I predict Joe will find out Incelerator read the Do List and leaked it. Joe is then horrified and this is what drives him to build his suit and become Iron Joe.
It is amazing how many of the “nice guys” and the like do self owns. Stuff like they don’t think that women find sex pleasurable because they have never liked it when with them and other such things. It is amazing in some ways how they are proud to admit it out loud.
Most incels actually do think of themselves as completely unfuckable losers, though they blame in on their bone structures or height or other things out of their control and not their personalities.
Their belief system is that they’re 3/10 men entitled to 3/10 women but the 9/10 and up men are hogging all the ladies.
Honestly, it’s probably for the best if their weakness is removed from the gene pool. They can either adapt and evolve or stay worthless and die alone like they deserve.
I think it’s just a symptom of toxic masculinity/patriarchy deeply entrenched in the male experience. It crushes the self worth of men and women and whatever you identify as. We should all be teaching each other to have more empathy instead of dressing up in flamboyant costumes to provoke the arbitrary gender wars.
Partly, but I think a lot of it is just the internet.
A lot of young guys always went through a phase of fearing no woman would ever be interested in them, but in the past they’d interact with regular people in the real world and get over it. Now, they can seek out others online going through the same phase and set up a feedback loop convincing each other they’re right. Lock themselves into that mindset.
^this. It is perhaps too much to call such bubbles the cause of many a thing gone wrong lately. But, lack of a shared reality brings out the worst. Ok, partisan press did rather similar damage well before the internet, but it’s gotten worse.
The answer to being an incel is not, “Have you tried not being an asshole to women” and “prostitution is legal in some places. At least get the experience with a willing partner.”
The latter especially ticks them off because they don’t want to pay either.
I understand the hatred of these guys but please try to not spew off actual eugenistic talking points. As an autistic person I find it very distasteful.
A Modest Proposal is a well-known (I mean, depending whwre you went to high school) satirical essay about eating babies, so the term now means extreme, non-serious suggests. Such as the kind Taffy often makes in their posts.
Basically that Taffy’s comments should often be taken as snark
Though that doesn’t mean jokingly suggesting eugenics talking points for detested people isn’t still bringing up eugenics talking points.
I can’t help feeling that there’s a distinction between natural selection and eugenics being lost here. If Taffy suggested forcibly removing them from the gene pool, I missed it.
99/100 times I say something wildly out of pocket, it’s meant to be taken as unseriously as possible. Maybe 30/100 times, that lack of seriousness actually scans, but we’re up from 20 so it’s progress.
As a fellow autist, I agree. It was a distasteful thing to say. I still think incels are worthless and deserve nothing but scorn and vicious mockery, but you’re right, the “gene pool” thing gets dicey fast.
There is also a way to be stupid due to choice and choosing not to learn. I have met people that are smart enough to understand a concept but are too lazy to put in the time to actually learn it. If they have no opinion one way or another on the subject it isn’t too bad (though highly concerning when it is an important topic), but some of them just say what they think sounds right with no background and run with that (aka insist that whatever they dreamed of is the truth and that anyone who says anything else is wrong). It is probably partially because they either don’t want to admit their ignorance or don’t want to admit that you know more about something than they do. A combination of ego and laziness perhaps?
idk, from what I’ve seen, a lot of them think they’re 3/10s who are still entitled to 8+/10 women (obviously, ranking people like that at all is gross, but their whole everything is gross)
I think that’s because women below maybe 6/10 are invisible to them while doing their dating “math.” Women they don’t find fuckable don’t register as women, so the floor for dating prospects starts at above average. Source: for some unknowable reason, I hang around advice columns where commenters who think like regular humans fruitlessly try to help these guys.
Yep! They believe women should fall into their lap exactly like when women had to get married and had no freedom. The think they abhor is not knowledge or skills, women always had that, the thing they hate are the laws that granted women freedom.
these kinds of dudebros are basically IRL Jerry Smiths — majorly white men who’ve gotten more than the battering end of late capitalism, rendered DESPERATE for some way of “commanding respect”, of “”WINNING””,
that they’ve settled on this way of doing so which comes at a human cost
The incel ideology is that women are awful and like successful good looking men when they should be forcibly assigned to men like them ala the Taliban.
I wouldn’t compare it to the Taliban at all. Tbh a lot of their weird ideologies are rooted in the most toxic strains of Christian fundamentalism (even IF there are plenty of reddit atheists among them and they’d hate to have this pointed out to them)
To be fair, all Abrahamic faiths—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—have fundamentalist interpretations that can align with toxic, patriarchal ideologies, including those seen in incel culture. Singling out Christian fundamentalism as more harmful overlooks the fact that all Abrahamic scriptures, when taken literally, can perpetuate similar beliefs. At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge progressive movements within these faiths, like Reform Judaism, Musawah, and the United Church of Christ. Incel culture often draws from broader cultural and societal influences that intersect with fundamentalist ideologies across religions, not just Christianity.
I think the point is more that taking the toxic Christian strains and using Islamic terms to describe them whitewashes Christianity and adds to very common US/European prejudice against Muslims.
I see your point, but focusing solely on toxic Christian strains while avoiding criticism of fundamentalist Islam to avoid prejudice risks creating a skewed narrative. All Abrahamic faiths have fundamentalist interpretations that align with patriarchal and incel ideologies. While it’s crucial to avoid reinforcing US/European biases against Muslims, we also shouldn’t exempt fundamentalist Islam from accountability. Addressing these issues universally is key to tackling patriarchy and toxic masculinity on a global scale.
Nobody’s “avoiding criticism of fundamentalist Islam”.
We’re talking about homegrown American incels, who are overwhelmingly at least raised Christian, if not still actively practicing, and bringing Islam into for no particular reason. Fundamentalist Islam wasn’t the topic. If we’re actually talking about fundamentalist Islam, great.
[[I think the point is more that taking the toxic Christian strains and using Islamic terms to describe them whitewashes Christianity and adds to very common US/European prejudice against Muslims.]]
I regularly use the Taliban to talk about American Christian fundamentalism. Because it’s not the Islam that makes it awful or even the religion but the toxic misogyny that they hide behind religion to justify. The Handmaid’s Tale was partially based on the Taliban but 100% could happen in the US.
Is it just that comparing to the bad religion might make people see the problems with their own?
But doesn’t the emphasis on Islam whenever fundamentalism comes up, just reinforce those stereotypes?
The comparison to the Taliban isn’t about labeling Islam as “the bad religion” but highlighting shared patterns of patriarchal fundamentalism across all religions, including Christianity. It’s not the emphasis on Islam that reinforces stereotypes—it’s failing to recognize that these toxic ideologies exist in fundamentalist movements across all Abrahamic faiths and beyond. Addressing these issues universally avoids singling out any one religion while acknowledging that misogyny and toxic masculinity are global problems.
Except that’s not how it’s done.
It’s certainly not how it was done here. I’m all for the argument that all fundamentalist religious movements share common dangerous traits, but that’s not what’s going on. Just bringing up the Taliban while not mentioning Christianity at all, when talking about a home-grown American problem is not “highlighting shared patterns of patriarchal fundamentalism”, it’s only targeting Islam.
Which I think is pretty true to life. They never seem very clear on what reasoning and conclusions really are. Like, the entire concept of logic or reasoning.
Under-educated, under-employed, under-mated, and under-socialized. So they’ve formed an online gang (‘community’ isn’t quite right) to feel better about themselves by tearing others down.
