” arc, which enemy is going to show Incelerator the error of his ways through the power of their love, and please can it be Joe?
Now that I’ve said it, I would Patreon for an Enemies to Lovers with Incelerator and Mary, but I’m not sure I want to put Willis through writing it.
It seems that nobody has considered this take: I don’t think Walky is being influenced by the incel character in the way he thinks—not by converting Walky to incel ideology. Walky probably thinks this is similar to what he did to Dotty. She ended their relationship to focus on her studies, but the stress and anxiety overwhelmed her, leading her back to something familiar. That’s not the entire story, though. The crimson beige asshole definitely struck a nerve, just not in the way he intended.
I wouldn’t say that NOBODY considered that take (I did, in my first comment on this page, as did some of the people who replied to it), but I was surprised that it wasn’t a point of discussion for more people. But then, speculation based on a couple panels of facial expressions aren’t always the most productive anyway.
… does this guy by any chance have a younger female relative like a niece or something that really looks up to him? I think the only way he’ll listen is if we get that relative and have her ask “I don’t understand. Can you please explain?”
Even WwnNightguy is all, “SureJan.gif”
mostly bc if he fights, it’ll be like getting punched by a bag of cotton candy
stop blocking Dina’s face with your fist asshole!
that’s it NightGuy! Use your Conqueror’s Haki! D:<
And get on with blocking Dina’s fist with your face.
No no it’s part of Dina’s power, she’s starting to blend in
I’d prefer if NightGuy pulled off a hakai instead. Just one letter difference, but it’s what Incelerator really deserves.
Commas are important.
If they’re too distracted to notice you ‘getting it on’ with them, sounds like someone failed sex ed miserably.
Sex Ed tends not to include tips and tricks beyond ‘Use a condom or you will get gonorherpydia and die’
Sex Ed classes in my state definitely do not include any advice on dating. Only disease prevention and bare facts on reproduction.
My 90s sex ed didn’t include dating advice but it did have bits about couples talking things through and dealing with conflict and agitation.
Nightguy’s not mad; he’s just disappointed.
– NightGuy, you ok?
– Yeah, just tryin to find the exact amount of eye-narrowness that will pierce this guy’s soul and make him realize he’s an idiot. For me it’s about 30mm, but this guys provin’ resilient.
A human eyeball is less than 25 mm across in any direction. Is NightGuy! just weirdly vulnerable to being looked at?
Walky realizing he got a lot more girlfriends in the last 6 months than this guy apparently had his whole life
Walky’s had more girlfriends in the past six months than this guy EVER will.
Joyce has seen more boobs in the last two minutes than this guy ever will.
Joyce also will have more girlfriends in the next six months than this guy ever will (supposing she’s not married to Dotty already)
I wish. I think Walky realized that happened to him, maybe he doesn’t want Dorothy back like that.
I see it like that too. Panel’s 4 and 5 are not eye narrowing.
I think the incel/MRA recruiting goes after guys’ insecurities, and then offers them community. It’s a kind of negging. Incel’s hitting Walky’s insecurities, but not in the way he intends. I think Walky doesn’t want a woman to need him.
Wait, is that why he has so much chemistry with Amber? Like, she want’s him, but being around her is never an obligation, like it might be with lucy or possibly Dorothy?
Hahahaha, he accidentally gave Walky a healthier outlook on relationships?! XD Hilarious, I love it when douches like this guy end up making the wrong point.
“Sounds like a skill issue.”
Surprise twist: within a few episodes, Incelerator ends up sobbing over a soda, sitting with Walky, Walky consoling him and giving him dating advice.
(i wonder if we can get a cyrano de bergerac scheme going…)
This is what we need to happen, on a much larger scale.
Walky pulling a Wally West, count me in!
I think this creep is too far gone for that. Actual kidnapping along with gaybashing puts him beyond where dating advice can save him.
It is the best approach for proto-incels though.
I dunno if knocking someone’s cereal out of their hands qualifies as any sort of bashing. It’s more shitty behavior than physical assault.
