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Countdown to Countdown
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Wife is getting downsized soon and will be having to negotiate the alleged job market while being simultaneously (a) old and (b) female, so this could be a very… interesting year for us
At first I thought you were saying you were confused, but then I realized that you were making a bolder claim, that you yourself personified confusion. The same way that someone would announce “I am death.”
I think Becky’s breakdown killed their sexy time, and they went back to Dina’s room for her to change back out of the suit. Or to hide inside the dinosaur like Luke on Hoth.
It’s a reference to the “Scrubs” episode “My Screw-Up”; Ben is a guest-character on the show played by Brendan Fraser. I won’t go into further details here for spoiler reasons, though.
Scrubs. There’s a very emotional episode in which “Where do you think we are?” is a sudden wham line in which it is suddenly revealed that the characters are at a funeral for a character that the viewers did not yet know was already dead.
I think I remember seeing the other patient (the one they imply died as a mislead) in the background at one point too. Not sure if that was this episode or even show though.
A character is brought in and dies. One of the mains goes into denial, seeing and talking to the dead character (Ben) throughout while arranging their baby’s birthday party. Towards the end they talk about babies covered in cake being a nightmare and another main asks where they think they are. We widen to reveal Ben’s funeral.
I’m hoping it’s more of an “apologizing for trying to cheat *on* my BF that I just got back with, not long after hinting that he should cheat *with* me on his then current GF.” thing.
Considering that she wasn’t acknowledging her feelings, I don’t think the intent at the time would count as cheating.
But I’m also not sure Dorothy would make that distinction.
Her freak out with Joe kinda implies she doesn’t make that distinction.
She realized that she was, at least subconsciously, trying to cheat on Walky. Bisexual panic is not an excuse for repeatedly trying to send someone a sexual picture, “joke” or not.
That and her trying to convince Walky to cheat with her, or to break up with Lucy and re-date her, are poor looks no matter how you swing them. Her advice to him before that was also selfish, but it got glossed over.
Everything aside from sending the pic to Joyce is irrelevant to whether or not she was trying to cheat and any subsequent apology, regardless of how bad the other stuff looks (pretty sure she already apologized for that stuff as well).
And I don’t think people should be blamed for subconscious feelings.
Whether or not Dorothy feels the same way about that is the question.
Of course you should be blamed for acting on things. Actions should have consequences. Just because Walky’s a sponge of uncaring sponginess, so she gets away with it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a shitty action.
Do you seriously not understand that she’s not apologizing for sending the picture but for the recontextualizing (sp) of what sending the picture means with the realization of her feelings?
It wasn’t a action because the action in and of itself was not wrong.
It never crossed her mind that Joyce is trying to cheat on Joe with her or get her to cheat on Walky, and she’s not trying to do the opposite when she sends a pic back.
But when she realizes her attraction, now Dorothy feels wrong.
But she still doesn’t think Joyce did anything wrong.
Why? Because the intent matters, and she knows Joyce didn’t intend to send her pics.
If only the action mattered, then Joyce would be just as wrong as Dorothy.
What do you mean “her and Dottie”? Who’s her in this case? I assumed Dorothy was apologizing for sending nudes to Joyce? Because she feels guilty that she’s falling for someone other than her bf?
That brings up the question: If Amazi-Girl thoroughly fucks somebody, does Amber feel thoroughly fucked when she fronts later on? As a person without the relevant anatomy, I’m not entirely sure how that pans out.
I assume all purely physical/chemical sensations that lasted past the actual sex would still be there after they switched drivers, depending on how soon the switch happened.
Anything more than physical like the satisfaction of making Dorothy’s toes curl or the guilt from sleeping with your friend’s/alter’s ex’s girlfriend (are AG and Walky friends?) would probably not affect Amber.
But this is just an ignorant assumption on my part.
My guess, and this is only a guess, is that jeffepp thinks it possible that when Dorothy had her conversation with Joe, finally admitting (including to herself) that she was attracted to Joyce, and then was tossed by Becky into a room with an extremely attractive Amazigirl, something then happened of the stuff of fanfic for which Dorothy felt she needed to apologize to Walky.
