I don’t think they’re still using it as a butt euphemism the way Jocelyne and Dorothy did last strip. I think the punchline is that Joyce made it sound like the queerness was inside HER (Joyce) all along, and Jocelyne is just clarifying she means inside the metaphorical bubble, rather than implying she’s queer herself.
Jocelyne is reinforcing the point _now_ so that, later, when Joyce inevitably has expanded vocabulary and then remembers this scene…the Joyce Face [TM] will exist once more. Though Jocelyne may not be present for it, nonetheless, it will live!
Joe’s a smart guy, and by now he’s personally observed multiple situations that could lead someone to suspect that Joyce has romantic feelings for Dorothy.
But we still don’t have any confirmation of what he suspects, or what his opinion is on what he suspects, other than when he told Joyce “I just want you to be happy.”
I’m very eager for the day when we finally find these things out.
I usually only scroll the comments once, so I haven’t seen anything except people enjoying the bisexual awakenings. I did not realize there might be anyone upset about it, but I guess that was my first mistake
Is it? It seems largely popular and I haven’t seen any reactions to it that could be considered Sea Lioning, unless those animals have acquired another undeserved derogatory meaning.
My curse is that I cannot forget shit, so the sea lion on Patreon who blasted every single comment on every single JoJo comic with “ShE jUsT wAnTs HiS bOdY” comes to mind every time Joyce and Dorothy are teased. I used to just find the material funny but now there’s a darker satisfaction to it.
All trolls are Russian bots, I thought we all agreed on this a decade ago. We need to lose this naive mindset that hostile or obnoxious behavior online is anything but foreign agents sowing chaos in our webcomic comment sections. They’re keeping us all distracted so we don’t notice them buying up all the good toys and electronics.
I was raised in a small town in the south and even here, even in my friend group, there was lots of queerness. Of course, there’s also lots of queerness in my family too, as well as TONS of comphet. The craziest part of my Christmas visit with my grandma last year was listening as she told me a story about how she developed a crush on another young mom in her neighborhood, how she found her to be so beautiful and adored spending time with her, and even became resentful and jealous of that woman’s husband, but then also capped the story off by telling me she “resisted the temptation”. It’s okay Grandma, I’ve known for a long time that you’re a very closeted lesbian.
Booster might be a viable link to Amber, but that’s iffy.
BUT if we equate Amber with Amazi-Girl, we can link to Danny, and from Danny to Sal, Sal to Jason, Jason to Ruth, Ruth to Jennifer, Jennifer to Asher, Asher to Ethan…
… no, the Sal/Jason, Ruth/Jennifer, and Jennifer/Asher links are dead, that wouldn’t work.
In my shipperific imagination, Willis has been working on that chef’s-kiss-piece-de-resistance Slipshine / Patreon for a few years now. And will release it sometime around 2030.
Joyce makes an important point, it’s not that there aren’t queer people where she grew up. The bubble wasn’t to keep out queer people. Instead it was forbidden to actually do queer things inside the bubble. (They would and you could say that ther are trying to do this outside the bubble too)
I wouldn’t bet that Joe is doomed. Fact the he seems to understand what’s going on and is cool with it (“I just want you to be happy”) gives him a higher likelihood of making it through what’s coming.
I know what you mean. If one Roomies! main character is due to realize their bisexuality in the Dumbingverse each decade of real time, Joe is due a revelation sometime in the 2030s.
… Does the euphemism Joyce is going for work for bathing? Can you bath in a bubble of your community? Is that why they sometimes call swimming costumes bathing suits?
Second off, I enjoy how the header says “Womens Swimming Costumes” (no apostrophe), and then the first result is a “Women’s Racer Zip Swimsuit Swimsuit Dark Teal”.
I didn’t know about Crock Pot or Escalator, either. They may have name recognition, but if you’d put a Crock Pot-brand crock pot or Escalator-brand escalator in front of me with the labels showing before just now, I’d have assumed they were fake generic labels on normal objects. Like Water™-brand bottled water or Bathtub™-brand bathtubs.
He is FAR more amused at how Future Joyce is going to react (with trademarked Joyce Face) when she is newly educated and then remembers this conversation.