Check the tags for his first appearance. And his first meeting with Amazi-Girl.
Dina’s sneaking up behind him while walky distracts, correct?
We all know the second raptor attacks from the side.
Well, Dina has oft proven herself to be a “clever girl”. I see no reason why she would stop now.
Dina’s the first raptor. Walky is more like…I don’t know, the Citipati?
Oof, I feel like Walky got hit by thoughts about Dorothy in panel 4
Yeah, I’m worried that Walky may take the wrong lesson away from this and think that, somehow, he is responsible for Dorothy’s current bag of issues.
Me too. It would be truly tragic if he broke up with her for the same reasons as last time. People need love and companionship as well as career goals!
Although the uncertainty is latent, we cannot rush, yes, I know that it is risky to have a positive attitude and say “they just need to talk about it”, because something that I have noticed with Walky and Dorothy is that they have always talked about what they It afflicts them, believe me, I don’t want another breakup of this ship.
They’re gonna break up. It’s inevitable.
They will break up, they are a bad match for each other right now. They will inevitably get back together after they have both matured more. Into a polycule with Jennifer.
I think a polycule with Joyce and Joe is more likely at this point.
Dorothy and Walky are dating and fucking.
Joyce and Dorothy are dating and fucking.
Joyce and Joe are dating and fucking.
Dorothy and Joe are not dating or fucking.
Walky and Joe are not dating or fucking.
Joyce and Walky are not dating but are fucking.
Everyone gets exactly what they want.
Joyce very much would not want to fuck Walky. Everything else is accurate.
Jennifer and Walky, at a bare minimum, are close enough that when they bicker it satisfies her need for intimate conflict. So that Jennifer and Dorothy can date and fuck. They’d do a threesome, but Jennifer’s opposed because she has to be in a different headspace for each of them.
Dorothy already has a companion in Joyce.
And Joyce isn’t a fan of Walky (much less WwNightguy). So that threesome just isn’t likely.
I know it will sound enthusiastic on my part, but Walky and Dorothy have always shown themselves to be sincere with each other, but yes, it is impossible not to show that concern.
“Girls should have a low enough self-image that they’re willing to date me.”.
Does this guy realize how much he is owning himself?
Normally I’d say he’s just a caricature.
But a few things on the bird’s dumpster fire make it seem more likely some people may genuinely believe that.
It’s also for that reason that I really hope he gets comeuppance swiftly.
I’d rather not he gets a ‘win’ for being a straight cis white guy because it’s close to reality, if this is a superhero power fantasy, let him be an irrelevant loser.
I don’t know what part of Willis entire comic make you think this guy gonna get a “Win”.
They never do.
They never, ever, do.
No because people like him actually believe this.
You have to understand where he’s coming from. If you assume women aren’t real people but exist just as stuff for men to consume, you know, like Boko Haram or the US Republican party’s philosophies state, then the problem where no women wants to touch his penis is not a problem with him being a pathetic asshole who believes horrible things but rather everyone else believing wrong things.
The dude is starting to get that most of the other dudes there don’t seem to agree with his grievance. Or even understand what the gibberish he’s saying means.
I mean, he’s not far from a sovern citizen rant as it is.
Lol. Walky is the king of having nothing going on and he’s arguably been laid more than anyone else in the cast. This is a you problem Incelerator.
Suppor ironic since at beginning Walky was content with living his college days with no lady love at all only to have it dropped in his lap repeatedly.
Walky was happy with his life, and saw also having the best girlfriend as a cool bonus.
I’m guessing this guy has bigger problems which he thinks having a girlfriend will magically fix.
He also likely sees it as a need not a want which fuels a sense of entitlement.
Neither, whatever he’s hoping a girlfriend will fix nor feeling entitled to have a girlfriend are attractive.
…he assaulted Dina. Why is everyone just standing around and doing nothing while he monologues?