It seems far more likely that, Dorothy being Dorothy, her recognition of her feelings for Joyce recontextialized sending Joyce the pictures as cheating on Walky for which she needed to apologize. With sex. For her own self respect. Not, mind you, with any explanation why to Walky, who in fairness doesn’t care.
there was a company making safety glasses with HUD in them that were just awesome. They were for warehouse picking work. They would have your picklist, and would hilight a path to the nearest item on your list. when you got there, they would check the barcodes on the bins, and then tell you how many to pick, and then count with you. they would also alert you if you were in the wrong bin or if you miscounted. as well as being OSHA approved eye protection
Nothing to say here. No comment. Nothing interesting. Just two people acting entirely normal. Why is there a comic here? Willis needed to fill time, didn’t he?
* The main plot threads need to jump ahead and you want to smooth that over so it doesn’t feel like a big skip forward. Cutaway is a very good way to bridge those.
* These characters are uninvolved with the plot this chapter but they’re main characters and you don’t want it to feel like they’re absent, so this gives them enough to do that they still feel present in the story.
* This is going to be an actual scene and so a page like this becomes effectively an establishing shot with a punchline
You say that now but down the line we will look back at this moment and realize how much we were being told in this interaction and how truly pivotal it was. It all started here. “Leave your computer sometime.” will be the new “Act with integrity.”
The only answer is Willis forgot to upload the final panel which is Ruth saying “Leave your computer sometime” more forcefully while looking straight at the audience.
If somebody is about to get beat up, the beater-upper might say “your ass is grass”, so really if Amber goes and find someone who just got beat up and offers them comfort in the form of touching their butt, she could be fulfilling that imperative.
You did, though. It’s a little ambiguous because my current Gravatar is centered and throws off the lines, but you definitely chained off of my comment.
Probably be even clearer if I didn’t often go out of my way to cram thinner icons to the right as a subtle misdirect.
At first I thought Amber was making a Spiderman reference, but now I’m not so sure. And I can’t blame people for not getting a reference, since not everyone watches or reads the same fiction.
Amber talking to herself kind means something different…or maybe it doesn’t?
She’s not talking to herself in this page at all though. Every line here is addressed to Ruth.
I realized that after I already typed my comment and to my shame it’s the first one today.
Feel free to start a different topic here. I flubbed it.
Ruth and Amber start the “Orphans With Awful Dad-like Figures Roof” club
and then they bang (but not necessarily on the roof)
so then Amber has to move to a different dorm too
because somehow Ruth is still the RA
OH! Oh oh oh!
“Garbage Ruth on Garbage Roof!”
(the name of the next plotline)
It’s the Garbage Truth with Garbage Proof!
Revealed by the Garbage Sleuth,
We can’t handle the Garbage Tooth!
But he finds the Garbage Sooth:
Garbage Dogs have Garbage Floof!
so about those macroeconomic indicators
How are you enjoying the Trump recession?
Wife is getting downsized soon and will be having to negotiate the alleged job market while being simultaneously (a) old and (b) female, so this could be a very… interesting year for us
This is how she cries for help.
her text bubble isn’t colored but it would be interesting if she was trying to imitate ruths voice
but there’s people out there
I am confusion
At first I thought you were saying you were confused, but then I realized that you were making a bolder claim, that you yourself personified confusion. The same way that someone would announce “I am death.”
now I am become confusion, destroyer of certainty
You am become Reddit?
A dating app, perhaps?
Tabloid news?
I am confusion:
She makes a good argument though.
Wait so is walky and dorothy banging in ambers room whole becky and dina are banging next door?
Dorothy and Walky are in Dorothy/Becky’s room, I checked when the page went up. So either Dina and Becky left or they’re in Dina’s room.
I could certainly imagine Amber only being out in the hall because Dina kicked her out.
That room must smell awful
I think Becky’s breakdown killed their sexy time, and they went back to Dina’s room for her to change back out of the suit. Or to hide inside the dinosaur like Luke on Hoth.
“And I thought it smelled like sex on the OUTSIDE”
They’re all both banging and not banging until observed.
Schrodinger’s Fuck.