Idk if he has a name but he’s been in a few scenes. He was one of the guys bullying Danny in the first chapter, and was one of the goons that helped with the kidnapping. The tags have been updated so you can see all his appearances
A couple of possibilities:
– he is currently awaiting trial, but as we have established in earlier storylines, it is easy to get released on bail in Indiana (unless it’s a murder charge
– he was able to get away from the house before the police arrived and avoided arrest
– because he was just a minion rather than a ring-leader, he managed to avoid significant jail time (perhaps helped by a favorable judge/plea deal)
It occurs to me if Jocelyn bothered to sit down with Joyce, she’d be horrified by imagination:
* Her experience with Ryan
* The kidnapping attempt with Blaine
* The death of three people she witnessed
* Being involved in subverting a Congresswoman’s election
Dammit, meant to reply and accidentally reported. Sorry!
Anyway, was gonna say that I’ve never seen a flat earther take up arms and shoot up a crowd because of his beliefs. They just hang out online and annoy people.
unfortunately it’s kind of a “gateway drug”
conspiratorial thinking makes people susceptible to more conspiratorial thinking
people go from “nasa is hiding the truth for funding” into more harmful thoughts and movements
also anti-science movements flock together pretty strongly
Once you decide that a small group of people are hiding The Truth from the public in one area, it’s really easy to expand that to other fields, including y much more obviously harmful ones.
It’s also somehow easy to decide that group is “the Jews”.
Incelerator isn’t backing off because she isn’t a threat, he’s backing off because, as Joyce draws cartoons, she can draw the cartoon they’re in to where Incelerator loses no matter what he does – that’s right folks, Joyce Brown is… The Cartoonist!!!
Kinda weird that Joe’s acting cornered and saying “back off”, when this loser was shouting at the wall behind the group. This isn’t a guy to be nervous about confronting, it’s someone to briefly glance up from your lunch at, maybe tell to shut the fuck up, and then ignore.
I expect no small amount of his trepidation is that he’s keenly aware that the shit this guy’s saying isn’t all that far off from what he thought only a few months ago. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if this guy is someone Joe actually knows and got along with.
This guy is literally one of the kidnappers, one of Blaine’s masked lackeys, who were explicitly part of that gang because they were mad that Ryan got glassed by Joyce in self-defense and then stabbitied by Amber in defense of herself and Dorothy.
Joe has NEVER been a bro of Ryan or Ryan’s confederates for a second. Why are you saying that he is?
To be clear, I’m not suggesting they’re actually friends, or that Joe is cool with Ryan and his cadre. Only that incels love to complain about “Chads” who reduce the supply of available females while simultaneously valourising and wanting to cosy up to them, and that (based on people I met) like white supremacists they tend to keep to themselves until they “reveal their power level” to the like-minded or people they think will let them get away with “boys will be boys” rhetoric. If he is someone Joe knows, I doubt he knows the guy very well, only enough to be surprised that he exchanged words with such an obnoxious dipshit without knowing it. And that’s going to feed into his struggle to overcome his own misogynist attitudes – he’s going to beat himself up that it’s another sign he’s a garbage human for not realising. That’s all I meant.
I’m far from a Joe defender, but this is way off. Joe might actually be seeing something of himself in this dude, but that’s Joe being overly self-critical, not that he ever actually was this bad.
And of course, Joe doesn’t have any reason to think this particular incel was actually involved with the kidnapping or with Ryan
Joe’s one of the men guys like him complain about getting all the women. Until recently he was the stereotype that mostly relies on looks and doesn’t have a great personality, still Joe’s personality was somehow better than that guys.
Incel idiot is spouting some crap that’s adjacent to some of Past Joe’s ideas.
Joe wasn’t an incel per se, but he did have shitty ideas about women. This incel guy has gotta be both disgusting and horrifying to Today’s Joe.
I’m anticipating what will happen if Joyce or anyone else of the formerly kidnapped group ever recognizes him. If they do, he’s gonna get beaten within an inch of his life.
They’re interacting with the weirdo loser in the facemask. Why are they interacting with the weirdo loser in the facemask. The #1 interaction should be ignoring the weirdo loser in the facemask, #2 I guess can be pointing and laughing at the weirdo loser in the facemask.
He’s not a supervillain, he’s a pathetic dork in a costume. He has no powers, no skills, no charisma, nothing that would qualify him for supervillainy.
At first I was mildly astonished at you considering Jesse and James supervillains, but then I realized they somehow have infinite money and have survived hundreds of electrocutions and being thrown into the sky, so, thanks for opening my mind.
Dude, chill. I get it, your interactions with the high school Queen Bee and her entourage left you with the feeling that all women conspire just to get you removed from the gene pool. But, Occam’s razor suggests that something else may be the problem. Look around you. Normal women do settle for normal men – it’s a statistical certainty. And rather unrelated to the fact that women, too, seek to develop skill sets helping them with their life goals.
Also, I hate the fact that I found his anti-Semitic jab at Joe funny, mostly because it makes him more quickwitted than he should be. I choose to beleive he thought of it weeks ago and has just been itching for an opportunity to find someone to use it on.
I think they’re interpreting “brosef” as being reminiscent of a jewish name, similar to calling a hispanic person “no way jose” or an italian person “mario”.
I think it was just a turn of phrase, unmotivated by ethnicity.
I felt at first that “brosef”, spelled with an ‘f’ in particular, might be a slang word for jewish males. If only because in my native language I see “Jo(o)sef” mostly in the Bible. However, the Urban Dictionary tells me I was wrong.
The casual “naw” in the final panel is funny, but of all the DoA villains to manage to get a dunk in, why the one named after a gang of murderous pedophiles?
Nah, there are atleast 10,000 antisemetic tropes, and this aint one.
its not even weakly jewish implied, ( Broses which is too funny to be antisemtic ) and Joseph isnt a main jewish avatar
( which would jacob/ Israel or Judah ); and neither are even Hebrew or Yiddish names.
doing this successfully, but not not so successfully Jews self adopt it, is kind of hard. ( schloBro ; but AE Pi might steal it back )
Funny story Once I was called “Avril Lavigne ” by a coworker; me, never hearing the name, assumed it was some kind of anti-Semitic slight. Our other coworker overhearing this , got both references and thought it was hysterical.
Would he even know Joe well enough to know he is Jewish? It’s not like he is wearing anything or adhering to some standards of appearance that would make him identifiable. Maybe he knew Joe from “The List” period of his life?
tbf it’s in an established setting where he’s not the first to do so, tho other than committing crimes like in earlier strips most guys wouldn’t hide their face under a mask while saying these things lol (fortunately the most unrealistic part about this is there’s not some posse/small group of like 6-10 ppl who openly agree with him/doing a counter protest to what jocelyn showed up for)
I feel like Incelerator’s thesis here is not really all that close to what Incels actually believe, and in fact is waaaaaay too generous to incels by describing their beliefs as them being mad about something that’s actually happening in reality (women getting college degrees on being more self-sufficient) when actual incels are mad about completely insane timecube shit involving sigma chads representing 1% of all men and having sex with literally all women at the direction of (((globalists))).
I know it’s hard to make fun of an internet movement in a webcomic, because if you had Incelerator more accurate then he’d be incredibly dated in two years when Incels got new memes (not to mention being completely incomprehensible to normal people in the here and now), and touching on the “Women peak sexually at 12” stuff would probably make Incelerator so monstrous that he wouldn’t even be funny losing, but it still feels like Incels are getting off pretty easy here. Though I suppose getting off easy is a new experience for them. EYYYOOOOO!
