A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
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A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
All Known Alternatives
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Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Guilded Age
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Paint the Town Red
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Cyanide & Happiness
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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Carla: … I think she’s trying to be an ally? But that was weird, right? Even for Jugs?
Ruth, facepalming: You have to stop calling her that, but yes, I think yet again her heart is in the right place and both her feet are wedged in her mouth so far it’s surprising we can hear her so clearly. Surprising , and distressing. I’ll talk to her.
In my experience at least, hyper focusing your attention on something kind of loses the sexual appeal of it, especially in a academic environment. It’s kind of like if you say a word too much it feels like it loses its meaning.
Or accidentally checking into a clothing optional camping ground after a grueling two day family hike.
I was 13ish and honestly it wasn’t even remotely exciting.
If the class is being run properly. You’ll be in such a hurry to transcribe the information in front of you effectively that that task will occupy your whole brain. The rapid gesture poses will hammer all other thoughts out of you, and by the time you get to longer poses you’re just grateful to even have a little more time to get things done. If you’ve got time for other feelings to crop up significantly it’s either because the class is boring or your drawing is boring and you should just try a different composition.
Maybe the stark way the light hits them, and the fact that they are very angular and iconic and only somewhat figurative compared to say, the elaborate naturalism of Greco-Roman statuary. He wanted us to draw with harsh, decisive lines, nothing too loose or fluid. That class was all about building up serious hand/eye coordination.
I had several friends in college who did nude modeling. The one guy who did it that I knew liked to remind people that the studio was cold, and to be kind.
While flaccid wienders are funny inherently, there’s always that weird expectation of judgement, as if everyone is expected to be at full sail and ready to perform 24/7.
I find it happens pretty quickly in a lot of scenarios
I remember years ago when I was still full of hormones, I came across a video from what I can only assume was a nudist event of some sort. women everywhere, none of them wearing clothes (strangely the men were wearing clothes), and I was getting ready to be all gooner about it, and then like 15 seconds in I wasn’t horny at all and my brain had already registered it as perfectly normal
turns out Syndrome was right: if everyone’s naked, then no one is
There’s a photographer who does mass nude photos. Recently there was 5000 nude people on the Story Bridge (big bridge in Brisbane, Australia). Great way to show that bodies are just bodies and reminds me why I’m so mad I have to wear a top at the beach.
Also Joyce is absolutely going to talk to Ethan about how she’s been talking to Carla and he’s accidentally going to say something revealing about Joss, right?
I want Jocelyne to get to come out to Joyce herself, but I can definitely see it heading toward, “I was talking to Carla about that thing from earlier!” “Oh, yeah, she’d probably be a good person to talk to about your sister.” “Wait, what?”
That was awhile ago, even in-universe. Since then, Carla’s helped rescue her from the kidnapping, did her makeup to help her get into a bar, and they’ve had this interaction: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2023/comic/book-14/01-everybodys-looking-for-nothing/butter/
Carla assumed Joyce knew she was trans and was chill about it, so this has got to be extra confusing for her.
Look closely when a lot of these characters greet one another. Their hands and arms frequently enter this half-up state, like they’re going for a hug but never quite committing.
I don’t make sure of anything. I just walk closer to them and maybe wave, like a normal person. These guys are ready to scoop each other up at a moment’s notice.
well it’s diff when the private parts belong to someone you care about but i fjoyce gets more used to casual nudity maybe joe can hang around with her in his room half naked but not necessarily doing anything intimate til both of them areready lol.
I would note that the next chapters are “The One Where Jocelyne Returns
– Me And Who You Say I Was Yesterday – The Only Exception”, so it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better.
I’m just now noticing that much like Joyce and Dorothy, Carla and Ruth could be the player 1 and 2 of their respective class. The Mario and Luigi of tall, bespectacled, red heads.
I think of this a lot actually. It would be really fun to see the cast in a rpg setting just for a brief moment. I imagine Dorothy would be a wizard or some kind of spellcaster because she’s so studious. Carla is clearly at least part artificer or engineer maybe a black smith although her love of skating tells me she would likely multi class with something more nimble. That’s just with traditional fantasy classes. And yeah a berserker class really fits Ruth. She’s also an english major so maybe we could work that in. She likely wields a club or staff shaped like a hockey stick.