“Well, I’m glad I’ve accepted the queerness of my best friend and sister, so happy I’ll never have any other kinds of queer awakenings to confront that will change my world”
Yes but that doesn’t mean I like yellow. SM hair is blond which I consider to be more gold then yellow. Plus beside her hair Usagi is more a pink/pastel girlie. Yellow lovers are more in Sailor Venus sphere. Like if your favorite color is blue then Sailor Mercury is you girl ect ect…….
I consider liking yellow/orange a character flaw. Like they are just too loud in my option. But what is truly wonderful is the bi-pride flag are all my favorite colors so it makes me feel so happy. Like it really connects with me and I feel like being bi was meant to be for me 🥰
Also, all this talk about having bubbles inside you is starting to make me feel like there’s an epidemic of the bends. Which might be appropriate since many of us aren’t straight.
Narration: This was, in fact, entirely why Dorothy was leaving. She was truly and utterly devastated by the revelation that Joyce didn’t become an atheist for her. She’d have to cry about that in her room later.
I love Joe’s smile in panels one and two. It tells of a gentle happiness that his love also loves another. Not everyone is mature enough to see that with gentle joy.
So. Did the USA have ‘bubble’s during covid? Lockdowns where you were to remain within your bubble and not risk contaminating (or being contaminated by) anyone else’s? There’s some pretty dreadful metaphors in there, but if you guys didn’t have that, I guess it wouldn’t make sense.
The US also had “bubbles” for who was considered safe to interact with. The problem was that not everyone really understood how those were supposed to work so people’s bubbles tended to overlap with other bubbles. Like… a friend in someone’s bubble also had their own separate bubble which meant a LT of cross contamination.
Well, I guess I wasn’t very clear, some understood, but a bubble was not social distancing. You were not allowed to be anywhere near anyone not in your bubble (and, yes, bubbles had to be exclusive, no overlap). Usually your household, but could include solo folks for safety and avoiding loneliness. We were told “Where you stay tonight, you must stay for the next 4 weeks.”
Btw I tried doing the Gravatar roulette thing but it just doesn’t seem tow Ron for me? That or I didn’t understand what you actually have to do for it.
Joyce is SO close to figuring it out. It feels like it could click by the end of the day, so we’ll all enjoy waiting at least another 2 months in real time.
part of me wishes we could just have jocelyne all the time, even if that wouldn’t make a lot of sense in-universe. i adore her. i hope this storyline means that joyce will talk to her more.
I mean, not sure it’s ever a good idea to tell someone else their sexuality like you’d know better than them. We can do that about her because she’s pretend and we’re reading about her, but as her friend? Wouldn’t dream of it.
“Tasks” including thinking very seriously about poking Jocelyne’s bubble?
Our tasks or Dorothy’s?
Linda’s, surprisingly.
That *would* be surprising.
The bisexuality is coming from inside the house!
— Jocelyne, mentally, during panel 2
Joyce is a friend of Dorothy, so to speak
“It’s inside the closet with you!”
Coming to a theatre near you this summer: The Gay Agenda!
*final girl version of Charlie Kirk with pigtails, blows a gum bubble, picks up a gun*
Ugh. Imagining Kirk’s ugly mug with pigtails makes me want to puke.🤮
the queerness was all the way in
Shove that queerness in!
Harder! I can take it.
I’m saving that one to tell my girlfriend next time were in bed.
(Jocelyne is still talking about butts)
We heard her.
Wait! Who in the heck is this avatar?
Is that Marcy?
that she is, yippee!! ^^
Marcie. She hasn’t had a prominent role in the comic for a while.
That’s a roller-derby-ing Marcie.
Thanks to all. I wouldn’t have recognized her.
As is obvious.
Huh. You was a Marcie. Now you is a, um, is that Leslie?
Daisy, I think.
A second shuffle today?
No, just continuing a search for Sal.
Poking on on on… 🎵
Poking on on on… 🎵
Thanks, didn’t even need to click the link to have that in my head now.
I feel like “the Bubble” is a pretty middling euphemism, honestly.
I don’t think they’re still using it as a butt euphemism the way Jocelyne and Dorothy did last strip. I think the punchline is that Joyce made it sound like the queerness was inside HER (Joyce) all along, and Jocelyne is just clarifying she means inside the metaphorical bubble, rather than implying she’s queer herself.