I once read a “slice of life” article from a former incel who shed some light into the frankly insane and twisted logic their community shares in. The exact reasons vary a little from person to person (and sub-clique to sub-clique) but the bottom line of their beliefs is that “evil women are not giving us nice guys (/s) a fair shake because they’re all greedy, gold-digging ho’s who only want to hook up with alpha/sigma males (the exact type varies again depending on the sub-clique) who are part of some ebul-globalist/liberal conspiracy to keep the average joe down”. The author said the REALLY weird part begins when one of them DOES manage to get a girlfriend, because the near-universal response is usually immediate ostracization from the community. They’re accused of selling out, or settling, or being a “traitor” in general, and the author thinks it’s because if even a self-professed incel can find a partner, then what does that say about the ones that can’t? Either they have to acknowledge that something about THEM is the problem, or they can dig in deeper into their conspiracy because to abandon it would mean having to admit they were wrong all along.
Whenever these guys refer to women as “females”, I just mentally deepfake their voices into Ferengis. Not even the well-developed characters like Quark, Rom, and Nog, I mean the one-episode Ferengi from TNG season 1.
As soon as anybody refers to women as “females?” i just block and move on. No way anything in that conversation is going to go up from there. Its the conversion om women to a commodity.
On one hand, I don’t want AG to show up, as that would make him worthy of being punched by AG (and he’s not). But on the other hand this is an excellent setup for an AG/Carla crossover team-up! I am conflicted.
Do these incel douchebags actually go out and interact with people like this IRL? I’ve never encountered any of them. Also, I can’t help but imagine him saying “females” like a Ferengi.
Also also, please let me out of moderation hell Willis, I haven’t commented on DoA in a long while but I’m not new, and I don’t think I’ve intentionally broken any rules here.
It doesn’t make sense because nothing any strain of incel says ever make sense. Frankly the only satirical part of this is the costume thing, otherwise, it is pretty spot on on how these kind of people think about women. He is berating them for the crime of *check* studying stuff at a college because that mean they don’t have to “Settle for a normal male” like him. It is nonsensical and insane, because that is what incels are.
He think he is speaking out against perceived “Attack on normal men” and that make him a hero, it is a delusion, that is why the internal logic doesn’t add up to anything real because that would mean having any kind of self awareness.
Unfortunately for us, lots of young men seem pretty susceptible to this kind of nonsense. Maybe not as blatantly as hearing it spewed by some weirdo in a costume, but that’s comic strip reality. In reality it comes in memes and forum posts.
it’s such a self-own though. I really don’t see how this is supposed to *empower* men (something that men’s rights endeavors should do, riiiight?)
All it implies is “we are so crappy, women won’t want to be with us if they get to have STANDARDS”…. how about you face your own crappiness and become *actually* likeable instead of what you are?!
i don’t see at all how this is like recreating the Do List though?!
a) Joyce is his *girlfriend* who has stated she is very much into being thought of as a hot chick by him. That’s NOT like objectifying every single woman on campus by rating their sex appeal against their consent.
b) none of what he says here is about her looks. He states things she can DO, and that, in general, she gets to be excellent at anything she chooses to go for. That has nothing to do with a Do list at all.
c) The only thing i’d worry about is whether she *wants* him to do this defensive hero thing he’s doing. I hope they’ll talk about it later. Either is fine, as long as he doesn’t make himself into the hero if she doesn’t need one. If she does, go for it.
Many of Joyce’s most spectacular accomplishments are private things along the lines of surviving trauma and reinventing herself. But Incelerator is invited to try drawing a comic strip if he thinks it’s easy.
“I’m too much of a loser for women with actual standards” isn’t really a compelling standpoint. What did ContraPoints say? “It’s more than a character flaw, it’s a character deformity”?
i believe that this is EXACTLY what men should be doing.
I think there’s a lot of weight that men like this put in other men’s opinions, and it will have greater impact (unfortunately) if a GUY tells them “dude, NOT okay”. Because they are so caught up in their misogyny that any woman asserting herself will feed into his fantasy of being the victim. So i think we do need MEN to speak up, to say “no, i’m NOT your bro. I think your stance is shit and i’m not backing you up on it.” Too often, men try to (and succeed in) getting away with crap by fraternizing and drawing sympathies from other men. Just no. If you are crap, i will call it out, because i am way less concerned (even or especially as a trans man?!) to be *one of the guys* than i am with gender equality. I refuse to be one of the guys if that means nodding along to misogynist crap. And i want more men to stand up to that crap as well.
(except if the women they are with at the time would rather they shut up and let them deal with it – don’t be a hero, be a decent supportive person. But if you are among men, SPEAK UP!)
As long as the response is some variation of non-supportive. Like, Joe can credibly threaten to kick this guy’s ass, but any one of us can roll our eyes and laugh, or just say “Not cool, man” and go back to our lunch.
Okay, this is a fair answer to my question. I’d personally consider the guy less than dog shit on my shoe, which warrants enough attention to scrape it off if not more.
“Females are unwilling to settle for NORMAL HUMAN MALES” says the very normal human male wearing a supervillain outfit and rollerskating around a college cafeteria.
The saddest part is these guys think they are normal. Its not hard to meet someone if you put in the TINIEST bit off effort and some applied hygiene. Before I transitioned, I was a mess, emotionally politically, hygienically. I could barely stand me and “I” didn’t have trouble meeting someone if I wanted to.
The big trouble is these guys were raised on internet porn and shitty movie/early video game stereotypes, and when they found out women were not like the porn and the movies, they decided the women were defective, not their spank bank library.
Has anyone met a real-life incel or do they just stay home and angry? I mean, I’ve met plenty of dudes who are bad with the ladies (are there gay or female incels?), some of whom are sad sacks, but I don’t think any of them really qualify.
For some reason, a gay incel sub-community is really funny to me. They’re all collectively pissed off nobody will fuck them, but then they don’t find the obvious solution.
I suspect most of them aren’t open about being full on incels in reality. They rant about it online, but not in person.
So you may well have met them, but not know it.
Re, are there female het incels? This is an anecdote, not data, but:
I met my late wife when she approached me at a dance.
Years later:
“Is ‘Want to dance?’ your surefire opener to get a guy?”
“You tell me (cute smirk).”
“Anything else in your repertoire?”
“Well, I seemed to have a lot of luck with ‘Hi’ .”
My understanding is that these dudes are as popular with other dudes as they are with women. So, no, they don’t really have much in the way of a social life.
I’m not sure if they were full-on incels, but I have met quite a few guys who seemed to decide when we met that I was going to date them (not that they asked for a date, but if a woman joins a group or goes to the same meetup that is as good as agreeing to date, right?) – and if I did not go along with what they wanted they got super upset (even got angry/threatening messages for months from one guy).
They could not comprehend I could feasibly say no or not pander to them, even arguing with me that I had to give a good enough reason NOT to date them. I didn’t want to say “all we have done is make awkward small talk and you making demands of me then getting angry, there is nothing comfortable, fun, or attractive about this to me”.
TLDR: I have met guys who felt entitled to me dating them at least, without any kindness or effort on their part, which feels adjacent to this type of thinking.