I think the scene just escalated too much too fast. If he was only a pest, then I could buy people keeping things non-violent and talky, but… well, no, he brought violence to the party, its entirely valid to visit violence back unto him now.
It’s important to note Dina is not hurt. He knocked cereal out of her hand which is an escalation, but she’s fine. They’re not beating up Incelerator because that is absolutely what he wants. Attention. If he actually gets hurt right now that equals assault charges for anyone who touches him, and it validates his rhetoric either way.
Oh, come off it with the “you’re only giving him attention” nonsense. He’s getting the same amount of attention now, if not more, but instead of using it to demand to be let go because Joe knocked him off his skates and is holding him down, he’s using it to spread his bullshit toxic crap.
And it wouldn’t be assault charges for self-defense or defense of others. Again, he attacked first, there’s no expectation that you should know how far someone else is willing to take violence when they’ve already unleashed it entirely unprovoked.
“He attacked my friend because she said she had a girlfriend, so I stopped him from attacking anyone else” is entirely valid.
I’d love to see Incelerator get beat up or whatever, but I’m just saying he’s definitely not the guy that would let any violence against him slide. Even touching him aggressively would likely have him crying assault. This comic gets wacky sometimes so maybe they’d get away with it, but at best in getting aggressive, they all just walk away not in trouble and Incelerator wins.
As shitty as he is, knocking something out of Dina’s hand is not attacking her. It’s aggro, but not to the point of earning a self-defense (or defense of others) exception. Unfortunately, you have to let him cook or risk it for the biscuit. No other options.
Still, fingers crossed he gets himself pretzeled.
Cook or risk it for the biscuit? I’m not familiar with that idiom.
“Let him cook” means “hear him out”
“Risk it for the biscuit” means “take an action that may be risky, in case the result is worth it”
dammit now i hungry :/
There was a brief moment as he flipped the tray where Dina or one of the others throwing a punch or tackling him could’ve been justified. But when he immediately went back into rant mode after flipping the tray, they lost the legal high ground. If he makes another move towards physical violence, then maybe someone can take him down. But right now, yeah, he’d be able to call for daddy’s lawyers to sue everyone involved.
I’d say the actual chances of him calling in the lawyers are low, though none of the cast know that.
To get lawyers involved, he’d have to unmask and that greatly increases the chances of one of them recognizing him as a kidnapper.
I don’t think knocking an object out of a person’s hands will generally be understood as legal cause to beat someone up.
They’re waiting for AG, right? Joyce did tell Dina help was on the way.
If you need a stall, getting the villain monologing is pretty classic.
They’re all sly dogs.
I don’t think they need AG, or a need to stall anyone. This is a douchebag on rollerskates attacking people, its not the Joker.
Joker? No.
Clown? Yes.
This is, in fact, not their first rodeo.
One of my favorite lines from any book ever is from Robert Heinlein’s Citizen of the Galaxy: “Incitement to riot is no excuse for a riot!” Even if you get punched in the face, it does NOT necessarily give you an excuse to punch back. Sometimes your opponent gives you no choice, but violence should always be your last resort, not your first. Punching this asshole right now would only mean two people to go into custody instead of one.
Mashed potatoes are hardly a deadly weapon.
They are if you’re allergic.
If you’re attacked, out of the blue, when doing absolutely nothing to warrant or invite such action, you shouldn’t be expected to be a mind reader and know that your attacker will limit themselves to only that measure of attack.
I’m not saying “they should beat him into a bloody pulp”, but grabbing and restraining someone that has attacked someone completely unprovoked and holding him in place for some sort of authority to come and pick him up is absolutely valid as well.
In the moment, sure. If someone had grabbed him (or even hit him) when he struck at Dina, that would be one thing, but time has passed, he didn’t actually hurt her and he hasn’t done anything else overt.
I love that book.
But not that quote
So they should escalate, which is good, because he was escalating, which is bad?
Thank you for this comment. The comment you’re responding to sounds like high school drama to me. I thought this was supposed to be a college drama!