Name a more iconic duo and Joyce overcorrecting so hard she face plants right back into her own prejudices from a different direction.
(And I roast her with love, Joyce’s best character trait is that she genuinely does want to do right by people as best as she can and that’s what’s driven so much of her character growth over the comic’s course, but that mix of cult deprogramming and her particular brand of I Have No Filter And I Must Wordvomit she’s gotta wade through are doing her no favors in this department.)
yeah; doing art classes with nude models always felt like a separate thing to the. . . less academic stuff me and my circle of friends would normally draw.
It takes some of the cringe out of this, how someone suddenly making Overly Supportive comments for a little bit is the funniest goddamn way to find out they missed the memo on an incredibly out, not-very-passing trans person. The longer I’ve known ’em, the funnier it is.
eh I dunno, maybe it’s because I have the advantage of being part of the omnipresent audience and thus know a lot about the character’s inner thoughts and growth, but I don’t find Joyce’s attempts that cringeworthy. She’s trying, and I’ve heard much worse things said about and to trans people in real life than anything that has come out of her mouth. Things that the speaker 100% believed were progressive or tolerant to say.
Heck, I’ve said some very stupid things to my trans friends in the past, because I was still learning, and they were worse than what Joyce has said (or maybe I think that way because of personal embarassment)
either way, I feel like the reaction I would expect to what Joyce is saying from Carla or anyone else would be more “ok? sure?” rather than a “what the fuck”
or Booster’s reaction of sighing and looking disappointed when Joyce first misgendered them and questioned their “lady makeup” on that first meeting.
People in-universe are more confused by Joyce’s reaction because Carla already thought Joyce knew she was trans and was chill about it. So this reads as VERY random to them.
I wonder if ppl have been similar ‘supportive but awkward’ to Carla before as opposed to her backing/rolling away when joyce was liek “me and dorothy aren[t sneaking off to do hanky-panky things!”
i remember when i first came out my sister acted a lot like joyce. it was appreciated but hella awkward. glad we’ve come out the other side and it’s chill. i know joyce will get there too, but it will take time
I think my favorite response I’ve gotten so far has got to be my cousin’s “it’s about damn time.” It sure beats the tiring, awkward yet well meaning “you are so brave!” I often get.
“braver than any US Marine” was the joke for a bit when trans people got their spotlight on tv and everyone went on about how brave we all were. But really i grate my teeth when people call me brave for transitioning
lol you’d think they’d be used to joyce’s…joyce-ness versus just being surprised she realizes carla’s trans (but while she doesn’t shout about it like becky does i imagine few ppl wouldn’t have heard of her unless they don’t pay attention to the news/lawsuit)
Panel 1: Attempted Sisterhood Solidarity.
Panel 2: Actual Sisterhood Solidarity.
Redhedz 4 ever <3
You called?
Oh right, my ginger profile deets ain’t on DoA.
Carla: … I think she’s trying to be an ally? But that was weird, right? Even for Jugs?
Ruth, facepalming: You have to stop calling her that, but yes, I think yet again her heart is in the right place and both her feet are wedged in her mouth so far it’s surprising we can hear her so clearly. Surprising , and distressing. I’ll talk to her.
Oh Joyce, no.. no no no
Nudity desensitization happens pretty quick in life drawing.
What, like nerve damage from exposure?
In my experience at least, hyper focusing your attention on something kind of loses the sexual appeal of it, especially in a academic environment. It’s kind of like if you say a word too much it feels like it loses its meaning.
In other words, you’ve never experienced a titty fugue.
Many years of camping with naked Pagans will also desexualize nudity for you.
Or accidentally checking into a clothing optional camping ground after a grueling two day family hike.
I was 13ish and honestly it wasn’t even remotely exciting.
If the class is being run properly. You’ll be in such a hurry to transcribe the information in front of you effectively that that task will occupy your whole brain. The rapid gesture poses will hammer all other thoughts out of you, and by the time you get to longer poses you’re just grateful to even have a little more time to get things done. If you’ve got time for other feelings to crop up significantly it’s either because the class is boring or your drawing is boring and you should just try a different composition.