Wait, does his uniform have pockets? This raises questions. Is Incelerator a skilled tailor who makes his own clothes? Did he go to a tailor with that design in hand to have it made professionally? Or did his mother make it for him? The first option suggests a unique origin story. The second means it would be relatively easy to track him down. The third seems most plausible.
and smashing toes!
That doesn’t count if it’s her own !
Sorry I didn’t mean to hit report! I was trying to scroll on my phone.
I have heard that it takes more than one, which is nice due to accidental phone clicks.
ToeSmasher would be a terrifying supervillain.
I stub my toe, my day is basically over.
Blaine smashed a toe once.
Too soon!
No, wait…not soon enough.
Society tends to frown on that type of toe smashing.
Joyce ALSO smashed that toe (a little less permanently)
Hey, the main villain in the original Mad Max was named ‘Toe Cutter’, so… close?
Toe cutters – or “stand over men” – are a venerable part of the Australian crime world. They extort other criminals, you can see how.
(Read that in Tim Curry’s Nigel Thornberry voice.)
And drawing dingdongs on whiteboards!
Is this dink scarface? Or one of his stooges? He looks similar.
Oh. I see they’ve been tagged. Thanks Willis!
awe yeah looks like Joy-Joe’s Bizzare Adventure gonna see some action!
let’s make this piece of shit SEE STARS! >:D
*plays “Jotaro’s Theme” from Stardust Crusaders on hacked muzak*
no no no. “Awaken” or nothing !
“Propaganda” could maybe work as a theme for Incelerator, though. ¬_¬
I predict Joe will find out Incelerator read the Do List and leaked it. Joe is then horrified and this is what drives him to build his suit and become Iron Joe.
I could see the first half of that definitely being the case.
I am so glad Jocelyn got followed up on.
Willis is great at planting these seeds we want followed up on years later.
The old “We’Re NoT sO dIfFeReNt YoU aNd I.”
Joe opens a coffeeshop (in Cubetown) and now he is Cuppa Joe
She can also correctly identify the owner of breasts from just a picture!
SO much fake Paul in there.
that’s a pretty good Hank Hill impression, Joe
I tell you whut.
That roller skate boy just ain’t right.
Skates might be too powerful in this universe.
It’s like Shortpacked! never ended.
Dumbing of Age book 27: Soggies may rule
I understood that reference.
she’s also good at maths
And she’s a certified Lesbian Love Sleuth, and can throw a hell of a punch, and can sneak into bars.
Pretty sure if you name yourself “Inecelerator” you’re not allowed to believe women can be good at math.
Oh, what I would give for someone to inform that toolbag that facts do not, sadly, care about his feelings. :’D
Hell, the “can be good at math” part of that sentence is surplus to requirements.
She’s also good at stabbing people in the face with glass, being kidnapped, and math.
So he admits getting with him would be settling. That’s more of a self-own than anything else.
It is amazing how many of the “nice guys” and the like do self owns. Stuff like they don’t think that women find sex pleasurable because they have never liked it when with them and other such things. It is amazing in some ways how they are proud to admit it out loud.
Self-identifying as an incel always seemed like one.
“I have never attracted a mate! Yay me!”
Most incels actually do think of themselves as completely unfuckable losers, though they blame in on their bone structures or height or other things out of their control and not their personalities.
Their belief system is that they’re 3/10 men entitled to 3/10 women but the 9/10 and up men are hogging all the ladies.
Honestly, it’s probably for the best if their weakness is removed from the gene pool. They can either adapt and evolve or stay worthless and die alone like they deserve.
I think it’s just a symptom of toxic masculinity/patriarchy deeply entrenched in the male experience. It crushes the self worth of men and women and whatever you identify as. We should all be teaching each other to have more empathy instead of dressing up in flamboyant costumes to provoke the arbitrary gender wars.
But we still get to dress up in flamboyant costumes if it’s just for fun and glitter, right?
Partly, but I think a lot of it is just the internet.
A lot of young guys always went through a phase of fearing no woman would ever be interested in them, but in the past they’d interact with regular people in the real world and get over it. Now, they can seek out others online going through the same phase and set up a feedback loop convincing each other they’re right. Lock themselves into that mindset.
^this. It is perhaps too much to call such bubbles the cause of many a thing gone wrong lately. But, lack of a shared reality brings out the worst. Ok, partisan press did rather similar damage well before the internet, but it’s gotten worse.
Yep, have tried helping incels before, they genuinely don’t want to hear the thing scaring off women is the incel shit for some reason.
The answer to being an incel is not, “Have you tried not being an asshole to women” and “prostitution is legal in some places. At least get the experience with a willing partner.”
The latter especially ticks them off because they don’t want to pay either.
Definitely too much damn toxic patriarchy going on in our society. Far too much glorified in media, politics, sports…the list is long.
I understand the hatred of these guys but please try to not spew off actual eugenistic talking points. As an autistic person I find it very distasteful.
Taffy makes modest proposals so often that the snark tag has become invisible.
A Modest Proposal is a well-known (I mean, depending whwre you went to high school) satirical essay about eating babies, so the term now means extreme, non-serious suggests. Such as the kind Taffy often makes in their posts.
Basically that Taffy’s comments should often be taken as snark
Though that doesn’t mean jokingly suggesting eugenics talking points for detested people isn’t still bringing up eugenics talking points.
Yeah, that is what I mean, even as a joke, it makes me uncomfortable.
I can’t help feeling that there’s a distinction between natural selection and eugenics being lost here. If Taffy suggested forcibly removing them from the gene pool, I missed it.
I missed it too. Normal natural evolution is allowed.
99/100 times I say something wildly out of pocket, it’s meant to be taken as unseriously as possible. Maybe 30/100 times, that lack of seriousness actually scans, but we’re up from 20 so it’s progress.
As a fellow autist, I agree. It was a distasteful thing to say. I still think incels are worthless and deserve nothing but scorn and vicious mockery, but you’re right, the “gene pool” thing gets dicey fast.
Yeah thanks, hope I didn’t come across as too harsh, it just touch a nerve you know?
I mean, you did say “please”.
On the Internet there is always the possibility someone will take what you say as unreasonably hostile.
You take that back!!!
I just want to give you all cookies now.
Yes, I’d say this.
“They’re not genetically assholes. They’re just assholes by choice.”
They may be genetically not the brightest bulb in the lot though. I hold that it’s possible to be an asshole without being stupid.
(Points to Mike.)
There is also a way to be stupid due to choice and choosing not to learn. I have met people that are smart enough to understand a concept but are too lazy to put in the time to actually learn it. If they have no opinion one way or another on the subject it isn’t too bad (though highly concerning when it is an important topic), but some of them just say what they think sounds right with no background and run with that (aka insist that whatever they dreamed of is the truth and that anyone who says anything else is wrong). It is probably partially because they either don’t want to admit their ignorance or don’t want to admit that you know more about something than they do. A combination of ego and laziness perhaps?
idk, from what I’ve seen, a lot of them think they’re 3/10s who are still entitled to 8+/10 women (obviously, ranking people like that at all is gross, but their whole everything is gross)
An important component of their belief system is that precisely this ranking is objective somehow.
I think that’s because women below maybe 6/10 are invisible to them while doing their dating “math.” Women they don’t find fuckable don’t register as women, so the floor for dating prospects starts at above average. Source: for some unknowable reason, I hang around advice columns where commenters who think like regular humans fruitlessly try to help these guys.
There’s *a lot* of shit these guys say that is a self-own.