Its not escalation to grab him and hold him down in response to him wildly attacking someone for no reason. That’s meeting force with a proportional response of force.
Fuck proportion.
…then yell at the person saying “do nothing” is the right solution to getting attacked?
Fuck hallucinating things for people to have said so you can be upset about them.
Doing nothing is absolutely the right solution to being attacked. That way you can’t be held responsible when the body is discovered.
He committed a minor act of violence against property, resulting in the destruction of at most $5 worth of cereal. (With, it should be noted, an apparent intention of intimidation, so calling it an assault is valid.) Responding to minor violence against property with moderate violence against his person would definitely count as an escalation, regardless of whether or not that escalation was justified.
As for whether they SHOULD? I’m pretty certain he’s trying to BAIT a violent response. That would play into his hands.
Instead of calling Campus Security they should call the Janitor so he can use this douche’s face and hair as a mop to clean that
I say yes, because the main characters matter to the story and the incel doesn’t. He could get hit by a meteor on a weird trajectory and everything else in the world could simply move on like he’d never been around.
Something tells me he’s going to make a reappearance at the campus protests, so he temporarily matters to the plot a little.
Because while it was assault it wasn’t grievous enough to legally warrant violence-escalation under 2nd Amendment laws, and the best they can hope for is pressing charges after police arrive
Fuck the 2nd Amendment.
I’m not saying shoot the asshole, just grab him and restrain him so that this guy that’s attacked someone doesn’t attack anyone else.
Okay, seriously, he haven’t assaulted anyone yet. He knocked Dina’s cereal out of her, which IS a complete dick move and I would be happy to see him get beat just for that, but from that to assault it’s a big stretch.
Legally, it IS assault. If the adults in this comic weren’t ninety-nine percent worthless, then all they would need to do is call the cops, show one of the countless phone vids up to that point, and he’d get a nice little stay in a small room for a few hours before his parents came to bail him out.
However, escalating to assault and battery is not going to do the gang here any good at all; honestly, Walky kind of openly treating him as an insignificant annoyance may be the best thing.
I don’t think there’s any special about “in this comic”.
Some idiot knocking a tray out of someone’s hands isn’t the kind of thing cops get called over in the real world either.
And what adults? Aren’t most of the staff in college cafeterias students themselves? Not the cooks, who’d be in back areas mostly, but those working the registers and stuff.
Nobody has called the cops because again, he hasn’t actually done anything illegal here, just been a douche to random people in public which is sadly no against the law. I seriously doubt cops would take any of what happened so far remotely seriously. (The one who is doing it is a white dude after all).
Simply making him not-very-interesting-but-somewhat to the police might be very uncomfortable for an accessory to kidnapping.
Assault is illegal.
I can’t imagine the police are gonna agree that he should go to jail for being an asshole, even if the assholery did include knocking a thing out of someone’s hands.
Yes, that’s all they’d need to do because he will politely wait for the police to arrive.
The situation in the comment section is some folks are using legal definitions and some people are using concepts of justice.
Nobody should be arrested, or charged, or sentenced, for knocking over food. Even if that person is a douche. ACAB. This isn’t just some abstract hypothetical to me. A high school friend (non-white) of mine got a year’s probation for throwing a french fry at someone(white) saying, “I’ll get you”.
Do not call the pigs over minor fucking shit.
fucking THANK YOU!! same goes for calls to physically restrain him imo, reminds me too much of the rhetoric used against mentally ill people or homeless people being perceived as a threat when they’re not. I’m all for incel douche here reaping what he sows but that’s for, like, Sal or AG to take care of outside, not the cops.
To be fair, part of it is likely that we also know that he’s one of the kidnappers and thus has been and maybe still is more of a threat than he appears.
They absolutely should restrain him and call the cops, but no one there knows it.
If they knew it, they might also realize he could identify, to the cops, the person who’s been beating up who knows how many people. https://www.dumbingofage.com/sevenpercent/
I guess, but if he could, so could all the other kidnappers? Unless they all got away?