Maybe, but I think you are underestimating Jocelyne’s commitment to the bit.
She’s saying that and teasing the other, I think.
Jocelyne is reinforcing the point _now_ so that, later, when Joyce inevitably has expanded vocabulary and then remembers this scene…the Joyce Face [TM] will exist once more. Though Jocelyne may not be present for it, nonetheless, it will live!
Yeah, I haven’t really been tracking the bubble jokes yesterday or today, even with all the helpful explanations.
Dorothy will have to someday explain to Joyce she has no need or desire to evangelize atheism.
Joyce: WHAT?
Because the need to evangelize is another remnant of fundamentalist brain.
we see once more that “Christian Atheist” is *not* an oxymoron XD
Even the lapsed Atheists?
“There’s nothing an agnostic can’t do as long as he isn’t sure whether he believes in anything or not.”
Reality is highly dubious.
“I am uncertain if god exists, but the god who’s existence I’m unsure of is Not Yahweh.”
I’ve never heard a funny agnostic joke but as soon as I do I’ll change my mind.
Well done.
Most ingrained social behaviors will stay as habits, if we don’t think about them critically.
Joe’s thoughts in Panels 3 & 5: Man this polycule is gonna get unhinged real quick.
Joe’s a smart guy, and by now he’s personally observed multiple situations that could lead someone to suspect that Joyce has romantic feelings for Dorothy.
But we still don’t have any confirmation of what he suspects, or what his opinion is on what he suspects, other than when he told Joyce “I just want you to be happy.”
I’m very eager for the day when we finally find these things out.
Ooh, I have happy Lucy now! I’ll take it.
Congratulations on finding your final form.
Gravatar check
You have won the day!
Is it bad form to find JoycexDorothy baiting extra funny because I know it’s yanking sea lions’ chains?
I usually only scroll the comments once, so I haven’t seen anything except people enjoying the bisexual awakenings. I did not realize there might be anyone upset about it, but I guess that was my first mistake
For every ship there is an equal but opposite unship.
Is it? It seems largely popular and I haven’t seen any reactions to it that could be considered Sea Lioning, unless those animals have acquired another undeserved derogatory meaning.
My curse is that I cannot forget shit, so the sea lion on Patreon who blasted every single comment on every single JoJo comic with “ShE jUsT wAnTs HiS bOdY” comes to mind every time Joyce and Dorothy are teased. I used to just find the material funny but now there’s a darker satisfaction to it.
Some folks have endless energy to focus on a single topic, it seems. I envy them, in a way.
Let not the troll children distract you from enjoying your comic, life, and shipping.
Their lack of maturity (and possibly humanity, what with LLMs these days) need not cause your lack of enjoyment. 🙂
All trolls are Russian bots, I thought we all agreed on this a decade ago. We need to lose this naive mindset that hostile or obnoxious behavior online is anything but foreign agents sowing chaos in our webcomic comment sections. They’re keeping us all distracted so we don’t notice them buying up all the good toys and electronics.
Eh, the Chinese, Iranian, and American troll farms would disagree with ya.
But, we didn’t all agree on it a decade ago. The intarwebz get re-invented anew every dang day. (all hail the upcomin’ singu-hi-larity)
I was raised in a small town in the south and even here, even in my friend group, there was lots of queerness. Of course, there’s also lots of queerness in my family too, as well as TONS of comphet. The craziest part of my Christmas visit with my grandma last year was listening as she told me a story about how she developed a crush on another young mom in her neighborhood, how she found her to be so beautiful and adored spending time with her, and even became resentful and jealous of that woman’s husband, but then also capped the story off by telling me she “resisted the temptation”. It’s okay Grandma, I’ve known for a long time that you’re a very closeted lesbian.
Imagine a Joyce, joe, dotty polycule with Joyce as the hinge
I don’t think we really need to imagine it.
“I’ll be in my bunk.”
— Jayne
(It was that or “That’s my secret, Jo_cubstar. I never stop imagining that.”)
I’m imagining a Joe~Joyce~Dorothy~Walky~Amber setup, so that you can fold it into the shape of a W.