Yep! They believe women should fall into their lap exactly like when women had to get married and had no freedom. The think they abhor is not knowledge or skills, women always had that, the thing they hate are the laws that granted women freedom.
Yes, a lot of their arguments are for slavery.
NO!!! you can’t defeat the villain before the superhero shows up!
Maybe Joe is Amazi-girl?
Omigods that’s genius! No one would ever suspect him! Purloined letter, hiding right there in plain sight!!
Are you saying Joe has been purloined?
Joyce is gonna per-loin him at some point, yes.
I’m a little confused about his thesis.
they rarely make any sense
these kinds of dudebros are basically IRL Jerry Smiths — majorly white men who’ve gotten more than the battering end of late capitalism, rendered DESPERATE for some way of “commanding respect”, of “”WINNING””,
that they’ve settled on this way of doing so which comes at a human cost
The incel ideology is that women are awful and like successful good looking men when they should be forcibly assigned to men like them ala the Taliban.
It gets worse from there.
I wouldn’t compare it to the Taliban at all. Tbh a lot of their weird ideologies are rooted in the most toxic strains of Christian fundamentalism (even IF there are plenty of reddit atheists among them and they’d hate to have this pointed out to them)
To be fair, all Abrahamic faiths—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—have fundamentalist interpretations that can align with toxic, patriarchal ideologies, including those seen in incel culture. Singling out Christian fundamentalism as more harmful overlooks the fact that all Abrahamic scriptures, when taken literally, can perpetuate similar beliefs. At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge progressive movements within these faiths, like Reform Judaism, Musawah, and the United Church of Christ. Incel culture often draws from broader cultural and societal influences that intersect with fundamentalist ideologies across religions, not just Christianity.
I think the point is more that taking the toxic Christian strains and using Islamic terms to describe them whitewashes Christianity and adds to very common US/European prejudice against Muslims.
I see your point, but focusing solely on toxic Christian strains while avoiding criticism of fundamentalist Islam to avoid prejudice risks creating a skewed narrative. All Abrahamic faiths have fundamentalist interpretations that align with patriarchal and incel ideologies. While it’s crucial to avoid reinforcing US/European biases against Muslims, we also shouldn’t exempt fundamentalist Islam from accountability. Addressing these issues universally is key to tackling patriarchy and toxic masculinity on a global scale.
Nobody’s “avoiding criticism of fundamentalist Islam”.
We’re talking about homegrown American incels, who are overwhelmingly at least raised Christian, if not still actively practicing, and bringing Islam into for no particular reason. Fundamentalist Islam wasn’t the topic. If we’re actually talking about fundamentalist Islam, great.
[[I think the point is more that taking the toxic Christian strains and using Islamic terms to describe them whitewashes Christianity and adds to very common US/European prejudice against Muslims.]]
I regularly use the Taliban to talk about American Christian fundamentalism. Because it’s not the Islam that makes it awful or even the religion but the toxic misogyny that they hide behind religion to justify. The Handmaid’s Tale was partially based on the Taliban but 100% could happen in the US.
Is it just that comparing to the bad religion might make people see the problems with their own?
But doesn’t the emphasis on Islam whenever fundamentalism comes up, just reinforce those stereotypes?
The comparison to the Taliban isn’t about labeling Islam as “the bad religion” but highlighting shared patterns of patriarchal fundamentalism across all religions, including Christianity. It’s not the emphasis on Islam that reinforces stereotypes—it’s failing to recognize that these toxic ideologies exist in fundamentalist movements across all Abrahamic faiths and beyond. Addressing these issues universally avoids singling out any one religion while acknowledging that misogyny and toxic masculinity are global problems.
Except that’s not how it’s done.
It’s certainly not how it was done here. I’m all for the argument that all fundamentalist religious movements share common dangerous traits, but that’s not what’s going on. Just bringing up the Taliban while not mentioning Christianity at all, when talking about a home-grown American problem is not “highlighting shared patterns of patriarchal fundamentalism”, it’s only targeting Islam.
+1 well put.
“Women need fewer freedoms and fewer options in their lives so that I, the main character of the universe, don’t have to work to get a girlfriend.”
Yes. I don’t see anything confusing about that. Insane, yes. Confusing, not so much.
Entitlement isn’t a medical condition, no need to make excuses for him.
That’s what he said at first, but he seems to be saying the opposite as he argues with Joe.
Which I think is pretty true to life. They never seem very clear on what reasoning and conclusions really are. Like, the entire concept of logic or reasoning.
Under-educated, under-employed, under-mated, and under-socialized. So they’ve formed an online gang (‘community’ isn’t quite right) to feel better about themselves by tearing others down.
Hey! They aren’t all under-educated!
Eh, kick his ass anyway, he deserves it.
(there a kickstarter for that? i’ll chip in.)
All I see when I look at Joe’s shirt is a fried egg wearing a scarf.
Quick, someone call Amazi-girl or Sal or someone.
I think that’s who Joyce texted last strip?
if we got a Sal/AG Teamup: Electric Boogaloo, I’d die on the spot (positive)
Do we know who this is?
It’s obviously Sal.
No, Sal is Amazi-Girl.
This is Amber.
No, Amber is Night-Guy. This is Other Rachel.
Everyone always forgets about Mike. It’s obviously Jennifer.
What were we talking about again?
This question was asked and answered a LOT in yesterday’s comments. Go check them out.
Idk if he has a name but he’s been in a few scenes. He was one of the guys bullying Danny in the first chapter, and was one of the goons that helped with the kidnapping. The tags have been updated so you can see all his appearances
He has a name. It’s “Incelerator.”
He’s this guy.
I hope we can find out why that guy is not, in fact, in jail right now.
A couple of possibilities:
– he is currently awaiting trial, but as we have established in earlier storylines, it is easy to get released on bail in Indiana (unless it’s a murder charge
– he was able to get away from the house before the police arrived and avoided arrest
– because he was just a minion rather than a ring-leader, he managed to avoid significant jail time (perhaps helped by a favorable judge/plea deal)
Per word of Willis, he escaped and the scenes with Malaya mentioning him were foreshadowing?
He had to have had help. He was duct taped, blindfolded, and hopping around. And Malaya saw him and looked angry(ier).
Here’s a tip: If you’re awaiting trial, don’t do whatever this is.
Like green lantern, it’s whoever has the suit. Therefore it will be Dorothy.
Joie, put that down on a table first, please.
Amazi-girl: You want to kill me!
In elevator: Kill you? Why would I want to kill you? What would I be without overly capable women to rage about? You…. Complete me!
*sigh* it’s our fault that we use such strange words that autocowecked winds up “fixing” them… “In elevator” should be “Incelerator”.
Oh, I just thought you meant that the scene was taking place in an elevator. Possibly an elevator shaft, mid-action sequence.
Hell, that’s what I thought, too. Empty elevator shaft, both of them dangling from nylon line, struggling over a multi-story drop.
(which that campus building does not have, so howthehell they got there is just one of those mysteries)
It’s all fun and games until someone lands on their head.
It occurs to me if Jocelyn bothered to sit down with Joyce, she’d be horrified by imagination:
* Her experience with Ryan
* The kidnapping attempt with Blaine
* The death of three people she witnessed
* Being involved in subverting a Congresswoman’s election
A lot of which involved superheroes.
For Joyce, this is, um, Thursday I think? Maybe Friday? We just did Tuesday.