One of the people in my communications class was in a… however a similar a real word situation could be, so no supervillain costume, but a guy went up to him and knocked the book out of his hand. My friend shoved him, and he wound up with an assault charge. It got dropped but like, I would be really werey of doing anything in this situation as much as it sucks
Yes, being assaulted doesn’t necessarily justify committing assault yourself.
I’m not so sure this meets the definition of “assault”. He hasn’t laid a finger on Dina. He destroyed some very small property of hers.
His behavior is deliberately insulting and that makes us mad. I want to see him punished for it, but I think what he needs is to have his ego beaten within an inch of its life. To hear from all the guys in the room that he’s not their bro, not on their side, nobody cares about his silly quest, everybody thinks his attitude is weird and unnatural and a bit humorous. He should hear that everywhere he goes, until he figures out what it really is to be a man.
He’s getting that. The only person who is taking him seriously is Joe, who clearly doesn’t like him. NightGuy briefly took him seriously, but then stopped when he started talking and also clearly does not like him.
(And you may be thinking of battery.)
Walky you gotta punch dudes in the face when they say stuff like that
Uh, I mean night guy (gotta keep up that secret identity, yo)
My first thought was “Last time Walky punched a dude in the face, they ended up fucking,” and then I wondered how I somehow got confused between actual events of the comic and Amber’s fanfiction.
Walky did punch Asher in his face. But Asher ended up fucking Ethan, not Walky. Perhaps you’re thinking of Amber’s masterpiece, “Three Men Fuck On My Bed And I Never Wash The Sheets Again.”
Oh right, I had to read that for my lit class.
This Incelerator dude has the same hair as Leland in the flashbacks. Similar jawline, too. I remember the characters saying Leland doesn’t go to this school, but…are we sure?
Nah. I still want Night Guy to step aside and watch Dina cook.
honestly same. been so long since she seen some action
I congratulate you, Willis, on creating a drawing that I want to punch SO MUCH
He does look like Scott Summers, doesn’t he?
At least Cyclops knows what a pussy feels like.
Though Scott is one of the X-Men I like the least, he’s still a good person. Incelekidnapper there has no redeeming qualities.
Incels have such shit views, even dressing it up in a spiffy costume can’t lighten this mood for me. This guy is an unfun turd, I can’t wait to go back Joyce and Jocelyne bonding.
You don’t necessarily need to throw punch the destroy an incel. Just strike them in their insecurities.
I for one would start with him asking “OK dude whats this even about? Did your over achieving girlfriend realize you weren’t a good fit for her and dump you around the same time she was picking up a new hobby?…I’m also going to bet she left you for one of her lady friends.
I can’t tell which of them has devised the worse strategy…
Stalling is not necessarily a bad strategy.
… I can’t tell which of them is DESCRIBING the worse strategy, then.
Given that so far the worst thing Incelerator has done is knock a bowl of cereal on the floor, in so far as crimes go as far as Walky is aware, Walky’s strategy is pretty spot on at the moment. Hopefully he’ll do something stupid so someone can punch him without it being a crime.
Goddamn, it takes something truly, truly asinine to be the dumbest thing WALKY has ever heard.
I feel like Raidah could destroy this guy in 0.2 seconds without needing to throw a punch.
Didn’t think I’d ever want Raidah around for anything.
Raidah would let him go because he’s harassing Joyce.
Okay that is unfair, Raidah might be a bit shitty, but she absolutely would not stand for this kind of misogyny, come one let give her a bit of credit here.
Raidah is currently trying to alienate Joyce and Sarah from all their friends. Of course she’d see this as a victory.
Walky’s stare is more effective, because Incel’s already got a mental block for anything a woman says or does. He thinks Walky is like him, so Walky’s “dude, that’s fucking nonsense” glare is the best bet to undermine him.
This man was five seconds away from getting his neck cinched shut by Joe.
Check the scoreboard.