Yup. The person in front of you rapidly becomes just a very complex object, a collection of lines and curves, surfaces and shadows.
I had a professor that insisted we try to forget we are looking at humans. Instead, imagine we are looking at massive Egyptian statues.
Why Egyptian in particular?
Maybe the stark way the light hits them, and the fact that they are very angular and iconic and only somewhat figurative compared to say, the elaborate naturalism of Greco-Roman statuary. He wanted us to draw with harsh, decisive lines, nothing too loose or fluid. That class was all about building up serious hand/eye coordination.
Massive you say
Huge. Weighty. Possibly girthy”
I had several friends in college who did nude modeling. The one guy who did it that I knew liked to remind people that the studio was cold, and to be kind.
A few friends o’ mine reported the same. Those little portable heaters don’t help nearly as much as one supposes.
While flaccid wienders are funny inherently, there’s always that weird expectation of judgement, as if everyone is expected to be at full sail and ready to perform 24/7.
I find it happens pretty quickly in a lot of scenarios
I remember years ago when I was still full of hormones, I came across a video from what I can only assume was a nudist event of some sort. women everywhere, none of them wearing clothes (strangely the men were wearing clothes), and I was getting ready to be all gooner about it, and then like 15 seconds in I wasn’t horny at all and my brain had already registered it as perfectly normal
turns out Syndrome was right: if everyone’s naked, then no one is
There’s a photographer who does mass nude photos. Recently there was 5000 nude people on the Story Bridge (big bridge in Brisbane, Australia). Great way to show that bodies are just bodies and reminds me why I’m so mad I have to wear a top at the beach.
I wonder how long it’s going to take for Carla to piece together that Joyce just found out that she’s trans.
Also Joyce is absolutely going to talk to Ethan about how she’s been talking to Carla and he’s accidentally going to say something revealing about Joss, right?
I want Jocelyne to get to come out to Joyce herself, but I can definitely see it heading toward, “I was talking to Carla about that thing from earlier!” “Oh, yeah, she’d probably be a good person to talk to about your sister.” “Wait, what?”
It’d honestly be the best way to get this long delayed plot thread finally rolling.
her expectations for Joyce don’t seem that high to begin with?
True, and it may just never actually come up.
That was awhile ago, even in-universe. Since then, Carla’s helped rescue her from the kidnapping, did her makeup to help her get into a bar, and they’ve had this interaction: https://www.dumbingofage.com/2023/comic/book-14/01-everybodys-looking-for-nothing/butter/
Carla assumed Joyce knew she was trans and was chill about it, so this has got to be extra confusing for her.
Carla might be so distracted now by Charlie, that she could be the last one to see that Joyce is no longer a “God chick”.
No time at all. Every trans person is unfortunately very familiar with these wellmeaning microaggressions.
what the
Carla and Ruth have synchronized. That feels unnatural
The reason it feels unnatural is that Carla dyes her hair.
OMG I finally clued in! Carla is a transredhead! :O
That’s what this redhead sisterhoodness has been about!
(well thank goodness i finally woke up and smelled the coffee.)
That brings up the question – when is it transredhead vs redhead appropriation?
You missed the opportunity to say transginger
He’s doing the hand thing. It’s happening again.
What hand thing?
Look closely when a lot of these characters greet one another. Their hands and arms frequently enter this half-up state, like they’re going for a hug but never quite committing.
I always interpreted like they are doing a “There you ard, I found you” kind of montion, like pointing at them with their arms.
That’s weirdly ominous, to me. Like indie horror game vibes.
A hug occured between panel 3 and 4. You can’t show everything or this comic would still be in its first week, their time.
If this is the real answer, that’s complete bullshit. I wanna see these hugs. It’s my right as an American, written in the Constitution.
I doubt that is true but reading the constitution is for nerds so I guess I gotta believe you.
The right to bear hugs
The right to hug bears.
(the folsom street fair type of bears…like in california…don’t hug the actual wild animal bears like in Alaska or Oregon.)
Thumbs as finger guns.