As an older sibling, I think I’d be morally obligated to attempt murder over any of the first three, lol (And I don’t even *like* my sibling)
The second one on the list has already been taken care of. Unless Joyce is able to identify this jackass as one of the accomplices.
I imagine Becky’s already filled her in on most of those.
Uhhh, which 3 people was she present at there deaths? The only one I remember her being at was ToeDad.
Wow. Maybe Joycelynne should write Joyce’s story. Or adapt it to novel form.
I have nothing to say about today’s comic. Instead have a haiku
Incels are stupid
Joyce has a great new boyfriend
Joe should kick his ass
I rank Incels at the same idiocy level as Flat Earthers. But Incels are more dangerous.
Dammit, meant to reply and accidentally reported. Sorry!
Anyway, was gonna say that I’ve never seen a flat earther take up arms and shoot up a crowd because of his beliefs. They just hang out online and annoy people.
unfortunately it’s kind of a “gateway drug”
conspiratorial thinking makes people susceptible to more conspiratorial thinking
people go from “nasa is hiding the truth for funding” into more harmful thoughts and movements
also anti-science movements flock together pretty strongly
Once you decide that a small group of people are hiding The Truth from the public in one area, it’s really easy to expand that to other fields, including y much more obviously harmful ones.
It’s also somehow easy to decide that group is “the Jews”.
Incelerator isn’t backing off because she isn’t a threat, he’s backing off because, as Joyce draws cartoons, she can draw the cartoon they’re in to where Incelerator loses no matter what he does – that’s right folks, Joyce Brown is… The Cartoonist!!!
*giant pencil descends from top of panel and erases The Incelerator*
I’d much rather have Daffy than this Incel idiot. Just the mere fact that they are real is painful and depressing to me.
“Normal human males” implies that there are inhuman males exceptional women are willing to get with.
Yeah, they’re called Saiyans.
And Viltrumites, you go General Kregg
I mean, yeah. Did you SEE the typhoon of thirst when Von Lycaon hit the internet?
Well, Black Bolt is kind of a dickhole, but I guess Medusa is pretty exceptional.
That’s, like, what 75% of YA is about.
And some manga.
And maybe some slash.
I think there was some study which showed that the most popular ones in women’s literature are; Werewolf, Vampire, Pirate, CEO and… Surgeon?
So a vampire former-pirate-now-CEO should be really hot? Or werewolf surgeon?
Would be really hard to keep all that hair out of the patient…
A wolf who transformes into a bald surgeon though? nice!
Kinda weird that Joe’s acting cornered and saying “back off”, when this loser was shouting at the wall behind the group. This isn’t a guy to be nervous about confronting, it’s someone to briefly glance up from your lunch at, maybe tell to shut the fuck up, and then ignore.
I expect no small amount of his trepidation is that he’s keenly aware that the shit this guy’s saying isn’t all that far off from what he thought only a few months ago. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if this guy is someone Joe actually knows and got along with.
This guy is literally one of the kidnappers, one of Blaine’s masked lackeys, who were explicitly part of that gang because they were mad that Ryan got glassed by Joyce in self-defense and then stabbitied by Amber in defense of herself and Dorothy.
Joe has NEVER been a bro of Ryan or Ryan’s confederates for a second. Why are you saying that he is?
To be fair, they didn’t say he IS they said it wouldn’t surprise them if he is. And I think they said that because that’s what they feel.
To be clear, I’m not suggesting they’re actually friends, or that Joe is cool with Ryan and his cadre. Only that incels love to complain about “Chads” who reduce the supply of available females while simultaneously valourising and wanting to cosy up to them, and that (based on people I met) like white supremacists they tend to keep to themselves until they “reveal their power level” to the like-minded or people they think will let them get away with “boys will be boys” rhetoric. If he is someone Joe knows, I doubt he knows the guy very well, only enough to be surprised that he exchanged words with such an obnoxious dipshit without knowing it. And that’s going to feed into his struggle to overcome his own misogynist attitudes – he’s going to beat himself up that it’s another sign he’s a garbage human for not realising. That’s all I meant.
I’m far from a Joe defender, but this is way off. Joe might actually be seeing something of himself in this dude, but that’s Joe being overly self-critical, not that he ever actually was this bad.
And of course, Joe doesn’t have any reason to think this particular incel was actually involved with the kidnapping or with Ryan
Joe’s one of the men guys like him complain about getting all the women. Until recently he was the stereotype that mostly relies on looks and doesn’t have a great personality, still Joe’s personality was somehow better than that guys.
Incel idiot is spouting some crap that’s adjacent to some of Past Joe’s ideas.
Joe wasn’t an incel per se, but he did have shitty ideas about women. This incel guy has gotta be both disgusting and horrifying to Today’s Joe.
I’m anticipating what will happen if Joyce or anyone else of the formerly kidnapped group ever recognizes him. If they do, he’s gonna get beaten within an inch of his life.
Or slightly beaten and turned over to the cops, who would still have a warrant out for him.
They’re interacting with the weirdo loser in the facemask. Why are they interacting with the weirdo loser in the facemask. The #1 interaction should be ignoring the weirdo loser in the facemask, #2 I guess can be pointing and laughing at the weirdo loser in the facemask.
This is a place with actual supervillains. Ignoring them is not an option.
He’s not a supervillain, he’s a pathetic dork in a costume. He has no powers, no skills, no charisma, nothing that would qualify him for supervillainy.
he aint no Rita Repulsa, no Jesse or James, no Jadeite or Queen Beryl, no Shredder, nothin
them bongo’s an insult to REAL supervillains if I’ve ever seen one 😤
At first I was mildly astonished at you considering Jesse and James supervillains, but then I realized they somehow have infinite money and have survived hundreds of electrocutions and being thrown into the sky, so, thanks for opening my mind.
Even the Condiment King looks like a real threat compared to Incelerator here.
there’s an option we’re not seeing here:
playing the music equivalent of incel repellant 😛
*plays “Bouncing Balls” by The Wiggles on hacked muzak*
she can also fuck up creepy dudes with an ordinary drinking glass, to say nothing of what she’s capable of when clear-headed
Did you tell him about the spelling?
Joe please, c’mon. This is beneath you.
For real. He looks like a wuss right now.
Joyce is great at punching dads
True, but fortunately for everyone, this dude has clearly never found anyone willing to reproduce with him
This dude specifically also knows she glassed a buddy of his and has personally witnessed her violence against another of his buddies.
He SHOULD absoluteLy see her as a threat, because she is one.
Dude, chill. I get it, your interactions with the high school Queen Bee and her entourage left you with the feeling that all women conspire just to get you removed from the gene pool. But, Occam’s razor suggests that something else may be the problem. Look around you. Normal women do settle for normal men – it’s a statistical certainty. And rather unrelated to the fact that women, too, seek to develop skill sets helping them with their life goals.
I think you are giving him too much credit here.
You’re using logic. Incels do not.
Let’s see, she’s slashed one of Incelerator’s buddies across the face.
On another occasion (https://www.dumbingofage.com/2020/comic/book-10/03-when-it-crumbles/dangerous-2/) she caused grave doubts as to the likelihood of another of his buddies ever being able to reproduce.
I’d say Incelerator should be thinking of her as a threat.
Maybe that’s why he’s leaving. Just now recognized her, and is noping right the hell outta here.