Ugh, just snap his neck and be done with it. Nobody will even notice until he starts to smell worse than usual.
Then the remains become the problem of the cleaning crew. Most college campus cleaning crews are not paid adequately to put up with that.
If I were a janitor and there was a whole human corpse on the floor, I’d be thrilled at the change to my boring routine.
Eww, Doug Wilson in Spandex. Just what I never wanted.
I don’t think there’s a villain that one could take less seriously than one who parrots 4chan talking points.
A “hero” that responds directly to Incelerator – “White Knight” (who is a white person who white-knights wherever Incelerator goes, giving Incelerator more to riff on)
This is the only White Knight I know of:
More like squawking points. 🦜
yeah this dude is like Mary, except even more pathetic somehow
The irony here is that Mary wouldn’t see him as a toxic male.
oh god she’s gonna dump Peter for him ain’t she @-@
Assuming they are even still together, her sudden shift towards Feminism could have been caused by them breaking up.
I’m personally still wishing for the trans Peter reveal even if it’s a long shot.
Possible though a bit unlikely, if it was she’d just get MORE Terfy
Mary has not shifted one inch towards Feminism. Adopting some TERFish rhetoric doesn’t make you a feminist.
I was obviously referring to the Man Hating bit.
Using man hating rhetoric to target trans women isn’t a shift towards feminism.
It’s not feminism, even when Terfs do it. Even less so when right wing Christians borrow the rhetoric.
real Feminism, alongside other progressive politics, is routed in encouraging people of ALL gender orientations to work together to solve problems in the way of women and femme folk having more equity and freedom in our society
this is NOT the same as hating men in general, any notion to the contrary is but a product of conservative rhetoric, in which policy and social customs are only ever there to punish Those Who Stray From The Path.
That’s not feminism, that’s “””feminism”””.
She has not shifted to feminism, not even GCF. She’s superficially aping their talking points because those, unlike her own socio-religious views, have been shown to gain traction in mainstream opinion.
Any actual GCF would take one look at Mary, shake their head sadly, and walk away.
(A list of things I can guarantee you that most GCFs actually believe in, that Mary doesn’t:
1: Abortion on demand
2: Gay and lesbian rights
3: Equal opportunity/compensation laws in employment
4: Ecological protection and restoration
5: Police reform
6: Racial justice
7: Pro-labour economics)
Well, I wouldn’t say that most GCs believe in those things, but then like TERFs, few GCs are actually feminist.
Their general conception of women’s rights begins and ends with the transphobia.
Geeze WwwNightguy. Just haul off and kick him in the nuts. What a fucking tool.
I know the splotches on Incel’s visor are light reflections but my brain keeps interpreting them as funny sort of eye expressions and it’s kinda fun.
I’m just waiting to see who kicks Incel dude’s ass first, while Walky’s got him distracted.
I love how he’s all “we don’t need to fight, Night Guy”. Just ignores the ridiculousness of it because he’s a fellow dude.
Maybe he’s low-key hitting on WwNightguy without either of them knowing it. (yet)
Probably a sucker punch from Amazi-Girl since that’s probably who Joyce called
Does Amazi-Girl even know that her costume is currently in Dorothy’s custody? She might be late getting here, if indeed she makes it here at all.
Excellent point. Hell, this will probably be revealed as the reason AG was late, which will cause Dotty to blame herself, resulting in a further downspiral, especially when other readers’ speculation that this is going to push Walky into triggering another breakup comes true.
She could probably just throw the mask on.
Maybe the most salutary response while he’s distracted is for everyone else to just wander away. “Nothing to see here.”
I hope next time we see Dina attacking while WwwNightguy DOES NOT consider this asshole’s talking points (seriously I thought it was a touch and go in panel 5)
I don’t think he’s actually talking him seriously, but he might be thinking about why Dorothy came back to him.
This would be the perfect time for Dina to strike, tbh. Incelerator has stopped moving while he’s trying to persuade WwwwNightguy to join forces with him, so he wouldn’t expect an ambush attack from the side, a raptor’s known method of attacking their prey.
