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The sad thing is that if Jennifer wants a character witness this is probably the best she can do.
Joyce has definitely witnessed that Jennifer can be quite the character.
Yep, but unfortunately for Jennifer her next best alternative is her embittered ex so Joyce will have to suffice.
She could do far worse.
What does she want?
I assume the same favour she asked Raidah for
That is what I’m guessing.
A shrubbery. And for Joyce to cut down the tallest tree in the forest with a herring.
Nobody wants Jennifer to say… “Ni!”
Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing!
Gotta say, I did not expect this.
NOBODY expects the…oh, wait, wrong bit.
maybe a deep part of her that doesn’t want to admit it cares for asher and wants joyce ot talk to ethan to get info since they are friends, although other than casually revealing super personal/intimate details idk if she’d really press more than “how’s your new relationship going” if not invite joe on a ‘double date’ kinda thing (tho that’d be fun to see)
She’s hyper focused on Alice now, I doubt she really cares about Asher so long as she can pretend to have at least one kind of “normal” relationship.
That makes sense too, i guess joyce might be willing to help tho i’d imagine alice to bring up boundaries and such, even if it’s not the same situation as joyce potentially cutting her own mother off
i’m down for alice having more of a role in the cast but patreon strips aside be interesting if there was a spinoff too (tho i guess at some point its’ easier to put it all in one comic esp since i assume willis isn’t gonna retire anytime soon)
He better not! We have to get these kids through college!
I like Alice, but if Willis decided to make a Dumbing of Age spinoff comic she would not be my first bet
Glassos/Cheers pastiche would be fun.
sometimes you wanna go
where everybody is a FOOOOOOOOOL
She wants meth, and she knows Joyce can tell her where to get it for a good price. It’s the only explanation that factors in her recent activities and motivations.
Tedd spotted!
Meth? I thought she wanted mdma.
Sorry, love EGS
She wants for Joyce NOT to be her only option.
“The student is now the master.”
Oh no. Joyce is Jennifer’s best friend! Hah!
Wow, it was forever ago the last time this happened.
Don’t worry Jennifer, this isn’t a new low for you, things were always this bad!
And, her world crumbles further.
Best thing that could happen to her.
Actually, yeah.
kinda sounds like something becky would have told Joyce at some point a while back
speaking of the worldly,
tonight’s a Total Lunar Eclipse! <3
and today is Pi Day, and the birthday of the autista OG Albert Einstein!!! ^^
(if you need an excuse to celebrate by doing whatever, there you go XD)
*plays “Kryptonite” by Three Doors Down on hacked muzak*
Albert Einstein was a german bus driver?
Or is it other-worldly? Serious question. I mean the moon isn’t a planet, but it is also a distinct astrological body, yet it is in our planetary system. It is an object of mythology and spiritualism, but we keep ditching our electronics up there like its the bottom of a roller-coaster.
It’s another world, but it’s *our* other world.
Some nice reds on the lady this morning.
Well that’s a switch from gagging about Walky seeing her boobs.
Yay!! A chance for Joyce to feel good about herself and help someone who has been there for her in the past! Also a distraction from the tiddypics, which I will survive, somehow.
it’s nice to be needed
Joyce is the best little sister.
Jennifer asking Joyce for a favor………ok, the expression on both of their faces says it all.
Joyce is very good at speaking with her mouth full. I don’t know if this is because as the youngest of many siblings, dinner was probably a death race to consume as many calories as possible before they were all gone, or because she secretly part chipmunk (which to be honest sort of fits). Regardless, that mitten is now likely very slobbery, which is, frankly, the worst sort of glove.
unless leather mitten, look up garbo mitts
water had to either penetrate the seam or go in with your hand
If she keeps looking at that selfie any longer she’s going to chew and swallow her glove.
We’ve reached levels of triangle smile on Joyce previously thought impossible!
That bottom angle of the triangle is more than 90 degrees. It needs to be less than 90 for it to be acute triangle smile.
Unless all angles are 90 degrees, at least one of them must be acute.
Well, her head is spherical (or close enough for a topology work), and on a spherical topology you can have triangles (depending where you designate “inside” the triangle) with all angles GREATER than 90 degrees.
… I think THAT’s the new bar for “levels of triangle smile previously thought impossible.
Joyce _can_ be obtuse at times…
Oh no… no. Tony and Sarah are too good to be broken up by Joyce. Jennifer’s face is giggle-worthy tho.
‘S hard to use a glove while scrolling— how was she able to perfectly talk while biting into it
I don’t think Jennifer cares about breaking up Sarah and Tony, and if she did we already know her strategy is “do not interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
Joyce would never agree to do that. No shot.
Nah, I suspect the “expertise” Jennifer is about to avail herself of is Joyce’s ability to change herself since arriving at college.
Jennifer doesn’t want to break up Sarah and Tony. Raidah wants that. But Jennifer wants to be closer to Alice again. And she wants Joyce to wingwoman for her.