Autistic flex
Also, I hate the fact that I found his anti-Semitic jab at Joe funny, mostly because it makes him more quickwitted than he should be. I choose to beleive he thought of it weeks ago and has just been itching for an opportunity to find someone to use it on.
wait what anti semitic jab?
I am confused too; did I miss a panel?
I think they’re interpreting “brosef” as being reminiscent of a jewish name, similar to calling a hispanic person “no way jose” or an italian person “mario”.
I think it was just a turn of phrase, unmotivated by ethnicity.
I felt at first that “brosef”, spelled with an ‘f’ in particular, might be a slang word for jewish males. If only because in my native language I see “Jo(o)sef” mostly in the Bible. However, the Urban Dictionary tells me I was wrong.
A brosef is just a name for a bro. Not antisemitic: use it in good health, for all the favorite bros, himbos, and shtarkers in your life.
Ohhh! Shtarker is really Good, ( tips furlined hat )
“But Look at The Big Man -ischewitz ” is right there
The casual “naw” in the final panel is funny, but of all the DoA villains to manage to get a dunk in, why the one named after a gang of murderous pedophiles?
Nah, there are atleast 10,000 antisemetic tropes, and this aint one.
its not even weakly jewish implied, ( Broses which is too funny to be antisemtic ) and Joseph isnt a main jewish avatar
( which would jacob/ Israel or Judah ); and neither are even Hebrew or Yiddish names.
doing this successfully, but not not so successfully Jews self adopt it, is kind of hard. ( schloBro ; but AE Pi might steal it back )
Funny story Once I was called “Avril Lavigne ” by a coworker; me, never hearing the name, assumed it was some kind of anti-Semitic slight. Our other coworker overhearing this , got both references and thought it was hysterical.
Would he even know Joe well enough to know he is Jewish? It’s not like he is wearing anything or adhering to some standards of appearance that would make him identifiable. Maybe he knew Joe from “The List” period of his life?
Would be interesting if he knew about and was impressed by “List Guy”, but didn’t recognize Joe as List Guy.
That would be a nice way to twist that old knife in Joe’s wounds.
She also has a great left hook.
That aside sorry that not all wemon ate boring…especially Joyce, I’m sure there’s plenty more she’s good at we just need a minute to re-evaluate.
Joe, you need to lead with the important skill: Cutting a… bishop.
…. dude, if you think of yourself as a normal human male, you might want to take a second look at your current getup.
tbf it’s in an established setting where he’s not the first to do so, tho other than committing crimes like in earlier strips most guys wouldn’t hide their face under a mask while saying these things lol (fortunately the most unrealistic part about this is there’s not some posse/small group of like 6-10 ppl who openly agree with him/doing a counter protest to what jocelyn showed up for)
I am mystified where this is going.
I feel like Incelerator’s thesis here is not really all that close to what Incels actually believe, and in fact is waaaaaay too generous to incels by describing their beliefs as them being mad about something that’s actually happening in reality (women getting college degrees on being more self-sufficient) when actual incels are mad about completely insane timecube shit involving sigma chads representing 1% of all men and having sex with literally all women at the direction of (((globalists))).
I know it’s hard to make fun of an internet movement in a webcomic, because if you had Incelerator more accurate then he’d be incredibly dated in two years when Incels got new memes (not to mention being completely incomprehensible to normal people in the here and now), and touching on the “Women peak sexually at 12” stuff would probably make Incelerator so monstrous that he wouldn’t even be funny losing, but it still feels like Incels are getting off pretty easy here. Though I suppose getting off easy is a new experience for them. EYYYOOOOO!
I mean, you’re not wrong.
I once read a “slice of life” article from a former incel who shed some light into the frankly insane and twisted logic their community shares in. The exact reasons vary a little from person to person (and sub-clique to sub-clique) but the bottom line of their beliefs is that “evil women are not giving us nice guys (/s) a fair shake because they’re all greedy, gold-digging ho’s who only want to hook up with alpha/sigma males (the exact type varies again depending on the sub-clique) who are part of some ebul-globalist/liberal conspiracy to keep the average joe down”. The author said the REALLY weird part begins when one of them DOES manage to get a girlfriend, because the near-universal response is usually immediate ostracization from the community. They’re accused of selling out, or settling, or being a “traitor” in general, and the author thinks it’s because if even a self-professed incel can find a partner, then what does that say about the ones that can’t? Either they have to acknowledge that something about THEM is the problem, or they can dig in deeper into their conspiracy because to abandon it would mean having to admit they were wrong all along.
That is messed up, and helpful to understanding, thank you for sharing.
Danny you don’t have to do this, pick up the ukelele
it’s not Danny (i thought so too for a shocked moment, they have similar hair but not same guy!)
Incelerator has a punchable face.
lol idk if walky is in shape even with his ‘attempts’ at nightguy but would be interesting to see a ‘confrontation’ between those two
Slap fight paradise
interesting he isn’t threatened by a female cartoonist but blessing in disguise if he’s going away already lol
Is this the first time Joe’s referred to Joyce as “my girlfriend” to someone else without prompting or hesitation?
Whenever these guys refer to women as “females”, I just mentally deepfake their voices into Ferengis. Not even the well-developed characters like Quark, Rom, and Nog, I mean the one-episode Ferengi from TNG season 1.
(Yes I know the lead character was played by Armin Shimerman, who also played Quark. They’re completely different characters!)
Poor Nog.
Aron Eisenberg
As soon as anybody refers to women as “females?” i just block and move on. No way anything in that conversation is going to go up from there. Its the conversion om women to a commodity.
On one hand, I don’t want AG to show up, as that would make him worthy of being punched by AG (and he’s not). But on the other hand this is an excellent setup for an AG/Carla crossover team-up! I am conflicted.
More likely to get a Dorothy/SG team-up at this time, as Dorothy still has AG’s costume
Do these incel douchebags actually go out and interact with people like this IRL? I’ve never encountered any of them. Also, I can’t help but imagine him saying “females” like a Ferengi.
Also also, please let me out of moderation hell Willis, I haven’t commented on DoA in a long while but I’m not new, and I don’t think I’ve intentionally broken any rules here.
i know this is satire ,
But i dont get the internal logic here.
What is INceler Trying to do here? Or even say?
Is he promising not to have sex with overqualified women? Complaining they will end up like him?
For an ex kidnapper, this seems suspiciously harmless
( Dammit Joe what are YOU doing? You are two steps from recreating your DO list and Putting Joyce at top, )
It doesn’t make sense because nothing any strain of incel says ever make sense. Frankly the only satirical part of this is the costume thing, otherwise, it is pretty spot on on how these kind of people think about women. He is berating them for the crime of *check* studying stuff at a college because that mean they don’t have to “Settle for a normal male” like him. It is nonsensical and insane, because that is what incels are.
Word. The insanity is on point. They are much cruder and nastier than this however.
OK but What does HE think he is doing here ? ( the internal logic . How does he think wins? )
( maybe this is hitting me wrong post election.
Or maybe its a throwback to the zany off the wall Pre covid , Pre trump Internet
He think he is speaking out against perceived “Attack on normal men” and that make him a hero, it is a delusion, that is why the internal logic doesn’t add up to anything real because that would mean having any kind of self awareness.
I think he thinks he’s “raising awareness”, and he wins when other guys say “Yes, he’s right!”
And he is raising awareness. Unfortunately for him, it’s awareness that he’s an idiot.