+1 The cat is suing for psychological abuse…
Pavlov’s dog is just drooling, though.
(The dog’s name is Joe.)
I both give and do not give this fuck.
Amber both is and is not practicing looking troubled.
Oh yeah!
Happy Spring Equinox to all who celebrate! ^^
There were signs (we do have crocuses up), but now it’s official.
I’m in a location that has had snow in June, though. ‘Officially spring’ doesn’t mean I can put the snow shovels and ice scrapers away just yet.
Walky and Dorothy appear to be in Dorothy’s room. Becky and Dina may have sexiled Amber so they can bang on the sex dinosaur.
They’re all in the same room, but they’re all being very quiet so the other couple doesn’t notice.
It’s the polite thing to do.
… ben’s funeral?
Who’s Ben?
I *think* it’s a SpiderMan reference, but I ain’t quite sure XD
it’s scrubs
Ben Scrubs. Husband of May Scubs. Uncle of Peter Piper of the Pepper Pipers.
Ah, right next door to the Pumpkin Eaters I believe.
Uncle Ben.
My first assumption would be Ben from Spider-Man but I don’t know why that would be the reference here.
JD’s mentor’s ex-wife’s brother
Oh, Scrubs! That would make much more sense than Spider-Man.
I should probably watch that show, the Pitt has gotten me on a bit of a hospital show kick.
they’re very similar
Nah, I don’t watch no Scrubs. Scrubs is a show that don’t get no love from me.
It’s a reference to the “Scrubs” episode “My Screw-Up”; Ben is a guest-character on the show played by Brendan Fraser. I won’t go into further details here for spoiler reasons, though.
My Scrubs-Up
I’m not sure “at ben’s funeral” leaves much in the potential spoiler box…
Scrubs. “Where do you think we are?”
Scrubs. There’s a very emotional episode in which “Where do you think we are?” is a sudden wham line in which it is suddenly revealed that the characters are at a funeral for a character that the viewers did not yet know was already dead.
They do leave clues though.
“So, you still doing the whole kooky-guy-who-brings-his-camera-everywhere thing?” “Till the day I die.”
And once Cox is told that a patient has died, Ben doesn’t have his camera anymore.
I’d say this is the second hardest hitting episode, right after “My Lunch”.
I think I remember seeing the other patient (the one they imply died as a mislead) in the background at one point too. Not sure if that was this episode or even show though.
Ok good, it’s not just me trying to figure that one out
This is actually a Scrubs reference
Based on the six people who couldn’t wait to say it, I think there’s an orphaned Scrub reference.
Honestly a little embarrassed I didn’t catch it. This is like the one Scrubs thing I actually know about
Scrubs reference.
A character is brought in and dies. One of the mains goes into denial, seeing and talking to the dead character (Ben) throughout while arranging their baby’s birthday party. Towards the end they talk about babies covered in cake being a nightmare and another main asks where they think they are. We widen to reveal Ben’s funeral.
Now I really want to know what went on between her and Dottie. That Dottie felt the need to apologize for to Walkie about.
I think Dorothy was apologizing for sending Joyce a titty pic?
It makes more sense for her to be apologizing about the whole Joyce thing.
Dorothy felt the need to apologize to Walky for sending Joyce lewds instead of him. She’s over correcting for bisexual guilt.
I’m hoping it’s more of an “apologizing for trying to cheat *on* my BF that I just got back with, not long after hinting that he should cheat *with* me on his then current GF.” thing.
Considering that she wasn’t acknowledging her feelings, I don’t think the intent at the time would count as cheating.
But I’m also not sure Dorothy would make that distinction.
Her freak out with Joe kinda implies she doesn’t make that distinction.
She realized that she was, at least subconsciously, trying to cheat on Walky. Bisexual panic is not an excuse for repeatedly trying to send someone a sexual picture, “joke” or not.
That and her trying to convince Walky to cheat with her, or to break up with Lucy and re-date her, are poor looks no matter how you swing them. Her advice to him before that was also selfish, but it got glossed over.