Happy Purim, guys!
And Happy Holi as well!
Oh wow there’s 4 holidays today AND a total lunar eclipse :0
*gifts graggers to everyone else’s 5-year-old kids like the little shit-stirrer that he is*
I love how this isn’t even the first time she’s had the rock bottom realization of Joyce probably being her strongest friendship in college. Like, this just keeps happening to her.
I don’t know if “rock bottom” is fair. Yes, it sucks to have only one friend, but if you do only have one, Joyce is a great one to have.
Two key things here is that Jennifer hasn’t really leaned into being Joyce’s friend, so she’s not really getting the benefits, and that while Joyce is probably Jennifer’s closest friend, Jennifer is at most Joyce’s sixth closest friend, probably lower.
C’mon. Sure Jennifer isn’t the best friend but she’s at least in the top 5. What you think Dina edges her out?
Last semester, probably not. This semester, yeah. Hell, I think Jennifer is below Walky. Joyce wasn’t making lunch plans with Jennifer.
No, I don’t think Dina’s higher than Jennifer. Not yet at least, that might change. I would say that Ethan definitely used to be, and frankly I’d probably plug Walky in higher than Jennifer.
In hindsight “Might change” doesn’t seem strong enough, Dina’s like a week out from overtaking Jennifer at the rate we’ve been going. It’s only a matter of time.
I mean let’s see. Off the top of my head it’s Definitely Dorothy or Becky. I wanna say Dorothy is #1 but that might insult Becky who has known her longer. Maybe like:
1. Dorothy
2. Becky
3. Sarah
4. Joe or Walky if Joe is in a separate boyfriend category
5. Dina
…….Damn Jen might be six.
I think Jen’s even lower. I think Liz, Sarah’s sister, is above her for sure. And maybe Sal too; she shares her clothes and I think Joyce offered her a double date. Hell, Jen might be below Carla.
Keep in mind for Jennifer, this is absolutely rock bottom. She doesn’t need help, she’s great with people, and thinks sincere and outgoing nerds are embarrassing. She now has to ask Joyce for advice. This really stings her ego.
Yes, this is important context. What I am saying isn’t knocking Joyce, but that Jennifer/Billie likes her but still is reminded of her own social failings sometimes by realizing Joyce is the one she is in the debt of, so to speak, the first time when Billie was basically a social cancer in the initial couple of months of college.
Note that Jennifer is MUCH more comfortable with the friendship in situations like when Joyce was receptive to getting help from her during the birth control saga and when Joyce was irritable with her closer friends. I think Jennifer is uncomfortable coming to people hat-in-hand and likes being seen as a dependable person, even if she’s so consistently failed at maintaining that.
I highly doubt she even registers Joyce as friend.
Especially sad since she once admitted out loud that Joyce was her best friend.
She totally considers Joyce a friend, like she loves dropping in to try to help with stuff like Joyce being pissed at the others when she was being patronized about her health.
Doesn’t mean she’s been a consistently good friend or present friend, obviously, but what is Jennifer if not a bundle of contradictions?
She’s the problem solver, she’s the problem. She fixes things, she breaks them. She’s the best, she’s the fucking worst. Not one of us loves her or hates her as much as she loves and hates herself.
It’s so funny, she’s so highschool brained she can’t just develop her actual relationships
“You’re asking ME a favor?”
“Well, this is the one bridge left that I haven’t burned… so yeah.”
Billie-Jenn is not a lover
She’s just a girl who
Thinks that I am a dork
Right now she needs a friend!
Hee hee hee huh
Billie-Jenn is not a lover
Billie-Jenn is not a lover
+100 for that
Don’t have the time to do a whole adaptation right now, but it just occurred to me that Jen’s situation with Alice matches pretty well with the beginning of Teenage Dirtbag (by Wheatus).
(Her name is Alice
I have a dream about her
Well, it’s a step up from asking Raidah to speak on behalf of her.
I hope Joyce’s mittens are delicious.
Jennifer will try and get Joyce to talk to Alice and it will result in Alice falling for her.
The old Cyrano gambit…
Women do be falling in love with Joyce
I am really excited to see Jennifer try to mend fences with Alice, because there’s dozens of ways this could go horribly wrong and basically all of them would be compelling
@ Thag (jason aside) Imagine if Ruth of all ppl ended up hooking up with alice lol, that’d be quite a reaction
Alice loves Ruth but Ruth is only doing it to make Jennifer jealous.
I think if that happened Jennifer would end up on the news
That would be hilarious. I’ve been rooting for Alice to end up with Daisy for similar reasons
Jennifer will try and get Joyce to talk to Alice and it will result in Alice falling for Dorothy. Joyce & Joe will have a double-date with Alice & Dorothy, after which Joyce will inexplicably dislike Alice for reasons she can’t put her finger on.