**eyes wide**
Yumi has discovered the Endgame. Hinge W polycule. It’s all an elaborate set-up to reference the Walkyverse via romantic partnerships.
But that’s not an ouroboros.
We can fix that with more connections!
…. um, I’m not seeing more connections.
Booster might be a viable link to Amber, but that’s iffy.
BUT if we equate Amber with Amazi-Girl, we can link to Danny, and from Danny to Sal, Sal to Jason, Jason to Ruth, Ruth to Jennifer, Jennifer to Asher, Asher to Ethan…
… no, the Sal/Jason, Ruth/Jennifer, and Jennifer/Asher links are dead, that wouldn’t work.
Thoughtful Ruth gravatar is thoughtful about this. 🙂
The ouroboros is made of past relationships, and the W relationship is set in the middle of it in a contrasting color.
My assumption was Roz-Joe-Joyce-Dorothy-Walky-Amber/Amazigirl-Danny-Sal-Jason-Ruth-Jenifer-Asher-Ethan-Mike-Your Mom.
And, weirdly, your mom links back to Roz!
She voted Roz, unfortunately.
That’s what makes it an ouroboros.
In my shipperific imagination, Willis has been working on that chef’s-kiss-piece-de-resistance Slipshine / Patreon for a few years now. And will release it sometime around 2030.
This is perfect, the W polycule
Haha yes, that’s perfect lol
I do not think Dorothy would be particularly happy with this arrangement.
… why specifically Dorothy?
If anyone, the titular Walky is the weakest link.
I wasn’t responding to the version that included Walky.
… oh wait, shit, you weren’t replying to me, were you Thag? You were replying to someone way farther up thread.
Thag is universal and speaks to all of us.
Man I can’t handle that sort of responsibility.
Joyce/Joe/Dorothy … a more likely trio-ing than Joyce/Walky/Dorothy, methinks.
I continue to believe with all my heart and soul that THAT will be where Wally’s villain arc kicks off.
Walky will just stumble out of the dorm and into another relationship with a short girl with glasses.
He’ll then be annoyed as he is entirely okay with platonic friendship.
Hey, we’re working on it. Give it some time to develop. These things can’t be hurried. 🙂
Not without a time-skip anyway.
The real queerness was the bubbles inside us along the way
That made more sense in my head
All my inner bubbles are pretty queer.
like the bubbles in 2-litres of sprite
that’s what did it
the sprite bubbles
sprite fairies make everything better. Especially cranberry juice.
goddammit joyce
Honestly I think Joe will take it pretty well but… well… I would like Becky to surprise me.
slowest burn is hilarious tho
She’d have doe-eyed pouting on the outside, and bawling on the inside.
and considering family history, not a good situation
One dialog, three and a half conversations.
Aw, I got de-Roz’d.
… retroactively? That is a bizarre system for avatars.
When new avatars get added to the random pool everything gets shuffled around.
And yet there can be only one Thag.
Not everybody gets to have the spiky thing on the end of a dinosaur’s tail named after them.
True immortality!
New comic, another attempt.
that’s twice I’ve gotten that one (with different capitalization), I think it’s a sign.
It’s a nice one though! (No idea who I now get!)
There are worse.
Gravatars have changed again, I think, interesting!
Joyce is a very interesting person.
Wait, they did?
Yeah, a bunch of the existing ones changed and Jocelyne was added to the mix.
Puzzled Ruth staring at your comment is a perfect fit, though.
Oh wow I hope I get someone good this time
Oh hell yeah
Joyce makes an important point, it’s not that there aren’t queer people where she grew up. The bubble wasn’t to keep out queer people. Instead it was forbidden to actually do queer things inside the bubble. (They would and you could say that ther are trying to do this outside the bubble too)
Joe is doomed and he doesn’t even know it
Joe will end up with Amber in this universe while Amazi-Girl ends up with Danny.
Sal may object quite strongly to this…
What are you talking about, “ends up”? Sal already has Danny.
I wouldn’t bet that Joe is doomed. Fact the he seems to understand what’s going on and is cool with it (“I just want you to be happy”) gives him a higher likelihood of making it through what’s coming.
I know what you mean. If one Roomies! main character is due to realize their bisexuality in the Dumbingverse each decade of real time, Joe is due a revelation sometime in the 2030s.