What a loser lol
” someone ’s right behind me, ain’t they”
The best offense against a tool like Incelerator, is to tell him what he already knows.
“Dude, you can quit pretending to be the Incelerator, everyone knows you’re Virgin Prime!”
Nobody tell Incelerator that Walky has got with, in some fashion, three women since the start of September.
Some of the assembled women should, in fact, tell him that. Even embellish it.
That’s exactly it – Walky is a likeable guy. He’s not perfect, but he’s decent to his best ability. He does not need to shit on women and put them down.
And this gets him way more girlfriends than being a misogynist. Women don’t want to be with a misogynist, inexplicably.
It’s a mystery. Just unknowable.
He’s an accessory to a major felony. Yes. You could restrain him. Even local cops take kidnapping college students seriously. Looks good on their record.
He’s recognized them, but known of them have recognized him. If they realize it, then yes absolutely. Call the cops and stall/hold him until they get here.
It looks good on their record to be the ones kidnapping the college students.
And then they let him off easy because they don’t want it to ruin his life and he identifies AG for them.
Nightguy has “the voice”.
Incelerator does not have “the voice.”
Plot demands that Nightguy be victorious!
It’s sad and amusing at the same time how incel/conservative logic tells on itself. What kind of self image is it do believe that women only want to date you *because they don’t have better things to do in life*?!
Nothing is hotter than dating someone who has nothing going on in life and is with you because you are slightly less dull than their own existence? What? What kind of outlook is that?
I wonder where Willis is going with this. Wtf kind of cringe lord dresses up in costume and gives themselves a super hero/villain name just to go to a food court and preach incel ideology. (I assume he fashions himself a hero)
Incelerator: You and I are one in the same.
Nightguy: Yeah…no. For one, I get laid. Regularly.
Incelerator: NOOOOOOO!
To be fair. Nightguy does not at all look like a guy who regularly gets laid.
Which is kind of a thing that Incels hate.
Once the internet happened, a lot of nerds discovered that they could get laid with each other.
Okay, what does that look like?
That’s a bit voyeuristic to ask.
He looks LIKE A NERD!
Jennifer: *points* NERRDDDDDDD!
aggressively staring at this guy until he fucks off might actually be a good strategy
Love how he is literally talking to the perfect member of the main cast for his pitch(Walky was dumped basically for the very reasons this guy is talking about) and Walky is just staring at him like he’s an idiot.
Also love for the glints in his glasses make it look like he has crazy eyes matching how ridiculous his words are
At the end of the day Walky has been juggling several different on and off relationships for around half a year. This guy’s sounds like he’s been devoid of female affection tor a while or has had one badvbreak up and never recovered, they are practically worlds apart.
Hm, must’ve been quite a bad breakup lol
If this is an “enemies to lovers” arc, which enemy is going to show Incelerator the error of his ways through the power of their love, and please can it be Joe?
Now that I’ve said it, I would Patreon for an Enemies to Lovers with Incelerator and Mary, but I’m not sure I want to put Willis through writing it.
It seems that nobody has considered this take: I don’t think Walky is being influenced by the incel character in the way he thinks—not by converting Walky to incel ideology. Walky probably thinks this is similar to what he did to Dotty. She ended their relationship to focus on her studies, but the stress and anxiety overwhelmed her, leading her back to something familiar. That’s not the entire story, though. The crimson beige asshole definitely struck a nerve, just not in the way he intended.
I agree with this take.
I wouldn’t say that NOBODY considered that take (I did, in my first comment on this page, as did some of the people who replied to it), but I was surprised that it wasn’t a point of discussion for more people. But then, speculation based on a couple panels of facial expressions aren’t always the most productive anyway.
… does this guy by any chance have a younger female relative like a niece or something that really looks up to him? I think the only way he’ll listen is if we get that relative and have her ask “I don’t understand. Can you please explain?”