Everything aside from sending the pic to Joyce is irrelevant to whether or not she was trying to cheat and any subsequent apology, regardless of how bad the other stuff looks (pretty sure she already apologized for that stuff as well).
And I don’t think people should be blamed for subconscious feelings.
Whether or not Dorothy feels the same way about that is the question.
Of course you should be blamed for acting on things. Actions should have consequences. Just because Walky’s a sponge of uncaring sponginess, so she gets away with it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t a shitty action.
Do you seriously not understand that she’s not apologizing for sending the picture but for the recontextualizing (sp) of what sending the picture means with the realization of her feelings?
action because the action in and of itself was not wrong.
It wasn’t a
It never crossed her mind that Joyce is trying to cheat on Joe with her or get her to cheat on Walky, and she’s not trying to do the opposite when she sends a pic back.
But when she realizes her attraction, now Dorothy feels wrong.
But she still doesn’t think Joyce did anything wrong.
Why? Because the intent matters, and she knows Joyce didn’t intend to send her pics.
If only the action mattered, then Joyce would be just as wrong as Dorothy.
What do you mean “her and Dottie”? Who’s her in this case? I assumed Dorothy was apologizing for sending nudes to Joyce? Because she feels guilty that she’s falling for someone other than her bf?
jefepp is implying that something sexy happened between Dottie and Amber.
Given Amber’s bored look and lack of “I just got eaten out” hair, I think it’s safe to assume that the answer is that nothing at all happened.
Nah, Dotty and A-G totally banged. Amazi-Girl just hasn’t told Amber about it yet.
That brings up the question: If Amazi-Girl thoroughly fucks somebody, does Amber feel thoroughly fucked when she fronts later on? As a person without the relevant anatomy, I’m not entirely sure how that pans out.
I assume all purely physical/chemical sensations that lasted past the actual sex would still be there after they switched drivers, depending on how soon the switch happened.
Anything more than physical like the satisfaction of making Dorothy’s toes curl or the guilt from sleeping with your friend’s/alter’s ex’s girlfriend (are AG and Walky friends?) would probably not affect Amber.
But this is just an ignorant assumption on my part.
None of the orgasm, all of the chaffing and calf cramps…
I can relate to that and I’m not even DID. I just refer to Past Me and Future Me.
My guess, and this is only a guess, is that jeffepp thinks it possible that when Dorothy had her conversation with Joe, finally admitting (including to herself) that she was attracted to Joyce, and then was tossed by Becky into a room with an extremely attractive Amazigirl, something then happened of the stuff of fanfic for which Dorothy felt she needed to apologize to Walky.
It seems far more likely that, Dorothy being Dorothy, her recognition of her feelings for Joyce recontextialized sending Joyce the pictures as cheating on Walky for which she needed to apologize. With sex. For her own self respect. Not, mind you, with any explanation why to Walky, who in fairness doesn’t care.
She did try to explain, but his pants were already off.
I think the replies so far have missed the point.
The point being???
A for effort.
Both of them checking “have successful conversation” on their TODO lists.
Dumbing of Age: Always Troubled
Mobile phones are just smaller computers. And if they weren’t so bleh, google glass
there was a company making safety glasses with HUD in them that were just awesome. They were for warehouse picking work. They would have your picklist, and would hilight a path to the nearest item on your list. when you got there, they would check the barcodes on the bins, and then tell you how many to pick, and then count with you. they would also alert you if you were in the wrong bin or if you miscounted. as well as being OSHA approved eye protection
jetpackgoggle fewchaIf the glasses could do all that, what did they need you for?
That’s my secret Captain, I’m always troubled.
Come on, Amber, you’ve got to do the <q> </q> tags with your fingers if you’re going to do that in meatspace.
She’s not out there by choice she’s SEXILED
Sexiled from her own room, where Dorothy is fucking on her bed? Unless you figure she swapped rooms with Becky and Dina.
Becky and Dina are elsewhere. AG’s in Amber’s room having sex.
I see no problem with this statement and believe you directly.
Are you actually B-… Jennifer?
If so, I gotta say : I love you on DoA
im sure she heard walky coming (heh) from a mile away so hopefully she’d be ready as opposed to just leave without grabbing a laptop or so
Underrated dynamic, really.