So funny, Joyce is adorable and so are the rest of them.
Ah, very appropriate, the mom character.
That’s Agatha, not Leslie (mom character). Unless Agatha has some mom-ing of her own that I’m forgetting.
Okay, there’s a massive Gravatars change happening.
Oh, now I have Roz’s gravatar
Roz is happy for you to use her gravatar as long as you use protection.
[pedantic] If it’s an actual Gravatar, it’s registered to your email and won’t change.
What kind of coke do you drink?
Now I want a bubble bath
…. wait, literal bubble bath or one of the euphemisms?
… Does the euphemism Joyce is going for work for bathing? Can you bath in a bubble of your community? Is that why they sometimes call swimming costumes bathing suits?
That might just be a regional thing.
Bubbles like that can use a good cleansing.
Who the fresh fuck uses “swimming costumes”? Serious question.
The brits if I had to guess. I could also look it up but I bet I’m right
First off, Speedo’s a brand???
Second off, I enjoy how the header says “Womens Swimming Costumes” (no apostrophe), and then the first result is a “Women’s Racer Zip Swimsuit Swimsuit Dark Teal”.
Bandaid, Chapstick, Crock Pot, Escalator, Kleenex, Speedo.
All brands. 😀
Even Coke is a brand.
I didn’t know about Crock Pot or Escalator, either. They may have name recognition, but if you’d put a Crock Pot-brand crock pot or Escalator-brand escalator in front of me with the labels showing before just now, I’d have assumed they were fake generic labels on normal objects. Like Water™-brand bottled water or Bathtub™-brand bathtubs.
The metaphors are so clear that Joe doesn’t even giggle at them
He is FAR more amused at how Future Joyce is going to react (with trademarked Joyce Face) when she is newly educated and then remembers this conversation.
Funny that college can both pop a bubble while also being a bubble in of itself.
Oh wow, went from Malaya to new fan favorite. I’m down with this.
Wait, new avatars? Am I finally not Becky anymore?
Time to play with the capitalisation of your email address?
Change it for every comment you’d normally make, please don’t just make a giant pile of replies to yourself playing Gravatar roulette.
Or do, we’re not the boss of you.
But we can request not clogging up the comments section with a hundred grav roulette posts.
… we’re supposed to be doing that with shipping, double entendres, and pun wars, not grav roulette.
Sure, never said you couldn’t.
I think I’ve hit semantic satiation on “bubble”. BUBBLE bubble BUBBLE bubble
“semantic satiation”
Thanks for my new favourite phrase.
Salacious Semantic Satiation would be a terrible band name.
Semantic satiation is fine. The danger is semantic surfeit.
“Well, I’m glad I’ve accepted the queerness of my best friend and sister, so happy I’ll never have any other kinds of queer awakenings to confront that will change my world”
Appropriate gravatar is totally appropriate.
(for future ref, that’s booster at this time.)
Certainly there couldn’t be any more, yeah?
Embrace the bisexuality, Joyce (we have the best flag 😛 )
Huh, that does happen to come in some of my favourite colours and shades!
Second that!!! It got all my favs 😍
Respectfully, no. It lacks the best color (yellow).
Which makes me happy as a bisexual because yellow is one of my least liked colors.
But your icon is a Sailor Moon…
Yes but that doesn’t mean I like yellow. SM hair is blond which I consider to be more gold then yellow. Plus beside her hair Usagi is more a pink/pastel girlie. Yellow lovers are more in Sailor Venus sphere. Like if your favorite color is blue then Sailor Mercury is you girl ect ect…….
Gold is just shiny yellow.
Which is better then plain yellow.
Not liking yellow is a character flaw, but that’s okay. Character flaws make us interesting.
I consider liking yellow/orange a character flaw. Like they are just too loud in my option. But what is truly wonderful is the bi-pride flag are all my favorite colors so it makes me feel so happy. Like it really connects with me and I feel like being bi was meant to be for me 🥰
It’s okay for you to be wrong. I’ll allow it.
It’s more okay that the world matches up with my favorite things
I love yellow, on account it’s the color of some of my favorite things.
egg yolk, sunshine, lightning, lemonade, pikachu, mustard… 💛
That comment coming from L.T. is perfection.