I think she’d have her guard up, so to speak/hesitant to be flirty with joyce if she knew that she was approached b/c of billiefer versus joyce ‘happening’ to come across alice and extroverted enough to strike up a conversation/something in common
imagine becky getting involved and ‘charming’ alice too and also being a polycule (tho i imagine her anxieties about her sexuality and partner potentially transitioning would take up her time)
I know it’s just because she’s biting on her hat but chipmunk Joyce in the first few panels is absolutely adorable.
It’s her mitten. She took it off last strip to use her phone.
Whatever stupid thing you’re about to say, Jennifer, forget it and just go with, “It’s come to my attention that I don’t have any actual friends anymore. Will you be mine?”
Dotty and Joe teleport between them and growl like rabid yorkies at jenn…
“Friend”, not “valentine”, jeez.
“Joyce, I want us to become a pair of hard traveling heroes out to see America. I’ll be Green Arrow.”
– You can be Speedy.
– Doesn’t he go by Red Ar-
wow jennifer just when i start to feel sympathy for you, you remind me that you have utterly no self-awareness and are, in fact, a raging asshole with absolutely no shits to give about anyone except yourself.
I love how she’s trying to get back into Alice’s good graces but the way she’s doing it is an example of why she’s not.
I’d feel like the transition here meant No Bi Joyce, except that I thought the same thing about Dorothy’s reaction to Joyce’s accidental photos, soooooooo.
I’m just gonna wait for developments to continue unfolding.
Also: poor Jennifer.
Like, honestly, this reaction was a lot more questionable than I originally thought Dorothy’s facial journey over lewds was, so.
It’s tricky
Sometimes a persons sexuality is in a locked box that needs the right key. Sometimes that key is someone telling you that you can be gay. That was my experience with being trans
Yeah, I was thinking she might also need someone to ask her directly to think about it, like Dorothy did…
Did you see your Pacific Rim joke got shared by Willis on BlueSky?
She grabbed onto the flimsy excuse Billie offered for not deleting it awfully quickly, and is now doing a lot of mental justification for why it isn’t weird that Dorothy sent a picture of her tits while staring directly at them.
Pff, all true.
I think Bi Joyce, but that’s not necessarily, or at least not entirely behind her reaction. I think she wants to know how to be sexy, and Dorothy is who she’s modelling herself on.
I read this strip as Joyce accurately describing her current feelings, but the ‘impossible’ bit is wrong.
Joyce has moved into the acceptance phase of lesbian relationship. ~<3
How is Joyce able to speak legibly while holding a glove in her mouth?
It’s a talent.
Is it, though?
She learned from Sal, the champion of talking while holding a cig in her mouth.
These characters just do that. Sarah is fluent in brushing-her-teeth.
Or fluent while brushing her teeth.
I’m really surprised at the number of people who apparently can’t talk while biting something.
British people move their jaws when they speak. Anything they’d be biting would fall out.
Also, it seems not everyone has figured out you can say “th” behind your teeth instead of between them.
Little bit of practice. Just like talking while gritting your teeth. Speak slowly and enunciate.
Reason #7126394 that mittens suck.
No, no, it’s Joyce<em. sucking the mitten.
Bah, broke my tags.
The Queen Bee needing social help from the sheltered ex-fundie girl, oh how the mighty have fallen
Just imagine Joyce explaining the alcohol fueled suicide pact down to Alice. Can’t imagine it going better than when Jennifer did. Either that or Joyce somehow pops her bubble for her. About how rough and dire straits Jennifer is in and then Jennifer in anger and rage pops Joyce’s bubble about how nonstandard her reaction to Dorothy pics is. Rock(a Billie) me like a (drama) hurricane.
Also Jennifer looks like she is drowning in a river and roughed up by the debris.
It’s not hard at this point. You can just explain it as her hitting bottom in response to the crash and that leading her to therapy and giving up alcohol. Joyce’d be good at it. It’s the same kind of “I was a wretched sinner until I found God” narrative a lot of fundie churches use, just with therapy/sobriety instead of God.
I still feel like there’s a ton of pitfalls she could fall into, and Joyce probably isn’t going to know Alice well enough to avoid them.
Panel three goes on the list of Cute Joyce Things along with “scrunchee in her mouth while pulling her hair back”.
Hmm, a surprisingly muted reaction by Joyce to the Dorothy pic. Could Joyce actually be straight? I worry.
Love the return of the Joyce smile in the last panel.
I should have posted this few days ago when I first had the thought, but I don’t think Joyce and Dotty are actually a good pairing right now. I was actually thinking that Dotty and Alice might be a good pairing for Dotty to remove her bi training wheels. That poor girl needs something different without as much ourorbourian baggage.
That first panel confirms Joyce is the farthest thing away from being bi.
That first panel might as well be taken directly out of My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness, where she’s staring at someone she’s supposed to find sexy and goes “yeah, okay, they sure are naked.” Bi Joyce might indeed be dead.