Yes. I doubt that Joe is aware of it. It’s kind of like discharging all of that seeking energy.
Glad someone figured it out, I wasn’t the only one
When you approach someone, do you make sure your arms are locked straight and slightly behind?
I don’t make sure of anything. I just walk closer to them and maybe wave, like a normal person. These guys are ready to scoop each other up at a moment’s notice.
joe is prepping to lift joyce over his head
first panel
No no, the third one. What Joe’s doing.
I’ve forgotten – what is the hand thing?
I will never explain it.
You know. The hand thing.
Is that like a knee-job?
The hand thing.
Oh, is that DYW doing that?
Joe spends his time alone pretending to be a forklift. He’s often still in forklift-mode when he first sees Joyce.
Someone with access to a computer Photoshop them all into a conga line!!
Joyce what the fuck
I mean, better than it would have been only a few months earlier, but yeah, what the fuck.
Ha, Joyce actually had to got to life drawing class, it wasn’t an excuse to run away from sexuality.
Or it was both
I’m glad someone else noticed. Or noted.
The rush to class broke her horn for a while. But, it’s back.
I had also assumed it was a plausible lie, glad it wasn’t.
well it’s diff when the private parts belong to someone you care about but i fjoyce gets more used to casual nudity maybe joe can hang around with her in his room half naked but not necessarily doing anything intimate til both of them areready lol.
Dear Diary,
It’s day XX of the Joyce Is Trying arc. There are still no signs of help or reprieve and I fear I’m losing my mind.
I would note that the next chapters are “The One Where Jocelyne Returns
– Me And Who You Say I Was Yesterday – The Only Exception”, so it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better.
And we wouldn’t have it any other way.
It was getting a little too chummy around here anyways.
what the fuck
unrelated but cute mushroom avi
And it’s not the first time Joyce is being weird towards Carla.
I fondly recall when Joyce was staring Carla directly in the tits and then asked Dorothy if something was different.
I’m just now noticing that much like Joyce and Dorothy, Carla and Ruth could be the player 1 and 2 of their respective class. The Mario and Luigi of tall, bespectacled, red heads.
Now I am curious if this characters had RPG classes, what would their roles? I of course assume with is the berserker type
*Ruth is the berserker type.
I think of this a lot actually. It would be really fun to see the cast in a rpg setting just for a brief moment. I imagine Dorothy would be a wizard or some kind of spellcaster because she’s so studious. Carla is clearly at least part artificer or engineer maybe a black smith although her love of skating tells me she would likely multi class with something more nimble. That’s just with traditional fantasy classes. And yeah a berserker class really fits Ruth. She’s also an english major so maybe we could work that in. She likely wields a club or staff shaped like a hockey stick.
Maybe making it a modern sort of take on rpg where the classes are stuff like “Over archiver” for Dorothy, and “Disaster lesbian” for Becky lol.
Ruth is totally the Berserker (Barbarian? I mean, she IS a Leafs fan) type.
Carla is the Engineer (Artificer?) type.
Sal is a fighter who is multi-classing into bard.
Amazi-Girl has the soul of a Paladin, but the skills of a rogue.
Dina is a Druid with a dinosaur-based Order/Prestige Class
Joyce is trying (their patience)
Name a more iconic duo and Joyce overcorrecting so hard she face plants right back into her own prejudices from a different direction.
(And I roast her with love, Joyce’s best character trait is that she genuinely does want to do right by people as best as she can and that’s what’s driven so much of her character growth over the comic’s course, but that mix of cult deprogramming and her particular brand of I Have No Filter And I Must Wordvomit she’s gotta wade through are doing her no favors in this department.)
Has someone made a “what the fuck” compilation for the comic yet? Because I think this might be the best
i think there’s a ‘joyce’s shocked/scandalize face/eyes’
Hey! Hey you! Solidarity! Go to the bathroom anywhere you want! Go on the roof, go in the library, go on the president, whatever you want! Solidarity.
You can pee next to me energy.
She means well, Ruth and Carla.
Just ask Joe!
yeah; doing art classes with nude models always felt like a separate thing to the. . . less academic stuff me and my circle of friends would normally draw.