Are we dealing with this finally?
Dealing with what, Joyce’s insatiable lust for Becky?
Of course not. She’ll only realize that after Becky’s dead.
She’s pretty obvious, Joss!
Oh motherFUCKER. At least Dorothy is cool for tonight.
Also, all this talk about having bubbles inside you is starting to make me feel like there’s an epidemic of the bends. Which might be appropriate since many of us aren’t straight.
Nicely done
When you go queer diving, don’t come (heh) up too fast. Otherwise, yeah, you’ll get the queer bends.
“My bubble is just lousy with queerness” – title of DoA book whatever
I know, it has to be in-comic, but this would be a good one, wouldn’t it?
happy birthday to our homie MLK!
as we see Joyce lookin’ to sate her mate!
always pokin’ and breakin’ bubbles of hate!
just like our brotha from long ago!
preachin’ love to break the status quo!
cuz the systemz broke and just has to go!
no matter who held power in the white regime,
no matter how dire things would seem,
brotha kept on releasin’ serious steam!
underminin’ the giant bigoted scheme!
anti-establishment and pacifist to the EXTREME!
he never gave up cuz HE HAD A DREAM!
homie’s long since passed, but he ain’t gone
as we fight for our causes, his memory will carry on
Metaphors unclear, “The Girl in The Bubble” is in the works.
It’s no “Dirty Bubble”, but Joyce, Becky and Jocelyne are “Bubble Buddies”
Jocelyne be like, “she’ll figure it out sooner or later.”
I hope she figures it out sooner rather than later.
So, when is this comic gonna start adding biopunk elements?
Your mom has bio punk elements!
Titanium legs count, probably.
Amazigirl was involved in a lab accident.
It already has, but you have to pay close attention. Joe’s left eye is cybernetic.
cues up Coulton’s “The Future Soon”.
I’m waiting on Carla to get into that.
(or maybe Dr. Brock)
I’m wondering how auto-biographical that alt-text is.
Narration: This was, in fact, entirely why Dorothy was leaving. She was truly and utterly devastated by the revelation that Joyce didn’t become an atheist for her. She’d have to cry about that in her room later.
While working up a powerpoint presentation slide deck for all the reasons why Joyce did, in fact, become an atheist because of her.
Maybe she could get Faz to help her.
For anyone still “Confused” about it, like Joyce, it is butts, Jocelyn is talking about butts.
The queer is coming from inside the house!
He’s walking to work, leave him alone.
The queer is taking public transit
How odd.
I love Joe’s smile in panels one and two. It tells of a gentle happiness that his love also loves another. Not everyone is mature enough to see that with gentle joy.
So. Did the USA have ‘bubble’s during covid? Lockdowns where you were to remain within your bubble and not risk contaminating (or being contaminated by) anyone else’s? There’s some pretty dreadful metaphors in there, but if you guys didn’t have that, I guess it wouldn’t make sense.
We called it “social distancing”, because our country has to make everything sound as boring as possible.
We here in Argentina also call it that if it make you feel better.
The term was emulsified by public health officials. We’d have called it something catchier if they’d asked us.
The US also had “bubbles” for who was considered safe to interact with. The problem was that not everyone really understood how those were supposed to work so people’s bubbles tended to overlap with other bubbles. Like… a friend in someone’s bubble also had their own separate bubble which meant a LT of cross contamination.
Yes. Except that politicians quickly convinced half the population that carelessness and selfishness are patriotic, and they refused to comply.
My own rambunctiousness took a different turn: I privately insisted that the recommended distance was 2 meters, not 6 feet.
Carelessness, distrust of science, and selfishness.
Well, I guess I wasn’t very clear, some understood, but a bubble was not social distancing. You were not allowed to be anywhere near anyone not in your bubble (and, yes, bubbles had to be exclusive, no overlap). Usually your household, but could include solo folks for safety and avoiding loneliness. We were told “Where you stay tonight, you must stay for the next 4 weeks.”
Let it go Jocelyne.
Btw I tried doing the Gravatar roulette thing but it just doesn’t seem tow Ron for me? That or I didn’t understand what you actually have to do for it.
where you put your email in, you change capitalization and it’ll roll up a new gravatar for you.