Unfortunately for us, lots of young men seem pretty susceptible to this kind of nonsense. Maybe not as blatantly as hearing it spewed by some weirdo in a costume, but that’s comic strip reality. In reality it comes in memes and forum posts.
it’s such a self-own though. I really don’t see how this is supposed to *empower* men (something that men’s rights endeavors should do, riiiight?)
All it implies is “we are so crappy, women won’t want to be with us if they get to have STANDARDS”…. how about you face your own crappiness and become *actually* likeable instead of what you are?!
But that would mean taking responsibility for their own flaws.
Joyce was always at the top of Joe’s Do list. She was down as a 10 until Mike did his punching.
Perhaps surprisingly, this is not the case. https://www.dumbingofage.com/2010/comic/book-1/03-men-are-from-beck-women-are-from-clark/corrupt/ Though he may have mentally upgraded her the moment he saw her in that dress.
What he said out loud to look more macho in front of people may not have been what he wrote down on his list.
i don’t see at all how this is like recreating the Do List though?!
a) Joyce is his *girlfriend* who has stated she is very much into being thought of as a hot chick by him. That’s NOT like objectifying every single woman on campus by rating their sex appeal against their consent.
b) none of what he says here is about her looks. He states things she can DO, and that, in general, she gets to be excellent at anything she chooses to go for. That has nothing to do with a Do list at all.
c) The only thing i’d worry about is whether she *wants* him to do this defensive hero thing he’s doing. I hope they’ll talk about it later. Either is fine, as long as he doesn’t make himself into the hero if she doesn’t need one. If she does, go for it.
Yeah, I was thinking about c). He really did jump into that out of the blue.
I think it’s fine, as long as she doesn’t have a problem with it.
Buddy, she One Punch Womand Toe Dad. She absolutely is a threat
She is great at drawing dingdongs- wait no scratch that
Please don’t scratch the dingdongs. They’re sensitive.
only scratch dingdongs if previously negotiated.
However, if you accidentally scratch the dingdong and receive a positive response, this is also acceptable.
A positive response – like a wagging tail?
Brosef Brosenthal?
“It’s so cute that you think you’re normal.”
You see, he’s the victim here. That’s why he has to inflict himself on people and hurt them if possible. Real common among men these days.
Sad how that isn’t even sarcastic
Many of Joyce’s most spectacular accomplishments are private things along the lines of surviving trauma and reinventing herself. But Incelerator is invited to try drawing a comic strip if he thinks it’s easy.
Glassing rapists and punching out evil dads.
(Alright, only one of each really, but still.)
Mmmmm, I wonder if MEXO LOCO does a breakfast burrito 🌯
Why is Joe giving this dick-swab more attention than he deserves (i.e., any at all)?
Joe’s an insecure beta cuck and Incelerator is an alpha gamer, plus Joe’s mad he’s getting mogged right now.
Or at least, that’s probably close to how Incelerator “thinks” of the situation.
Okay, but why is JOE giving this dick swab more attention than he deserves?
“I’m too much of a loser for women with actual standards” isn’t really a compelling standpoint. What did ContraPoints say? “It’s more than a character flaw, it’s a character deformity”?
i believe that this is EXACTLY what men should be doing.
I think there’s a lot of weight that men like this put in other men’s opinions, and it will have greater impact (unfortunately) if a GUY tells them “dude, NOT okay”. Because they are so caught up in their misogyny that any woman asserting herself will feed into his fantasy of being the victim. So i think we do need MEN to speak up, to say “no, i’m NOT your bro. I think your stance is shit and i’m not backing you up on it.” Too often, men try to (and succeed in) getting away with crap by fraternizing and drawing sympathies from other men. Just no. If you are crap, i will call it out, because i am way less concerned (even or especially as a trans man?!) to be *one of the guys* than i am with gender equality. I refuse to be one of the guys if that means nodding along to misogynist crap. And i want more men to stand up to that crap as well.
(except if the women they are with at the time would rather they shut up and let them deal with it – don’t be a hero, be a decent supportive person. But if you are among men, SPEAK UP!)
As long as the response is some variation of non-supportive. Like, Joe can credibly threaten to kick this guy’s ass, but any one of us can roll our eyes and laugh, or just say “Not cool, man” and go back to our lunch.
Okay, this is a fair answer to my question. I’d personally consider the guy less than dog shit on my shoe, which warrants enough attention to scrape it off if not more.
“Females are unwilling to settle for NORMAL HUMAN MALES” says the very normal human male wearing a supervillain outfit and rollerskating around a college cafeteria.
The ironic thing is that the Incelerator is engaging in person, rather than anonymously from behind a keyboard, like most of his ilk.
Maybe the most embarrassing use of spandex known to man, and we have lots of precedent to cite.
The saddest part is these guys think they are normal. Its not hard to meet someone if you put in the TINIEST bit off effort and some applied hygiene. Before I transitioned, I was a mess, emotionally politically, hygienically. I could barely stand me and “I” didn’t have trouble meeting someone if I wanted to.
The big trouble is these guys were raised on internet porn and shitty movie/early video game stereotypes, and when they found out women were not like the porn and the movies, they decided the women were defective, not their spank bank library.
Has anyone met a real-life incel or do they just stay home and angry? I mean, I’ve met plenty of dudes who are bad with the ladies (are there gay or female incels?), some of whom are sad sacks, but I don’t think any of them really qualify.
For some reason, a gay incel sub-community is really funny to me. They’re all collectively pissed off nobody will fuck them, but then they don’t find the obvious solution.
I suspect most of them aren’t open about being full on incels in reality. They rant about it online, but not in person.
So you may well have met them, but not know it.
Re, are there female het incels? This is an anecdote, not data, but:
I met my late wife when she approached me at a dance.
Years later:
“Is ‘Want to dance?’ your surefire opener to get a guy?”
“You tell me (cute smirk).”
“Anything else in your repertoire?”
“Well, I seemed to have a lot of luck with ‘Hi’ .”
I’ve met one or two, but they are a lot braver behind a keyboard.
My understanding is that these dudes are as popular with other dudes as they are with women. So, no, they don’t really have much in the way of a social life.
I’m not sure if they were full-on incels, but I have met quite a few guys who seemed to decide when we met that I was going to date them (not that they asked for a date, but if a woman joins a group or goes to the same meetup that is as good as agreeing to date, right?) – and if I did not go along with what they wanted they got super upset (even got angry/threatening messages for months from one guy).
They could not comprehend I could feasibly say no or not pander to them, even arguing with me that I had to give a good enough reason NOT to date them. I didn’t want to say “all we have done is make awkward small talk and you making demands of me then getting angry, there is nothing comfortable, fun, or attractive about this to me”.
TLDR: I have met guys who felt entitled to me dating them at least, without any kindness or effort on their part, which feels adjacent to this type of thinking.
I love Joe’s little pause before he comes up with Pauline Epistles, and I especially love Joyce happily chiming in with fun Epistle facts.
Wait, does his uniform have pockets? This raises questions. Is Incelerator a skilled tailor who makes his own clothes? Did he go to a tailor with that design in hand to have it made professionally? Or did his mother make it for him? The first option suggests a unique origin story. The second means it would be relatively easy to track him down. The third seems most plausible.
I figure he bought the basic jumpsuit (IDC the technical term) and made a few simple modifications.
I believe the technical term is speedsuit.
Anyone happen to know what he was tagged as previously, before he became this version of douche?
What the fuck is happening…
“Get back here and think of her as a threat or I’ll kick your ass!” confirmed for the next book title?