It takes some of the cringe out of this, how someone suddenly making Overly Supportive comments for a little bit is the funniest goddamn way to find out they missed the memo on an incredibly out, not-very-passing trans person. The longer I’ve known ’em, the funnier it is.
eh I dunno, maybe it’s because I have the advantage of being part of the omnipresent audience and thus know a lot about the character’s inner thoughts and growth, but I don’t find Joyce’s attempts that cringeworthy. She’s trying, and I’ve heard much worse things said about and to trans people in real life than anything that has come out of her mouth. Things that the speaker 100% believed were progressive or tolerant to say.
Heck, I’ve said some very stupid things to my trans friends in the past, because I was still learning, and they were worse than what Joyce has said (or maybe I think that way because of personal embarassment)
either way, I feel like the reaction I would expect to what Joyce is saying from Carla or anyone else would be more “ok? sure?” rather than a “what the fuck”
or Booster’s reaction of sighing and looking disappointed when Joyce first misgendered them and questioned their “lady makeup” on that first meeting.
People in-universe are more confused by Joyce’s reaction because Carla already thought Joyce knew she was trans and was chill about it. So this reads as VERY random to them.
It’s definitely because of the omnipresent audience thing.
I wonder if ppl have been similar ‘supportive but awkward’ to Carla before as opposed to her backing/rolling away when joyce was liek “me and dorothy aren[t sneaking off to do hanky-panky things!”
You’ll notice that we no longer get the visual pun of Carla “passing” Joyce that gave me a massive aneurysm.
But this time it was Joyce who was passing Carla. So Joyce is passing as…ah, whatever Joyce is becoming now.
Baby steps!
Joyce, just stop trying so hard.
For God’s sake just stop trying so hard.
I feel like Joyce needs a militant beret.
Because she’s militant.
And she’d look adorable in a beret.
You mean like Fio from Metal Slug?
yeah i can see it haha XD
i remember when i first came out my sister acted a lot like joyce. it was appreciated but hella awkward. glad we’ve come out the other side and it’s chill. i know joyce will get there too, but it will take time
I think my favorite response I’ve gotten so far has got to be my cousin’s “it’s about damn time.” It sure beats the tiring, awkward yet well meaning “you are so brave!” I often get.
“braver than any US Marine” was the joke for a bit when trans people got their spotlight on tv and everyone went on about how brave we all were. But really i grate my teeth when people call me brave for transitioning
that’s so wild cause that’s what I said to MY cousin when he came out :0
“GIRL POWER!” *shakes fist*
Jinx, Carla and Rith both owe each other a Coke.
Ruth*. Damn typos…
Poor Rith, always left out….
She gets no Rith-spect.
lol you’d think they’d be used to joyce’s…joyce-ness versus just being surprised she realizes carla’s trans (but while she doesn’t shout about it like becky does i imagine few ppl wouldn’t have heard of her unless they don’t pay attention to the news/lawsuit)
Not really appropriate outside of a protest or other activist setting
Remind me to stay away from *your* protests.
I mean Joyce may mean well but is being unsolicited here?
“Ah, there is my Joyce.”
im so proud of joyce <3 shes come a long way, you know?
still. got a way to go. but aint that the way a' goin.
She’s done drawing naked people, but is she ready to be naked people?
The next step is sculpting naked people. Its important to not skip a step.
Nah, Willis. Let her cook.
God joyce.
Youve got the spirit but youre trying too hard, just let carla exist To T
Ah, nothing like a quick hit of cringe with my morning coffee…
Panel 1: Please, Joyce, stop.
Panel 3: Please, Joyce, don’t stop.
Panel 5: Please, Joyce, proceed.
I appreciate that Joyce is trying, but honey stop… ~<3
She’s… trying? Like she has a long way to go to make it good but she is trying
So how long until Joe finds himself nude in a life drawing classroom and we get a “Joyce is being sketchy” mouse-over message?
I already did that bit with Marcie and Malaya, and so I’m not likely to repeat it.
Wait. Marcie posed for Malaya’s class? How did I miss that?
By this point I’m half convinced it’s going to turn out that Carla is NOT trans and everybody’s just been assuming.
Actually Mary is trans, and so is Beef.