Nothing to say here. No comment. Nothing interesting. Just two people acting entirely normal. Why is there a comic here? Willis needed to fill time, didn’t he?
A few reasons why you’d make a page like this.
* The main plot threads need to jump ahead and you want to smooth that over so it doesn’t feel like a big skip forward. Cutaway is a very good way to bridge those.
* These characters are uninvolved with the plot this chapter but they’re main characters and you don’t want it to feel like they’re absent, so this gives them enough to do that they still feel present in the story.
* This is going to be an actual scene and so a page like this becomes effectively an establishing shot with a punchline
In practice it’s probably all three.
You say that now but down the line we will look back at this moment and realize how much we were being told in this interaction and how truly pivotal it was. It all started here. “Leave your computer sometime.” will be the new “Act with integrity.”
so you’re saying she will crash her computer
Leave your computer sometime! Experience more regrets!
The only answer is Willis forgot to upload the final panel which is Ruth saying “Leave your computer sometime” more forcefully while looking straight at the audience.
I thought the final panel was Walky saying don’t care.
that’s an interesting take on “touch grass”
If somebody is about to get beat up, the beater-upper might say “your ass is grass”, so really if Amber goes and find someone who just got beat up and offers them comfort in the form of touching their butt, she could be fulfilling that imperative.
I was about to ask, “what?” so thank you for your explanation which raises many new questions.
Is this a prophecy about how Jennifer and Ruth start fucking again.
She could skip a step, and just beat someone’s ass.
Ethan can be JD.
The couch-fucker?
Nope, that’s a Scrubs reference lol
Not everything in life is a Scrubs reference. Y’all are like obsessed with that show.
An incredibly old reference to this script.
Hey don’t shoot the messenger, I haven’t thought of that show in a decade, I just recognise the reference.
No congrats for recognizing it!
oh wait i was responding on my phone, was meant to click on Taffy’s reply lol!
You did, though. It’s a little ambiguous because my current Gravatar is centered and throws off the lines, but you definitely chained off of my comment.
Probably be even clearer if I didn’t often go out of my way to cram thinner icons to the right as a subtle misdirect.
Well done.
Your thinking of Uncle Ben who died on Scubs after Peter failed to save him.
Amber Nadir from the hit tv show Community
Surely one Amber is all we need.
As my t-shirt says, “My brain is trash and I live on the internet.”
… is Amber talking to herself, to Ruth, or to Mike?
Yeah, Amber is indeed away from her computer right now, gotta give that point to her.
This is one step removed from saying “upvote” outloud
What wrong with that?
Amber’s not very good at expressions. She looks bored instead of troubled. I wish she just told Ruth what’s bothering her.
[Somewhere in his mind the “Ambiguously Gay Duo” starts to play quietly]
“What’s everyone looking at?”
I assume this comic means Amber expected Ruth to start a dialogue but it completely did not happen.
Because Ruth doesn’t care about whether Amber lives or dies.
or Ruth didn’t have a chance to talk.
I’d like to see Amazi-Girl and Ruth have a fight.
It’d be interesting.
C’mon Amber, you can totally give “quoting inflection”.
You know what, it’s probably because you’re troubled today. I get it.
You son of a bongo, why did you make me remember that?
(“That” being My Screw Up)
Treatment is simple. Go to Panucci’s Pizza, get slice, pet dog.
At first I thought Amber was making a Spiderman reference, but now I’m not so sure. And I can’t blame people for not getting a reference, since not everyone watches or reads the same fiction.
Alt-text is clearly a reference to the The Office episode The Dinner Party, in which Jan yells at Michael, “Where do you think I am?”
Amber’s shirt doesn’t really go with her jacket. I’m not sure she would care, though.
…it’s honestly not a great jacket for her hair/skin tone.
That never matters.
Big tall vs shawty energy going on here
Between social awkwardness caused by the misunderstanding and Amber’s real meaning being right, that’s a full on crit hit. Well handled both though.
Technically, she’s in OUR computers right now
Two beat panels. Yes, this scene calls for this absolutely (not sarcasm).