Etc. Go nuts with it.
Let’s see
Hey it worked, I got malaya! Honestly I might keep it since I seem to be one of the only ones who like them (Their assholery amuse me)
Malaya’s also got one of the hottest Slipshine stories.
Malaya is hotted that any of us and they know it.
As someone who thought I was straight until my 30s when I realized I’m bi, sometimes the queerness was inside all along.
Joyce is SO close to figuring it out. It feels like it could click by the end of the day, so we’ll all enjoy waiting at least another 2 months in real time.
Oh fuck yeah, I got Sal.
YOu go sister!
There can never be too many Sals.
Maybe *that* is what the appendix is for.
‘Twas (probably) (and might still be) for helping us digest some tough plant material by keeping specialized bacterial populations inside it.
Eh, not very helpful with the bubble butt metaphor. 😛
No, it’s a place for bacteria to survive diarrhea.
It’s also stuffed with immune tissue that helps protect against gut infection.
This webcomic has been about bubbles since day one.
Bubbles Disease is a real thing.
The queerness is coming from inside the bubble! (er, house)
HAHAHAHAHAHA thank you Willis, I needed that laugh today, Joyce is never going to beat the allegations. ~<3
let’s keep spinnin’ and see if we can get someone closer to me…
that wasn’t it!
better but not there
maybe this time?
weird that those were the same
augh this feels like spam but I absolutely must have this correct
we’ll get there
not like that!
Dina’s great but not me
the wheel on the grav goes round and round
*Gets popcorn*
If you report your own thread enough times, it’ll be like the spam never happened.
Do multiple reports from the same person count more than once?
I assume so, if you’re using multiple devices. Not that I’ve ever hit the Report button on enough separate devices to find out.
They must of wanted Leslie cause they stopped after my reply 😕
It’s good to see Dorothy looking bright and engaging with tasks again.
Maybe? Tasks is pretty non-specific. She’s leaving with what sounds like an excuse.
I heard there’s one fan who ships Joyce with Walky and made a whole comic about it where they fight aliens. There’s some real weirdos out there.
I heard they really hated Ruth and had her die in an ironic fashion given her backstory.
Joyce and Walky?!
Maybe in some other universe.
Is it grav roulette time? As long as I don’t get Jason…
trying again. no blowjob cat either, though, I forgot it was in there.
frustrating. at least I haven’t gotten Professor Brock.
Do it with Sal and I’ll be more impressed. 😀
My luck I’d get Walky if I was trying for Sal.
not really feeling that
one more try
Only one?
I’d be astonished if Joyce actually was into girls secretly after 15 years of this comic but there’s always going to be entertaining setups about it.
It’s not really a secret to anyone but her, (and maybe Dorothy).
Some of us come into our queerness a little late lol
it ain’t never too late to come into ya queerness B)
Yeah I think less a “secret” and more a “lacking self-awareness and in denial”
part of me wishes we could just have jocelyne all the time, even if that wouldn’t make a lot of sense in-universe. i adore her. i hope this storyline means that joyce will talk to her more.
Jocelyn can get a job as a TA!
Shippers gonna ship. Joyce and Dorothy have a nice chemistry. There are worse ships.
Supposed to be a reply to Astariel.
Ohhh, I just got what Jocelyne implied by that. Apparently I’m as slow on the uptake as Joyce is.
Not true. Joyce isn’t there yet.
Oddly, neither are a few of the commentariats.
Is there, like, an unspoken agreement in the social circle to not tell Joyce that she likes girls?
If there it’s probably of the “She has enough changes in her life to deal with, let’s leave bisexuality for another semester.”
Oh, i lost Becky avatar and got the Asher one… I’m not complaining.
I mean, not sure it’s ever a good idea to tell someone else their sexuality like you’d know better than them. We can do that about her because she’s pretend and we’re reading about her, but as her friend? Wouldn’t dream of it.
Jenifer would tell her, but Jenifer is convinced that she, herself, is straight.
Oh, I just noticed I got a new gravatar. I miss the Joyce face.. but I kinda look like Becky (redhead with a side shave)
My favorite thing about today comic has been everyone playing grav roulette 🤣
Glad to oblige.